KEOWEE COURIER (Established I H Hi.) Published Every Wednesday Morning SCBSCIUITION PRICK. Ono Year .$1.00 Six Months .5S Tinco .Monihs.?IO Advertising Ralos Reasonable. Ry Stock, Sliolor, Hughs * Sholor. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary noticoH, cards of thanks and tributes of rospoct. either hy Individuals, lodges or churches, are charged for as for advertisements at rate of ono cont a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, and all such rotlces will he marked "Adv." In conformity with Federal ruling on such matters. WALHALLA, ?. C. WEDNESDAY, SEIT. 1, IOHO. THE DEMOCRATIC FUND. Since Tho Courier announced that contributions to tho Democratic campaign fund would be rocolved at this office. Baylis W. Harrison has been appointed lo tako charge of the fund in Walhalla and community. We have, therefore, turned over to Mr. Harrison tho contributions that wero sent In to this office and which were acknowledged two weeks ago. Since that Hmo ono contribution has boon forwarded to us. this coming from J. B. Hocknell. Seneca, and this also has been turned over to Mr. Har rison and ls included in the report of hie collections below: Tho Democratic Fund. Acknowledged Aug. 18.$ 9.00 Mr. Harrison's list - Mrs, tleraldlno H. Rankin. . . 1.00 Mrs. Lila S. Harrison. 1.00 Mrs. Lidio K. Moss. 1.00 Mrs. Mary S. Dendy. 1.00 .Mrs. Sarah W. Oral?. 1.00 Mrs. Annie H. Hughs. 1.00 Mrs. Eva Earle. 1.00 Mrs. Ethel Stock. 1.00 Mrs. Maggie A. Gillespie. . . . 1.00 T. J. Todd. 1.00 ,1. H. S. Dendy . 1.00 W. F. Milam . 1.00 W. R. Craig. 1.00 I? S. Shook . I-1-') M. T. I Inglis . 1.00 W. C. Hughs. 1.00 Jesse W. Rankin . 1.00 J. R. Earle. 1.00 R. H. Alexander. 1.00 H. R. Hughs . 1.00 A. C. Phillips . 1.00 J. M. Mongold. 1.00 B. F. Sloan. V00 J. W. Bell . 1.00 C. W. Bauknlght. 1.00 J. E. Bauknlght. 1.00 Goorge Kaufmann. 1.00 J. A. Keaton . 1.00 W. L. Vernor. 1.00 S. L. Vernor . 1.0 0 B. T. McLees. 1.00 C. W. Pitchford . 1.0 0 C. W. Pitchford, Jr. 1.00 T. H. Hughes. 1.00 Chas. W. Pitchford. . 1.00 John F. W. Schumacher .... 1.00 Otto H. Schumacher, Jr.... 1.00 F. E. Harrison. 1.0 0 Geo. Seaborn . 1.00 O. H. Schumacher. 1.00 M. C. Todd. 1.0 0 J. A. Ansel . 1.00 E. P. Marett . 1.00 Harry Fayonsky . 1.00 Hen L. Owens . 1.00 S. Y. Norton . 1.00 S. H. Snead. 1.00 W. O. White. 2.00 H. D. Biomann . 1.00 Jack T. Darby. 1.00 John R. Kaufmann. 1.00 Joel P. Keys. 1.00 W. A. Grant . 1.00 Jas. M. Moss. 1.00 Richland Citizen . 5.00 W. M. Alexander. 1.00 T). A. Smith . 1.00 E. Ii. Barndon . 5.00 T. E. Alexander. 1.00 O. C. Eyles . 1.00 Teay H. Hutchison. 1.00 W. M. Drown. 5.00 L. W. Langston . 1.0 0 Arthur Drown. 1.00 K. F. Rittor . 1.00 J. H. Seaborn . 1.00 A. P. Crisp . 1.0 0 A. L. Rowland . 1.00 W. P. Powell . 1.0(1 Guy Cox. 1.00 W. J. Hudson . 1.00 Norton Strlbling . 1 .or J. H. Hocknell. I.Ol M. R. McDonald . 1 .Of Total to date.$ 90.0( While wo have turned thelist ovoi to Mr. Harrison, wo are co-operatinr with liim In soliciting funds. Hun him up and contribute direct to bin if not too inconvenient. If more con voniont lo you, you can leave you; contribution at Tho Courier ollie( and it will be tinned over lo Mi Harrison promptly. Cannot Insure Cotton, Richland, Aug. 2S, 1020. Editor Keowee Courier: I'leaso publish tho follVwiug ropor of committee relative to the insurinj of cot lon : "The committee appointed lo con sider tho advisability of insurinj coll?n in the Farmers' Mutual Fir Insurance Association of Goonoo, al 1er due consideration, wore heartil In favor of ample warehouses for th storing of cotton, but deemed ?t un wiso for the present to try to Insur cotton, as no provision is made I our charter or Individual policios fo cotton insurance. "J. P. Strlbling, Chairman." Ono