KEOWEE COURIER (Established 1849.) Published Every Wednesday Morning SLIkSCHIPTTON PRICE. Ono Year .$1,00 Rix Months.55 Throe Mouths.:t0 Advertising ItntOH Reasonable. Hy Stock, Sholor, Hughs A Sholor. j Communicutions or u personal character charged 1er us advertise ments, Obituary notices, cards of thanks and tributes or respect, oithor by Individuals, lodges or churches, aro charged for as for advertisements at rato of one cont a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, and all such notices will bo marked "Adv." in conformity with Federal ruling on such matters. U AMI AU "A, S. U. WEDNESDAY, DEC. lil, 10121 (il.AI) CHRISTMAS TIME. This is the last Issue of The Cou rier before thu gladsome Christmas I'av Al lliis time wo wish lo ex lend tn each and every reader of The Courier Ibo sincere wish that this Christmas 'imo may hu one of joy, ot" happiness, of blessings innumer able. And it will he il we have so lived that our lives lia ve blessed others during the year. Aller all. Christmn.s is hut tho redacting of our lives, through tho beauty of thu Christian attributes of humanity, in to tho lives of otiiers about us. There is no sol fish noss In Christmas joy no thought of self, hut of others ide (bought of that limitless joy and happiness thai was the real i ssonco of the One whoso hirth anniversary we will soon celebrate. What a pity hat we do not carry in our vision he ever-coming Christmases of time, Ivlng "Christmas lives" daily, giv ng joy and happiness to others daily .nd hourly! As the groat festal day approaches et ns think of this side of the big [tiostloil of giving pleasure. During he next twelve months lot us think f giving pleasure, doing good, living Christmas lives," which is nothing lore nor ?ess than living Christian ve?. If we will hut do this, what a anson of great joy will bo the Christ las-tide of 1022! At least we may ry and wo can live with tho very ??fit of Christmas unmistakably ap aren! in our dailv lives if wo but ill. We wisli for each and every ono ' our friends and readers a merry liristmas! XMAS SEALS-11 KA 1,111 IIONDS. A few days ago a young mother carno to a friend ia town and said: "The doctors tell nie that I have an advanced caso of tuberculosis and should go to a sanitorium. I have been sick a long time. Won't you help me? Won't you write to a hos pital for me?" She seemed to think that she had practically no chanco of getting well, and said, "1 would not mind so much if il was not for leav ing my little children, lt is so hard to leave them. 1 don't know what they will do." Thou she began to cry. for she knew that soon she must tell them bood-diyo forever. Her friond has boen trying to got a place for her to go. but every place seems to be tilled. There are sixteen thousand active cases of tuberculosis in South Caro lina needing immediate treatment, and only one hundred and nixty beds 1o take care of them. Two thousand lives are being wast ?nt [\\ south Car olina by this disease annually, the funerals alone costing $100,000. Tu berculosis is the cause of one out of ? every eight deaths, and, disregarding tho untold sorrow and suffering, it costs the State an annual economic loss of live millions of dollars. The Ked Cross is trying to help out in this situation They are pro viding bods, helping lo build s.ini toriums when? tuberculosis patients can i; o for treat mont. They are em ploying nurses, who hold free din ics. They have nurses in eight of the counties in our State, trying to save Ute lives of many from the rav ages of tins plague. Christmas Seals and Health Monds are being sold lo linance Ibis cam paign against the while plague. Oniy .i few days more remain In willoh to Kuy those seals ?md bonds, Ihm ibo ch ris! m.i s salo will be over. 11 ;i ve > on bough I il ny ! "I wouldn't mind ii so much ii* it \v;it; not for my little children. I don't know what tho> will do'" What are yen going io