Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 04, 1922, Image 2

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?KATH CLAIMS TOM IO. WATSON. Noted Georgian 1*08004) A woy nt His Honte at Chevy Chase. Washington, Sopt. 26.-Another powerful and picturesque Uguie has passed from public lifo lu the death to-day of Sonator Thomas IO. Wat son, of Georgia, whoso doam occur red al 2. IO this morning at his homo at Chevy Chase. Tho end was sud don and unexpected, resulting, ac cording lo physicians, from an at . tack of asthma. *> Tho Senator bad been a s forer for several weeks from tho disease and only last Sunday experienced an acute attack. Two physicians and a nurse were at tho bedside when tho end came, but tho widow, who ls In Ul health, and other relativos, were at the homo in Thomson, (la., for which Mr. Wtutson bad planned to depart to-day for the Congressional recess. For forty years Senator Watson had been active in politics, national tis well as State. In 1920 be was 'elected Semi tor, as ho said, on an "anti-Wilson, finll-LoagUO of Na tions and nntl-wnr mensures" plat form, defeating former Senator lloko Smith nnd former Governor Dorsey. Hu was 00 years of age on Sept. Bill, last, and his Senniorinl levin would have expired Marc h ", 1927, Se?alo Hags were placed al half mnsl for a period of thirty days out of respect to Ibo state Sonator and tllO Sen.tte will adjourn out of re spect when il rer nvotn S, A day also ' will bo set for memorial services. President and Mrs. Harding head ed those who proffered condolences. Was Vigorous as lOvor. During Ibo Ilrst year and a half cf his temi in Ibo Sena to, to which ho was elected in 192 0,\ Senator Watson gave no indication of any Impairment of Ibo vigor and activity which had marked his long careen'. In his last speech In tho Sonnte, de livered a week ago last Wednesday, Ibo Georgia Senator severely criti cised tho administration for its courso in connection with tho rail strike situation. His previous at tacks on tho administration, and most notably his charges of Illegal hangings In tho American Expedi tionary forces, tho subject, of exhaus tivo investigation hy tho Senate sub committee bad made bim a conspic uous figuro in tho Senate. Porn nt Thomson, Ga., in 1'853, Senator Watson grow up and prac ticed law there for soino years bo fore entering Slato politics. After serving in tho Georgia House of Rop losoutnttvcs, nnd later, in lsxs, as Democratic elector at large for the State, bo was elected to Congress In 1891, on the populist ticket. After being defeated on that ticket in the next two elections ho was nominated as Hie choice for Vice President of tho St, Louis Populist Convention, which endorsed William Jennings lt ry a ll for President ill ls'."".. Nomi nated for President hy the People's Party in 190 1, Senator Watson con ducted an activo campaign"to revive the parly. Abott I thal limn bc begun the publication of Tom Watson'.; Magazine In New York, and a year later undertook tho publication of Watson's .lofforsoninn Magazine, which was continued under tho nanto of tho Wonk ly Jofforsonlnn. Tho publications begun in that period were suspended during the Wilson administration when denied trans mission through the mails after at tacks appeared In them against the draft act, tho espionage' law and oili er war measures. Mr. Watson thon begun tho publication of tho Colum bia Sentinel at Thomson, of which ho wns ibo proprietor up until bis donth. In thu Senator's own language, as given in his biographical sketch in the Congressional directory, ho con ducted his campaign for tho Senato as an "Ant 1-WilsOU, Anti- League and Anti-War Mensuro Democrat." Aller Winning the nomination, Io was oleetod over Harry S. l al wa rds. Independen) candidate, who favored American participation In the Longue of Nations, by an overwhelm ing majority. Although having served only a ;'iori time in the Senate. Senator Watson's oratory and attacks on leg islntlon bo opposod ad.iel to his na tional prominence Kai..eil in his homo Slate. /V TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality