KEOWEE COURIER (Established 1810.) Published Every Wednesday Morning l?UBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ono Year .$1.00 Mix Montbs.55 Three Months.:m Advertising Kates Reasonable. Ry Stork, Slielor, llugiis ?V; Sbelor. Communications or a personal cbaraclcr charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices, cards of thanks and tributes of respect, either by; Individuiiis, lodges or churches, aro! charged for tis for advertisements at i rate of ono cent a word. Cash must j accompany manuscript, and all such , notices will lie marked "Adv." In conformity with Federal ruling on such ma tiers. WAIJIIAIJIJA, S. C. WEDNESDAY, DEO. 8, 11)??). PIMM DAMA PION DY (M)VERNOR. KlSCWhcro in this issue will he! lound a proclamation by Governor Cooper eildorsilg tho .s?he of Christ mas seals. Wc cannot loo strongly urge upon our people Hie advisabil ity th?' Imperative duty of patron ising liberally this worthy effort on tho pari Of Hie Ked Cross to raise funds with which tu continue thc light against th? spread ol' tubercu losis and the alleviation of SUfforing incident to the ravages ol' this dread ) lui True, we are not stricken with this! plague as some sections ol' our greal country. I'm- that fact let us .ilvo j devout thanks and let us also give i liberally ol' our means through the medium ol' (lie Christmas Seals, thai1 the work ol' eradicating (his dread j disease may be carried on without interruption. Christmas Seals are tor sale in Walhalla, the sale hoing in charge >f the ladies ol' the local literary club the Paul Mayne circle. Quite a num ber have been sold, bul liol as many as Walhalla and community ought lo luiy. There are only a comapratively few more days till Christmas-six teen lo he exact --and our local rep resentatives ol' tile Christmas Seal salo ought lo be able to dispose of all the seals they have in that time. They will If each of us will only in vest liberally and regularly in the seals. We notico that fow of the let ters received by Tho Courier are sealed on the back with the Christ mas Seals. And '..lils fact bas been regretted hy us. Buy a few souls and j use them. They eost only a penny | each, and the investor in these seals] can rest assured that every penny spent for seals will do its bit toward relieving suffering and help to stamp out the disease that has cost our country so dearly. If you have any difficulty In secur ing seals, call at Tho Courier olTico and we will get for you all that you desire. THE COU RUHR'S "FAMILY." The Courier's "family" now num bers just practically twenty-live hun dred. 'Ve do not want to lose ono of this n um bot*. Many of them we know personally and pleasantly, yet there are some of the "big family" (hat we hav?> never mel personally, or even seen. Yet we are interested in all of "our family." and we want the circle lo widen rather than to contract. We have about three hundred sub scribers whose subscriptions will ex pire between the present time an I the first of January, 1921. We wan; every one of these three hundred to renew their subscriptions before the expiration dale. We are adhering Strictly lo the casb-ln-advance policy and this notice is published in the hope ?hat all will take opportunity to renew before their names are taken from our list. This rash in-advance policy i. one of the means applied by cs in oui- light against Increased prices, l'util we adopted this meas ure .lunn.illy transferred to the ' profit .md loss' almost invariably loss column, from $;tOO to $01)0. Cutting oat lins loss das enabled li to apply the savin? to the meeting of additional costs in publishing The Courier. We have followed ilie pol icy of eliminating waste and inaugu rating greater efllclency in place of (be rule of greedily grabbing for everything in sight, and wasting the ill-gotten MIHI Our policy has been working so far. Help us to continue HH? policy hy keeping your subscrip tions paid promptly in advance. In this connection lt will not be amiss to call attention to the splen did clubbing offer we are now able to make with the Progressive (''ar mer- in our opinion tho best farm paper published, and unquestionably tho best for our section of tho coun try. Wo can send you both Tho Cou rler and tho Progressive Farmer for twelve months for $1."?0. Announce ment of this offer will bo found on the second pago. ?KT DOWN TO KMAIJ WOHK. From a nation of workers-at least noniinally so -America has de teriorated into a nation of shirkers. We li;ive let our muscles soften until their ellieieney is badly impaired, lt will take some training lo barden our an?seles np to (Itu real working poi li I again. For years before the war. prices of commodities and the price of labor had been tending to ward too low ?i level. Then tho war caine, the necessity for doing (binns Of groal import in the shortest pos sible time was imperativ,*?. IThoil (.anio extravagant public expenditure thal quickly bred individual extrava gance Hie careless expenditure of "cheap money" that caine easy that was handed out readily for half hearted and Ineftlcicnt service, ren dered. We. lol our muscles get soft. The Job now is to put ourselves in training and harden up the Hubby, superfluous Mesh that has taken (be place of real muscle. The sooner we realize this I m po I' ll live necessity the bettor it will be for all concerned. The day for "loaf ing on tho Job" is passing even more .swiftly lhan the day of sternly neces sary action and elllcloncy passed out once the hellish fever of war was forced upon our nation. Those are the faets as we see them. We may be wrong, but we don't be lieve we aro, lt is human nature lo think thal others are right who feel and think and express themselves in much the same manner that one does himself. Menee wo quote below giving ii for what it is worth (and in our opinion it will be worth much if we consider il carefully and fol low Ibo advice logically and con scientiously! a brief talk recently made by C. W. Hoyt, of New York city, to members of his own statY and to mom hors of another business or gan iza