Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 04, 1922, Image 3

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?nTiaiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiaiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii I The 1 ll $50,000 Operation | I By HUBERT RAY , I rr? 1111 ? 11111111111 ? 1111111111 ? 111111111 [ 111 ! 111 ii f? Copyright, ma, Wettoru Newapapor Unloa. "Breathe away I Breathe away, Mr. ^ Fotheringuy." * There wus deference even In the ' . volee of the anesthetist, and in the ,woy lie deferentially placed the ether cono over Mr. Fo?ieringay's nose, for lt was a $50,000 operutlon, and Mr. Fotheringay was inuny times a mil lionaire. Yes, that was Mr. Fotheringay, that x hulk lying?unconscious upon the glass T topped table; that bloated bulk of a man, to Operate upon whom Professor Openhitn had been summoned by spe Clul train from Chicago. The table containing the Inanimate form of Professor Openhim's patient =? wu? wheeled into the ojpeiutlng thea ter adjoining. The benches were packed with sorlous-fnced students and many medical mon of tito city, who hud assembled to see something removed from Ute stomach of Mr. I Fotheringay. Mr. Fotheringay had swallowed a tsmall, hurd, round metallic object. So much tlie X-ray had revealed. There lt lay, in Mr. Fotheringay's stomach in terfering with tlie procosseo of di gesting lobster u la Newburg and other viands such ns aro prepared for men of Mr. Fotheringay's social posi tion. j? "How did you come to swallow that?" tho Burgeon hod asked Mr. Fotbcrlnguy. "Must have been biting lt," Mr. Fotheringay respondod. The white-robed nurses were grouped in.a solid phalanx about tho operating tablo. At least half a dozen of Pro fessor Openhim's assistants wero j) present to assist. One had to hold the forceps, another Inserted sponges in the wound that was to be Indicted upon Mr. Fotheringay. Others wero simply tliore to lend prestige to Pro fessor Openhitn and to dignify tho day -for it was a .$f>0,(X)0 operation. ^ Mr. Fotheringay was well known In y the city, not only ns tho richest man, but as the biggest skinflint imagin able. He was tho sort of man who would foreclose on ti widow's mort gage and turn a starving child from his door. Nevertheless, such was tho prestige ok Mr. Fotheringay that even his incredible meannesses vanished Into nothingness before the stupendous fact of bis wea.(li. The surgeon took bis scalpel In bis hand, and a low sigh of distress went up as he innde an incision In the, body, of Mi\* Fotheringay. It seemed sacrilege. Only a man ^ With nerves so well attuned ns Pro fessor Openhim's could have ventured Upon the act. "Novertheless, once he had begun be continued just ns If Mr. Fotheringay had been an ordinary pa tient. Professor Openhim's bund did not tremble In the least. Nor did the an estlietlst's fingers sbnke as ho slowly and methodically let the other drip upon tho cone over Mr. Fotheringay's nose. Tho opcrotlon wns drawing to an end. Mr. Fothorlnguy had borne the shock well. He was still unconscious, _ and he hod not stirred from first to T last. Only tho stertorous breathing had Indicated that Mr. Fotheringay's soul still Inhabited Its earthly tab ' ernacle. One might have wondered what lt was doing while Mr. Fotheringay, look ing like a distressingly fat turkey, was . being carved. Hut such speculations are sternly discouraged among physl* clans and surgeons, especially of Pro fessor Openhim's eminence. The inst stitches wore drawn and the suturing completed. A horrid thought struck nil those about tho table simultane ously. Suppose a sponge or a pair of for y cops had been left In Mr. Fotherin gay's wound ! They counted the sponges nnd tho forceps eagerly. Nothing had been left behind. And In his band tho op erating surgeon held tl^>" mein! disk thnt bad been taken out of Mr. Foth w ingay's body. Mr. Fotheringay wns wheeled out of the operating room, through the anes thetic room Into tho private room that had been allotted to bim. It was the most magnificent private room In tho hospital. There