,.. i? . . ... IN *J-^V^' ? ,V ' ,, .f.v !''''-.'.;' ";' ' J.J, . . ?"'i'K.'i THOU CANST NOT THEN BB FALSE TO AFT MAN." . VFEB. g ?022? New Series No. 940. - Volume LXXL - No. K. Seeds f Plan Fulcrum Oats Abruzzi Rye, Winter Barlej Also Orimso few days. c. w. &, J. E WALHAL j&jz? It Pays to B' FREE MEDICAL EXAMINATION Of Children-Conference with Moth ers nt Seneca, Friday, Sept. 20th. Thero will be a free medical ex amination of children and conference with mothers at Seneca on Friday of this week, Sept. 29th, at 9 a. ttl, till G p.m., at tho Edwards-Austin Build ing. Tho following staff of examin ers will bo in charge of the several ; WV branches of tho work: I - ' ? Hygieno mu? Diseases of Children ?-Children's. Specialists-Dr. W. P. Cornell, Columbia; Dr. D. L. Smith, ? J Spartanburg; Dr. S.-Q. Glover, Greon x ^V::..*^.y4He., -tyv /? ?- Elvo dollars from the treasurer of Wisconsin D.A.R. Ono dollar on library, caso, from Henry DuRunt Chapter D.A.R. Ono caso glass jars from Ameri can Specialty Co., Savannah, (Ja. Household articles from Mrs. T. R. Chatham, Tamassee. Hox of scraps from Mrs. W. M. Obergfell, Now Jersey. An oil stain put on tho first floor hy Messrs. H. R. TMlotson and Webb Tribute. * Kindnesses to superintendent by neighbors. Eleven comforts made by neighbor housekeerjfirs, On Saturday, Sept. 16, the neigh bors wove invited in to a quilting, Mrs. J. S. Sheppard assisting as hos tess. Ono quilt was made and eleven comforts, tho ladles stopping work only when tho cotton gave out. Mrs. Cornelia Jones came calling, and seo ing tho need, offered to send.cotton for tho other three comfort tops. Tho girls will moko theso, and also bom the ones tacked as a sowing lesson. Thoso who were present at the quilting were: Mesdames A. Ernest, William Shoppart. W. C. Wbitmiro, Z. N, Green, Grant, Head, and Misses Alleen Wbitmiro, Marie and Laura Sheppard, Hettie Green, Julia and Eunice Cowan and Marguerite Er nest. Through tho work of Mr. and Mrs. j. S. Sheppard a splendid lot of homo grown vegetables and fruits in tin and glass ls on tho pantry shelves. Tho bouso bas been put in first class repair by Mr. Sheppard and a winter garden bas boen planted, which will tako only a rain to make green. Any one who wishes to a dry milk cow, or who would lend a good cow iii milk for bor feed, ls asked to com municate at onco with the I). A. R. School, Tamasseo. A number of needs nt present aro most koonly folt, and gifts in money, i though small, would ho most wel come, for funds would bolp make tho school completo and efflclont in its service to young peoplo. Baptist Ministers to Meet. Tho Blue RIdgo Baptist Ministers' Conference will bold Its monthly meeting on Monday, Ocl. 2d., in tho parlor of tho hotel at Central. Call to order at 10.30 a. m. Dinnor at tho hotel. Tho morning "ossion will bo taken up with routlu business, reports and consideration of the 70 million cam paign and tho Courier campaign. Special program for the nftornoon. It is boped that tho moro than sovonty Baptist preachers who livo or work In tho bounds of tho con ference will bo present. Wo nro anx ious to make theso monthly meet ings of groat valuo. E. C. Watson, President, J. W. Guy, Secrotary. ; ?HEAT GIPSY SMITH MEETING rVt Seneca lins Ended - Numbers* Were Added to tho Church. -rr^ Sonocn, Sept, 2C. - Special: Mr;' and Mrs. Harry M. Pickett came ovor frdun Greenville to spend tho week-end and attend tho Gipsy Smith mooting. Mrs. Sallie and Mamie Burgess, of Greenville, havo returned home, af tor a week's visit with their brother, Dr. J. H. Burgess, and family. Tlioy have'scores of warm friends in Sen eca who wore delighted to have them in their midst. The Interdenominational Sunday Softool Association of Oconeo county will bold a convention at Richland church on Sunday, the Sth Q? Octo ber. There will be a morning and nu/afternoon session. A full program.' has boon arranged; .Every Sunday: school in Oeonee is urged to be rep-" resented. Although you may not bo officially called on to. represent your school, all who can attend should dd so, especially the superintendents of thc various schools, and tho teachers, aro urged td attend. The first meeting of the ?nce-n Week Club after tho summer.vaca-! Hon will bo held Thursday afternoon, ibo 28th, at the homo of thc presi dent, Mrs. S. Ki Dendy. ' Tho Greys of Oeonee ?.D.C. chap'-;' ter will bold tho October meeting at the home of Mrs. J. -J. Ballonger on tho first Friday afternoob, A 'clock, Members are requested lo notify the hostess in advance if they cannot at tend the meeting. The doa tb angel entered the homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Perry Friday evening at 8 o'clock and claimed their little four-ypar-old daughter, Imogene, after a week's illness from diphtheria. The body was taken to Clarkesville, Qu.