ti on. Here is the gist of what Mr. Hoyt bad to say: "Nearly all workers have been getting 'soft.' Any kind of service could be sold at almost any kind of price; ami any kind of goods, bad or good, could be sold al almost any kind of price. ""Everybody had money and wanted to spend it. "Everybody lacked employees and wanted more. "Everybody was behind in lils or ders. The chief task of the selling agent was to apologize for not deliv ering goods not having enough to supply tho demand. "Business men, salesmen, all kinds of workers were living much after the fashion of lions and bears that you seo locked up in the zoological gardons. They got what thoy want without making any offort. "You know what happens to the lion when his meat is brought to him and pushed inside the cage regularly. Nature intended that Hons should go out and hunt for the meat, track lt, bring it down, and kill it. When you hand the meat to him already killed and cut up. your lion in the cago gets soft and mangy. "That hns been hnpponing to mil lions of so-called 'workors* in tho United States lately. Anybody could soil anything. Anybody could got a Job; anybody could keep a joh. "Everybody was becoming as 'soft as mush.' "That has changed; different timos are ahead of us, and wo have all got to realize it and begin to exeroiso barden up and prepare, for real work." That is our way of thinking, lt ls better expressed than we could have expressed it. That is why wo have quoted the terse sentences in whlcn so much real, hard truth is put into snell form as to prove readily degest idle "food for thought." Have you gotten "soft as mush" during tho few years of inflated prices and abnormal conditions? Time to "harden up" a bit-the quicker and the more strenuous the training process the better. CONGIIESS ASSEMBLED MONDAY. Senator Hardin?, lYcsidcnt-EtccI, Makes Hrief Address. Washington, Dec. C.- A day of co operation and friendly relations be tween the White House and Congress was forecast by President-elect War ren (I. Harding to-day in n short ad dress from tho floor of the Senate. Though disclaiming any desire lo criticise the present administration Mr. Harding d?clar?e. I one of the ambitions of his four years as Chief Executive to insure bettor team work between the two branches of the gov ernment. The speech, which did not touch on dotalled questions of policy, was rtollvored by tho Prcsidont-olect in responso to an ovation that greeted bim when he went to tho Senate chamber in his capacity as a Senator and answered to tho oponlng roll-call of tho new session. IMPROVEMENT OF DELINQUENT People - Several Suggestion* Mude by Stale's Welfare Board. Columbia, Dec. 4.-Many recom mendations and .suggestions for so cial I in pro vernon t among tho unfortu nate and delinquent citizens of Bou th Carolina will be made by tho State Welfare Hoard to the General Assem bly, according to tho advance shoots of Hie annual report given out by , ?.'''i for milos . around. An official .Maternent fr?m Fort Hamilton to-night said no lives had j been lost, and that only four per ! sons had boen Injured, and those but slightly. The lighter, which was laden with DOO shells for shipment to Boston, was torn from its moorings by the violence of the first explosion, which occurred about 5.40 p. m. Two men on board escaped. Tug Pushes Lighter Out. About this time a naval tug reached the scene, and In a desper ate effort to prevent the flames from spreading to the wharf tho command ing officer ^deliberately headed his craft for the blazing lighter and its exploding cargo. Ile stuck her nose against the side of the lighter and pushed hor away to a sand bar, In imminent peril of his own craft ho ing blown from tho water. The naval tug scarcely had with drawn when a heavy explosion oc curred which tore the lighter apart. Two 6f those slightly Injured wore a man and a woman, who had a mi raculous escape from death. They were motoring past the wharf oppo site the lighter when the first explo sion occurred. Fragments of shell peppered their automobile, but tho occupants suffered only slight injur ies, and after rccolving medical aid at the Day Bridge Naval Hospital, they wore able to go home. The glare of the exploding ammu nition and tho flames from the burn ing wharf illuminated Hie lower har bor and attracted thousands to the Brooklyn and Staten Island water fronts. As explosion followed explosion, and tho danger lo craft passing (IK; Nar rows between Kori Hamilton and Fort Wadsworth grew menacing, "blinker light" signals were flashed from the fortifications, warning mar iners to give the threatened area a wido berth. The proximity of the naval arsenal at Fort l.aKayotlo, willi its stores ol' high explosives and inflammable ma terial, wa? a source of Intense worry to tho combined military, naval and municipal fire-fighters. Tho army wharf, about 200 yards long, was destroyed. The loss was estimated by army officers at ap proximately $ 1 Tho meteorological station on the wharf also was destroyed. A Mohammedan who has made tho pilgrimage to Mecca hoars tho title Hadji for the rost of lila lifo. Tho averago velocity of wind in Now York city Is 12 miles an hour, as compared with 16 In Chicago. Needing a Range or Stove? You have perhaps been waiting until the prices are re duced. If so, come and buy now. We have the most complete stock of Buck's Stoves and Ranges, Majestic Ranges and Cole's Blast Hot Heaters i* that you will find tn Oconee" C-ninty, J* The prices are way down. Come and sec. Ballenger Hardware and Furniture Co., Seneca, S. C. N OTIC E. Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton. Also have ample warehouse facilities for storing cotton. See me if you want to either sell or store. Office in Moss & Ansel's Store. BAYLIS W. HARRISON, Walhalla, S. C. Sept. 27, 1920 -39-tf. Saw ftshos aro confined to tropictl Boas, Thc tlmbor of thc pwoot chestnut ?roo 1? extensively use?! in America for Insldo finishing. Seville ls tho only Spanish city In which bogging is forbidden in tho streets, Glass coffins havo boen found In England.