Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 28, 1921, Image 7

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ybuve^ when you Light a CAM EL Your taste will tell you that! For Camels have the flavor and fragrance of choicest tobaccos, perfectly blended. They're smooth and mellow mild. And there's NO CIGARETTY. AFTER TASTE. We put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it's possible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a ?Lnf?l cigarette. s?r-Q^ That's why Camels are THE QUALITY <^^^^^y CIGARETTE. R. J. REYNOLDS Tobucto Co. ^[ ?vK Jgk WSSL SSL*, JBL MHL JBL ^fflllla llfTl JftoL WiDiioo-StittD, >ajBi tPs^ .tMmtimBffl Hr ^wT ??BB H^B^ ter &&?B?W Sisters KATHLEEN NORRIS Cour il? ht by K ?th I., n Norri. line hand propping his forchend ns If lt ached. "I'll stay at the club." "And as soon ai I can go," Cherry added feverishly, "I shall Join Martin. I'll wire him tomorrow-this ls Sun day-and 1*11 go on Wednesday I" Peter sprang over the porch rall and vanished, walking with swift ener gy up the trail that led toward the mountain. For the rest of the day Cherry lived In a sort of daze of emotion ; some times she seemed to be living two lives, side by side. In the one was her old happy relationship with Alix, and even with Peter, the old Joking and talking and gathering for meals, the old hours In tho garden or beside the Ure, and In the other was the confused and troubled arid ecstatic conscious ness of thc new relationship between Peter and herself, the knowledge that he did not merely admire her, did not merely feel for her on unusual affec tion, but that he was consumed by a burning adoration of her slightest mo tion, the tum of her wrist, the smile she gave Kow at breakfast time, the motion sha made when she stopped to tie her shoe or raised her arm to break an apple from the low, dusty branches. The glory of being so loved enveloped her like a great shining garment, and her cheeks glowed softly rosy, nnd there was a new and liquid softness, a sort of shining glitter, In her blue eyes. Peter was quiet that evening, and was gone the next morning when the sisters came out to breakfast. He lind .'eft a message lo the effect that he would not be at home that night, nnd at four o'clock telephoned confirming the message. Allx chanced to answer the telephone, and Cherry, who was In her room, heard Peter's name, and stood still, listening with a shock of disappointment. Hut at eight o'clock that evening, when she and Allx were sitting on the porch, when the last ebbing pink of the sunset had faded and great spiders had ventured forth Into the dusk and the dews, there was a sudden hail at the gate, and Cherry knew that lt was he I A flood of utter, Irrational hap piness rose In her heart ; she had been racked with hunger for the sound of that voice; she had been restless and unsatisfied, almost feverish with long ing and doubt ; now peace caine again, and content ' He eenie up to them, his glance resolutely averted from Cherry, ex plaining that he was lonesome, assur ing them that everything went well and making them laugh with nn ac count of Justin Little's reception of the new turn of affairs. "He seemed absolutely dumfounded," Peter said. H eemod Absolutely Dumfounded. 1 "He looked at the paper, read lt, j laughed and said-in that little nerv ous, smiling way of his-that bo felt lt to be by no means conclusive-" "I cnn bear him 1" giggled Alix. "And I guess both you girls will have to come In in a day or two," Peter continued. "Cherry's going In to tho dentist to morrow," sn ld Allx. "Oh, so I nm I" Cherry said in a rather strained voice. She did not look at Peter, nor did he at ln?r, but they felt each other's thoughts like a spoken word. "Had you forgotten?" Allx naked. "I don't think PH go In, for I have about a week's work here to do." Peter left them, wltlu it one word or look for Cherry, who went back to the house with her sister in a most agitated and wretched state of mind. She bad the telephone In her band, to caucel the engagement with ber den tist, when Alix suddenly consented to accompany her into town ; "and at lunch time we'll take a chance on the St. Francis, Sis," Alli said, Innocently, "for Peter almost alway? lunches there !" Feeling thnt the question was se*? tied, yet restless and unsatisfied still, Cherry dressed for town ; they climbed Into the car; Allx's firm bands, In yel- j low chnmols gloves, snatched nt the wheel ; the die was cast. Yet at the station another change of plan occurred, for ns Allx brought the i car to the platform Anne came toward ' them from the arriving train, a gloved and demure and smiling Anne, aux lons, alie explained, to falk over this newest development, and "whether lt proved to he of any value or not," to try to find out what Uncle Lee had really wanted for them all, and then agree to do that In a friendly manner, out of court. "My firs; feeling, when Frenny told nie." 