hy Purifying and Enriching tho Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, seo bow it brings color to tho cheeks and bow, lt improves (ho appetite, you will then appreciate its (ruo tonic, value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic ls simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So piensan* even children like lt. The blood , needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Mal. lal gorma and Grip germs by its Strength.ming, Invigor ating Effect GOc. There aro 250,000 grado crossings ill America. / .I? fr fr ? I? fr * J. fr fr ?J* . J? ?J? .J? . J? ?J< .I? WHO IS llESPONSIHLK FOI? fr fr CONDITIONS AS THEY fr fr EXIST TO-DAY ? fr fr fr fr ?I* fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr Header, when you soe tho word "vico," ls not tho first thought that penetrates tho mind, woman or girl? This has long since been tho caso. In fact, ovor since vice-one of tho most dastadrly acts in the sight of (iod (and 1 may add, tho writer) - was first committed. First, l would Uko' to' ask this question: Was ever a gin s reputa j lion laid in tho dust but that some mother's own precious, donn, Inno cent son bellied to place lt there? Then why placo a brand on tho fair na mo of tho girl and leave tho boy to go on in society without oven a scar to mar tho beauty of bis splen did reputation? Does not man look on woman ns i boin,-; the weaker vessol? Then why in tho name of all that is good, do they not treat her as such Instead of using all their strength and force of persuasion to get ber to barter the ono priceless possession that she bas -her character. Fathers, mothers, who is to binnie for the deplorable conditions exist ing to-day. Wo have doubtless all road in God's Word where it says, "Whatso ever a man so wet h that shall bo also reap." If it is not too persona] I would like to ask you fathers, bavo yon walked and are you. wal lug In Ibo straight and narrow way thal you wish your sons to tread? I say ii with shame, but i seri ously fear that we have husbi nds and fathers living at our very doors who ?ire living lives that they would not have revealed to their v Ives nnd neighbors for any consid?ration. I duro say there are some who would almost follow Judas' example ra titer than have their lives laid bare. Mothers, do you live the clean, noble, upright lifo that yon should live, and then take your daughters into your confidence and try to in delibly tlx In thoir minds the true ?value of nn unspotted character? Or aro you so blinded and rolled up In society, fads and fashions that yon scarcely think of your child after you bavo carefully provided an am ple amount of togs to carry her through all tho social functions that may be likely to take place? 1 say lt with all earnestness that I had rather my girl should never cross tho threshold of society than to have ono word of scandal justly placed on ber reputation. Then, do wo as parents expect our children to live cleaner, nobler lives than we do? If so, I very much fear that many aro doomed to meet with keen disappointment. We must reap what we sow-and sometimes the grain yields very abundant returns, , I do not wish to he a pessimist, Dut tho truth is tho truth, even if it. hurts. And 1 do not believe there is n man or woman in our county or State, ondowod with a reasonable amount of common sense, who wlil fail |o agree with mo when I .viv that morals and modesty are about tho cheapest things wo have on tho market to-day. ll almost makes my blood run cold when i think what the conditions will he twenty years hence il' things go on at the paco they are going now. Readers, can we not throw out tho life-line and rescue tho perishing by lirst living lives that will entibie us lo wield an Influence, thon praying for and giving kind advice to those who are sinking into sin and shaine? Let's got to work and try to bettor conditions rather than sit Lily by and expect some ono oise to do tho ' rescuing" while we sing the song. Sllbsc riber. -.? - Murringo \<?t Doconing Obsoleto, ' ?reen wood. Sept. 27. -?.Ono l li o ii - ('.and and twenty-three couples wert; I.