5 The Facts of the Telephone Situation in South Carolina By J. Eppa Brcwn, President. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY The Solution of the Problem To furnish the tolephone service which ?rill bo needed in the state of South Carolina during 1921, additional facilities must bo constructed. To build those facilities will cost $936, 906.00. Tho Company has no money with which to construct these facilities. All new oonstruotion must be paid for out of the capital account of the Company; all of the Company's present capital ls invested in the Company's busineBB. This monoy can be had in only one way; it must be invested In the Company's busi ness. This money can be had from only one source; from thc Investing public, people who have surplus money to invest. Part of the Investing public of this coun try live in South Carolina. These facilities are needed to serve the people of South Carolina. Will the investing public of South Caro lina furnish this money? Every dollar the public of South Carolina will invent in the Company will be unod to construct plant facilities in the state of South Carolina for the UBO of the people of South Carolina. If the investing public living in South Carolina will not invest their surplus money in the Company's business, the Company must get the money needed to serve you from the Investing public In other states; from strangers. Can you oxpeot strangers to invest their money In a bUBiness located in South Caro lina in which the people of South Carolina will not invest their mouey? The facilities now used by you were paid for by money furnished by strangers. They know what they ure earning in South Caro lina while Berving you Just as you know. Can you ask or expect them to furnish more money for your use In South Carolina uuder present conditions? If the people of South Carolina will not supply the money needed to serve them selves they must induce strangers to furnish lt. Thia can be done by allowing the stranger to earn a fair and Just profit upon his money now invested in South Carolina, serving ybu. and upon all additional money required to furnish you service. This can be done in but one way; by pay* lng fair and just rates. When the Company is legally authorised to charge a rate which will yield a fair and just profit over i nd above the cost of fur nishing you Bervlce in the state of South Carolina, lt can secure from strangers liv ing in other statos the money needed to fur nish service to the state of South Carolina. The Company must have thia right before it ean get the money. The people of South Carolina must act first. To have telephone service you must either Invest your own money In the Company's business, or permit tb'< Company to earn euch a profit upon Its present and future In vestment SB will Induoe strangers to Invest their money In the state of South Carolins, to sorve you. The nL. H. Smith. Friendship; P. P. Horne, Greenwood and Pine Grove; Hartwell Beacham, Bethel No. 1 ; J. C. Smith, Bethel No 2 and Newberry; 1). K. Brown, Long Branch; J, S. Pitts. Oak Grove. Cedar Grove and .Johnson's Grove; F. L. Bramlett, McCormick. (Jenora! Evangelists--!. H. Press ley. It. H. Hayes. \V. L. Johnson and E. Li. Gibson. Local Evangelists- -B. N. Black slock, T. F. Cbastain. M. T. King. H. D. McNeely. C. C. Merritt. W. D. Smnrth, T. H. Wade. .]. L. Wilson, J, H. Barton. Mrs. Avie Dunn. Mrs. J, R. .Iones, T. L. Robertson, Hollis Cause and R. O. Rdons. Mission Worksrs Mrs. L.F. .loltn son, .Mrs. .1. C. Adams. Mrs. F. L. BramlOtt, Miss Belle Sorrows. Mrs. R. C. McCue, Mrs. J. R. Sullivan. USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk ma terial. Fuel? package of "Dia mond Dyes" contains direc tion? so simulo that any woman can dnunond-dyo a new, rich, fadeless color into old gavmonts, draperies!, cov erings, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyetv"- no other kind-then perfect re sults arc guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. ))rugglst has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" - 10 rich colors. Tito artist Raphael dropped his brush from Iiis grasp while painting tho Transfiguration and was removed to Iiis deathbed. Rainfall mid Temperature. Below is a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-operative observer of tho Weather Bureau of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, during the week ending Nov. 14th, 1920, at 7 p. m. (The instrumental readings are from gov ernment standard instruments ex ? poBed m '.h<> manner recommended . by the . 