Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 19, 1922, Image 4

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&EOWEE COURIER (Established is il).) Published livery Wednesday Morning Sil JSC II 11'TIOX I'R I CE. Ono Y oar .$100 Six Mouths . Three Months.30 Advertising Untes llcusonnble. Ry Stock, Sholor, Hughs ? Sholor. Com tn un icu lions of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices, cards of thanks and tributes of respect, either by Individuals, lodges o>* churches, are charged for as for advertisements at rate of one cent a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, and all such notices will be marked "Adv." In conformity willi Federal ruling on auch mutters. WALHALLA, S. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL IO, 11)22, ?MEXT IN TDK SCHOOLS'. DI i he Hui I School 1 inprove* i uri : ssociatlon ol ( leonoo. During tb school year pf 1921-22 ?14 school Improvement associations v. ere organized. These organizations have meant much in n social way in thc taral districts. Teachers and pa trons haye becomo helter acquainted and a more co-operative spirit exists because of Ibo meetings held. Much more satisfactory work can bo done in thc .schools when the patrons and teachers co-operate. ''MOO a linanclal stan.'.point all ex pect; lions have been exceeded. More than three thousand dollars bas been expended for school Improvement b (he associations this year. FOrlJ four districts received cont.ty prizes . . . ? ch. Tho following district.? won state prizes: Sou th -':..'. n .$.10.00 . . I . i r>. on Kori bp . 1."?. mt <. ;'<;>u < na . id.i 00 '. ll. ii. (JU Cha t toona.'. 5.00 ' : . uezbr. 5.00 1 rb . Ll rt) ve. I O . 00 Fn i nield. 5.00 Madison. 5.00 Tilt' associations In Oconce county inn b tin . .. I showing of any In thc S t;>. te. Our ai ' r l 9 2 2-.' '?' is a n enthu siastic school improvement assoclu i ion lu ow y t'istrit-t. L, ?, ispeare! ... ; ? Following ls ibo pros-'fl.m of th< Methodist ilfth-Suhduy group m cot ing: ht.'"' n. ai Demonstrating WOY'. of? beg I iii li . MO rt mont Iii Sunda) rr. ! . : ' . ; : Sunday school. ll ,00 a, m.- Sci tuon. K> v. A. W. I ! 2.00 m.- -pinner. lld p. in. ilovotlonal. ii ri 1 ?. \. :' .''i ;>. ni.- -Graded I.''.<?>. ? . ?. in the Sunday School. Fred Patterson. 3.3 rt p. in;--Relation of Parents to Sunday School. E. Tinimormnn. 3.50 p. m. The lOpwor lt Lc it'iic i Spon ker lo be supplied. I 1.20 p, m. Woman .-: Work of the Church. Mrs. M. Ci it london. l. I n p. m Adjournment. S.00 p. m. Sermon. Hov. (;. W, Rurke. This group :< known as Walhalla Croup, und ls composed ol* tho fol lowing charges: Walhalla, Walhalla Circuit. Westminster ami Townvllle. The i a lo mid laymen of these four charges are expected lo attend each and " Very ono of these meetings. Local Notes from Richland. Richland, April 17.-- Special: Mis.-. Kulti Tbackston, of Greenville, spent Ibo past week-end willi her sister, Mrs. W. Cl, I hi Mm rd. Miss Lila Dallenger onlor.| inod her Sunday school class willi lill Las tor parly. A most enjoyable lime was spout. Mrs. Mills, who has been visiting Mrs. .). A. Dendy, returned to hor home at High Point, N. c., (bo latter part of last week. .leif Mc.VIahan, of Clemson College, Hpent the week-end willi liomofolks. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Davis and In teresting little family are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IL 'Hughs. John Coe has accepted a position in Charlotte. W. CL Hubbard made a business trip lo Greenville last week. Tho Methodist Missionary Society mot at tho homo of Mrs. E, D. Fos ter Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Tho public will be glad lo know that the highway is nov/ open by Richland, thc bridge over Concross creek having been finished. Mrs. J. C. Sanders, of Spartan burg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. C. Sanders. .D. L. Lewis, Kural School Super visor for South Carolina, la in Wal halla this wcok, making bis head quarters at thc home of supt. of Ed ucation L. C. Spca ros. Mr. Lewis ls engaged In work in connection with the rural schools of Oconeo. .-Miss Lucille White left Monday morning for columbia, where she will bo during this wonk represent ing Oconeo county as our candidate for Qu eon of Palmnfcsla, First re ports from the Columbia papers Indi cate that Pnltnafcstfi this year is go ing to far eclipse previous occasions of its kind in the Capital City. ANDERSON OFFICERS CAPTURE Thrco, an Oconoo Mun Doing Among tho Number-Carried Liquor. (Anderson Tribuno, Sunday.) Tlio "Bootleggers' Bug" is no re specter ot persons. This conclusion is drawn by Doputios W. S. Hall and Joe Hilliard, following ibo arrest, near Portman Shoals just before dawn yesterday morning, of Jasper Coker, Bet Fretwoll and Oscar Pitts, who wore transporting about l i gal lons of liquor in tho direction of An derson when hailed by the Ofliuors. Coker and Fi el well aro of this city, and the officers stale that Pitts ls a member of ibo Walhalla bar. A Ford touring car, in which tho three men were traveling, was con fiscated by thc officers, who brought the three men to tho Anderson coun ty jail, where satisfactory arrange ments were made for bond. Officers estimate the liquor al about fourteen gallons. Tho deputies were keeping watch on the Portman road Friday night for a load of moonshine that "profes sional'" runners, were scheduled to arrive with shortly before sun up. In that respect tho olllcers were disap pointed, as the expected ear, willi its c.ugo of hair-raising stimulant, f? 11 I .! to put ia ?ts appoaran e. I? tho meantime, howovor, the Ford car, driven by tho throe men, rou lui : . curve on the road, eros? ul tho bri '. e and w;:s bailed hy Iho deputies, lil plain view, the oillcors Ray, were tho tell-tale kegs, and thc men admitted thal they contained whiskey. Another chapter In Mr. Volstead's notebook. LocafiNotCS from Pieket Post. Walhalla. Rt. 2, April 17.--Spe cial: Tho farmers of this community have been very busy with their farm work for the past week. Mrs. A. A. McMaban. of Seneca, spent tho past week-end with her mother, Mrs. T. v. Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs. Pani Volrath and II Hy have moved to Rnsmnn, N. C., v ?.? ' they will make ; heir home in i . in turo. Mr. Volrath has accepted i position lhere. We wi sh th Olli MU h . ; io their new homo. Misses Lillian and Motile Grant, t n r Salem, have been visiting rel atives 1 re recen I ly. ? li it h. G nice and Ruby Nell rv. -. ? w iud brother. Grady, of pone.rdss, 1 ive been visiting al ih< hoi iielr uncle and aunt, Mr. nd . . W F. Orr. Miss El hoi Cillas, of the Stamp Creek section, has returned to her home aft r an ext?nded visit to lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Volrath. Mls^ Eva Holland and brother, of Westminster, wer,, recent guests of their sister, Mrs. L. L. Williams. Miss ll stile Green ana brother, "Cute." of near Salem, have boon ' visiting at the home of their aunts, the \Jlssi " en of this secllon. Mr. anti : r ti .1 ? Kolio} and L-in lly, ot Vaumsscoi jt'oci nt'.;, q ov<-d in to int i co *h ititi h ll.y aim are MOFC. cor MEKT?N? OF S. S. CONVENTION Hf Pravo? dan: Baptist Ass* elation on A pril ?SX I? und :?lM lt, PolloWtng is tho i"' . un of tho annual meeting of tho .-' : i lay School on ven lion of tho Hcavcrdtim Baptist elation, to ho : I w 'Ci Return Esl church on .; lurduy and Sun duy, April 20Vh and Suth, 10 22: Saturday. 1 o a. m.- Devotional services, by Rev. W. M. Thompson. 10.15 a. m. -Enrollment of dele gates and three-minute verbal reports of their Sunday schools, 10,30 a. nt. -?Report of superinten dents of various departments, begin ning with the Cradle Roll Depart ment. 1 1 a. m.- -Evangelism In ?ho Sun day school, by Dr. Ira E. 1). Andrews. 11.30 a. m. - Sunday school ad dress, hy our State worker. 12.10 p. m.-Announcements and adjournment for dinner. 1.15 p. m.- Song service. 1.20 p. m.The best method for enlisting our young people in Sunday school and church work, b.v Rev. J. W. Willis. 1.50 p. m.- What is the problem In your Sunday school? Gcnoral dis cussion, led by Rev. R. H. Jones. 2.40 p. m.-Miscellaneous business! and adjournment, Sunday. i0 a. m.- Sunday school. 10.45 it. m. -Crucial Hour with Southern Baptists, by Rev L. W. Langston and state worker. 12.30 p. m.- Miscellaneous busi ness and adjournment. Wo are requested by Return church to extend a special invitation to all the churches of thc Boavordam Asso ciation, and hopo each church will bo represented. Dinner on thc grounds Saturday only. K. W. Marott, Secretary to Committee. COUNTY CLAIMS APPROVED. List of Claims audited and approv ed by tho County Advisory Board at its meeting held April 7th, 1022: Salaries. J. C. Shockley.% 15 4.16 W. H. Simmons. 12.50 W. R. Hunt. 12.50 J. B. S. Dendy . 50.00 L. c. Speares. 2 50.00 R. H. Alexander . 255,55 Ralph M. Plko . 255.55 W. M. Alexander. 175.00 Gus Sullivan . ?r>.00 W. L. Littleton . 100.00 O. A. Hunnieutt . 100.00 W. A. Lawless . 100.00 W. J. Schroder . 25.00 Ceo. R, Briggs. 160.08 Miss Ethel Counts. 00.01 M. T. Hughs . 2 5.00 W. M. Dillard . 25.00 A. P. Grant . 25.00 L. c. Graham. 10.41 V. F. Martin . 16.67 W. R. Cobb . 62.60 Henry Jone? . 30.00 Total for Salaries . .. . . $ 2^017 . 4 3 Contingent. W. M. Aloxander.$ L, C. Spoares . v. K. Martin. W. .). Schroder. L. W. Harris . .1. B. S. Dendy . .. Ralph M. Dike . *. G. ft. Dillie ". J. C. Shockley . 2 S 25 Total for Chaingnng. . . $ 1,Cs Hoads. W. J. Schroder.$ A. L. Garrett . i Republic Truck Sales Cor poration . .lohn S. Denny . Jesse Day . <l IC li. Mariden. J. X. ha vis and W. .1. Schroded . C. lt. Lannin. s. I!, orr . .1. M. Davis. C tri C.. Smith . Geo. T. Held . C. H. Owens . Crock Oil Co. J. F. Singleton. J. li. Brown . J. M. Shockley. L. C. McCntioy . A. P, Tannery . 