(Mind last in South Carolina in the record of Judge of Probate John F, Widomnn, of Ibis county, in tin1 past live years. Judge Widoninn insists that no one oise in thc Stale lias Stich a record lor marriage ceremonies in tlie saiiw? ietigth ol' lime. He lias al IO issued 2,50.1 licenses io marry in Ibo same period. The peak ol' tiio marriage fervor ramo In 1020 and lias slowly fallon I efl' since thal time. Judge Wldoman ir, still optimistic and refuses to agree With Bernard Shaw thal mur ringo will ovonl nally grow out of style. .Make it .lust Any Obi Place. ! Columbia, Sept. L's. Three men and two women were arrested ami a IpJ'gO quantity of liquor sei/.ed in a series of raids made to-day by po? lice and Federal prohibition Olllcors. Report was made to Governor Har vey that Joe w. Wosslngor had been arro tod near. Chap?n for operating a still on bis kltchi n ? >ve. KILL THE 1D2S WEEVILS NW. 1 Destroy Cotton Stalks Em ly is Ad- j < vico of C. A. Whittle. (By C. A, Whittle, of the Soil Improomont Committee.) j Hy destroying cotton stalks,oarly, i ? weevils starve In winter. If not plow- I 5 ed under, then rip up cotton stalks, i Weevils can feed only ou green cot- < ton. : i Ono of the most effective slops in \ boll weevil control is tho carly de- I straction of cotton stalks. Just PS soon as the cotton can be harvested, 11 go into tho cotton Hold and either ( turn under Ibo cotton stalks or rip { them up with a plow. 'The object is ! to destroy Ibo cotton plains. , ? Weevils cannot food-on dead cot ton stalks. When their fond is de>- j 1 stroyoel they migrate to whore they , 1 can feed or else go Into winier quar tera. Whether they aro thus driven ?way from your farm or driven into . .Winter quarters, tho probabilities of 1 tholr damaging you again next sea 6011 aro greatly reduced. Over most of the cotton !><dt it 's I 1 possiblo to gather tho cotton early enough to permit of the desoruction of the cotton stalks three or four wooka before a killing frost will de stroy them, Throe to four wooka earlier In going into winter quarters means 'h..i tl oath" of Weevils from] starvation and cold will he groally increase ii. h is tho hist weevils thal go Into winter quartors .hat caus< damage In tho cotton crop tho nox year, if ?iii of these wore" starved oui by de stroying cotton stalks early there would, of course, bo an end of tho weevil. While one cannot expect that cotton will ever he destroyod : carly and completely enough lo ac complish a complete eradication of tho weevil, il is true that lo tLe ex teni Ulai this is done tho number of , weevils and their damage will be re- j duce cl, Chopping down sialks iba ves stubs that sprout new growth on which the weevil can feed. Therefore, tho only safe way is to uproot fhe s, or elso, with tho aid of a drn n, to turn them Completel) ill?di . fur row slice. Knowing that mary col .arm ers do no' plow deep ennui cover up, cotton stalks, the ?af? merni advice is to uproot tho sta with a plew and to watch thal new i growth starts up. As long as there gr j t >ttou ' growth in Ibo Hold the evil will! be found. . ? .It will crawl into r i ' Ol otton or half open bur to 1 . p w tva and come out when the iini shines to feed on the green s!i Don't burn the cot . (ks, Let them lay on the groi II vV.heil tho j ground is plowed the : i . Lurnod under, where they ii decay and add to tho organic m u ?vir; ii tho soil so much needs. Why not organize ommunHy widc, or county-wide, movement for ' tho early destruction Of tho cotton stalks? lt nienns loss troubl? from, tho weevils nexi year. Colds Causo Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE Tablets removo the cause. Thero ts only ?no "Promo Quinine." E.W. GROVE'S signature ou the hox. 30c. Duke (?ives Million to Trinity. _ i Durham, N .C., Sept. 28.