Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 17, 1922, Image 6

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KEOWEE COURIER (Established I?lu.) Published Every Wednesday Morning SU IlSCltI RTION PRICE. Ono year .$1.00 Htx Months .Bo* .80 .. i tutos Roayouablo. By Stock, Sholor, Hughs Ai Sholor. Communications ot a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices, cards of thanks and tributes of respect, either by Individuals, lodges or churches, aro charged for as for advertisements at rate of one cont a word. C sh must accompany manuscript, an all such notices will be marked "Adv." in conformity with Federal ruling on auch matters. WALHA LLA, S. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1022. 'lt) TEST STATE INCOME TAX LAW Several Irregularities Charged in the Mat ?er ol* Its Passage. Columbia. May IO.-The State in come lax law got into the courts yes-, terday on the allegation that il is unconstitutional, and tho Supreme Court, assuming Jurisdiction, set the J M h of this month as Ibo dato for tho hearing of arguments in the peti tion of tho San lee Mills, of Orange burg, for a restraining order against the State Tax Commission, to prevent thom from proceeding with tho col lotcion ot* the tax. The San tee Mills ailcge, among other things, that Ibo act was not read three times in each branch of the General Assembly: thal tho aol of Congress providing tho Federal income tax was not read into the act except by title: that there is no provision in the State income tax law for exemption from taxation of tho fed ora I income tax paid each year, and therefore taxes money that la not Income, thereby falling outside the scope of an income tax; that the Slate act incorporates the enforce ment of tho same rules and regula tions as are provided In the Federal income tax law, but that these were not read Into tho act hy the two branches of tho State Legislature; that tho Stato law allows a re'tiru for tho calendar year or for tho fiscal i year, therein* taxing some persons j for twelve moa tbs and others for a j longer period than il calendar year; thal tho Slate law provides a tax on certain Inter-State commerce, and il>at it exempts insurance companies from taxation, thoroby becoming in sense class legislation. CALOMEL GOOD, IUP AWFUL TREACIIEROl S. Next Doso May Salivate, Shock Liver' Ol' Attack Your Hones. You know what calomel is. It's mercury!-quicksilver. Calomel ls dangerous, lt crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sicken ing you. Calomel attacks the boucs and should never be put Into your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable substituto for dangerous calomel. Tako a spoonful, and if it doo3 not start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel, and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feel great. No salts necessary. Givo it to tho children because lt is perfectly harm less and can not salivate.-adv. Youngster Lassoes an Auto, (Tugnloo Tribune, May Otb.) Roy, tho 12-year-old son of Mr. ??nd .Mrs. ira Phillips, who live near {.'ne Caines-Dalton planer, happened to a peculiar accident Sunday, which carno near costing him his life. From What wo aro able to learn, the boy was near the road, playing "cowboy." Ho had a rope tied or wrapped about his body, and ns an automobile went whizzing by he made an attempt to throw a losso, or what is known as a running noose, over or towards tho car, and in so doing it caught on tho windshield. Tho boy was dragged about a hundred feet. We have not beard the extent ot* his injuries, but :ill say thal ho was badly hurt and <>lood was running from ono car on yesterday. To CIM-O a Cold in Ono Day I'nHc JjAXATIVfi PROMO QUININE (Tabina.) It tous (hoi uu?h and H. mini h.- anti work . fr the Coid. h. V?. Ohos b S signature on each box, 30ft. A good reader will take In twelve or thirteen letters at n glance, Tho cubic content Of the pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt, is .1,007,000 cu ide yards. THE 1). At ll. SCHOOL CLOSED. Vacation Time Spirit Hehl Sway for tho Simiente and Touchers. Tamassoo. .May I I.