Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 13, 1921, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER! (KstublisltOU 1849.) I Published ?ivory Wednesday Morning SUIiSORIITION PRICE. Ono Your.$1.001 Hlx Monita.R?, Three Months.HO : Advertising Hates Reasonable. liy Stock, Kbolor, 11 uglis A Sliolor. Communications or u personal charactor charged for as advortlso meats. Obituary notices, cards of thanks and tributos of respect, oithor hy Individuals, lodges or churches, aro charged for as for advorliseinonts at rate of ono cont a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, and all such notices will ho marked "Adv." In conformity with Federal ruling on such mailers. WALHALLA, S. C. WI:I>\I:SI>.\ v, .ii LY t;t, I ?ai. lill, GK.\NI> .11 KY IS HIGHT. We call In tho especial attention ol' Hie citizens of ' leoline i he prc- i son IHI4MII of th" grund Jury ul Hie ,i,il> i min nf Hie Court of General -v. ?lons for mir county. W" cannai rommel i I '><i highly I he ..t a nd Inken by Hie urn nd Jury, nor du we hesitate in congratulate and lo thank I hem for i; i'i *>li" name of Hie g rea I ma jority ol' Hi" cl li/.ons ol' Goonoo, ii w;is :i wise Hiing lo do Ibis calling j lo ||u< iillenlioti of th" Courl whal is becoming ii grave and exenedlngly mirions ineiiiiee Hi Ibo public, for Hie ridiculously Ugh) sentences of our cimris. especially iii the cases for violation of tho liquor laws, have made of our courts a jest, and they hi-day constitute naught bul ;i "by word and tl hissing" insofar as I heir war' pertains to tho illogtll manu facture of and traille In alcoholic liquors. Wo do uni believe thal Hie grand jury mea n I hy this paragraph of their presentment to impugn Judge 'Prince's motives, or the motives nf oilier .Iudgos who have fallen into what we consider grave error in deal ing with the liquor law violators. We have n very high regard for Judge Prince's hitogrity, for bis honesty of purpose and of action. Mis motive is. ?111 i'i! v'et'5 ; lul> t'i.i! his object iii ; h? i - Hglu Roh'thtm?? vvljh suspon sion nundi t iou, ? io ie m Piir J its tico ur . .. a . .... ...i vu i allier than punish the culprit. A most admirable Idea-a beauti ful theory (hal will work probably one time in ? hundred. It is a the ory tim underlying principle of which von ld, we bolieve, have been mul lion t ly correct and proper twenty-odd yours ugo when the present situation bou:, ii io take on grave proportions. lt would havo been well to have "ex trnctotl the t?*?. tli" from the law for those llrsl violators of it after the citizens of Oconee and of our State hail expressed themselves unmistak ably on the Question of desiring ti "prohibition that would prohibit." lind lite llrsl culprits been given Ugh I sentences, and had these been suspended for tin? moral offed on the culprits and others who might he inclined to follow in their steps, then lhere would have hoon good reason to I ry the experiment of "tempering Justice with mercy" to the limit even Of ina kiu>; a jest of the courts. Hut twenty-odd yours later, with the pro poiidorence of fuel unquestionably ;i):;:inst ibo practicality of the the ory, why COUlil'iUO to adhere to lt. We have had twenty ind more years of light sentences and suspension of semence; And lo whal purpose ' There is little or rn? respect for the law or the courts, and absolutely ii fear of either We nave hail the tpoo Jack' in Coonee of men "oin . the COHN with their little rolls of money Hod KIMMI rel) in handkerchiefs or Sill ff Oil deep lill O the pockets of Iholr trousers, ready and anxious very anxious lo pay np and got back lo business." Neil lu r Ute moonshiner nor the retail tva dicker In liquor wants lo have ibo pro ll I feature of his busi ness interfered with. The courts may "tax" him lightly hy a system of small tines, indelliiitely or for given period? suspended, and the culprit will aol complain. Ile rather likes il, wo believe, ll puts into his busi ness tho only one feature resembling respect ahi lily thal it has, for il gives the nppenrance of half way sanction mid the belief is instilled Into the minds of the violators Ula I the sym pathies of the courts are with them. Lol tho Judges pul back into the laws the I cot ll they have been ox ' . ,U