Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 21, 1921, Image 3

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I zA CHRISTMA! I didn't hear old Santa come Jurt left for me a Christmas t And tho I like each thing he br I'll tell $ou confidentially : I lc - B rirst Christmas Tree HKN Ansgarius preached thc Whit? Christ to the vikings of the North, so runs the legend of the Christinas tree, the Lord sent his three messengers, Faith, Hope, and Love, to help light th? first tree. Seek ing one that should be high as hope, wide ns love, and that bore the sign of the cross on every hough, they chose the bnlsam fir. which best of all the trees In the forest met the rcqulre ; ment*. Perhaps that is a good reason why there clings about the Christmas tree in my old home that which has preserved It from being swept along In the flood of senseless luxury that has swamped so many things In our money mad day. At least so lt was then. Bvery time I se? a tree studded with electric lights, garlands of tinsel gold festooning every branch, and hung with thc hundred costly knickknacks the storekeepers Invent year by year "to make trade," until the tree Itself disappears entirely under its burden, I have a feeling that a fraud has been practiced on the kindly spirit of Yule. Wax candles are the only real thing for a Christmas tree, candles of wax that mingle their perfum? with that of the burning fir, not the by-product of some coal -oil or other abomination. What if the boughs do catch Are? They can be watched, and too many candles are tawdry, anyhow. Alno, red apples, oranges and old-fashioned cornucopias made of colored paper, and mad? at home, look a hundred tlmts better and fitter in th? green ; and so do drums and toy trumpets and wald-homs, and a rocking hors? that need not have cost forty dollars. Washing Window?. If windows are washed when the sun Is shining on them they dry before there is time to polish them, and look streaky. Always dust wtudows hefor? washing them. Add a little ammonia te the water to make tho glo?s shine and polish well. MERRY CHRISTMAS ??f2|fc| HBTHBR we shout lt sure to mean lt; for if we really mean it when we say. "Merry Christ mas, every body," we will do all In our power to make Christmas a day of unsullied Joy for all those within reach of our Influence. Christ came Into the world to bring light which brings Joy. He came to bring deliverance to men ; to solve their dllllcult problems; to inspire a higher hope in the spirit of men. That is the co use of the deepest Joy to mankind. Yes, Christmas ls a Joyful day us well as a sacred day. It ls a day for doing good deeds, as well as thinking good thoughts. It ls iy>t a day for receiving gifts only. There are so many opportunities for doing good, that we may receive Joy a hundredfold, with the expendi ture of just a little time and thought. There are many who have little; many who do not know the meaning of this day as 2 you know lt; many whose spirits JI are crushed by dlsastor. Re~ j j member thom ! -Roys' World. S CONFESSION " -he ne\>er made a sound, ree, with presents all around ! ought, my books and all the rest, ?ve my doll^ best! ly MARTHA HART, in Suet.?ful Farming. |raiuramraraimnffliinraiuiurani| I THE FEAST g 1 OF LIGHTS sal aranmimmmraranuttiiuuimraml rtWF'Hlt HghU oa th? tree are said to be of Jewish origin. In the month of Klslev, of the Jewish year, corresponding nearly to our De cember, and the twenty-fifth day, Jews celebrated the feast of dedication of their temple. It had boen dedicated on that day by Antlochus. It was dedicated by Judas Maccabeus, aud, according to Jewish legend, sufficient oil was found In the temple to last for the seven branched candlestick for eight days, and lt would have taken eight days to prepare new oil. Accordingly the Jews were wont on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev in every house to light a can dle, on the next day two, and on the the eighth and last day of the feast, eight candles twinkled in every house. It is not very easy to fix the ex act date of the Nativity, but it fell most probably on the last day of Kis lev, when every Jewish house la Beth lehem and Jerusalem was twinkling with lights. It is worthy of note that the German name for Christmas ii Weihnacht (the night of dedication), as though lt were associated with this feast. The Greeks also call Christ mas the feast of lights, the uame given to the dedication festival, Ohan ukah, by the Jews. WHY THE CHRISTMAS KISSES? Osculation, Allowed by Cuatem, Cele, bratoo One of Meet Charming Events in