Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 21, 1922, Image 7

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AMUSIHO TO WOMEN TODAY WMt WM Csast?tre?" Vr** to Mid? Vleurlan Day? $*em? tm what Rleisuleoe New. Itt .a book written in mid-Victoria* day? coneernlnf the proper manners of well-bred women appeara the state ment that a woman with graying hair ia "hardly respectable without a cap/' and that the woman of thirty-Ate who does not don the. cap as signal of the fact of her advanced age has some thing of a "masculine aspect." Such statements are amusing and sometimes Just a little annoying-es pecially to tho woman of thirty-five. She consoles herself with the fact that times have changed enormously since those days and that now so long as a woman ls slender enough to wear clothes selected by eighteen-year-old girls she IB seldom criticized for * wearing them. But don't delude yourself Into think ing thac all women of thirty-five In mid Victorlnn days donned the cap of old age. Empress Eugenie wasn't married until she was twenty-seven, and she continued to be regarded as one of the most charming and beautiful wom en in Europe for many years. * It is really no now thing for women of thirty-five, forty or over to retain their youthful charms and change very little their mode of dress or behavior as time goes on. Possibly our present mode of life, our athletics, our style of clothes, tend more to the retaining of youthful appearance and real youthfulness than did conditions of the Nineteenth century. OF INTEREST TO ALL IRISH In Region Adjacent to French City of Cannes St. Patrick Received Religious Training. "For true appropriateness Cannes might better be chosen for a discus sion of Irish affairs than for an at tempt to solve European financial problems," says a bulletin of the Na tional Geographic society, In regard to the French Mediterranean winter re sort, meeting place of the allied su preme council. "Cannes has its tie with Ireland," the bulletin goes on to explain, "because lt was In a monas tery on one of two little islands Just off the Cannes shore that St. Patrick received the religious training which fired him with missionary zeal nnd led to his conversion of the Irish. "St. Honor?t founded, in 410, on the smaller of the two Islands which bears his miine, tho monastery in which St. Patrick studied, lt was one of tho fotintnlns of learning and mis sionary effort during the Middle ages. According to a legend, the island was infested by snakes and St. Honor?t miraculously drove them out-an cx (uitph whl?h his follower, St. Patrick, lu supposed to have put to good use In Erlui "In .splie of its many letters Cannes la properly pronounced ns a single syl lable, like tho English verb 'cnn,'" says the bulletin. Ask Much of Inventor. The helicopter, a machine capable of vertical flight, with which British inventors have already attained par tial success, hus caused plans to be made by the government for a $200, OOO competition open to the world for a further Improved design. The con ditions, which If met would make the helicopter practical and revolutionize the science of flying are: It must bo capable of rising to a height of 2,000 feet under ita own power, carrying one man and one hour's fuel supply. It must be able to remain stationary over a ground object for a half hour in a wind up to 20 miles an hour. It must bo able to land safely In any wind up to 20 miles an hour without horizontal motion, and with the en gine cut off, and must be able to main tain horizontal flight at a height of 2,000 feet at a speed of not less than 60 miles an hour. A Lost Art With Him. Warren G. Sayre of Wabash, an at torney and formerly a state repre sentative, sent a letter several weeks ago -to the county clerk of Boone coun ty, asking for information concerning a divorce suit. The letter was written on plain paper in longhand and sent In a plain envelope. Finally tho follow ing letter waa received from the clerk : "Dear Slr: I have submitted your letter to every officer of this court house and we cannot read a word of lt We cannot even read your signa ture, se I am cutting lt and tho address off your letter and pasting lt on the envelope carrying this letter, .hoping that tho post office omployoos are suf ficiently familiar with your way of writing to assure tho delivery of the letter."