Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 28, 1920, Image 8

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I ONE CENT A WORD (Small advert iee mon ts under this heading Inserted at rate of one cent a word per Insertion. Four insertions for price of three.) (NOTICE.-No advertisement ac cepted for tills column for ljss than IS cents, one insertion.) FOR SALK-2,000 Soft ?rick. W. F. .MILAM, Walhalla, S. C._10-19 . WANTED-1000 bundles Fodder, W. W. HALE, Walhalla. S. C., Route No. ::._17-18* FOR SALE-Two nice Pigs; now ready. See S. H. ORK, Walhalla, S. C._17-18? TOMATO PLANTS for sale-2 cts. each- ti to 8 inches tall. H. F. J. ?I'S' Tl, \Vest _Union, S. C. 17-tf FOR SALE.- 1917 Model Ford Touring Car; good condition, ll. T. CRBNSHAW, Walhalla,S.C,_ 16-tf FOR SALE-No. 6 Remington Typewriter, cheap. Apply at Courier oi?lco. 15* "SAFETY FIRST!" - We have about fifty Safety Boxes for rent. Ap ply at BANK OF WALHALLA. 21-tf FOUND-In Lutheran Cemetery, pair of Glasses. Owner can get same by calling at Courier office nud pay ing for this notice. FOR SALE.-Two good Cows, with a milk record that will please you. IVAN EDWARDS, WalhaAla, Route 2._16-17 . MILK COWS and Du roc Pigs for salo. Write or soe R. A. CRAIG, Sa lem, S. C. (Farm noar High Falls.) Extra good stock. 14-tf. LOST-Firestone Tire, Casing and Rim for Ford Car, either in Seneca or on road to my home. Reward. De liver to or notify H. F. LOFTIS, Rt. 3, Westminster, S. C. 17-18* FOR SALE OR TRADE.-One good Sawmill Ou Ult, 20-h.-p. engine; also, Shingle Mill and good stand of Timoor for salo. Seo or write J, P. HEPPEN, Walhalla, S. C. _ 16-tf FOR SALE-One now Two-horse Witto Stationary Gasoline Engin? und baw Frame. For quick sale, $7 5. ARTHUR M. ADDIS, Walhalla, S. C. Rou?e L_14-17* FOR SALE.-10 bu. White Lad) Peas, 10 bu. White Crowder Peas Fine for table and forage purposes J. C. RAM PLEY, West Union, S. C _13-tf TRIUMPH, Jerusalem Yam ant Porto Rico Potato Plants, $2.00 pei thousand; 10,000 nt $1.75 per M April, May, Juno delivery. O. N DOWD, Ty Ty, Ga._12-23* EXTRA KARLY COTTON SEE! for sale-Simpkins' Improvod Pro lille; two weeks earlier than ordl nary cotton. Price, $2.00 per bushel See JOHN B. COMPTON,West Union S. C., Rt. li_17-18 FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS Every Friday and Saturday. Hav< your orders in early. All stock wei iced. FURBER DYSON, Main streot inext to Town Lock-up, Walhalla, S C._ 11-17* STOCK-RAISERS! -I have f Thoroughbred O. I. C. ?oar which offer for service for tho Improvomenl of Oconeo Hog Stock. See mo foi particulars. J. W. D ROA DWELL Walhalla, Route No. 2. 11-18* FOR SALE-0 0 Acres Good Land about 16 acres bottom; within one half mile of Walhalla, known as th? Burnside place, ?est small farm ir Uconcc County. If you want a bar gain, act quick. JOHN F. CRAIG Wa 1 hal 1aLS. C. _1 5-22 ROCK WANTED.-Tho Town ol Walhalla is in the market for quan tities of Good Flint Rock. Will pa) $1.50 per yard for samo, delivered at the City Hull yard. Any Informa lion desired can be had by writing or calling on W. M. BROWN, Mayor Wa 1 ha? a^ S._C._^6 -18 WANTED-Man with team or ante who can givo bond, to sell 137 Wat kins Homo and Farm Products. ?ig gest concern of kind In world; * 1,500 to $5,000 yearly Income. Ter ritory in Oconeo county open. Write to-day. J. R. WATKINS CO., Dept. 112. Winona, Minn. M-17* REGISTERED POLAND CHI NA ?oar. - I offer service of my Regis tered Poland China ?oar, "Dixie 3d," Rog. No. 375051), to the hog raisers of Oconeo. Seo this animal if you want to see something extra. (Jot particulars. W. M. ?ROOM,Wal halla, S. C., Itt. near Phinney's Station. 17-2 1* WI-: WILL TRAIN a limited num ber of young men, preferably high school graduates, for positions as Automatic and Hand Optical Grind ers and Skilled Mechanics; $15.00 a month paid beginners. As lenrner increases his value, salary is in creased. Regular advancement there after. Vacations with pay. G LO BK OPTICAL k MFG. CO., Greenville, S, C 17-20 WANTED- O nod Men for Saw mill and Woods, by tho day; Lum ber Stackers, by day or contract, f;t rn i i ?ea to rnovo to the works. Also, Contractors to log and saw by tho thousand. Long Jobs and prompt pay. Good climate, host of water. Will 3*11 any quantity of timber by the thousand from large tracts and buy tho lumber delivered to tho rail road. No boozers or gamblers want ed. Apply at tho works, In Madison County, N. C., near ?lg Laurel Post office. WILLIAMS & EULO H AM LI!M ?ER CO., Asheville, N. C. 18* A Regular Communication of ?lue MT?