^ for interment the following day. 'Profound sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents in the doatb of '. their first-born little ono. Rev. Marshall Woodson left Tues day morning for Columbia to resume his course in tho. Theological 9eiMn>* nary, this being his senior year. M"l\> Woodson most acceptably filled thal pulpit of the Presbyterian cnurch, :itw kf abtonqe^t Athe smm pwmm ^Wallace, .during... the. summer~ Hj^ threw himself most earnestly in the work of tho church and gave untir ingly of his sorvices throughout the Gipsy Smith evangelistic campaign and tho 'fireo weeks' series of meet ings. His fuiends aro numbered far and near In Oconeo, who regret to have bim leave, although be extended bis slay in our nilc?st for n month on account of tho Gipsy Smith meeting. The Gipsy Smith meetings aro now rocorded as history, as Sunday night brought to a close tho greatest re vival that has over beon known In Oeonee. Several hundred persons united with the various churches in tho county on, profession of faith, others by letter, and many church mouthers reconsecrated themselves to tho Master's service. Tho timo was ripe for tho ingathering of souls after hearing tho evangelist preach thc truth with such power, literally un folding tho Word of God so earnest ly for these three weeks. Mr. Smith and his party loft Monday morning, surrounded at tho station with a large crowd, who had gathered to bid tho good people good-bye. Rev. Mr. Smith will spend a week with lils family in their winter homo nt Jackson, Miss. Miss Abornothy wont direct to*Savannah. Rev. J. A. Wood loft for lils homo at Canton, Miss. -$?'..00.in cash and a new pair of shoos freo if you find paper in tho hcols, counters or insoles of our "all leather" line of shoes. Walk a block and savo a dollar. 'Maynes cuts the price and solis tho goods."-adv. -On Monday, Sept. 24th, nt tho Walhalla Presbyterian manso/, Rov. W. H. Hamilton officiating, Miss inn Cowan, of tho Flat Shoals section, and Tal madge Wilson, of Westmin ster, were united in marriage in tho presence of a few friends and rela tives. Tho brido was becomingly gowned in bluo taffeta,' with bat and accessories to match. Mrs. Wilson ns Miss Cowan made many friends by ber charming .?personality. Mr. Wil son is a young niau of sterling worth. Ho is at prosent engaged in business in Toccon, Ga., where they will make their home after a short wedding trip. Those who witnessed tho core mony wero Misses Loora and Trcssio Julian, of Westminster; Beatrice and Loora Hoad, Ovalyn Cowan, sis tor of tho brido, of tho Flat Shoals community; Oro/ Arve, of Coneross; ?Rosa Lon ond Irene Wilson, of West minster, sisters of tho groom; Messrs Mllas Julian, Westminster; Ray mond Head, of Flat Shoals; Roy Arve] Conoros:;, and John Cowan, a brother of tho bride, Flat Shoals. Tho young couple ?have many friends who will Join with us In wishing thom much happiness. -If you want to savo money on Swen tors, dresses, coat suits, cloaks, mon's, ladies' and children's Under? wcar, dry goods and shoes, seo Juynos. Walk a block and sayo a dol lar. 'Maynes cuts tho price and solis tho goods."-adv. Tho North and South Poles aro tho points on tho onrth's surface nearest tho center of tho earth. * c jl&ONEROSS NEWS AX I) NOTES. Entertainment by Rural School Im v?^lprovcinont Association-Notes. M- ...... fc^B?n?ross, Sept. 25.-Special; The j|f?fejudge School Improvement As plin will entortnln ihc people of cpbimunlty and others on tho lng of Oct. G with an foe cream Qr. Ap interesting program is g; arranged, which will ho ren del at 8 o'clock., tho program con jtgl bf music, a play nnd dialog, play is entitled "The Ghost of .ed La?o." The characters aro ?ows: Dr. Dudley Graball, very ?and eccentric'; Ned Hamestrap, ? with Mattie; Sammy Smooth also in lfcve with Mattie; Mnt-.| t\??>f!ho lovoly daughter of Dr. Grab ai^^unCOharity, a cross old maid. t??'guo, "Aunt Patient's Dough tere: will bo no charges for.the ram., but bring a few nickels and vSiong to treat your friends, ?2$t? or your children lo leo turf. Cake, which will be served Kiely- after the program is 1,. "\Everybody has a cordial vi?ii.'vto como and bring your ls,' and the patrons of Blue school aro especially urged to I isent. . . MV Alexander and family, of ?Ur?envlUo, were welcomo visitors to soVeVal of their relatives in this com munltySaturday and Sunday. AMss^Resslo Arve and brothers, of M??is?n; spent the woek-end with Hityf* Arvo and family, of Coneross. They? i^'ore accompanied by Misses Mi0lJie*%nd Rosa Lee, of Westmin ster? . C^ur Sunday school and tho B.Y.P. U.. 