Thc Stores of a thousand-gil You'll be surprised if you wonderful gifts that can be s sortment of Christmas Gifts, the price. This Christmas ? values than ever before. Ye and we are never too busy t< Fi. Harrison Mgr, ? Norman's Dry Goods Store. ONE CENT A WORD (Small advertisements under this heading inserted at rate of one cent a word per Insertion. Four Insertions for price of three.) (NOTICE.-No advertisement ac cepted for (lils column for I ?tm than it rt cents, ono Insertion.) FOH SA IAN on Improved Farm Lands, lt. E. BRUCE, Pick ens, S. C. 26-tt NOTICE.-Tho Keowee Courier is in position lo handle subscriptions lo all the leading periodicals, WV will appreciate your business. FRUIT TREES ol* vorious ages, Any one wishing Good Trees see mo at once. s. .1. ISDELL, Walhalla, S. C. I 9-5 2 * POLAND CHINA DA (Ht.- Thor oughbred.-Servico offered lo public. For fee, particulars, etc., see or write W. W. FOWLER, Walhalla, S. l\, Rt. 3. 47-50 _ HIDES WANTED.- ?100.(MU) lbs. Reef Hides wanted by Dec. 30. Must have them. Prices right. "The Up-' Town Man," RICHARD OELKERS, Walhalla. S.J3. 4'J-tf WANTED - LOAN. - $2.000.00, secured by mortgage on farm within tlvo minutes' walk of Court llous pounds, dressed and delivered. 1 >< - scribe cow and name; price on cow and hog. \V. H. HUGHS, Richland, S. C. 10-30 PHOTOGRAPHY and Enlarging Wo have rented Miss Carver's Photo graph (hillery nt Seneca and have taken over tho business, with good will. Prepared to do First-class Pho tography and Enlarging. Will ho glad to have all Oconee friends desir ing Photograph Work dono call on ns. All work guaranteed, Prices rea sonable. \V. M. EDWARDS & DAUGHTER. Seneca, S. C. ?T-?O* MA RETT'S IMPROVED WAN NA MA KER CLEVELAND RIG DOLL Cotton Seed, grown and improved in Oconee County. Special attention to earliness. No top crop picked. Din ned on private gin, for maximum purity. Our farms made $ 1 1,322.00, net, this year, counting the seed ai .ordinary prices, or 3i> per cent on our investment. See us at once if you would Uko to buy any of our Seed. MARETT FARM AND SEED (CO., Westminster, s. C. fr0-l Tho b^st ls always tho cheapest. Sometimes tho cheapest ls tho best. Any way you tako lt, The Courier -.Hts the bill. Rest and cheapest. It takes inly $i.oo io got Til?? Counter for a year, but it t&kes thl'.t-and In ?dvaneo. No credit \o anybody. ST. FRANCIS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Mauldin Street. Walhalla, S. C. SERVICES ON THE FOURTH SUN DAY OF EA O ll MONTH. Sacrament of Penance. . . .9.30 a. ni. Mass and {Sermon.10.00 a. m. Reverend Thomas J, Mackin, Rector. P. o. nox 82. Anderson, s. c if KEEP US Send In Your Order f plies Now and Let I NUTS-20c, 35c. and 40c. CANDIES-J 5c, 20c, 25c, ORANGES-Crates, 1-2 Cr APPLES-Boxes, 1-2 BOXCJ RAISINS, COCA NUT'S, J>J> Phone 28 for " ., CASH G RO? ^- - IAN'S ? ts. Presents for everybody, visit these stores to see tne elected from our large as and also at the lowness of Sale offers more and bigger )U are welcome at all times 5 serve you. Irian Drug Store, JAS. H. NORMAN, WANTED-Man with car to sell low priced Cruhain Tires. $1.10.00 per week and commissions. Cl HA HA M TIRIO CO.. 315D Boulevard, Henton Harbor, Mich. 60* CI.KItKS, for Postal Mail and Gov ernment Field Service. $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, instruc tion, write J. LEONARD, (former Civil Service Examiner,) 5 1 1 Equita ble Bldg., Washington. D. C. 52* ?J? ? J ? ?J* . ? 4 ?J? ?J? ?J? mXm ?J? ?J? ?J* ?J? ?J? liOCAL AND PERSONAL, ?fr ?-For Stile- High class hard and soft brick. Arthur Drown, Walhalla, S. c.- adv.