Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 24, 1922, Image 7

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Great Comedy Dras Enemies," a Cl "Friendly Enemies" Is one of the nv Seores of cities throughout the cour over this Irresistible comedy dru ni a who Viciions of two lifelong friends. A complete production of "Friendly Redpath Chautauqua by a cast of six e by William J. Keighley, manager of tho of Hu- Redpath Bureau. This delightful comedy will bo one tractions on the entire Chautauqua proj WiELYTWITO ORATOR COMING Edward Amherst Ott to Lecture at Chautauqua. Will Glvo One of the Great Addresses Which Have Made Him Nation- I ally Known. Ono of the headline lecturers nt tho coming Redpath Chautauqua ?will bo Edward Amherst Ott^ninent educator nnd one of the best known orators on the Amerlcnn platform. Mr. Ott will give his inspiring, time ly lecture, "Victory," ono of the great est of his famous "Art of Living" lee EDWARD AMHERST OTT tures, notnhlo among which are "Sour Crapes" and "The Spenders." "Victory" Is not a war lecture. It ls an aftor-tho-war lecture. It dis cusses the vital questions which nro facing the American people. It ls a real construction not a reconstruction lecture. Edward Amherst Ott's treatment of great nntional problems will make a vivid and lnsting Impression on ev ery community. CHAITACOCA DATES FOR WA El IA DI/A, WEER OE JUNE 15th to 20th. Whlttcti?Gamhrcll. (Anderson Mall, 18th.) Miss (tessie E. Whitten and Fred M. Gambrell, both of Pendleton,were happily mu rr! od May I Gib at tho homo of Rev. 13. C. White. After their honeymoon they will make their home In Pendleton. Tho cere mony was performed hy Hov. White. NEXT DOSE CA DOMED MAY SALIVATE YOU. It Is Mercury, Quicksilver - Shock* Liver und A lt neks Your Hones. Calomel salivation ls horrible. It swells tho tongue, loosens tire tooth and starts rheumatism. There's no ronson why a person should taite Slekening, salivating calomel when a few couts buys a largo bottlo of Dodson's Tiiver Tone-a porTect sub stituto for cnlomol. It is a ploasant vogotablo liquid which will start your liver Just as sarely as colomel, but it doesn't mako you sick and can not salivate Calomol ls a dangerous drug; 01 sldos it. may mako you fool woak, sick and nauseated to-morrow. Don't loso a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dods( .i's Liver Tono instead ?ind you will wako up fooling groat. No salts nocossary. Your druggist says If you don't find Dodson's Liver Tono acts hotter than treacherous calomel your money is waiting for you.-adv. ma, ' Vriendly iiautauqua Feature ?st popular of recent comedy successes, ltry have alternately laughed and wept so plot grows out of tho conflicting con - Enemies" will be given at the coming xperienced Broadway nctors organized New York City Producing Department of the most popular entertainment at rrnm. DELAYED NOTES OF CONEROKS, Visitors to and from tho Community. Attending Daptist Convention. (Received too lato for last week.) Coneross, May 15.-Special: Mo ther's Day was celebrated nt our Sunday school yesterday. Our super intendent, W. F. Haynes, gave a very interesting talk on tho subject,which was followed by a special program. Miss Pearle Cogshall, from some point in tho North, spout a week with Dr. T. G. C. Fahnestock and family, of this community. She returned to her home last Friday. Miss'Lucy Patterson, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. E. M. Qambrell, of West Union, is spending thisi week with another [j is ter lure, Mrs. T. L. Alexander, Several hom hero attended ibo district singing couvent lon at Clem son Sunday and report, a good moot ing. Misses Nina and Lena Abbott had With them as guests Miss Buchanan, of Seneca, who