Gained Ti Before Taking ZIRON, ? Nervous, Had No Appi EVERY maa and woman, who ta tn a run-down, weak condition, with bad complexion and poor appe tite, due tc lack of iron tn their blood, should find Ziron helpful and atrengthr building, ?mam lt ls a scientific reoonstrufltlTS tonie, composed of ingredients recommended by leading medical authorities. Describing his experience.with Ziron, (Mr. George W. 8. Lanier write? from Jones, Ala.: "Sometime back, I was in a terrible condition. I was weak and nervous, and had a tired feeling all the time. My skin was muddy. I NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION. In accordance with Section 17 42, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912, and pursuant to an order of the County Board of ?ducation of Oco neo County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held at the School House in Zion School District, No. 24, on SATURDAY, June 12, 1920, for the purpose of voting on the question of levying a Special Tax of 4 Mills on the real and personal property within the said District, to he used for general school purposes in said School District. At said election each elector favor ing the voting on of said special levy of four mills shall cast a ballot con taining the word "Yes" printed or written thereon, and each elector op posed to said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "No" printed or written thereon. At the said election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, and who ex iitbit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates, as required in gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will close at 4 o'clock p. m. WESLEY A. WHITE, W. D. LADY, J. L. LEE, Trustees and Managers of Election. Juno 2, 1920. 22-23 NOTICE OE SPECIAL ELECTION. Tn accordance with Section 1 742, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912, and pursuant, to an order of the County Board of Education of Oco nee County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given that a Special Election will he held at tho School House in Holly Springs School District, No.I?, on SATURDAY. June 12, ID20, for tho purpose of voting on tho question of levying a Special Tax of 5 Mills on the real and personal property within the said District, to ho used for general school purposes in said School District. At said election each elector favor ing the voting on of said special levy of five mills shall cast a ballot con taining the word "Yes" printed or written thereon, and each elector op posed to said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "No" printed or written thereon. At the said election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, and who ex hibit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates, as required in gone- i ral elections, shall be allowed to1 vote. Polls will ho opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will close at 1 o'clock p. m. K. L. BURTON, B. M. LEE, A. B. BLACKWELL, Trustees and Managers of Election. Juno 2, 1920. 22-23 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate, tor Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on TUESDAY, tho 22d day of JUNE, 1920, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon there after as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settle ment of tho estate of W. Z. Blan chett, Decoasod, and obtain Final Discharge as Administratrix of said Estate. MRS. MARTHA E. BLANCHETT, Administratrix of the Estate of W. Z. Blanched, Deceased. May 26, 1920. 21-24 ?jp = Joseph J. The Man Who Has ants and Ena --Own Their Probably than a: Anderso - Write for All original idea these prc JOS. J. FF Anders? ih Pounds la ba ma Man Was Weak, >Mte, Butts Now Strong. had no appetite, and at morning I didn't feel like getting np. I was reading of Zlron and decided I would try it . . . "Will say that Zlron la a good medi cine. I haye gained ten pounds in four montea. Am strong and have a good appetite." Zlron is a mild Iron tonie, good for young and old. It helps to restore tnt system, when run-down by over* work, nnder-nourlshment, caused bf stomach or bowel disorders, or as a result of some weakening illness. Got Zlron from your druggist Hs sells lt on a money-back guarantee. WOMAN KILLS MAN SHES LrOVED, Thou II or Daughter, und Emis AU in Committing Suicide. Philadelphia, Pa., June 2.-Madly in love with a married man, accord ing to the police, Mrs. Mary Frances Dunlop, living on a farm near West Grove, Pa., shot aiid killed J. L. Eich elberger, the object of her infatua tion, ns he lay asleep in bed with his wife and infant, early to-day, and then drovo to her own home and killed her 11-year-old daughter and herself. Mrs. Dunlop was 36 years old and Eichelberger was 3 0. . At d coroner's inquest, at which the jury found that Mrs. Dunlop had dono the killing, Mrs. Eichelberger testified to her husband's relations with Mrs. Dunlop, and of her having left him. She returned to him only last night. Robert Dunlop said that he was convinced that his wife was insane, as she had several times of late threatened to kill herself. Ho had hoon separated from her for the past two years until very recetnly. A LEOPARD CANNOT CHANGE ITS SPOTS. Mr. Dodson, tho "Liver Tono" .Man, Tells the Treachery of Calomel. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. lt's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dyna mite, cramping and sickening yo?'. Calomel attacks the bones and should never he put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out, and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel, just remember that your druggist'sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is ontiroly vegetable and pleasant to take and ls a perfect substitute for calomel, lt is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and cannot salivate. Don't take calomel! It can not be trusted any moro than a leopard or a wild-cat. Take Dodson's Liver Tone, which straightens you right up and makes you feel fine. Give it to the children, because it is perfectly harmless and doesn't gripe.-adv. Drowned in Cave Which Overflowed. Nashville, Tenn., June 3.-During a heavy rain and electrical storm last night Andrew Holt, his son and a daughter were drowned when a cave in which thgv had sought refuge be came filled with water and over do wed. The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth MYIS I)URE TAINT RODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY Sold by DEL-TVS DRUG STORE, WALHALLA, S. G. Fretwell, ? Settled More Ten bled Them to Own Homes ny dozen men in n County. Particulars. -- >s about Handling ?positions. tETWELL, on? S. C i ! LOOK BEFORE BUYING UP TEXAS ' Oil Stocks-Many of Thcso Offered Aro Totally Worthless. Columbia, June 3.-Texas and its ' surrounding territory is hoing over run and milked dry by promoters, especially of oil well stock schemes; i and it will pay South Carolinians to i invest in none of the stock of such concerns unless tho agents of the promotion schemes can produce a State license. These are the two outstanding things said by W. A. McSwain, State Insurance Commissioner, to-day, on his return to Columbia from a trip to Texas, where he went to get first hand information regarding the oil well developments which aro sending to this State a flood of stock sales men and "promoters." The main purpose Mr. MoSwain had in going to Texas was to "line up" a number of correspondents with whom to communicate regarding the concerns that apply for licenses to sell their stock in this State. He states that he made arrangements with a number of prominent citizens, and in tho future, when stock pro moters ask for licenses to sell in this State, information can oaslly be se cured regarding their flnancial strength and their business standing. Mr. McSwain stated that Texas is ovor-worked by oil well promoters. Wells are being bored ia all parts of the State, and most of these will never produce oil. He says that he found practically no wells "spout ing" oil, as is claimed by so many concerns. More money is spent in boring for oil than is ever made on successful wells, Mr. McSwain be lieves. Facts ascertained by the Insur nce Commissioner on his Texas trip will probably result in his refusing to license certain compaales that are very desirous of selling their stock in this State. "My advice to tho people of the State," said the Insurance Commis sioner, "is not to Invest their sav ings in any oil wells or other pro motion schemes unless tho agents of such concerns can produce licenses ssued by the Insurance Department. Other such agents are operating in iolation of the law, aad the fact that they have no licenses is often proof that they are not safe invest ments." The Oulnina That Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary ninnie and does not cause nervousnes nor iiKinff in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. ?ONE OE MARVEI/S OF THE LAND. Petrified Forest ?0 Miles Square Ides Within Arizona's Painted Desert. (Detroit News.) Within the stretch of Arizona's Painted Desert of brilliant hues lies one of the marvels of tba land-the | sixty square miles of petrified foi? est. There _lie, preserved for all time, fallon tree monarchs, millions of years old, turned to rocks. Mammoth trunks, sometimes live feet in diameter and fifty feet in length, or cracked smoothly int? blocks, are transformed into ever lasting stone, beautiful in quality and coloring-quartz, agate, chalcedony, jasper and exquisite opal, infinite in the variety of delicate tint and rich shading. Tho method petrification by which tho giant trees became rock was one of tho strange alchemies of nature. Probably tho wash of water from hot mineral springs rich in silica was the cause. Tho chemical, permeating the tis sues of the plant, acted as a harden ing agent, preserving tho original structure of the tree with astonish ing perfection of detail. Union Officials Abiding by Law. Chicago, 111., June 3.