-Special: The weeks just recently past wore glad weeks at Tnmassee-yet withal sad ones for those who hud spent seven months lhere. Tho "vacation limo spirit" had long been ringing tn tho lives ol" tho students. This was partly due lo practicing of our commence-! mont music, for some of the pieces' were vacation songs. Yot time passed j in a hurry despite the fact that exam inations were on. Tho first day of tho last week of school at the D. A.-R. brought to us several cases of "flu." This, ol' course, was not a welcome visitor. This one is quite different from our (.thor visitors at Taninssee. Well one might imagino a gloom over our school at the time, but still they are mistaken, 'rio' sick ones would smile ?ind say. "1 think 1 will lu; all right by Thursday," while the (?tilers went about the duties with a broad smile, 'l in ii very often Ibo smites would burst and a hourly laugh was heard. <>n Wednesday we were all so dis appointed to know that Hie board ladies could not be with us for the commencement. Hut as we still had four sick ones they decided it best not to come up from Walhalla. Now, wc must also say that we were not tho only ones disappointed, for the ladies of the board wore equally as sorry. With tho help of two young men of the community, wc deeorate'd tho sttige very beautifully. Thc mountain laurel being in bloom, this served as a very pretty decoration, using a white background. Tho laurel was banked at the edge along the entire length of tho porch. The d?corations on the stage changed with the differ ent scenes. We used Hie porch for our stage and seated thc people just in front of the building. Tho place . where tiley sat was marked off with I white and blue crepe paper. These I were brought from each corner post j just as far down in the campus as wc could go without getting into tho Decs. We had three gates, one at! euch end and one at tho center. At j these gates stood the ushers-Lucian Whitmire, Charlie Cowan, Clyde Cowan, Arthur Cowan and Floyd Xix-who wore big bows of white and blue ribbon on their arms. These young men furnished 'he people with programs. Tho entire program was a great success, which was proven to tho teachers at the close by the hand shakes and congratulations they re ceived. The time has now come when wo must go to our diff?rent homos-a fact that brings both pleasure and a j feeling of sorrow, for has not each j teacher and pupil come to regard the H. A. ll. School as her second home? livery girl at the school applied for a place for next session. Tho Now York cottage will go up this summer, we understand. This will allow us to take in more girls, so any who desire a place should write or see Mrs. II. C. Jones, Walhalla, S. C. Wo will long remember the Wed nesday night song service and the Sunday school wo have had at the D. A. R. School this past session and hope for just such interest next year. We wish to thank the community for everything you have done for our school, and wish for your succ?s* and happiness during the vacation months. Tho Closing Program. The following program was most charmingly rendered by the pupils of the D. A. R. School: Prayer; welcome song; Italian melody, "Come with Me." Welcome address-?Lillie Lou Cow an. Reading, "Sister Ellen's Feller" Lit Ho William Cowan. Reading, "Mattie's Wants and Wishes"-Alma Cowan. Trio, "Jesus Wants Me for a Sun beam"-Mary Whitmire, Essie Wil son, Ethel Tow. Reading, "Tho Doad Doll"-Inez Cowan. Reading, "Mother" - Agnes Col lins. Song, "Vacation Days Afc Here" Hy School. Play, "Mary Ann," (by Holen P. Hoornbock). Characters: Mary Ann, Ruth Cowan; Mrs. Whitman, Ola Wilson; Mrs. Larkin, Sophie Lusk; [Margaret (Mrs. Whitman's daughter) I Myra Cowan: Estello (Mrs. Larkln's [daughter), Essie Mao Wilson; Jako j Dewberry, Ramie Wilson. Heading, "Cogitations or a Fly" Eunice Cowan. Dialogue, "Seeing a Chest"--.Nol lie, lue/. Cowan; Sue, Alma Cowan; Margaretta, Marie Sheppard. "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp"-(J. IL Rc sec ra nf..) Heading, "Tho Fiddle Talked" - Ellon Morgan. Dialogue, "Two Interpretors nf Dreams." Characters: Grandmother, Eunice Cowan; Sara, Kate Nix; Mary, Mary Nicholson; Olive, Essie Nichol son; Maggie, Hattie Nicholson; Alma, Janie Nicholson; Emma, Stella How en. Pantomimo, "Hattie Hymn of tho Republic" - Ellon Morgan, Janie Nicholson, Essio Nicholson, St?lln 1 owen. ?The H rave Professor"-'(Mary Ti. Monaghan). Characters: Prof. Har li;-). Italph Collins; Miss Clayton, Ola Wilson; Johnny, Hamsey Whit mire. Comic ?Inet, "Host Thou Love Mo, Sister nulli?"