Linters Cause loss. Senator Smith, of South Carolina, Urges Farm ers to Demand Better Ginning. (Special to The State.) Washington, Oct. 22.-In an interview to-day S?u tor Smith called attention to tho fact that there are produced in America something like 1,200,000 bales of linters. This is 10 por cent of the number of bales of cotton produced. Ile says that the farmers should seo to it that the gins should be so adjusted that such a percentage of thc cotton should not bc loft upon the seed. At thc present price for cotton this amount would bc something like $150,000,000 saved to thc farmers. This, he says, is a mutter not for legislation, but for the farmers themselves to regulate, which they should do. Senator Smith has written to, J. S. Wannamakcr, Pres i y cleiit of thc American Cotton Association, calling his atten tion to this matter, believing it to bo of vital importanco to thc growers. 1 . P. II. McG. ^ Tho above was clipped and malicd to us by a farmer friend with the comment : "Gin it clean. They say you are doing it." Yes, wo gin it clean, and don't cut lint. Thc fanners know it. Come and sec how it's done. All in plain view. THE W. R BELL GINNERY, WESTMINSTER, S. C. "The Little Gin by the Side of the Road/' Motto: THE FRIEND OF THE FARMER. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted lo the Es tate of J. M. M ULKE Y, De .ceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same, duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law or be barred. MUS. ALICE M ULKE Y, Administratrix of tho Estate of J. M. Muikey, Deceased. Nov. 6, 1919. 4 5-48 FOLLOW THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS TAX NOTICE. by having your clothes tailored to your measure at reasonable prices. Send nie your clothes to be clean ed and pressed, a.s my oxperb nco Mill en a bin me to cater to your every want.. ULOVKIVH .{!.'.V>VATINO SIKH', lort Wi Main St., WAIJHALLA, S. C. . 4o-48* I will be at Seneca on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 13 and 14, and at Westminster on Thursday, Xovom bzer ISth, for the purpose of col lecting State and county taxes for the year 1919. 1 will be at the places nbove named from 8 to 6 o'clock each day. II. H. ALEXANDER, County Treasurer. Nov. 5, 1919. 45-46 To Take Care of Cotton. W-.shlngton, Nov. 1.-Trafile Di rector Chambers, of tbo railroad ad ministration, informs Senator E. D. Smith, in response lo urgent repre sents tions from the Senator, that tho ? administration has taken steps to sep that there shall be a steady movement, of empty ca I er, < n torrttorj lo ta Caro of tho trunspoi tallon of cotton rind other commodities. Tliia lintier ?inf bi-eii v.iving ? million campaign in this county. Mr .laynos is not of the Baptist denoini nation, but is interested in the bb undertaking of the Bap!tal church his own church, the Methodist, lu v I tig but recently con.ploted n rr:, campaign on similar lines. -Vf ytiu are Itt tho market fo land ns ah in vest m ont, or for a hoiu? talk it over with us. We have bough some real bargains. They are < to salo. Harrison & Morton, Walhalls S. C.-adv. 42-tf. -Miss Eloise Strother complt meuted Miss Anna Stribling wita rook party and handkerchief showe on the afternoon of October li. Th parlor was prettily decorated wit vasos of roses and goldenrod, jolly time was spout in tho enjo: ment of the games. At the close < the gaines the hostess presented tl honoveo with a basket, eloboratol decorated with yellow and white rll bon, containing a variety of daini handerkerchlefs. Beautiful ham korchiefs wore given for top seo1 and consolation to Miss Tahiti Stribling and Mrs. Hayne Jones, delicious salad course, with Munno ly's candies, was served. Miss Stri ling was gowned in a lovely dai blue georgette with red hat and a cossorlos, while Miss Strother wo a handsome gown of dark brown v< vet and satin. The guests includ Misses Anna Stribling. SnlPo Strl Ung, Tabitha Stribling, Eunice M caulay, Anna Darby, Moadani Hayne Jones, Sam Vernor, C. 1 Pitchford, Jr Marvin Pblnney. H. Darby, W. Tt. Craig and J. Verner, Jr. ? 1 -Walhalla ls Welcoming a. n< bride this week. Not a few friends James C. Seaborn suspected that has for some time lind quite serle Intentions in regard to one of We ' .'astor's fair young ladies, but f supposed that the interesting ov< of lost Saturday ovening was so n< at hand. At the home of W. Prichard, in Westminster,- nt o'clock lost Saturday evening, M Vassle Prichard and Mr. Seabt were happily married, the ceremc hoing performed by Rev. W. R. 3 Millan, of tho Presbyterian chur There were quite a number of re tivos and a few close friends pres? to witness the ceremony. M Prichard has a host of friends Walhalla to welcome her to < town, she having spent some mon in Walhalla a year or more a during which timo sho made a h of friends. Tho Courier Joins w many others in extending to bride every good wish, and to groom hoarty congratulations winning tho heart and hand of V Prichard. Mr. and Mrs. Seaborn at homo to their friends nt the ho of Mrs. James Seaborn, on M street. -J. Lawrence Hayos, an a citizen of tho Return section of C nee, was found dead in his bod Ti day morning. Coroner Abbott < summoned, but did not empane jury of inquest, lt hoing apparenl all that tho aged gentleman had d of natural causes. Mr. Hayes boen at work all Monday, and quitting work in the evening w to the homo of a neighbor at st distance, engaging his friend holp him with his cotton Tues morning. Returning to his home retlrod in apparent good bea Whon Mr. Hayes failed to got Ul his usual time for arising, his dan ter called him, but failed to get any response. Investigation