-A grand lodge officer has been sont to Atlnnta to put striking members of the union back to work, according to E. H. Fitzgerald, president of tho Brother hood of Railway Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Em ployees. "No strikes are now on with tho authorization of this union," said Mr. I Fitzgerald, who was attending a ses sion ot the United States Railroad Labor Board. "Wo have our case before this board and are abiding by the law." ? IN this car vou will find what the aver age man has always wanted--an automo bile of ( moderate size' and price that meas ures up to a super standard of excellence Ash to drive it BARNETT & MEARES, Westminster, S. C., Exclusivo Dealers for Oconoe County. FACTORY? COLUMBUS, OHIO IbMMMMMBBt Your Th m\T OU can save the pric< X inner tubes this year. Put this money in your r Lee Puncture-Proof Tires tires, road-proofed with the a distinctive Lee feature, t yet pliant and "frictionless.1 Your saving in tubes ah cost of Lee Puncture-Proofs tires. Put Lee Puncture-Proofs Know, in advance, exactly bills will be for the next tw< In addition-you save ti noyance of changing tires 01 77? LE?M I Smile at Mile HUGHS GA TRIBUTE TO BELOVED PASTOR, Rev. J. T. Carey, of Clemson, Given Devotional Service by His Flock, * (By J. F. Clemens.) That certain well-known citizens] pJCftwalhaUa, Salem and Welcome do nov believe in and practice an empty' sort of religion was proven to all men on Sunday, May 30th, when they tendered a devotional service to their pastor, Rev. J. T. Carey, of Clemson College. It was a "fifth Sun day" for Rev. Carey and entitled him to a Sunday at home. But his con gregations in these communities would not thusly he denied. They loaded their families into half a dozen automobiles, along with cakes, fried chicken, pickles and other food, and journeyed down to Clemson Col lege to pay tribute to their beloved pastor. Dinner was served in true picnic style under two hugo cherry trees, on which the cherry-red of ripening fruit co/ld he seen. It was a sump tuous feast, rounded out by a big dish of strawberries and cream from Hov. Carey's garden. Immediately after dinner a dovo- j tional service was givon in Rev. Ca-j roy's honor. The service was a free for-all, talks hoing made by sevoral men, but all pointing out the loving core and tireless efforts of Rov. Ca rey in leading the people of those communities into a hotter lifo. They assured tho pastor of their love and devotion, of their deepest apprecia tion and heartfelt thanks for his guidance toward eternal Ufo beyond. And then the gifts wore brought in to prove their words were not hol low. A handsome Bible with Rev. Carey's name engraved on the back was tendered by Mr. Knox; a beau tiful reading lamp, burning carbon, was the gift of Dan Good and wife. Various other articles were given, in cluding a substantial purse contrib uted by all prosont. Taken all to gether, it was an impressive example of the love and kindness still present in many a human heart, even though in a world characterized hy greed and selfishness. The following people were pres ent: Rev. F. H. Pressley and family, Rov. John Ernest and family, Mr. Winchester and family, Mr. House and family, Mr. Rogers and family and Mr. Knox and Mr. Green. Rev. Carey was overwhelmed at the action of his flock and found words inadequate to express his gratitude. But ono had only to look at his face to know that it was ono of the happiest days of Iiis life. (This article was written at the request of Rev. Mr. Carey, to give people a glimpse into tho hearts of his flock, and to publicly express, in a moaouro, his deepest gratitude.) TIio Goodyear Pop leo Department. The poltco department of tho Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company now has 200 mon, or 50 moro than tho entire city of Akron. John Kid ney is the hoad of this unique police organization. In addition to policing tho factories, Chief Kidney's mon look after Goodyear Heights, a resi dence section of 5,000 peoplo, and Wingfoot Lake Air ?Station, whoro all the dirigible activities in Akron take place, as well as a rim plnnt, oporated by the company, at Thomas town, near Akron. re Bills Q of from four to seven >ockct by fitting out with extra heavy, finely made three patent disc-layers, ibsolutely unpuncturable me will bring down the to about that of ordinary on your car. r what your tire and tube ?lve months. me, temper and the an t tile road. i Cord or Fabri< Puncture -Pro o Tire < RAGE. THE LEE Til WALr Tho best ls always the cheapest. Sometimes the cheapest ia the best. Any way you take it, The Courier Ats the bill. Best and cheapest. It takes only $1.00 to get TbN, 4. 4? At torn ey-*it-Law, 4* 4- WALHALLA, S. G. 4? 4, PHONE NO. 61. 4. 4. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4* ***** 4* 4? R. T. JAYNES, ?fr 4? Attorney-nt-Law, 4* 4? WALHALLA, S. G. 4. 4. Bell' Phone No. 20. 4. 4- State & Federal Court Practice. ?fr 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* * 4* 4* * * * 4? J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, 4. 4? Pickena, S. C. W. C. Hughs, 4? 4. CAREY, SHELOR & HUGHS, 4. fr Attorneys and Counsellors, 4* fr WALHALLA, S. C. * fr State & Federal Court Practice. 4? ?fr 4* * * * 4* * 4* * * * * ?J Kurfees Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. r>. JE. ooor>, TINNER. - WALHALLA. S. O No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have aa aa? healthy color, which indicates poor blood, ead as a rulo, there ls moro or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digest lou, and act as a General Strength ening Tonio to the whole system. Nature will thea throw off or dispel tho worms, end the Child will be la perfect health. Pleasant to take. 6O0 per bottle.