say to thal mother? Are yon Hoing lo s.iy. "I'll buy a Health llond lo help provide a place for yon io i'.o for Ire M ment ? Christmas niorniiu; has como The little elli!.hen aro Ulled with joy Santa Claus ha.s left them so many pretty things. They are .is happy as they can bo, playing around a good Christmas tire with their toys Hut that mother nh, that mother! There she sits, her hean a bon I io break, her eyes lilied with tears as she lov ingly watches them play with their now toys, she know? that this is her Inst Christmas with har darl ings. Uoforo another year has passed and another Christmas time has como, tho white plague will havo ta ken her away! Sho know? that next Christinas her now happy children will ho motherless orphans-"I don't j know what will become of my chil idren!" She might have been saved 1 to her children had there been room. ' but 1 "No room. We have only a few beds, ami they are occupied." Won't you help provide room by buying a Health Hoad and Christmas Seals and help save lives of moth ers and fathers, hoys and girls? Loading Textile >?un Dies. Concord, N'. C., Dec. 19.-James W. Cannon, one of the leading textile manufacturers of the entire South, and father-in-law of David H. Blair, United States Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue, died shortly after six o'clock to-night, following an illness of several weeks. Death was due lo heart trouble. Mr. Cannon is sur vived by his widow and nine chil dren. Subscribe for Tho Courier. (Best) Ha^eTou Been a Good Boj?? yjiiiLUMuiuii??iiiiuiiiuitnuiiiuiiii?aimiiiiuii?iiUiuiiMii I ] Who Said Santa Clans? i I J j 1 WTiniiHnT?nnnnTntHtnHTTTHiniiinTnwtniiHW i "Bo Coori tn All. Dear Santa : 1 am a Itt t?o girl ten year? old and 1 I am going to school. I am in the ( fifth grado; I am taking music les- ' sons, anti I am practicing real goori in order to got ino a little ring. I can play several pretty pieces. I have a little brother. His name is Joe. I want you to bring him a little toy. I have a little sister, too. Her name is Donnie Lou. Please bring her a litllo doll. You nerti not bring us any fruits, for daddy has a store. lie Koori to all tho other lillie children, too. please. Nour lillie girl. lone Clean. Pair Play, s. C.. Dec ir,, i :>._> i. A Pim?o ?md a Toddy Hour. 1 lea i' Sa II l-l : Please bring mc a little plano, and l have a sister, and she says please bring her a lilt lo teddy bear. And WO want stun?; MUS. oranges, raisins and . onie prel . y i apples. And .lo h.. careful and not fall down the chimney. My stocking wili he on one -nie of the chimney and | Virginia's win be on ihr other .-iii".1. Von will know which Virginia's, j for hers is ?he smailes" l',e sure io lill hers full, tor he is so sweet. Your l;i ; friend. Alma Whitten. Confed?rate? Vets, to Mool .lan. ii, All Confederate veterans of noo nee County are called to meet al the < Court House on Monday, Hu? 2d of ' January, 1022, for the purpose of ( electing tho Pension Hoard for 1922. < W. T. .Mcdill, Chairman. < Oconeo County Pension Hoard. '< Hold-up Man Wounds Tw? -. , Atlanta lo., Dee. 15.-B. Ol Wost, Coi '.er, was shot irobnbly fatally wounded, and 'ate detoctlve seriously woundeii her? his afternoon hy an unidei Ahito niau, who attempted to ho d ip the jewelry store of Nat K in Peachtree street. The wo. .ohhor made his escape. Tho Orinoko delta is shortly ?xplorcd hy British aviators. MA UK 1*(>U It TAX MOT CR? AUDITOR'S OFFICE Walhalla. S. C.. Dec. 19, IP Tho Auditor's Office will he open o receive Itel urns of Real and Per sonal Properly for taxation from tho 1st day of January, 1022. to the 20th lay of February, 1021, inclusive. Th.- real estate, lots and buildings ire to be returned this year. Tax layers will be careful to list oxa.v y ho number of ncros, number of K?