-Gifts j totaling $1,025,000, coming from! .lames li. Duke, tho tobacco king, | for Trinity College, were announced ; to-day by Dr. W. ll. Sew. head of tho j school. lt was said that Mr. Duke bas giv- j en $25,000 lo tho new gymnasium, that ho will givo $80,000 toward a $100,000 law building, that ho will donate $50,000 toward a $100. nun building for tho new school of relig ious sci vico, and that in addition to HlOSO gift? ho is addia:- $1,000,000 lo tho ondowment of the chook \'e(s lo Kiele I'ico ni Kail*. Columbia, Sept. 2S. Con fedora to votorans will bo transported lo and from iho state Ka lr ibis full free by the Southern and Sea boa rel, Air Line | railroads, ii was nnilouncod to-elay by Ibo South Carolina Itailrond Com mission, - * '? i j...??..,.,..?,,..,..?..,,,.j STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION 'Tape's D?apepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once "'s Dinpopsin" |< | ho quickest, sit real roi lof for Indi) . lc n, gnse?s. ilatulenee, heartburn, countess, for moui lion or stomach distress caus ed lo c..lily. A ?0W lt idols give ?1 most Immediate stoai.M 'i relief. Cor rect .om stomach and ligestlon now for few < pills, I . ts sell mil iii n's Of puclu gos,* adv, ritl'F? mph AGAINST AUKKUMAX. j holleton Sheila' 1? Short- Twenty Three Hundred Dollars at Stake. \Yt: lt arbore-1 Sept. 27.-The grand ury ot Colleton comity yesterday sterne on returned a true hill against Sheriff W, D. Ackerman, charging na ace in olllce. Solicitor Mur luitgh handed out a MU of Ihdlct neir, : Hoging that Sheriff Ackerman vas short $2.307.78. and the imo )ill wi s lu consequence returned. The alleged shortage was discov ered recently when tho books lu tho .ounty bill eos were audited by export iccountnnls, The amount involved s ni leged to have been collected 18 delinquent taxes. .Sheriff Ackerman ls asking that m immediate irla I bo had, but Soli Itor Murdnugh says that 901110 timo viii be necessary to make thorough ?ropara'tion in the caso, and it is int likely to bo hoard at this terni if court. It is also reported that Sheriff Ackerman has said that he viii make tho amount good if tho barges bo withdrawn, but tho So Icitor ls said to have refused to do hat. ASPIRIN Say "Bayer" and Insist! m 7/ Cv PS Unless you seo the nnino "Dayor" >n package or oii tablets, you aro not Setting the genuino Bayer product described by physicians over twon y-two years and proved safo by mil ieus for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" inly. Each unbroken package cou sins proper directions. Handy boxes >f twelve tablets cost few cents, iifuggists also sell bottles of 21 and lim. Aspirin is tho trade mark ot layer .Manufacture of Monoacetic xidcslor of Salicylicacid.-adv. \11to Supplies ami Clothing Stolen. Spartanburg? Sept. 27.-C. C. Pru tl, of Cheslie, was arrested yester lay by rural policemen, charged willi arceny. A search was made of Pra tt's property nnd it was said that lutomobilo supplies stolon in Shelby .?.ore found. Ho is said to have made t confession and told tho officers ./hore .several suits of clothes might >e found. The o (li ce rs were also look ng for William Cnvlness, on whoso dace automobile tires are alleged o have been discovered, but Cavi icss could not bo found. Bobbers Get .fiI; from Dank. Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 2S.-Fivo nen entered tho Hamilton County bank on Woodbury nvenuo to-day, truck tho cashier over the head and isca ped with $1.3,000, according to i report received at polico hondqunr crs. Statement of tho Condition of DANK OE WEST UNION, ocntod at West I nion, S. C., at tho .lose of business Sept. 15th, 1022: Resources .0:1ns and discounts.. .$17*1900 OG )vordrnfts. ?1? 40 ''u rn I furo and Oxiuros.. 3500 00 bulking house. L'T 1! 1 10 die from hanks and bankers. 1 03 10 31 htrroncy. 2390 00' '.old . 7.". 00 Silver and other minor coin . 55S 02 'becks and cash items.. 232 03 Total.$105:171 HP Liabilities Jopltal stock paid ill..$ 20000 00 bi rpi us fund . 500 00 .Individod profits, less * curran! expenses and taxes paid. 5875 00 individual deppsits sub Ject to check. 1112!? 2 1 rime certificates of de posit . 111872 27 'ashler's checks . 2 17 02 ?ills payablo, including certificates for money borrowed . 1 0000 00 Total.$105871 HU stato of South Carolina, County if Vonee.--Ueforo mo carno .lohn P. 