H?WH Became J IN 1003, driving tr car, Barrley Oldfi career of victor earned him the tit Driver of The Wor come the tire weakn< racing difficult and studied tires-specifi supervised construct] Today, Barney 01< as the "Master ' Starting with the cn carried the "999" on seconds, Oldfield veloped his famous < which covered 600 n eight miles an ho change. In three yeats Old won every .important ican speedways. Th Highest Price Paid for Sin By REV. J. R. SCHAFFER Aotlnjf Superintendent of Mon, Moody Ulolo Institute, Chicano. TEXT-Wi tho vit tho shedding of blood' thero ls no remission of Bins.-Heb. 9:22.\ i We have been growing, familiar! with Immensity of values. Tho price! tugs of almost everything in life li a ve he e n changed In tho last fow years. We have learned to talk of billluns *W whore only u few \?' r?M?fo*?*W years since a mil lion was a for t u n o. T li l*n g s have hulked largo In the af fairs of men. Au t o m o b 1 i e s, phonographs, sub marines, airplanes, radiographs-these things have crowded the horizon until a gross materialism has constituted the Held of endeavor, struggle and achievement. In the midst of this mad pursuit of tho temporal and perishing, life, tho greatest value of all, has been almost forgotten ; has . become cheap, com mon, n-surfelt In tho world's market. Lifo, priceless and precious, crowd ing the highways and byways of every day activities, ls ground to dust oe nenth the wheels of Industry, com merce and pleasure Tho dally pa pers aro' ono big catalogue of tho cheapening estimate of lifo. With tho speed fever upon us, the priceless value of lifo is lost sight of, until a hecatomb of victims is sacrificed on the altar of accident, preventable dis-, ease and dissipative follies. Think Of the source of lifo, tho cost of its development, Its marvelous pos sibilities! Then remember thnt life ls endless, projected Into an eternal environment of weal or woo, and be yond ali calculation. Nothing In tho world of mntter, however beautiful, however useful, however wonderful, ls comparable. Out of Cod's Hook speaks u voice from every page, telling out the wonders of life. Hear Christ's unanswerable question: "What shall lt profit a man if he gain tho whole world and lose his life?" *- Lifo is tho fubulous Inherllnnco of every human being. Yet Scripture says it is the price poid'tor the cheap est, commonest commodity In the world-sin. Sin that pushes its dark ugly face up everywhere; that abounds llko woods growing alike in tlio most carefully cultivated gardens and on the deserted burren refuse heaps ; that pollutes tho atmosphere of city, town and hamlet until they reek with the foulest poisons, Hie deadliest fevers, the cruelest defile men ts. Sin is so plentiful, so rampant, so penetrating thnt lt ls unescupahle. It ls tho enemy of life, Its Implacable and undofentable nemesis. It ls a rapid Infection, a treacherous con tagion, a deadly poison gas, a loath some leprosy. And It ls an Indivisible part of huninn nature. God, who nlono knows tho honrt of mnn, declares lt "deceitful and above all things and desperately wicked." __Whnt can heal? What can clennse? * ie "909" racing ield started his ies that later le of "Master ld." To over uses that made dangerous, he cd material* on. ^ ifield is known Tire Builder." ide tires which e mile in sixty gradually d? mords-a set of liles at eighty ur without a Ifield tires have race on Amer ey are the only American tires th first place in the 1 They have won : tive years in the apolis Sweepstake Oldficlds have lov Records and sev?i The Wichita T dence of Oldfield ? ing-when a set < er?d 34,525 miles < winter roads-a tested by the Maj See your dealei these rugged tires field has develop through a lifetim experience. Thei convince you th; Most Trustworth What cnn remove? How "cnn we es cupe? Tlie answer Is In the text-the Shedding of blood ls the price of sin's remission, and the lifers In the blood. Life, the highest price paid for sin, the cheapest commodity. ? Life ls paid when Its blood ls shed. This has always been recognized ns the noblest net, the supreme sacrifice, the richest expression of Intelligent consciousness. It ls this which trans figures the Indescribable horrors of wnr, that wreathes with crowns of love and affection the hero in any causo who unselfishly, chivalrously glws nil. Tho awful experience of the World war brought near to hearth and home the real value of life, und thc nenrer lt enme to our hearth and home, the greater its value. If It claimed the liest, the dearest, our all, then, oh how priceless the price we paid, he-" cause of the awful tragedy of sin the horrible misunderstanding of na tions and peoples. Men began to call death In battle the supreme sacrifice, and Impute to Jt eternal merit and efficacy ; hut lt is still written: "Neither ls their sal vation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved," * It Is the shedding of blood that re mits sin, the blood of the sinless Christ of God. He shed His blood, ne gave Ills life. He paid the price. Sin ls remitted. God can save you. