Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 26, 1921, Image 3

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aid to ones vision on boa^id. CLEMSON COMMISSAHY-K1TCHEX Damaged by KIl'O- I JOSS Considera ble.-Cadets Eura a Holiday. Clemson College, Jan. IS.- Fire this morning partially destroyed the kitchen and commissary at Clemson College. Tho loss ls estimated at $2").OOO, fully covered by insurance, .which was carried with the Sinking Fund Commission of the State. The kitchen and commissary are attached to Barracks No. 1, the largest rf a .group of three dormitory buildings. For a while this entire group was threatened, hut the splendid fire fighting of the corps of cadets con fined the conflagration to its origi nal limits. There were no accidents. While much of the kitchen equip ment was damaged or destroyed and a considerable quantity of supplies burned, breakfast was served this moraine ps usual. A holiday was de clared iii recognition of the officient work ci the cadets, but otherwise there will be no interruption in the schedules. A temporary roof will bo constructed over the kitchen and commissary, and steps will be taken at once to replace such equipment as is not usable. Tho tile floors and the refrigerating plant were not dam aged. Tba origin of the fire has not yet been determined. To Cure a Cold la Ono Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (TtblatsJ h stop? (he Cooja and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c. Woman Elected Probate Judge. Greenville, Jan. 19. - Tho first woman county official to bo olected In Soe th Carolina was chosen herc to-day In a special election held to choose a successor to Probate Judge Walter M. Scott, who was killed In an automobile accident the day after Christmas. Judgo Scott's widow, Mrs. Fannie C. Scott, who had served as clerk in the office of her husband for a number of years, was unopposed as n candidato for tho unexpired term of the deceased official. Mrs. Scott ls to assume the duties of the office within a few days. Subscribo for Tho Courier. (BesM HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLU First Step in Treatment Is a Brisk Purgative With Calotabs, the Purified and Hcftned Calomel Tablets that are Nausea ks3, o\fo and Sure. Doctors have found by cxporlonco that no medicine for colds and infill' en/a can bo depended upon for full ef fectiveness until the liver is made thor oughly active. That is why the lirsi atop in tho treatment is the new, nausea less calomel tablets called Oa?otabs, which are free front lite sickening and weakening effects ?d' tho old style calo mel. Doctors also point o?t thc fact that mi active livor m t'y go -i long way towards preventing lu Huemul and is ono of tho mod important factors in en abling Hie patifitt to successfully with stand :m attack and ward' off pneu monia. One Calot ab on tho tongue nt bcd time with a swallow of water-that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slight est interference with your eating, pleas tire or work. Next morning your cold lias vanished, your liver is -active, your svstrm is purified, and yon are feeling fln<\ wMlt a hearty appetite) for break? f;. .. .-Ms sell Calot nbs only in ,..;?-?"..i >.'?! packages, price thirty* f,*'<y?r money will bc cheer fully refunded if voa do not find them delightful.-(Adv.) Time ls the test o? truth. And Doan'a Kidney Pills lui ve stood the test in Walhal n So Walhalla rest dent who Buffers backache, or annoy ing urln?*r" '.Ha remain uncon vinced hy tbl.< t .v e . l .ld testimony. VV. S. C.t\iL.\. h...-'- -.n't'.!, Spring st. Walhalla, suya* "' h'?**1 my back j many years ag J ai. : since then 1 have been troub'ed Ith kidney com plaint. W'.i I ha.vo one of the?? attacks, severe pains shoot lhrotl?Il my klduevn and tb?*ae organs do not act as they should. I have dizzy .?p-MIs and sev"v-v pains in the bneU . i ni" head I bava used IXian's Kid ney Pj'.ls wh?v..rvr an attarde conv?* on and they have never fal'1*-! t< quickly relieve nw T ?bin'?. Doan'i are a wonderful medicine." (Stale in eat given Dec 17. 11 M O-i Ar*rM 9. Ial3 Mr Orahl said: "I am glad of ano*her opportunity t' av a giod w?\rd for Darn's Kldne> Pl Wa and h?l|pv?i Dv>nV have nd "tod a cure. I advise anyone sufi?, .'ne from " id'w complaint to give thl* remedy a trial" 60c <P Til dealers. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo, N, Y. WHO Wllili GKT RUSSIA'S MONEY That ls (?uosiion at Present Puzzling tho United States Authorities. Washington, Jan. 20.