ivEowEE COURIER (Established 1840.) Published livery Wednesday Morning SUBSCRIPTION PRICK Ono Year.$1.0O Six Mont hs.50 'lb reo Months.30 Advertising Rates Reasonable. Ry Stock, Shelor, Hughs & Sliolor. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. - Obituary lotices and tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will be printed freo of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at tho rato of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C. WEDNESDAY, SEIT. Ul 11)11). "I'OIH SQUARE TO A LL WINDS." Our friend, Representativo Mc Donald, is back this week, and we gladly give space lo bis let 1er now, as in the past, and wo will In the future, being "four squnio to all tho winds thal blow." Wither Mr. McDonald did liol read carefully what we had lo say editorially, or what (he attendance otlicer had to say must have addled bim lo snell an extent ns to bave prevented his golfing ll clear conception of what was really said by both. Certain ly we mudo no re foro ncc lo him as a i "political accident." Wo regard "political accidents" and public inis forllllliilos as practically one and the same thing. Hence, had the editor ol' Tin; Courier fell inclined person ally to make tho remark, be would not have felt al liberty to twit, through Ibo editorial columns of The Courier, even his worst enemy, much less a friend, willi bis misfortune not tmly public, but personal as well. Our one and only reference to Mr. McDonald personally was to express regret that our Representativo had added Hie weight (d' bis words to the diSCOI'd that was liten fast dis- | appearing. The truth of the mutter is, we think, Hull Mr. McDonald is a wee bit afraid lo tackle Hie task ol' an argument with the former allen.i :,nci i)Ulcer, a woman and we ame he affects Hie position of tine despis ing wuiii ni and lier ability, for be Hays "Congress was out of ils senses when the woman's suffrage atnand meul was adopted.*' "Wily. ' asks Mr. McDonald, "did you say editorially that I oppose education?" Tho very good and only reason wo can assign for hav ing ilene so is that we did not. Duos the editor of Tile Courier kllOW that il is the business of the fourteen Court Solicitors to be in Ibo (?enera 1 Assembly and see that all bills are properly drafted and worded? Frankly we did not know it. We do know, however -and we present ibo boich-work compulsory attendance law as evidence amply Bltdlctoul lo support the knowledge -thal we have some Solicitors woe fully in need of "firing" for derelic tion of duty or inability to perform a daly required ol' them, As to the Senator being a pub lisher of Tho Courier and hence re sponsible for the misshapen bill, we fail to see the relevancy. Mr. Shelor is a member of Tho Courier firm. Ile knows as much about what is going to appear in tho weekly edi tion of The Courier as does our one subscriber In China, the numbers ot I hem in distant places, or even Mr. McDonald himself. We stand "four square to all tho winds that blow," hence whatever copy is furnished by Mr. Shelor for publication is "edited" Just as carefully as is that furnished by Mr. McDonald, whose spelling is corrected, sentences rearranged, and bad grammar Improved- In fact, the whole in general "rehashed." We are "four square to all the winds thal blow." and this square ness prevented our tining what wo foll like doing this week thal is. presenting Mr. McDonald's letter to our readers Jus! at ll carno '.> ns. Ile asserts that he had to pick dit ton while be should have been in school, and asks, referring to the cliil.!r~r ?f to-day, why ..'.oe' ' ?hay liol do it also? Mr. McDonald as a child suffered from Ibu del' els of an educa I lonni syst om that was far from perfect. ls that reason for cor * .liing "o impose u;.):: th? i "I <' of d-duy? Lol us who h ve sn .'?. J En i be pas! s'rivo 0 seo II .i ? b prcsoul a d fu i II re j. a .! a - Dom do H M i v. ? ? n ff of I h? i nu privations and the s: nu curtailments ot clue I .\....)..; i * .. \ X! V. .t? .> .!* .> ?I? ?I* ?I? ?I* *\- ?I? v > .?4 Lt M Ali AND PF. RHO NAL. ?J? Keys'.n . Comedy ?u:-.. ::?t . .,'ed in ?day i li x. 10 and aile adv. Tl: lit. ny friends i ' i. .\. Robins' i of ' un, \ ill r< cn : io learn ; ha ? ho v. ill move tn l'ickens within 'ii" aext few days, engaging in Hie mercantile business in that town after October Isl. Mr, llobin Bon has boen Identified with the business and oilier Interests of Salem for II 'long while and is recognized as one of the substitu?a! (dil/.ens of our county. He lias been a rural carrier from tho Salem po'sl olllco ever since Ibo rural routes were es tablished, ile is making Hie change on account of bis children, who are in Dickens with relatives, and have been since the death of Mrs. Robin son, a year or more ago. We regret Mr. Robinson's intention to make Picken? his home, but wish for him and his every success in their new home. -Highest market price paid for cotton. Baylis W. Harrison, Wal- ! ha'la.