Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 12, 1920, Image 6
(Established 1840.)
Published Every Wednesday Morning
Ono Year .$1.00
Six Months.<*?
Throe Months.80
Advertising Hates Reasonable.
Ry Stock, Sholor, Hughs & Shelor.
Communications ot a personal
character charged for as advertise
Obituary notices, cards of thanks
and tributes of respect, olthor by
Individuals, lodges or churches, aro
charged for as for advertisements at
rato of one cent a word. Cash must
accompany manuscript, and all such
notlcos will bo marked "Adv." in
conformity with Federal ruling on
such matters.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1020.
County Officials to Koop "Open Rec
ords"-As to Insurance.
Columbia, May 5. -. Companion
acts requiring county officials to koop
open records of all moneys rocolvod
by them, and providing penalties for
failuro to comply, whether in salary
or feos, which wore passed by tho
last General Assembly, were signed
to-day by Governor Cooper.
"Each county official," reads one
of the acts, "shall bo required to pur
chase and keep in his oiflco. open to
public inspection during office hours,
a book In which shall be kept an
itemized account of all moneys re
ceived by him. or due to him as sal
ary, fees or costs, or in any other
manner paid to him for his services
by virtue of Ilia office: Provided,
that nothing heroin contained shall
be construed to require any officor
to demand tho payment of his fees
and costs in advance. At tho close of
each fiscal year, when so required by
the Senator of such county, or a ma
jority of the Representatives of said
county, such county officor shall
transmit an itemizod copy of said ac
count, under oath, to the office of
County Supervisor, or with the Coun
ty Commissioners in any county
where there is no Supervisor, and
'shall transmit a copy thereof lo the
Senator and each member of the
Hotise ot Representatives from said
county on or before tho 10th of Jan
uary, ensuing. The County Supervi
sor, in ndidtlon to other books kopt
in bis office, shall keep a separate
book, in which he shall enter upon
hts books tho total amount of each
account furnished, opposite the name
of tho pfficer furnishing the said ac
count, and file the account in bis
office as other county records are
The other act provides that any
county officer failing to comply with
tho provisions of tho foregoing shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and, upon conviction, shall be fined
not less than $r>0 nor more than
$2 00, or bo imprisoned not less than
two nor more than six months In the
.county jaif, or either or both, In the
discretion of tho trial judge.
Insuring School Buildings.
Another act signed to-day was that
allowing tho insuring of school build
ings in mutual insuranco companies.
This was intended to allow rural mu
tual fire insuranco companies placing
risks on such classes of property, but
through error in tho engrossing de
partment, where a negative was loft
out of the act, tho provisions of tho
law apply only to Incorporated towns
and cities, diametrically opposlto to
what was Intended.
The act,which is very short, reads:
"That tho law in reference to the
insuranco of public buildings within
tho State shall remain as now pro
vided by law,, except as hereinafter
provided, to-wit: The trustees of
any school district may insure school
buildings located within Incorpo
rated cities and towns in any mutual
insurance company or association do
ing business under tho laws of the
Thc act should have read, "may
insure school buildings not located
In Incorporated towns and cltios."
Dodson is Destroying Halo of Ranger*
OUS Drug With His "Liver
You're bilious, sluggish, consti
pated and believe you neod vilo,
dangerous calomel to start your livei
and clean your bowels,
Hores Dodson's guarantee! Ask
your druggist for a bottle for Dod
son's Liver Tone and take a spoon
ful to-night. If it doesn't start youi
liver and straighten you right U]
better than calomel and without
griping or making you sick I wan
you to go back to tho store am
got your money.
Take calomel to-day and to-mor
row you will feel weak and sick am
nauseated. Don't lose a day's work
Take a spoonful or harmless, vege
table Dodson's Liver Tone to-nigh
and wake up feeling great, lt's pei
J'ectly harmless, so give it to you
children any time, lt can't saliv?t
uo let them eat anything afterwards
How to Tell (JIMMI i'ioiir.
When flour ls genuine or of th
h-est kind, it holds togotbor In i
mia?a when squeezed by tho hand am
?shows the impression of tho finge
/marks, and oven marks of tho skin
xtnuch longer than whon it is bad o
?adulterated; the dough made wit]
lt is vory gluey and elastic, easy t<
foe kneaded, and may be elongated
i&ittenod and drawn In every dlroc
itJon without breaking.