-The United States owes $1,400,000 to Russia, but is unable to determine to whom the money should go, the State De partment announced recently, com menting on a report recently handed out by the publicity department of the French foreign omeo saying that this money belonged to Gon. Wran gel. The State Department explained that during the war the United States Shipping Board bad, taken over some vessels belonging to thc Russian vol unteer fleot, valued nt $1,400,000. It had been arranged to pay this money to Kerensky, but his government fell. Tho State Department has offered the money to Ambassador Bakhmetieff, who came to the United States as the Kerensky representative, and who ls still recognized by this government, but he refused to accept the money. The United States acknowledges Its debt, but does not know to whom tho monoy should go, ns tho vessols were owned by a czarlstlc corpora tion, the State Department explains. Colds Cause Grip and Influenz? LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There ls only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W, GROVE'S sltfnaturo on the box. 30c. Said lie Bought Protection. Atlanta, da., Jan. JO. -Federal prohibition enforcement officers had under way to-day an investigation of statements said to have boen mad.? by Ivy Kassel!, of Savannah, that he and 7."? others engaged III illicit dis tilling had been paying for protec tion. Special investigators from the Washington headquarters were said to he en route here to sift tho mat ter. Kassoll was arrested last week charged with making whiskey. .lasso E. Mercer, State prohibition enforcement officer, in a Battement made here to-day regarding the situ ation In Savannah, said: "Tho Federal investigators who aro going to Savannah will find tho charges a thousand times true. They will find more than tho city police guilty of having part in the ugliest situation that can bo Imagined." Lagor beer owes-or in tho Unltod Statos owed-Its peculiar properties to slow fermentation. AK.Ur.XIAN GIULS WlOltE SOM) As Wive? Arter Hoing Brought to A m ci i ca, According to Itonort. Fresno, Cal., Jan. 19.-How six beautiful Armenian women were brought to the United States and .sold was disclosed Monday by Geo. W. Moore. United States immigration commissioner. Harcotian Solv?an, a wealthy rancher, returned from Ar menia recently, bringing seven pret ty women. Solv?an married ono of the women, according to the com missioner, and bartered the others to wealthy members of the Armenian colony, just as in the slave marts of the Orient. When Selvian arrived In Fresno with- the women he announced that he had married otte of thom and would sell tho others, so Commis sioner .Moore said his investigation disclosed. The news spread rapidly, and there was lively bidding among members of the colony. Ono woman, tho most beautiful of tho sextette, was sold for $2,000. The lowest price was $4 00. Ono of tho girls, possessed of less good looks than the others, ls being held by Sol v?an for a favorable bid. Solv?an told the authorities that tho women were gathered from refu gee camps at Samson, Turkey, somo of them from hospitals, and that he had brought them with him because ho bad boen given money by friends at Fresno to pay the transportation of brides to America, ho to make the selection. How's This? Wa offer On? Hundred Dollar? Reward Cor ?ny cass of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine haa been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Halt's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimoni?is, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Has Head of Adamant. Huntsville. Ala., Jan. 20. - Tho claim of Joseph Jones, of Merrimac, to hospital attaches that he haa "some bean" was borne out to-day when his story that be had been kicked by a mule on the head and that, as a result, the animal was ly ing helpless with a broken leg. was investigated and found to be ontircly true. Jones said that his way was block ed by a stray mule and that ho made a threatening movement to frighten it away. It refused to stampede, however, meeting the assailant with a well-directed kick to the brow. Tho mule's leg was found to he broken in two placos. It wits pronounced as a ?! dpless cripple and shot. Jones will rc cover. Hulled Off 70-(*ent Robbery. Greenville, Jan. 20.-An unsuc cessful attempt last night was mudo at robbery of the safo in the P. & N. Hallway Company's safe at the Pied" mont station, tho robbers getting away with only 70 cents, which was taken from the cash drawer. No ar rests have been made. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itch Ind, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudln? Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Plies, and you can get restful sleep after the first aoollcntlon. Price 60c Boys performed women's parts In English drama until 1661. Christ-The Subject of All Scripture By REV. B. B. SUTCLIFFE Extension Department, Moody Bible Instituto, Chlougo. TEXT.-Search tho Serluturon ... 1 they are thoy which testify of mo.-John 6:39. The only absolutely truo history In I all tho world ls found within the pages of tho Bible, j Wherever Scrip- j turo touches his- !' tory, unlike the historians of the world, lt touches ' lt with a true band. The bis torlnns of the world are natural ly unable to look at history from nay but preju diced eyes. The very perfections of their national heroes, os record ed in their writ ings, leave us with thc impression that these were super men and almost Incapable of wrong doing. But we know that they were men of like passions with us, however unlike us they appear on the pages of the histories. But when tho Holy Spirit wrote history, though lt bo the history of a David. Ho told us all the truth, and tho man David stands be fore us as he really was. While the Bible contains the ouly whoUy reliable history In all tho world, Its object ls not merely to record history, but to set before the reader the person of Jesus Christ. The only true philosophy ls found recorded on the pages of the Bible. All thc philosophies of the world, unable to rise higher than their source, con bavo no fuller message than "Mau, know thyself." But because of inher ent inability, mau alone can never know himself nor come to the knowl edge which tells him whenco he came or whither he goes ; he continues on his way like a ship without rudder or pilot, knowing neither the port from whence ho sailed nor the harbor to which he is bound, und the reason for his being up on Ute sea of life at all romulus an un-, solved enigma to him. But the philosophy which comes from the Bible begins by saying, "Man, know God," and then graciously pro ceeds to reveal God to man. In that revelation man may know both the Qed who speaks and himself besides. But while the Bible contains the only pty*, philosophy in the world its object ls not to give man mero philosophy, but to bring to man the knowledge of God as revealed fully In the supreme subject of Scripture, Jesus Christ Again, tho only true moral code in the world is found within the Bible. Like the philosophies of tho world, the moral codes formed by man ribo no higher than himself, and huve in view I man's relation to man only ; they do ; not deal with man's relation to God. But the moral code of the Bible begins with man's relation to God, followed by man's relation to man. The flint and great commandment ls, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart," and the second ls like unto lt, "Thou Shalt love thy neighbor au thy self (Matt. 22:87-80). But while lt con tains the only complete morai code In the world, its subject Is not that mere ly, but ls Jesus Christ. Without Christ the Bible would never have been written. He Is the Key which unlocks all Its mysteries; the Light that reveals all its hidden ex cellencies. Tho Bible ls like the tem ple of which the Psulmlst says, "Every whit speaks of Ills glory" (Psalms 29 :?). Jesus said : "Ye search the Scriptures for In them ye think yo have eternal lifo, and they are they which testify of me" (John 6:89). "Had yo believed Moses ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me" (John 6:46). "And beginning at Moses and all the prophets He expounded unto them lu all the Scriptures the things con cerning Himself" (Luke 24:27). "All thlugs must be fulfilled which were written In thc luw of Moses and in tho prophets and In the Paulina cunccrnlng Me" (Luke 24:44). When "holy men of God wrote ns thoy were moved upon by I be Holy Spirit" (I Peter 1:21) they wrote of Jesus Christ. From thc beginning to the end of the Book, through the his tories and the prophecies, tho poetry and the Psalms, the one radiant object presented to our vlow In type, symbol, ceremony and prediction ls the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the supreme sub ject of all the Scriptures, and we rond our Bibles to little profit If we full to find Him there as wc study its pages. But finding Him, we will come to know tho truth that God would have us learn for our comfort and prollt, and for our growth lu gruco and spiritual power. As wo read tho Bible, depending upon thc Holy Spirit to biko of the things of Christ and show them unto us (John 10:14) we will como