'Mt'"* Anne, chatting pleasantly In the shade, "was one of such relief! For I hadn't wanted all that money one Mt," she confessed gally. "? only wanted to do what was fair. Only two or three nights ago I said to Frenny that it really belonged to us nil, and Inst night we talked and talked about lt, and the result waa that I said that I must see the girls we three are the otdy ones concerned, after all, and"-Anne's old half-merry and hall-pouting manner was un changed-"what we decide ls what really matters I" she finished. "Why, there ia no question that lt's Daddy's handwriting," Cherry said, with what, for her, was sharpness, "and lt seema to me-lt seems to nie, Anne-" she added, hesitatingly. "That you have a nerve I" Allx fin ished, not with any particular venom. "That document throws tho case out of court," she suld flatly. "Peter ls confident of that!" Anne's pale face flushed and her eyes narrowed. Cherry was flushed and uncomfort able. There was an awkward pause. "Ponrd?" shouted a trainman, with a rising inflection. The sisters looked at each other In a panic of haste. "I can't leave this car here," Allx exclaimed. "I've got to park her and lock her and everything! Hun; get on board, Cherry. I don't have te go In, anyway-you've got a date!" Cherry's heart leaped, sank coldly, and leaped again, as with a swift nod of parting she hurried for her train. The other two women watched her with forced interest as she climbed on board mid as the train slipped noiselessly out of sight. It curved among the redwoods and was gone be fore either spoke again. Then, as her eyes met Anne's friendly, questioning smile, Allx said awkwardly: "I think the only thing to do is for you and Justin to take this up with Peter, Anne. I mean-I mean that you were the ones who proposed to bring lt Into court In the first place, SOLO BY ALL o nu o STORM For Thro o Goner n Cion? Havo Made Child-Birth Easier By Using -- W?iT?rOR BOOKLET OH MOTHERHOOD ANDTHI BAIT, fill BRADFIELD RECULATOR Co., DIPT. 9-0. ATLANIA. ?A. mm? and-and 1 don't understand much .bout lt. Aa far ai coming to any agreement with me la concerned, you might just as well have gone back on the train with Cherry. I hate to talk this way-but we ali think you acted j very-.well, very meanly]" Allx fin ished rather flatly. "Perhaps lt's Just aa well to under- ! stand each other]" Anne said, with hot cheeks. They exchanged a few inore sentences, wasted words and angry ones, and then Anne walked ever to a ?eat in the shade, to walt tor another train, and Alix, with her heart beating hard and her color high, drove at mad speed back to the moun tain cabin. "I didn't ask her to lunch-I don't carel" Allx said to herself, In agita tion. "She and Justin know they're beaten-they're Juat trying to patch it up before lt's too late-I don't care -I won't have her think she can get away with any such scheme-I" (To be Continued) The next time you buy calomel ask for The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35 c. ltniil fal I and Temperature. Below is a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-operative observer of the Weather Bureau of the U. S. Department of A .1 e, during the week ending Soi : 19 21, at 7 p. m. (The Ii strumed tai readings are from gov e;- meal .:ndard Instruments ex posed ii til?) manner recommended b tho'? >f the Weather Bureau) : Total rainfall OOO cures Malaria, Chills and Fe ver, Bilious Fever, Colds and lal (.'lippe, or molloy refunded.-adv. Chilla Wants Her Bights. New York, Sept. 21.- -China waals nothing from America in the forth coming conference on limitation of armament except tho right to pre serve its national existence and un interrupted pursuit of happiness in fellowship with the other nations of the world, Dr. Alfred Sse, Chinese minister to tho United States, de clared at a dinner given in bis honor by the China society. * Declaring that his country had two .teachers holding out two doctrines, ono of militaristic power and the other of peaceful democratic devel opment. Dr. S/.e said he believed that America bad tue confidence of the pcoplo of China. "China wants and needs Ameri ca's help," he said, "but she waals lt to bc American in fact as well as in name." Ibo Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because ol Iis tonic nnd laxative effect. I.AXA TI Vit nitOMO QU1NINK is bettet than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousnev nor rin>:ini: in head. Remember the lull name mid look lor the signature ol l',. W. GKOVB. 30C. Proposed Union of churches. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 2 2.