'raig, Cashier of the ahovo named '.ink. who, being duly sworn, says hal the above and foregoing stato nonl is a true condition of said bank is shown by tho hooks of said bank. JOHN P. CRAIG, Sworn to and subscribed before ne this 25th (?av of September. 1922. M A ROU RR! TR M. BItEXXHCKE. Xotary Public for S. C. jorreel- Attest : .TA MES Pl 11 XX EY. E. P. HUTCHISON, .IAS. H. DAUBY. Directors. Stntoment of the Condition of TH IC ENTERPRISE HANK, .oca;od nt Walhalla, S. C., at the close of business Sent. 15th, 1922:' ' Ili.,soiu,',i>q l,ou:.3 mid discounts... $223206 27 Over ".rafts. 129 2 09 Bon 's ?nd slocks owned by tho bank. 300 00 Furniture vend fixtures. . 1125..00 Other real estate owned 8642 75 Duo from bunks and bankers. . . 20799 22 Currency. 50 16 00 Cold... 1500 00 ; Si ivor and oilier minor I coin. ..... 1210 75 Chocks and cash items.. 12SI 23 Total.$2f)Bl'02 :t! Liabilities Capital stock paid in...$ 20000 00 j Surplus fund . 5000 00 I Undivided protlts, less i current expenses aud I taxes paid. 175 15 2 0 Individual deposit* sub ject to cheek . 68495 20 . Time certificates of de ; posit... 13725 1 90 Cashier's cheeks . 180G 9 5 1 Dills payable, including , certificates for money borrowed . 15000 0 0 Totnl.$205102 ?ll State of South Carolina, County of Oconeo.-Before mo cunio Geo. Sea born, Cashier of tho abovo named hank, who, being duly sworn, says that .Hie abovo and foregoing state ment is a truo condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. GMO. SEABORN, Casbior. Sworn to and subscribed before me Ibis 25th day of September. 1922. (Sen)) W. J, SCHRODER, Correct-A Mest: C. O. P * E. C. DO TDK J. H. .MAXWELT,, E. Ii. ll ERNDON. Directors. Statement of thu Condition of THE WESTMINSTER DANK, located at Westminster, f C.. at the close ol* business Sept. I' ll, IQ22: Resources Loans and discounts. .. $630023 70 Overdrafts . 519 3 6 Bonds and stocks owned by tho bank '..2l?Sr>0 00 Furniture and fixtures.. 750 00 Hanking house . 5000 00 Other real estate owned . 24660 80 Due from banks and I banksre . 60204 78 ?Currency. 4000 00 : Gold. 105 00 I Silver and other minor I coln. 2718 SS Checks and cash items. . 656 27 Exchanges for tho Clear ing House. 500 00 Total.$7(JH>88 85 Liabilities Capital stock paid In ..$100000 00 SurpllU fund. 25000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 34 247 20 Individual deposits sub ject to check. 147146 89 Time certificates of de posit . .... 351697 68 Certified checks. 25 00 Cashier's chocks. 4694 61 Bills payable, including certificates for money borrowed . 9S1 22 00 Reserve fund carried on General Individual or Savings Ledger . 1050 ll Total.$7<U1)88 85 State of South Carolina, County of Oconeo.- Before mo carno Jas. R. Sullivan, Casbior of the abovo named bank, who, being duly sworn, soys that tho above and foregoing statement ls a truo condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. .1AS. R. SULLIVAN. ' Sworn *o and subscribed before ino this 22d day of September. 1022. (Seal.) A. B. STEWART, Notary Public for S. C. Correct-Attest: T. PEDEN AXDERSOX, J. 0. RREAZEALE. FRANK IL SHIRLEY. Directors. Statement of tho Condition of THE SENECA HANK, located at Seneca, S. C., at tho close of business S'ept. 15th, 19 22: Resources Loans and discounts.... $50 IS 1 I 94 Overdrafts . 202 1 31 Furniture and fixtures.. 1 100 00 Banking house. 2600 00 Other, real estato owned . 2000 00 Due from banks and bankers . 171702 17 Currency ., . . . . I 7 7 90 00 Gold. 7S0 0(J Silver and other minor coln... . 1409 99 Chocks and cash items. . 51 l i Total.$705178 85 Liabilities- ' Capltai stock paid in. . . .$ 20100 00 Surplus fund . 10200 00 Undivided profits, loss current expenses and laxes paid. 25052 1 1 Individual deposits sub ject to chock . 126151 3S Time certificates of de posit . 22 19 12 93 Cashier's chocks. 1159 13 Total.$705178 85 Stnte of South Carolina, County of Oconeo.-Boforo ino cunio F. S. Hol loman, Cashier of tho above named bank, who, hoing duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing stato mont is a true condition of said bank, UH shown by tho books of said hank. F. S. HOLLE.MAN. Sworn to and subscribed boforo mo this 20th day of September. 