^1)1 DRUGS MEDICINES The Rex Wc carry a full linc of thc Every one sold under a dc facturcr's and ours. Look ? HAROLD BRENNECKE. STATIONL HY - OPP< TOILET Ximvhm MM?MOM vc: ONE CENT A WORD (Small advertisements ?udor thia heading inserted at rate of ono cent a word per Insertion. Pour insertions for price of three. ) (NOTICE.-No advertisement ac cepted for tlds column for liss than its cents, olio Insertion.) S IC li ROOMS TOR RENT-Seo S. A. WIHTM1RE, at Whltmlrc-Marott lldw. Co., Walhall i, S. C. 3S-tf. i "DELICIOUS" APPLES for sale al Apple Homo Orchards, SAM .?. IS- J Bli LL, Wulftalla. S. C. ::s * SURVEYING promptly and accu rately done. HARRY HAULM, Wal halla, s. c. :; i-: s .MONTOY TO ?.OAN on Improved Farm Lands. II. IO. BRUCE, Pick ens, S. C. 26-lf FOR SALIO - one Wicker Raby Carriage; splendid condition. MKS. T. ll. UCC.llrf, Walhalla^ S.C. 3-N3j?* I HAYE some nice Rhode Island Hod lions and Pullets for .sal". SAM J. ISBELL, Walhalla.S.C. 30-38* WANTED-A good ?{-gall?n Milk Cow. Must be gentle and easy to milk. Soe S. N. PITCHFORD, Wal halla, S. C._'_35 FOI! SALIO-One good Farm Mule or will exchange for a Ford car, roadster or touring. RAYMOND HEAD, .Valhalla, S.C. Rt. 2. 38* FOR SALE-One hundred bushels Fulghum Seed Oats; homo raised; guaranteed pure. Also, Pigs /or sale. W. D. MOSS, Walhalla, S. C._3 2-if IJOST-Black Hound Dog, about two years old; name, Frank. Tag No. 3016. Notify W. L. SANDERS, Wal halla, s. C., nnd receive reward. ;u>* HEMSTITCHING and Pccotlng. All work carefully and promptly dono. MRS. J. E. HOPKINS, Sen eca, S. C.___2S-35*_ NOTICE.-Tho Kcoweo Courier is In position to handle subscriptions to -all tho leading periodicals. Wo will appr?cia to your business. FOR RENT-3-horso Farm, throe milos from Walhalla. Good land for corn and colton and small grain. For particulars write or sec .i. D, IS DELL, Walhalla. S. C. 35-tf DORT CAR PARTS CHEAP- I have Humorous p.ins for Dort Car thal I will soil cheap, li Interested, SOO or write M. H. HUGHS. Walhalla, s. c.. Route :;. 35-38'* 1 OR SAL IO-Three good Milk Cows, fresh; Reil I evens. You'll bo pleased with om ol' those. Tho price is rensonathe; extra line slock, JOHN O'LEARY, S ileni; S.C. Itt. I. 3S* NOTICE.-Ile rsi s and Mules Shod --nails and shoos furnished. All work guaranteed. Call on mo for good servie. .). II. WOOD, Salem. S. C. :; 2-3?* WANTED - Chickens, Eggs and Beef Hides, for cash. Market some higher, s? io ino before you sell. RICHARD O ELK ERS. Walhalla. S. C. 32-35 HOUSE FOR RIO NT, lu West Un ion, S.C.; water and lights if wanted. Also, Blacksmith Shop. Write .1. C. KNOX, High Point, N. C.. Route 3, Pox 1 27. :: 1-37* POR SALE-Good dry Pine Woo.!. .I-foot length, $-1.00 per cord. Cut lu stove length, $-1.75 per cord. MARCI'S KING, Walhalla. S. C., Rt. No. l. I-;: ; * HORSE THADEUS1 REUNION al High Falls Camp, Sept. i ih. You can get hoard and lodging, also corn and fodder, at High Falls Cami) al rea sonable rate.--. Apply lo W. ('. KEARNS, West Union, S. C.. Rt. I.* BLUE RIDGE GARAGE and Mack smith Shop, West Union, S. C., now open and ready for business. Service prompt and reasonable in price. MINSON & THRASHER, Mechanics, in charge. ">2-:'..~>! SELL riMO ORIGINAL WATKINS Products. Good city territory still opon. Ci t our wonderful offer and froo samples. Write to-day. THE .1 R. WATKINS CO., Dept. 70. New York, N. Y. :: i-::.">! CROSS TIES WANTED-Off Oak, All 1 can get. Gol busy: Off timber Spanish, Ked, Turkey and Black Oak Ties 7x0x8 Vb . !*><'.! 7x8x8 Vi* 35c; 7x7x8%, 25c. Must be cut ac cording to specifications and must bc sound; no splits. CASH oil delivery. R, M. CHEEK, Walhalla. S. C. 38* NOTK E. - Notice is hereby given by tho School Board pf Tamasseo O. A. FL Industrial School, Tba', no bills will 1)0 paid unless accompanied by an order for same, signed by Chair* -man of Board. M its. FRANK C. CAIN, State Regent and Chairman of School Board; MKS. K. N. li PAT TON, Secretary of Hoard. 