lay Mr. Fotheringay In bed, looking a little less fat and turkey-llke. and by his bedside sat n nurse, walting for the moment when Mr. Fotheringay might decide to open his eyes. Mr Fotheringay had not opened his eyes, but be was speaking. "Did they find lt? Did they find lt?" he asked In a weak whisper. ^ "Yes, yes, Mr. Fotheringay," an swered the nurse. "Mr. Fotbct-lngay stretched out his hand. "Dive lt to me," he muttered. The nurse took tho metal disk from the buread and placed lt In Mr. Foth eringay's hand. It was a dime. f To Stop n Cough Quick takeN HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicino which Stops tho cough by hcaling tho inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds mid Croup is enclosed with every bottlo of f HAYES' HEALING HONEY. Tho salvo should bo rubbed on tho chest nnd throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. Tho heal Inti effect of Hnyca' Healing Honey In side tho thront combined with tho healing effect of Grove's O Pcn-Trato Salvo through tho porco of tho skin noon stops n cough. Doth remedies oro packed lo ono carlon and the cost of tho combined treatment ls 35c. , .Just nsk your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. , i- - Subscribo for Tho Courlor. (Best.) V A Popu W Tho new Good genuine higtvg It is liberally measuring nea ' " The deep* de excellent tract! Hike a cogwttee The scientific c center rib and surface that is This new tire -in design, fri * It costs less tot many4'long dis Why be satisfit why take a chi Compare these prices ? WxajtfCuWiciv..... $0x3}$ Straight $3?e.? 153< toxStftotd&tSl?*.: 19.21 SUo? ?tt?jUM?^ 22J& Goodar Oowvf?? Tr. sAVo by Pied mo i "GBKATRST MOTH KU" IS A MAN. ls "rtulo Sam" in (ho Eyes of Huh drcds of Orphan Children. -\-. New York, Oct. V. - Ono of the groatest mothers in tho country is ii man-a busy Now York manufactu rer! During oflico hours, surrounded by secretaries, dorks and salesmen, he is Robert Spero, vice president and leading executive of a l?rge mer cantile establishment, attending strictly to business. But after hours he is Just Uncle Robert-smiling ' Uncle Robert-to thousands of children. He ls their counsellor, their "mother," their all year Santa Claus, who gives parties and presents. Last, winter ho arranged a Christ mas Day affair at Long Branch, N. J. Nearly two thousand'children at tended. Recently ho bas been giving parties in New York. Children are looking forward to more. "They're tho best thing that ever happened," lisped seven-year old Fanny Cobon at thc Crippled Chil dren's' Free School on the Fast Side. And her several hundred playmates agrood They kissed Unelo Robert and tho tears came into his eyes. "Most of these children have no mothers," bo said. "1 can toll by the yearning In their eyes. "lt is that which set me on this work. "Although I'm 58, married, and have no children, tho thing I miss most is tho warm comfort of my mo ther. Sho died eigbteon years ago, "lt's tho thing that those children miss. I found Ihnt out many years ago when I started these partlos. "I was visiting a school In a poor quarter of a New Jersey town. I no ticed a tired look In tho eyes of many cf tho children. There was discour agement, hopelessness in their eyes. "There was no expectancy in their lives. "So l arranged a little parly." Ile told stories, palyed house, gave j tho children presen Isl and had as i good a time as tho children. "lt was just a party for an after noon." says Uncle Robert, "but those youngsters didn't forgot. I had to glvo another. This time 700 cf thom carno, ranging In ages from two years up." Tho numbor lins boon Increasing rapidly. It is expected that moro -s lar* Priced Cc Without a Rivi [year Cross-Rib Tread Cord Th rode long-staple cotton aa a foi oversize-tho 4*/^ inch dre, tty 5 teches. arvcut, cog-liko pattern of tts oa evea In snow and mud, eng ?fetribution of rubber in this ti L the semi-flat contour-gives exceedingly slow to wear. is a genuine Goodyear throug! material, in construction. my than the net price you are a count*' tires of unknown reputa sd with less than this efficient I ince on an unknown make? <tih NET prices jon are asked to pay fbr ) 32x4 Straight Sic?o.. $&M0 t ? 