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can moko me wholo annln? Nothing but tho blood of Jesus. What ought to bo the response of sinners to such a Savior? "Just ns I am, O Lamb of God, I como." The Land of Milk and Money. And the Lord said unto Moses, De part, and go up hence, thou and thy people which thou hast brought up out of tho land of Egypt, unto the land which I swear unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed will I give it: and I will send an angel before thee; unto a land flowing with milk and honey.-Exodus 83:1-3. Eternal Things. We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which ure not seen; for the things which are seen nre temporal ; but the things which arl not seen uro eternal.-II Corin thiuus 4:18. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who nre in a "run down" con dition will notice that Catarrh bothers them igueh more than when they are In good health. Tills fnct provos that while Catarrh is n locul disenso, It ls greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ls a Tonic nnd Rlood Puri fier, and nels through tho blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the Inflammation and restor ing normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. Fi J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Gas Down Two Cents. Now York, Aug. 3.-Tho Standard Oil Company of Now Jorsoy to-day announcod a reduction of two.conts a gallon in tho prlco of gasoline. - i Tho narrowest width of tho Strait of Gibraltar ls olght and one-half milos. tiver Builder at have ever taken . rench Grand Prix, For three consecu ! 500-mile Indian*, ?a. So far in 1922', /ered four World's n track records. est Run gave .evi mperiority in tour af four Cords cov Dver rutted, frozen, performance at ror of Wichita. r and get a set of i that Barney Old >ed and perfected e of practical tire r performance will at they are "The y Tires Built." ii?;. p UNKNOWN MAX IS FOUND DEAD. Was n Cripple, and Besides His Name Nothing; is Known'of Him. (Sparenburg Journal, 3d.) ? I Elmer Lewis, a white man about I 55 years of ago, was found dead in ! his room at Mrs. II. C. Bell's board-, ing house on Magnolia street-about noon to-day. Mr. Lewis had been In ! tho city for soveral days1 selling pen elis. Ho was a crlpplo and carno to Spartanburg at intervals. Ho was well known at tho hoarding house, but he had never spoken about any relatives, and left nothing to indi cate where his family lives. A few hours beforo his remains were found Mr. Lewis went to the kitchen for somo hot water with which to shave. When he did not come to lunch, before tho tablo was cleared off a lad was sent to his room for him. The lad found him lying on the floor with lils faco down. He thought the man asleep and re ported that he could not awaken him. An investigation disclosed the fact tliat he was dead, and had ap parently just died a few moments before bing found. All efforts to locate any one re lated to him have been futile so far. It ls thought that his family probably lives somewhere In Georgia. Congressman Padgett Dend. Washington, Aug. 2.-Representa tive Lemuel P. Padgett, of Tennes see, died early to-day at his homo hero. Mr. Padgett, who was war-tlmo chairman of tho IIouso naval com mittee, had boen 111 at his resldenco for two months. Tho body will bo taken to his homo nt Columbia, Tenn., for burial. iFirst elected from the Seventh Tennessee district to tho 57th Con gress, Mr. Padgett had served con tinuously for twenty-two years. He y/as tho dean of tho dolegfttlon. Because of his Illness he had hoon una bio to return to Tennessee to conduct his campaign for renomina tion In the State primary, sot for to morrow. While ho had' opposition, his friends believed that there was llttlo danger of his defeat. In the recent House fight over tho naval appropriation hill Mr. Padgett attracted attention by standing firm against efforts to reduce tho person nel of the navy below tho figuro Which tho President and tho