|| Ridge Ix>dgo, No. 92, A F. M., will be held next Fri day night, April 30, 1920, nt 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers always welcome C. A. HETRICK, W. M. W. O. WHITE, Secretary. (adv) --See W. M. Brown & Son if yon need a mule or horse. They have nomo good ono.-*, adv. RE THEA Walhalla, Thursday, April 29. Children 10c. -ADMI Charming Ma - ii 6 6 Rouge an A Picture of Charming Youth, Interesting Life of the Fo of New York T <** IT'S A PI OTU RI COMING MONE MARY PICKFORD .J. ?J. ?J? ?J? .J. ?J. ?J. ?J? ."..?*. ?J. .J. I .J. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. 4. 4? ?I* A mtm A ?J? ?J? ?J. ?J? ?J? >-?. ?J? *|* -Sweet food, oats and hay. W.M. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-adv. -Miss Alice Platt left laBt Mon day for Columbia to visit relatives. -See Harrison & Morton, Wal halla, before you buy your fertilizer. -adv. -Mrs. J. A. Steck will leave to morrow morning for Atlanta, where she will be for a few days attending grand opera. -Our vulcanizing is absolutely i guaran toed to outlast the rest of the tire. Walhalla Tire Shop.-ad. 49tf , -Miss Lillian Thompson and Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Hamlet, N. C., 't were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Herndon. -A good automobile for sale. Ap ply to W. L. Veiner, Walhalla, S. C., -adv.-16-tf. ? -Mrs. \V. R. Craig and children r left last Friday for Atlanta, where they will spend some time visiting Mrs. Craig's mother, Mrs. Wallace. - For Sale--Extra good milk cow, ? fresh In. Ivan Edwards, Walhalla, ' Route 2.-adv.-16-17*. " -Mrs. J. T. Kay, of Relton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cora Schroder, left Monday for Blr ' mingham, Ala., to visit among rola - tlvos. -You have had trouble with your j battery, but lt was not a Willard. Ono Willard will end your battery trou . hies. Hughs Garage, Walhalla.-adv -Mrs. H. W. Castine and little son, Herbert, Jr., are expected to ar 1 rivo In Walhalla to-morrow to spend I a while visiting nt the home of tho t former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P O. White. -Now ls tho time to blow up your . stumps. Got your dynamite, fuses and caps from us. W. M. Brown & . Son. Walhalla.-adv. ) -Dr. J. W. Mell attended the 1 meeting of ibo State Medical Asso - elation in Greenville last week, re , turning lo Walhalla Wednesday af ternoon. He was accompanied home f by Dr. C. P. Corn, of Johnston, who . spent several days in Walhalla at the , homes of Dr., Hell and Mr. and Mrs. I W. A. Strother. ?-Tou've beard or Jack and his 5 beanstalk? Well, Jack used Union i brand fertilizer. Harrison & Mor ton, Walhalla.-adv. " -Announcement came to Walhalla last week of tho arrival of ?1 young lady at the homo of Rev. and Mrs. M. O. Alexander, of New London, Conn. The youngster arrived on the 16th instant. The proud father ls a son of Hon. J, C. Alexander, of our county, and brother of Sheriff W. M. Alexander and Treasurer R. H. Alex ander. -Don't fall to see the great, stage picture, "Rouge and Riches," star ring charming Mary McLaren-Rex Theatre, Thursday, April 29th, mati nee and night.-10 and 2?c-adv. --Jack Alexander returned Wed nesday of last week from Douglas, Wyo., where he went with bis half brother, Hen McKinney. Jack went out there with the intention of tak ing a section of government land In some of the new sections being now ' thrown open to settlers, but found that his lack of years prevented his doing so. His many friends here are glad to have him back among them. - Bishop Guerry. of the Episcopal diocese of South Carolina, will held services at St. John's church, Wal halla, next Monday. May 3d. The ser vice will begin at 8 o'clock. The Bishop will be accompanied here by the rector of St. John's, Rev. Guy Frasier, of Anderson, who holds ser vices in the Walhalla church evory fourth Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Bishop