1 iel ol ihe Weather. Burean i Character of Day. j' Tempt M >?. ,i tm o Date 3 I Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. S-Clear.; 9- Ptly cldy. . 10- Btly cldy. I 11- Ptly cldy. I 12- Clear. 13- Clear. . . .! M-Ptly cldy Total rainfall. . ._j_! 70' 771 7S'| 71| G3! 47? 46 l: .l 3 58 58 36 32 .) o VOIT WOULDN'T TRY TO TAMK A WILD CAT. Mr. Dodson Warns Against Uso of Treacherous, Dangerous Calomel. Calomel salivates! H's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a slug gish liver. When calomel comics into contact with sour bile it crashes into it .causing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tono for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable sub stituto for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful, and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up bet tor and quicker than nasty calomel, and without making you sick, you just go back and got your money. If you take calomel to-day you'll bo sick and nnuseated to-morrow; besides, it may salivato you, while if you ta ko Dodson's Livor Tono you will wake up feeling groat, full of ambition and ready for work or play. lt's harmless, plonsant and safe to givo to children; they like it.-adv. Cost S2.1HO to KIcct Woman. Washington, Nov. 15.--Expendi tures of $2,!M0 were made In the campaign In India il of .Miss Alice Robertson, of the Second Oklahoma district, tho second woman to be elected to Congress, according lo a report Hied to-day with the clerk of the House of Representan ves by her campaign manager. Receipts were given as $2,615, and the deliclt, it was stilted, will be made up from sub sequent collections "lo ratify tho re sult of tho election." Miss Robertson declared In her statement that "no pledges or prom ises were made" to obtain lier elec tion. U. D. C. Meet Next at St. Louis. Asheville, N. C.. Nov. 13.-St. Louis won over Birmingham, 1,254 to 125, for the 1921 mooting of the United Daughters of tho Confeder acy, Grand Division, at the afternoon session of the 27th annual conven tion session here. Mobile also ex ton (led an Invitation for tho next meeting, but withdrew when Birmingham asked for the con von Hon, DologatOS in attendance to day numbered moro than ooo and Ibero were several hundred visitors. LUTHERANS CIX1SE SESSION. Next Session of Synod Will be Held nt I/cesvillo-('burch Prospers. (Charleston News and Courier,1 3th) The final session of the 96th an nual convention of the South Caro lina Lutheran Synod was held las' night in .Si Andrew's Lutheran church A: Hie service Itev. John J'. Derrick waa ordained pastor of the I Lutheran ch m ob Suinlev.'.Follow ing the ordination sorvlce tho con von lieu wa.-- tQjnmjly closed t<- meei next fall at Leesville. The business session of the con vention held yesterday morning in St. Matthew's church was well at tended and much business of import ance was brought up for discussion. Rev. Charles L. Fry, D. D., field seo rotary of the Eastern Brotherhood of the United Lutheran church in America, presented the cause of his organization and urged that the vari- I ons brotherhoods form classes for the study of Christian Stewardship. John D. Cappelmann, Fsq., who presided during the presentation of the cause, and who delivered the opening ud dress. said that the goal for which the brotherhood was striving wns for an enrollment of 100,000 mem bers for the first year, and that the roll bo doubled during the second year. He stressed the necessity of brotherhoods In every church organ ization. Thc State Synod accepted a share in the $1,655,000 to be raised during the year 1921 for mission and educa tional work by the Synods of the Uni ted Lutheran church in America. S. C. Jersey ts Champion. The following notice, sent out by the American Jersey Cattle Club, whose headquarters are at 324 West 2:id street, New York City, will be of Interest to cattle fanciers in this sec tion: "Hy producing 6,975.4 pounds of milk, giving 352.32 pounds butter fnt, University Lad's Violet 37?1739, qualified as the new champion senior .1-yoar-old Jersey of South Carolina. Her sire is King's University Lad ??60075, while her dam is Jeanie's Jule's Maid 2 13390. The new cham pion was bred, owned and lestod by the South Carolina Agricultural Sta tion, Clemson College, Nov. S, 1920." Anderson Cuts Wages. Anderson, Nov. 13.