*.s md number of buildings on their re urns, as the assessment made no v ?rill stand for the next four yen ;. The Township Assessors aro required >y law to Hst all those who fail to nako their returns within the ".Imo .equired by law. Hence tho difficulty if delinquents escaping tho 50 per .eut penalty, as well as the frequen cy of errors resulting from this prae ice. Hy all means make your own .eturns. and thoreby save expense ind confusion. All able-bodied men from 2 1 to fiO ..ears of ago are taxable polls. For tho convenience of tax-payers he Auditor or his Deputies will re ceive returns at tho following times md places: January 3d . Madison January ttl .Tabor January 5th.South Union January ('?tb.I'air Play January Till .... Karie's Orovo January 0th.Oak way January 10th.ToUeena Janna rv 11th .Providence January 12th .Friendship January I ;ltli .lordania January 1 (?th.Richland January 17 th.N'ewry January I 8th ..Clemson College January 1 Otb .. Adam-' Crossing January 20th .High Falls January 2Isl .Salem January 2Rd .Little Uiver January 21th .Ta tn assoc January 25th ... Mountain Host January 2 fi th . Whetstone January L'Tth.Long Cree'; January 28lh, Tugaloo Academe Jan Suth and X I st ... seneca Peb. 1st and 2d... Westminster Returns will bo taken at nil places rom 10 o'clock in tho morning utilf 1 ' o'clock In the afternoon unless oih .rwlso noted. RALPH M PIKE, Auditor. Oconee Conn y, s C. Dec. 2 1. 1 'J2 1. 1-tx VOTICE Ol' FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCI IA HOE. Notice is horohy given that the un lersigned will make application to v\ F. Martin, Judge of Probate for "iconee County. In the State of S Ml th karolina, at his office at Walhalla 20lirl House.on Wednesday, the 18th lay of January. 1022. at ll o'clock In tho forenoon, or a? soon there after as said application can be heard, for loavo to make final settle ment of the P?stalo of C. It. D. Burns, Deceased, and obtain Final Settle ment as Administrator of said Es tato. C. W. WICKLIFFE, Administrator of the Estate of C. R. I). Burns, Deceased. Dec. 2 1. 1021. 51-2 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons are hereby notlllod not to trespass upon any lands belonging to or under tho control of the under signed. This notice specifically pro-! hiblts hunting or any entry upon tho t sahl lands for any purpose whatso ever without first having roceived written permission from party whoso' land is entered. Full penally of the law will bo invoked against any ono disregarding this notice. W. W. FOWLER. W. B. T. LOONEY. .1. L. SLATER. II. M. HA REINS. MRS. E. A. ALLISON. .MRS. M. J. (?ALLOWAY, M. .J. COWAN, MRS. PEARL DOVER. MISS VICTORIA OREEN, E. M. DOVER. J. 1?. VA FOI IN. JAMES CANTRELL, MRS. A. M. MCGILL, WILL ANDERSON. rt. II. ORR. .1. A. LIPSCOMB. .1. B. TRAM EL. O. F. CANTRELL. MRS. T. Y. CHALMERS, MRS. 10YA TODD. .1. C. RANKIN. J. P. YOLRAT1I. W. F. ORR. LEWIS VOLKATII, .1. 10 GRANT, J. T. LAV. MRS. M. E. LAV. W L. MILLER. MRS. A. J. HUBBARD, C. rt. CHALMERS. OTTO KAUFMANN. T. 1?. EA DIOS. .1. R. EAR LIO. J. F. DAVIS. T. G. WINCHESTER. W. C. BURNSIDE, J. H. CREEN. A. M. LOUDERM ILK, MRS. M. E. DAVIS. MRS. M. J. McOAREY, J. K. WINCHESTER, W. J. HUNT, LAW R EN CE AL EX AN DE it. Dec. 21, 1921. 51-2' SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. 1 i State of South Carolina, ounty of Oconoo. In Court of Common Ploas.) aniel Williams, John A. Wil liams, Aaron Pettigrew, Mose W 3bb, Henry Williams. Hultis Nfaxwell.Tecora Maxwell and Marv Maxwell, Plaintiffs, against ;. I. Hix, Ransom Harrison and Ma rnte Nelson, Defendants, .unons for Relief.