taught with Miss Nina Abbott at tho Isaqueena school the past year, from Saturday until Mon day. John Adair and son, Vasco, who moved from hore to near Carncs ville, Ga., this spring, aro spending this week In this vicinity with tho former's son. Luke Adair, and fam ily. They woro accompanied by an other son, Marion, also from Carnes villc. Mrs. S. M. Hunslngor and daugh ter. Miss Pearle, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Armstrong, of near Richland. They were met in Westminster by .Miss Bewley Hunslngor, of Long Creek, who went with them, and they were accompanied from hero by two lady frionds from Long Creek, who had stood the teachers' exami nation at Walhalla on Friday and Saturday. Ono of tho ladles, Rev. II. L. Raines' sister, with Mr. Raines, .Miss Bewley Hunslngor, Miss Olive Homar of Greenville, and ono of tho Long Creek ministerial students, wero on their way to Jacksonville, Fla., where they will attend tho Southern Hajptist Convention this week. Wo hope they will have a vory pleasant (rip and a good convention. Tliey went through in Mr. Raines' car. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fretwell and family und Mrs. J. W. Alexander, of this section, attended tho burial of their niece, Miss Kallo Robins,which took placo at Whetstono cemetery yesterday. Miss Rollins was woll crown by sovoral hore, who regret tc bear of her death. Wo extend to tho bereaved ones sincere sympathy in their sorrow. Mrs. C. E. DuRoso and children, of Seneca, made a short visit to rel atives here yestordny. Littlo Miss Harriet remained ovor for tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glllison and wife, of Bounty Land, wero week end guests of J. V. Dllworth and family hore. J. C. and P. K. Barkor mado a buslnoss trip to Greenville Saturday. Colds Causo (inp and Influenza LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE Tablets remove th? causo. Thcro ls only one "Bromo Quinine." E.W. GROVE'S elflonturo on tho box. 30c. Some of tho smaller flshos find protection from thoir onomios by Swimming along underneath tho Jel lyfish. ONE THOUSAND DELEGATES Aro Expected to Attend tho Annual S. S. Convention lu Columbia. Spartanburg, May 19.-Special: No less than ono thousand delegatos, representativo of every county in South Carolina, aro expected to at tend tho annual convention of tho South Carolina Sunday School As sociation, which moots at tho Uni versity of South Carolina, Columbia, on June 20lh, and will continuo on through Juno 22. According to Leon "C.'{Palmer, superintendent of tho association, with headquarters here, there-woro 702 dolegates in attend ance on tho Stato Convention at Win throp College, Rock Hill, last year. Superintendent Palmor Issued tho following statement regarding tho approaching convention recoil Hy: All delogates ntlondlng tho State Convention will bo entertained in tho dormitories of the University of Sou Hi Cnrolina at tho uniform rato of $4, lo cover both board and lodg ing for three days. N*o official appointment or election or credentials aro required in order to bo a delegate. All who como nro counted ns dolegates. The conven tion will be open lo everybody. Expenses of promoting and adver tising the convention are borne by the. Chamber of Commerce, and through the advertising made possi ble by their generous support a i ?<: ord-breaking attendance is expected. This is the first convention qf the South Carolina Sunday School Asso ciation held in the capital in many years. A special reduced railroad rate of ono and a half fare for the round trip has been granted by the rail roads of tho Stale. In order to get advantage of this rate it will bc nec essary to secure a reduced"rate cer tificate, which will be furnished freo by writing Leon C. Palmer, General Superintendent of the South Carolina Sunday School Association, 711 An drews-Law Building, Spartanburg, 3. C. FIVE NEW BISHOPS ABE CHOSEN Methodist General Conference Mudo l- l nal Choleo Last Wednesday. Mot Springs, Ark., May 17.