(Tho State, April 30.)*
Five years ago, after tho Gorman
horde had overrun Rolgium, tho
houri of tho American* poople was
touchod ns lt hud not hoon beforo
and our country became tho Good
St) marl tan to thc bravo little nation,
stricken almost to death because lt
would not yield Its Fonor. How
food, clothing and medicino by ship
load upon ship load for tho sorrow
ing and suffering people were gath
ered and sent all of us remember,
ai:d we romombor how to romotest
parts of this country went the news
of Belgian misfortune to stir re
sponse, in the form of somo gift, in
millions of families, rich and poor.
Then tho United States entered tho
war, turned its mighty energies to
tho effort that in less than two years
victory crowned.
What since then?
H. P. 'Davison, a membor of tho
Morgan banking house of Now York,
is chairman of the board of gover
nors and therefore ox-ofTlcio tho head
of tho League of Red Cross socie
ties, comprising all the Red Cross
societies in tho world, except those
of tho Central Powers. He has late
ly returned from a sojourn of two
months in Europe, spent in the in
vestigation of conditions, and wc
quote a few-only a few-of the
Tacts ho brought home.
"In Austria, according to a re
port dated February 12, there wore
in Vienna rations for threo weeks,
Peoplo wore apathetic, fatalistic and
tired, and thero was an epidemic ol
dancing. One dance was attended
by 4,000 persons, half of whom had
had no dinners. Refusing to gc
homo, they danced until exhausted
Ono bund rod thousand school child
ren wore underfed and diseased af
a rosult of food shortage, lack ot
fuel and Inadoquato hospital facili
"In Hungary conditions In Buda
post, tho capital, wore similar t(
Uioso in Vienna, though not quito sc
severe. Of 160,000 school childrei
enrolled In tho public schools 100,001
wero dopendent on public charity
?They lacked not only food and cloth
lng, but in many casos their mentall
ty was menaced, and they are to bi
the fathers and mothers of tho next
to-be-born generation. One bundrei
and fifty thousand workers wer
Idle lu tho city; there wero 30,00*
widows and war invalids and 30,
0 00 sick and disabled old poople wlv
were a charge on tho State.
"In Czecko-Slovakla the shelves 0
the pharmacies aro bare and tho sutj
ply of drugs is not being roplenlshe
because of tho low value of tho nu
tional currency. Typhus has ar
poured in ouch of tho four countrie
comprising the republic, along wit
smallpox, and there ls a lack c
linen, medicines, soon and phys
"In Rumania tuberculosis is spre?c
lng in nu alarming manner, makin
its appearance everywhere, both 1
cities and country districts.
"In Serbia there ls said to bo onl
2 00 doctors for the entire countr;
SO per cent of tho physicians bavin
lost their lives during the wa
Areas with ."j0,000 to 60,000 peopl
aro practically without medical cai
or supervision. Typhus has broke
out again, the infection being sprea
rapidly by Russian refugees seekin
safety in Serbia from tho advancin
Bolshevlkl forces. Many of thee
refugees have typhus and none is fre
from the typhus carrier.
"In Montenegro there Is not ov<
four or five doctors for an estimate
population of 4f>0,000. One are
where 70,00 0 poople live has or
doctor, anjl he has no facilities f<
getting about. Food is runnlr
short, and between ?.OOO and 8,0C
children have to be fed dally.
"In Albania conditions are sim
lar, that of tho children being d
"In tho Baltic States there ai
reports of an opidemic of typhus ii
volving Esthonia, wtih about Iii
000 cases of tho disease. Foo
clothing and transportation a
acutely lacking.
"In Armenia the known distre
and destruction aro beyond desert
Again from an artlclo printed
Tho World, of New York, last Su
"Such ls tho picture of conditio
in tho spring of this yoar of 0
Lord one thousand nine hundred ai
twenty-according to the Inform
Hon gathored by Mr. Davison duri:
a two month's stay overseas, who
he joined in conference with repi
sentutives of twenty-seven nntioi
Wostern Europe ls recovering frr
the catastrophe of the war. But t
whole central and eastern region
spiritually, physically, financial
industrially, socially, politically 1
solvent. lt is bereft of everythi
. humanity needs, from monev
through health to hope. Moro th
. 200,000,000 people, spread over
area of moro than 2,.r>00,000 squr
: milos- two-thirds of geographh
. I'm rope, and half of Its peoplo-?