depart ment regarded as unwise. Although most members of his party voted to cut tho enlisted forces, Mr. Padgett opposed it, declaring his cxperlnoco as former head of tho naval commit tee convinced him tho country could not afford to "go as low" as tho . framers of tho bill had contemplated. An electric locomotivo in switch ing scrvlco calls for tho consumption of only about ono-fourth tho amount of coal used by a steam locomotivo doing tho same wnrk. Jehovah's Blessing By REV. GEORGE E. GUILLE Extension Department. Moody Ulolo InatlUitc, Chicago. TEXT-The Lord bless thoo, and koop theo: Tho I^ord make lils fuco shine upon tl ice, and be gruclous unto theo: The Lord MCt up His couiitonanco upon thee, and give thoo pcuco.-^Numbors 6:24-28. Th? music of heaven rings lu these words I Th reo measures of the divin est melody ever heard, a bar from Ute infinite an them to soothe tho spirit with heaven's calm and turn the whole life into a long Sabbath day. Mark the ele mente in this benediction, as they reveal God's attltudo toward Ills people and tell of His actlvl Hes on their hehnlf. i "Jehovah bless theo." You can not explain that word, "bless." It breathes Itself into tho soul like a rare perfume, but you cannot tell what lt ls. It touches the weary life like a tender mother's hand and lifts lt up Into rest and strength. You know by sweet experience what lt ls, but you cannot defino lt. It ls tho heart of God disclosed. It embraces all other elements found In this bene diction; the keeping, the shining face, graciousness, the uplifted countenance, the gift of peace. That ls His bless ing. Who that has beheld the cross has seen tho Well-Beloved hanging t?tere, can question what that great heart holds for him? "He that spored not his own Son, hut delivered Him up for us all, how shall Ho not with Him freely give us nil things?" Oh, let us magnify that word, "bless." 2. "Jehovah make his face shine upon thee." If His blessing reveals HIS heart, this discovers His nearness. Not afar off, but nigh. Do not think of Him ns far away In heaven, veiled away In His own eternity, unknown and unknowable. There is no distance. "Ye who sometime wore for off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." In that place of. nearness, His face shines. What joy to know that the fnce frotu which heaven nml earth shnll lice away and that ls against them that do evil. ls shining upon those In whoso midst He dwells. 8. "Jehovah lift up his countenance upon thee." Frequently have tho Lord's people been heard to say thnt Ho lins hidden 1R8 fnce from them. It can j not lie I For He who looks upon His J belov&l Son with unchanging delight sees you. ?nd me ever In Him and i cannot turn nwny from us. If there j be hiding, lt ls you who nie doing ! it, not He. Tho clouds that obscure the sun do not como from the sun. 4. The Lord he gracious unto thee. This attitude explains all else. His grace ls His kindness to the unde serving. / Grace ls not a frame of mind or n state of so,ul, hut the nttltudo of God. "By grace are ye saved" and over and over again, because we are so slow to believe lt and because Ho desires we should do so, comes the salutation : "Grace be unto you." But not only In His nttltudo but In His activities on our behalf do we see how all His heart ls occupied for us. Ju Jehovah keep thee. This ls our assurance and our security that He who ls gracious keeps us for His own. "Kept by tho power of God." "Je hovnlt is thy keeper," says tito Psalm ist, and they are safe Indeed whom He keeps. But not alone ns His own possession. He will keep that life in all Its dally affairs as though you were His only child and His solitary care "Jehovah keep thee." That im plies what Scripture elsewhere cm pbnslzes and what every hour of your experience has proved: that you can not keep yourself. "I am not being put to shame," says the apostle, "for . . . ho is able to keep that which I have committed unto him." Not my soul only, but my dnily life. O soul, if Ile is not keeping thee, thou art be ing put to shame. Every manifestation of the flesh puts you to Blinnie. Every lmputlont word, every unworthy deed puts you to shnmo. He cnn keep you and Ho will If you but give Him a chance. Turn that lifo over to Him nnd seo what He can make out of it, see how He con keep It in holy triumph and Joy. 2. The inst clement-last sweet, lingering strain of tho anthem-ls pence. "Jehovah give theo peace." In all the wide universe, in all the tongues that men have spoken, there ls nu greater word. First