-City council bort? last night voted to reduce wages of laborers employed by the city from the present rate of $3.T?0 to $2.7? a day. and adopted a resolu tion requesting Hie south Carolina Railroad Commission to reduce tele phone ratos to the pre-war level in stead of granting the raise which the Southern Hell Telephone and Tele graph Company is. preparing to ask. Colds Cause drip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There Is only ono "Dromo Quinine." E.W. GROVE'S signature on tho box. 30c. Now Superintendent for Home. Columbia. Nov. 13.-Capt. Hon Williams, of Brunsen, In Hampton county, has been elected superinten dent of tito Con fedora to Soldiers* Home In Columbia, to succeed Capt. Louis Wnrdlaw, who recently resign ad. Capt. Williams ls expected to as sume his d:.ties next WOOK. During the war Capt. Williams served in the 17th Goorgin Infantry. Alib. THE AMENDEMENTS PASSED. Amendment Providing for Chungo ot Fiscal Year Lixl the List; Columbia, Nov. 10-Every amend ment to the Constitution as put be fore tho people in the general elec tion of Nov. 2 passod with a safe margin, judging by tho returns from 38 counties received by the Stat' Board of Canvassers. Five amend ments applied to the Stole as a whole and 2S to local communities or dis tricts. Probably the most Important of the 33 provisions to change tho con stitution were the change of the fis cal yenr and the change allowing tho Legislature to pass local or special i laws regulating the compensation of < county ollicials. Another important < amendment that has apparently pass- ? ed was tho one empowering county 1 authorities to assess abutting pro;)- '. erty for permanent improvements ot < highways. I Returns from 38 of the 4G conn- i ties have been received by tho State ! Board of Canvassers, but these have not been tabulated yet. The board i will meet at a futuro date and de clare the results. The vote on tho constitutional amendments was ex tremely light, being considerably off i from the State and county officers. I Tho change of the fiscal yoar' led < all the amendments in the 38 coun ties reporting, receiving 8.501 votes for and 3,305 against. Outstanding ballots will not chango tho results, as all the larger counties are In. This change is causing some speculation among those who follow the State government closely. The llscal year will now run from July 1 to June 3 0 instead of from January 1 to Decem ber 31. Whether or not the General Assembly will appropriate for 1S months rather than 12 at its next meetiiiK is being generally talked, and this will cause somewhat of a stir, due to the possibilities of a much higher tax levy for the year and a half. The budget commission , is gradually preparing its recommen dations to the General Assembly, and it is not taking into consideration this change, it was said yesterday. That thc chango has been made it seems assured, although the official tabulation has not yet been cast up. Can Regulate Pay. j The next State-wide amendment i that has boen passed is also causing some! Interest. It provides thal the ' Oeno'al Assembly can onad local or speclru legislation ai to the compon Mattet ti cou ?i* > officers', Tho t?noti'd 'uem st;s to, strike out oub-SeHlpn ] 10 oi ?u, 1 of Article '? ot Ibo con stitution. Article 3 says: "The Gen eral Assembly of this State shall not enact local or special laws concern ing any of the following subjects or for any of the following purposes--" Sub-section 10 says: "To lix the amount or manner of compensation to be paid to any county officer, ex cept that the laws may be so made as to grade the compensation in pro portion to population and necessary service required." The amendment was lo strike out this sub-section so that the General Assembly could en act such legislation, and the amend ment bas carried. The vote in tho 38 counties was 7,875 for and 5,200 against The vote on the amendment to al low county authorities to assess abut ting property for permanent Improve ments to highways was 7,1*7 8 for and 3,212 against. Two other State-wide amendments changing the