. involved in tho disaster. Only
. the concerted aid of tho outs!
) world can they hope to get on th
t. feet again."
t Again, from an address delivoi
1 by Mr. Davison in Now York sh
bis roi urn:
"Any voluntary aid, to become
1 fectlve, can only follow the provis
. of such essentials as food, clotli
- and transportation, which must
t glvon if tho pooples arc to llvo ?
- bo restored to a condition of si
r support, and tho need of which ls
0 vast that lt can not bo givon by \
i, untary organizations, but must
supplied by governments. Upon
suranco from the League of Natl
that food, clothing and transpoi
Hon will bo supplied by governmoi
0 tho Leaguo of Red Cross Socio
n shall at onco formulate plans for
1 immediato oxtonslon of voluntary
r lief within tho affected districts,
i, pealing to tho peoples of the wo
r through the Red Cross organlzatlc
k for doctors, nurses and other net
0 sary personcl, medical supplios. d
, foodstuffs, and such money as r,
- bo required.
"Wo aro going to find out that
can no more escape the. Influence of
the European situation of to-day
than wore were able to escape the
war itsolf. You can not have one
half of tho world starving and the
other half eating. We must help
put Europe on Its feet or we must
participate in Europe's misery. We
lind ourselves the only country pos
sossed ?f many of tho supplies tyhich
Europe needs, and which cannot' he
purchased or given in sufficient
volume on credit. Aa a nation wo
should at onco arrange io place with
in tho reach of tho an peoples that
which thoy need to save them and
start them on their way to recovery.
The situation' has developed so far
and so seriously that there ls no
possibility of Us being met in any
other wuy."
What since tho armistice? What
uro we Americans thinking about?
There are twenty Belgiums' in Eu
rope now-twenty times as much
territory devastated and -twenty I
times as many people in destitution
ns made the Belgium of 1915 move
to pity the human heart of America.
We aro concerning ourselves with
money, with prouts, with getting
and getting more of it, with polities,
with the eloction of a President and
Congress, with party platforms
while 200,000,000 children, men and
women, starve and may die, while |
whole nations stagger and fall and
We have shut our eyes and
stopped our ears since the armistice.
Wo refuse to think on these things,
and vaguely salve our consciences
with the notion that somehow there
will be rocovery In Europe, that '.'the
war is over," that "all is well"* be
cause the guns are hushed; that, if
it is not, a miracle will be wrought;
that our part has been done, that
the agony and the terror are far
away, on some other star j that we
may breathe the air with freedom,
and with no sin upon our souls for
We aro "passing by on the other
We may not decolvo ourselves.
Tho relationship of the nation to na
tions is the relationship of the man
to men. Tho United States is as
close to Serbia, to Hungary, to Po
land, as ever the Levlte was to the
traveler who lay blooding by tho
road. s
In all the length ano) breadth of
this Republic, and before Its millions
of men and women, ls not one prob
lem, not one cause, not one duty, so
immediate, so pressing as is-Eu
We can not abandon entirely our
usual courses. We must keep our
own country going. But-We can
not. save lt alone. That lt shall
flourish a healthy spot on a putrid
globe could bo none but a fool's
dream. I
The strongest American, and of (all
of them the truest friend of Iiis
country, is ho who can arouse tts I
! opuses, dulled with seltlshness andi In
j Imagined security, to perceive again
j tho need - of Europe and turirHtah
I countrymen to saving half of Euro ie
! from a death bed, even as they were
! led In armies to save half of Euro io.
I from slavery.
No Worms In a Healthy Child
AH children troubled with worm? have an un
healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a
rule, there ls moro or leas stomach disturbance.
GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly
i for two or th reo weeks will enrich tho blood, Im
! prove tho ditft st iou, and act as a General Strcngth
? enlng Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then
throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will bo
in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per little.
Trouble Makers' Pay Increased.
New York, May 5.-Walking dole
gates of tho unions comprising tho
New York building trades council,
whoso members recently received In
creases In pay, have had their wages
boosted too. They will receive a
minimum weekly salary of $75, it
was anounced to-day, and unions
who do not pay tho new scale will
be refus?d seats in the council.
Heretofore, the walking delegate
has received a salary Axed by each
individual union, the amount usually
not exceeding the wages paid to Jour
neymen working at the trade.
