K KOW EB COURIER {Established 1840.) Published livery Wednesday Morning SUBSCRIPTION Pit IOU. Ono Your .$1.00 Hix Months . .p0 Three Mouths.?lu Advertising Untes Reasonable. By Stork, Sholor, Hughs ?b Sholor. Commit u icnliona or a personal character charged for ns advertise ments. Obituary notices, cards of thanks ?nd tributes of respect, either hy Individuals, lodges or churches, aro charged for as tor advertisements at rate ot ono cent a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, and all such notices will be marked '.Adv." in conformity willi Federal ruling on such mailers. WA ld IA IJIIA, S. C. \\ l l? ? KSBAY, APRIL ?>>. 1022. BTATF.MF.NT Ol' THU OWNERSHIP Management, Circulation, etc., ol'The Kcowee Courier, Published Week ly a? Walhalla, S. C., Required by Hie Act of August SM, lOia, (Statement for April 1, 1022.) Publisher-J. A. Sleek, Walhalla, S. C. lid I tor-J. A. Stock, Walhalla, S. C. Managing Kditor- Same. Business Manager- Same. Owners Sleek, Sholor, Hughs & Sholor- (Partnership)-.!. A. Sleek. , .1, w. Sholor, W. c. Hughs. T. c. .- helor, all ol' Walhalla. S. C. Known bond-holders, mortgagees, u , : other security holders-None. .1. A. STUCK, lOilltor and Publisher. rn to ? nd subscribed helero mo Hits ! Olli dav of April. I '.^2-. i cai i M. it. MCDONALD, Notary Public for S. C. \ I PALLIN (J A UM KN IAN LA 1ST lu Armenia-LxliacK tiom Letter of Thus, Mills, ol' New York City. "Two ?lays' traveling about and observing generally Hie conditions ot Ute refugees In tho city of lSrivnn, I Armenia, bas been more than sutli elenl to convince a Held man, long familiar * with relief work that it is liol diseaso which is killing off the inhabitants of I," ri van. lt is plain hunger-starvation-exposure. "Outside one of the Near Bast Re lief's soup kitchens I saw shivering ia tho cold and snow hundreds of starving children, who cried bitterly .rom hunger and exposure. They kept (ealing in from everywhere all day. presenting a heartrending pic ture in their scanty rags and shoeless fee!. The impending end lo many of their sboii lives was plainly written in i heir ghi s> and staring eyes "All possible relief is given to Ihoso applying al tho Near Fast lie lief son)/ kitchen, and a bowl of soup or boiled grits is given out to each child until the kettles are empty. Dreadful as it may seem, it is abso lutely necessary to turn away many, unied owing to lack of supplies. "Tho number of orphans keeps in creasing to such an extent that tile .Near Last cannot hope to properly care for all. and many are dying every day In li ri va n. Fifteen victims of starvation were removed from tho central district of the city yesterday." The above extract was taken from a letter written Keb. 20th, 1!I22. Send your contributions to Miss Addie Tatham. Chairman Near Fast Itelicf, Walhalla, S. C. Some Later Facts. To tho above appeal we take tho liberty of appending the following bi;er which comes to us fron the Columbia o ill co of the state Treasu rer of the Near Bast Relief: "Alexandropol, April 0, 1b22. With tho break-up of winier In tho mountain villiges of Central Armenia Near Bnsi Relief investigations re vealed terrible starvation among the refugee:; ami orphans. K. A. Downer, of Kingston, W Y.. returned from a live-day horseback visit to twenty villages having a population of ._'.*.. OOO people. Ho says that foodstuffs throughout tho area aro exhausted. ".Broad ls made from all sorts of substitutes, Including llax, chaff and sawdust, having no appreciable food value. The people are extracting un digested materials from old refuse and giving it to tho children. The health conditions are critical. Gas tric and intestinal troubles are pre vailing, duo to malnutrition. A large per cent of tho people aro suffering from skin diseases. One-fourth of the adults are incapacitated and bed-rid den. Only ono in fifty of the popula tion is normal. "In the villages visited there are 1,500 orphans who should be re moved Immediately if they are to live. liven in small villages the weekly death list includes ten chil dren, in many villages all children have lost their hair during the win ter. "Several cases were s0 desperate that the people resorted l() fating of human ilesh, which practice was vory Sharply punished hy ih0 authorities. Ofllcinls sand thal they ?ne doing all they can to prevent ii. bul tho people loso I heir senses iron, hunger. "At Mahmaudchtik, visited family of fifteen pei.ons a monti) ago. Now only throe