Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 11, 1920, Image 5

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Tru Tri IT HAS XEV JUST FOR Tl IS TH K END L1EVE THAT SOLD YOU A UNTIL WM 1 IN OFFER! N REST TRUOl OTHERS FOI PARED EYE THE DI FF El - WI TO SELL YO WE WILL Hi LOW COST ( S FOU THAT ' KEEP ALL S SHOUT NOT! TR Ballenger H Oconee Lands FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 640-Acre Farm, nlno milos north of Walhalla, S. C., near Oconoo Station, on public road mid rural route, in ono milo of good school. Tliis place has four good farm houses, wells, barns and other out buildings for each house; three horse crop under plow. Two hun dred acres of this land is rough, but well timbered]-mostly hard wood, with some pine. Two big pastures for rattle: one good hog pasture, all wired and in good re pair. Fish pond on placo. Good orchards at all four of tho houses. Thirty-five to forty acres of goori bottom land. All good, strong red soil, splendidly adapted for cotton. Fine combination stock and cotton farm. Terms to suit purchaser. Price, $20.00 per Acre. -FOR SALE 210-Acre Farm, on head-waters of Little River, five ndlcs from Salem, S. C.; forty acres of good bottom, ten acres of good cotton land. Has good crops of cotton and corn growing this year. This place has two pastures for cattle, wired in and in good repair; one cheap 4 .room house and out buildings; two good fishing streams on place; 400,000 foot of good saw timber, mostly pine. This pince is on public roiul mid rural route. Good water-power on place, suitable for grist mill. Good school in half a mile. Terms to suit purchaser. Price, $25.00 per Acre. IN ADDITION to tho above I have a number of Farm and Timber Tracts listed for salo; also somo Town I/ots. If interested In Ijand bi any shape, call on or write J. F. HEDDEN, WALHALLA, S. 0. All-Day Singing nt Delmont. There will be an all-day singing at. Belmont next Sunday, Aug. 16. Tho Binging will bo conducted by Mossrs. Abbott, Powell, Gillosplo and King, and other good leaders are expected. Tho public ls cordially invited, and all good singers are urged to be there. All will please bring well fllled baskets. ck Time t ick Servi Kit BEEN OUR POLICY 'IM) SK I JJ ^ IK PROFIT TH KR K IS IX IT. THIS TO WHICH WK WORK, RUT WE 1 ? OUR MISSION IS KI NISH ED WHE> ? TRUCK (OR ANYTHING F?RTHA I AVE SEEN YOU MA KE SUCCESS V IT IS OUR AIM fi THE REPUBLIC TRUCK TO CI VI v VALUE ON TDK MVKMT. YOI I LESS MONEY, RUT WHEN YOU I RY DETAIL OE THE TRUCK, YOU tENCE. I NOT ONLY A: V A TRUCK TI IA V WILL RUN TC BliP YOU TO KKK I? SAME RUNNING .)F UPKEEP AND UKIAH! EXPENS EE US AT ONC? TRUCK YOU ARE GOING TO RUY. 1IZES IN STOCK, BUT CAN GET THU [CE. -WA TOH THE UCK WITH THE YELLOW CHASSIS ardware and F Seneca, S. C. Tugnloo Township S. S. -Meeting. The district meeting of the Inter denominational Sunday School Asso ciation,comprising Tugaloo township, will be held in immanuel Baptist church, Westminster, on Sunday, the 15 th of August, at 3 o'clock p. m. The principal speaker will be Leon C. Palmer, of Spartanburg, State general secretary of South Carolina. The other speakers will be local men of our county. We trust that every Sunday school of this district, as well as those of the county, will be represented. DeWitt J. Miller, Secy. Notes from Wal hal la Rente 1. Walhalla, Route No. 1, Aug. 4. Special: This community was very much refreshed last night by a much noeded shower. Lorn, unto Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, on Sunday, duly 18th, a daughter. Congratulations. Wm. Stegall and Mr. and Mrs. Merry Stegall are on an extended visit to relatives and friends in Plck ' ens, Easley and Greenville. ? Misses Ora and Esta Arvo, of tho Plat Shoals section, spont tho week end with home folks. Miss Eva Arve, of Greenville, is spending her vacation with hor par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Arve. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Elliott and Miss Lillie Moe Norris, of Pair Play, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stegall. A Card from Dr. J. L. Stokes. I thank you in advance, Mr. Edi tor, for tho privilege of saying a word of appreciation of that stal wart Christian gentleman, Paul L. Stock, and of offering, through The Cornier, my sincero sympathy to the aged mother and all tho dear ones of tho family. 