-Tho General Conference of tho Metho dist Episcopal church, South, in ses sion hore, to-day completed 'tho elec tion ot live new bishojie to bo named nt this lime by electing Dr. H. A. Boaz, president of tho Soulhern .Methodist University, Dalia?, Texas, to bo tho fifth new prelate. Four of the bishops wore elected yesterday, theso being Dr. J. E. Dickey, of Grif fin, Ga.; Dr.. W. B. Beauchamp, of Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. Samuel R. Hay, of Houston, Texas, and Dr. Hoyt M. Dobbs, of Anniston, Ala. Brief Sketches of Now Bishops. Dr. Dickey was born in Jefferson ville, Ga., in I SC I and entered tho ministry in ISO I. From that time until ISO!) he was n professor at Em ory University, Atlanta, Ga., and was president from 1002 until 1915. Dr. Beauchamp was born at Farn ham, Va., In IStlO and was ordained in 1893, serving pastorales in Rich mond, Newport News, Va., and Dan ville and Louisville. Ky., until 1917, when ho was elected secretary of tho laymen's missionary movement. He also acted as director-general of tho centenary movement and has boen forolgn secretary of tho board' of missions In chargo of work in Eu rope. Becauso of his familiarity with tho Europoan situation lt was said to-day that ho likely would bo given a foreign assignment, proba bly ^yltll headquarters In Brussols. Dr. liny has held numerous pas torates in tho church sinco his ordi nation, and has preached in several States, including Missouri. Ho lias been pastor of the First church at Houston, Texas, for the past oight years. Dr. Dobbs is the youngest of the four bishops elected yesterday, hav ing boen born nt Spring Gardon, Ala., in 187S. Ordained In 1904, he has held pastorates In Birmingham, Kan sas City, Mo., and Fort Worth, Tex as Ho also was dean of the etholog ical department of tho Southern Methodist University nt Dallas, but was compelled to leavo tho latter po sition in 1 020 becauso of ill health, and was assigned to lils present sta tion, that of pastor of tho First church at Anniston, Ala. Dr. Bona is president of Southern MothodiBt University at Dallas, Tex., and ls ono of tho foromost minis ters of tho Southorn Methodist church, In his election ho rocolved 213 votes, 189 votes hoing nocossary to a choleo in tho Gonoral Confor once. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days DnijWlsta refund money if PAZO OINTMENT feile to curolichlnrt, Blind, fllccdlnfi or Protruding Piles. Instantly rollovcs Itching Piles, and you cnn t?et restful sleep nfter tho first nnnllcatlon. PrlcoCOe. Architecture bogan, it Is said,with tho building of tho pyramids. S. S. S. Fills Out Hollow Cheeks, Thin Limbs! Mon ona women,--whother you will ?ver bulla yourself up to your normal. Just-right weicht depends on tho num ber of blood-colls in your blood. That's nil thcro is to lt. It's a .scientific fact, If your blood-colt factory Isn't work ing rlsht, you will bo run-down, thin, your blood will bo in disorder, ana porhaps your face will bo broken out with pimplos, blackheads and erup tions. S. S. S. keeps your blood-cell factory working full timo. It holpa bul id now blood-colls. That's why B. B. B. builds up thin, run-down peo ple-, it puts lirm riesh on your bones, lt rounds out your faco, arms neck, limbs, tho wholo body. It puts tho .'pink" In your checks. It takes tho hollowness from tho eyes, and it fools Father Timo by smoothing out wrin kles lil mon and women by "plumping*! them tip. S. B. 8. is a romarkalpo blood-purlfior. Whilo