1 2 1 I Seneca .Motor Co . . . J. T. Byar . F. ll. Clinkscalos . . .! \V Anderson . . . C. H. Brown . Sniliva a i ! dw. Co. . J. W. Milson . L. li. Marett . J. c. Shockloy . . . . N usl ni Bros. Bridge C. \j. Dean. t l 00 . ij) .' ') '.'.) (IO " i o0 Total for Contingent I Chain Gang, Waller Kelley .$ JU' Geno Cobb . ti tl. Ii. Broom. I Matt. Cobb. 6'.' Mason Simpson . r B. D. Dickson . tl J. C. Shockley . 1 Frank H. Shirley. 21'. J. II. Alley . 60 Sullivan Hdw. Co. . .(. . . . ?).' J. G. MoWhorter. A. \j. Howland . Gormo Mfg. Co. J 7 H a pp Bros. Co. IS 1)0 Ot) 7 5 00 00 oo : i ''.?5 87 I 70 I OOM i "i 13 2; 27 I AT 1 1 .. 1 - ! 1 ' ?-i (?ii no oo "i) 0 fl ; fi :.u 1 o Co. Total for Roads . . . . Bridges. Wu ne Brock :. .'. C. I lodden . W. C. Holden . \V. ll. Blackwell . I). ID. Nicholson . s. Singleton. S. .1. Blkin . L. B. Shockley. Style Swaford . P. .1. Durham . ( liff. Swaney . Frank Black. R. O. Brock . i 1.0J ? ?. Total for Bridges . . . . * Public ?>ulldinv.f i Wa)b,illa i-.ler . i ie. Plain . . M;n\i> Jail Works..... . K. II. Keller. c. "i;-. Jj Bau Knight. Standard i Ol Co. ll ot rick Hosiery Mills . .. Geo. R. Briggs . Sullivan Hdw. Co. C. G. .tayaes .'. j, c. Shockley . Toi .1 for Cubile Bldgs. Cooks, stationery,. PH : Gc* . D. D trna rd Slaty. Co.: ' ii i loo Tribune .... Ikcr, Evans & Cogswell Co. . .. I '., bier & 'Allon Co. Norman Drug Co. The lt. D. Bryan Co. Total B" S. and P.$ Telephones. W. M. Alexander.?J Ralph M. Dike. W. J. Schroder . TJ. c. Spenros. R. II. Alexander . J. C. Shockley . Total for Telephones ...$ Poor Parin and Pom W^R. Cobb .$ C. W. & .1. 13. Bauknight. West Union Oil Mill .... lc. G. Jnynos . Rescue Orphanage. Total P. F. and Poor. . $ and Post Mortem. $ ? s t. Oo 5 d ? ? . ? 0 . fi ii . ? ft '1 K.O0 : 3 . 00 ; 1 :;. 00 > A .00 '! ? , 40 h _j] :i . 40 i{ ?j /. i rt 1 . 70 0.-00 5 . 3!) j. 0 o I . 50 (1 is Farming I TEN S ?PS PTiANT FBWER ACRES PREPARE I/AND WELI FERTILIZE LIBERA BL Y CULTIVATE FREQUEN LEARN TO POISON ! A FARMER CANNOT CONDITIONS UNLESS IB THE THINGS THAT / i\ LY CONTROL THE BOLL THEY SHOULD BE DOM COTTON GROWING 1 THING OF THE PAST. 'I STAY BY THE JOH WILL ll OF THE FUTURE. f G OW < ? \\ If J! MK't I?EVJL rr?? ? iSE WU . Tin:? ARE YOI* A PK? i KR OR Bank of Walhall . Walhalla, S. C. i ne Bank ot West Uni' llnnfil ?'l 1 ?sessO'rh. ?. 11. W??i?i?to?i [3. ll. Ellison . 1. h. Moser . I*. L. Oreen . 'oe Fnvr . 3. P. Reeder. .'. II. Whilmlre . Soo. Matheson . 10. x. Postor. f?. i.. Cothran . M. II. Loo . \. X. Prichard . A. L. Whitmiro . lOSSO Lay . 3. M. 11 linn kai i ; . \. T. Sin i'h . I. S. Callos . lan?os Sullivan . A. M. Brown . I. B. Whitton . W. M. Rarkor . IV. W. Beardon. 11. J. Marett . VV. J. Hunt. 3. x. Pitchford . =>. II. Snead . I. F. Morton . B. R. Lawrence . D. P. Adams . IS 13.00 ? ;t . t? n H 10.40 j ! .ni) ; f ('. .90 ' C . 50 I. sn i?. sn 1 ! . en 7 .80 1 :! . 7 5 . 1 o i. "j 0 rs. 50 C. . L' 0 (i. 70 r, ! V 1 1 9 0 ::D 00 7.20 7. r.o r,. a o no 00 30 I o 13 . 00 9, 00 Total Board Assessors. $ 233.45 Dieting Prisoners. W, M. Alexander.$ 254 . ?0 [?rand Total .