32-3? Ba nonets in China often comprise as many as fifty courses. ] SUNDRIES all Store : famous Rcxall preparations, >ublc guarantee-the manu or thc Rcxall Sign. ? I* If ARM AC) Y> TEA Y HUTCHISON. GAUDIES WHITMAN'S ' AUTO CO. a|u| |lIi()t;K.s i _-?-y ST. FRANCIS OATHOIilC CIIUUCH, Unultlin Streut, Walhalla, S. C. SERVICES ON TII10 FOURTH SUN DAY OF EACH MONTH. Sacrament of Penance. . . .9.30 a. m. Mass and Sermon.10.00 a. m. Reverend Thomas J. Mackin, Rector. P. O. 13ox 82, Anderson, S. C. A Regular Communication of Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 92, A. F. M., will be held next Fri day night. Sept. 1st. 1922, at S.30 o'clock. Visiting brothers always welcome. .1. B. S. DENDY. W. M. W. O. WHITE, Secretary. (adv) I ********** ********* * LOCAL AND PERSONA Ii, * ! ******************** - Mrs. Caines Wurley, ol' Green vlllo, visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. .lohn A. Ansel last week. -Miss Lillian Thompson, of liam* ! lei, \. C., was I he RUCSt of hoi' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1.. Horn ; don, last week. ! - Radiant in all the hues of au tumn are thenew hats to be shown i you Friday and Saturday. Sept. 1st and 'Jd. Miss S. Fincannon, Seneca. I S. C. -adv. j - M rs. J. A. Stock and Miss Paulino Sleek spent the past week-end in Allanta, thc guests of Mrs. C. D. Bit.son. -The Walhalla chapter, D A. lt., will meet at the home of Mrs. Chas. W. Pitchford, Jr.. on Tuesday. Sept. 6th, at I o'clock. , - Mrs. d. F. Clarkson, of New berry, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Ansel. Mrs. An sel's many friends' will be glad to know that sho ls Improving, after a recent, illness. - Beginning Friday, Sept. 1st. and continuing through tho season, Mrs. JrfCk Darby. Walhalla, will have on display the newest creations in fall and winter millinery.-adv. - Mason C. .Seaborn, of Jackson ville, Fla., is spending his vaca; ion in Walhalla with his motlier. Mrs. .lames Seaborn, and among other rel atives. His many friends boro aro al ways glad to meet him. - Misses Gertrude and Graydon Vollrath, of Rasley, spent a few days last week at tho home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Voll rath, near West Union. Another vis I lorva t ino Vollrath home Isa I we elt was George Vollrath, of Flbcrton, Ga., a son of Adam Vollrath. - There will be a horse swappers convention held at High Fulls Cami beginning Thursday, Sept. 7;h. and lasting until Sept. nth, inclusive All horse swappers arc cordially in vited to come and bring all theil swapping stock. Hoarding house oil thc grounds. Remember the dates, Sept. 7th, Mil and Otb. - -New fall gootls arrived at Nor man's Dry Hoods and Millinery Store Wahlatla. Clothing, hats, shoes and ready-to-wear goods. Everything is marked down. adv. - Mr. and Mrs. Grady Du ff co omi i son Roy, Mrs. (!. C. Looney and Mrs B. W. Denny, ol' Atlanta, were guest: at*the home of Mr. and Mrs. John .1 Reeder last week-end. They cann through tho country in their car. re nuning Sunday night. Mrs. Denny who ls a sister of Mrs. Heeder, r?3 mained for a visit of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller, ol North Carolina, spent several day? last, week visiting at the home ol Mr. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs Roben Miller of Walhalla. Mr. Mil> 1er has been in tho Jocassco sect it?!' oftOconce, whoro the Farley Lumhei Co. is engaged in gelling oui Jargr quantities of llmboiv.Mr. Miller ex pected to return to JoCilSSOO the lat ter part of this wonk, hut rocoivod a telegram Monday morning calling him to take up work for Hie Farley Co. at Sylvia, X. C Mr. and Mrs Miller lefi Immediately for Ndjirli Carolina, cutting short their visit in Walhalla. - Wo will charge per bau for ginning ibis season, furnishing bagging and Hoi We use 2 and 2 Vi: pound Jute bagging and whole tie Jute bagging pdds weight and make* a neat bale. .Vcshnlnslor Oil and Forllllzer Co.- -ndv.-35-lf. j -Seo our bargain table of sum , mer goods. Wo have about sold out, but what we have left we can soil cheap. C. W. & J. E. Bauknlght.