you aro Betting plump, your skin eruptions, pimples, blackheads, ncno, rheumatism, rash, tettor, lilotebes nro being removed. Tho medicinal Ingredients of s. s. B. are guaranteed purely vegetable. S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores, lu two sizes. Tho larger, slzo ia tho moro economical, Old Motel nt Iva Humed. (Anderson Mail, 18th.) At -I o'clock ibis morning the old | hotel at Iva was burned to the ground, lt seems that :he building had been vacant since .January-, and to-day the owner, S. M. McAdams, could not give any solution as to the cacse of tho fire. The el was localed near tho A. lt., P. ireh, lt was a two-story wooden building. Mr. McAdams stated .t about $3,000 insurance waa cari led on the building. Owing 1.0 tin fa ii that it was raining at the time ral buildings near the hotel v ero s ?1 from the flames. Mi ?ter's Sales STA'i OP SOUTH CAROLINA, i >UNTY OP OCONEE. >urt of Coin mon Pleas. Pursuant to decrees of tho afore-. faid ?po.itnt, in tho cases named bo low,-: will offer for salo, lo t)ho high in front of tho Court Uoiu .t door, at Walhalla, South Car olina, on MONDAY, the 5th day of il \ . 1922, between the legal hours o? v \ the tracts and lots of land be ? J v described : V. M. Babb, Plaintiff, against ??l tr: L. Cary and Whittier L. Cary, Defendants. No. 1. tho 0 lots of land, situate In tl ninty of Oconce, State of South C i na, within or near tho corpo rate I m i.ts of the Town of Seneca, j bi Numbers l to S, inclusive, in j Block A, according to a plat of tho Estate of John C. Cary, made hy ll. E. halton, April, 1921, and having the following motes and bounds, ac cording 'o said plat: Beginning at a peint nt tho corner of S. 4th and S. Depot Streets and running thence With S. Depot Street, S. (?.20 E. 118 feet to n point nt thc southeast cor ner of said Lot No. S on S. 6th Street; thonco with last named street and lino of Lot No. 8 S. 83.40 W. 209 feet to southwest corner of said lot; theico N. G.20 W. 418 foot to a point on S. 4th Stroet; thence with last named street and lino of Lot No. 1, 209 feet to tho beginning. Those be ing part of tho lands devised to tho Defendants under tho will of tho said John C. Cary. No. 2. AU those lots of land, situate tn thc County of Oconce, in the State aforesaid, within or near the corpo rate limits of tho Town of Seneca, and being numbered 1 to ll, inclu sive, In Block B, according io a plat of the Eslnto of John C. Cary, made by ft. 13. Dalton, April, 1921, having (he following metes and bounds, as shown hy said plat: Beginning nt a point at tho northeastern comm* of said Lot No. 14 and nt tho intersec tion of S. 5th and S. Depot Streets, and running thenco with last nahied stroet S. 6.20 E. 418 feet to south on st corner of Lot No. 7; thence with linos of Lots No. 7 and No. G and willi S. 6th Street S. 83.10 W. 418 feet to a point on S.Townvillo Street; thence with said S. Townvlllo Stroet N. G.20 W. 313.5 feet, to northwest corner of Lot No. 1 ; thence with lino of Lot No. 1, N. 83.40 E. 209 feet to a point at tho intersection of Lots Nos. I, 12 and 13; thonco" N. G.20 W. 104.6 foot to S. Otb Stroot; thence wi ll said street and with line of Lot No. 14, 209 foot to tho boginning. Theso lots being part of tho lands devised to Mary L. Cary and Whinier L. Cary under tho will of Johh C. Cary. No. 3. All thoso |ots of land nituato in tho Stato aforesaid, in Oconoo County, and within or noar tho corporate limits of tho Town of Sonecn, desig nated as Lots Nos. 1 to 12, inclusivo, in Block'C, on a plat of tho lands of John C. Cary, made by R. E. Dalton, April, 1921, and having tho follow ing metes and bounds, as shown by said plat: Beginning at a point at Intersection of S. Depot nnd S. Gth