MARY GRAHAM BONNE g; (c/tkOMi kr walu* HNW? UMOM ? THE SUN FLOWER. "In a maple tree," said Daddy, "high up lu the center where the branches began, there was a sun flower grow lug. "No one had planted it there. Some seed blown by the wind must have made it grow there. How lt came there no one knew, only thnt lt was there, and that lt grew. It's stem was not very tall. Its flower was of a good size, how ever, and very golden and pretty. "Sometimes." "The sun could not reach it very well tliere, but lt didn't seem to n\\nd. It stood in the heart of the m?,\>le tree and was very bappy. \ "When the maple tree had noticed that the sunflower was growing up like that, away from thc sun the muple tree said: " 'I shall be so delighted if you will spend u good part of the summer with me. Just us long as you can stay, in fact. But I fear there will not be much sun for you hero. I am among a good many of my maple tree friends and we like to keep lt shady for our friends, the good people. They get ?o warm in the summer when there is such hot, hot sun shining and they like to be given shade from our leaves. " 'We cannot do differently, Sun Flower. But won't you stay with me, anyway? It would be such a treat, such an unusual treat.' '* ' I will stay with you gladly,' said th? Sun Flower. 'You are such a love ly Maple Tree and you do so much that is kind and good that I would be very cruel not to do as you ask If 1 can. And I Imagine I can. I feel as though I would be able to do as you ask. " Tt is very good of you to say that a visit from me would be a treat. I'm very grateful to you for saying that!' "So the sunflower stayed with the maple tree and was very happy. "Sometimes the fairies used to come and play and again the gnomes and brownies and elves would come. "And people would puss by aud would admire thc sunflower growing in the maple tree. And others would laugh and think it was a great Joke. "The maple tree and the sunflower enjoyed the joke too and often used to laugh over lt together. Sometimes after the sunflower and tho maple tree had been laughing people would pass by and they would not know what made the sunflower look eo very Jolly and cheerful and gay. "The sunflower had really been laughing with the maple tree. "The wind would tell stories of what lt had seen along the roads and through the air as it had been going on its travels. " 'I've seen so much today," the Wind said one evening, and the sun flower and the maple tree begged the Wind to tell them what he had seen. "'I ?nw the blue hills lu the dis tance and 1 said to myself. "They are beautiful and they are lovely (and they are very deep blue In color, but I will not pay attention to them today for I have other traveling to do." " 'So I went through the valley and I stopped to have chats with the Ool den Rod family and the Wild As ters. How lovely tliey were ! The Golden Rod fam ily were as hand . o m e as ever. They are such beautiful flowers. And they wore their lovefy yel low dresses and the Wild Asters wore their blue frocks. "The Wild As ters told me that they were the first of their family to arrive but that "A Qreat Joke." later on there would be a great many more of them. They said they were unusually early In arriving nod the Golden Hod family said that they were too. "'But when I told them about the Sunflower which was spending the summer with the maple tree they were so surprised ! Really, that is the most Important blt of Nature News that bns been about In some time.' "'And any one who doubts lt cnn come and see that lt ls true,' said the Maple Tree. "'That ls so,' agreed thc Sunflower. "And ns I saw it myself," said L.,d 'fljr, "1 cnn prove that lt most certain? |f was the truth I" No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have aa un healthy color, v/hlch Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there ts moro or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for twoor thrco weeks will enrich tho blood, Improvothedliicstlon.nndactasajtcnerolStrongth enlnit Tonic to tho wholo system. Notiiro will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will bo In perfect health. Pleasant lo take. 60o per bottlo. Subscribe for Tho Courlor. (Beat) HON. FRANKLIN K. LANE DEAD. Was Prominent Member of President Wilson's Cabinet. Rochester, Minn., May 18.