- (Complaint Served.) Po tho Defendants Almvo Named: i u aro hereby summoned and ro ri to answer tho complaint in ictlon, of which a copy ls here served upon you. and to servo :iy of your answer to tho said hunt on tho subscribers, at their on tho Public Square, at Wal Court House, South Carolina, .n twenty days after tho servlco f if, exclusive of tho day of such ie; and If you fail to answer omplaint within tho Hmo afore tho Plaintiffs In this action will uppty to tho Court for the relief dc !: u led In tho Complaint. Dated this Kith day of December, 1921. W. J. SCHRODER, C. C. P. S H FLOR & HUGHS, Plaintiffs" Attorneys. To tho Defendant, .Mumie Nelson: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That /OM aro horoby required to make ap plication within twenty days after the service of the abovo Summons .ipon you, exclusive of tho day of mch service, for tho appointment of i Guardian Ad Litern to appear and represent you in said action; and if rou do not make application within :he time prescribed, Plaintiffs will ipply for tho appointment of one for rou. December 16th, 1921. S HELOR & HUGHS, .Plaintiffs' Attornoys. Dec. 21. 1921. x5 1 -1 Master's Sales STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. .Pursuant lo decrees of the afore laid Court, in the cases named below, will offer for sale, to the highest >tdder, In front of the Court House loor, at Walhalla. South Carolina, on dONDAY. the 2d day of January, 92 2, between the legal hours of ale, the tracts of land below rio cribed : lank of Walhalla, a Corporation created by and existing under and by virtue of tho Laws of tho State Of South Carolina. 1'laintiff, against olin Carter and Jesse S. Carter and American Wholesale Corporation. ( Baltimore Bargain House, i a cor poration created hy and existing under tho Laws of the Stale of Maryland, Defendants. Lor NO. I All that certain pleca, in ree I or lot Of land, situate, lying md being in the Town of Westmin itor, of the County of Oconoo, state [ >f South Carolina, fronting oil Main 1 itreet ,",u feot and running back 1 ."">S 'cot, .same being in form a parallelo gram, and on which is situate tho i argo two-story brick storehouse once occupied by J. & J. S. Carter in ;heir merchandise business, and bo ng tho samo lot of land convoyod to :ho Carter Morchandlso Company by Mrs. M, J. Carter by dood bearing lato January 25, 1895, and recordori n Clerk's OfTlco, Oconoo County, Just in Time w? For the Holidays. ^ Wc have just received a shipment of Pure White Table, and shipment of Johnson's White and Gold Band Porcelain. Both patterns are very attractive and popular-thc prices less than wc have been able to offer since war times came on, COMMUNITY SILVER WARE, VARYING SETS-TURKEY ROASTERS. Call and see what we have. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year, we are. Ballenger Hardware Co., Seneca, S. C. Winier Time Is Here. JUST RECEIVED A CAR. OF Stoves arid Heaters SUITABLE FOR YOUR HOME, OFFICE, SCHOOL OR CHURCH. SEE US NOW. Whitmire-Marett Hdw Co., -HARDWARE HEADQUARTERS WESTMINSTER, S. C. WALHALLA, S. C. Farming Under Boll Weevil Conditions. Tho Mexican Holl Weevil ho? invaded our County and has estab lished n homo for l?msolf on nearly every farm,whore, if not destroyed, he will pass tho winter safely, and will !>o ready early next spring to multiply and dostroy all tho young cotton squares as fast as they aro grown. If wo maintain our credit and present prosperity, conditions demand that wo change our present fanning methods at once. A careful study of tho habits of tho Boll Weevil will show that ho moves once a year, and that is in August. Now, if wo will clean ap our fields onrly this fall by chop ping and turning under all cotton stalks and burning off all terraces, ditch banks and other places whore tho Weevil has hibernatol for tho winter, wo cnn kill tho Weevils out and leave our fields freo from the pest, and thon, by thc I pro? per farming methods, ot grown bolls can M, < ., boforo tho Weevil co* >i ? tn con ii annual movement, in ? st As a safe program for farming novt year to combat tho Weevil wo would suggest 20 acres to tho plow, planted aa follows: Six acron to cotton, followed by small grain in tho fall. Six acres to corn, wi til velvet beans and peas planted in com. Six acres to small grain-two acres each to