to know, in ever increasing bloaslng and delight, the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Friend and Loni. As He ls the supreme subject of the Bible, to know Him should bo the supreme object of our Bible study. Do Not Understand. Men seem neither to understand tholr riches nor their strength. Of thu former they believe greater things than they should; of toe Utter, lesa, -Bacon. i WOULD PROHIBIT DOG-EATING Custom Common Among the lyorots ts Declared to Be Undesirable for Many Reasons. Those who remember the article in this magazine a short time ugo tell lng of the cruelties connected with . the killing of dogs for food among the j Igorots, says Our Dumb Animals, will be glad to know tbnt lt has aroused sulllcleni Interest to cause the Munda Daily Bulletin to say, ac cording to a clipping we buve just re ceived : "The oillco of the Department of the Interior Is constantly receiving from persons lu the United Slates, mostly women, letters protesting ugalnst dog entlng In the mountain province among the Igorots, lt was declared by Secretary Kaluw of the department. All of them, he said, urge that in the Interests of civilization and better and higher mode of living, n law should be passed by thc Philippine legislature prohibiting the sale and the use of dogs ns food material. "Aside from the fact that the act of enting dogs ls highly undesirable, thc* letters state, It ls very inhumane. The Igorots, they state, like to cat lean dogs and that the more bony they are, the more palatable they taste to the Igorots. Consequently, ?whon a dog ls bought In the dog mar ket at Bugulo or at any other place, lt ls left to starve for many days be fore lt ls eaten, the communications declare.? "When asked if the passage of a law prohibiting the sale and the eat ing of dogs by the Igorots was in or der, Secretary Kaluw declared that lt might be done In an Indirect manner." SWORD WORTHY OF OWNER Blade Worn by Miles Standish Has Been Traced to the Tim? of the Crusades. Among the belles of the Pilgrims that may be seen when visitors throng the old town of Plymouth for the ter centenary observances few are more Interesting than the sword of Miles Standish. It may be seen in Pilgrim hall. It ls u Dumascus blade and presum ably came Into the possession of the Pilgrim captain from someone whoso ancestors had brought lt from the Crusades. lt bears several curious Inscriptions, which waited until June, 1881, to be translated. Then Prof. Jnines Rose dale of Jerusalem went with a band of Arabs to Amerlcu's most important shrine and found that the carved characters belonged to different dates -some In Cuflc and very old. He was only able to translate one, of a later period, In Arabic. The words given here show that its spirit was quite' appropriate to the spirit of the Pilgrims: "With peace Qod ruled his Slaves. And with the judgments of His arms He troubled the Mighty of the wicked." Rock Many Religious Associations. A report on the Dome of the Rock .f Jerusalem ls shortly to be published and will be of great Interest to the Ma hommedan world. It may not be gen erally known that this place bi the third in sanctity of all the sanctuaries of Islam, and Indeed for a short period it actually formed the Klbla toward which all Moslems prostrated them selves in prayer. Among the more im portant religious associations of this rock we may mention that lt was here that David and Solomon were called to repentance, and on account of a vision David chose this site for his temple. From this same spot Mohammed as cended to the Seventh Heaven after his night Journey from Mecca, and last ly lt ls to be the scene of the Great Judgment. The historical associations are not less striking, and such famous names as Omar, Abd-el-Malek, Saladin and Suleiman are all connected with the rock.-Prom the Zanzibar Gazette. Private Stocking, A North Shore citizen took Junior Up on his knee and asked him : "Well, my little son, what would you like Santa Claus to bring you for Christ mas?" "Oh, I want him to bring me a hum dinger." "A humdinger, eh 7 And may I ask you to describe one?" "I don't know how they look, but when you and Mr. Jones came up from the basement the other evening you said to bim: 'Wasn't that a humding er?' and he sold: 'lt sure was I I would like to have one Just like that for Christmas.' So I thought If lt was something nice for Christmas I would like to have one. too."