these years. When the profil feature of tho illegal liquor business ls eliminated the liquor dealer and the liquor vendor is go ing out of business and not until tho profits aro destroyed. We might os woll fuco this fact, and act ac cordingly-the pretty (and in our county ut least, threadbare) theory of "Justice tempered with mercy" to tho contrary notwithstanding. Wo congratulate the Oconee grand Jury, and wo thunk you, gentlemen, in tho nanto of tho citizens of our county. You havo pul Into your pre sentment, in addition to some other very wisc recommendations, one that ls going to hear good fruit, and In abundance, if our Judges will but ar rive at the point where they will take a hil of good advice, and act upon it. HOOD HOADS. The question of good roads is in teresting most everybody these days, and wo ure getting some mighty good ones In every section of Oco nee county. There are, however, a few very bad "missing links." Wo refer to the "roads'1 in the throe towns of Walhalla. Westminster and Seneca and the City of West Union. Wo have tried in vain to lind a good piece of "road" in any of tho towns mentioned. They Just simply "lan't," and that's all there is lo lt. Mow about the folks in the several towns getting together ami trying to seo it' we cannot get some streets thal will al least he as good as some of the worst places in the county roads? POI NTS A MOKA li. A grown man. able-bodied, and a worker in a local industrial plant, summarily quit work recently say ing: "I can lie around the Courl llous'\ sell a gallon or two of Honor, and make more money than I can al work." LAX sot I A li CUSTOMS. Wy relines I we publish the follow ing extracts from the leading artille in the last issue ol' tho Christian Her ald, written by Hov. Francis I-'.. Clark, I).lt., Ll,.I)., founder and president ol' Christian Kndeavor. now holding their sixth decennial world conven tion in New York. We take pleasure in publishing those extracts because we feel sure that all our churches, as well as all right-thinking people, are in accord on this subject. To ns there seems to bo absolutely no question about it. The quotation fol lows: "The lax social customs which have lately come in like a Hood have pul many young souls in peril und reduced the temperature of their re ligious zeal. The many recent col umns in the Literary Digest, devoted to oxt'racts from hundreds of reiig I (otis and secular pupers ad over the eoe it tr> reg. -ding tho hlrieou.? evils ?ol ?lo? mod m seuse..i ii a nee mid I many . aggi .>t i vc ino vi? tili ivs should I iwak?ii till Christian people to th!* cl_ to ...v.. yo;, .a v.. . ami ttl lure generations. "Forty years ago. though the Civil War, with its aftermath of laxness, was not very long past, even high society was com pa ra lively modest, while ordinary social life was scarce ly tainted by the glaring sensuous evils of to-day. Then young people e .joyed homely, wholesome, health giving, mind-quickening gaines, such as the sister of Theodore Roosevelt describes as played in their family circle. Now many young folks ( I was tempted to say MOST instead of MAXY, but 1 hope that is not true), enjoy only the indecent dance in in decent clothes, to the most reckless and sensuous of Jazz music, and in the fetid atmosphere of a public ball room. "This may he thought a dismal catalogue of influences that to-day surround the yoting, but 1 would not end on the pessimistic key. Obsta cles are things to overcome. Diffi culties, conquered, strengthen char acter. While many have yielded to the seductive evils of the day, which in a measure inevitably follow such a war as we have witnessed, many have stood stronger, purer, for the test " We may be pardoned for making a suggestion to the ministers of the Cospel in connection with the above, for our comments upon which we were not asked lt has tifien occurred ' lo us thal probably our ministers an.l leaders in church work are seeking ?o corred evils while standing too m indi aloof from them. The presence of one or two ministers cd' the Cos pel and a few really consecrated Christian women at some of (he dances given even within our own county a-ni community won hi very ?1 n i ck l y eliminate many of the fea tures that are complained id' as