33*4 Saalght-ttfe?. ?545 * I 34*4 Stndghtf?d?.. 13*90 ? ?> I2x4# Straight SkW. 3143 * Thtsa prttts txuhtds vxmnjacturvf* cxflts Au sad Card Tires aro also made Sn 6?7 an it Victor Co , % than two thousand will crowd 1'iieje Robert's homo next Christmas. "Vne moro the merrier," he smiles as he Clinks over tho prospect. "And what greater good can any man do than bring-tho smile of happiness to so many youngsters?" So thia .New York business man keeps on working hard during busi ness hours to make enough money io cover tiie expenses of his greater work. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't burt a bit! Drop a little "Froozone" on *i aching corn, In stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right'off with lingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottjo of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every.hard corn, soft, corn or corn between! tho toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irrita tion.-adv. Frcllitghityson Against Edwards. Newark. X. .1.. Sept. 27.-United Stales Senator Joseph Frolinghuy Son, friend of President Harding and ono of the administration leaders in Congress, was renominated hy the Republicans of New .Jersey yester day by a vote of more than two to one over t?eorgo L. Record, a Jersey City lawyer. . In the November elections Senator Frellnglniyseii will light it out at Hie polls with Governor Fd\vnrd I. Edwards, tho Democratic nominco fer United States Senator. Lake Superior ls tho largest body of fresh wa tor In tho world. 1 I MW QocAyear >,4Ub TWri Cord al ?etebqfltwtih ufedattcQ? Iber ?xamplo, tread n(fords jaging tile road read-the wide a uck, broad h and through sked to pay for tionnnayaluG. tire can give "long discountm tires Jx4>* Str?dt ShK. $9)45 1 x4tf Straight Ado.. ?ft?3 ?vS Straight ShV. M Straight Sida.. 4105 i*S Iac6 ?lief for trucks TWO MMN, A KOKI), lo GALLONS. "Cot to tho Rlvci and Couldn't <?et Across" with Blind Pig Liquor. (Mlicfir Lawless and Hunnicutt and Chief of Police McWhorter, of Westminster, staged quite an inter esting and profitable raid last Thurs day morning, preceding tho actual capturo by a race from Westminster to the Raven?l Bridge. It seems that Chief McWhorter and Oillcer Lawless got wind of a liquor car that was ox pected to pass through Westminster en route to Greenville, and when It hove in sight they gave chase. How ever, taking no chances on the Ford making an escape, they telephoned ahead to Bural Policeman Hunnicutt nt Seneca io drive oat to tho bridge and block it. So Otllccr Hunnicutt went, and passed almost through tho covered bridge, stopping just before be emerged on tho other sido. In tho meantime a morry race was be ing staged on thc road from West minster to Anderson and Greenville. The liquor car "hit tho bridge on high," but observed tho "dead" cal al the other end. Reversing hurried ly, the driver of tho liquor runner started hack, but ho got. out only in Hine to ? ump Into tho car occupied by ollie, rs Lawless and McWhor ter. The engine still running, tho occupants made a leap for liberty, and ihclr car look a little trip to ono sido, hutting itself against, a large boulder and coining to a standstill, this fad preventing car and liquor from gi ing headlong into tho river, Both mon wore captured and then brought to tho county jail at Wal halla. The liquor captured was pour ed out into tho street in front of tho Jail. There were forty-live one-gal lon tin cans of tho stuff. The two men gave thoir names as Starne and their hoing ns Greenville. The Ford touring car was confiscated to tho State. Offices making the capture speak of it as one of tho most Interesting they over participated in. furnishing a number of minor thrills, but al together lacking in tho tragic or real drnmltlc features. Wheat loss from black rust ls es timated to average G 1,000,000 bush els a year. St. Louis lins planted more than 900,000 trees along Its streets