-Ola Wilson, Lee Tow. "Cumin" Thro' the Ryo," (Anon.) Ellon Morgan. Dialogue, "After School-What?" Characters: Louise Ernest, Poa rle 13(1 wards; KaHo Spangle Lizzie Cal las; Madge Flyaway, Annie Nichol son; Lizzie Helpful, Paulino Cowan; Susan Easy, Annie Murphoo; Miss Lessie, Ellon Morgan; Little Girl, Jessie Heal. ' "King of the Free," ('Richard Wag ner.)- Hy School. - Heading, "Red. White and Pine" - Alma, Inez and Myra Cowan. Song, "Red. White and niuo" By School, "Good Xight." (Hy Palmor Hart sough)-Miss Jeanott Moore. MOTHER! Clean Baby's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" 'Hurry, Mother! A half tea-spoon ful of genuine California Fig Syrup will make your cross, fretful baby comfortable, lt cleanses the little bowels ot* all the wind and gases, the bile, souring food and stomach poison which is causing baby's distress. Millions of mothers depend upon this gentle laxative to keep baby's stomach and bowels clean, and thus correct diarrhoea, colic, biliousness, coated tongue, sour stomach, fever ish breath, and constipation. It never cramps or overacts. Contains no nar cotics or soothing drugs. Rabies love the taste of genuine "California Fig Syrup," which has full directions for infants in arms and children of all ages plainly print ed on bottle. Say "California" to the druggist and accept no imitation fig syrup.-adv. REV. MORGAN SUCCEEDS DODGE .V pastor or the Anderdon Congrega tional Church-To Seminary. (Anderson Daily Mail.) Rev. Frank C. Morgan, son of the world-tamed Dr. G. Campbell Mor gan, of London, England, has ac cepted the call of the Pilgrim Congre gational church of this city anl suc ceeds Dr. D. Witherspoon Dodge as pastor of the church. Rev. Morgan is already in tho city, having come here from Atlanta, where ho has been counected with the Atlanta Theological Seminary. Dr. Dodge, who founded tho local Congregational church and during the past few months has taught at tho seminary in connection with his work here, has accepted a permanent position with tho Atlanta Seminary as professor of Old and New Testa ment History, Greek and Cnristrian evidences, as well as having taken up the pastorate of four Congrega tional churches near Barnesville Ga. Rev. Morgan is no strange? in An dreson, having occupied tbs local pulpit on several occasions in tho ab sence of Dr. Dodge, who was pastor of the church at that time. Eacti time bo has drawn large audiences. Ile was called to tho local church somo Hmo ago, when Dr. Dodge re signed. Evans Will Run of People Insist. .Greenville, May 10.-"I will bo a candidate for Governor of south Car olina under ono condition, and"that ls that the people of South Carolina express a feoling that my services aro needed," was tho statement made to day by John Gary Evans, of Spartan burg, to a Greenville newspaper cor respondent at Creer, whore Mr. Ev ans delivered a Memorial Day ad di ess. Mr. Evans, when asked as to his intentions as to tim Governor's race, said bc would probably inako a definite announcement as to his In tentions next wook. in tho conver sation, however, b.e made it plain that bo bad given tho subject con siderable thought, Colds Cause Grip mid Influenza LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE Tablets rcmovo th? causo. There U only ono "Promo QulolOO." E. V/. GROVE'S slgnoturo on tho box. 30c. *|? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? *|? ?j? .J? HONOI? ROLLS. ?I* * ?I* .!