- i:i-tf. .Mrs. A. K. Callas, of West l'n lon, and daughter, Mrs. A. A. Hub bard, of Walhalla Route 2, have re turned to their homes from a v'sit to relatives in Washington, I). C., and Woodbridge, Va. See our felt shoes for Christmas presents. C. W. & .1. Iv Bnukllighl. --adv. -Will F. Helrick, of Gainesville, Gu., was in Walhalla Thursday of last week for a short while, stopping over on Iiis way home from Philadel phia and New York, where he had been on business for his mills. Mr. Hetrlck has numerous friends hero Who are always glad to see him. - When hunting Santa Claus don't forgot the nice line of handkerchelfs. dolls, toys, fruits, etc., at O. H. Schu macher's, Walhalla- adv. 50-") 1* -Mrs. P. L. Green, secretary nf the Salem R. S. I. A., requests the announcement that thp association will give a carnival, fish pond an 1 cake walk at the Salem school house next Wednesday night, Dec. 21st, be ginning at 7.20 o'clock. A cord: invitation is extended to everybody. -Until further notice we will ex change one ton of 7 per cent bright rot ton seed meal for one ton of good, dry and sound cotton seed. Westmin ster Oil and Fertilizer Co.-adv. 61. - Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis, ot Fair Play, were appreciated callers at The Courier oflice last Saturday. We were indeed glad to welcome them, especially so in view of the fact that it was Mrs. Davis's llrst visit to Walhalla, though she has lived comparatively near our town for a number of years. All wo ask is for you to call at Bell's Drug Store. The goods will tell i hemselves.-adv. -There will bo services at St. John's (episcopal church on Thurs day afternoon (to-morrow) at three o'clock, Kev. Ceo. 15. ZtVhnry, rector, i)f Clemson College, lo conduct the cervices. The public is cordially in vited to attend the service, and all members of the church are urged to 1)0 present. -Oranges! Oranges! -- We have hem, bought in quantities, to arrive In a few days. The price is right. *ec us before you buy. Walk a block ind save a dollar. 'Maynes cuts the [)rlce and sells the goods."-adv. - Mrs. A. J, M. Dillingsley has ?,f rome a permanent citizen of Wal halla, having recently purchased the residence vacated by A. P. Crisp and family, who moved to Newberry. Mrs Billingsley moved to Walhalla from the Whetstone section more than a year ago, but until now had been renting rooms. We are glad Indeed to number this good lady among our citizens. -lt will pay you to buy your dour nt .1. II. Alley's. We keep all kinds ind we are selling the best patent at $7.50 barrel. .1. II. Alley, West l n lon, s. c. -adv.-'10-r?2. - We are requested by Mrs. Geo. f<. Broom, secretary of the associa lion, to announce thal the Oak Grove -School improvement Association will neel at the Oak Grove school house joxt Friday afternoon. DIM-. I ('.th. a? ; o'clock. All parents are urged tn ie present, as it is desired to elect low officers. This is necessary, as ?oine of the present officers are going o move out of the community. . -lTntil further notice we will ex hange one ton of 7 per cent bright ?otton seed meal for one ton of good, Iry and sound cotton seed. Wesimin ter oil and Fertilizer Co.-adv. 61. i ll I ??-? ? ? I.- -. ITT .ii. M I ^^W. IN Ml??P or Christmas Sup Js Worry for You. lb. 30c, 50c. and 60c. ates and Dozens. ? and Dozens. DATES, BANANAS. Your Store. jtjt CERY co. 1 \ I ll I 111 ? .?? IIB I ll I ? I ?? -1-i|l ^ I .1.11 I ^????llll ' ' -We have pienty of those goo< Enterprise sausage mills. J. H. Al loy, West Union, S. C.-adv.-49-52. -Miss Alice Platt, of Qranitevllle I is visiting her sister, Mrs. E.L. Hern don. -Ties and handkerchiefs in Xina boxes. C. W. & J! E.- Dauknlght.-a< - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perrin, o Seneca, spent tho past week-end ii Walhalla with Mrs. Perrln's inothei Mrs. liol tie Macaulay. - The Westminster OH- and Ker tlllzer Co. will operate their gins fo full time until Dec. 24.-ady.-49-50 -Tho Ladies' Aid Society of th Walhalla Methodist will meet Thun day (to-morrow) afternoon at thrc o'clock with Mrs. J. R. Earle. -The last and only gin day fe Walhalla and West Union gins wi ?be Thursday, Dec. 22. Dring all you cotton that day. Lust chance th year.-adv. -We are requested to annoum that there will he an entertninmei at Oconee Station school liouso c .Friday afternoon, Dec. 23. at hal past o'clock, for the benefit of tl school. Cake and coffee will be sol -All kinds of feedstuffs for mn and beast. J. H. Alley, West Pulo S. C.--adv.-1 !)-.")2. - Mrs. M. lt. McDonald and chi dren have been in Columbia for se oral days with Mrs. .McDonald's in thor. Mr. McDonald left this mor lng to join his family and'will retui with them next Sunday. - lt will pay yon to call at Dell Drug Store. Most attractive prie offered.