1 wish to endorse the high praise given him in tho last Issue of tho paper. He was as strong ns he was modest, and as modest as he was strong. He hus liol lived in vain. Well is lt said "His plow was checked by death, And stood still in tho middle of the furrow; Rut it was rightly aimed." May tho Ka thor comfort his lovod ones. J. Lomncks Stokes. Columbia, S. C., Aug. 6, 1920. "Loft" Robborles Revivod. New York, Aug. 9.-Loft robbers, whose loot has been estimated to run into the millions, have resumed ope rations in this city. The police re ported Saturday a $25,000 silk theft t?nd a 130,000 woolen robbery. and ce. SOMETHING OF COURSE: >o NOT BE ; WE HAVE] T MATTER) iTTH SAME. B YOU THE I CAN BUY fAVE COM WILL FIND IM - I >-DAY, HUT AT A VERY E. WE DO NOT M ON VERY urniture Go., ?Glover & Holland, WALHALLA, S. C. HERE'S A PE3ACHY Lil NE OF NEW WOOLENS JUST ARRIVED FOR E'ALL AND WINTER. You ought to seo tho now swell styles for us young fellows, and a bunch of Crack-a-Jacks for Daddy, too. Nowadays you can have a Suit of Clothes made to order for what you pay for reody-niados. Have your clothes pressed fre quently, and they will always look like now. CALL AND SEEi US. Glover (Sb Holland, IOS West Main Street, WALHALLA, S. C. Old Soldiers* Reunion. The old soldiers of Oconoo county will have a reunion on Friday, Aug. Kith, at Fairviow school house. Com rades from adjoining counties will be welcome. Tho young soldiers of tho World War aro invited, as is also tho public, to moot with us. Dring well-HUed baskets. Every body como and let's have a good old time picnic and hand-shaking day. A. H. Ellison, Chairman. W. T. Magill, J. W. Cannon. W. O. Wt Picnic nt Oakway Aug. 12. Thoro will be a W. O. W. picnic at Oakway, on tho school grounds, on August 12, in connection with the campaign meeting. Everybody is In vited to attend and bring well-fllled dinner baskets. L. C. Graham, Clerk. Tho Morton-Broom Reunion. Please publish that the Morton Broom reunion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Broom, Westminster, on tho 25th of August, 1920. All the relatives and friends of the two families are Invited to be present. Mrs. M. H. Broom. - .-.-.-i .X*'. il News from Wliitownter. WI ! 1 rater, Aug. 9. - Special: Ovop? tula section aro growing nicel> w. . Mi lary Harkins, of Walhalla ?tonto . 2, is spending a fortnight with r daughter, Mrs. John Q'l>6ai Wi , Henry and Elbert Hag ger! y. Datesville, Ala., visited Mr. I'nhd ? B. F. Coward last week, j lob reedlove, of Greenville, vis I lied h? amily boro last week. Cly. V. Smith returned to his home Anderson Thursday, after livi ii* >ont. ton days at tho club lio ii!? Whitewater Falls. Mb ary Culllnder, of Clover, ls spenuiii ten drys in this community vi. iiln. olntlves and friends. Miss Culllnder has a host of friends who are delighted to have her among them again, she will leave for homo the first of next week, and will bo accompanied by Miss Sallie Nichol son, of Salem,and Miss Roberta Nich olson, of Gaffney, who are going ovor to attend a house pprty given in their honor by Miss Culllnder. J. L. Coward and son, J. B., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Coward. Our efficient rural carrier, Floyd Whitton, is still making his rounds despite tho fact that our roads are in a "critical condition." Fnihor Slain in Family How. Asheville, N. C., Aug. 9.-Bryson Hensley, aged 47, is dead, and his daughter, Mrs. Prudence Banks, aged 19, and son, Eugone Hensloy, aged 17, are In a hospital here seriously wounded, as a result of a shooting that took place in Yancey county yesterday. Will Hanks, father-in-law of the wounded woman, is charged with the shooting, A quarrel, starting between the children, ls given as tho cause for the fight. Parents took up tho dispute and heated words led to a personal encounter, in which Banks is alleged to have'drawn a revolver and opened fire on the Hensley family. The dead man wa:, the father of six children. In tho McCurley Murder Case. (Toccoa Record, Aug. 8.) Sheriff T. A. Holcombe bas arrest ed and placed In jail here Loila Vale and Ohlck Burrlss and has placed Col. Ellison and Thelma Ramey in the county Jail at Anderson, S. C., on charges in connection with tho mur der ot Lovick McCurley, which oc curred last fall near S. W. Craw ford's farm, south of this city. Much evidence has been collected which will be brought forth when tho parties arrested are tried at tho No vember term of Stephens Superior Court. Bootleggers Uso Dynamite? California, Penn., Aug. 9.