Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 01, 1922, Image 7

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THE UNIVERSAL CAR New Low Price (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 17, 1922 ? LOWEST PRICE IN HISTORY Of FORD MOTOR CO. F.O.R. Delivered TY PF_ c Price. I'OURINCi, Plain.$??8.00 TOURIN?, Starter. 808,00 TOURING, Starter and 1). R. 308.00 ROADSTER, Plain .???50.00 ROADSTER, Starter. 930.00 ROADSTER, Starter lind 1). R.5HJ4.00 UHASS1S, Plain. 835.00 CHASSIS, Starter . ?05.00 CHASSIS, Starter a?Ul I). R.UBO.OO COUPE. 530,00 SEDAN. 505.00 FORDSON TRACTOR. .105.00 FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS OUR ALLOT MENT Ol'1 FORD CABS HAS REEN DOURLED. IF YOUR ORDER IS PLACED NOW WE CAN REASONABLY PROMPT DEI il Vii RY ON ANY" TYPE OF CAB. , Piedmont Motor CoM WALHALLA, S. C. AVKSTMIXSTER, S. C. Phono No. Bl. Phono No. -il. ..Authorized Dealers for FORD-LINCOLN-FORDSON BUYING COTTON 'i am tn thc market for Cotton, Will pay the highest price and will appreciate your business. See me before selling. X>. B. DARBY, Walhalla,5S. C. -Office in The Enterprise Bank. Walhalla Ginnery WALHALLA, S. C. The Gin Machinery has been put in the best of condition and will be operated by an exper ienced Ginncr. Bring Your Cotton to the Walhalla Ginnery and try us for good and prompt service. The Walhalla Ginnery, (Formerly the Pitchford Ginnery.) SERVICE and a Square Deal If you want a square deal come to Blue Ridge Garage and Blacksmith, we guarantee service. J, B. SCHULTZ, J. W. MIXSON, J. C. BOGGS, West Union, S. C, Near East Conditions Sorious. Lox W. Klutts, of Chester, S. C., ls In chargo of tho omorgency relief work nt Saloniki for tho Near East Kejief. Refugees, numbering 50. OOO, oro returning to Mr. Klutts'for relief. A cable rocoived at State Headquarters for tho Near East. Re ifet states that tho evacuation of Thrace may bring tho total number of refugees to 80^,000. Mr. Klutts reports to IL C. Jaquith, managing director, that tho situation ls grow ing moro sorious os tho rainy son son, bringing opldomlcs of pneumo nia, sots in. As boatloads of addi tional refugees arrivo, tho housing situation becomes hardoi* to solvo, ead unless tho roliof commltteo has moro funds, thousands and thous ands of Christians will perish before Thanksgiving. There ls groot need for sanitary supervision. Tho present funds of tho Rod Cross, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. mid Near East aro exhausted. Tho Assoclatod Pross places tho need at $15,000, OOO. All contributions from South Corollna should bo sont to William M; Gibbes, Jr., Stato Treasurer, 1325 Main stroot, Columbia, S. C. Spanish War Veterans Organizo. Columbia, Oct. 20>.-Tho depart ment of South Carolina, of tho Unl tod Spanish War Veterans, was sot up hero to-night with a temporary organization hoadod by Cef. Wylie Jones, of Columbia, as commander in-chief. Pending tho formation of local camps, tho temporary organi zation will function, hut it is expect od that a pormnnent organization will bo formed in tho near future, Camps nt Charleston, Abbevlllo and Columbia woro represontod . HalPsCatarrhMedicine Those who are In n "run down" con dition ' ill notice that Catarrh bothers them I..?sch more than when they aro in good health. This fact provos that while Catarrh ls a local disease, it Is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ls n Tonie and Blood Puri fier, mid acts through the blood upon tho mucous surfaces of the body, thu:, reducing tho Inflammation and restor ing normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. I<\ J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. JURORS FOR NOVEMBER TERM. Court of Gouoral Sessions will Con vene Mouday, November Oth. i . ? Following are the names of the jurors drawn for the November term of Court-(General Sessions)-for Oconoe, which will convene at Wal halla on Monday, Nov, 6th:, % ' To Serve Week of Nov. 0-11. 1. Abbot, i*. D., Seneca. 2. Biter, P. T., Walhalla. . 3. Brewer, W. J., -Seneca. 4. Bryant, G. Wv, Wost Ulnon. 5. Burris, Ottie, Westminster. 6. Chandler, D. O., Seneca, II.F.D. 7. Cobb, S. C., Madison. 8. Cowan, W. S., Walhalla Rt. 2. 9. Cross', F.' M., Westminster. 10. Dillard, Ernest, Clemson Cill?go. 11. Duncan; ?VI. A., Salem. 12. Garrison, I. L. Walhalla Rt. 2. 13. Gambroll, R. O., Westminster. 14. Gaillard, J. L., Newry. 15. Grant, L. W., Salem. A 1G. Hax'e, H. A,, Madison. ? 17. Hale, W. W"-Walhalla Rt. 3. 