-Indianapolis News. More Electric Lights. During 1021 the increase in residen tial electric lighting customers In tho United States was 1,001,700, according, to a survey Just completed of re ports from electric light nnd power companies throughout the country. This brings the total number of resi dential lighting customers up to 8, 407,000 or more than double the num ber In 1016, when only 4,000.800 fam ilies had electric lights In their homes. What Next? Pnrls beauty doctors aro now spe cializing lu tho reforming of women's legs. Two specialists In Ruo do la * Paix are winning faino by reducing the size of women's ankles and In creasing tho size of the calf. They have not, ns yet, found a way to take the curve out of bowlegs and some of the ladies of society there aro hoping almost tearfully that something will develop tn this direction. Subscribe for Thocourlor. (Best) . K, . ...... H- ? ! . ..' J ,> ;?.?.... Cheer Up Instantly When Dr. Thornton's Easy Teeth er Rempves Cause of Pain. Mothorl Whon tho child becomes cross and peoviBh with feverishness, sour stomach, coated tongue, bowel trouble, cold or colic give a coureo of tho old roliable Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether and note tho quick improve ment. Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether ls a harmless sweot powder composed of antiseptics, digestants and granu lar stimulants, contains no opiates or* harmful drugs. Babies like it and take lt more freely than sticky syrups or liquid medicines. Hundreds of unsolicited testimonials received during the past fifteen years from doctors, druggists and apprecia tive mothers provo its efficiency be yond question of doubt. If lt falls to help your child your monoy back with out question. Twelve powders In a package with full directions, 25c al your druggist-Advertisement. WHERE SOUTH CAROLINA LEADS Ha? Greatest Amount of Advances from Government for Livestock. Washington, July 14. - The War Finance Corporation announces that from June 5 to June 10, inclusive, lt approved forty-two advances, aggre gating $1,008,000, for agricultural and livestock purposes, as follows: One hundred and forty-five thou sand dollars in Arizona, $26,000 in California on livestock, $81,000 in Colorado, $37,000 in Georgia, $41, 000 in Idaho, $10,000 in Minnesota, $14,000 in Montana, $10,000 In Ne braska, $133,000 in North Carolina, $38,000 in North Dakota, $30,000 In Oklahoma, $174,000 In South Caro lina, $17,000 in Texas, $132,000 in Texas on livestock in New Mexico and Texas, $70,000 in AVisconsin, $50,000 in Wyoming. A TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how lt brings color to tho cheeks and how it improves the appetite,- you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ?ting Effect 60c. Babylonian Civilization. Ruins of a Babylonian city dating back 2,000 years before the Christian era have been discovered at K?lsa Nyek, Asia Minor. The city was named Bums; lt seems to have been one of the earliest homes of feminism, if not, Indeed, of woman's emancipa tion. The ruins prove that the com munity which lived there was partly milltury and portly commercial. Cunei form inscriptions give many odd de tails of the organization of tho city, which \vn8 governed by a prince and a prefect, osslsted by a princess and A woman prefect, whose powers are said to have been precisely equal to those of their male colleagues. Records of a regular postal delivery service have been found, the letters being written on baked tiles of a circular shape. References to an early form of the bank check system have been discovered, a bearer check being found which contains instructions to the ad dressee to pay to the person named iii lt a stated sum. Township Has Ten Residents. Tho most peaceful place on earth at present ls said to he the township of Le-Tartre-Guadtan in the Depart ment Selne-ot-OIse, not far from Paris. Never large, tho war has reduced Its population to an even ten souls, only four of whom aro cllglblo to office. But each French communo under 500 inhabitants must hovo ton1 nldermen. I^e