-ad -Little Miss Carrie Phlnnoy Latl mor, of Honea Path, spent soveral days recently with Miss Claudia Mao Reid. ' - Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gardner, of Greenwood, woro guests last we^k in tho homo of "-Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Sholor, of Walhalla. They have hu morous friends hero who are always glad to wclcomo Hiern. -Gordon Kant, who has boen nt tho University of New Jersey, it at homo for tho remainder of fhe rum mer. Mr. Pant has accepted a posi tion in tho colloge at Raleigh, N. C.,* for tho next session. / - Miss S. Flncannou oxtends a cor dial invitation to all to attend her first showing of fail millinery, Fri day and Saturday, Sept. 1st and I'd. -adv. , . -Mr. and Mrs. Westervelt Ter liuno, of Atlanta, wore recently in Walhalla for a brief period meeting old friends of Mr. Torhuno hero at his former home. They woro accom panied by their two handsome chil dren and were on their way homo from Highlands. -A social affair of much pleasure lo tho young people of Walhalla and neighboring towns, was the danoo given in iii" new dining room of tho Alexander House', which was thrown open to them for tho evening. Quito a number of couples from Seneca. Pendleton and Clemson were present and the occasion proved a most, de lightful one. -Come in and inspect my line of new fall and winter millinery before purchasing. Mrs. Jack Darby, Wal halla. S. C.-adv. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vernor and children, of Columbia, spent last Wednesday in Walhalla among old friends. Mrs. Vernor is pleasantly remembered here as Miss Elise Duf fie, a daughter of tho late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duffie, who *werc well known In our town and county. Mr. Vernor is a son of tho late John Sam Vernor, at one time ono of the lead ing members of 'ho Walhalla bar. -See our children's school shoes. C. W. & J. E. Bauknlght.-adv. -We are in receipt of a card from Rev. A. W. Barr, who ls sponding his vacation with his parents nt Good rich, Tenn., in which Ivo 8a*ys ho is greatly enjoying lils visit. "-.Rev. Bari wishes us to announce that hd-expects to fill his regular appointment at the First Methodist church In Wal halla next Sunday morning, Sept. ?id, al I I o'clock and at night at tho Mon aghan -Methodist church, A cordial invitation is extended co all. -We have a nice line of* boys' pa?is at $1.00, $1.50, $1.75; $2.00, ?.2.50 and $2.75. C. W. & J. E. Bank night. Walhalla, S. C.- adv. . -The merni ers rn' the Paul Haync Circlo were delightfully entertains on Friday aftornoou by Hie presi dent, Mrs. S. I*. V'erndr. The Hrs Vico president, Mrs. ('luis. W. Pitch I ford, Jr., presided, and (iftoon mern hers answered roll-call. Tho follow lng program was rendered: Reading "Carolina," Miss Smith; paper or "Our Legislature." Mrs. Bondy. Mrs Sam Pitchford, of Greenville, gra 1 ciously entertained tho circle with : leading. The visitors wer?: Mrs Wallace, Atlanta. Ga.; Mis. Pitch lord. Greenville; Miss Corn Strong Tile hostess served a sahul course ' and was assisi ed hy Mesdames Claud* ' Heid and Chas. Pitchford, .lr. -We will charge per bab for ginning this season, furnishiiif . bagging and Hos. We use 2 to 2 V2 ' pound jute bagging and whole iles 1 Jute bagging adds weight and make: a neat bale. Schaeffer Gin co;, West I minster, S, C.- -adv.-35.-1 f. - Hen j. A. Thompson, of Newry ' died at his home there on Friday ' tho IS til of August, at I.?io o'clock 1 after nu illness of I wo wicks, ll had been in declining lnaiMi for si ' months or moro, but his conditio became serious only a hort tim before his (bath. Ile was bom Fol t ll. IS7C, hoing Hi year.-, of age a lithe Hmo of his'dca lb, lie -.vasa na [ live of Laurens county, In 1808 li .?was happily married |(, Miss Gussi - iv Br?cke, of near Walhalla; Thor i wore no children Lorn to ?ais unioi . Mr. Thompson is survivi I by his wif ; and four brothers and two sisters . J Jamos Thompson, of Texas; R?bei . I Thompson, of Greenville; Josep I Thompson, of Piedmont; Honr ;! Thompson, of Pasley; \,vs. Alic ? Austin, of Piedmont, ami Mrs, Lu . cinda Nix, of Buffalo,. S. C. His rc i. mains woro laid to rest ,,n, tho da i j following his death, tho funeral sm vices being conducted hy ,; -v. IL I . Hardy ol tho Sonecn Method lt : chur h. 