-Hon. Franklin K. Laue, former Secretary of the Interior, died at a local hos pital hero this morning. Death was duo to an ..ttack of angina pectoris. Mr. Lane was operated on here 'May 6 for gall stones and appendicitis, and was said to be recovering when heart disease, from which he had suffered from time to time during the past eight months, developed. Hospital physicians expressed the be lief that the operation would remove the heart affection, but an attack early to-day developed fatally. Immediately after he had recov ered from tho influence of the anaes thetic Mr. Lane said: "1 am surprised to be allvo. I hope to be able to live a long lifo, doing good things forever." 'Mr. Lane left no estate. Following lils resignation from the Wilson cabinet Mr. Lane sought to recover his health, and came here in January of this year. He was advsed to spend the winter in a warmer cli mate, and visited in California, re turning early this month. His condi tion was favorable for an operation, and continued improvement was noted until tho heart attack devel oped this morning. It was often said of Franklin K. Lane that If he had been born in the United States instead of in Canada he would have been Presidential tim ber. After serving seven years In President Wilson's cabinet as Secre tary of tho Interior, he resigned his $ 12,000-a-year post In expensive Washington early in 19 20 "in jus tice to his family," to become vice president and legal adviser to the Mexican petroleum companies con ti oiled by Edward L. Dobeny. Born nonr Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, July 16, 1864, the son of a .Canadian doctor who remov ed to California during tho boy's childhood, young Lane was educated in the University of California, from which he was graduated In 1886. By reason of his scholastic achievements tho honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him some years ago by bis alma mater and by New York and Brown Universities and the Uni versity of North Carolina. Tn 1893 Mr. Lane married Miss Anna Wintermute, of Tacoma.Wash. Two children were born to them Mrs. Nancy Lane Kauffman, of Washington, and Lieut. Franklin Q. Lane, Jr., U. S. A., of Los Angol?s, Cal. The next time you buy calomel ask for The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nauseale8s, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. Pardons Mun to Uso Evidence. Columbia, May 18.-Governor R. A. Cooper yestorday pardoned John Burnett, a Laurens man, to restoro his citizenship. (Burnett is to bo tried shortly for highway robbery, and will plead guilty, it was said at the Governor's office. The pardon to restore citizenship was granted in order that the State might use the testimony of Burnett against his accomplices in the last robbery case. ?Burnett was convicted of house breaking and larceny in Laurens county and sentenced to servo three years. He was paroled by Governor Cooper on Nov. 26, 1919, and yes terday bis citizenship was restored. Modern Hercules Dies After Feat. Havana, Cuba, May 20.-Sudden death claimed Theodore Cuttof, tho "Cossack Hercules," after perform ing feats of strength in tho National Theatre here during a wrestling car nival the other day. Ho bad twisted iron bars and sup ported upon his shoulders a stool rall to which eighteen persons wore hanging by their hands, without ap parent 111 effocts, ?but after the per formance ho dropped dead while emerging from a shower bath. a Camel The pleasure is worth it. There's no sub stitute for Camel quality and that mild, fragrant Camel blend. The fellow who smokes Camels, wants Camels. That's because Camels have a smoothness, a fragrance and a mildness you can't get in another cigarette. Don't let anyone tell you that ?ny other cigarette at any price is so good as Camels. Let your own taste be the judge. Try Camels for yourself. A few smooth, refreshing puffs and you'd walk a mile for a Camel, too. R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co, WinttoQ.Salom. N. C. .Ja ??? ?J? .J? ?I* ??? .]? ?J. ??? ?J? ?J* ?J? 4> THU GIIUAS OF TO-DAY. A 'b -I- ?!* ?I* *I* *I* ?I? ?I* *I* -I- "I* ("Two Girls" send the following article to The Courier with the re quest that we publish it.) Replying, tn tho Philadelphia Pub lic Ledger, to criticisms of present styles In women's dross, a corre.pon dent of that paper says that, com paring fashions past and present, the verdict is In favor of the girls of to day: "Miss America of to-day dresses in tho most natural simplicity and with more good taste than ever be fore. The dresses of her past moth ers were freaks in comparison. The hoop skirt, tho pantalet, the bustle and peekaboo shirtwaist were insane absurdities. And tho way they used to dress their hair In tho olden times would make an Igorote onvlous. "I can't help smiling when I hear some of these forty-year-olds, wo men and men, gasp at the girls of to-day. Tho young must dance, and dance their dance, not yours. This