of tho best things wo know fe tho youngster is a Thrift Stamp. Onl ono thing bettor-and that's mor Thrift Stamps. Oo to it! i fr LOCAL AND PERSONAL, fr frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr - "La Da Lucilo," which will ho shown ut Tho Rex Thursday night, .should appeal to old and young, lt Ss , taken from tho popular musical coin , edy of tho same mime, which had an unprecedented run in New York last winter. Kuli of fun and humor, it. is a sure cure for tho "blues." All un usually good line ol' pictures is now bonked for showing at Tho Rex, and one cnn hardly make a mistake in choosing any of them. - Pormalifo storage butlorles aro guaranteed for 20 months-for all makes of cars. Piedmont. Auto Co., Walhalla.-adv. Wo are glad lo see our young friend, C. C. Whltmlre, of Westmin ster, among our people daily these days. Hu is busily engaged placing the stock of the Whitiniro-MareU Hardware Company in their Wal halla quarters on Main street. We hope soon to number Mr. Mandi and family as permanent citizens of Wal halla. Our sister town of Westmin ster is a mighty good town, hut we always believe that Walhalla is bet tor, and after Mr. Marett has been with us for a whilo he will be of the same opinion, we feel sure. -"La La Lucilo," from the great musical comedy stage success, fea turing the well-known comedy team, "Lyons and Mortui," will be tho stol lar attraction at The Rex Theatre on Thursday, Sept. 2d,( to-morrow.) Ad mission, IO and 2?c.-adv. -Rev. L. M. Lyda, pastor of the Rocky Knoll Maplist church, closed a series of meetings of eight days' duration at that church last Sunday morning, Rev. Lyda conducting the meetings throughout the entire time. The meetings were largely attended from the beginning to tho close, on several occasions the church hoing Inadequate to accommodate the peo ple. lt is said to have been the great est meeting ever held there in tho history of the church. The names of 2.", new members were added to thc church roll, and the church was revived along all litres of lifo and work. - Wo regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Caroline Denton, wife of T. J, Dealon, which occurred at her home on Rural Route No. 1 on Aug. r>th. Mrs. Doaton had been in fail ing health for about a year, and her death came as no surprise to mem bers of tho family and intimate friends. She was 07 years of age, and beside? her husband, leaves foui children to mourn her death-Gm Denton, Mrs. Mary Friar, Mrs. Cal Ho Morton and Mrs. Connie Sullivan The bereaved ones have the sympathj of many fi lends In their sorrow. Mrs Doaton was a consecrated Christiar and devout member of the church and she will bo groatly missed in tlu home, church and community, Hei remains were laid to rest in the Nev lile cemetery tho day following he death, the services hoing conductet by her pastor, Rev. Foster Speer. -See Wallace, tho Magician, am a great foaturo picture program a Rex Theatre, Wednesday, Sept. 8th matinee and night.-2a and 50 cts plus war tax.-adv. -Hon. John L. Smith, of Seneca was among tho callers at The Cou rler olflco last week, and his vlsi was a most pleasant ono, for we ar always able to learn something fror a conversation with him, and we en Joy hearing what he hus to say. I was his first visit to us in quite while. Ile was (or many years on of the efllclent rural mail carrier from the Seneca post office, and wa thus engaged up to within tho pas fow weeks. Wo wore glad to lear from him that tho government ha recently retired him from active soi vice on one-third pay for the rc mainder of his life. Mr. Smith is nc certain what tho "pension" will lu for tho amount will be determine by moans of taking the average c his salary from the beginning of