Tartre-Gaudrnn elects ber first four without a (lisseatlng vote and then In vites six outsiders to help steer her ennoo of state. The annual budget ls 1,500 francs. The present clerk says, "Il n'y n rien a faire." His predecessor claims that In one deende ho recorded three births and two deaths, but no marriages. Yet to have this comrurmo dissolved or annexed would cost Im mense sums and make ten persons un happy for ever after. Improvement on Banjo. A new banjo ls specially designed to meet tho requirement of dance or chestras, stage performances nfid ploy ing In huge halls. Tho banjo, de scribed In Popular Mechanics Mnga zlne, bas a wooden sounding boord set Just back of the bend. A horn, owning from the space between the bend and sounding hoard, passes through the frame of the Instrument and throws tue entire volume of sound forward Into thc hall. A second bonrd covers the hack of the Instrument. This not only Increases tho volumo of sound but, by variations In construc tion, tho quality of tono can be con? trolled to suit special purpose?. GAME IN ARCTIC ABUNDANT j Hunter? Hiv? Ha? th? Beet .????? They H av? Bnjeyetf fer th? Ljut Twenty Year?. According to mall advice* from Nome, Alaska, this ls the periodic year pt abundant wild animal Ute In the Arctic regions. Karly whiter, with tremendously large ice floes In the Behring sea, gave the natives of Kutsebue sound the most profltuble polar bear hunting La 20 years. More of these animals' have been shot or killed to date than for many years combined. Only In exceptionally severe winters does this nomad of the Arctic abound so far south. Accordingly Northwest Alas kans prepared for a long, cold winter. The white king of the northern regions ls a combined hunter-sullor hobo. He bas no fixed habitat, but goes where game ls most plentiful, coming down with the lee pack from the North when the seal, walrus and whale move. Un'dke any other animal, the polar boar keeps to the Ice, ond will seek shore only when cut off from open water. It ls the best swimmer of the animal world. Loose-Jointed, un? gainly, silly looking, with a skin that uta badly, the creuture is, however, very fleet footed. No game laws will ever guard the great polar bear, for ho lives La a region little frequented' by human beings and keeps entirely out of sight. Every 20 years or oftener a severe winter wlU Induce them to travel 1,000 miles southward and thus become the victims of the long-distance rifles of the hunters. . ' FIRST ON AMERICAN STAGE "Beggar's Opera" Caused 8ome Con? troversy When lt Was Produced at New York In 1751. The first musical play presented upon the American stage was "The Beggar's Opera," by John Gay, which wan produced at the Nassau Street theater in New York 171 years ago. A considerable proportion of the 10, 000 people then comprising the popu lation of New York attended the per formance, although there were not a few wdio protested against tho "god less affair" and threatened to "hnvb the law on lt." The Murray & Kean company, a band of comedians who went to New York from Philadelphia, was respon sible for the production. It was a benefit performance for Thomas Kenn, who personally colled on tho leading I citizens and sold tickets. The per formance began nt 0 o'clock and was over at 8:45. A harlequin dance, a pierrot dance and "The Drunken Peasant" were presented as "entertain ments between the acts." "The Beggar's Opera" was long popular, and some of Its Unes are still quoted, among them: "How happy could I be with either, were t'other dear charmer away I"-Chicago Jour nal. She Was Used to lt. A boy on a bicycle whizzed around a corner and knocked a woman down. She must hnve been built of something more durable than bones, for before the boy could right his wheel and get off lt she had scrambled to her feet, and, seeing his intention of first aid, remarked : "Thank you, son, I'm real obliged." The youngster was awful sorry, and was saying so, In tho honest way a boy has, when she Interrupted. "That's all right! This makes the' third time Tve been run over and I ought to be used to lt by now. The first upset-automobile-put me In bed for a week. Tho second-fender caught me-only laid me up two days and I shall