* ?I? H* ?I* ?I* 4? ?I? ?I* Wallinna High School. Following is tho honor roll of tho Walhalla High Schol for tho eighth month;, First Grade-Helen Aull, Erlino Farmer, Elsie Mei bu vg, Mein Mos-, Claudia Mao Heid, Nell Hoe Sloan, Perry Langston, Annie Shook, (Seo, Harmer. Second (irado-(Henrietta Brandt, Sophie Meiburg, Edith Hogers, Ger trude Hughs, Linda Rhodes, Frances Schumacher, Ruth Schroder Ola Sad dler, Alef Spenres, Caroline Vernor, Dewitt Ansel, Marshall Orubbs, Rob ert Hunt, Summers Long, Geo White. Third Grade-Elizabeth Alexander, Mabel Aull, Lydia Gerber, Kathryn McDonald, Annie Saddler, Bcrnico Schroder, Julian Henry, Wade Mllam, Walter Moss, Charles Simpson, Ro maine Sloan, John Thode, Ruth Dull en tu Fourth Grade-'Bettie Hughs. Berti Watkins, Estelle McCall, Ella Frady, ! Gilbert Hamey, Margaret Aull, Marlo Brandt, Emily Carter, Thelma In gram, Mamie Lou Reese, Norton Den dy, Harold Mci.ces, Edward Schro der, Ernest Smith. Fifth Grade-diaries Humphries, Marcus Long, Marvin Smith. Sixth Grade-Dorothy Brown, Lll lian Fant, Lizello Harden, Leo Hunt, Josephine Klaren, Lora Bello Lyda, Maude Simms, Edith Speares, Hix Thode, David Dorsey, George Jones, Claude Simpson Joseph Walker, Fiances Watson, Freddie Davis. Seventh Grade - Sara Aull, Mao Hunt, Maud Davis, Georgo Ansel, L. T. Covington. Eighth Grade - Ruth Crenshaw, Emma Dendy, Lois Duncan. Ninth Grade-John . Bauknight, Beatrice Head, Ethel Hunt, Dimples Harker, Anna Frohst. Tenth Grade-Louise Brandt, Eliz abeth Thode. Eleventh Grade-'None. * * - EUGENE S. BLEASE IS CHOSEN As Head of South Carolina Odd Fel lows-Newberry Noxt Meeting. Spartanburg, May 10.-The Grand Lodge of South Carolina Odd Fellow and the Rebekkah State Assembly of South Carolina convened here this morning, tho former in the Wood men of tho World Hall and tho latter In the United Commercial Travelers' Hall. The Grand Lodge this morning elected the following olllcers: Grand Master-Eugene S. Blcasc, of Newberry. Deputy Grand Master - W. A. Hanckle, of Columbia. Grnnd Warden-?.Frank J. Tripp, of Heizer. Grand Secretary - S. F. Killings worth, of Columbia. Grand Treasurer-IL Endel, of Greenville. Grand Chaplain-J. K. P. Neath orry, of Columbia. Grand Representatives-J.T. Coth ran, Spartanburg, and A. B. Langley, Columbia. Trustee of Orphanage-W. Hprde man, of Newberry. Secretary of Board of Trustees W. E. Hammond, Greenville. Treasurer of Board of Trustees Frank J. Tripp, of Pelzor. .Newberry was selected as the next meeting place. Superintendent L. D. Mathis, and Mrs. Mathis, of tho Odd Fellows' Or phanage at Greenville, with tho thir teen children (ton boys and three girls), were here to-day, the guests of tho Rebokkabs. They visited tho Grand Lodge this afternoon. Tho Rebekkah Assembly elected tho following officers: President-Mrs. Neille L. Shoaler, Coln mbia. Vico President - Mrs. Annie L. Norrell, of Polzer. Secretary-Mrs. W. T. Danielson, of Columbia. Treasuror-Mrs. P. E. Hardy, of Anderson. Warden-Mrs. H. V. Darnell, Spar tanburg. All offlcors wero installed at tho meeting of tho Grand Lodge this af ternoon. A Millionaire Prisoner, Jefferson City, Mo., May 10.-D. P. Hayes, a convict of negro and In dian blood, has roceivod two offers, ono purporting to bo $2,000,000 and thc other $1,800,000, for bis oil tn terosls, so prison olllcials said to-day. Ho is serving threo years for for gery. Hays is said to bo Hie owner of 100 acres of Mexican land, classified ns oil land. Ho is reported to havo boon advised not to sell tho land for loss than $1,000,000. Cork is tho bark taken from a species of oak tree. Only seven railroads in Canada out of fifty-six operating paid divi dends in tho fiscal yoar Just onded. H ere's Yo1 Progressive Parmi $1.00 year, The Keowee Oouri< $1.00 year, Either paper well Price of Both. ( Colds Sc ] "For yeats we have used and I have never found any place," wntes Mr. H. A. Stacy cy, who is a Rutherford Cour Draught as a medicine that si hold for use in the prompt tree vent them from developing int( "It touches the liver am declared. "It is one of the h cold and headache. I don't i family if it wasn't for Black-D dollars ... I don't see how i out it I know it ls a reliable ? in the house. 