'meetings have nob* boen very S$R ^.tended for the past few ayws?wlng to our people at "yery regularly the wonderful ?lth revival at Seneca. The I f pur people were very used'by the great power Btbfe?s and Influence of tho 'a delivered by Rev. Mr. the. series of meetings. W^UerB,-fof*wear West ^s4tf'fca?r#lf# of 'Too nlJiis Community the p?'?t *#?ek end. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenco Aikon, of Greenville, wcro guests of the lat ter's brother, T. W. Byrd, and fam ily hore recently. Our pastor, Rev. L. H. Raines, preached hero Friday evening, Sat urday and Sunday evening and also Sunday morning. After administer ing tho ordinance of baptism to eight of our' bright young girls and boys during this short series ot meetings, Mr. Raines delivered some very stir ring serinons which will not soon be forgotton. Miss Willie Walters, of Westmin ster, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Barker on their usual week-end visit to Coneross. They stopped with Gie Misses Barker. Mrs. Blanchett, a very elderly lady of Walhalla, spent a few days last week here with her son-in-law, J. D. Abbott, and family. Miss Lizzie McLnin and brother, of Oakwoy, loft last week, after an extended' visit to their relatives, B. McDonald, and family hore. Miss Nina Abbott, of this vicinity, spent several days of last, week with her frlond, Miss Trixie Gribble, of Walhalla. Tho community people met on last Monday and picked over tho crop of cotton of Judge Abbott, who has boon In bod with fever for about two months. Wo are glad to report that*i Mr. Abbott is able to walk around in tho house and yard some, and we hope, that ho may soon be strong again. Mrs. Victor McDonald was a recent visilor to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Roach, of tho Ebenezer commu nity. Mrs. S. M. Ilunsinger, of Long Crook, spent somo time hero with her daughter, Mrs. J. V. Dilworth, recently. Miss Willie Mao Davis, of West minster, was n welcomo visitor inst week at the home of her grandmo ther, Mrs. Nettie Hesso,, of this com m unity. Tho Y. W. A.'s will hold their meeting Thursday nt 1 p. m. All tho members are urged to bd present, ns wo are expect lng to plan the program for tho week of prayer (tho Urs?; week In October.) Mr. and Mrs. R. A. P. Dean, of Av alon, Ga., wore welcome guests In our community recently. They wero accompanied by Miss Audry Land, of Avalon. Miss Florenco Abrams, of Green ville, is on an oxtondod visit to rela tives and friends in this community. W. O. Aloxandor and family were In Lavonla, Ga., recently among rel atives. Miss Ora Arve and brother. Roy, nttondod the marriage of Miss Cow an, of Flat Shoals, and Mr. Wilson, of near Westminster, hi Walhalla last Sunday afternoon. Misses Lottie and Josslo Barker spont Inst night with rolntives in Seneca. Miss Branyon, o'f Anderson, spont Saturday night boro with frlonds. Sho wnp on routo to Long Croek whore she will teach In tho placo of ono of tbs Long Crock teachors who was token with appendicitis and was Best Thinp; has. just to-day announced th Model 43-A, Four Cylinder I ROADSTER, ... S 985.00 TOURING. S 076.00 FIVE PASSENGER COUPE, $1378.00 F. O. B. FAOTORV. THESE ARE Not only is the "Olds ti on Wheels,11 hut at these \ cheapest car on wheels to pui the cheapest to operate. Arthur Walhall "Oldsmobile S TII10 OCOXEE S. S. ASSOCIATION. AH Denominations Urged to Attend Session at Richland Oct. 8th. Westminster, Sept. 25. - Special. Tho O?onee County Sunday School Association will hold Its annual con vention at Richland Presbyterian church on Sunday, O?t. 8th, and tho 'Sunday schdol* fcebple" ot %\\$ denoniU: nations in oui* county aro invited to a'tend. ( A strong program of practical dis cussions and inspiring addresses on all phases of modern Sunday school work has boen propnrod. Leon C. Palmer, general superintendent of tho State Sunday School Association, is expected to attend tho conovntion, together with .Mrs. S. X. Hurts, of Spartanburg, chairman of tho chil dren's division committee of tho S.C. Supday School Association . In order that all the Sunday school workers of this county may have op portunity to attend tho convention, no limit will be set on the