Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 05, 1921, Image 6

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r?EOWEE COU RIEB (Established 1840.) Published Evory Wednesday Morning SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ono Year .$1.0C Hiv Th roo Months.3C Advertising Hatos Reasonable. Hy Stock, Shol(tr, Hugh? & Sholor. Communications of a persona) character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary noticos, cards of thanks .?.nd tributes of respect, oithor by individuals, lodges or churches, arc charged for as for advertisements at rate of ono cont a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, and all such notices will ho marked "Adv." in conformity with Federal ruling on .uch malters. WALHALLA, S. C. AV ED NFS DAY, JAN, 5, 1021. FOI i NEA lt EAST S li FF FUE HS. Tho fourier is ashed hy Hie Eu ropean Relief Council, of which Her bert Hoover is chairman, to open a subscription column for the receipt and acknowledgment of funds to he sent lo tho Relief Council for theil great work in the Near East, where thousands of children are suffering hundreds dying, for the barest essen tials in food. Tlie estimate is that, il proper relief is not forwarded to Hu stricken people of the Near Fast promptly and regularly for some lime to come, 11,500,000 children have thc prospect of death from .starvation he fore tlie present winter shall have passed. We have had calls innumerable ir the past few years, and we have oui own troubles to face and needs tc meet. But what is our condition ir comparison to that of these starving millions? Can we not each find a leasi a small amount to contribute tc this worthy cause? Many might con tribute liberally from their abund ance; there is not one scarcely whe cannot contribute something from hi; or her abundance. Tho quostion ls "WILL WE DO IT? Don't stop to ask what your neigh bor can do, ought to do. or will do Do your part ns you feel able ant inclined. Are tho lives of three ant a half millions of innocent childrei worth your consideration? Are yoi willing to contribute of your mean ?to alleviate suffering among thesi unfortunate poople? The citizens of Coonee have dom nobly in their response to the variou; calls for aid that have come so oftei during the recent past. This call fo help for the Near East has been ro aponded to. But the call still ring! into our ears. Can we not do stil more? Wo bellevo that wo can-an< will. To start the list under the presen call, The Courier subscribes $5.00 t< the fund to help save tho lives of tin helpless children of tile Near East. Who will be next? 1?>?1 SAVINGS OPPORTUNITIES. We have always thought that on ?f the most attractive modes of sav ing-especially for the children am those of us of small moans-is tin government Thrift and Saving Stamps. The chief, attraction tha these stamps carry, as we seo it, ? the incentivo to save small amount that would otherwise be spent fool Ashly, or at host for things that ar* by no means essentials. For the nev year we aro, therefore, inclined t. commend most strongly tho govern mont's endeavor to make persisten sa'vings possible. The new 1921 government sav ?ngs securities may now he had a post offices and through hanks, li all, live opportunities are Offered For instance, there are the $1 Treas itry Savings Stamps and the %2 re asa ry Savings Certificates. Thoa ire in addition lo the regular sav Migs securities which have been ol forod by the Knited States Treasur Department for several years. Th 25-conl Thrift Stamp and tho $ War Savings Stamp and the $10 and $ I (uni Treasury Savings Cortil! .ates will bo issued as before. The $1 Treasury Savings Slam and tho 25-cont Thrift Stamp are no interest-bearing. They are issued t Siolp people save money in snial amounts, and when enough of tho? stamps have been bought, they ma Vie exchanged, in proper ratio, for $ ?Var Savings Stamps, which hear ir ?Unrest at tho rate of 4 per cont, com pounded quarterly, if held until mn .uri ty. During January of tho present yoa ttne $5 stamp may he had for $4.15 lt will increase in value ono cor ?each month. Tho January prico c tho $25 Treasury Savings Certificat will bo $20.60, tho prico incroasln ?al tho fixed rate of flvo cents month. Tho $100 Treasury Savings Certificates may bo bought during January for $82.40. Its'monthly in crease in valuo will bo 20 cents. It is the hope of the United StatcB Treasury, according to announce ment from Washington, that tho 10 2 1 savings securities will bo bought by oven moro Investors than took ad vantage of recent and current offer ings. The $1 issue will be especially for school children, and it is hoped that it will be bought In large quan tities by mombors of school savings societlos, many thousands of which havo boon organized