probably bo as spry as ever tomorrow ; back hurts a little, but what I'm thanking you for ls you aro tue only one of thc three who took the trouble to feel sorry," Which shows how easy a thing is when you get used to Itl-Nannie Lancaster in tho Washington Star. Jews of New York. There are 1,000,000 Jews in Greater New York-nearly 80 per cont of the entire population, observes Foreign Language Information Service. This number equals the totol population of Philadelphia, or Detroit and Cleve land put together, or Buffalo, San Francisco and Pittsburgh combined or twice tho population of Boston. Tho 1,000,000 are distributed as fol lows: East side of Manhattan, 83,000; Harlem, 282,000; Bronx, 811,000; WU llnmsburgh, 208,000; Brownsville 101, iOOO ; East New York, 108,000 ; Borough park, 00,000; Queens, 23,000; Rich mond, 0,000, and scattered, 127,000. This population supports 12 Jewish theaters, 5,000 grocery and delicates sen st?ren, 300 stationery, cigar and candy stores, 2,400 meat shops, 800 drug stores, 700 shoe stores, 275 hard ware stores. 250 paint shops, 240 furni ture stores and 150 electrical dealers. Law-Abiding Bootlegger. Tho philosophy of the modern boot legger ls illustrated in n story now going the rounds In Washington-a story which has carried an appeal to some of >ho highest olllclals of tho government. It seems tbnt a "regular customer" called up his own particular bootlegger a night or two ago and asked him what he had In stock. "Well," replied the B. L., "I hove some Scotch, some rye, some bourbon, a little gin and a little vermouth." "Have you nay absinthe?" Inquired the customer. "H-U, no, mau," carno back in an astonished voice, "lt's against the law to sell absinthe," LHkESTONE COJLLBGB IN HANDS I Of B*pUata o? tb? Stete mm Own CT?, Sitares of Stock Are Given. (Gaffney (Ledger.) Limestone College now belongs to the South Carolina 'Baptists. N 'For some time the work of making the transfer has been under way, and on Thursday the Anal papers were signed by Dr. W. C. tHamrick, chair man of the board of trustees, a copy of the transfer was recorded in tho Clerk of Court's ofllce, and the origi nal forwarded to the proper ofllcials. The transaction consisted of tho transfer of four hundred shares of stock of Limestone College, formerly Cooper-Limestone Institute, to tho State Convention of tho Baptist do nominatiu?' of South Carolina. This transfer makes available on [operating fund in control of tho Bap tist Stato Convention which is ex pended on all its institutions of learn ! lug. The amount immediately be coming available to Limestone Col lego under this head is about $2,300, and additional amounts will be re ceived from time to time. The transfer will also entitle Lime stone to $200,000 of the educational funds of the Seventy-five Million cam paign when the full amount shall have been collected. Limestone ls now in better shape than ever before in the history of the institution. In its early days it was a struggle to keep the college going. This burden fell upon the shoulders of Prof. 'H. P. Orifflth, and to him is due the major portion of praise for carrying the work on when the fight was fierce. In 1896 Capt. Griffith re signed the presidency. He was suc ceeded by Dr. John Mack, who hold the presidency for three years. Then came Dr Lee Davl.s Lodge from tbe State of Maryland. Dr. Lodge was young and enthusiastic, full of pep and ginger and determination. The college, however, was not strong In finances, and it has taken all the combined qualiflcafTo'ns of the genial Doctor to keep the institution going. As a rulo college presidents are mighty poor business men, but Dr. Lodge has proven to be an exception to the rule. He has managed to make oiuls meet, although at times this has boen dlllicult, and very often he has hoon able to show a balance on the right side of tho ledger. Now that tho endowment fund for Limestone ls well undor way and new sources of rovonuo havo been tapped hy tho transfer, the Institution is expected to make more rapid strldos in tho future than In the past. University Graduates 125. Columbia, June 14.