Guerry's visits are always the occasion of interest, not only to tho members of the Episcopal church, but to people of other denominations as well, as ho ls recognized as one of . tho foremost theologians of tho South. The public is most cordially invited to attend the services next Monday evening, as well as to all other services in tho Episcopal church. -Mary McLaren, tho popular star who has appeared in so many groat successes at The Rox Thoatro, will be the banner .il traction again on Thursday of Ibis week, tho 29th, in 'Rouge and Riches," a story you will all like because it is human and i treats of every day subjects that will appeal to everyone. Admission, 10 and 25c.--adv. Westminster, Friday, April 30. SSIQN- Adults 25c. try MacLaren id Riches" Innocence and Beauty* The otlights and the Glamour 'heatrical Ways, E YOU'LL LIKE )AY, MAY 10th, IN "POLLYANNA -Now ls the time to save money. Have your auto tires vulcanized. Walhalla Tire Shop.-adv 49-tf. -Miss Louise Patton, of Spartan burg, spent the week-end with Miss Idah Pitchford. Miss Patton is one cf the Vlctor-Monaghan teachers at Seneca. -Permallfe storage batteries are guaranteed for 20 months-for all makes of cars. Piedmont Auto Co., Walhalla.-adv. -Two more candidates are an nounced this week-John F. Craig, for re-election as Clerk of Court, and J. It. Orr, for re-election to the House of Representatives. See an nouncements under the heading of Candidates' Column. -An intimate and close study of the trials and vicissitudes of chorus girl life in the great metropolitan city is tho stirring screen story, star ring Mary McLaren-Rex Theatre, Thursday, April 29th. 10 and 25c. adv. -Mrs. L. E. Knox, of the New Hope section, spent the week-end in Walhalla with her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Alexander. Mrs. Knox's many friends in the county will be glad toi learn of the marked Improvement in her condition. -Go to W. M. Brown & Son for your horse and mxile feed. Plenty of oats and hay. W. M.. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-adv. y -Mrs. L. A. Probst ha? been ab sent from her duties in the school room during this week, owing to an attack of severe cold that rendered her unable to be up. Her friends will be glad to learn that she ls rapidly improving and hopes to rosumo her dtUios during this week. -Mrs. S. G. Pitchford, of Green ville, who has been critically ill at Tyler's Hospital for the past week, has snlllclently recovered to be re moved to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Hallams. As soon as Mrs. Pitchford is able to travel she will come to Walhalla to visit Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pitchford. Her many friends hope that her visit may bo in the very near future, and her coming is awaited with pleasure. -The best is the cheapest, and that, is the Willard. Hughs Garage, Walhalla.-adv. I -Married, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. L. M. Lyda, ion Sunday afternoon.April 25th, at 5 I o'clock, Miss Selma Sanders and Wil lie J. Kay, both of Westminster. The I bride is a daughter of the late T. Ed. ?nnders, and is well known by many in Walhalla as well as in other parts of the county. Mr. Kay is a prom ising young business man of West minster. Mr. and Mrs. Kay will make their home in Westminster. We Join with other friends of the young cou ple in extending all good wishes. -Two new Ford Touring Cars, with self-starters, for sale. See mc at onco. C. Fred Brown, Walhalla, S. C.-adv.-15-tf. -A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at St. francis Catholic church, Mauldin street, last Sunday morning, the contracting parlies be ing Mrs. Katie White (?rogan and Paul P. Hebert. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Mackin.of Anderson. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. M. White, of the Wolf Stake section, and tho groom is a native of Baton Rouge, La., but is at present located at Marion, this State, where he holds a position as machinist for the Anderson Lumber Co. The happy couple left immedi ately after tho ceremony for Marion, where they'wi ll make their home for the present. ?'hey carry with them (he best wishes of many friends for a long life of peace, happiness and prosperity. -The Thursday pictures at The Rox aro equal to any show in any of the largo cjtios. Don't miss seeing Mary McLaren next Thursday the 29th, (to-morrow), in "Rouge and Riches"-1() and 25c.