in thc Kifth Federal Rosorvo District ,in which our county is included THF COBB-WATK1NS WEDDING. Bride is a Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cobb, of Near Walhalla. On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 2i>. tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Cobb, near Wi Illulia, was the scene of a pretty, quiet marriage, when their daughter. Mary, became the bride of Martin Watkins, of West minster. Tho reception hall and parlors were beautifully decoratod with mistletoe and holly. The improvised altar, where the ceremony was performed, was a mass of mistletoe, holly and ferns, brightened by many Christmas candles. The chief witness at the oremony was Dan Cupid, who, with his quiver full of arrows, had taken his stand just back of the bridal pair. Preceding the ceremony Miss An nie Hell Watkins, sister of the groom, sang "A Perfect Day.'' At the first strnjins of Mendelssohn's Wedding March the brido and groom entered the parlor and took thoir stand un derneath a beautiful Christmas wed ding bell showered with mistletoe Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Guy Martin, the groom's pastor. The bride was very attractive in a handsome suit of midnight blue tric otine, with accessories to match. Immediately after congratulations the happy couple left for a short wed ding trip, and on returning they will make their homo in Westminster. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins have the best wishes of a host of friends for a long life of happiness and pros perity. His Seventy-Ninth Birthday. T. M. Littleton, formerly of tho Salem section of Oconeo, but who ls now living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Collins, In Greenville, cel ebrated his 79th birthday at tho Col lins home on Dec. 25th. Mrs. Collins is the oldest daughter of Mr. Little ton, and is pleasantly remembered by many in Oconeo. The dining room was beautifully decorated, it being Christmas Day also. The seventy-nine candies, rep resenting each year, wore burning as the guests sat down to tho table, which was very elaborately filled for tho occasion. Mr. Littleton, now in his 80th year, was a Confodorato soldier and a member of Co. G, 12th South Car olina Regiment, and was tho ordorly sergeant when he was wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg. Friends from Spartanburg, Easley, Dacusvlllo and Camden wero prosont to enjoy thc day with Mr? Littleton, and all wero generous in their ex pressions of good will and bost wishes for tho old gontlomcn. The Courier joins with* other Oconeo friend? In oxtendlng to him all good wishes and tho hope that he may havo yet many moro such pleasant anniver sary occasions. Norwegian Minister Arrives. Now York, Doc. 30.-Dr. Samuel Eyde, newly appointed Norwegian minister to Washington, arrived here to-day aboard the steamer Kroon land. Alexander J. Lfrossinski, attached to thc Polish legation at Washington, also was a passenger. DODSON WOl'LD STOP SALE OF CALOMEL Says Calomel is Mccury and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Dodson is makin? a hard light against calomel in the South. Evory druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the samo reason, Dodson's Liver Tone ls taking Its place. "Calomel is dangerous and peo ple know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives bet tor results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone ls personally guaranteed by every drug gist. A largo bottlo cost? but a few cents, and if lt fails to give easy re lief in evory caso of livor sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your inonoy back. Dodson's Liver Tono is a pleasant? tasting, purely vegetable remedy, nannies to both children and adults, Take a sponful at night and wake tip fooling fino, no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or consti pated bowels. lt doosn't grlpo or causo Inconvonienco all tho noxt day Uko violont calomol. Take a dose of calomol to-day and to-morrow you will fool woak, sick and nauaoatod, Don't loso a day's work! Take Dod son's Livor Tono Instead and fool Iflno, full of vigor and ambition.