Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 19, 1922, Image 2

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She Knows "lama Domestic Sc and a chemical sti Normal School the experiment t baking powders I except the Royal." ROY BAKING F Absolutel Contains No Alum 1 Send for New Royal Co Royal Baking Powder Co., 13 TH KKK Ml SSI X( J AFTBK HI. AST. (?hi Ammunition Dump Reporte?! to Hilve ItloWn l p-Houses Shako. Chaii< sion, v prll I - Burled shells are believed lo huvo heep tho eau 5o of a double . xplosion at Rort j Torminal, a f rmcr uiumunltlon ? dump near hore, Thursday, result ing in the possible death of (breo mea and ?lie wiping Olli of a half milo of railroad I rauh and demoli tion of seven box cars. .lack Hill, of Virginia, ls the only man (don ti Hod as being killed in tho double explosion. Moro than a scoro uro reported to have been injured, lilli's body was found blown lo bits, portions hoing picked up over an area of more than ti mlle. A number nf box cars which we. blown off the tracks are believed u have saved tho civilian section of tho government reservation by breaking the force of the explosion. Tho cause of the explosion had not been determined officially early in the afternoon, but it ls believed that sholls buried near a powder lest house exploded. The i xplosion was a terrille one. "Windows wero shattered for p? radi us of i wo miles about the dump, and thc explosion was plainly felt in this city, which ls ten miles away from the scene of the disaster. . V ':i? tl BK i>R Mi iii I - SM> \ EA DHU -KII.T. t'i a ind Dyes'." add yeara ot ivoar lo (vhm, faded skins, w,. ..;.>. coati*'1, .HUI HIIII-,.1, OIIUllLIu, v> \ ._,., ? lugs, draperies, everything. Every package contains directions so simple any woman can put new, rich, fade less colors into her worn garments or draperies even if sho has never dyed before. .Inst buy Diamond Dyes - no other kind-then your material will como out right, because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to streak, spot, fade, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material yon wish to dye is wool or silk, or whe ther it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods,--adv. Miss Myrtle Littleton. Miss Myrtle Littleton passed away at tho '.onie Creel? lin pt isl Academy on Feb. 2 it i Ii. she having been a stu dent at thal Inst il nt ion. She was sick only a few days, and everything thai the doctors and friends could do was done, bu I lo no avail. Mi.-s Littleton was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Littleton of Salem. She joined the church at Salem when very young and lived a true Chris tian lifo, always ready to do what ever she could to advance the cause of Christ. She volunteered to do mission work, and it was in furtherance of this splendid work that she was taking a special coarse at Long Crook. She lacked hut one year of completing this course. A peculiarly sad fact in connection with thedo at h of thia admirable young lady is thal she was engaged to be married to Rev. D. D. McCraw, her classmate, who is left heartbro ken. They would have been married when they liad finished their .school work. Miss Littleton was born July ? 71 h. ISH7, which made her 2 1 years of age. Silo wis buried on Feb. 28ih, beside her bro1 her. who v as killed in Frame the flrsl man from Oconee to give np his Ufo in t':e great cause of world freedom. Miss Myrtie will bo greatly missed in church. Sunday school, and mos! Of all in tho homo. The family have the sympathy of hosts of friends In their great loss. Their loss is gain to tho deceased, for "The Lord gave ?s now a homo on high wi,i> mm and the Lord taketh away,'' and hers whom she loved and served so well. W. IL Talley. Salem, April 11.1 922. P'lcs Cured in 6 to H Dn3'S DraMifltflrefund inonoy If PAZO OINTMENT fhll? tOCUroJICtttitit, filiad. f'.Iocdiiv.; 01 "r.triKlioa Pile*, instnntly relieve* Itching Ptics, nnd you cnn del restful sleep after ino fir 1 ..?<.tv ?co coe. Free Seeds Stay in the Rill. Washington, April i S.~ -Reversing action taken earlier, the Senate late today voted. I io ftp, i,, retain in the agricultural appropriation bill an allow m, (.:' limn >> buy free seeds for Congressmen to end to their constituents "back home." The appropriation has already boon voicd by tho House. Saccharin is ;iuu times as sweet as cano sugar. ?ence Graduate udent from the L After making esting various never use any Mr?. J. P. 'AL ?OWDER y Pure Leaves No Bitter Taste ok Book-It's FREE 0 William St., New York AMI-;mrAX DRIVERS ARK KILLED Their Horses Kale? hy Stitrvln v Pop itlace-(.'onditions Fearful. 