-Publish er's Auxiliary. Hounds In Funeral Tributs. Twenty-one pairs of bounds filed solemnly pnst the grave at the funeral of Wllllnm Selby-I.owndes, a well known English country squire of the old school, who lind been master of the Whaddon hounds for 2f> years. The village churchyard overlooks the fa mous Whaddon Chase. After the burial service, the members of the hunt led the famous Whaddon Citase pack past the flower-lined grave. Missed Her. "How ?9 your afternoon*bridge club getting on?" "Ob. rather poorly. You know, dear, Mrs. Oausslp has left us." "But I thought she was an atrocious player." "Shi *ras; but then, she always had so many delicious stories to tell about her neighbors."-Boston Tronserlo*. SIFT OUT THE U N DESI HA ULKS. Wo Should Take ?Stock and Soo What IM liest for tho Futuro. (Manufacturers* Record.) With hordes of allon peoples eagerly awaiting opportunity for ad mission to this country wo should at onco adopt adequate measures to sift out tho undesirables and tho vicious. There are from l?,ooo,ooo to 17, 000,000 allons boro now-about one seventh of our entire population. Be fore we add to this onormous aggre gate we may well cull a hall so that wo can take stock, see whore wo stand, and determine on the best course for the futuro. Tho Johnson bill, now before the Sonate commit tee on immigration, provides for tho stoppage of immigration for a your. It should be passed and becomo tho law of tho land. In sonic quarters it is urged that Aniorlca is nieroly a trusteo for tho world, and that wo have no moral right to shut our doors to the op pressed of other lands. A man hav ing a homo for his family muy fjol that, to a certain extent, ho is a trustee to help caro for othors, but If he throws open his house to tho weak and vicious, and those who preach falso doctrinos as to family Iii?-, he will destroy his own homo, and thus make it Impossible for him in the future to safeguard his fam ily and to uso bia homo as a point from which to radlato Influences loi good. America represents a great home. We can use Its resources and Ita opportunities as trustees for tho ben efit of tho world, hut If wo throw lt wide open to all tho vicious und tho Inefficient and the beggars of tho world, and those who teach doctrines false to our sense of government, and permit niions who aro nilen In their thought and word and life to our country to take possession of our home, we will prove recreant to our trusteeship; we will destroy our civ ilization, und this great country, tho last, hope of human liberty, civil and religious, will go down In ruin. Every consideration of prudence and safety calls for tho passage o? tho Johnson bill. FIX STOMACH RIGHT UP "Pape's Diapepsin" at once ends Indigestion, Gases, Sourness, Acidity You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach ls bad-or an uncertain one-or a harmful one-; your stomach la too valuable; you mustn't injure lt with drastic drugs. When your meals don't fit, and you fool uncomfortable, when you belch gases, acids or raise sour, undigested food-when you fool lumps of Indi gestion pain, heartburn or headache, from acidity, Just eat a tablet of Pape's IDapepsin and tho stomach distress is gone. Millions of people know the magic Pape's Diapepsln and the stomach They know that indigestion and dis ordered stomach are so needless. The relief comes quiclky-no disappoint ment, and so little cost, toe. -adv. fifty-seven Russians Returning. Chicago, Jan. 20.--Fifty-seven Russians to-day aro carrying small American flags'-and, they declare, tho principles of American treedo.fn they gained in this country-bactf to their home land, although they vol untarily renouncedm* the American form of governmont for the Soviet. They are not, however, In sympathy with Bolshevism, they say, but are returning to Russia: because they could not bring their wives, sweet hearts or families to America. They are scheduled to arrive in Halifax, N. S., to-night to embark for Hamberg, Germany, thence overland to Kydtkaunen, on tho Lithuanian border, and on to Soviet Russia. v There was only one woman In the party, who was returning with her husband to her parents In Moscow. She carno to America oight years ago to be married, and Is now accom panying her husband back to their homo. A TONIO Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restore? Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching tho Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, seo how lt brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children Uko lt. Tho blood needs QUININE to Purify lt and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. - - Taxation In Franco for the first sovon months of this year was two billion francs greator than tho same period last year.