- One hundred nnd twenty-five young men and wo men-the largest class to be grad uated from the University of South Carolina in its more than a century of service to education and to the State-to-day ended their days at Carolina, the program of tho 117th annual commencement of tho univer sity having reached its close with the graduation day exercises in the uni versity chapel this morning. Featuring the graduation day pro grain were the Htorary address to the mombers of the graduation class by Charles Adolphus Smith, Ph. D., LL. D., head of the department of Eng lish at the United States Naval Acad emy, and the farewell address to the senior class by W. D. Melton, presi dent-elect of the university. .*.? FIVE BOLD BANDITS ARE KILLED Aro Killed In an Attempted Hold-up. Attacked Silver Bullion Train. ". Nogales, Arlz.t June 14-?Five ban dits were killed and three wounded in an attempt to hold up a train of tho Southern Pacific do Mexico neai Rosares, Mexico, lato Saturday last, according to a conductor who arrived hero yesterday. Tho men were members of a band of 25 men who attacked tho train carrying a shipment of 29 bars of bullion, valued at $29,000. Tho other bandits fled without loot. The five , wore killed and throe others wounded by Gen. Rodrigue , military governor of -Nyaret, his aide nnd chauffeur, who were passengers on tho train. Five Children Aro Bo Monroe, La., Juno 14.-Five chil dren were born to Mrs. William Pres tago, wlfo of a farmer of tho Old Floyd section, sixty miles north of here, to-day, according to word Just received by relativos. Five years ago sho became tho mother of triplets. Tho first experiments In submn ' rino navigation woro made almost three hundred years ago. White bread is tho principal dally i food for two-thirds of the pooplo on 'earth. Tho rank and title of admiral did not oxlst in tho United States navy until 1806, when it was croatod by Congress and conferred upon David G. Farragut. SAY "BAYER" wi Unless you see name "B getting the genuine Bayei cians over 22 years and Colds Head Toothache Neur Earache Lum Accept only ?'Bayer" packagi Handy "Bayer" boxea of 12 tablet? Asp Lt In la th? trade mark of Bajrtr Mai DOLLAR DONOR. LIST GROWING. Unique Plan Being Used to Ralso a Fund to Build a Church. (Graham, Va., Dally Telegraph.) The Baptist congregation has a unique plan In its campaign for rais ing funds for the erection of its new church building on Wister street. The idea is to solicit one dollar from each person, take the name, and when building is begun print the names of each donor, the Hst to be known SB the "Dollar Donor Club," said Hst to be placed with other re cords In the corner-stone, which will await possibly future generations to road the Hst and see then what BOH?O people back lu the good year 192 2 were doing and thinking. This congregation has Just put on a contest, and tho ladles and men aro divided into two clubs for the solici tation. Tho contest closes on this scheme on Tuesday night, May 16, and tho winning loam will bo enter tained by the losing team. Tho above clipping is sont to The Courier by Rev. M. O. Alexander, a former Oconeean, who requests us to publish lt. -Ho states in connection therewith that he will be glad to re ceive dollar donations from any of his old friends in Oconee. "1 have Just completed seven years of active duty in our navy, having spent nine teen months overseas in 1'917 and 1918," says Mr. Alexander. "We have about $15,000 of the $30,000 the memorial is to cost, the church to be known as the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Baptist Church. "Any ono wishing to help can mall $1.00 to M. O. Alexander, Graham, Va., and It will be gratefully receiv ed." Mother-To-Be, Read This Hero is a wonderful tncBRnjro to all ex pectant mothers. When tho Ltttlo Ono ar rives, you cnn hnvo, that moment moro freo from Buffering thari y"il<MaaKar-"',<fa have perhaps Imagined,!] An eminent physician,! expert in this sclcncc.l lias shown tLo wny. Iel was ho who first pro-, duced tho great remedy, "Mother's Friend." Mrs. C. J. Hartman, Scran ton, Pa., says "With Illulia']'* irit'Ml pud J.- (.:.!.,. r-urao; \v<! Lad no ihn? !.. ... t\ ii.t?o" l>i"'ui:$Q I wnMi'f very ., j.KU.: I or fifteen mittut, s, Ki.-: UV.- . i ? ?.. 'f" t -.. : ".V .Iii?(rn... i. ??. Ui :..'.