1 '-i ris. Apri ! 13. - A mr::' r of American drivers o? rollet wa ; in Itussin have hoon killed In Hie sots Itj thc famished populace, who ? Ized iii?' horses for food, according .. ri1-j ports received to-day hy American I relief organizations ia Paris liol ?he i I fa, Dasliker and Tchyllateuisl; fam ine districts. Two drivers for die! American Itolief Administration wore ?killed this week, tho report said. ? Several other employees of tho re lief administration, fearing their I lives, have quit their positions, the. reports added. The dangor has be come so great thai it is no longer I ?safe to venture into tho streets. Peo ple are hoing killed every day. it was said, and the natives, maddened from starvation, strip tho clothes from the! bodies of tho victims. The report said the Americans aro .feeding 150,000 sufferers In the Ufa district, hut that the death rate con-1 Unites unabated. Cholera, smallpox, typhus and dysentery are raging, and : tho hospitals are destitute of sup plies and extremely short of helliers. Ditter cold and tho complete absence of fuel are adding to the sufferings. Tho hospitals, nevertheless, are choked with patients suffering from serious intestinal disorders due lo I ' jf poisonous food in their! il ? I m po y OJ hniort. The to ni lid people w.oe outing bark, j net .i and o\ eh human ' doab, ! Colds Cause drip ami liifltioiMUi LAXATIVE BROMO QUCIINE Tablets remove the cause. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine." E.W. GROVE'S signature on tho box. 30c. Directs His Own Rescue, then ,I)ies. New York, April 13.-Wedged be tween an elevator lift, and the wall of the shaft, Joseph Kipp, t?."> years of age, a night watchman, for an hour directed efforts of firemen to rescue him. Just as he was extricated ho died. Tho first religion of the Arabs was tho worship of the stars. Wesfcbgnoti is ?or eve of ha Don't wait for ! you that your bat tion. Westing! wards off expen necessary your b the trouble viewc corrected. You k fore the work is bi tion puts you une Only when the cc weighs the resul mend a Westingh You are welcome 1 Westinghouse Ir Walhalla Batten HENRY WHITE, W A Ll i l Distributor of WESTING B ATTI m m ARBUCKLE ACQUITTED IN THIRD lilal-Ho waa Charged with Man slaughter-Miss Rnppo's Death. San Francisco, Cal., April 12.-lt. C. Arbuckle ("Fatty") was acquitted by a jury to-night of the manslaugh ter chargo resulting from the death of Virginia Rappe. Tho jury was out six minutes, but reported it took but one minute to decide, as tho verdict was by acclamation. Edward Brown, to whose presence on tho jury the State objected, was foreman. Arbuckle was deojily affected and breathed a great sigh of relief, while his wife cried silently. There was no demonstration, as the court had warned against it, but there were many congratulations from the jury and spectators, whilo Mrs. Arbuckle gave Calvin McNnb, chiof counsel for the comedian, a resounding smack as a reward. McNab said that Arbuckle had no Immediate plans for the fu ture. It was his third trial, the ju rors having disagreed in tho two pre vious trials. A group of jurors headod by Brown issued a statement later, In which they said "Acquittal ls not enough for Roscoe C. Arbuckle. We feel that a great Injustice has been done him. Ho acted in a manly manner and he told a straight story." Board Will Act in Mntter. Eos Angeles, Cal., April 12.-Ce cilio B. DeMlllo, director general of tho Famous Players-Lasky Corpora tion, said tho board of directors will decide whether motion pictures showing Roscoe Arbuckle will be shown again. Ho said that he was "very glad to hear that Fatty had been acquitted." Tomorrow A 8mig foi NR Tablots stop sick hoadachos. roliovo bilious attacks, tons and regulato tho oliminativo organs, mako you foel fino. " Bottor Than Pills For Liver ll IBs " \ y NORMAN DRU H CO Walhalla, S. 0. Congressman Brimson I Newborn, N. C., April 1.3. neral of Congressman l" M of Moi (hirollna, wi i 1.30 th ii moi tiing, will o, fu nd?n. .