- adv. -Tho regular Sunday service the Seventh Day Adventist chun will bo held at tile church next Su day evening ?it 7 "Clock Kider I Pu ii koko will speak on the stthje< "Is dod Particular?" The song se vice will begin promptly at 7 o'cloe - Let US save you money on yo Ch,Istmas candy. We know we ca because our prices are righi. Con and get yours. You can pay more but why? Walk a block and save dollar, ".laynes <-uis the price ai sells the goods." adv. - Wo are requested lo nnnoun that the Zion school improveme Association will meet at the sehe house on Thursday night, Dec. 22 at 7.3 0 o'clock. There will be a she program, after which the ladies w sell cakes and coffee. Everybody Invited to attend and help enjoy I evening. -All Queen Quality shoes un Xmas $5.00; worth from $0.00 $10.00. C. W. & J, E. Bauknlght. adv. -'Bryant Washburn, in "Burg Proof," will be the attraction at T Star Theatre, Walhalla, to-morr (Thursday) night. Those who ht seen Bryant Washburn will be i lighted to have another opportun to see him. Those who have not se him will be moro than repaid if ti do so Thursday night. -Nuts, raisins, apples, oram and candy. Special pyic& in quai ties. See us before yoir buy for ye Xmas trees. C. W. & J. E. Bal night, Walhalla.--adv. - We are requested to annoui that there will be a box supper Oconee Creek school building Friday evening. Dec. 16th, ben ning at 7 o'clock. Refreshments \ be served. The community will glad to hilve as many girls as po hie bring boxes. The public, is e dially invited to attend. - OOO cures bilious fever.-ad' -Married, at tho residence of olliciating minister. Rev. M. J. St sell, on Sunday. Dec. ll, Miss E Mae Hardin and A. A. Corn. .\ Corn is a daughter of Mr. and \ T. W. Hardin and the groom I son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Corn, are of tho Fairview section of county. The many friends of young eouplo will join with The C rim- in extending congratulations ; best wishes. - If you want a sweater cheap us. C. W. & J. E. Dauknlght.-at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McMahan Woodbridge, Va., announce the n riage of their daughter, Caroline vis. to Marvin Allan Petrea, of C cord, X. C., the marriage ha\ been solemnized on the 24th of vein ber. There are many friend! thc bride in Oconee who will with The Courier In extending e> Rood wish to her. and hearty ? ira Dilations lo the fortunate gre .m winning the heart and hand his fair young lady. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! -We 1 I hem from tic. up. There are no 1 [triced dolls at Jaynes's. You'll surprised to see such dolls as cl is we are selling them. You can nore hut why? Walk a block 'ave a dollar, ".laynes cuts the p md sells the. goods." adv. Thoro are many in Walli uni Oconee who will he intereste ho announcement that Dr. .las 'rawford in a candidate in the or the House of Representatives lis home county in Ce'orgia. ll tlonsanlly remembered in our t ind octtnty, he having practiced irofession in this section, wit!) icadquarters at Walhalla, shortl; er his graduation from the mei ollego. Don't forget Dell's Drug ? loforo you buy your Christmas g 'ut glass, hand-painted china, t rt ides, clocks, silverware, haski hinnally's candles in attrai ackagos; pretty lino of statioi very goods, and toys of all desi lons, -adv. -Tho chairman for tho Tubo mis Association for Walhalla i extend most sincere thanks ti lioso who have so choerfully bole-hearledly responded to orthy cause, both In buying an .liing the Christmas soals. The as not yet been reached, howe nd lt is hoped that still others ^lunteod their services in an e ? dispose of more of the soals. resent the seals aro for sale at mirier oirtce and at Sassard's s fxt to the postofHce. .OOO cures chills and fever. (Other Local Rema oil 1st POfi JU FACE TO FACE 1 With an >recedented condition. The early season looked good-very good to the Bee HivHar stock of new, seasonable, high grade merchandise turned loose in the mightpod of genuine bargains. But, after ali we have said, or all the good things we coT about this sale, the best thing we can say to you is: ?e /OME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! w v/iinsimas Presents Mak*" friends glad with some of these useful igs at our Christmas Sale Prices HO VS" G LOVES, 75c. Moy Seoul Stylo Leather Oloves, 75c. I>KCKAU>-h (>k TOWEIiS. Nothli's 11 moro ticcept ubio gift>wels. Sixty t<> u<> i':,'r' n,M* many them ttein?v ?