1 recommend never without it." ^ At all druggists. Accept Mo Claude J. Has! Acquitted. Orangeburg, May'JO. - The jury trying tho casu of Ciando .). Rast, for mer Su perin tondent of Education of Orangeburg cohn ty, charged with as sault and Intent to ravish, after be ing out about two hours, returned a verdict of not guilty. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT faffs to cure Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you caa get restful sleep after tho first aoollcatlon. Price 60c. MUNICIPAL TAX NOTICIO. Tho booka for collection of Town Taxos opened Monday, May 1st, and Will close May 31st. A penalty of 7 per cent will attach on all taxes un paid June 1st. So pay early and avoid tho rush. Tax Levy. Ordinary Town Tax ... 8%' mills. Light Bonds. 1% mills. Water Bonds...13% mills. Sewer Bonds. 4% mills. Total.28 mills. Street Tax .$3.00. T. A. GRANT, Clerk and Treas., Town of Walhalla, S. C. May 3, 1922. 18-22 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In Court of Common Pleas.) D. A. Baker, doing business under tito stylo and firm name of Baker & Company, Plaintiff, against J. D. Sugarmat!, doing business un der the stylo and firm nome of J. D. Sugarman and Company, Defendant. (Summons for Itolief.- (Complaint Served.) To tho Defendant Above Named : You are hereby summoned and re quired to answor tho complaint In this action, of which a copy ls here with served upon you, and to servo a copy of your answer lo tho said Complaint on tho subscriber, al his ofllco on Ibo Public Square, at Wal halla Court Houso, South Carolina, within twenty days aftor tho service hereof, exclusive of tho day of such sorvice; and if you fall to answor the complaint within tho limo afore said, tho Plaintiff In this action will apply to tho Court for tho relief do manded in tho Complaint. Dilled April 2 1, I 9 22. ft. T. JAYNK8, Plaintiff's Attorney. W. J. SCMIROD10R, C. C. P. . (Official Seal.) Mny 3, 1922. 18-20 LJI Chance w.itri KA For JfU. Both BF. For 12 Months worth Combination 3rder yours now. Headache Black-Draught in our family, medicine that could take its , of Bradyville,Tenn. Mr. Sta lty farmer, recommends Black lould b'e kept in every hotise itment of many little ills to pre 3 serious troubles. ?AUGHT i does the work," Mr. Stacy iest medicines I ever saw for a mow what we would do in our raught. It has saved tis many iny family can hardly go with and splendid medicine to keep Black-Draught highly and am Imitations 1.81 4MI?*** ?J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. *}. * * ,?. .J, ?I? * ^ .J. .J. ^ * .J4 ^ ?|, .I? J. It. KABLE, .?? .J? A tierney-nt-Law, ?J? .J. WALHALLA, K. C. *\* ?J. State & Federal Court Pracitce. ?J? .J* FARM LOA N.M. 4? 4? 4? 4- 4* 4? 4- 4? 4? + 4* -1? 4? 4 4? 4 .I? E. L. II ERNDON, 4? ?J? , Attorney-at-Law, ?J* .J? Phone No. Ol, Walhalla, S. C.?J? 4* 4* ?I? ?j. 4* ?j? ?j. 4? ?|? ?j? ?j? 4? ?j. ^. 4? ?|? .J. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, .J? ?J. Plckens, S. C. W. O. Hughs, ? 4? CAREY, SHELOR & HUGHS, 4? .2? Attorneys and Counsellors, ?J? ?2? WALHALLA, S. C. 4* ?J. State & Federal Court Prncltce. .J. 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4* 4? 4* * 4. W. D. WHITE, .J# 4? i LAWYER, .{. 4? WALHALLA, S. C. 4? 4? * .j. ?2? 4* 4* 4a 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* GUTTER, and Metal Shingles. UAH EU (iooiv Walhalla. S. C. WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Tho examination for tho award of vncant Scholarships In Winthrop College, and for admission of now students, will ho held at tho County Court Houso Ol Friday, July 7th, nt i) A. M. Applicants must not ho loss thou sixteen years of ago. When Scholarships aro vacant aftor July 1 they will bo awarded to thoso mak ing tho highest avorago at thia ex amination, provided they moot tho conditions governing tho award. Ap plicants for Scholarships should wrlto to President Johnson beforo tho ex amination for Scholarship Examina tion Blanks. Scholarships uro worth $100 and freo tuition. Th next session will open Soptomhor . Otb, 1922. For fur ther information and catalogue ad dress-i PRES. I). R. JOHNSON, Role Hill, S. C.