Tradition. HY should men kiss girls who stood under mistletoe? Because they like lt and be cause custom allows lt. Every klsa under the mistletoe^ however. Is a kiss which celebrates oae of the most charming events In Ohristmas tradi tion. The romance goes back to Hie day? of the gods of Scandinavia, when Bul dur the Beautiful was shot by Locke, the Spirit of Evil, with an arrow of mistletoe. But his mother, Venus of tho North, restored him to life by sa luting with kisses all who passed be neath a branch held aloft In her hand. Thus it became HU emblem of low and happy celebration. Ancient races held the plant In groat veneration, par ticularly the Druids, who went In pro cession Into the forests to collect lt. After Now Year's day lt was dis tributed among the people as H sacred and holy plant. If any part of tho mistletoe touched the ground lt wus regarded as an omen of impending evil. A FULL 8TOCKIN0. Hock-Santa Claas apparently has gifts to please everybody. Hock-Yes. It stains that there ls nothing he doesn't keep in stock. He brought one woman of my acquaint ance a divorce with alimony and tho custody of the poodle." ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning! Ur.iess you seo tho name "Bayer" on package or on tablets, you aro not getting genuino Aspirin prescribed by physicians for twenty one years and proved safe hy mil lions. Take Aspirin only as told in tho Bayer package for colds, head ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, ear ache, toothache, lumbago and for pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin ls the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture ot Monoacetle acidoster of Salicylicacid.-adv. MEXICAN VOLCANO EKCPTS. Ashes Thrown High Above Mountain Tops-Nearby Villages Deserted. A dispatch from Mexico City says Popocatepetl, the great volcano to the southeast ot' this city, burst Into violen*, eruption yesterday afternoon, a column of smoke and ashes being thrown 2,600 feet above the summit of the mountain. President Obregon directed that two aviators bo sent to the mountain to ascertain the :-:e riousness of the outbreak. The avia tors reported upon their return that they had heard heavy rumbling in the mountain, and that lava was then flowing down tho slopes below the crater. Warnings were sent to the i residents ot nearby villiges, but re-1 ports Indicated that these small places had been deserted for weeks. Within tho past month Popocate petl has been reported active, each eruption showing greater violence than the one preceding it, and a seri- I ons outbreak is feared during the future. To Stop a Cough Quick tako HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by bealing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey in side thc throat combined with the heating effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trato Salve through the pores of thc ??kin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed tn one carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. Four Deported Missing in Five. 'Passaic, N. J., Doc. 14. - Firemen were searching the ruins of the plant of the Hayden Chemical Co. of Amer ica to-day for the bodies of four men reported missing following a lire and an explosion at the plant yesterday, which did damage estimated at near ly $200,000. Thirty employees were burned In the fire, which came after an explosion of a tank of chemicals and soon spread throughout ?.he building. The bursting of an electric light globe over a tank of chemicals ls believed to have caused the ex plosion. The word yacht ls derived from .he Dutch language. Profits are found only in Healthy Livestock Old Reliable Mustang Liniment stops lossesby keeping stock healthy. SOOTHES while CURING No Alcohol - No Sting - No Torturo Mustang Liniment is made of pure, healing oils. When rubbed freely into the hide, it penetrates muscle and tissue to the bone, thereby over coming the ills of cattle, hogs, sheep, mules, horses, etc. J?av? J.u,,a Lester, Jacksonville. Ga.~ ,J V1? I used your Mexican Liniment on n cow of mine that was suffering from a caked udder. She was relieved tn 1 day from suffering and completely cured in about 5 to 6 days." John H. Fisher, New Herne, N.C -"Our delivery horse was so badly stove un in bis fore leland shoulder that wo could not use him. 1 ly using Mexican Mustang Liniment on him be was completely cured and re stored to the best of condition." FR F F WITH 25c TRIAL BOTTLE * . .. -a Rf>lid brass "1'ut-and Take" TODDLF? TOP. Latest craze-get one! Send 25 cents in stamps or coin for Trial Mottle (Household Size) Mustang Lin Intent and get Toddle Top. absolutely free. Lyon Mfg. Co., 41 So. Fifth St., D'klyn, N.Y. 25c-SOc-$1.00 Sold by Drug and General Stores "The Good Old Standby Since 1848" MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT g Christmas g 8 Collars o ^1 By MARY GRAHAM DONNER Jg 0000<><>0<XK>0<K>00<>0 Copyright. 