hi service until the present time, an thoro have been numerous increase gi von tho cnrrlors during the lon period Mr. Smith has served tho goA eminent. The amount, howevor. wi bo in tho neighborhood of $25 c $30 per month. Mr. Smith was arnon tho first carriers entering the servie In Oconee after the inauguration < tho rural free delivery system. -.Miss Carrie Addis, daughter < Mrs. J. li. Addis, Sr., died at lu homo near Poplar Springs on Tue day, Aug. 2 1th, at 10 o'clock p. m after an illness of only a few day Tho deceased was 41 years of ag Her body was laid to rest in tho Po lar Springs comotery by the sido i 1 her father, who preceded her to tl grave about four years. Tho tuner 1 and interment services were conduc 1 ed on Wednesday last by her paste I Rev. I*. M. Lyda. Miss Addis was I good woman. She was one of tl - teachers in the Sunday school at Po > lar Springs and was devoted to h work. Ono of tho last things si , talked of before passing away w I tho Sunday school. In the passing . Miss Addis the Poplar Springs chun and Sunday school have lost ono tholr strongest and truest mombo ' and teachers. The large gathering neighbors and friends and tho mat beautiful Howers that wore laid ( the grave by tender, loving han gave testimony to the high estee in which she was held in the comm illly and hy all who knew her. Si leaves, besides her aged mother, fo sisters and eight brothers. Tho hr t thors nre W. T. Addis, j. E, Add g Jr., Westminster; J. H. Addis. Wc Union; G. W., L. E.. s. D., A. M. ni - Jesse Addis, of Walhalla. The slstc ii are ..Irs. W. F. Hodge, of Grconvlll u Mrs. W .H. Cole Greenwood; Mrs. '. W. Hester, West Union, and Mrs. M y 1er. o? Walhalla. The bereaved on (, have the sympathy of many frlen In their sorrow. o -Tho wodding of Miss Julia Du n can, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. J. r Duncan, of West ll .>n. S C., Kenneth W. Loucks. of Ulysses, P was solemnized at tho homo of t hrido's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. J. r Wlobons. of 3 4 0 Rirr street, Roch? y ter, N. Y" on Wednesday aftornot o Aug. 18th, at 3 o'clock. Tho co mony was porformod by Dr. Rove) of the Lake Avenue Baptist church. Tho bridal couple wore attended by .Miss (Iladys Cassada, ot Rochester, as mind of honor, and Ivan Loucks, of Ulysses, Pa. Miss Lois Dildlne, a cousin of tho groom, played tho wed ding march. The bride and maid of honor were attired in traveling gowns and carried bouquets of pink I rosos. Tho house was beautifully dec . orated in pink and whito gladioli, i Tho bride and groom loft lmmedi ! atoly ?III their wedding trip, and be i fore returning lo their homo in Rocli I ester expccl lo spend two weeks win? the groom's parents in Pennsylvania. Mr. Loucks is ti graduate of the Ul 1 versity of Rochester and of the Ag ricultural School of Cornell Univer jsity, and ls al present assistant BU ' perinlondent ot Hie Vick's Seed I Farms, located just outside of 'Roch I ester. The bride, as Miss Duncan,was I graduated from the Walhalla ? High School, and has a host of friends in ! Oconeo who will wish hor "God j speed" in her now home. Tho wed I ding was private, hut tho bride and groom were surprised at the Erie station by about twenty of their friends, who showered them with rice I and confetti as thoy boarded the train. A ?bower of beautiful and valuable presents received by the happy young couple boro substantial testimony to the high esteem in which they aro held by a wide ctr clo of friends. -Xext Monday being Labor Day (a national holiday), thero will bo no service on rural routes, and patrons of the Walhalla post office aro cautioned to bear In mind that regular Sunday hours will be observ ed as to delivery of mall and trans