Streets, being a coruor Oi said Lot. No. 12, nnd runhing thence with S. Depot Street S. C.20 E. 418 feet to S. 7th Street; thenco with last named street and linos of Lots 5 and 4 S. 83.40 W. 418 foot to S. Townvillo Stroet; thenco willi S. Townvillo Street N. G.20 W. 209 foot to north west corner of Lot No. 1; thence with lino of Lot No. 1 N. 83.4 0 E. 209 feet to Joint comers ot Lots 1, 8 nnd 9; thenco with linos of Lots 9, 10, ll nnd 12, N. G.20 W. 209 foot to S. Gth Street; thence with hist named street N. 83.40 E. 2t'9 foet to the beginning. These lots hoing part of the lands dovised to said Defend ants under the will of John C. Cary. No. 4. All those parcols or lots of land, situ a to in tho County of, Oconee, in tho State aforesaid, and within or near tho corporate limits of tho Town of Sonoca, hoing designated as Lots 1 to 10, inclusivo, in Block 1), ac cording to a plat m ado by lt. E. Dal ton, April, 1921, of lands of the Es tate of John C. Cary, and having tho following motes and bounds, ns shown by said plat: Beginning nt a point, northwest cornor of Lot No. 1 and at tho intersection of S. Town villo and S. 7th Streets, and running thoneo with S. 7th Street nnd with linos of said Lots 1 and 10 N. 83.40 E. 418 feet to a point at tho inter section of last named street and S. Dopot Street; thence with S. Depot Street S. 20 E. 230.8 feet to south east cornor of Lot No. G; thenco with lino of Lots No. G and No. 6, S. 64.36 W. 29 4.4 feet to S. Townvillo Street; thence with said street and line of Lot No. fi N. 58.02 W. 178 feel to n point in lino of Lot 5; thence N. G.20 W. 12G feet lo S. 7th Street; thenco with hist named street and with line of Lots I and 10 X. 83.40 E. MS feet lo the beginning. These lots being part, of the lands devised to the said Defendants under tho will of John C. Cary. No. 5. All those lots of land, situate iii the State of South Carolina, ir the County of Oconee, and within or near tho corporate limits of the Town of Seneca, being designated as Lots 1 lo 5, inclusivo, in Block K, and be-, ing all of tho lots in said Block li, and having tho following metes and bounds, according , to a plat of tho Estate of John C. Cary, mndo by It. E. Dalton, September, 1920: Begin ning at a point, NW. corner of Lot No. 1, also collier of S. Depot and S. 7th Streets, and running thenco with S. Dopot Street S. 6.20 E. 209 feet lo a point at SW. cornor of Lot No. 3; thenco along lines of Lots 3 and 4, N. 64.36 E. 422.2 feet to S. Wal nut Street; thence with S. Walnut Street N. G.20 W. 64.5 feet to S. 7th Street; thence with S. 7th Street S. S3.10 W. 418 f/et to tho beginning. Tlieso lots being part of tho lands do vised to us under tho will of John C. Cary. No. 6. .All those lots of land, si I nate in the State aforesaid, in tho County of Oconee, and in ov near tho corporate limits of tho Town of Seneca, b'>t tg designated as Lots 1 to 16, Inclusivo, in Block P, nnd being all of tho lots in this block, according to plat of tho lands of tho Estato of John C. Cary, niado by R. E. Dalton, Septem ber, 1920, and h?iving tho following metes and bounds, as shown by said plat: Boginning at a point in lino of Lot No. 16 nnd at tho corner of said lot and of S. 6th Street and S. Wal nut Street, and running thenco with line of last named street S. 6.20 E. 418 feet to S. 7th Street; thence with 5. 