-adv 3,500,000 CHILDREN FAGING STARVATION Vast Relief Effort Launched by Eight Leading American Organ izations to Avert Tragedy. The most spontaneous as well as the largest consolidation of offort In the history of American relief and charita ble organizations has grown out of tho disaster which threatens 3,000,000 European children this winter. To tb? headquarters of every agency that, dis penses American mercy overseas has come one steady cry for months peet; the children, most helpless and blame lees sufferers In the truck of war, will perish by the thousands before next harvest unless America saves thom! When Dr. Livingston Farrand, chair man of the Central Commlttoe of the American Red Cross, returned from a recent trip abroad, his report throbbed with the need of the children. From the feeding-stations of the American Relief Administration throughout east ern and contra! Europo came letters, cables, pleas of every sort. The Pro testant churches sent investigators Into after-war conditions and every report breathed the Impending tragedy of starving and diseased children. Protestant, Catholic and Jewish, the child Ufo of Europo ls threatened with heartrending misery. The European Relief Council, with Herbert Hoover as chairman and the Whole power of American charitable thought and effort behind lt, has been formed. It consists of Edgar Rick ard, representing the American Hellet Administration; Dr. Livingston Far rand, representing the American Red Cross; Felix Warburg, representing tho Jewish Joint Distribution Commit tee; Wilbur K. Thoma?, representing the American Friends' Servie? Com mittee; James A. Flaherty, represent ing the Knights of Ocdumbwj Dr. a V. Hibbard, representing the Yoong Men's Christian Association; Miss Sarah S. Lyon, representing the Young Women's Christian Association; Df. Arthur Brown, representing the Fed eral Council of Churches. It is the purpose of the Council to raise 933.000,000, in an appeal center ing at the Christmas holidays, to tho end that the situation regarding child life may be met In every town and community of th? nation, lt ls boped, local committee?, representing all the co-operating agencies Witt be formed to secure the vitally necessary fonds. Of the amount sought, 118,000,000 wilt be used for basic food. For every one of these American dollars the local governments and communities sided will furnish two dollars, in the form of transportation, labor, guarda, cleri cal help, cash contributions and such food supplies a? are locally obtainable. No children receive th? free food ex cept after medical testa showing them to be seriously ?nder-noAirlsbed. Tee remaining 110,000,000 of the fund ls jost ss urgently needed for medical ?arrice to th? children. Th? Itaropeen R?li?a* Council will do much more than effect economies In Si raising of the chlldsavlng fund. wiU, with th? Inspecting forces of ht great agen de?, keep a constant ey? ea the administration of America's merciful gift, la order that there shall bo no wastage and ne tendency toward pe aneri satioa. .T-ig.'-j.'jL.' To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TKATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat oof children suffering from a Cold or .Croup. The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect ot Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in one carton ead the cost of the combined treatment ls 35c Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. Textile Workers Accept Decrease, Fall River, Mass., Dec. 30.-The six textile unions of the American Federation of Textile Operatives at meetings last night voted to accept tho wage reduction of 22 V? por cent recently announced by the manufac turers, effective Jan. .1, 1921. Tho action of the unions affects approxi mately ?i."),OOO employ?es In 110 cot ton cloth and yarn mills in this city. The u.lions of tho loom fixers and tho slasher tenders voted unanimous ly to accept tho reduction, and tho carders' and weavers' unions accept ed under protest. Tho spinners' union indicated that Its members thought tho reduction too great. The yarn finishes' union accepted by a close vote. Got Free European Round Trip. New York, Doc. 30.- -Fourteen year-old Max Goldberg, of Newark, N. J., accidentally enjoyed a round trip to Europo aboard tho steamer Kroonland, which arrived hore to day. Just before tho steamer left Xew York several weeks ago tho boy rushed up tho gang plank to dollvor some flowers to a passonRer. Tho j ship drew away from its pior and . Max started on a freo trip to tho ports of throe Europonn countrlos, ; touching at Antworp, Southampton and Chorhourg. 4? ** BUT THEY ROBE." ?J. ( Published by Request-Author ls Unknown.) Lust spring when cotton Was soiling so high, You could soo sonio farmers "Floating" in tho sky. (But they rode!) They rode in sun, Thoy rode in rain Some oven rode lu an aeroplane. (But they rode!) They rode all night. They rode all day Thoy kept on "riding" Till the dovil's to pay. (But they rodo!) If lt wasn't an auto lt was a blamed old mule Thoy kept on "riding" Till they've cut tho fool. (But thoy rodo!) Somo rode hard, Some rode well, But thoy kept on "riding" Till they sure played h-. (But thoy rode!) Some doctors spent tho whole year Distributing pills. ? And can't collect enough money To pay gasoline bills. (But they rodo: ) Somo rode fast The dust rose like a mountain fog; They tell us that his true name Was Old Rent Hog. (But they rode!) The real estate business Was the best of all But blame my skin If IT didn't fall. (But they rode!) Some bought Fords, But carried them back, And (promised) the difference For a Cadillac. ( But they rode! ) The farmers and merchants Are broke, that's true, And it looks mighty Uko Tho banks are, too. (But they rode!) The above was written .lust for a Joke, But durn my hide If the country ain't "broke." rho Quinina That Does Not Affect the Head Because of Ita toole and laxative effect, LAXA TIVS BROMO OU IN INK la better than ordinary Quinine and doea not cause nervousncs- nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look tor the signature oi K. W. CROVB. 