18. Hubbard, R. C., Seneca, R.F.D. 19. Jones, W. L;, Westminster RFD. 20. Jones, T. B., Seneca. 21. KoHoy, John M., Walhalla. 22. King, W. E., Seneca R.F.D. 23. Lay, Jesse, Tamassoe. 24. Marett, L. B. Fair Play. 25. Marlin, John, Westminster RFD. 26. Mearos, Terry, cseneca R.F.D. 27. Mooro, E. W., Mt. Rest R.F.D. 28. Patterson, Jack, Jocassce. 29. Reynolds, J. W., Madison. 30. Smitb, T. IL, Salem. 31. Taylor, L. A., Walhalla Rt. 3., 32. Whltmire, C. C., Westminster. 33. Whitworth, C. B., Seneca R.F.D. 34. Wood, ll. A., Walhalla Rt. ?3, 35. Yarhorough, T. T., Westminster R.F.D. 36. Zimmerman, C. L., Westminster. ACTWKLY Do tho right thing at the right Hmo. Act quickly In timo of danger. In time of kidney danger, Donn's Kidney Pills aro most effective. Ask your neighbor! Mrs. W. H. L. Ramoy, James St., Walhalla, says: "The first symptom of kidney trouble in my caso was a, boarlng-down pain in tho small ot my back. I didn't have ambition enough to do anything and when 1 .bent sharp palus, shot through my kidneys and almost took my breath away. I had severe headaches and dizzy spells and my kidneys didn't act right. I trlod soveral remedies but got no relief until I began tak ing Doan's Kidney Pills. In a short time I felt like a different person and Doan's cured mo entirely." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Ramoy bad. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., .Buffalo, N. V. Young Woman Found Guilt)', White Cloud, Mich., Oct. 36---.Vin;. Meda Hodoll, 20 years old, a swump country girl, wfts found guilty of first degree murder, by a circuit court jury here to-uay In connection with tho death of ber invalid falher-in law, David Modell. Tho Jury had de I liberated a little moro than two ' I mrs. ? Colds Causo Grip and Influenza I LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE Tablets remove- th? CAUSO. Thcro l?ronty ono "Bromo Quinine." F. W, GROVE'S signatura on tho box. 30c. Innocent Man Wns Convicted. Jacksonville Fm., Oct. 26-Frank Rawlins, who, with John H. Popo. Jacksonville attorney, was convicted of murder in tho first degree for the killing of George H. Hickman, wide ly known theatrical mon bore in Sep tember, 1921, bas confessed, accord ing to Pope's attornoy, that Pope had nothing to do with the affair and that ho .implicated Pope in tho hope that, by so doing, he would escapo punishment. Rawlins and Popo woro sentenced to Ufo imprisonment, and tho Stato Supremo Court last week refused Popo's request for a new trial. $400,000 Reported Lost. Yokohama, Oct. 25.-Bank notos to the valuo of $ 100,000, reported as missing in the Yokohama Specie Bank, woro found to have hoon care lessly thrown into a waste basket. NORMAN DRUG CO., ' Wallinna, S. O. Oconco Crook School to Open. Tho opening of tho Oconoo Creek pl bool has been postponed, until Nov. Gili. Parents will please remomber tho compulsory attendance law and seo that children aro present on tho opening day. Trustees. Flat Shoals School to Open. Flat Shoals school will open Nov. 6th Instead of Oct. 30. Parents will ploaso tako notlco of dato and start nil cbildron of school ago promptly. Tho compulsory nttondnnco law will bo onforcod from tho beginning of school.' J. L. Ciow, for Trustoes.1 Mother To-Be! Do You Reali AN om In ont physician has useless suffering on the pc .for months before baby coi ually arrives. This samo great much of this suffering. Mothor structure should bo freo from months of useless misery and ] from much ot lt.* Here is a ? mothers: Mrs. Ida Milton, 108 N. Treme forced to Bay something in reg? Friend.' Just one application ga realizo I was in pregnancy. B< with pains all over, and today, with all caso and without pain.1 "Mother's Friend" is applied < cles, nerves hnd tissues to rein tho growing changes during pr should bo used tor somo timo bo better. "Mother's Friend" contains no nnrcol three generations "Mother's Friend" hi ujeless suffering. Mother I you must i . tutes. Begin using "Mother's Friend' everywhere. FREE ROOKIE Don't let falao modesty keep you frc, and to your home, liy ult means, you si cent free. Send for your copy now Adunia, Ga. Get "Mother's Fri MAOP TN A "KITCHEN STILL.' I nique ?ml Unusual Outfit Seized In (Jrconvillo County. ? (irooiiville News.) Culo.' t? nd unusual was tho dis tilling eu tilt that was found early Wodnes. y mornlngVn the kitchen of a he. i that is owned by William Sloan, near Iteedy Fork, several inilen from Greenville. With the large di.Hiing plant, was .seized ten gallons of fresh-run corn whiskey and^ri'OOO j-allons of beer. Two ar rests v. > c nade. The raiders wore led by head of field ?forros Queen, accompanied by group loader Painter, Stato Consta ble- liol aud Private Detective G. C. Co vu. ''ho quartette journeyed to Reedy" erl, and near Mr. Sloan's ho :ho ten gallon0 of whis key. V hen they approached his boneo..'