constituaion so a? to add a provision to the section re lating to waterworks and plants for furnishing lights so as to include Ice manufacturing plants, and also to empower cities and towns to ac quire nnd operate leo plants, were also voted on favorably by the peo ple of the State. QFlvo Counties Against. Five counties out of the 38 voted against the amendments, and nota bly among tho live was Charleston on tho change relating to tho com pensation of county officers. Charles ton voted 318 for this amendment and 2,323' against. On tho amend ment as to tho assessing of abulting property this county changed and voted 2,549 for and only I 10 against. Charleston also voted favorably on the liscnl year change, the total be ing 2,510 for and 110 against. The returns from Leo county indi cate that only two amendments were voted on, ono being as to Iho com pensation of county officers, which received 18 for and 281 against. Hampton and Florente counties voted against tho amendments from start to finish. Sumter also seemed to he against amending the consti tution, voting "No" on all provis ions of State-wide interest. Charleston and Spartanbnrg coun ties polled tho heaviest voto In tho State In tho 38 counties thus far re porting. In the Sixth and Seventh Congres sional Districts, where the Demo crats had opposition, the total voto I Begin Right Conquer Y< Ii you are going; to again r upon tho liniment bottle to try rub your Rheumatism away, : will bo doomed again to noth but disappointment. A dise that can cause so much pain i Buffering is not on the surface the skin, and cannot be rub) away. Many forms of Rheumatism i caused by a tiny disease gorm the blood, and in such cases 1 only logical treatment is to seal out and remove these germs fr diows that the two Republicans re ceived only a handful of ballots as ;om pa red with their opponents. L. \. Hawkins, negro, who opposed ll. P. \Fulmer In this district, and T. St. Mark Tasportas, of St. Ccorgo. who apposed W. Turner Logan In the First District, have both tiled pro testa against the declaring of tho re mits. Hawkins claims that many of the polls wore not opened on time [ind that some of the precincts did not open nt all. He also alleges that many citizens were not allowed to register. Taspr >tas does not give any reason for his protest, merely saying that he contests tho election, appar ently on general principles. ... .? . . .. ? - 6Ute of Ohto, City of Toledo, Lucas County, an. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney * Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAIAYS CATARRH MEDICINE. Flt A NIC J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pretence, this C. h day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W, GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh M*dh-ine ls taken In ternally and acts through the Dlood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 76c. Hall's Family Fills for constipation. X KC HOES lilXKD Cl? AND SHOT. Two .Men and One Woman Lynched After Killing of White Man. Douglas, Qa., Nov. 18.-Two negro men and a negro woman, all tinpil la ted in the killing yesterday after noon of Pearly Harper, a prominent k'oung planter of this county, wero lined up and shot at an curly hour '.his morning by a mol) of more than I GO men, who overpowered Sheriff Tanner and two deputies, who were itt empting lo got i ho negroes over' o Fitzgerald for naforkeoulng. Tlw negroes killed wove WU' f'or y. Willie Ivory and Minnie Ivory, ,he tailer's wife. . Shortly after the arrest of the ne groes for tho shooting, which, it is illoKod, was done by the woman, a argo crowd collected about tho coun y jail with the intention of storming he place to get the negroes. An ap ical made by Sheriff Tanner to allow he law to take Its course was par lally .successful, tho crowd dispers- j ng for a time. Later, however, tho I sheriff decided that bis prisoners would bo safer In Fitzgerald, and bo ween 2 and 3 o'clock this morning ie placed all three negroes In an au omobile and started for Fitzgerald vith them. Immediately afterwards nenibers of the mob sot out In au omobiles in hot pursuit. They over ook tho sheriff some seven miles mtsido of Douglas, where, according 0 tho sheriff's report, that official vas faced by a score of pistols, tho legr?os demanded and taken