and in its parks and playgrounds in tho past seven yours. MKS. F.H.H. CALHOUN HONORED. Ground Broken for N. Y. Building at tho D.A.K, Mulustrinl^ School. Quito an evont of intorcst occur red nt the D.A.U. Industrial School on tho afternoon of Sept/ 25th, when hy request of Mrs. Nash, Stato ro gent of Now York, Mrfs. F. H. H. Cal houn, of Clemson College, was awarded tho honor of turning tho ll rsl ?spadeful of earth preparatory lp tho oroction of a new dormitory glf.t of tho various DsA.R chapters of Now York Stato. , lt ls through tho wldo acquaint ance and intlucnco of Mrs. Calhoun that this tanglhlo expression of in terest from New York Stato has como io our industrial school, established at Tamassoo by tho South Carolina Daughters. By invitation of New York State Conference, Mrs. Calhoun told of tho work of our school, illustrating her talk with slides, which so interested them that, as a result, they havo presented tho school with this most comfortable girls* home. Tho contrnct has been lot to J. VV. Hayes J of Westminster, who will commonco work Immediately. A largo nUniber of visitors wore prosont on this occasion, bearing tes timony to tho deep Interest In tho development of this worthy school, and at tho same time showing ap preciation to Mrs. Calhoun for her ever-constant zeal in Hs behalf, and expressing graf iludo to the patriotic women of Now York Stato, whoso gracious gift will ever stand as a monument *.o their faith and gener osity. Pictures were taken ns sou venirs of this eventful occasion. Tho board members present woro: Mosdamos F. C. Cain, Stato Regent F. H. H. Calhoun, M. T. Turnor, R. M. Brutton, J. A. Balley, M. G. Rich ardson, A. B. Bryan, Hayno J01103, and Messrs.W. L. Vernor, Clem Wat kins nnd L. M. Brown. Tho faculty for the coming session woro introduced-Misses James, of Hishopville, superintendent, Mooro, of York, and Edwards, of Pinopolls. Mrs. Nash, S*alo regent of Now York; Mrs. .Minor, president gene ral, and Mrs. Hamilton Gibbes, the chairman of New York cottage com mittee, will be guests of tho South karolina D.A.R. at. tho Stato Con ference in Sparta 11 burg, Nov. 15th, and will go to Tamassee. on Nov. 13 for tho dedication of the cottage. Says tho Baptists Head. Greenlvlle. Sept. 27. - Pointing out that for the first limo Iii history tho Baptist denomination loads all Protestant denominations in point of membership, Dr. John E. Whlto, the president of Anderson College, Sn an address beforo tho Laurels ^JBaplist Association at Highland Homo church, near Gray Court, yestorday said tho large membership Is a chal longo to every Baptist In the nation, and asserted that "the peril is of getting fat and satisfied." Ho plead ed that there bo no lo'ting Up in tho following of tho Now Testament doc trino which the denomination has adhered to in tho past. "MONKEY RUM" HAS BAD NAME. Can't Understand How Anybody Cnn Drink thc Horrible Stuff. Columbia, Sept. 28. - "Monkey rum" a concoction sold by illicit dis tillers in tho Stato, ls filthy and poi sonous," Prohibition Diroctor Geo. C. Bowen declared hero in a state ment in which ho said that ho could not see "how any one ?an drink tho 'monkey rum* sold by bootleggers of South Carolina and live." "Monkey rum is filthy and poison ous," ho sa 1. "lt ls mndo n all sorts of places, under the most un sanitary conditions. Stills have boon constructed of tin cans, old wash boilers, zinc kettles and other such receptacles. Stuff mudo in thom ls bound to be poisonous. And tho ma terials which go into tho rum aro also poisonous. Watermelon and muskmelon rinds, grapes, potatoos, meal and other things gathered from ?arbago cans often go Into tho make up of tho mash, and into tho mash lo dumped concentrated lye and ovon often times tho rofuso from horse stables lo aid In fermentation." Speaking of tho liquor made In tho mountains of South Carolina, tho director said; ' Tho beliof prevails that tho Illicit I'quor made In tho mountalsn of fbi. State ls pure, bul I1 odoral agents de ' clare that they havo found just ,03 , filthy conditions thcro