1022. (Seal) D. F. McBLREATil, Notary Public for S. C. Conoc?-Attest: J. S. STRIBLING, E. C. DOYLE, J. F. ALEXANDER, Directors. Subscribe for Tho Courier. (Best.) i; Statement ot the Condition of THE DANK OF WALHALLA ; located nt .Walhalla. S. C.. at the close* of business Sept. 16th,, 1922: . Resources Loan? and discounts ...$389882 17 Overdrafts. 2579 03 - Bonds and stocks owned by the bank. 27011 16 Furniture and fixtures.. 1047 54 Banking house. 1600 00 ff Duo from banks and bankers . 132617 68 Cur roney. 4487 00 Gold.'. 255 00 Silver and other minor coln. 6.13 20 . Chocks nnd cash items.. 837 39 Total.$501450 17 Liabilities- ^ft Capital -stock paid in...? 50000 00 Surplus fund . 12500 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 49 9 63 74 Due to banks and bank ers . 761 12m Individual deposits sub ject to check. 155000 99 Demand certificates of deposit. 16S7 36 Timo certificates of de posit . 28722S 25 Reservo fund carried on genoral individual or savings ledger. 4308 ll ** * Total.$501150 17 Stnto of South Carolina, County <|>f Coonee. Def oro mo came S. L. Vernor, Cashier of tho above named Hank. who. being duly sworn,- says that tho above and foregoing state ment ls a truo condition of said Hank, 'ts shown by tho books of said bank. S. L. VERNE Ri Sworn to and subscribed before me Ibis 2 I st day of September, 1022. (Seal) Wi D. MOSS, Notary Public for S. C. Correct-Attest: W. L. VERNER, J. W. SHELOR, J. W. BELL, Diroctors. Statement of tho Condition of TUM WESTMINSTER LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, located at Westminster, S. C., at tho close of business Sept. 15111, 19 22: Resources Loans and discounts ... $225 1 95 13 Overdrafts. 165 37 Liberty Doods owned by tho bank. 50 00 Furniture and fixtures., 1800 00 Duo from banks and bankers.'. . 23156 09 Currency. 230S 00 Cold . 12.7 7 50 Silver and other minor coin . 9 65 04 Chocks and cash Items. . 6 65 Total.$854023 78 Liabilities Capital stock paid in ..$ 20000 00 Surplus fund . 100 00 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 9520 45 Duo to banks and- bank ers . . 99 7 50 Dividends unpaid.* 60 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check. 91770 34 Time certificates of de posit. 120r 1 35 Cashier's checks . 7,6, Total ... .$254023 7H Stato of South Carolina, County of Oconoe.-Doforo mo came E. Zim merman, Cashier of tho above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said bank ns shown by tho books of said bank. E. ZIMMERMAN. Sworn to nnd subscribed before mo Ibis 20th day of September. 1022. (Seal.) A. B. STEWART. Notary Public for S. C. Correct-Attost: P. W. CANNON, J. D. HULL. W. L. ENGLAND, * Directors. Statement of tho Condition of THE CITIZENS' HANK. located at Seneca, S. C., at tho close of business Sepl. 15th, 1922: Resources Loans and discounts . .$ 495385 ll Overdrafts. 1879 10 Ponds and stocks owned by tho bank . 9250 00 Furniture and fixtures. 1 00 Hanking house. 1 0000 00 Duo from banks and bankers . 68300 16 Currency . 5300 00 Hold. . . . 437 BO Silver and other minor coin . 102 3 53 Checks and cash items. 1037 18 Total.$ 50330*3 5H Liabilities Capital stock paid in..$ 50000 00 Surplus fund. 25000 00 Undivided profits, loss current expenses and taxes'paid. 15259 1 1 Individual deposits sub ject to check . 284556 26 Timo cortificatos of do posit .' .. 1S5522 27 Cashier's checks . 1003 56 Reserve fund carried on gonoral Individ ual or savings lodgor 2000 00 Other liabilities, viz.: War Finance Corpo ration .... , . . . . 20962 38 Toi ni.$ 503303 53 Stnto or Routh Carolina, County of Oconoe.- Before mo carno Sydney, BruCO, Cashier of tho above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho abovo and forogolng stato ment ls a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. SYDNEY BRUCE. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 22d day of September. 1 !?22. (Seal) B. F. McELRHATH, Notary Public 'or S. C. Correct--?Attest j W. F. AUSTIN, W. J. LUNNEY. W. T. EDWARDS, Directors.