EEOWEE COURIER ' . (Established 18 ll). ) Entered nt tho Postolllco nt Wal Imllu, S. C., u.s Mall Mutter of the Second Class, under Act of Congress, March 3d, J 870. Published. Ever y Wednesday Morning SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Ono Year./.$1.00 Six Months.B5 Turco Months. ... .30 Adertivsiug Rates Reasonable. Ry Steck, sh olor, ll uglis ?V Shclor. Communications of a personal character chargod for as advortlae moats. Obituary natlces, cards of thanks and tributes of respect, eithor hy Individuals, lodges or churches or societies, charged for as for adver tisements. Cash must accompany tho manuscript, and all such noticos will bc marked "Adv." tn conformity with postal requirements. WA MIALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 10*22. tl ETTI NO TOGETHER. Wo aro noting with growing satis faction the many evidences of the "get-together" spirit which ls surely taking possession of our town and community. The Chamber of Com merce is one of tlie outgrowths Of this spirit, and our splendid water works system is ontiroly tine to the fact thal we are getting together in ? a solid mass. The city hall and many oilier Improvements now in prospect aro directly traceable and due to tue fact that wo have gotten together to work for the Interest of our town, community and section. Another ovidence of this spirit was the formation last week of "Tho Cur tain Comody Company, an Organiza tion perfected under the auspices of the Civic League for tho avowed pur pose of "putting over" tho now cur tain for our splendid High School Auditorium. Our information is tie this com ?'.?ny has perfectly organized from the star performers to the door keepers, and every citizen of the town is a member in some manner. If you do not (nippen to be called on to-act lu some olllcfnl capacity, or as a perfora >T. remember ilia', you are called Ulam to be a "booster." and that you are to do your best to fur ther Hie good work of this organisa tion. . A lat ?es of cst. thal The Civic League alone knows who compose the personnel of this com pany, and they an; going to call upon such, ns tiley nee l from time to time, and if you are not tailed upon for the first performance, hold yourself in readiness tor the next, or Hie next bu*, whatever you do, fail not to do what they ask you, for it is a most worthy cause, and the Curtain Co. will automatically dissolve upon the attainment of its object - Tho securing and placing in posi tion* nf a handsome stan?* rr 'tain for Ibo High School Auditorium Watch these columns for the an nouncemoh'.s of Tho Curtain Com edy Company. (JOINH A KT ER Till-: HOAD. Lsist Wednesday night, Nov. 15th, marked Hie beginning ol* putting forth concerted ami active efforts to have the Walhalla-iHoltlands high way hard-surfaced and broadened in its scope Hom an inter-State high way io one of national importance. The mooting of Hie Chamber of Commerce ami the banquet tendered )?>? that body were characteristic of Hie "Now Walhalla," evidencing uni ty, of action and aggressiveness in un-j dcrtnkiug. A n um hoi* of prominont men, including Senator E. D. Smith, were present, ami Hiere was unity j an.I r uo.neut among those from a distance as well as our ownscitizen.s, thai Hi . project is worthy of ?he hen i . support, nut only ol Wallia Ki ami Ibo .-evora! se' i , \- diiOCtly Bl tee- . bm thal Hm plan cdnsti tuios a national Iniprovemonl in the highway from Walhalla ?o Highlands that lil tl S J appeal to ail people ami lo all SOI 1 lohS alike. Mayor James M. Moss made a brief fiddrt mid acted as toastmaster for . occasion. Hi" was followed by others, including Senator smith anti other gentlemen from i distance the seul,meiits expressen by all lend ing toward a nationalization of the SUbJl And it is an index to a community interest, and to a got-what-you-go kifter habit that will result well, not only for Wulbai In und Oconeo county, but for that great se?tion to tho west that ls destined and is indeed rapidly becoming tho playground of tho East ern and Southern States. On tho particular occasion that 1 speak of, tho citizens of Walhalla, under Ibo" auspices of a livo cham ber of commerce, guve n banquet as a get-together conf?rence in the in terest of completing the "Trl-Stato Highway" between Walhalla and Highlands, N. C., a distance of ?57 miles. Tho road, winding around tho mountain:; ami through broad pla teaus, is one of the scenic highways of the Hine Ridge, lt runs for about 10 miles in South Carolina, 9 miles in Georgia (Rabun county) and 12 miles in North Carolina. More than half of the entire highway mileage passes through tho Nantahala reser vation of the national forests. The road has been brought to an almost perfect mountain grade by tho Federal forestry service-that is, by the Federal service through tho forestry land. The South Carolina Highway Commission has graded tho road to the Nantahala line, and for three or four miles out ol' Walhalla it has a sand-clay surface. in all of that section of the Hine Ridge there is not a more Important highway approach to tho North Car olina and Northeast Georgia moun tains than this one. The seven miles from Seneca to Walhalla is almost perfect, with a strong and dependa ble surface; and with the Walli;.11a Ilighlands road surfaced this particu lar gateway would lead to u section of rare scenic beauty that would soon be developed, as is the French Broad zone, further lo tho north. In order to impress the imp?rtame of tho development, and to bring ln to ros tod parties together in a close up conference, the banquet was plan ned. At this affair, held at tho