ns elsewhoro." Turkey has 28,800 miles of tele graph linos. Becnuso Princess Mary received an emerald engagement ring all Lon don women aro woarlng omoralds. A French scientist has succeeded In melting basalt and restoring it to a harder form than originally for use as a building material and for pav ing blocks. f HELD EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGNS In Fom' Counties in Interest of tho Fight Against Tuberculosis. During tho past two months tho South Carolina Tuberculosis Associa tion has conducted educational cam paigns In connection with tuberculo sis surveys and free clinics In Edge Hold, Colloton, Oconoo and Pickons counties, At tho six clinics held, 7 79 porsons wore oxamlncd and 177 found to ho actually or suspiciously tuberculous. Those casos wore given instructions as to treatment for themselves and protection for their families, appii cation and provision made for many of them to entor sanatoriums for treatment, while others wore refer red to local doctors for home treat ment. The surveys In Oconeo and Pick ens counties were conducted by Miss Elsie Gudgor, who had the subject of tuberculosis presented at eight public meetings, placed ovor 1,000 posters, distributed 3,000 ptoees of literature, secured publicity in tho county papers continuously and ran films in tho moving picture houses. Clinics wore conducted at Walhalla, Seneca and Easloy, at which 318 ex aminations wore made and G8 cases discovered. Miss Gudgor is now en gaged In working up a clinic in Mor ry county. ' In Edgoflold and Colloton counties Miss Anno Murphy, formerly with tho Bureau of Rural Sanitation of tho StatoTloard of Health, conducted tho surveys. Talks woro made at ton public meetings, over 3 00 pieces of literature distributed, 100 posters placed, 1R0 letters written, 54 homes visited. Clinics woro hold at John ston, Edgeflold and Waltorboro, at which 161 persons wore examined and 49 cases of tuberculosis fon nd. v In addition to tho number of new cases of tuberculosis found, one of tho striking results of tho clinics Avas tho surprising number of bad teeth and Infected tonsils. A large num ber of persons woro suffering from 111 health duo to these causes. Thoso woro advised as to treatment. Dr. Ernest Cooper and Dr. Bonner, of tho State Sanatorium, attendod those clinics and mado tho examina tions, willi tho assistance of local doctors. The United States Public Health Service at tho government hospital at Greenville also assisted at tho Easloy clinic. According to Mrs. Chauncoy Black burn McDonald, oxocutlve secretary of tho South Carolina Tuberculosis Association, tho people of these coun ties woro most generous in support ing the campaigns. Tho doctors, tho business men, women's clubs, county agencies, newspapers and neighbor ing tuberculosis associations con tributed much toward the success of the surveys. Tho South Carolina Tuberculosis Association ls a voluntary agency for combating the ravages of tuberculo sis in this State. It derives Its finan cial support entirely from tho salo of Christmas seals except for a small sum received from membership duos. The officers are: J. Nelson Frier son, Columbia, president; Dr. R. N. Pollitzer, of Charleston, and Dr. Er nest Cooper, of Columbal, vice presi dents; Roed Smith, of Columbia, sec retary; A. S. Manning, Columbia, tronsuror. Renew your health by purifying your system with alotabs The purified and refined ' calomel tablets that are free from nausea and danger. No salt8 necessary, as Calotabs act like calomel and salts combined. De mand the genuine in 10c and 35c packages, bearing above trade-mark. \ Lynched on Way to Trial. Sandersville, Ga., Sept. 27.-Jim Johnson, negro, was taken from offi cers and lynched yesterday whllo en routo to Wrlghtsvillo to stand trial, according to word received from Dep uty Sheriff Wood, who had tho prls cnor In chargo. Tho negro was charg ed with attacking a whllo woman. Tho negro was hanged from a troo and his, body riddled with bullets, tho officer reported, after a band of fifty mon forcibly took possession ot him.