> ti t held In the pilot : ptisi ..burch Vj 3.30 p; m. Frida} Virtually Hin eijti'ire del egation :;' < >ngrosa ?r?v?i \'ortt Car olina vviij citLbiid ibo ... ...i, ?ge ther with members ut ' mun aees named hy the Speake1 of he i ?ouse and the Vico Presiden Tho failing health ol tho North Carolina Congressman dal s back to tho close of tho camp in 191S. He died in a hospita' N o w lier n, where he had been si . ist Satur day when ho roturne tn Battle Creek. Mich., where ] o under gone treatment. Holy Trinity monas in Thes saly, bulli in the fourt century, is accessible only by i ij and lad ders. ty make ttteiy trouble to remind tery needs atten ?ouse Attention sive repairs. If attery is opened, ;d, explained and now the cost be egun. This atten ler no obligation. >st of repairs out t will we recorn ouse-not before. :o a twice a month ispection. ? Service Station, I). K. Cl I ASTA IN, iLI.A, S. C. HOUSE J L RIES A CALL TO THE OCONEE WOMEN. Ladies Urged to Attend tho Political uml Party Meetings This Year. To tho Women of Oeonoo County: 'Please allow me to call your at tention to the fact that the' various D?mocratie clubs aro to moot on the fourth Saturday of this month for re organization and to olect delegates to the county convention, which will bo held on tho following Monday, May 1st. Since the average voter comes Into direct contact with the management of her party only at tho clcb meetings, lt ls urged that every woman who has attained her major ity, or who will become twenty-one years of age before the general elec tion in November, attend the meet ing which will bo held in her pre cinct on April' 2!'th. Of cours- it is t'a ken for granted that each club In electing delegates to the county convention will provide for a fair representation of women, but, since time immemorial lt has boon the custom to select men only this provision may be overlooked un less, women are present as a remind er that they also are citizens. Then, too, the delegation chosen by tho county convention to tho Stato con vention should bo composed of both men and women; and a woman, ns well as a man, should bo selected to represent thc county on the State Democratic executive committee. The Democratic party now requires that the National executive committee shall comprise two members--a man and a woman-from each State. Mrs*. Julian IL Salley, of Aiken, is our rep resentative. In conclusion, let mo say thal the nineteenth amendment gives the vote alike to the woman who w .lcd it and to the woman who though! she did not want it. Neither has ibo right to neglect lt. lt now becomes just ns mud) Ibo duty of every woman in South Carolina to use ber ballot for tho tm bl ic welfare as it has for gen erations been tho duly ot* our mon to employ the franchise for tho best interests of the State, shall wc provo less mindful and worthy of tho trust than they? (Mrs. lt. Annie Caines Williams. Chairman South Carolina League of Women Voters. Report from Oeonoo Orphanage. West Union, Rt. 1, April ll.-Edi tor Courier: Will you please give tito Coonee Orphanage space In your columns in which to return sin cere thanks for tho following contri butions, which were made during tho past three months? Seneca, cash collections.$12.00 AV. W. Hurley. 1.91 J. P. Coats. 2.00 Shiloh Aid package, value... ll.SO 'First Baptist church, small package. Walhalla collections.$11.47 Moss & Ansel, LS lbs flour. C. W. & J. E. Bauknlght, 24 lbs. Hour. O w Pitchford ?.i lbs flour 0. (i. Schumacher, coffee, vftlue $1 Mr. Spe'iire*, c. lbp. flour, ?? lbs, ol sugar, J. T Beil; i bushel shoal and ? gals. J. i. v lo?aiit?, nun uushel meal. Mr. Shockley.$ 5.00 West Union, collections .... 8.75 Ladles* Aid Society of West Union, one quilt. B. Y. P. U., one quilt. Miss Eliza Osborne, one quilt. Mr. and Mrs. W. Looney, one calf. A Friend, half gal. lard, 1 bushel of meal, peck peas, 2 lbs. butter and honey. Mr. Clark, several gallons milk. Mrs. Hughs, milk and butter. Westminster collections 7.75 J. Warner, one package cloth. C. c. Whltmire.$10. 00 Salem Missionary Society, box second hand clothe:;. Donors will please nec<pl sincere thanks for all contributions. Mrs. S. O. Whitman, Matron. Tho women coalers who coal tho ships in Japan carry their babies or. their hacks while working. Color blindness affects one woman out of every thousand, wbilo among tho men tho ratio is ono tn every twenty-live. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons lndobted to tho Es tate of Mrs. Josie Owen, Deceased, are hereby notified to make pay ment to tho undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present tho sarre, duly at tested, within tho Hmo prescribed by law, or bo barred. B. C. and T. W. BROCK, Administrators of Hie Estate of Mrs. Josie Owen, Deceased. April 12, 1922. 15-18 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to tho Estato of W. J. Walters, Deceased, are hereby notified to make payment lo tho undersigned, and all persons having claims against said Estate will present tho same, duly attested, within tho Hmo proscribed by law, or bo barred. L. C. fl RA HAM, Administrator of tho Estate of W. J. Walters, Deceased. April r,, 1 022. 