-The pro posed union of tho pan-Presbyterian Allianco and tho Church of England, or tho Protestant. Episcopal church, was diCSussed here yesterday by the delegates attending the eleventh gen eral council of tho Alliance of the Reformed and Presbyterian church throughout tho world holding tho Presbyterian system. Discussion of tho proposed union, spoken of at Lambeth. Eng., took place, but no agreement was reach ed. Among other topics spoken of were the ro-ordination of the clergy of the Presbyterian church. This was tho outstanding develop ment of the discussion of church un ity at tho session here. Rul>-My-Ti.siii is a powerful Anti septic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, totter, otc.-adv. Storm Kills Many. Lisbon, Sept. 22.-Numerous per sons wore killed and injured during a heavy thunderstorm which swept Portugal yestorday. Seven porsons were killed in this city when a wall collapsod upon a tram car, while otb er porsons wero swept into sewers and rescued with diiilculty. SCll?OIXilRJLS AND GRANDMAS Hold Delightful Joint Session in tho llounty Lmitl Community. Bounty Lund, Sept. 19.-Speciul: .Morris Shunklln, of Franklin, N. C., is among relative? here to-day. Mr. und Mrs. A. S. Hollnis and fam ily, of Charleston, uro spending a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Perrltl, .Mrs. Hollins' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fur man Burns, of Fountain Inn, spent tho week-end nt tho homo of tho latter's parents, Hon. and Mrs. ES. B. Vernor. Mr. and Mrs. .Josse Williams, of Nowry, were lato guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Williams. Williamson Mills, of High Point, N. C., spent tho week-end at tho home of J. A. Dendy. J, H. Cater and son Harvey visited Charlie Cater at Long Creek Acad emy last Sunday. Misses Julia and Bertie Williams are spending some 'time In Nowry John Coe,who has neon absent from I homo since March, and bas boen in di it?rent points of interest in long land, and is quite recently of South-: lampton, is visiting hts mother, Mrs.. Sallie Coe. John's many friends hero are delighted to see him looking so j well, he having added a conspicuous amount of avoirdupois to his size. An event which for the pas! sev eral years has been looked forward to from lime to limo with happiest anticipations is the annual reunion of tho "girls" who attended tho Ooorgo's Creek school in 'Picketts county in the long ago. This delight- I fui occasion was held last Friday, from 3.30 to t! at the elegant and | hospitable rural bono? of Mrs. W. T. j Hubbard, and was one of rare, en joyment from the fuel that quito a number of Hie grandmothers of the vicinity were invited, making it ll combined schoolgirl and grntldmoth- ! ors' convention. After the guests wo re nil scated on tho long and spa cious porch, each lady was invested with a card decorated with a knot of lavender baby rihbiu and either a miniature pict uro of a school girl in modern semi-knee skirt or a placid faced, gray-hatred grandmother whichever was most applicable-al though, strange to say. the real grandmothers of the party appeared quite ns juvenile ?s the schoolgirls. After an hour, perhaps, of pleasing , conversa|Ho|i, the delightful inter- ? mingling of light, schoolgirl persi-! adge and gentle grand motlier sn ga-j city. Miss Nettie Hubbard engaged the attention of tilt? party by pre senting a verbal contest, the ques tions being answered with the name of some kind of si i tob used in needle craft. Mrs. Sue Foster's, Mrs. Julia Shanklln's and Mrs. Kate Mc.Mahan's efforts resulted in a tie, and tho lime-honored method of decision, that of drawing straws, gave the prize to Mrs. Foster. Mrs. Jasper Doyle was asked Jto deliver the prize, which was a dainty pair of embroid ery scissors. A delicious banana salad course, with iced tea, was serv ed hy Misses Cora, Zola and Nettle Hubbard, assisted bv Miss Carrie Mc Mahan. The schoolgirl guests were: Mrs. Lizzie Bowen Derry, of Slates ville. N. C.; Mrs. Mary Mc.Mahan Smith, of Seneca: Mrs. Ulla Qrlce Gresham, of SpaWanhurg; Mrs. Le titia Mc.Mahan Knox, of Fairview; Mrs. Annie Mc.Mahan Hubbard, of the community; Miss Mary Mc.Ma han. of Greenville; Mrs. Carrie drice Dupree, of Owings. Tho grandmother and oilier guests were: Mesdames Julia D. Shunklln, Sallie Coe, Eliza beth PerrlH, Jane Shelor, Mattie Dicketl. Kat<> Mc.Mahan. Currie Dam-! brell, Mary Sue Foster, Anna Wyley, Mamie Hughs. Sallie Alexander, Sue! Hunzinger, Kiln Doyle and Misses Pearl Hunsingor, Nellie Gresham and Carrie Mc.Mahan. May Hie ladies live to get logo!hor on many more such delightful occasions. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezono" on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freozono" for a few cents, sn indent to removo every hard corn, soft corn or corn between tho toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irrita tion.- adv. ?10,017,581 Spindles in C. S. Mills. Washington. Sept. 2 1.