is their day, not yours." There was moro "room" in thc country in the day of tho ample hoop skirt, for Instance; bring It back and tho most uncompromising of stick lers for old-style fashions would shake their hoads In emphatic dis approval. In trying to got around it they'c bo In danger of colliding with tin speeding auto. It was a space-flllei which wouldn't work now-not ti mention tho street-sweeping train of old, and other "ancient" styles. But tho best word In this defens of modern women's styles in dress i "Tho young must danco their dane not yours. This ls their day." And tho writer might have quotei "Tho world belongs to those wh come tho last." Aa a general thing, the rules o health are pretty much all on th side of prosent-day fashions In wc man's dress-witness the naturi bloom on tho cheeks of tho girl hurrying to a thousand occupation tn the big cities. There's paint and powder cnoug -as In former times--but think < tho picture of perfect health an beauty ono encounters everywhere! And this must be said of pictur and paintings wc have of tho love old-time girls. Contompaltlng the beauty, lt ls no wonder that a po of their day wrote of ono "Before tl Mirror," that she-? "Bent as a flowor, when 'Maytin breezes pass, And kissod her own dear Imngo tho glass!" Wo still dream swoot dreams I foro theil fair, framed faces on tho walls of lome-the girls that wore 1 the ino th1 is then, with the braided or plnfiyunudorned tresses, and the envious high-shielding dress that of ten veiled their swan-like necks. One cannot fancy a frown on their beautiful foreheads at tho way tho girls dress now. Imagine them here again, and unler the same stylo con ditions, ono wouldn't know them from their great-granddaughters! They followed fashion In their girlhood days, and they wouldn't be I different now. They couldn't afford to be! So, Miss America's word must be law in dress, ns it will bo when she comes to govern lier own family. Tor tho world is hers, and she is worth the world! WmilfOft BOOKLET ON MOTHERHOOD ANDTHt BABY, Mit BKAo/i?LD RKOULATOR CO., DEPT. a-O. ATLANTA. CA. Robbers Loot Express Wagon. Chicago, May 18. Six robbers last night held up an American Express wagon, shot one of the guards, kid napped two others, and escaped with a small safe, supposed to contain a valuable shipment of jewelry con signed to Minneapolis or St. Paul. Tho robbery took place only a few blocks from the railroad station, lt was stated that ono of the guards had been assigned to accompany the safe on the train to its destination. Bad Blood Disfig With U The mortifying and unsightly skin and facial disfigurements on young people from 14 to 20 years old aro seldom duo to anything worso than impure blood. The young bodies are under- fffffPf?l going important changes, IIHmlf and thc mood stream is ??BJ temporarily disordered- ?0k\ ? often Ailed with poison- 1 ous waste matter. taPofe In such cases only in ternal blood remedies can relieve. The impuri ATTENDANCE CONTEST IS OX For Approaching State S. S. Conven tion ut Winthrop College Spartanburg, May 19.-The forty six counties in South Carolina are in an "attendance contest" for the ap proaching Sunday School Convention at Winthrop College, Hock HUI, June 8, -9 and 10, and the president of each county Sunday school associa tion has been appointed ns the di rector of the attendance contest campaign in that county, assisted by the county socrotary and tho district presidents, of whom thero aro 219 in tho State. The contest ls on a proportionate basis, it is said, tho number of reg istered delegates from each county hoing multiplied by tho railroad dis tance of the county seat'from tho convention, so as to make it fair for all counties, both those nearby and those at a distance. There are no restrictions as to attondance. Tho | convention, lt ls said, ls a popular meeting and not a strictly delegated body. Consequently every ono who wishes to do so ls Invited to attend. All who attond and register aro ac cepted as delegates; only those who do register count in tho attendance contest. A beautiful banner will be publicly presonted to the county having the largest registered attend ance in proportion to tho distance trovoled. The committee appointed to have charge of working up tho attendance from Oconeo county ls as follows: Prof. W. S. Morrison, Clemson Col loge; DoWitt .1. Miller, Westmin ster; Dr. W. A. Strickland, West minster; O. W. Shirley, Seneca; Mrs. G. It. Pike, Salem; Mrs. W. B. Mon golei, Mountain Rest. ?0? quickly relievos Constipation, Ki lions ii ess, I*>ss of A ?petto and Headaches duo to Torpid Idver.