salutation of tho Risen Christ, "Peace bo unto you;" last thing In Ills valedictory: "Pence I leave with you." "He Is our peace." O soul, anxious, care worn, tossed and driven, fold this blessing of God to thy poor heart. His own peace ls for your present posses sion. Ho desires you" to have lt. Rave you seen tho full slgnificnnco of tills blessing? Tho divine linnie oc curs threo times, nnd three ls tho number o? tho God-bend, sum of all divino fullness. The connection of tho three Persons With the thrco parts of tho blessing can be easily traced. All thnt God ls ls thus engngod for us: Fnther, Son and Holy Spirit occupied with us and for UP, and nil that wo may bo blessed. Oh, who would live nu unblest life? Who would he so miserable? Give me this blessing of God and I nm rich Indeod. My heaven has bogun with Its liol (ness and it? Joy I GOOD! Buy this Cigarette and Save Money FOR A GREATER STATE FAIR. Complote Fuir Exhibit Pinioned by U. S. Rcpt, of Agriculture. Whether it's entertainment or information they seek, fair-goers this year aro sure to find many fea tures of intorest in tho exhibit of the United States Department of Ag riculture at tho South Carolina Stato Fair, at Columbia. There is something there for everybody, young and old, and no pains havo boon spared by the vari ous bureaus of tho department, who aro doing big tilings of vital interest to the people of the country gen erally io make tho government dis plays as complete and attractive as possible. Tho exhibits will cover about four thousand feet of floor space and will illustrate tho activities of the de partment and the results achieved for tho betterment of American ag riculture. A wide variety of displays will be used. There will bo actual working models that give a realis tic presentation of the subjects they illustrate. Some of theso are of par ticularly ingenious construction. There will bo beautifully colored transparencies, charts, maps and photographs. Instruments and ap pliances of all kinds used in tho vari ous activities of the department will bo on display to show how the work of every day value, to the peoplo of the country is performed. ? . Among tho exhibits of tho bureau of agricultur.il economics is to be ono illustrative of the radio nows service, by moans of which tho bu reau's market information is dis seminated throughout tho country by wireless. Thoro will also be a grain grading exhibit and demonstration, and Hie work of the bureau in stand ardizing market baskets and ship ping containers will be on display, including colton standards, sources o( damage, manufacturing and ware houses. There will also be a trans parency case showing tho various grades of livestock animals and tho moat cuts. / Among tho exhibits of the bureau of animal Industry will be a self feeder for swine, breeds of swine, an Oliver house and colony growing house for poultry, trap nests, meth od of culling tho farm flock, methods of tick eradication, a cow barn and milk house for a small herd, the or ganization and results of a bull asso ciation, method of treating hog chol era, tho damage done by tuberculosis in cattlo, and methods of eradicating tho disenso, the standard breeds of sheep, methods of shearing, and the docking and castrating of lambs. Tho bureau of plant Industry will, photographically, .show tho ulseases that attack fruits, citrus fruits, her ries and vegetables, in tho Held, in transit and in .storage, and methods of controlling samo; also cultural methods used in producing good seed corn and forage crops. Typo heads of tho leading varieties of oats and rico will bc shown, as well as speci mens of sugar cano. A cabinet de picting tho methods and results of tree surgery will also bo shown. How to waterproof leather and other materials for farm usc will be shown by tho bureau of chemistry, Of particular interest are two sots of harness-ono in good ordor that has boon used for 34 years on n farm, and another that, because of neglect, is roady to ho discarded af ter four or five years of uso. Tho bureau will also show how it con demns and destroys foods that aro unsuited for uso in thc enforcement of tho puro food and drug act. There will also bo exhibits showing coun try hides and skins, tho skinning of animals, tho skinning of calves and sheep, and proteins and amlno-nclds. Tho difference in the resisting quan tics of waterproofed and un water proofed canvas will also bo illus trated. The exhibit of tho forost sorvico includes a plea for protecting tho forests against fires and mothods of fighting! Aro in tho national forests; also woodland models showing the proper caro of woodlands with ro I spect to thinning for better wood IO i|? ty ty ty ty ty ty1 ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ARE BREE CATTLE ty ty PROFITABLE? ty ty ?J? ty ty ?J? ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty A bulletin from donison CoUogo says: "That South Carolina has a great dormant resource in her futuro meat producing capacity, a resource that will ho gradually dovolopcd and which will utilizo '.ho choap untllla hlo lands of tho Stale," ls* tho opin ion of Prof. ti, V. Starkoy, chief of tho animal husbandry division, who has recently returned from Western North .Carolina, whore tho chief source of income for tho farmer ls cattlo. rt ls surprising but true that tho farmers in this section are in good circumstances. They aro living In comfortable houses and soom to have Incomes which supply their needs. "In fact, in traveling over several States of tho South and West I have yet to eeo a livestock section which ls not prosperous," continued Prof. Starkey. Good Pnsturos-Profitable Beef Production. Thoro aro many farmers in South: Carolina who believe that on tho average beef production does not pay. Perhaps they aro right. But wo have tho right to ask, why ls lt thai it does not pay? There aro sovo ral things which might contribute to the correct answer to this question, some of which aro poor soils, poor pastures, scrub cattle, free rango, diseases, and tho like. Prof. Starkey is of tho opinion, however, thal when we get the right sort of pastures, beef production will pay. There are thousands of acres of idle land In South Carolina and ns soon as thoso acres aro put under fence and the soil which is now baro ls covered with grass hoof produc tion con be made profitable. But wo must not think for a minuto that this chango will como about in ono year, nor in live years. Economical beef production on thin, cheap lands will he a development that will of necessity como slowly. A TONIO drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching tho Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, seo how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves thc appetite, you will the?? appreciate its true tonic value. Grovo's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. Tho blood needs QUININE to Purify lt and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs hy its Strengthening, Invigo? sting Effect. 60c A Favorito Swelling. A surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hos pital is fond of stories In which tho joke ls on tho doctor. He tells this ono: Ono patient fancied there was something tho matter with his heart. His physician mado a cursory exami nation, which disclosed a quite largo swelling In the patient's cardiac re gion.'' "There certainly appears to ho an extraordinary swelling right here," said tho doctor, tapping with his An ger on the patient's sido. "We msut reduce this at once." Whereupon a faint smile appeared on the patient's worried countenance. "Oh, doctor," he exclaimed, "that swolllng ls my pocket-book. Pleaso don't reduce lt too much!" . . production, otc. A turpentine ex hibit will show good and bad meth ods of turpentining, specimens ot products obtained from resin, tools used in turpentining, and tho various stops employed in this Industry. A working model will illustrate what happens when hillsides aro deforest ed. Rainfall will bo simulated on miniature hills, erosion and floods will resul where forests ai;o gone. The bureau of biological survey will display speclmons of utility rab- ? bits, brown rats, birds of paradlso and goura or crowned pigoons, Amer ican egrets and snowy horons; also destructive and beneficial birds and injurious rodents. The huerou of public roads will/ show models and illustrations of tho construction of plain macadam and bituminous macadam roads and tho brick roads; road relocation and an 8-foot slab-top concreto culvert. Il lustrations will also bo shown of tho Federal-aid roads in the Southeast ern States, and methods of land drainage. Tho weather bureau will display climatic charts and an instrument shelter and rain gago, also pictures showing wcathor bureau buildings and instrumental equlpmont. The department has been an exhib itor at fairs for years, and each timo with groat success. Tho displays this yoar are tho product of years of experience in show methods, and every possible effort has been mado to top all previous successes in this lino.