>... iii!Uk):.l .. !i.r"i|i?n? uiiiioritct.w )M'>m.Ht.<i:i Mtt'rii rt, rv . "j"-V-IE ?nMI.i-f flimi)-: litvr. MI : ,.!! . . "Y :'..r'* "> "i .. to Ilr*<l(k-M II.VJ! iu-t I'..? ; ci... Ji.V-S 1 .A:, .ir, . "itoUicr'e VrUi.U" I? acid by dfUtffcUU tiU>'* There aro 30,543 disabled ex-ser-] vice men in the hospitals of Phila delphia, Pa. Ono hundred and sixtj^ moving pic ture companies operate at Los An geles, Cal. Tho Japaneso birth rato in Cali fornia during 1921 was tho highest of any year In tho history of tho State, averaging 34 4 per 1,000 Jap anese married wo., on. Are y?u "np to the neck" In blood im purities? 8.8.8. Is one of the greates blogd-purlflerfl fcwm?, J ry, |t, hen you buy Aspirin. ayer" on tafilets, you are not r product prescribed by physi proved safe by millions for, ache Rheumatism algia Neuritis bago Pain, Pain 5 which contains proper directions. i-Also bottles of 24 and 100-Druggists, tiufacturo of MosotoeUcactdester of BtUcjrlleacia THE Y. AV. A. AND G. A. RALLY Program of Meeting to be Held at Westminster on June 28. Following 1B the program of the Beaverdam Y.W.A. and O.A. rally to be held at tho 'Westminster Baptist church on Friday, June 23, begin ning at 10 a. m.: Hymn, "The Son of Cod Goes Forth to War." Devotional-Mrs. B. L. Mitchell. Prayer-Mrs. W. S. Reardon. Reading of the 19th Psalm-Mles Thodo Abbott. "The Purpose of an Auxiliary Con ference." Associational Superintend ent. Short verbal reports from auxil iaries. "Auxiliary Weak joints"-Mrs. S. F. Reeder. Special music-Miss Annie B.Wat kins. Paper-"Are Wo Living Up to Our Y.W.A. Ideal?"-Mrs. J, H. Brown. Tlie best 25-word definition or rea son "Why I am a Y.W.A. or CA." Open to ono member of any auxil iary. Best reason will bo printed in Baptist Courier. Hymn, "Moro Like tho Master." Prayer-Mrs. M. A. Wood. Lunch hour-12.45 to 2. Afternoon Session. Hymn, "O Zion, Haste!" Devotional-Newry O. A. Short papers-"Stewardship," (a)* "Who ls My Neighbor?" by Miss Mary Knox; (b) "My Campaign Pledge," by Miss Estelle Vernon; (c) "My Life Dedicated," Miss Lura Per ritt. Talk, "How to Find God's Purpose in Our Lives," Miss Bewley Hunsln ger. Speial music-Miss Mildred Bear den. demonstration hy Westminster G. A. S. "How to Enlist Our Girls In Aux iliary Work," by Dr. I.E.D. Andrews. Open dlsussion (1) Mission Study and Circle Pinn; (2) How to Havo Good Programs; (3) How to Keep Ev'ry Ghi Interested. Led by Mrs. G. E. Smith. Offering. Closjng prayer-Mrs. O. K. Broa zeale. Every auxiliary In the association and those churches having no auxil iary, aro urged to send a large rep resentation to this rally. Janie E. Alexander, .Beaverdam Y.W.A. and G. A. Associational Superintendent. The Pasteur Institute of France owned 273 horses producing antl-dls e?so serums during the world war. Four records can bo played in suc cession, without attention, by a turn table device on a new phonograph. Bagdad, former capital of tho Mos lem empire, was founded In 731 A.D. The coliseum at Rome seated fifty, thousand persons. A French scientist lias mado lt pos sible to view old paintings as they appeared originally by moans of po larized light. ? Miss Josephine Warned, of tho pathological division of tho bureau of animal husbandry, usoa a still to extrnct poisons from plants received by tho agricultural department for analysis. pe Boils! S. S. S.Will Rid You of Bolla, Pimploa, Blackheads and Skin Eruption?. I A boil ls a volcano,-your blood 14 . BO chuck full of poisons that thoa* "boil" out Into a boil. Thoy'll koop? "bolling up" until you destroy thoiUt complotoly by tho uso of S. S. 8., ono of the most powerful blood-cloansora known to solonco. S. 8. S. has stood tho test of timo. Tho power of its) ingredients ls acknowledged by auth orities. Its medicinal ingredients aro Iguaranteed to bo purely vogotablo* Right off, lt clear? tho skin Of pim ple!?, bolls, blotches, blackheads, aono>< eczema, rash and other skin eruption*/ and does it thoroughly. It drivos out ot tho blood impurities which causo rheumatism, makes tho blood rich and Wiro builds up- lost flesh. It helps to> manufacturo now blood colls,-timi's) . ene of ito secrets. 8. 8. 8. ls sold at * all dru? stores, In two sizes. Tho h\r-> fivr alzo. 1?. Uig mors musjnicftk _