'j ?10 interment u oj in th . cemetery of Bethel Presbytoria church, ' hore aro many who wi i barn of his death with deep regret. Wanted - Bottles, al Norman Drug Store, Walhalla.- adv. ' (' i i Mr.?and Mrs. Henry^Hughs ahd baby, Dorothy, spent several clays In Greenville last week. -Tablets and ^ pencils for the school children. C. W. & J. E. Bank night, Walhalla, S. C.-adv. -Mr\ and Mrs. Joe Brown, of Sa vannah, Ga., passed through Wal halla last woek on their way to their camp near town. ^ -Dr. Glymph, tho leading eye sight specialist of Anderson, will be hero again next week. Bead his ad. In another column. \ -Mr. and Mrs. ll. Y. Vaneo and little daughter, of Greenville, spent a short while in Walhalla last week with .Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Norman. - Mrs. Jack Darby Invites you to Inspect her lino of fall millinery on Friday, Sept. 1st.-adv. - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Striming and Mrs. DuPre. of Greenville/we?*e short-time guests in Walhalla re cently, stopping over on thejr way to Highlands. -Mrs. H. C. Strother and family, who have boon spending the past two months at their homo in West Un ion, roturnod to their home in At lanta the first of this week. -Wo aro requested to announce that there will bo a series of meet ings begun at the Little River church next Sunday. Sept. .'{. at I 1 o'clock. Tho servicia will bo conducted by Revs. Holcombe and (bmnon. Every body is cordially invited to attend and take part in the services, - Largo assortment of toilet arti cles at Norman's Drug Store. W; l halla.-adv. --Robert Rogers returned to Wal halla last Saturday after spending six weeks as instructor at the mili tary camp a; Anniston, Ala. Ho was accompanied home by his friend and former fellow-Davidson college mate, James Boulware, of Florida. Tho latter left for his home Monday. He will bo engaged in teaching at one of the North Carolina colleges the com ing session. Mr. Rogers will return to Port Gibson, Miss., next week to resume his duties as instructor in tho Chnmbcrlaln-Hunt Military Acad emy. - Newest fall fashions, just tho prettiest hats imaginable, on display Friday and Saturday, Sept. 1st and 2d, at Miss S. Fincannon's, Seneca, S. C.-adv. -Mrs. C. W. Reid was hostoss on Tuesday afternoon of last week to tho Rook Club and several Invited guests. In the living room, where the games were played, quantities of early fall flowers effectively carried out a color scheme of pink and white. The hos tess was assisted is entertaining by littlo Miss Claudia Mae Reid, Mrs. S. N. Pitchford and Mrs. Henry Hughs. After a number of exciting games a tempting sweet course was served. Tho out-of-town guests were Mrs. J. c. Lntimcr, Monea Path; Miss Troxollo Wright, Newberry, and j Mrs. Stun C. Pitchford, Greenville. -Full line of school supplies, sta tionery, etc. Norman's Drug Store. adv. -There aro many who will be in terested in reading the following in vitation, a number of which have been received by Walhalla and Oco nee friends of tho groom: "Mrs. John T. Chalmers requests tho picas uro of your company at tho wedding reception of her daughter, Bessie Mitchell, anti Mr. William Kenneth Dickson, Thursday evening, Septem ber the seventh, tit half after elgh' o'clock, I 6OC Elizabeth avenue. Char lotte, X. C." Tho ceremony will take place at. eight o'clock. Mr. Dickson is well known to many in Oconee, be ing a son of the late w. Pat Dickson and Mrs. Dickson, of Seneca. There are many here who will Join with Tho Courier in extending, in advance of tho happy event, '.he very'best ol gootl wishes to Mr. Dickson and bb bride, for long lifo and a prosperous happy journey together. - Gue lot of nice pigs, about eight weeks old. C. W. & j. E. Bauknight, Walhalla, S. C.