*".<.? "'W- at most lllfr?" wish to pay. "$1.75 $2.75 $2.00 l?|KX DAMASK l>|a}r>uinask, warranted ?ill pur.'"- ?'?is tuile-F. l'.l) DAMASK. <;onv''to Men's or Young Men's Suits. $32.50 Men's or Young Men's Suits, $11.50 $13.75 $16.50 $19.50 $22.50 $24.50 ION SUITS, 85c. jy Flccco-Llned or ltiJLTnion Snits, for thia Hill's pre- OCp ON SUITS, $1.15. -grade Ecru Color, volibbed Union Suits, ii r'T* f:v $ 1.15 Union Si. th $1.35 Cotton Piece Goods. SPECIAL DURING THIS SALE, OR AS LONG AS THEY LAST. I, I'S NOW AT \ FT FR MAS PRICES. Inute styles lu Vcl 0,-troadclotli, etc. Wo ?ons that assure us of rand prices. You CK-4 fjiw from a range that *>o to $35.00, ut your TO $19.75 Fust Color, Piece-dyed Chumbrnys, yin d. < od Heavy Outings, in Oolo.s Ol' Light Stripes, per yard . Utility ol' Hates Host Gingham, 27-inch width-regular 25c. goods-Now, yard . . (?omi Mattress Tick, largo stripes-yard .... Good yard-wide sheet lng, per yard . Rest Four-yard Shoot ing, per yard . Windsor Dross Fhinnollotto good patterns per yard. Yard-wide Shirting Mad- OC/? ms-Fast Colors-yard . . .fcJli 5c. solid 10c. nghnm, 19c. 10c. m*. 10c. llctte 12V2C. Heavy (anton Flannel, per yard.I ?b* 8-oz. Feather Proof Ticking-yard. Rest 32-in. Dress Gingham, in pretty Checks and Plaids, QCp ?J5c. values, at, yard .?U?i Good quality ?leached Pajama Checks shorts. Extra Quality 25c. Long IQ. Cloth, per yard.Ubi liest Standard Apron 1Q1/ n Gingham-yard .I L */2u i Heavy Cotton Suitings, 4 Q per yard.I ?SC i Rest Khaki Cloth, per yard . 25c. Wac. 25c. I AT SPECIALS. I, in large or small v only 98c. .50 HATS, $1.05. extra good values at prices-good smooth unulne leather sweat i, Drown $1.95 ill HATS, $2.75. ji Grade Velour Huts, ( colors- fliO 7K i shapes, nt.. v|Dl 11 vi F Ht'OA TS. mg Men's mid Hoys' ul Mackinaws. Ruy ond-of-senson prices ole season's wear. Comforts, Sweaters, - EVERYTHING ils Sale. IS AND DRAWFRS. .ne Fleeced Shirts or all you want during sixes In li. 48c. LADIFS' SUITS, $8.75. About 20 AR-Wool Serge Suits, stylishly tailored, Floral Satine Linings-Full $10.00 to $15.00 values-going now at Choice. $8.75 18 HANDSOME SUITS at $10.75. Good range of s i/.es in our high grade Trlcotino Suits. Elegantly tailored and lined with haney Sat ins. Values up to $;to To close* out tlie lot nt 'hoico $19.75 HIGHEST GRADE SUITS nt $27.50. These embody tho highest grade Tricot ines, Herges and Velours,and wore $:{.">.oo and $40.00 at our "Solis 'Em for Doss' prices. Now . $27.50 CHILDREN'S COATS. Our stock of Children's Coats is very attractive, combining style, quality and price. Wo ure laking a loss on these to close them out, by Now Year. $2.95 $13.50 SERGE DRFSSFS, $?.05. All-wool Serge and Jersey One piece Drosses, up to $o flin nr values-Now choice at.. .ifWIVV SERGE DRFSSES, $5.05. All-wool Serge Dresses,Embroid ered or Headed-$7.50 and $8.50 Dresses .... MEN'S CORDUROY PANTS, $1.08 Men's good, soft quality Cordu roy Pants-dark colors, ami un Ideal Winter Punts-Extra $?1.50 values. Those will go during this sale at . . $5 JS5 ru rs....,*' $1.98 ALL-WOOL SKIRTS, $2.08 All-Wool Plaited or Plain Style Skirts-FuR $.|,50 val ues-at., $2.98 $12.50 VALUE SKIRTS, $5.05 All-Wool Plaited Prunelln cloth Skirts. These uro very sightly Sport Skirt? . , -un i IDHI $5.95 $0.50 PLAITED SKIRTS, $1.48. All-Wool blue French QA A Q Serge Plaited Skirts .... ?pH'i^f O _j GREAT SHOE SA I,TC Prices will bc reduced from our moderate profit prices down to prices that will pou genuine shoe bargains? We sell all leather lines, the brands of which are m to good shoe wearers. --SEE OUR. JOB SHOE COUNTERS. - - The Bee Hive, RPER, etor. "Sells for Cash. SENECA. SO. CAR. 'Sells 'Em for Less.1