$7,130.0-1 J. C. SHOCKLEY. I. B. S. DEX DY, Supervisor. Clerk. r Boll Weevil tions. TO TAKE USE EARLY VARIETIES PLANT EARLY KILL EARLY WEEVILS OATHER DAMAGED SQUARES DESTROY STALKS EARLY I TEL T eTTON UNDER ROLL WEEVIL LING TO FIGHT. SSA RV TO DO TO SUCCESSFUL* MUST BE DONE AT THE TIME ASY-GO-LUCKV METHOD IS A IO ABE EIGHTERS AND WILL SUCCESSFUL COTTON GROWERS ARE YOU A QUITTER? Enterprise Bank, Walhalla, S. C. West Union, otif S? C? ai/ri* get those extra years of wear/-* Forethought and good business judgment should prompt you to make a fixed annual allow ance for painting; it will lessen tho up-kecp expense of your property and save you many costly repairs. But whatever your paint requirements are, remember that painting is aa investment and get those extra years of wear by using Va n % is/? es-S'fa iris-E name ts For house exteriors Pee Gee Mastic affords the greatest pos sible protection. It is a strictly pure ZINC, lead and oil paint that has "Saved the Surfaco" for more than half a century. For Walls and Ceilings use Pee Gee Flatkoatt, a modern san itary, flat-oil finish. It comes in 24 rich shades. For Floors and Woodwork Pee Gee Varnish gives a mirror like finish and a hard yet clastic surface that does not crack or peel and holds a brilliant polish which water will not discolor. Ask ut for free paint books and color cards or write direct to PEASLEE-GAULBERT COMPANY Atlanta INCORPORATED LOUISVILLE Dallas ' Jh WIii?aiim-Marett Hardware Co. jf'^Aii), Westminster .* Walhalla 36 Phoue .No. II milli w^ni .-.4 v* VJrtl . : '... ??<> . .- . .. . . I LJ" .ii a .i?***?..-..%viv.? :-\-:\\?.-:.'-?>..'?-.?? WKWMW mo 1 >.HMwtr.t.-jrii?t HMMHMM . .;./.... . .-%?./..>. . - ?. i>, .. -. i nun iimnii i mur-un J 11? i.uswiwu<rii'iiiB?isi?<iii?lstW>ih1*ffl IHM* ? < i able Necessities. tust Received CARi.OAr. o:-' GALVAN:.:;:D ROOFING, COKRUGATKD, 3 Ari!) 0-V CRIMP IN ALL LENGTHS THB PRICE IS RIGHT. SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS and SCREEN WIRE CLOTH WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR SPRING SHIPMENT FULL STOCK OF ALL GRADES AND SIZES, IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO SEE OUR STOCK AND GET YOUR NEEDS WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. REFRIGERATORS and ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OUR INTITIAL SPRING SHIPMENT OF THESE HAVE JUST ARRIVED. THE PRICE IS MUCH LESS THAN LAST YEAR. THE MAKES OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND PRICES, RANGES TO SUIT YOUR WISHES. CONGOLEUM ART SQUARES and YARD GOODS YOU KNOW WHAT CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL QUALITY IS. WE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS AND THE PRICE IS MUCH LOWER THAN THE LARGER CITIES ARE ASKING. Ballenger Hardware (In the Old Coleman Stand.) Seneca, S. C? 1888 1922 VAN HEUSEN The World's Smartest Collar-Smarter than the Best Starched Collars-More Comfortable than Any Soft Collar. Price 50c. C. W. PITCHFORD, WALHALLA, S, C. Public servico corporations of Ibo knited Slatos rOdttirc "ow capital )f $20,000,000,000 annually. French scientists spout 4 5 years tnd nearly $50,000 in an attempt to produce a blue roso. Of 243,135 horses and mules with the American forces during tho war? Oh,(?82 perished. An English motorcyclo for racing purposes has a 20-horso-powor en gine.