14-17 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice ls heroby glvon that tho un dersigned will mako application to V. F. M?rtir, Judgo of Probate, for Oeonoo County, In tho Stato of South Carolina, at his ofneo at Walhalla Court House, on FRIDAY, tho 21st day of APRIL, 1022, or ns soon thereafter as said application can bo heard, for leave to mako Final Set tlement of tho Estato of MMES BROCK, Deceased, and obtain Final Discharge as Executor of said Estato. IL C. BROCK, Executor of tho Fstato of James Brock, Deceased. March 20, 1922. 13-16 SEALED AIR.TIGHT Penn's spells quality. Penn's is packed air-tight in the pat ented new con tainer. It is always fresh. Chew fresh to bacco. Try Penn's next time. Clean fresh-sweet. Guaranteed by THE BEAVERDAU ASSOCIATION W. M. 17. Mission Study Instituto ni Soncctl, April 20th, nt IO A. M. 1 ly mn--"Moro About Jesus Would \ I Know." 'Prayer - That through mission study wo may know move about Je sus. Mrs. D. A. Perritt. Devotional-Mrs. W. P. Leister. Words of Welcome-.Mrs. J. W. Willis. Response-Miss Janie Alexander. Greenings from our Associational Superintendent-Mrs. IO. K. iBroa zeale. Address-Mission Study and Cer tificate Courses. Hy our Stato Mis-i sion Study Chairman, Mrs. T. B. Clarkson. W. M. S. and Y. W. A. Demonstra tion, Stewardship and Missions, chap, ter VII. Seneca and Jordania Socie ties, led by Mrs. Joel T. Rice. Special music-Mrs. Leister and Mrs. Denning. W. M. S. and Y. W. A. Demonstra tor . Making \morion r\i |&UH ? Wt? I ii/illa and Conrvoss societies, lodi by Mrs, W, L McGVothlin. f?. A hud Ft. ,\? Demonstration Tit? King's Own. Led hy Mr;;. I. IO, I D A ....Dows. . Elve-mlnuto Talks on "Importance1 of Mission Study." Mrs. E. \V. Mas ters and Mrs. A. E. Dean. W. M. S. and Y. W. A. Demonstra tion - "Talks on Soul Winning." Bethel, Imanuel and Clearmont So cieties, led by Mrs. \V. S. Dearden. Hymn-"More Like tho Master." Prayer-Mrs. J. W. Sholor. ?Lunch-12.45 lo 2 o'clock. Devotional-Mrs. W. C. Mays. Sunbeam Demonstration Work, lcd by Mrs. H. L. Mitchell. "Message of the Blue Bird," by a little Sunbeam. W. M. S. and Y. W. A. Demonstra tion- Manual of W. M. V. Methods. Westminster and First Westminster Societies, led by Mrs. T. H. Clarkson. Special music-Mrs.W.S. Heardon. Open Discussion-Led by Mrs. T. B. Clarkson. Closing Prayer-Mrs. J, P. Arm strong. livery society in the association is requested to send as many delegates as possible, each bringing her lunch. A special offering will be taken to defray the expenses of our visitors. Mrs. L. \V. Langston, Mrs. Ceo. E. Smit li. Mission Study 'Chairmen. Let's Reason It Out ! Now ls thc time to uso economy iii all things-especially lu tile i loth Line. We should always buy where wo can save tho most. It, will pay you to walk ten miles to save Ilvo dollars on MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES. Clothes made to your mensuro will lit you better, look better and wear longer than n re?,dy ?undo nit. ti you have l ? io r?oMv n trendy ?>u hand, bving lt lo ui? n?<? we will mu! . tv. up lo you?, itonsure mid ffnaruntee you a perfect UL if you haven't (be 'oil,, conto (.> us und wo linvu youl' dollies made. LADIES I f Wo will do your work also. Wo will make any kind of a Garment for Ladies, Misses and Children and give you a perfect lit. If you have old clothes and want thom to look like new ones, we will dyo them or make them over-and make thom look just ns good as now ones. Come in and look over our sam ples anil get our prices. Our prices for Two and Three-piece Snit* aro S 10.00, S 15.00 and $25.00. Wo also (lo Pressing at f50 cents per suit. Seo us. On Postoftlco Block. No. 100 South Main Street, WALHALLA, S. C. 11-17 Are You Feeding Enough Whites? About one out of ten poultry raisers feeds a ration properly balanced for egg production. The common mistake is feeding too much yolk-making material and failing to feed for whites. Grains alone make lots of yolks but few whites. Purina Chows Balance Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina Hen Chow, fed in equal parts by weight, balance the whites and yolks by supplying an equal number of each. They make hens lay to the limit of their capacity. Purina Chows save time and trouble-no guess work, no trouble and uncertainty of mixing. Peed both Chows and keep thc egg 1asket full. C. W. <a J. E. BAURNIGHT, WALHALLA, S. C.