7th Street and lines of Lots 9 and 8, S. 83.40 W. HS foot to S. Dopot Street; thence with S. Depot Street X. 6.20 W. IIS feet to S. 6th Street; thence with S. 6th Street N. 83.4 0 E. 4 IS feet to the beginning. These lots hoing part of the lands devised to the Defendants under the will of John C. Cary. No. 7. All tboso lots of land situate in tho State aforesaid, in tho, County of Oconoe, lu or near tho corporate limits of tho Town of Seneca, be ing designated as Lots 1 to 16, In clusive, in Block Q, and being all of tho lois in this block, according to n plat of tho lands of tho Estato of John C. Cary, made by lt. E. Dalton, September, 1920, and having tho fol lowing metes and bounds, as shown by said plat: Boginning at a point in lino of Lot No. 1G and at tho cor ner of said lot and of S. Gth and S. Walnut Streets, and running thenco with lino of last named street S. 6.20 E. IIS feet to S. 6th Stroot; thenco with S. Gib Street and linos of Lots 9 and 8 S. 83.40 W. 418 foot to S. Depot Street; thenco with S. Depot St i oct N. 6.20 W. 418 feet to S. 5th Street; thence with S. 5th Stroot N. S3.10 E. 418 foot to tho boginning. Theso lots being part of tho lands devised to Defendants under tho will of John C. Cary. No. 8. All those lots of land, sltuuto in tho Stato aforesaid, in tho County of Oconee, and in or near thc corporato limits of tho Town of Seneca, being designated as Lots 1 to 16, inclusivo, in Block II. and being all of tho lots in this block, according to a plat of tho lands of tho Estato of John C. Cary, made by H. E. Dalton, Septem ber, 19 20, and having tho following nietos and bounds, ns shown by said plat: Boginning at a point in lino of Lot No. 16 nnd at tho corner of said lot and S. 4th Stroot ami S. Walnut Stroot, and running thence with line of last named stroet S. G.20 E. 418 foot to S. 5th Stroet; thenco with S. 5th Stroet nnd Unes of Lots 9 and 8 S. 83.40 W. 418 foot to S. Depot Stroot; thoneo with S. Dopot Street N. G.20 W. 418 foot to S. 4th Stroot; thenco with S. 4th Stroot N. 83.40 E. 418 foot to tho beginning. Thcso lots hoing part of tho lands dovlsod to tho Defendants under 4ho will of John C. Cary. No. 9. All thoso lots of land sltuato In thc Stnto aforesaid, in tho County ol Oconoo, In or noar tho corporato lim its of tho Town of Sonoca, hoing dos iga a (cd ns Lots 1 to 16, inclusivo, lu Block 1, and hoing all of tho lote in this block, according to a plat ot the lands of tho Estate of John C. Cary, made by tit, E. Dalton, Soptom bor, 1920, and having tho follo.vlug motes and bounds, as shown by said pitt: J log inning nt a point in Uno of Lot No. 16 and at the corner ,of said lot and of S. 4th Streot and S. ?horry Street, and tunning thence with Uno o^ inst named streot S. 0.2U E. 118 feet to S. 5th Streot: thence y/ith S. 6th Street and linea of Lots 9 and S S. 83.40 W. 418 feet to S. Walnut Street; thonce with S. Wal nut Street N. 0.20 W. 418 feet to S. 4til Street; thence with S. 4lh Street N. S3.-?0 E. 41S foot to the begin ning. Theoe lota hoing part of tho lands devised to tho Defendants un der the will of John C. Cary, No. 10. All of those lots of land, sit?alo in tao State aforesaid, in ibo County of Oconee. and In or near tho corporate limits of tho Town of Seneca, being designated as Lots 1 to 10, inclusivo, ir. block J, and being all of the lois In this block, according to n plat of tho lands of the Estate of .lohn C. Cary, made by R. E. Dalton, Septem ber, 1920, and having tho following metes and bounds, ns shown by said plat: Beginning at a point in line of Lot No. 10 and at tho cornor of said lot and of S. Gth mid S. Cherry Streets, and running thence with lino of last named, street S. G.20 E. US feet to S. 6th Streot; thonco with S. 0th Streot and lines of Lots 9 and 8, S 83.40 W. 41S feet to S. Walnut Street; thonco with S. Walnut Streot N. 6.20 W. 418 feet to S. 5th Street; theneo with S. 5th Streot. N. 83.4 0 E. 41S feet to beginning. These lota being part of the lands devised to Defendants under tho will of John C. Cary. No. 11. All those lots of land, situate in tho State aforesaid, in the County of Oconee, and in or near tho