number who may attend from each Sunday school. Tho convention will bo in tho nature of a county-wido mass meeting and not a delegated body, and all who como will bo welcome. Information regarding the conven tion may be secured from County President Wm. S. .Morrison, Clemson College, or County Secretary DeWitt J. Miller, of Westminster, or from Leon C. Palmor, State Superintend ent, 71 i Allen & Law Building, of Spartanburg. Remember Oconeo S. S. Convention. Kind Reader: Remember the Oco neo County Sunday School Conven tion at Richland on Sunday, Oct. 8. Dr. D. W. Daniel and Rev. A. E. Drig gors. of Clemson, have promised to make addresses. So liavo Geo. R. Koester, of tho Greenville Piedmont, and Mrs. S. X. Hurts, ot Spartan burg. Tho Gipsy Smith meeting bas given evidence of wonderful results of co operative Christian efforts. Lot all who bollovo In "Christian Co-opera tion for Kingdom Sorvico" strive to mako tho passing year Oconeo's best year in our various fields of Sunday school work. Wm. S. Morrison, President Oconeo Co. S. S. Assn. Oconeo Post,-American Legion? Tho Oconoo Post, American Lo gion, will bold its regular monthly meeting at the Court IIouso Tues day, Oct. 3d, at 8 p. m. Ali members are urged to attend. Any one Inter ested lu Legion affairs well be most heartily welcomed. J.oX. Slrlbling, Continuador. H. M. DU Pre,- Adjutant. ru sb od to the Anderson Hospital for an operation. .Mrs. E. C. DuBoso and four sons, and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Barker and sons spent tho weok-end with C. E. DuBoso and family, of Seneca, Wilton Cobb, of Long Creok. spont Saturday and Sunday with bis fathor, Will Cobb, boro. on Wheels, e following prices on thc ^ssengcr Car: 6-PASSENGER 8 CY LINDER CAR, $1376.00 ROCK BOTTOM 1922-'23 BRICES. nobile, the Best Thing Drices' it is practically the rchasc and wc know it is Brown, a, S. C. ets the Pace. MADE BIG "DELIVERY OF COTTON Josh Kirvon, of Darlington, Turned1 in 1,200 Bales to Association.. Columbia, Sept. 25.--Tho largest'" delivery of old cotton yet made to . tho South Carolina Cotton Growers' Association was mudo last woek by Josh Kirvon, of Darlington, who. turned.over 1,200. bales old long sta*>V plo cQttoh to tito association, feoliv- . ery of this cotton under tho terms of tho contract was optional, but Mr. Kirven decided tbnt he would soil tho cotton through tho association. Officials of tho association say that old cotton is pouring in fron ?very section of tho State. Members of the. Organization aro delighted with the advances which thoy aro receiving, according to letters which aro hoing received at headquarters. Tho nsso riation is now making an initial ad vance ot 12 ?ents a pound on short staple, old and new colton, and 18 :onts a pound on long stapln, old and r.ow. Tho first fire to occur In associa tion cotton was in Leo coup ly Mon ilay afternoon, when some cotton be longing to L. D. Welch, of Elliott, was burned en route from tho gin to tho dopot. Mr. Welch not i fled' tho association Tuesday at noon of bis loss, and Wednesday at noon tho as sociation had a check from tho insur ance company for tho cotton. i Prominent S. S. Worker Visit Stntc. Spnrtanhurg. Sept. 20.-Hugh S. Magill, of Washington, D. C., a prominent Methodist layman anti professional educator, has been olcct od general secretary of tho Interna tional Sunday School organization at its rocent quadrennial convention mu! has accepted tho position. Mar lon Lawrence for many years gen oral secretary of ibo association, has been elected consulting general sec retary for lifo and will co-opora*o with Dr. Magill. For several years past Dr. Magill has boon field secretary of tho Na tional Education Association and is well known in tho educational world Ills election as general secretary ol' tho International Sunday school work ls considered an accession io tho Sunday school association work ind is meeting with gonoral appro val. Stato Suporintondont Leon C. Palmer, of tho South Carolina Sun flay School Association, expects to? liave him visit th's ?tato at an oarly late, Quarterly Mooting, 1st Division. Tho Rocky Knoll Baptist church will entertain tho quartorly meeting; )f Division No. 1 on Saturday, Oct. 14th, boginnlng at 10.30 a. m. Blonse? et ovory society In Division 1 soiul lolegntos, and weVwant tho churches .hat hovo no organization to ploaso mud dologatos, and We extend an ln i ltaPon to tho of.her divisions of Bo.v* ^ordam Association to moot with us. Program will bo published lator. SEDAN $1608.00 Mrs. W "S. Blanchott.