--adv. -Miss Cora Strong has returned homo after an extended visit to thc Wost. - Mrs. Marry Norman is spending this wook in Hartwell. Git., visiting her parents. - The 4 2 duh will meet, with Misi Julia Maxwell Friday afternoon Sept. 1st, at i o'clock, - Miss Rosa McLeod, of Camdon is visiting this week at the homo ol Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith. -J. W. Gurney returned lasl week from an extended visit to thc mountains or North Carolina. - Mrs. Annie May Williams has returned to her home in ('har lotti after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Lowh Harrison, in Walhalla. - -Now lot china, glass, brlc-a-brat and all kinds falvey goods. Norman": Drug Store, Walhalla, S. C.-adv. - Mr. and Mrs. IO. T. Medan Spent lin; past week-end with Mrs McClure's parents. Mr. and Mrs. II C. Busch, leaving Monday mornlnf for a month's visit to Kentucky tr bo with Mr. McClure's parents. I (Other Local Items on 4th Page.) !;,t'..MI.i?-UMW Wo aro to-dny driving an Oldsmobile, Model f?ur cylinders, IlvO passenger car, which lias today gor.o ? Ic e lh< ti ard ono hundred and sovoiity-nlno (11,17?) milos, with a totnl expense for parts of 7."> cents. Tho car is" still running on its original lire . i? i? actually per forming bVttor to-day titan tho dav it was llrst driven, XT1US IS NOT AX ISOLATED INSTANCE, hui ?hero aro Olthihiohllcs right hero in yWalha/Ia which lut ve run thousands .ind thousands of lillies with practically no expense at all. Wp do not believe there is any cur in thc market that can equal {ho Ol.i:.'.V'.!i I lu i:i good looks mid endurance. Eighteen (18) to twenty (???j m I Ivs to one gal lon of gus and from twenty-five hundred (2500) t<> three thousand (;1000) miles to one gallon of lubricating oil is M Mat ibo now Sindel Four-Cylinder Oldsmobile ls doing from day to (illy, lt is one of the very few curs in tho country that is sold willi a .twelve months1 guar antee. V * GIVE I'S* A CHANCE TO PROVE TO YOU THAT "CHE "OLDS MOBILE IS THE HE ST THING ON WI?EELS." Arthur Walhalla, S. C. "Oldsmobile Sets the Pace." M-I ?umiuocmatwm-jjcspTJvjev 'sx.-n-: i JUM ?AC ?J- M ? WJ*U ? i rev rr-.vwimu 1888 -=^-=-^~-- 1922 CL THE NEW STETSOr ARE HERE. That's all wc need to tell you, New Fall Styles with the distinctive mark? and the good, o?d-rock bottom Stetson Quality, If you're a regular Stcstson customer, of course you'll want one of the new Fall Styles, If not, let us urge you at least to come and try one on. You can judge for yourself what this Stetson "feeling for style" is, that the young men talfc about. The Stetson Qualit y Mark on every St*et>son Hats. C. W. PITCHFORD, WALHALLA, S. C. LUCK IS A GREAT ASSET-as long as it lasts; hui it novci lests. YOU CAN'T BORROW MONEY OX LUCK. IT IS DIFFERENT WITH PLUCK. THE MAN WHO ll A S PLUCK never loses it; ii is a lasting asset. With luck gone tho man with pluck goes ahead and suc ceeds. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON PLUCK-piusa good repu tation, ll-1 YOI' HAVE PLUCK, and have established a Hue hf credit with your bank, you cnn always get an accommodation-Ht IT HANKS DO NOT RECOGNIZE LICK AS AN ASSET. The Enterprise Bank, Walhalla? 5. C. Give Play nt Neville School. Como and see the play, "Tho Poor Married Man," to be giv.m by tho Neville school on Vhursday night, Sopl. 7th. Thoro will also bo refresh ments for salo at tho new school building. Tho characters in tho play are ns follows: Prof. John Wise-Herbert Sulli van. Dr. Matthew Graham-Jim Smith. Billy Black-Calvin Ballongor. Jupiter Jackson-Hort Sullivan. Mrs. Iona Ford-Nova Chastnln, /.oie (Mrs.Ford's daughter)-Mae Smith. June Graham-Edith Wilson. Rosalind Wilson-Bessie Leo. Let everybody come. A cordial welcome awaits ovcrybody. , Aristotlo thought that tho object of respiration was to cool tho body. Get Into Business for Yourself! Sell RawlciglYs Good Health Products in Stephen Co,, Ga,; Oconec Co.,and S.W. Anderson County,and bc your own Boss. Only limited capital needed. Prompt action necessary. See nie at once. D. E. GOOD, WAJJHAT.TJA, 8. C.