-Tho press in the office of the California Sentinel was destroyed early to-day by an explosion which the authori ties believe was caused by dynamite. H. J.'Lamb, publisher of the Senti nel, has waged a vigorous warfare against "speak-easies," which the Sentinel charged were being operat ed in thlft town. I .^ , "._ ...... . V . ' I Woman Pastor <'t s* l^oou-sin < h ireh, i MarbUid^. Wi?.( Aug. F< the I first in., hi the history Of >i.i?.:iette ' ;? wornt i- i? ofliolp 11 tig ;..? pastor of a imvolY. Misa Hannah Nor gren, a graduate of the Northern Baptl Seminary, Chicago, is sub stituti g for the regular pastor, Rev. Erich il&ilden, who is away on an extend ;d leave. Miss Norgron occu pies 'ie pulpit regularly and is a force 1 speaker. After completing her . M\ here she expects to leave for the i'jouutaln8 of Kentucky to do nitsi nary work. Panama Canal Made Trafile Record. V. iishl?gton, Aug. 6.-Commercial trail '.brough the Panania Canal set ia n. record In the fiscal year ending Jiu... '0 last, according to official ?ei r ecol ved here. A total of 2,' , . . omniercial craft, with an ag gi te tonnage of 8,545,000, made th : ?!).!", paying more than $8, 8. 0 Iii toll and other charges. All e.- ; s of operation and nialnte n ' viii not exceed $6.650,000, the rep? said, Indicating a surplus of $: ,Uo,000. This ls nearly five times the previous record of surplus. 2,187 Soldiers' Bodies Returned. Washington, Aug. 8.-The bodies j of 2,187 American dead have been returned from overseas, the War De partment announced yesterday, and those of 1,338 others aro en route to the United States. Requests have been received for the return of ap proximately 45,000 bodies from tho army cemeteries in Franco and Eng I land. Auto Crash*K.lls Throe. Troy, Ala., Aug. 9.-Joseph N. Brannon, an Insurance man, with John Colqultt and lils son, Frank, 14 years old, were Instantly killed near Andalusia, Ala., early to-day when their automobile was struck by a Central of Georgia freight train at a grade crossing. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. i\otlce is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at bis office at Walhalla Court House, on SATURDAY, tho 11th day of September, 1920, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be hoard, for leave to make final settle ment of tho Estate of B. BAGWELL, Deceased, and obtain Final Discharge I as Executors of said Estate. G. E. BAGWELL, J. B. BAGWELL, Executors of the Estate of B. Bag well, Deceased. Aug. ll, 1920. _32-35 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Estate of Mrs. Ludle M. Coleman, Doc'd., are hor?by notified to make paymoD* to the undersigned, and all persona having claims against said catato will present the aame, duly attestod, with in *.h* time prescribed hy law, or be barred. EDW. M. COLEMAN, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Ludio M. Coleman, Deceased. Aug. ll, 1920. 32-35* H Oconee Coi Tho above cut give? you a view of tl No. 1 In the I NO. 1. NICE FARM containing 107 Acres, (soo cut of homo above,) four milos southwest of Westmin ster, on public road loading front Westminster to Madison; in sight of good sellout and church. Ono good (l-rooni house, 1-stall burn; ono tenant house; good pasture, running water; plenty of wood. This is good, strong land ami will produce a bale of cotton per nero. I consider this a mighty nico place and a bargain. Frico, $125.00 per Acre. NO. 4. 44 }?? Acres, two and half milos southwest of Westminster; ono 5-room house and barn; thirty acres in cultivation, remainder in pasture and woods. Frico, $80.00 per Acre. NO. 0. ?0 Aci ?es, three miles southwest of Westminster; about 40 acres in cultivation; two houses and ono earn. Price, $100.00 per Acre. NO. 7. 80 Acres, three miles southwest of Westminster; about 50 acres in cultivation. Tills place has plenty of wood and running water; one 3-room house and 4-stull barn. A bargain. Price, $00.00 per Acre. NO. 0. loo Acres, mile and a half south of Westminster, on tho Oakway road; a nice location; two ten? ont houses; good, strong rod land (no better grade of land In the county); lies well; plenty of wood and running water. Any one wishing a valuable piece of land should not fail to seo tills place at once Price, $150.00 per Acre. NO. 10. 110 Acres, ono milo south of Westminster; same grade of land as No. 0; will produce a bale of cotton per acre; two tenant houses and two barns. Wood and running water on this place. You cnn toll hotter just what this place la lt you seo it than I can describe it for you. Price, $150.00 per Acre. NO. 12. 