19LM. Western Newspaper Union. LOVE him, I love him, I love Ililli," Ag nes Allon sold. Ami its she wns alone ia her room, and ns no one could hear her, naturally there was no answor to her state ment which shu hud repeated several times. She was speaking of George Fnr well. George was so good looking with hts wonderful blue eyes, his brown hair, his tine erect figure. ' Wherever she saw men she thought how Insignificant they looked beside George. She was glad flint sl\o thought 'that way. She hoped others thought that way about the men they eared for. Then everything would bo so smooth und so simple. She wanted everyone to like her George im mensely. Hut It would he embar rassing If every one thought Just the same about him ns slip did. T h e wedding was to he Christ mas afternoon. Then they had planned to go to their own new "little home which they had Just finished furnishing and Axing up. They were going to have their own little Christ mas tree there-quite by themselves, and their friends had left their wed ding presents and their Christmas presents there, though almost all of the former they had seen, of course. "Are you nlmost ready?" It was Mrs. Allen calling up the stairs. "Almost, mother dear," she an swered. "You'll be late," ber mother called. "PU hurry," she said. "Do you wont any help?" But she had taken longer than she had thought. Yes, if she didn't hurry she would he late! Still she would have George all her- life now. How wonderful lt would bel She wondered If thst^was why brides were so often late because they felt they had so much tlmel It was a gloriously happy thought to realize how much time she had. She was only ten minutes late. The few friends were at the Christmas day wedding. And her bouquet wns of holly and mistletoe. She had always sn ld she would love to hnvo such n wedding bouquet. It would be so merry and "Chrlstmnsy nnd such a hnppy, gny kind of n bouquet. George lind consented of course. He agreed to everything she said, be cause he loved her so, and she was so fair with him, too, because she loved him sol The ceremony was over. They drove away In a low sleigh with Jingling bells to the small house. There, by themselvtes, they opened presents. What a glorious time they ! had. ? And she had a little surprise for ! bim. Just a little blt of a surprise. I But she knew he would like lt. "Open that box, there, George," she said. He opened lt. And looked at some collars, many, ninny collnrs, all much too big for him. "When I was buying my wedding clothes In town thnt time, George, I remembered thnt you'd spokenj of n wonderful kind of collar you liked. I remem bered the name too. I was a little puzzled when the m a n asked me your size. I told him though that ns long as he had the right kind the size didn't make any differ ence. When he asked me if you wore big or small I told him you were big of course ! "Why, George, I what is tho matter? Won't they flt j you? Is the size so Important?" "My darling little girl," he laughed, i "what does lt matter what the size : ls. Thnt ls-lt does mutter about j.wearing them Pm afraid, my lo\ '. But ; to think you thought of mc even I when you were getting Ibo wedding fineries and remembered tho miine of the ollar. ; "Toey're my Christmas cellars," he : exclaimed, "and I'll put them away In the box with tho Christmas bouquet I we're going to save. Such a Christ I tuns gift from n dear little bride j should never be mangled by any ; laundry!" I "What a silly I nm," she huigned ? gaPr. "But such nu ndornble silly," George nnswered ns he kissed her. ?brds wt Put it to any Power Task While tho Fordson Tractor has power in plenty to Jrag plows and harrows through the heaviest soil, it is light enough, small enough and so easily controlled that it can handily be put to many tasks about the farm, that will save you time, money and work. In fact the Fordson will do every power job, both draw-bar and belt, more quick ly and at less cost than it can be done with any other form of power. So every month the whole year 'round the always dependable Fordson will prove itself a paying investment, because of its capa bilities, its economy and efficiency. We will gladly explain and demonstrate you the many Fordson money-mak ing, time-saving features. Call, write phone. PIEDMONT MOTOR CO. Walhalla-Phone 34-Westminster NOTICIO TO TRESPASSERS. NOTICE Is hereby given that any trespassing on my lands, or any lands under my control, ls hereby positive ly forbidden, under pain of tho pen alty prescribed by law for the offense of trespassing on private property. Any entry without written permis sion from me, for any purpose what soever-hunting, fishing, cutting of timber or any other such offense will bo handled legally. W. O. WHITE. Walhalla, S.C., Doc. 14, 1021.