ob jectionable. As a matter of fact, we believe wo need, more than anything else, thc pastoral relation of our ministers their personal contact, in the daily aili! nightly lives of the young, in their pleasures and gayeties. We would not rob youth of one plc. iure or a single joy. Hat we would like to see the joys and pleasures of youth purified. There are those, of course, who will tedi us that if we purify and (l?anse the pleasures of youth we will but he extracting the pleasure from the life of the children and youth of our day. What a sad commentary on the life of to-day! What a slur upon the moral stamina of Youthful America! It is but to say thal tho young of our country can lind no pleasure but in sin. no Joy in anything save that which ls tainted with lax morality, Wo do not know thai what we. have said will do any good. Wo hopo it will. Tho line of demarcation as between tho Christian and the world ly ls becoming too dearly obliterated for tho general good. We have too many church-mombers and not near enough Christians. And we say that not in a mannor derogatory to tie; church, but in tho light ot paying a tribu le to tho church. Tho fact thai sin-soaked and unrepentant men hie themselves to the church and pollute tho sacred cup with tbolr filthy lips and "drink damnation to their souls" in tho hope of deceiving their fellow men as to their true characters, ls one of the greatest tributes that can bo paid to the Church of Christ, lt is the strength and bulwark of mil lions of true Christians and it ls thc hiding place of many whoso lives, wore Ihey "known and read of all men," would shame the devil him self. if, therefore, tho unregenerate sin ner invades the Church of Christ lo deceive his follow-mun as to lils true character, boca uso the church is good and tho church member Is sup posed to bo. or at least to be trying to attain to a measure of goodness, may not the minister and the I ruo believer, and the right-thinking and right-acting church member Invade, with all propriety and all good con science, tho resorts of questionable practice and dens of iniquity, and do what can be done to purify ?in I ?deauso al least (hose places fre quented by the youth of our coun try? ls it worth trying? WOMAN'S .MISSIONARY UNION Sessions to be Held nt Wa Kialla l.ap IIsl Church, duly 21 ami 22. Following is the program of ibo Woman's Missionary Union (auxil iary to Hon verdun) Association,) ilia llfteenth session to be held with ibo Walhalla Baptist church, July 21-2'i: st Session. 1 D im -Song. Jesus Shall Reign." Scripture message -'Faith and Works: "Have faith in Cod," (.Mark 11:2; "Faith if it bath not works, is dead," ( James 2: 17. Mrs. Dr. An drews. C root lugs-Mrs. J. W. Langston. Response--Mrs. S. F. Reeder. Roll-call W. M. S. .(blackboard demonstration. ) Conferring A-1 badges. Reports--( a ) secretary and treas urer; (b) chairman of mission study: (c) presidents of divisions. Superintendent's message-Mrs. 0. K. Breazeale. Relation of Association to my Di vision- Mrs. E. \Y. Masters, vice president of division. Special music--Mrs \v. S. Bear deii. impersonation o M inst? n Course* - H coogal th rtlflc.i o ! ..1er Denis of Inure ('hatti i w, M. U. Convention .d?s. < E. Smith. Campaign Ideals -Mrs. J. I). Chap man. Second Session. 2.00-Song, "Make Me a Channel Of Blessing." Devotional-Loyalty-Phil. :i : 7-8, The ideal; Luke 14:28-30, The Cost; I Cor. 15:68, Cal. fi: 0-10, Persever ance; Col. 1:18, The Center; Isa. 40:2S-31, How to he Loyal. Mrs. W. W. Davidson. Auxiliary Ideal and Motto -(All auxiliaries stand during reading of former by leader, and repeat in con cert tho motto. ) Roll-call of Auxiliaries (black board demonstration.) Report of Association Superinten dent Auxiliaries-Miss Jalnie Alex ander. Conferring A-1 badges. Dedicated l^ives--"Why?" i Two minute talks . (a) Saved for Service in my Aux iliary- Miss Maida Watkins. (bi Saved for Servico ii) my Church - Mrs. T. M. Lowery. (c) In the Uttermost Parts .Miss Crace Stribling. (d) in My Community-Miss How ley llunslnger, Address--"Our Juniors the Cor ner-stone"- Miss Azale Welford. R. A. Program -Mrs. Paul Arm strong, superintendent of R.A.'s, pre siding. R. A. Hymn. .Roll-call of Chapters (blackboard demonstra lion. ) Conferring A-l badges. Spiritual Development of the Boy through It. A. work - Dr. I. R. D. Andrews. Announcements; closing song and prayer. Thin I Session. S p. m. Devotional Rev. L. W. Langston. Loyalty Song. "My Call to China" -Miss Crace Stribling. Special music Miss Annie Belle Watkins. Address - "Stewardship a Vital Campaign Factor." Fourth Session-Friday Morning. 