-adv. MUNICIPAL TAX NOT/ICR, Ofllce of Town Tronsurer, Town of Walhalla, s. C. NOTICIO is hereby given that the hooks for the collection of Town Taxes for the yoar 19 20 will open on MONDAY, the 8th day of MAY. and will remain open for thc; collection of taxes during tho entire month of May. A penalty of 7 per cont will at tach lo all unpaid Taxes after tho 1st day of .lune, I 920. Pay promptly and save the penalty. fi A. C.HAN'T, Clerk and Treasurer. April 28, 1920. | 17-20 -We have a few Oliver chilled two-horse No. 10 plows. W.M.Brown & Son, Walhalla.-adv. -Miss Essie Phillips, of. Newry, spent part of last week in Walhalla visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Grahl. Miss Phillips is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Phil lips, who formerly lived in Walhalla, and has many friends hore who wore pleased to meet her again. -T. It. Zachary, grower of the well-known Zachary or "Buncombe" cabbage seed, will bo in Walhalla with a supply of seed on tho first Monday in May, if not hindered in 8omo way. Will also bo glad to take your order for any kind of nursery stock.-adv. 1G-17. -Mrs. E. M. Cudworth and daugh tre, Mrs. Wm. Howard, of Charles ton,- are visiting the former's sis tors, Mrs. J. R. Hughes ?ind M*-s Sue Maxwell. These ladies have many friends in Walhalla who aro delight ed to welcome them. Mrs. Howard ls remembered here, however, as but a very small child. -Permalifo storage hattorloB are guaranteed for 20 months-for all makes of cars. Piedmont Auto Co., Walhalla.-adv. - Fred Watkins, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watkins, who live near Walhalla, last week returned to the home of his parents, after an ab sence of two years, during which he han been engaged in army service. Ile received his honorable discharge at El Paso, Texas, only a short time ago, and will probably remain in this community for some time, but bas not ns yet made definite plans for the future. Mr. Watkins is 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 195 pounds. He went Into the army service weigh ing about 14 0 pounds. -Have you seen tho Oldsmobile one-ton Economy truck? W. M. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-adv. Mrs. Fiechtels' Tyrolean Yodlers ORIGINAL SWISS SINGERS ANO YODLERS. In this company Redpath is nblo to oller its patrons n unique musical organization that combines novelty with real musical merit. It will meet tile demands of tho most exacting lyceum audience. This company was organized or iginally in Innsbruck, ono of tho most picturesque places in tho Swiss Tyrol. This is tho summer haunt of many royal personages, and is thc very heart and eradlo of tho music loving, music-living Tyroleans. From their Alpine homes these singers and instrumentalists have been carefully selected by their tu rnout* directress, Mrs. Otto FicchH, aro trained and rehearsed In their world-famous folk mid inimitable yodel and w ai hiing songs. They appear in the picturesque and beautiful national costume of their people, the most attrn'ctivo in all Europe. Two completo changes of costume aro made during their pro gram. Mrs. Fiechtl's family has for gene rations been known as leading folk singers and yodlers among their own people, holding unquestioned rank as master artists in their craft. Only a few years ago in a six days' yodlo and song contest in Innsbruck this family mude good tho claim by win ning first prize from representatives of the entire Tyrol land. DON'T MISS THIS MARVELOUS PERFORMANCE, which comes to Walhalla under tho auspices of tho Redpath Lyceum Course. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, MONDAY NIGHT, MAY, 3d, 8 O'clock. LAST AND BEST ATTRACTION OF THE COURSE. FRANK H. SHIRLEY THE nan-.II ????HIM i III The present pros] experience he knows t coming; of the Boll Wi mination to make the 1 could reasonably expet continued rains and lal ing conditions, such as PROBABLE DROUTH LAND GETTING HARD NOT HAVING ENOUGH LATE PLANTING ON 1 BAD STANDS OF COPI PLOW IXO EXTREMEL! CONTINUED SCARCITY will help you to meet these c from 15 to 25 acres each ?lay iZOr drills and cotton plant? gets baril. ANY WAY, YOU HAVE Tho Caterpillar (or craw same principle will inako thc "W" OLE-TRAO is h blggor, Wo will have a ear load < dlate delivery. Will also koop Harrows and Cultipnckers. If yon arc interested, wi! TRAC will do ? ?HIRJLI A UTI Ii An Interesting Savings Ac Hint it starts thrift habits which The habit of Saving shows i Hankers base credit largely Shows plainly in the faces and a< Hankel's ave always ready ) . have coilfldeitco in themselves ai income. Let us assist you this year i a systematic saver. BAHI OF f Walhall -Wanted-A few good 4-inch I shingles. W. M. Brown & Sgn, Wal halla.-adv. -Mrs. Geo. Blumner and Mrs. J. A. Ansel returned to Walhalla last Wednesday after a pleasant visit to relatives in Baltimore and other places in that section. -To Rent-About forty acres of good cotton land, ready turned. Geo. M. Ansel, Walhalla.-adv.-ll-tf -Miss Gertrude Smith left Mon day for Atlanta, where she has gone to attend grand opera. She will be the guest of Mrs. Mary L. Mont gomery during her stay in the Gate City. -Another new Ford touring car for salo, oee Arthur Brown, Wal halla, S. C.-adv.-15-tf. How Many Sc on Your Shoe Wc are sure you want t A great factor in reducing shoe to take a second sole and look 1 Cheap shoes often cannc the stylish lines which they hac That's' one big reason w cal? They hold their shape and I Our Crossett Shoes are their good looks in spite of hard Comfort is assured b Quality is guaranteed by thc n sole of each shoe? A large variety of Sprinj awaits your inspection. Make a note in your me -Also a nil MEN'S STRAW anc C. W. P Walhal CLE-1 sects look pretty gloomy for the hat he is going up against great ;cvil in sight, he has already n biggest crop possible this year :t to get good prices. And no :e Spring, he is confronted with >. FOLLOWING SO MUCH RAIN. AND BREAKING IIP CLODDY. [ MOISTURE TO GERMINATE SEE1 ?OORLY PREPARER SEED RED. ON AND CORN, i' HARD ON STOCK. ' OF LAIK>R. OLE - TR AC (CLE VIOLA ND TRACTOR) ondit ions and overcome them. With i , and in this way you can start your n 3rs, conservo your moisture, and go ALREADY MADE UP YOUR MIND THIS FALL. WHY NOT NOW ? ling principio) was successful on Gio i CLE-THAO a success on your farm. bettor Tractor, with moro power and ~>t these TRACTORS to arrive this wo ? in stock tho Gonu ino OLIVER LINE Il yon not give us an opportunity to e IY (SL ZIMME WESTMINSTER, S. C. miZED DEALERS tX>R OOONEE CC ?? Fact About a icount Is, cannot bo concealed. tsolf in everything you do. f oh confidence, and conttdcuco et., of tlioso who save. iud anxious to assist tlioso who ul saVo regularly tl part of their n getting yourself established ns ix, SJ. CJ. -Stop! Look! LiBten! Use Union brand fertilizer. Harrison & Mor ton, Walhalla.-adv. -Rev. R. R. Doyle, of Columbia, spent last Saturday and Sunday in and near Walhalla among relatives and old friends. He returned to Co lumbia Monday. Oconee frjends will be glad to learn that both Rev. and Mrs. Doyle are enjoying good health and are very comfortably situated in our capital city. Mrs. Doyle was be fore marriage Miss Susie Sharp, of Walhalla. -Sap shingles are just as good as tho very best heart shingles If paint ed in creosote. We have plenty of creosote. W. M. Brown & Son, Wal halla.-adv. Other Locals on Fourth Pago. ?les s? 0 cut down your shoe expense?, expense is your shoe's ability ike new? it be resoled because they lose ( when new? 'hy quality shoes are economi thus still look well when resoled? quality shoes that will keep service, y painstaking workmanship? ame Crossett branded on the ? Models for men and women mory to call on us. :e line of 1 PANAMA HATS. itchford, la, S. C. Loos ZIMMERMAN "RAC Farmer? From past difficulties. With the nade a strong deter , and for which he w, on account of the extremely hard farm . ). % CLK-TRAC you can harrow mles immediately with t through before your land TO RUY A TRACTOR big Tanks In tho war. Tho Tho Improved Now Model an improved, broader track, ok, and can inako you linnie of IMso Plows, Double Disc ihow yon Just what tho OliE RMAN, UNTY.