30c. Pig is a Oood Bird I>og. Natchez, Miss., Jan. 3.-Tucker Gibson, champion big game hunter of Tensas Parish, La., claims to have a pig which he uses in the capacity oi a bird dog, and assorts that the pig makes perfect stands and never has Hushed a covey of birds. Mr. Gibson states that soon after the birth of tho pig, on tho d?*ath of its mother, lt was adopted by a point er dog with a litter of young pups, I and that tho pig still associated with Its foster brothers abd sisters even after lt became well grown. He says that the hunting proclivities of tho pig were accidentally discovered tho first time the young dogs wore taken to tho held, the pig accompanying the party and taking an animated part in the hunt. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove th? ! cause. There- ts only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. | GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c j An American silver dollar was re-1 contly found In a can of pickled hoof tongue that was opened In Wales. DnaaaaaDDanflLN A SYSTEM People who have been sick, ne< strength. After severe Illness, yoi feelingthat hangs on, after you get u you get your strength back the bett assistance, in enriching your blood you to digest your food, and to built The Sctcntifi Mr. Ervin Horton, a prominent have been taking Zlron, and lt is a more than anything else, after I bad builder. I appreciate what Zlron ht has been proved by the good resulti women who have taken it. You sh< refunded if the first bottle of Zlron fi Ask your druggist for Zlron. J DOD a 0 KI sa a BI a aaa Simply and tersely stated, MOTHER'S implies-a friend and help to motin It has been made and sold for mo p^sess the value claimed for it, Mc remained on the market. For only beneficial can survive. The mothers who appreciate MO?H?R in their praise of it, are those who first baby, and who, through its use realize the relief it gave them. DIDN'T EVEN NEED THE D "Dear Sirs: I um willing and anxious t< about MOTHES*! KWI.NB, It did mo so n wouldn't bo without it If it coat 99.00 a first two children I had a doctor and a they bad to use instruments, but with my 1 only had a nurse*; wo bud no time to cnuio I wasn't very sick and only sick aJtx minutes. "Any mother caa write me mut I will to glvo ber advice. Yours truly." Mas. c. 610 Palm St., Scranton, Pa. SICK ONLY THREE HOURS, FRIEND" USED, COMPARED W DAYS SUFFERING WITHO "Dcforo using MOTHER'S FIUEND I Buffon day 'till Sunday. With my next child FBIRNO and wns sick only about tinco he MRS. OL.] 10 Grapo St, Gallipoli!, 0. FOT valuable booklet-"MOTHERHOOD -free, fill in coupon btlov and mall di MOTHER'S FRIEND. WARNING: JlooiJ using plain oil*, gtea -they ad only on th* ?kin and way cauuu h gtOth mummt* fJsed by Expectant Mothers for Three Generations - Health and Hapj Svery woman seeks happiness Fortunately, tho right to happiness is sphere in Hie. The first and foremost good health, strive after happiness as s will accept the advice of thousands of % talfo Dr. J, Bradfield's Female R?gul?t peculiar to their sex, which has been so ))v. J. Bradfield's Female Reculator is ] Argentine Interested in Cotton. Washington, Dec. 3 0-Trade Com missioner Goo. S. Brady, at Buenos Aires, has cabled the bureau of for algn and domestic commerce that Northern Argentine farmors aro tak ing a big interest in cotton growing. Mr.Brady reported that samples have been sont to Europe and pronounced as first-class by merchants thoro, and that a federation has been form ed to raise a moro uniform crop of cotton this year. Hundrods of acres in Northern Argentine, ho said, have hoon cultivated in cotton. ?Ut? of Ohio, City of Toledo, Luc?? County. se. Frank J. Chaney makes oath that he !. ?.nlor partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney et Co., doing business In the City of Toledo. County ?nd State aforesaid, and that said arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for oaeh and evtry case of Catarrh that cannot be cured br the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pretence, thte ?th day of December, A. D. UK. A. W. GLEASON, ?eal) Notary Publie, all's Catarrh Medicine ie taken In ternally and acte throurh the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Scud for testimonials, tree. r. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all drus?'.sis. Wa, r* Hours F?miiy pule for constipation. Few Fact? About Fans. Fans arc mentioned in the Bible as being used principally for separating tho chaff from tho whoat after tho grain had been ground. Egyptians and lalor the Romans-used fans for decoration and cooling purposes. Tho oldost fan known is In tho Boulak museum. It is merely tho wooden handle with bolos where tho feathers were inserted. It dated from 1700 B. C. IDDanODDDaDDDB [-BUILDER .d a tonic to help them regain their j know the tired, weak, no-account p and begin to go about. The sooner er, and you should derive valuable I, renewing your appetite, helping I up your system, by taking c Iron Tonic tn n [ citizen of Horton, Ala., writes: "I ? wonderful medicine. It helped ms T| the influenza. It is a great system- D is done for mc. " The merit of Zlron fl i obtained by thousands of men and gg ould try Zlron. Your money will be mm ills to help you. Vccept no substitutes. ZJ. 2 i FRD?ND is just cuctly what the name ivs. re than half a century. If it did not ?TH?R'S FRIEND could not possibly have ' that which is really worth while and 's FRIEND the most, and who are loudest unfortunately did not use it with their with the second one, were able to fully OCTOR > tell any mother luch good that I bottle. With my , nurse and then last two children get a doctor bo mt ten or fifteen only ba too glad J. HARTMAN, "MOTHER'S ITH FOUR UT IT sd from Wed ne? I uesd MOTHER'S iure." ?VE VANDEN, and Tho Baby" reef to malera of .M and aubttttulea arm without doing BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Dept. 28, Atlanta, Ca. Pleas? send me your FREE book td on MOTHERHOOD and Th? DABY. Nome_ St., R. F. D_._ Town -State. Diness for w omen as the thing to be most desired. denied to no woman, regardless of her essential is good health. For, without ?he may, it is beyond her reach. If sha vomen, who have been benefited, she will or-a tonic for women and for troubles ld by drug stores for moro than 60 yeara mt up in $1.00 bottles. * * * 4- * * + 4 + + +'?* .J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .j. *?* *?* *h *** *?* *?* 4* *?* *h .gs DR. W. R. CRAIG, 4a .|? Dental Surgeon, .J. .J. WALHALLA, S. CAROLINA. ?|* 4- Office Over C. W. Pltchford's .{. .f? Store. ?J. .2* .j. .*..*..*..*. .?. .j. .?. ,?. 4 .J? J. R. EARLE, * .J? Attorney-at-Law, 4" 4? WALHALLA, S. C. .J. -J- State & Federal Court Practice. 4* 4? FARM LOANS. 4. 4? BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. 4* ,?. .?. .j. ,?. .J. .?. .?. .T. tj. .j. .j. .?. 'E. L. HERN DON, .{. 4? Attorney-nt-Law. 4* 4? WALHALLA, S. C. 4* .J. PHONE ?O. 61. 4* ?J. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. 4 ??? ' s|s s|s' ?I* ?I? ?I* s|a ?I* '?ts ?|s ?|* ?I* .?- R. T. JAYNE S , *|< .J? Attorncy-at-Law, 4' -J. WALHALLA, S. O. ?f. 4< Bell Phone No. 20. 4. .?. State Sk Federal Court Practice, ?J. ?J. ?J. .J. ?J. .J. ?J. ?J? ?J. ?I? ?J. oj. ?J. .J. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, 4* 4* Pickens, S. C. W. C. Hughs, 4? CAREY, SHE IX) It Sk HUGHS, ?g. ?l" Attorneys and ConnseUors, 4? WALHALLA, H O. 4? .J. State & Federal Court Fra? tire. ?$. .j. ?.j. .j. .?. .j. .?. .?. .? .j. .j. .j. ?2 . NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons Indebted to the Estate of JOHN CROOKS, DECEASED, aro horeby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the samo, duly attested, with in tho time proscribed by law, or be barred. JAMES TAYLOR, Administrator of the Estate of John Crooks, Deceased. Dec. lf>, 1920. 50-1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTtLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is horeby given that tho un dersigned will moko application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconoo County, in tho State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Thursday, tho 6th day of January, 19 20, at ll o'clock in tho forenoon, or as soon there of ter as said application cun be hoard, for loavo to make final sottle mont of the Estate of .lohn Crooks, Deceased, and obtain Final Dls chargo as Administrator of said Es tate. JAMES TAYLOR, Administrator of the Estate of John Crooks, Deceased. Dec. 16, 1920. 50-1 Roofing, - Bepauig, Kurfees Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. I). E. GOOD, TINNER. - WALHALLA. S. < Eighty of tho 250 FIJI Islands are Inhabited, Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itchlnfl, Blind, Blcedln* or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, end you can det restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c.