10.00 Sunbeam Program. Asso ciation Superintendent. Mrs. Nannie Moon, presiding. (Sunbeams and leaders in front seats.) Scripture Lesson; Prayer. Mrs. J. W. Leslie. Roll-call of Sunbeams (blackboard demonstration.) Conferring A-l badges. Prayer. S. H. C. Report Mrs W.fC. Mays. ( Sunbeams standing, j Leader and Sunbeams recite iVi concert State Motto (Heh. 12:1-2; 1 sa. G ; 8. ) Our Sunbeam 7."> Million Campaign Progress Hy superintendent. Mrs. Nannie Moon. Hrlef Outline of "King's Own" Miss Ada Simpson. Sunbeam Song. "Developing tho Braver Lifo of tho Child" (a) Through Personal Example Mrs. J. A. Watkins. <{*of'*i**f**{**S**S**f**S**t**i**f**!? fy HOME DEMONSTRATION fy fy NOTES. ' fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy fy The Home Demonstration Club of West Union mot at tho school house on Tuesday afternoon of last week. IMans wore made for a community picnic at tho school house on Wed nesday, July 27th. Tho South Union club ls planning to have a community picnic on Tues day. July 2Gth. at the homo of .Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, At both places demonstrations will bo given in making yeast and yeast breads. Tho farm agent is preparing a program for tho men. Tho Bluo Ridge Sowing Club met Wednesday morning. Ono member was absent. This is the llrst time that club has not had perfect in at tendance. The Richland and Bounty Land Cooking Clubs have had biscuit con tests. Mildred McDonald and (?ladys Maxwell will represent the Richland club nt the county contest, and Elea nor Stone will represent tho Bounty Land club. Demonstrations In Jelly making were given nt these meet ings. A free moving picture show will , be given to club members and their families al Walhalla and Westmin ster on July 27th. ?ind ?it Seneca on tho 28th .Tho pictures lo be shown ?ire government pictures, and are ed ucational. The hour and Ot Inti' tie-j tails will be given next week. <'?inning, Rickiing, Preserving. j .lust ai this juncture tho thrifty i home demonstration club member linds herself confronted with every | angle of vision with some phase of work. The season for canning, pick ling and preserving ic right here, and she realizes that Ibero is no longer any doubt as to the benoflts conferred upon the general health of the family by canning fruits and vegetables, so absolutely essential to tho diet of the househill.!, t'nese being the sources from which they derive vitamines, mineral ma-.ter and every thing vitally needful in keeping their physiques in properly functioning or der. Knowing that a correctly balanced diet is necessary for tho welfare of the family, she determine* to pro curo this va.Mecl diet through fresh vogetables and fruits all the year. Tho honie-inaker threo Im portant things when tho period for conservation comes ir. - First, that home demonstratio?* inning methods have made thc way .aire and easy i >i In t. Second. Knowing tho Importance of fruit and vegetables tn tho llet during the entire year, she can en tertain no excuse whatever In a tall are to provide them. Third. Sho has the assurance that a supply of canned products make3 her work easier-the canned fruit solves many dessert problems and aids greatly in reducing the grocery bills. Cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables may be brined now to ho used later for pickles. Following ls a "sure keep brine recipe." viz.: 1 pint of salt, 1 pint of vinegar. 1 pint of sugar. 