from lim. and without more ado they were Ined up and shot. A coroner's Jury; impanelled this morning, returned 1 verdict that the negroes carno to their death at the hands of partios unknown. Tho actual killing of Harper was ilone by the woman, according to the most reliable account:; of the troulile. The young man was in the net of entering the store where tho Shooting took place, it is stated,when lie was accosted hy Will ivory. A lispute occurred, and the negro ran ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware! I'nless you see the name 'Hayer" on package or on tablets you ire not getting genuine Aspirin, pre ICrlbed by physicians for twenty-one rears and proved safe by millions. Pake Aspirin only as told in tho layer package for colds, headache, leuralgla, rheumatism, earache, oothache, lumbago and for pain, landy tin boxes of twelve Hayer Tail eis of Aspirin cost few cents. Drug gists also sell larger packages. Aspl in is the trade mark of Hayer Manu acturo of Mononcdtlcncldes'lor of Salleylicacid.- adv. Now to 3ur Rheumatism ely to /ow mg ase md of >eu wo tn the rch om the blood. For this pnrposo there is no more satisfactory remedy than S.S.S.,. the fino old blood remedy that haa been in use for moro than fifty years, and has given such general satisfaction for .Rheumatism. Begin taking S.SJ3. today, and if you will write a complote history of your case, our medical director will give you expert advice, with out charge. Address Chief Medical Director, IQQ Swift>Laboratory, At lanta, Ga. BURT S CAF E Walhalla, S. C. -NOW LOCATED IN Old Post Office Building. MAIN STREET OPPOSITE PIEDMONT MOTOR CO. * -GOOD MEALS on quick order. ??* First-Class Service. Drop in and get, Ja Meal or Lunch. YOU'LL COME AGAIN. Burt's Cafe, J. BURT OILLESPIK, Prop. NOTICIO TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Estate >f J. W. liollemnn, Docoased, are hereby notified to make payment to tho undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said es tate will present the same, duly at tested, within tho time proscribed by law, or be barrod. 1<\ S. and L. G. HOLLEM AN,' Executors of the Estate of J. W. Ilollemun, Deceased. Nov. :i, mo. 44-17 into the store, where ho is alleged to 'hilve'secured an empty "soft drink" bottle, which ho hurled at Harper, who was ?tili on tho aldowalk. Har per immediately rushed into tho store, whereupon wm Perry; g'ritituer I ot ibo lynched hogrous. lt) tjalt? lo ; h uve called to Ivory's wHo. Minnie I fvory, instruct!ai (?or tn bring ' yf.ll? lie lils pistol." Tho woman ftumo with ii*' pistol, it is nih ged, luu instead' of handing lt to hor husband, fired herself, killing Harper instantly. Harper was wldoly known, being a brother of (Superior Court Clerk John Harper, of Irwin county. Ile leaves a wife and several small children. M inn io Ivory, tho negro woman lynched, wu? arrested at Pearson, in Atkinson county, where she had bought a ticket for Waycross. She had been hurried from Douglas Im mediately after tho shooting, by tho Perry nogro. You Do More Work, You are more ambitious nnd you get more, enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will thea appreciate its true tonic value. ?ROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. - The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. Thc Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ngo, folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a member of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving toni':, r- The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it from any drug store. tJOc per bottle. Virginia Homestead Changes. Winchester, Va., Nov. 1 8.-"Mir ador," the celebrated estate near Creon wood, Albemarle county, Vir ginia, where Lady Astor, of Eng land, and Mrs. Charles Danu G i 1)801!, of New York, were born and reared, has been sold io Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tree, of London, who ure occupying tho mansion. Mrs. Tree, formerly Miss Nancy Perkins, daughter of tho lalo Mr. and Mrs. Moncur? perkins, of Richmond, is a granddaughter of tho Into Col. Langhorne, lt has been recontly re ported that Lady Astor may noxt spring visit her old homo for tho first Hmo sluco her oloction to tho British parliament. Ireland ceased to bo a great man ufacturing country in tho sixteenth century.