corporate limits of tile Town of Seneca, being designated as Lots 1 lo 11?, inclu sive, in Block K, and being ail of tho lots, in this block, according to a plat Of the lands of the Estate of John O'. Cary, made by R, E. Dalton, Septem ber.. 1920, and having tho following metes and hounds, as shown by said plat: Beginning nt a point in line of Lot No. 16 and at the cornor of said lot and of S. 6th Street and S. Cherry Street, and running thonco with line of last named street S. 6.20 E. 393 feet; thence with line of .Lot 9, S. 64.36 W. 73 feet; thence with S. 7th Street and linos of Lots 9 and 8, S. S3.40 W. 349 foot to S. Walnut Street; thence N. 6.20 W. with line of S. Walnut Stroet 418 foot to S. Gth Street; thence with S. 6th Street N. 83.40 E. 418 feet to beginning. Theso lots being part of tho lands devised to tho Defendants under tho will of John C. Cary. Tho above lots will bo sold In blocks, according to plat of same, and Hie plat will be exhibited at tho sale. Plat now on Ale in Master's Office. TERMS OF SALE - CASH. That should any purchaser of nald land fail to comply with his bid within a reasonable time, tho Mauler shall re sell tho same upon tho same pr .some subs?quent Snlesdny, at tho risk of the iormei mnenasor, ;;nd s'V'l! con tinue to re-sell until the purchaser shall comply with his bid. That tho purchaser at said sale bo required, at the time his bid is acccptod,' to do posit with the Master ten per cont (10%) of tho amount of his hld, provided, however, that the Plaintiff may bid in said land without making a deposit at the time, since tho Plain tiff has a lion on said land; but tho Plaintiff shall settle with tho Master as any other purchaser should make settlement. Purchaser to pay extra for papors and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconco County, S. C. May 17, 1922. 20-22 SHERIFF'S SALES FOR TAXES. Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. . . By virtue of tho power contained in a Warrant or Execution for delin quent taxes, under tho band and seal of tho County Troasuror for Oco nee County, S. C., to mo directed, 1 will offer for sale, in flout of tho Court House door, in Wallinna, S. C., to tho highest bidder, FOR CASH, during tho legal hours of salo, on Salosday in JUNE, 19 22, being MON DAY, Juno 5th, tho following de scribed tracts of land, to wit: (1) . A tract of 117 acro3 of land, moro or less, In Tugaloo Township, Oconee County, S. C., on tho weat sido of Changa Creek, known as tho homo placo of T. G. Craig, and tho samo purchased by him from W. L. England. Samo to ho sold as tho property of T. G. Craig, defaulting tax-payer. (2) . A tract of 18 acres, moro or less, in Seneca Township, County and State aforesaid, adjoining lands of M, M. Hunter, D. W. Daniels and others. Samo io bo sold as the prop el ty of Milledgo Foster, defaulting tax-payer. (3) . A tract of 5 acres, moro or less, in Center Township, County and Stato aforesaid, adjoining lands of W. II, Crawford, D. H. Marett and others, and to bo sold as tho property of P. M. Whitflold, defaulting tax payer W. M. ALEXANDER, Sheriff of Oconoe County, S. C. May 17, 1922. 20-22 SHERIFF'S SALE. Stato of South Carolina, County of Oconee. Notice is horoby given that, pur suant to tho authority vostod in mo by Statute, I will offer for salo, in front of tho Court Houso door, in Walhalla. S, C., betweon tho logal hours of sale, on Salosday in JUNE, 1922, one Essex Touring Car, Motor No. 34597. Said car having been solzed while being used for transpor tation of intoxicating liquor, and by reason of which lt has boen doclarod forfeited to the Sta/e of South Caro lina. Terms of Sale-CASH ON DAY OF SALE. W. M. ALEXANDER, . Sheriff of Oconee County, S. 0. Max 17, 1022i. 20-23 j