action of general business. -Our lady friends, now that they are about to come into their rights as citizens of tho United States and j of South Carolina, should keep their eyes open and avail themselves of the llrst opportunity to rogistor them selves as voters. Speaking for the Oconeo Hoard of Registration. W. M. Cobb said yesterday that lio will take any step in the matter un tl struct ions aro received from (io ; nor Cooper, bul so soon us Inst , lions are received for tho registra of women voters, ample opportu ! will be given them to do so- M. as ample as the very short timi i tore tho general election In NOA her will permit. On account of closeness of the general election ladies should keep posted UH to dates that may he opened to then registering. Watch your step! Card of Thank*. Editor Keowee Courier: Please give us space tn vom y. for us to thank our goo?! neigt1 and friends for the many kitti! . and words of sympath) thal rendered and expressed to us d' the sickness and at the death O' dear daughter and siste Misa -i rle Addis. Wo shall alv ii 'H rei ber with the very kindei fe?Uhi of friendship your goodness >v *ri i hour i .. ? . . ? . Mr-.. >. IO. Addis. Sr (a . ai d Ul 114 .1 -.-.- .. .ve ? C' io. 'iglMV'S foi Co i ? Wushli eton .A og ii I he jure i for : i. iroral So i ? i . M ? own were made publ by the Census Bu reau to-day, as s: Saluda, 1,203. Bishopvllle, 2,090. Mayesville, 839.^ Abbeville-4,570, increase of lil, or 2.5 per cent. Aiken-4,103. North Augusta-1,472. RaUy Day at Ebenezer. There will be a "Rally Day" at the Ebenezer church next Sunday, Sept 5th, beginning at 10 a. m. We have a good program arianged for the forenoon, and the afternoon will be devoted to singing. All good singers and lovers of music are invited tc come and bring song books, and all are urged to bring well-filled baskets. Come, and let us have a good time together serving the Lord. W. W. Fowler. Gard of Thanks. Editor Keoweo Courier: Through the columns of your pa per we wish to thank the good people > I of this community for tho kindness 11 shown us and the respect shown tc my son, whose body has but recently 11 boen returned to his native country, f I Most especially do we wish to thank his comrades for tho honor and rev erence which by their actions proved that thoy know what comradeship ls and means to the loved ones of a fallen comrade. His Mother, Mrs. Fannie Williams, and Relatives, Two Negroes Lynched. Corinth, Miss., Aug. 2 8.-Two ne groos wore lynchod here to-night af te the Jailer had been forced at th? point of a pistoi to give up thc koy? to tho jail. The negroes are ?aid tc have escaped from a chain gang with two others yestordi \ after Jamos Whitehurst, a guard, was knocked on the head. Whitehurst is expected to recover. A coroner's inquest into the lynch ing was begun to-day. T. H. Johnson, county prosecuting attorney, declared that "at least ono" of the negroes lynched was Innocent of any part in the felling of Whitehurst. Card of Thanks. Editor Keowee Courier: Wo desire to express our thanks to the good people of this com mu a I ty for their kindness and sympathy shown and expressed during tho ill ness and at tho death of our beloved wifo and mother, Mrs. Carrie Hea ton. Wo pray that |God's richest blessings may rost continuously upon one and all of these good people, T. J. Oeaton and Children. Walhalla, Konto No. 1,-adv.