Alex ander Hotel. Hiero were 9 7 covers, and everyone present was an littor al f . tors, prfnichei?, te?cl.iers, ttivr., far a ers they were, iii! fiore. bor of business men from Atlanta present, including those who own summer cottages iii tho Highlands section of the Hine Ridge. It was not only a pleasure for mo to be present, but J caught the spirit of enthusiasm, and In line with the work that tho Constitution has been doing for opening up these great for estry playgrounds, and in making them more approachable and of very much greater service to the public, I hope to be able to help in tho great undertaking that these enterprising people of Walhalla and Highlands have begun. Senator Ed. Smith, of South Caro lina, who holds 'he strategic position of ranking Democrat on the commit tee on agriculture and forestry in the United Stales Senate, was present and pledged his hearty? support In favor of a special appropriation for the surfacing of this mountain ap proach. Supervising Forester ?iohls. of '.he Nantahala Ftesoryntion, of Franklin, X. C., and Engineer Fox, of the United States Forestry Ser vice, wore present and pledged their aid and co-operation in so far as practicable under tho forestry laws-r And ?t's coming! Nothing was eyer accomplished without effort; and this is one proposal where the worth of a good, all-l lie-year highway will repay any reasonable effort that may bo made for it. 'I he banquet was most entertain ingly presided over by Mayor Moss, of Walhalla, and tho object of the (nc;, ion was most earnestly, enthu siastically and eloquently stated by Col>li. T. Jaynos,Aa prominent mem ber of tho Sou!!? Carolina bar. Many good speeches were made hy profes sional and business men of Walhalla, Highlands and Atlanta. At Highlands Thursday I was a guest of the chamber of commerce, and was shown particular courtesies by Messrs. Bascom, Harris, Smith, Edwards, Hall, l'otts and others. Did you ever visit Highlands. N.C.? ll is away up In tho clouds, With an altitude in the v llage around four thousand feet. Of course, it is n great deal higher at some of the mountain estates of the section. It is not on a railroad, Dillard. Ga., IS miles to the south, being tho uearest railroad point. Il ls on one of the most beautiful plateaus in all of the Carolina moun tains, with a number of picturesque peaks rising gracefully on overy side. lt is in lato spring .and summer tho ?.enter of one immense natural bou quet of mountain laurel and rhodo dendron. The waler is perfect, tho air pure, the pooplo hospitable- -an ideal mountain spot that meets every requirement for rest, health, recrea tion. Interest. There is blt! lillie ;>i a bou Highlands, for the hand of cod ha?* sculptured tho rocks and planton the forests and created tho passes nnd tba natural trails, and the brooks and lakes and streams and springs, far more perfectly than any human artist could possibly do; and hero naturo abounds In all of Its attractive beauty and glory. From Highlands Friday I drove over 18 milos of mountain road to Dillard, Qa,, almost directly through tito Nuntahala Reservation, in one and a half hours, that lt took the Con stitution's road and forestry entour age eight hours to negotiate on tho 5th of last June. "l)ry weather," it may bo suggest ed. ! That is true tn a measure, of course; but the reason is, tho road ? has been completely reinado from one end to tho other by the United States Duroau of Forestry, under-the direction of Rnngor Potts. Grades i have been thrown up, cnts mudo, soft bottoms built up with rocks, culverts put in, bridges built-and pow the road, in most places with a natural graVe) surface, is tho equal of any road in tho mountains except those in tho moro highly developed sec tions, or on which groat amounts of money have been spent! This road, as it is to-day, is only ono of tho concroto results of tho Constitution's tour that was Made less than six months ago. There are any other direct results equally as striking-and of as great value to the public that seeks tho groat out doors. 1 have been told throughout tito mountains of Northeast Georgia dur ing tho past week that the season that is now at a close has broken all records for the nuinbor of peoplo who Hocked to them for rest and'recrea tion and health-and all as a result of the Constitution's enterprise. Friends of. the hills, Rslon! The work that was undertaken by this newspaper is just beginning! Tho forestry scrvico is now map ping out a system of roads and trails through its chief engineer, Mr. Nor cross, who has but recently been over both tho Cherokee mid Nantahala Reservations, and already funds have been allocated hy tho forestry ser vice -for some of these, while th? Federal bureau of roads is preparing to work upon others. The Georgia Highway Department is doing it3 part well. Tho time ls coming-and it is not far distant--when the Blue Ridge reservations will bo tho most famous, and I will venturo, the most attract ive, of all tho government forests In America. And for the part that this news paper has played in tho undertaking, so great and so serviceable an accom plishment, fully realized, will be the cherished reward it seeks. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. The State ot' South Carolina, County of Oconee. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hank of West Union, a Ranking Cor poration created and existing un der the Laws of the State of South Carolina, Plaintiff, against \V. M. Murphree, Defendant. (.Summons for Relief.--Complaint Not Served.) To tho Defendant Above Named. You bro hereby sumhu . id hil - tiit?t-?! .M u?s\y