.e was working in tho. front yard grinding up sugar cane t-j make sugar and Byro p. Tho officer' Inquir ed I* hij Vnew anything about the wlii. key thnt they had found, anu he Implied thal he did not. While ho and the officers were en gaged in talking, Detective Corn pu: br i open the kitchen door of tho honan, inside ho found a completo "horne made in the kitchen" distill ing M.ttlt, and before tho furnace Igy Join Williams, a negro, sound ask- , The "run" had just been made and il o boiler was almost dry. Tlc OOO g: lions of beer in barrels wi s bred la tho house, and many CO.M ors for whiskey were found. still a nid equipment were de sli i and tho two arrested. Mr. Sh ii ar'Kft.ugod bond yesterndy after noon and was released. Williams still resides in "Stony Lonesome", on Broad stro.ot. MOTHER! Open Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" Even a sick child loves tho 'fruity' taste of "California Fig Syrup." if tho little tongue is coaled, or If your child is listless, cross, tevorish, full of cold, or has colic, givo a teaspoon ful to cleans tho liver and bowels. lu a fow hours you cnn seo for your stlf how thoroughly lt works all the constipation poison, sour hilo and waste out of tho bowels, and you havo a woll, playful child again. Millions of mothors koop "Califor nia" Fig Syrup" handy. They know ja teaspoonful to-day sn vos a sick I child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup," which has directions for babies and 'children of all agos printed on bottle. Mother! You must say .?California" ?or you may got an imitation Hg syr up.-adyi lind Horved Fifty Vcnra. Waupon, Wis., Oct. 21.-Bill Max well, aged 83 years, will bo roloased from tho Stato penitentiary lio'ro to morrow upon completing a fifty-year I sentence for murder. Convicts boro will be guests at a farowell party for him. Moro than 20,0*00,000 womon' in tho Knited Statos aro employed in housekeeping. > Ize this Factf Bhown, why thero is so much irt of many expectant mothers, nes, ns well as when baby act* doctor found tho way to avoid , your baby's ?ervos, its wholo any influence caused by your iain. You yourself can be free little message to all expectant ?nt St., Kansas, 111., saysf "I am ?rd to your' wonderful 'Mother's ve me such relief I could hardly afore I used lt I was suffering I am ablo to do my house-work i, sxtornally, and enables the mus x and readjust /themselves with ognancy, and at child-birth. It foro baby comes-tho sooner tho les or linrmful druprs. It is ante. Vor is relieved expectant mothers of much ivold mere greases and useless substi " today, lt is sold nt drug stores-j T ON MOTHERHOOD mt thia duty to vouraclf, to your child Kuld /lave our valuablo illustrated book, to Bradfield Regulator Co., B/l-43, tend" /rom your druggist today. r REV. JOHN Ii. HARLEY IS DEAR. Well Known Methodist Evangelist Passes After Long Illness. . Spartanburg, Oct. 25.-Rev. John Li. Harley, evangelist for the Upper Methodist Conference of South Car olina, and formerly superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League in chis State, passed away this afternoon at his home hero. Ills funeral services will be conducted by Rev; R. B. Tur nipseed and Rev. F. E .Dibble, local Methodist ministers. Rev. Mr. Harley was widely known In South Carolina. His wife and six children survive. Ile had been'dan gerously ill for several weeks, but a recent relapso caused members of the family to abandon all hopo. Looking After Prisoners' Welfare. Columbia, Oct. 25. - Continuing bis policy of keeping closely inform ed of affairs at the State penitentiary Governor Harvey to-day wrote Su perintendent A. K. Sanders, request ing that reports ho made to him of each instance where a prisoner was disciplined, and that ho ho furnished also wth a copy of tho mona served at each meal until further orders. One Killed in Plano Wreck. Okeechobee, Ela., Oct. 2f?.-Wil ford A. Rot tig was killed and Chas. Douglas was seriously injured when an airplane in which they were (ly ing fell in the streets of this town this afternoon. Retlig ls said to have been a former army" aviator. Doug las lives in Garrett, Ind. Resembling a soldering iron, a gas heated tool has been invented for Rutting glass. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of tho afore said Court, In tho caso named be low, I will offer for sale, to the high est blddor, In front of tho Court House door, at Walhalla, S. C., on MOXDAY, tho 6th day of November, 1 922, botween tho legal hours of salo, the tract of land below describ ed :* Miss Essio Clinkscalos, as Assignee, Plaintiff, against J. B. Hallams, L. S. Horton, W. F. Marshall, G. H. Bailes and T. L. Striblihg, Defendants. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying nnd.boing In Center Township, of tho County of i)conoo, Stnte of South Carolina, ad loining lands of D. H. Marett, J. L. Whitfield, T. D. Marett and M. G. aiymph. containing sixty-five (6,5) ?cres, more or loss, hoing tho samo :rocl of land conveyed to mo (J. B. Hallums) by G. H. Bailes and W. F. Marshall hy deed dated Juno 2, 1920, which deed is to be recorded. Terms of Salo: CASH. Purchaser to pay extra for deod ind stamp. * W. O. WHITE, Mastor for Ocnoeo/County, S. C. Oct. 18, 1922. 42-14 SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is horeby glvon that, pur ulent to authority given mo under ho law of South Carolina, I will sell, o tho highest bidden, for CASH, In rout of tho Court Houso door, in Walhalla, S. C., o? Salosday in No /ember, 1922, hoing MONDAY, tho ?Hi day of Novomber, ono Autonv l)ilo that bas boen selzod while, bo ng used in tho transportation of in toxicating liquor, and bas boon de dared forfeited to tho State. Prop 3rty described as follows: One Ford Touring Car, motor No. 1005739, S. C. Liconso No.48-322,1 mpturod while hoing drivon by Grady [J. Starncs and others. W. M. ALEXANDER, Sheriff, Oconco County, S. C. Oct. 11> 1922. 41-44 SUMMONS "F?R RELIEF. rhe State of South Carolina, ? County of Ocone'e. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. ' Sophie Ritter,'Plaintiff, against . ' Wm. J, Schroder, in his. own right and as Administrator of tho Per sonal Estato of'Thoa. E.- Alexan der, Deceased; Inez S. Jnynes, Frank C. Alexander and Froddn A. Youngblood, Defendants. (Copy Summons f?r Relief.-Com plaint Served.) Io tho Defendant^ Abovo Named: You aro hereby snmhtonod and ro 3Uired to answer tho Complaint in this action, which is herewith served upon you, ard .to servo a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on tho subscriber, at his oiilco, on tho Pub lic Square, at Walhalla, South Caro lina, within twenty 'days aftor tho service hereof, exclusivo of tho day of such service; and if you fail to finswer tho Complaint '/Within-; tho limo aforesaid, tho Plaintiff in this ictlon will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded in tho Co'mplaint. Da toil September Otb, A. D. 1922. ' R.T. J AYN BS, Plaintiff's Attornoy. W. J. SCHRODER. (Soul) C. C. P. Oct. 18, 19 22. 42-4 1 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Ibo.State of South Carolina, County of Oconco. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. ? i Tho Union Coptral Lifo Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a Corporation eroatod by and exist ing under tho Laws of the Slate ot' Ohio, N Plaintiff, against General Ratler Gillespie, Wm. J. SehrQtler, in his own right and as Administrator of the Personal Es tato of Thos. E. Alexander, De ceased; Inez S. Jnynes, Frank C. Alexander and Fredda A. Young blood, Defendants. (Copy Summons for Relief.-Com plaint Served.) To tho Defendants Abovo Named: You are hereby summoned and ro qui/ed to answer tho Complaint In this action, which is herewith served upon,you, and to servo a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on tho subscriber, at his oflico, on iho'i'ub 11c Square, at Walhalla, South Caro lian, within twenty days after tho servlco hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer tho Complaint within tho timo aforesaid, tho Plaintiff in tills notion will apply lo tho Court for tho relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this fifth day of October, A. D. 19 2 2. R. T. J A YNES, Plaintiff's Attornoy. W. J. SCHRODER. (Seal.) C. C. P. Oct. 18, 192?. 42-44 i Bi I Astonishing Tire Value That's what we give with every Mason Maxi milo wo sell. When you check Mason Maxi-inilo tires for milc of ter-milo dependability, comfort, long li*" > or ?rieo, you can t help but o gratified with this tire. MASON MAXI-MILE Como in and learn what exceptional value you get in these low priced Maxi-mile tires? West Union, S. C. Cr