A Nervous
;For the"woman who Has bo-;
come "a nervous wreck", be
cause ot the physical Ills pecu-1
liar to women thore'a relief and
restoration to health and hap- ?
pincus in an old family doctor's
prescription used in his prac
tice for half a century to help '
I suffering women and safeguard J
young girls,
Mrs. Pandee Frailer, Longview, Tex.,
said of 8TIXLA VIT AB: "1 cannot jay I
too much for thia wonderful medicine, i
I t'.id taken other femalo medicines tot !
two years with no (rood results I ara
truly grateful for ST ti LL A VITAK.
Mrs. J. F. IA*, Milstead, Ga., had
female complaint for years. ? Thrco
bottles ot BTKLLA VITAE cured her,
she said, and added, "I am certainly 1
thankful tor this groat female tonic/'
Sold by your
druggist upon
agreement that if the
SMrst Bottle fulls to beno
At, money will bo refunded.
Chattanooga, Venn,, V. 0. A,
For Salo at
Walhalla, S. C.
TH? White
.wilderness an
of Philadelph
It was bnrnec
but ?he stone
was rebuilt t
hundred year
a year.
These two letters ss?
sar? you that you sr?
aettlnff the best pslnt
made for the Southern
Citaste, S
Swallowed Tack; Got? $25,000.
New York, May 4.-Dr. Morris
Spitzer, physician, did not sit on a
tack, he swallowed one, and a sympa
thetic Jury awarded him a verdict
of $25,000 to pay for the discomfort
Doctor Spitzer ato the tack in a
howl of soup in a restaurant. It
ls still with him, and, according to
his physician, might cause his death
at any time.
A Few Economy
Hutchison Brothers,
Apron Gingham.25c. yard
30-in. Shooting.25c. yard
Canton Flannels .25c. yard
Dross Ginghams.37He yard
English Long Cloth.35c. yard
All tho above good aro of good
ITS BASE is constructed of all-felt,
(IO per cont wool, 40 per cent
ITS IJIFB and resiliency aro retained
by double sealing coats of oxi
dized linseed oil;
ITS MISSION is to protect and beau
tify tho floors of your homo.
WE HAVE an assort incut of beauti
ful patterns of Sanoiin for you
to select from.
1WUI Buy
Ono Thousand Hons,
AH tho Frys I can got,
All tho Layers and Ronstors in
Oconoo County,
Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Guineas,
A fow Eggs,
Cano Seed, Corn.
I also buy COTTON.
I Have for Sale
Ono smooth-mouthed Mulo, cheap.
Ono Two-horse Wagon, MitcheR
ninko, in good running order.
Ono Top Buggy and Harness--all
in good shape.
Some Good Proporty in town and
out of town. No option gamo-my
own individual proporty.
If you want to buy or soil, soe
mo for a fair, square deal either way.
16 19?
House was built when
was carved out of the
d made the capital iustead
1 iu 1814 by the British,
? remained standing. It
ind is now more than a
s old. It is painted once
We will gladly send
booklet mid color
cards to any house
owner or builder,
Cooledge Hygrade
"Best for the Southern Climate"
Cooledge Hygrade paint and varnishes for
years have been proven best for the South
ern climate. Whenever paint or varnish
ls needed you eau safely speciiy Cooledge
Walhalla, S. C.
The standard is fixed-and
the maker keeps it there-the
best made, longest-lived, most
efficient storage battery is the
Its use ensures you uninterrupted current"as needed
no buckled plates, no sulphating A steady flow of power
with none of the troubles and uncertainties of ordinary
The longest guarantee period placed upon any storage
battery Let us tell you what we know about it.
Welcome Relief From the
Tortures of Rheumatism
Can Come Only From the
Proper Treatment.
Many forms of rheumatism aro
caused hy millions of tiny germs
that infest the blood, and until the
blood ls absolutely freed of these
germs, there is no real relie! in
sight. #
The most satisfactory remedy
for rheumatism is S. S. S? be
cause it is one of tho most thor?
ough blood purifiers known to med
ical science. This fine old remedy
cleanses the blood of impurities,
and acts as an antidoto to tho germ
of rhoumatism. 9
8, 8. S. ls sold by druggist?
everywhere. For valuable Utera*
turo and advice address Chief Med?
leal Adviser, 107 Swift Laboratory9
Atlanta, Ga,