showed that the aged gentleman had peacefully passed away some time during tho night. Mr. Hayes was between 70 and 80 years of age. Ho was a brother of Drewry Hayes, well ! known over Oconee county. Hid 1 wife had been dead for some 10 or 12 years, and since her death Mr. ' Hayes and lils single daughter had resided at the old home. Lawrence Hayes was wnU known and highly respec-ted by a wide circle of friends In Oconee, and lu his death our county has lost a stalwart, upright and honest citizen. Funeral ser vices /.d interment will be conduct ed at Return this morning. -- "SYRUP OF FIGS" IS LAXATIVE TOR CHILD Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, livor and bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Flgn only-look for tho name California on the package, thou you are sure your child i's having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "Cali fornia."--adv. ? J- ?J? ?|? ?J? ?|? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?j. ?J? ?J? ?|. 4. LOCAL POLITICS. .?. ?J? ?Jo ?J? ?J. .J. ?J? ?J. ?J? ??? ?|? ?J? .J? ?T. Foi' Mayor of Walhalla. To thc Citizens of Walhalla: I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election as .Mayor of Walhalla, and will appreciate your favorable consideration at tho polls at the municipal election in Decem ber. 1 stand where I have stood in the past-for progress and for the best interest of the town as a whole, regardless of personal friendships or personal animus. I believe the town's interests are above any per sonal consideration, and if favored by re-election will carry on the town's affairs nnd business with an eye , single to accomplishing tho greatest good for the proa tesl mi m . !>or. .In tho pn'jt i hove endonvprod t? ,..?? tn a.!J matter.- with a yi?j)W lo ibo ?atuvo as well ns titi Immediate pre?ont< l will appreciate youl sup . gio., WM. A. H.ETUICK Am o.-incenient for Mayor. To iif? Citizens of Walhalla: : bb' d'y anounce myself a candi da:- foi lae office of Mayor of Wai hi* i hi, ject to the will of the . o i rs o J our town. 1 hnvo no promise to make to any ma My only promise is that, if i.e. ped with your vote and honored by ulect'.on^ I will give my every at tention toward a clean, business like administration. Your support will be appreciated* GEO. D. SCHUMACHER. No Worms in a Healthy Child All ch ?drei-, troubled with worms hnvo an. un healthy color, "hlch Indicates poor blood, and as t rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularlj I fortwoor throe weeks will enrich the blood, fm prove, the digestion, and act os a General Strength enlofl Toute to the whole system. Naturo will thcr throw off cr dispel the worms, and tho Child will tx in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle Mot trines s in I Ul liding Cutup. Columbus, Ohio. Oct. 30.-That government pay rolls were paddod and army olfieera In the quarter ' master-is contruction corps were furnished with liquor and valuable presents by contractors was tho testl I mony to-day of E. E. Hoald, a former 'payroll auditor and bookkeeper for , 1). W. McGrath & Co., Columbus, contractors, before the Congression al sub-committee investigating graft j chargea In connection with the con struction of Camp Sherman at Chilli cotho. LIFT OFF CORNS! -* Apply few drops then lift ?ore, Don't stifler! A tiny bottle ol 1'reozono costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drope on tho corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bottom of foot, then lift thom off. When Freezone removes corns from tho toes or calluses from thc bottom of foot, tho skin honeath ie left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated.-adv. Tenants OwnYour Own Farm. Tho RODERT SHIRLEY HOME TH ACT, containing 108 Acres; only ono milo from Townville; soino oxcollcnt land; lots of' splendid Improvements. Was sold last summer, but purchnosr failed in lils part of tin? contract; now the high dollar will buy it, re gardless of value. On Easy Ter nw -$50O down; balance 1, 2, il' ?nd 4 years. AT AUCTION, 10.30 A. M. Friday, Nov. T.. ir - 1 UH ACHES, adjoining Dunk ll ol c? nu he, near Frank Clayton. This fine farm will be sub-dlvlded fnto tracts of from 20 to 5t> acres. Tho opportunity of a lifo-tliuo for. tenants to own their own land. Stop paying rent; bo n land-own er; make something for your self. Easy Terms--$ftOO cash; ?mhuire 1, 2, it and 1 years. AT AUCTION, 2 I?, M. Friday, Nov. 7. Mr. J. J. Frotwoll will assist purchasers of U1H>VO lands to secure Gov ernment Iionns on said lands. Fees for same will bo paid by SOUTH ERN LAND AUCTION COMPANY. THE TOWNVILLE HOTEL Together with all Furniture and Fixtures, at Auction, FRIDAY, NOV. 7th, 12 NOON, An Excellent Business Proposition. 3 ? ?-? 10 J3IC ATJCJnON SALES o :30 A.M. J? 12 Noon J* 2 P.M. O FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, Be on Hand-$300.00 Worth of Free Prizes at Each Sale. ^ Music by "Shorty" Payne's Band. J.EFT WICH and SUGG, Auctioneers. = SALE CONDUCTED BY Southern Land Auction Co., "We Sell Lots and Lots of Lots and Farms My! My!!" Home Office, Asheville. Anderson Office with J.. J. Fretwell. Compounded from High Grade I Superphosphate, Dried Ground Blood, Tankage, Sulphate of Am monia and Pure Muriate of Potash from Alsace. J. C. RAM PLEY, West Onion, S. C. LISTEN! Carload Windows and Doors, Carload Cement, Carload Wagons, Carload Buggies. Thc above goods bought before thc advance in price. J> Our Stock of * SHELF HARDWARE, Blacksmith Tools Automobile Buggy Wagon Paints and Varnishes is complete. It will pay you to see us before you buy, for we are here to "Sell the Goods." WHITMIRE-MARETT HARDWARE CO., Westminster, S- CJ.