1 gallon sterilized water. Mix well, and pour over vegeta bles as soon as cold. Weight vegeta ble under the surface of liquid, and when fermentation ceases skim off whito scum, pour melted pa ra (Tine over tho surface of the liquid to seal until ready for use. When ready for pickle, soak vegetables in clear wa ter over night, drain thoroughly dry next morning, pack in jars and cover with spiced vinegar, adding two cups of sugar to each quart of vinegar. Interspersing grape leaves with tho vegetables in the brine makes Hie cucumbers green and brittle. Ft bel L. Counts. County Home Dem. Agent. Wagoner Township Singers. The Wagener Township Singing Association will meet with the /ion church next Sunday. .Inly 17. begin ning at 2 o'clock. All singers ?uni lovers of music are invited. W. I). Drewer. Secretary. (b) Through Family Altar and Home Influence Mrs. W. Leister. te) Through tho Band-Mrs. .1. I*. Cuates. Reports of Standing Committees (a) Training School, (b) Margaret Fund. Obituary Report Mts. D. A. Pei rltt. Closing song and prayer. Fifth Session. 2.00 - Devotional - -Mrs. .1. W.Wil lis. Continuation of Reports ? (a) Literature-Mrs. c. c. Whll inI re. (b) Personal Service -Mrs. .1. D. Hull. (c) Hospital and Orphanage- Mrs. J. W. Shelor. Reports of committees on time, place and nominating committee; oloction of officers; adoption of pol icy; appointment of standing com mittees; reading of minutes. Closing song and prayer. Mrs. O. K. Breazoale. Supt. Mrs. J. A. Watkins, Secretary. .625^ F. O. B. Detroit 170,000 Now in Use Built with over strength in every part; built to withstand the constant strain of heavy duty; tested out under every condi tion of farm imd belt work, and put to actual test by 170,000 owners during the pas? three years-the Fordson Tractor has lived up lo every claim made for it. No matter what the farm task-whether plowing, disking, harrowing, threshing, baling hay, grinding feed, pumping water, sawing wood, pulling stumps, fill ing si'os, or any of the many other jobs around the farm, the Fordson wili not only do and do well, but quicker, easier and at less expense. There are so many different time and money saving ways in which the Ford son can be used that you owe it to your self to get the facts. Come in and see the Fordson, or write or phone for the information. Piedmont Motor Co. Walhalla, S. C. Westminster, S. C. Phone 34 ?J H V'..I/.., I.'IW.\JH.V.-/M.I .w; vt AM i?..?'/-.*.)<??JW'.-.. ni (. "Tl Some Seasonable Necessities Three Pound Tin Cans with Solder Hem med Caps, 100 to the package, only $4.50. Fruit Jar Caps and Rubbers, Enameled Ware, Aluminum and Galvanized Ware at Special Prices. - ICE CREAM FREEZERS - Just received shipment 3, 4 and 6 Quart. Late in arriving. Will sell them at close margin until the lot is gone. CHATTANOOGA CANE MILLS AND EVAPORATORS We have a stock of popular sizes and can save you money on these outfits, Ballenger Hartare aili Furniture Co., Seneca, 5. C. SH HUI W'S SA I,KS IOU TAX 10S. Hy authority contained in certain Tax ?xecutions to inc directed hy lt. ll. Alexander, Treasurer of Oco nee county, South Carolina. I here by offer for sale, on MONDAY, tho 1st day of August, lu2 1. at public outcry, in front of the Court House door, in Walhalla, S. C., tho follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Kleven acres of land in White water Township, adjoining lands of W. M. Brown and others, on Toxawny river. Levied on as the property of Mrs. H. M. Blackshear. at suit of the State for taxes. Ten acres of land in Whitewater Township, adjoining lands of Dr. C, Orimshawe and others, on White water river. Levied on as the pro perty of Mrs. ll. M. Blackshear, at suit of tito State for taxes. Twonty-flve acres, more or less, on Cedar creok, Oconeo county, adjoin ing lands of Government on north side and on the south side by lands of the Southland Woodland Com , puny. Levied on .is the property of Messiah Cobb, at suit of State for taxes. W. M. ALI5XANDKR, Sheri ff Oconeo Cou nt v. S C .Inly IX. I ULM. ' 28-30 Bolt Kills Man; Companion Unhurt. ('ballest?n. July ll.-Robert Pul ton, io years of age. a mechanic em ! ployed by a local fertilizer plant.was killed boro Sunday afternoon by .1 stroke of lightning during a severe storm. Fulton bad gone into the of? fl?o of the plant whore ho is em ployed to escape the rain, when the bolt struck . A negro who was stand ing within three feet of Fulton was uninjured, although ho was hurled about 20 feet through a door. Mr. Fulton bad lived in Charleston about li> years, coming boro from Johns town, Pa. A brother ls on tho way hero from tho formor homo, whore tho body will bo taken for Intorment. Subscribe for The Courter. (Best.)