- I? CITATION NOTICE. Tho Stato or South Carolina, County of Oconee.-fin Court of Probate.)-By V. P. Martin, Judge of Probate.-Whereas, W. C. Mays and J. S. Smith lia ve made suit to me to grant them Lottors of Admin istration of the Estate of and Ef focts of T: E. Clark, Deceased Theso are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho said T. E. CLARK, Deceased, that they bo and appear before mo, In tho Court of Probate, to bc hold at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on Friday, the 23d day of December, 1021, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 7th day of December, A. D. 1921. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on tho 14th and 21st days of December, 1921, In Tho Koo woe Courier, and on tho Court House door for the Hine proscribed by law. Doc. 2 1, 1021. ?O-?l CITATION NOTICE. Tho State of South Carolina. Coun ty of Oconee.- (In Court of Probate) -By V. F. Martin, Esq.. Probate .lodge. Whereas, Mrs. Hannah San ders bas made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of tho Esta lo of and Effects of Amos San ders, Deceased Theso aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kin dred and Creditors of the said Amos Sanders, Deceased, that, they bo and appear before me, In th? Court of Probate, to be held at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, on Wednesday, tho 2Xth day of De cember, 1021. after publication here of, at I I o'clock in tho forenoon, to show causo, If any tboy have, why tho said Administration should not bo granted. Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of December, A. D. 1021. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN. Judge of Probate for Oconoo Co., S.C. Published on tho lilli and 21st dnys of December, 1921, In The Keo wee Courier, and on tho Court HottSO door for the time prescribed by law. Doc. 14, 1921. 50-51 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons uro hereby notified not to trespass upon any lauds belonging to or under the control of tho under signed. This notlco specifically pro hibits hunting or any entry upon the snld lands for any purposo whatso ever without first having received written permission from party whoso land is ontorod. Full ponalty of tho law will bo Invoked against any ono disregarding this notice. E. E. VERNER, F. H. BURNS, C. L. VERNER. Nov. 30, 1921. 48-51 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ALL PERSONS aro hereby notified not to trespass on any of my lands in Oconoe County, S. C., without written permission from me, by hunting partridges, rabbits, squir rels, opossums or othor game, or by cutting timber for crosn-tles or for fire-wood, for tho purpose of mar keting same. All persons so tres passing will be prosecuted as tho law pr?vidos. WM. J. STRIHLING. Dec. 14, 1921. 50-1 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. WE, the undersigned, heroby for bid any Bird Hunting on any of tho lands owned by us or under our con trol. Any entry is forbidden posi tively, and all trespassers will bo dealt with to tho fullest extent of tho law. (Signed : S. A. TOW. CEO ROE HEAD, E. A. ANDERSON. E. C. WILSON. . H. H. WHITEHEAD, L. SHURLOCK, J. L. CROW, J. M. HELL, .1. E. HEATON, W. I). MOSS. J. S. RA RHETT, A. Q. HAND, .1. IL HUN" rWTT. Dec. 14, 1921. 50-1* NOTICE FOR FI LI NO COUNTY Cl ?AIMS. ALL PERSONS having Claims against Oconoe County who havo not already filed same with tho Clerk of j tho Hoard will please do so during the month of December, having samo duly sworn to. If you havo already sent in your (Maim, ploaso do not kend it again, as it is already on Hie and will receivo the attention of tho Hoard In duo time. Hy order of the Hoard: J. C. SHOCKLEY, Supervisor. J. H. S. DENDY, dork. Dec. 7, 1921. 49-52 fte Quinlno That Doo? Not Affect the Heed Because of ita tonic and laxative effect, I.AXA TIVR BROMO QU I N I NJK ts bettet than ordinary Quinine and doea not cause nervousnes nor ritiKine in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of li. W. GKOV2?. 30c