72 Acres, four miles south of Westminster; ono 4-room house and barn; ten acres of good bot tom and 20 acres of up-Innd in cul tivation. Good pasture and plenty of wood. Price, $70.00 per Acre. NO. 18. 40 0-10 Acres, ono mile from tho Court House, on tho public road, adjoining lands of Nowt Fitzger ald, Miller and others ; ono 5-room house nnd barn; about 85 acres in cultivation, including some bot* tom. This place lies well and can bo made valn?b!o. P-lco, $1J 0.00 per Acre. NO. 15. 42 Acres, two and ludf miles of Oak Grove, nils is good, strong land with n now house on lt. Seo mo if yon want a bargain. NO. 10. 137 Acres, four miles from Mad ison, ml joining lands of J. M. Adams, Hlemnnn I/ong and others; one 8-room bouse and barn; two tenant houses; 20 acres of good bottom and 40 acres of up-lnnd In cultivation; running water and a quantity of wood. Terms easy. Price, $05.00 per Acre. NO. 17. 14 Acres of nice-lying land in the town of Westminster; a nico little farm right in town; can't bo beat for a truck farm. This is n bargain and a pick-up for some ono. Seo mo if you aro interested. NO. 18. 30 Acres, Ave miles south of Westminster, on public road; ono 4-room now house; about one I AliSO HAVE OTHER FARMS BARGAIN IT WILL PAY YOU TO IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO PROMPT AND PERSONAI? ATTE1 SOON AS IT IS LISTED WITH ! w mm WESTMNS io Comfortable Dwelling on Tract jist below. nillo from school ami church; only n small part of lund cleared. Soo ino for prlco. , NO. lt?. CIO 2-3 Acres, three milos north of Westminster; good, strong red land; ono 3-room house; about 30 aeres in cultivation. Prlco, $l 15.00 por Aero. NO. 21, . ii J?-A oro Lot in Westminster; 4-room houso mid barn. Lot In high state of cultivation. Price, $4,000.00 NO. 23. Ono 5-Acro Lot, no buildings; ono 1-Acro Lot, with two houses, lu Walhalla. Terms reasonable. Soe me. IN ADDITION TO TUM ABOVE TRACTS I HAVE THE FOLLOWING New List of Bargains 178 ACHES, Five miles from Madison. This is good, strong roil land; 20 acres of good bottom; 40 acres of upland in cultivation; two houses and nil necessary outbuildings. This placo cnn bo divided and make two good places. Price, $?0 por Acre. 105 ACHES, Ono milo from Oakway. This farm ls in good soctton and Hes, woU. Two good houses, and can easily be put in a high state of cultiva tion, i consider this a good piece of property, and a bargain. Price, $140 per Acre. 470 ACRES, Near Long Crock Academy. Moat of this is timber land, woU um* bored'with oak, pine and poplar. A saw mill man can make money out of this property. Price, $25.00 per Acre. ?40 ACRES, .Good fm ming land, adjoining the Long Crack Academy. This is good farming land, and most of it Bes woll. Will produce good cotton, corn and any kind of small grain, and is well adapted to vegetables; of aU kinds, and ls in tho host apple section In the State. No ono desiring a good homo will make a mistake In buying this land; and no one wishing to buy for an In vestment con go wrong in purchas ing tills land, for there is no bet tor farming land in tho State than to bo found in this section. I will bo pleased to show tills land to any ono wishing a good homo. Price, $50.00 per Acre. 837*6 ACRES Near the Long Creek Academy. This land Hos' well and is on the publie rond. This place will pro duco 40 bales of cotton and 2,ooo bushels of corn if properly farmed. Four houses. This is one of the best farms in this country. See me for n bargain. 100 ACRES of good farm lnnd, adjoining tho Long Crock Academy, and Hos well. Any ono wishing a good farm near a good school will do well to look this farm over. Has ono house and aliont 00 bearing npplo trees. Terms easy and price low. I have also two other small farms in tho same section-one 38-acre farm and good houso, and one 20 ncre farm with houso. Prices are low. Soo me. 04 ACRES, Near South Union. Tills ls a nice llttlo farm, Hos well and produc tive. Has ono dwelling and barn. Prlco, $170.00 per Acre. 58 ACRES, On the Walhalla and Westminster road; nico 5-room houso and good barn. This is n nico little farm.with good buildings und on a good rood -a very desirable homo for any body. Price, $'.125.00 per Acre. FOR SALE. IF VT>IJ WANT A SEE ME. SELL, SEE MB ALSO, AS I GIVE tfTION TO ALL PROPERTY AS HE. rrER, s. Ci