of the family remain. Tho dead Include all tho male members of t ro family. "AU ?Hinge inhabitants expressed concern about securing seed and .?'rain Xor spring planting. Hope ls expressed Huit the Armenian govern ment would obtain seed, particularly barley. ..The headman*ot tho largest vil lage said: "If wo can secure seed wo shall bo on our fool by mid-summer. If wo don't get seed, we are doomed to death. Jaquith." William M. Gibbes, Jr., Treasurer, Palmetto National Hank, Columbia, s. c. Habitual Constipation Cured in \A to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared SyrupTonic-Laxativo for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. .Votes from Old Liberty. Old Liberty, April ll. - Special: The health of this community is very good at this writing. Our farmers are making use of what pretty days do como, as they ure badly behind with their work. Horn, unto Mr, and Mrs. IO. C. Picketts, on .March 29th, a son. ll. C. Busch and his crew of hands have resumed their work on the school building at this place now, and with favorable weather will soon j have i'. completed. Rev. Jones, of Westminster, assist in! Kev. Iv. L. Davis in conducting services at Old Liberty last Sunday. Two excellent sonnons and a good dinner were enjoyed by all present. Misses Minnie Lee Sorrells and Mildred McYYhorter left Sunday for their respective homes. as their school closed here last Saturday night. William Powell and Mr. Sorrells, of Westminster, spent a short while recently at the home of tho former's brother, .). P. Powell. Tho past session of the Tugaloo school was a success in every respect. At tile close of the school the fol lowing program was rendered: Song. "School is Cut. Vacation's Come." and Lord's Prayer by school. Recitation, "Dame Nature's Ito-1 i-ipo." ?'lay. "The Train Loaves itt Ten .Mintii ss." i;. ell ai ion, "Mandy." "I un I ?rill." by 1 G small boys. Play, "O.b. You Teacher." Kei . ion,".Johnnie's Histoiy l-r' sch." \ Song, Lot tho Host of tho World Go Ry." j Play, "Roys will bo Roys." ! "I'la;; Drill'- by 1 2 little girls. Recital ion. "My I ?olly." Play. "Our Awful Aunt." Addresses by Rev. R. L. Davis and Rev. Jones. Song. "Good Rye." by school. Dismissal. Prayer by Rev. R. L. Davis. SOLD BY ALL DltUO STORES For Three Generations Rave Made O.?d-Birth Eusier By Using -- ray e$ jn^wrj?) Waurea DOOhLET ci MOTHERHOOD AMOTHE DABV. rail BHAOFICLD REGULATOR CO., DEPT. O-D. ATLANTA, GA* Charged with Drowning Companion. Detroit, Mich., April l l. - Three boys, ranging in age from 14 lo 17 years, are held liv the juvenile deten- j Hon home herc pending investigation of charges that they threw Louis Dar gan, lu years old, into Connors Creek, on tho Fast Side, after strip ping him of his clothing. Young Dar gan's clothing was on tho creek bank yesterday, but his body has not yet been found. The boys detained aro (Edward Sook, 17; Edward Clark, 14, and Frank Tamoln, 14. They were taken into custody after tho father of an other playmate of young Dargan in formed the authorities that tho child had been thrown into the creek at point where tho water was eight feet deep. The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Pecausc of its tonic mid laxative effect, LAXA TIVE 11KOMO QUINlNft is bettet than ordinary Quinine and docs not cause nervousnes ? nor riugitiK In head. Remember the full name And look for the signature of H. W. GKOVK. 30c. Entertainment at Fairfield. Following is tho program of an entertainment held at Fairfield on April nth: Recitation, "Welcomo"-By Eddie Fowler and Sadio Owens. Song, "Spring Morning"-Ry the school. Play, "Examination Day." Recitation by Wilson Smith. Song, "What tho Crickets Say" Ry primary children. Recitation by M. li. Cantrell. Quartette, "Tho South Wind Blows"--?By Misses Southard, Wood and Blair. Recitation by Ola Lewis. Play, "Tom and Rills Courting." Duet, "Singing 'Neath tho Apple Tree"--Ry Misses Southard and Blair Recitation by John Snead. Song. "Merry Spring Timo"-'Ry school. Play, "Xo Peddlers Wan tod." Recitation. "Little Blossom"--By Annie Lipscomb, Play, "Sweet Family." Music by Mr. Hawkins. The entertainment was one well worthy of highest praise. To Curo a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE (TnblotO li stops the. Cough ?nd Headache and work* off th Cold. h. W. GKOV h S signature on each box. 30/. A mammoth odible mushroom four foot in diameter was fou nd.on an es tato lu St. Germain, Franco. compare THE Fisk Premier Tread is a tire which yields an honest, generous measure of service at a low price. See this tire and compare with any at a competing price. It is your best pur chase if you want a low priced tire. It is a FiskTire, and is Fisk character clear through. There 's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck orsspeed wagon 30x3!