-adv 'Tho first lucifer match was mado in 1829. ures Young Faces nsightly Eruptions ties must bo cast out and tho vital fluid enriched before tho disfigure ments aro cleared up. For this you naturally want an efficient* tested i blood remedy-like S.S.S., tho fa dition, addressing Chief ^TTlTirTT?! Medical Advisor, 841 Swift Laboratory, At Ifriwiffw lanta, Georgia, mous old herb medicine. Start tho young folks with S.S.S. today (your druggist has it), and write us about their con TUB OOONKK KURAL CARRIER? Will Mcot in Annunl Session nt the Court House on May JIOUi. Tho annual meeting ot tho R. E. D. Carriers' Association of? Oconee County will be hold nt the Court House in Walhalla on Monday, May 30th, 1921. Tho mooting will ho called to or der at 10 o'clock a. m. All carriers aro earnestly urged to attend, as there ls huslnoss of vital importance to ovory carrior to como before tho meeting. Tho wlvos of tho carriers aro cordially Invited to bo present at tho mooting, as woll as all sub-carriers who aro willing to Join with us in furthering the causo and bottoring tito conditions of tho carriers. , An interesting program will bo carried out. Special attraction in tho afternoon. Lot's make Oconoo loo pot* cent strong! ? W. M. Lommons, President. U. W. Orubbs. Soc'y and Treas. Famous Morse Elm Cut Down. A dispatch from Washington says: Tho famous Morse elm at tho cor ner of Pennsylvania avenue and 14th streot-ono of the oldest landmarks lil tho National Capital-ls gone, lt was removed at midnight aftor a long hut losing fight for its lifo, which began with tho severing of some of Us roots when 14th street was widened somo years ago. This treo has looked down upon overy inaugural parado In Washing ton. It was named for Samuel F. B. Morso, inventor ot tho telegraph, who, tradition rolatos, often sat bo ncnth it and related to Interested lls toners tho wonders of tho telegraph. In tho olden days many famous poli ticians also wero wont to gathor in UH shade to discuss affairs of party and State. I Tho trunk of tho treo has boon presented to tho 'American Forestry Association. The elm was ono of tho first treos to ho glvon a place by tho association in tho hall of fame of trees with a history. A TP O IN I ?w Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching tho Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, seo how it brings color to tho cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonio ls simply Iron and Quinine suspended In syrup. So pleasant even children like lt. The blood needs QUININE to Purify lt and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. . Whites and Blacks Clash. Cordelo, Ga., May 18.-Ono negro is dead, two others aro fatally woun ded and a write man giving his name of Robert Davis, of Somerville, N. J,, is in tho city hospital here, suffer ing from a load of buckshot as tho result of a clash between whites and negroes at Byronville, Dooley coun ty, last midnight. Twenty negroes have been placed under arrest by Sheriff Vinson, of Dooley county, and aro held In the county Jail at Vienna and other pinces. According to reports rocolvod hero the trouble started when Marshal Cunningham, of Byronville, shot a nogro ho was trying to take Into custody. In the excitomont following "Davis ls said to have fired into a crowd of negroes with n shotgun, wounding several, two of them fa tally. Tho dead negro, lt is said, was killed this morning while the sheriff was rounding up tho rioters. Byron ville was reported quiet this aftor nc n. na Quinine That Dots Not Affect the Head Because ot ita tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININJt is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousnca- nor ringln? in head. Remember the full name and look for the algna-ture of Ii. W. OROVB. 30c. - Many Americans Aro Held. 'Washington, May 10.-Appoals to the State Department for roliof of friends or relativos in Russia have served to Inform tho government of tho detention by tho Soviet govern ment of Russia of approximately ono hundred Americans, It was stated to-day. Tho communications, com ing from various sources and reveal ing the detention of far moro Ameri cans (han indicated in tho officiai reports, have served to strengthen tho ndmlnisttallon In Rs determina tion not to have any dealings with tho government at Moscow until lt alters Its attitude toward Americans. We are proud of tho confidence doctors, druggist* mid tho public have in OOO Chill and Fever Tonic. -adv. Recently Gen. Von Hindenburg was cheered as ho marched behind tho collin of the ex-knlserln. Platinum has rarely boon found in singlo masses larger than a pigeon egg.