wheat, oats and rye. Two acres to truck crops, con sisting of Irish potatoes, syrup cane, sweet potatoes, melons and beans. Ih-oparo tho ground well, plant early, using an early-maturing va riety of cotton; fertilize liberally and cultivate intensively. Bank of Walhalla, Enterprise Bank, Walhalla, S..G Walhalla, S.?C. The Bank of West Union, West Union, S. C. South Carolina, on February 22,1 1895, in Book R, pago 455. SECOND-Farm of John Carter, i All that certain pieco, parcel or tract j of land, situate, lying and being In i tho County of Oconeo, State of South Carolina, near tho Town of West minster, on tho northeast side of tho) public road loading from Westmlu- ! stcr to Oakway, adjoining lands of C H. Miller, J O. ?3. Haley and otb- ? ors, containing nineteen (10) acre, moro or less, (less two and one-fifth (2 1-5) acres which has been roloas ed from tho Hon of this mortgage),! ?md the same tract of land conveyed to J. S. Carter by W. F. Furgorson hy doed dated Doc. 12, 1911, re corded in Clerk's Office, Ocouoo County, on February 12, 1912, in; Hook PP, page 87, and being tho ^atno tract of land conveyed to .fohn ; ('arter by Josse S. Carter by deed ilated the 5th day of July, 1915, and recorded in Clerk's Office, Oconeo County, South Carolina, in Deed Hook irt', pogo 3'18, on the 5th day ?>f July, 1915, ! THUMS OF -'ALF One-third cash1 rm day of sale, and balance in two ?qual annual installments, with leave lo die purchaser, or purchasers, to untlcipato payment of all or any por tion of i lie credit part, at option; tho credit portion to hear interest from the day of salo al the rate of' eight per cent per annum and bo! secured hy bond of tho purchaser, or, purchasers, and mortgage of tho premises; that tho purchaser, or pur-, chasers, be requirod to ?usuro tho, buildings On tho said premises nt three-fourths of their value, and as-j sign Ibo policy or policies of insur- j anco 'o tho Master, and In tho event of tho purchaser, or purchasers, fail-1 lng or refusing to so Insure tho build- j ings as above dlroctod, tho Master ? may do Ibo samo and collect the pre mium as part of tho Judgment of I tho Plaintiff horoln, but for tho ben efit of bo'.h plaintiff and Defendant, American Wholesale Corporation, (Haltimoro Bargain IIouso) ; that in ovent of failure of tho purchaser, or purchasers, to comply with the terms of sale within flvo days from day of salo, the Master do re-advortiso and ro-sell said promises on tho follow .g Salesday, or eome convenient Salesday thereafter, at the same place and on the samo terms as here tofore sot out, at tho risk of tho for mer purchaser, or purchasers, and that ho do continue so to do until ho shall have found a purchasor, or purchasers, who comply with tho terms of salo. Purchaser to pay extra for papers, stomp and recording mortgage. The above properly sold at tho risk of former purchaser. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Hoc. 14, 1021. 50-52 CITATION NOTICE. Tho State of South Carolina, Coun ty of Oconee.- (In Court of Probate) -By V. R MARTIN, ftso,.. Probate .Mulgo.- -Whereas. H. T. Burton has made suit to mo to grant him Let ters of Administration of tho Estate Of and Effects of Mrs. Susan A. Dick son. Deceased These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular tho kin dred and creditors of the said Mrs. Susan A.Dickson, Deceased, that they bo and appoar boforo mo, In tho Court of Probate, to bo held at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, on Wednesday, the 28th day of De cember, 1921, after publication here of, at I 1 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not bo granted. (liven under my hand and seal this 13th day of December. A. D. 1921. V. P. MARTIN, Judge of Probate for Oconee Co., S.C Published on thc M th and 21st days of December. 1021, In The Keo weo Courier, and on tho Court House door for tho time prescribed by law. Dec. 14, 1921, 50-51