^- Fisk Premier Tread $10.85 30 x 3 Vt-Non-Skld Fabric . 1-1.85 30 x 3*S - lixtra-Ply Kcd-Top 17.85 30x.3??-Six-I'ly Non-Skid Clincher Cord . . 17.85 30 x 3> First fl rad Champ Wh! loi o honor roll Tor Inc the month ending . Soveuth lirado - Oma McAlister '.'?'., Ona dcAlislor Ot",, Suo Ellon Mooro fi.ii, IMnki? 1*00 95. Eighth t Trade- Henry IRack OG, Jannie Slmmotui 95, Dorr..re (irani :>'. M..iK ,: Klee fir?, Hortic Ablcs 90. .s m : ii Hi aB1U> Black 90, Eugene Oranl 92. Eula Todd, Teacher. Advanced -First Orado-dinby Lee 97, Minnie Ellon McCreary 97, Mil dred Grant 97. Second Grade-Emma Black 90, Earl Black 9">, John .Simpson 96, iHarvie Richey 96. Mrs. Swift Marett, Teacher. Sixth Grade-Lucilo Campbell 96, Lula Harker 9 6, Ernest Rico 96, Mil ton McCrary 9t>. Sarah Rico 96, Leola Ritchie 96. Fifth Grade - -Wlllet Richardson 96, Clydo Campbell 98, Harrison Lee 96, Nettie Smith 95, James Smith 93. Sue Ellon Cox, Teacher. Fourth Grade--Claru Campbell 94, Eva Kuy :< !. it la n ch Simmons 92, Hiawatha Simdt 93, Curtis Black 91, Goorgc Skelton 9~>, Margie 'Whit worth '.'1, Lexie Crawford 94. Third Grade- Dorilla Ables 95, Eunice Graham 9 1, Melvin Whitfield (10, Glen McCrary 90, Johnnie Lee 9:.. Floyd Leo 90, Azalee Smith 92, Thelma Rico 94, Jasper Richardson 9.5, Clarence Richey. Alline Whltmlre, Teacher. Catarrh Catarrh is ;i local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions. HALL'S CATARRH Nil'] DI CTN V) is a Tonio and Blood Purifier. By cleansing thc blood and building up tho System, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINES restores normal conditions and allows Na ture to do its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. From Rich .Man to Pauper. Chicago, April 12.- Dr. J. C. Wil lis, formerly a famous surgeon and bank president, and ten years ago worth half a million dollars, died in tho county jail to-day, where he was walting trial on charges of passing $123 worth of bogus checks. Dr. Willis wrote many m?dical text books and was a recognized author Hy on certain nerve diseases. He lest his fortune through speculation. That's Why It Soothes and Promptly Conquers Pain Unlike other liniments, Mustang is made of healing oils-no alcohol, acids or pepper used. Mustang never burns or smarts, not even when applied to open wounds. Pain ls relieved quickly by Mustang, which thoroughly permeates the system and hastens healing. Over 73 years' success guarantees Mus tang as best for MAN, LIVESTOCK and POULTRY. Sot J by DRUG and GENERAL STORES Actual Size 28c Bottle (Trial), BOc Mottle holds 3 times RS much ?LOO Uottlcholds8times08much ns 25c size EDITH WITH 2Sc TRI AL BOTTLE riVI . I!, ... ?"lid JJ/M. "I'llT-.n.l-TAKK" Tonnl.KTOI'-lhalataatcraia. Oat Ona--l.o ponutar I K*-n?l Kft cont/, at.mn? i-tr coln for Trial llnltto(llou-lfh-'l'lHlie) MulUnir IJnlm.ntami ?etTwItlla Top, ahmluttlv Srti. IJTOD Util. Co.. 1 80. Klith Kt.. ?lrocklrn, N. V. MUSTANG " S3o Good Old Standby Since J?48 " LINIMENT LYON iViAHur ACT OKING CO.. Proprf*tor?, 414M? South Fifth St., Brooklyn. N.Y. "Nil i'i i iiir iiifri?!.! rnrniii-iinjujupn " rrvr*""'-gji?MJgj?g rn un Here's X?? Progressive Farme $1.00 year, The Keowee Oourie $1.00 year, Either paper well v Price of Both. C How to Get Quick Service. -Man: Hello, give me Centra] 1231. Operator: Br-r-r-ng. Here's your party. Man: ls this Main 5078? I Voice: Yes. CITATION' NOTICIO. --. Tho State of South Carolina, Couti- | ty of Oconee.- tin Court of Prohato) i -Hy V. P. MARTIN, Bsa.., Probate .ludge.-Whereas,\V. 'I'. Hubbard has inade suit to mo to grant him Lot tors ol' Administr?t ion ol' the Estate ut' and Effects ut' Mrs. Alice C. 1-in slondt, Deceased These tire, therefore, to elle ami i admonish all and singular ibo kin- ! ??roil and creditors of tho said Mrs. Alieo C. hillstead!. Deceased, that they be and appear before mo, in tho Court of Probate, to he held at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, on Friday, the li 1st day ol' April, j 15)22, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock In thc forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said Administration should not be grant ed. Given under my hand and seal this 6th day of April, A. D. 1022. V. E. MARTIN, Judgo of Probate for Oconee Co., 3.C. Published on tho 12th and 19th days of April, 192 2, in Tho Koo woo Courier, and on the Court House door for tho time proscribed by law. April 12, 1922. 