-Tho total number of cotton spindles in the United Stales on Agu. 1 was 36, 617,584, the Census Bureau an nounced Wednesday. Of this total thorn wero 33,059,21 1 operated at some time during tho month, tho to tal number of spindle hours being 7, 310,916,933. Based on activity of 27 days of 8.0 hours each, tho averago number of spindles operating during tho month was 31,524,190. Hub-My-Tism is a great pain kill er. Hollovcs pain and soreness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, fte? -adv. BAIL IS CHANTED TO GOSSETT. Convicted of Rape in Apr?, i?20 Sentenced to Forty Yours. ? Columbia, Sept. 21. - Kenneth Gossott, young white man of Monea Path, convicted tn April, 19 20, of rape at Abbovtllo and sontoncod to? forty years' imprisonment In tho State penitentiary, was released at noon to-day, shortly after Associate Justice T. P. Cothinn, of tho Supremo , Court of South Carolina, after B hoar , lng bore Chis morning, had granted : him bail in the sum of $C,000. His 1 bond was arranged within a short. ! time after tho conclusion of the i hearing. In his decision Justice Cothran de clared that, while lt was not for him to pass upon tho guilt or innocenco of Gossett, thoro woro so many con tradictory and inexplicable clrcum I stances in tho testimony at tho trial that ho could not say that in Gos I sett's caso "the proof Is ovidont or I tho presumption great," and that, therefore, he was ontitlod to bail, j 'Hntll ho is again summoned into court, in the event that bo is put on a Recoud trial for bis lifo, Gossott is at liberty for the first time since he was lodged in the Stale peniten tiary nearly a year and a half ago. For Best Results Use LIVE STOCK REMEDIES 1 Sold by Druggists anti Dealers Sion t.a;;o of Ministers Aculo. ?Pittsburg, Pu., Sept. 22. -Tho present .shortage of ministers is "acute, critical and grave," and tho problem must ho solved at onco If tho church is to go forward under tho proper guiding hands, according to the report, of tho committee on home missions of the European sec tion, presented by tho Rev. John Hall of Edinbotirgh, Scotland, at to-day's session of tho General Council of thu Aiiianco of Reformed churches throughout tho world holding tho Presbyterian system. A contributory cause to the short age was given In tho report as "tho utter inadequacy of tho financial pro vision made for either minister or missionary." DODSON'S LIVER TONE KILLS CALOMEL SALE. Don't sicken or salivate yourself or paralyse your sensitivo liver by taking calomel, which ls quicksilver. Your dealer soils each bottlo of pleas ant, harmless "Dodson's Livor Tone" under an ironclad, money-back guar antee that lt regulates the livor, stomach and bowels bettor than cal omel, without, making you sick-15 million bottles sold.-adv. slump in Liquor Prices. Danville, Va., Sept. 2 1.-The eco nomic law of supply and demand has accomplished what tho law sponsored by Mr. Volstead failed lo do, accord ing to reports from the hill sections of Carroll and Patrick counties. With the price of "moonshine" down lo .$2 per gallon as compared with $ 1 a few months ago, many oporators have put aside their stills and have taken ti now interest in the crops of bright leaf tobacco and sorghum. OOO quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, liOSS of Appotto and Headaches duo to Torpid Livor.-adv Georgin Woman Fleeted Alderman. Macon, Ga., Sept. 22.- For tho first time In the history of Macon % woman was chosen alderman in yes terday's primary. The official count consolidated to-day showed that Mrs. Charles E. Harrold had not only been elected, but ran third in tho race. Ninety per cent of the regis tered white vote of nearly soven thousand was polled. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money li PAZO OINTMENT fail? to euro Itching, Wind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relievos Itching Piles, und you cnn get restful sicco after tho lira nuuncntion. Price60c. Women worked in English collier ies up to eighty years ago. Tho .lews dated tho beginning ol' tho sacred year In March. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .J? PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .J? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?fr J. R. EARLE, .j? A Morney .at*!'AW, ?J? ?J. WALHALLA, H. C. .J? ?J? Slate & Federal Court Prwltce. ?{. .J. FARM I/OA NS. .j? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .J. E. L. II ERN DON, 4, ?J? Attoraoy-at-Law, ?J? ?J. Phone No. Ol, Walhalla, S. G.?f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?{. J. I*. Carey, J. \V. Sholor, ?J. Picken?, S. C. W. C. Hughs, .J?. .J. OAKEY, SH FLOR & HUGHS, ? .J? Attorneys and Counsellors, ?J. .J? WALHALLA, S. C. .J? .I* State & Federal Court Pracitce. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?|? ?|? ?I? ?|? ?.j. ?|? ?|? ?j. .j, .I* .!?? 4? AV. D. WHITE, *\? LAWYER, .?i .fr WALHALLA, S. C. ?ji * ?w .J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? .T. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?Jj