-* Ice Cream Supper at Oakwny. Thom will ho an leo cream suppoi at tho Oakway school house non Fri day night, Sopt. 3d. It will ho River by tho School Improvement Aaiocla Hon and the proceeds will bo used foi school supplies. Tho committee ir charge ls composed of Mrs. $, E Gambrell, Mrs. Aleck Bowen, Mrs Dyer and Mrs. L. C. Graham. ?.r3j ?a ? Tm IT HAS NEVE JUST FOR Till IS TH 10 END ' DIE VE THAT ( SOLD YOU A UNTIL WE IL' -I IN OFFERING REST TRUCK OTHERS FOR RARED EVER THE DIFFERI - WE TO SELL YOI WE WILL HE LOW COST O SI FOR THAT T KEEP ALL SI SHORT NOT IC TRI Ballenger H; MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to decree of the afore said Court, in the case named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of tho Court House door, at Walhalla, South Carolina, on MONDAY, the 6th day of Septem ber, 1920, between the legal hours of salo, the tracts of land below de scribed: Lizzie D. Nicholson and Minnie A. Burke, Plaintiffs, against Joseph D. Davis, alias Winchester; J. Frank Davis, alias Winchester; Frank Davis, alias Winchester; Jesse Davis, alias Winchester; William H. Winn, Henry Lebo wltch, Ed. Vail, G. E. Boyington, and H. A. Brooks, and J. Wil loughby Winchester, and Thomas G. Winchester, Defendants. Tract No. 1-All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, con taining fifty acres, situate, lying and bolng In Whitewater Township, County of Oconee, State of South Carolina, bounded on the west by Chattooga River, on tho north by O'Connor, and on the east by Tract No. 2, of the division of tho lands of P. A. Winchester, deceased, and known as Tract No. 1 of said divi sion, the home place, represented by plat by J. H. Wigington, Surveyor, dated Aug. 4, 1920, and being a part of the tract of land conveyed to I'. A. Winchester hy J. F. Earle, by deed bearing date the 17th day of July. 1X80, and recorded in Clork's Office for Oconee County, S. C., on tho 20th day of July, 1886, in Book L, pago 2118. Tract No. a-All that certain piece, parcel or tract, of land, con taining one hundred thirty-one acres, sit?alo, lying and hoing in White water Township, County of Oconee, State of South Carolina, bounded on tho wost by Tract No. 1 of tho divi sion of lands of P. A. Winchester, deceased, and on all othor sides by O'Connor, and known ns Tract No. 2 of said division, roprosontod by plat by J. H. Wigington, Survoyor, dated Aug. 4, 1920, and bolng a part of tho tract of land convoyod to P. A. Win chester by J. F. Earlo, by deed bear ing dato tho 17th day of July, 1886, and rocordod in Clork's Office for Oconoo County, S. C., on tho 26th day of July, 1886, in Book L, pago 238. Terms of Sale-Cash. That In event of tho failure of tho purchaser, or purphasors, to comply with the ;k Time and ick Service, It REEN OUR POLICY TO SELL SOMETHING B PROFIT THERE IS IN IT. THIS OF COURSE IX) WHICH WE WORK, HUT WE IK) NOT BE OUR MISSION IS FINISHED WHEX WE HAVE TRUCK (OR ANYTHING FOR THAT MATTER) LYE SEEN YOU MAKE SUCCESS WITH SAME. T IS OUR AIM I THE REPUBLIC TRUCK TO GIVE YOU THF VALUE ON THE MARKET. YOU CAN BUY LESS MONEY, BUT WHEN YOU HAVE COM Y DETAIL OF THE TRUCK, YOU WILL FIND ONCE. NOT ONLY AIM ! A TRUCK THA T WI LL RUN TO-DAY, HUT LP YOU TO KEEP SAME RUNNING AT A VERY F UPKEEP AND REPAIR EXPENSE. iE US AT ONCE RUCK YOU ARE GOING TO BUY. WE DO NOT ZES IN STOCK, BUT CAN (JET THEM ON VERY TE. -XV ATCII TH E JCK WITH THE YELLOW CHASSIS. ardware and Furniture Cu., Seneca. S. C. Building Materials DOORS SASH HEART SHINGLES and SAP SHINGLES NAILS C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla, S. C.1 torms of salo within flvo days from day of salo, tho Mastor do re-adver tlse and re-sell said premises on tho following Saloday, or somo conven ient Saleday thereafter, at tho samo placo and on tho same torms ns here tofore set out, at tho risk of the for mer purchaser, or pr chasers; and that ho do continuo so to do until he has found a purchaser, or purchas ers, who comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamps. W. O. WHITE, Mastor for Oconee County, S. C. Aug. 18, 1920. 33-35