1 5-16 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .J. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .I* J. R. EA HI iE, .J. ?I? Attorney-nt-Law, ?J. .j. WALHALLA, S. C. .J. ?J? State ?Si Federal Court Pracitcc. ?J? FARM LOANS. ?J? * * * * * * * * * * * * 4* * .I* * .J. E. Ii. II ER N DON, 4. -I* Attorncy-at-La\v, ?J? .j? Phono No. Ol, Walhalla, S. C..J. 4* 4? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j. ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? 4? J. P. Caroy, J. W. Sholor, * ?J. Plckons, S. C. W. C. Hughs, 4? CAREY, SHELOR & HUGHS, 4* ?J? Attorneys and Counsellors, ?J? .J? WALHALLA, S. C. .!. ?I- State & Federal Court Pracitco. ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?|? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? * ' 4? ?J. W. H. WHITE, .J. ?J. v LAWYER, 4* ?j? WALHALLA, S. C. 4. 4* 4 * * * * 4.4. 4. * * 4. * 4. 4. * DR. J? C. STRANCH, Optometrist?, Austin Bldg. - Seneca, S. C. * * 4? 4? * 4? * 4* 4? 4? 4? 4* 4* * NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND SALB. Walhalla, S. C., March 28, 1922. Tho following described property, solzed from G. W. Wllbanks under warrant for distraint for non-pay ment of assessed taxes duo, will bc sold as provided by Sestlon 3197, Rovised Statutes, at public auction, WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1922, In front of thc Court House door, Wal halla, S. C., nt 10 o'clock A. M.! - Ono tract of land, known as tho homo place, containing 200 acres, moro or less, and purchased from W. J, Duffle by G. W. Wllbanks, situated on Cedar Creek, Ropor's and Long Ko d, branches of Changa dtlvor. Also, that certain tract of land situated on Bono Camp Crook, wa tors of Changa, bounded by lands of Clem Wllbanks, V. P. Martin, Ed ward Callas and others, containing 115 ncros, moro or less, and pur chased from J. S. Callas by G. W. Wilban ks. Also, tract of land on Sawyer's Branch, of Pono Camp Crock, waters of Changa, adjoining tract above de scribed, lands of Batate of A. A. Howland, Sam Wllbanks and others, containing 100 acres, moro or less, and recorded In Dook of Deeds D-6G6, pago O. Pl. ID8-KI<\ P. 3 ld, In tho omeo of the Clerk of Court for Oconeo County, at Walhalla, S. C. RODT. E. .JENKINS, Doputy Collector. April 6, 1922. 14-1G ?r Chance r, r. f>0 For OV Both For 12 Months vorth Combination Irder yours now. Was Very "After the birth of my baby I had a back-set," writes Mrs. Atattie Cross white, of Glade Spring, Va. "1 was very ill; thought 1 was going io die. I was so weak I couldn't raise my head to get a drink of water. 1 took . . . medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. I sent for Ca. dui." TAKE The Woman's Tonic "i iouud after one bot tle of Cardui I was im proving," adds Mrs. Crosswhite. "Six bot tles of Cardui and ... 1 was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. 1 believe I would have died, had it not been for Cardui." Cardui has been found beneficial in many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel the need of a good, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardui ? It may be Just what you need. Druggists GUTTER and Metal Shingles. HAN Mm d?ooBf Walhalla, S. C. NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND SALIO Walhalla, S. C., March 28, 1022. Tho following described proporty, seized from Elijah and Edgar and C. E. Alexandor, under warrant of distraint for non-payment of taxos assossed against them, will bo sold as provided under Section 3107, Re vised Statutes, nt public auction, on WEDNESDAY, April 19th, 1922, at ten o'clock A. M., in front of the Court House, Walhalla, S. C.: - Ono (1) tract of land, containing 189 acres, moro or loss, purchased by Elijah Alexander from lt. T. .Inynos, J. IL Darby, .U' u Frank and others, known as Tracts 13 and 14 of tho Sitton lands, und situated near Salem I?. O., In Koowoo Township, Oconee County, South Carolina, and recorded In tho Dook of Doods lu the olllce of tho Clerk of Court for Coonee County, at. Walhalla, S. C. Also, ono tract of land, containing r. i narcs, more or less, purchased by Edgar Alexander, and adjoining tho nbovo tract. ROBT. F. JENKINS, Deputy Colloctor. April 5, 1922. 14-16