-adv. - -Friends of Dr. 13. F. Sloan, of Walhalla, will bo interested to learn \ that he last week received a com mission from the War Department giving bim Hie rank of major in the Reserve Medical Corps of tho United States Army. This is quite a dis tinction for Dr. Sloan, and one that , his friends will duly appreciate. In case Dr. Sloan should again be called to the colors ho will re-enter tho service as a major in the regular army. We congratulate our young friend on this recognitk^, of b's ability on the part of tho authorities in Washington. Dr. Sloan but re cently returned from Germany, where ho saw considerable servlco with tho American Army of Occupa tion. -Tho Detroit is wickloss, ls guaranteed to do your cooking cheap er and more satisfactory. For salo by Moss & Ansel, Walhalla.-adv. -The Issaquena Literary Society of tho Walhalla High School was re organized on Friday, Sept. 12, and the following officers were elected: lames Alexander, president; Robert Gumbrell, vice president; Neil Ma caulay, secretary and treasurer; Francis Kaufman, orderly critic; Fannie Ray Brown, literary critic. The society will hold its first regit- I lar meeting next Friday, Sept. 21?. -All makes standard sowing ma chine needles nt Moss & Ansel's,Wal halla. --adv.-2-l-tf. We regret to learn that our good friend, W. M. Brown, of tho Oak way section, is in ;i critical condition. | suffering from i malignant cancer on his face. Mr. Brown has been in I bad health for :i long while, bul re foully his condition bas grown rapid- j ly worse. His lite now is d?pendent entirely upon opiates and restora tives. He may linger yet for some time, having a naturally strong con stitution, the physicians attend ing him give no hope of even a period ol' rallying, and his life is thought to bo a question of days (inly. Mr. Brown bas many friends in the county to whom the news of bis serious condition will come as a source of groat sorrow. Big line school supplies, sta tionery, toilet articles. Norman's I ?rug store, adv. - -A. A. Cold), of Greer, Is serious- !? ly ill at tho home of V.r. and Mrs. M. Abbott, near town. Mr. Cobb came io Walhalla a few weeks ago to v^sit his brother, W. M. Cobb, and family, and went to the home of his sister. Mrs. Abbott, where he wi.s taken very ill. and since tho early stages of his sickness has grown steadily worse. He is suffering from complications that arose after a se ver" attack of "flu" about a year ago. !l . has many friends in 'this see who will join with us in the hone thal ho may be restored to health. Owing to his very serious condition, a sister. Mrs. S. F.. Coffee of ('layton. Ga., and two brothers. A. T. Cobb, of I lodges, and J. II. Cobb, of I'el zer. have been recent vistltors at tho Abbott home, willi th* pret ence there of W. Mi Cobb, of ? Walhalla, tho gathering eon : s d. I tho entire family of I rollie' ?liid 1 sisters-tho drat such atsaniblugo tn I (lutte a fow years. -Highest market pr ce 'puid for cotton. Baylis \V. Harrison. ', .1 lialla.-adv. -iMrs. R. W. Ash, ?f C?o .ely nd. Ga., la visiting her slste):. Mrs. I. lt. Barle. Mrs. Barle and plater u-o on a visit to their brother,1 0. N\ Mer ritt, at Union, S. C. ! Seo Baylis W. Harrison bofo rou soil your cotton.-adv. -Miss Decie Kaile lift ho ,veek for Ho Halo, S. C., where tl h is accopted a position as teach?i he primary and music departir? . In tho Buffalo School. --Miss Francis Barlo lett o tomber M on an extended > '<> the West. She will Vlsi, uer mci . Samuel G. Karlo, at Dallas, and John il. Barle, at Uro , Okla. On her return alie wii t friends al Oklahoma City, ul Madams Thompson and Kay, Jef ferson, Texas, who aro ph asa ii re membered as Miss Oliv- ami Hoe Hicks, of Walhalla. Seo Baylis W. Harrisoi o foi >n sell your cotton.-adv. -Thero will bo an t .ociai nnal mass meeting at Bethel 1 t church Sunday, October 5th, I li ning at li) o'clock (fast Unie we ask every Baptist church in th? i verdam Association to suspend all services that day and come, i- -j meeting. We are going to have tour of our greatest men with us thal di y to speak for us. This mooting I o 1)0 the greatest and tho nins! im portant ever held in Hie assoc-. HOM. Dinner will be served on tue >? I. l instrumental readings art rom eminent standard instrument* posed in the manner reconnue! by the chief of the Weather Bun Character of Day. Date 1'oiu ll* rt . t? ? Sept. I "? -Clear. ! i Sept. 11. 1Mly cldy. ... . . ?)? ?'.? Sept. 1 7- Clear. 00 Sept " ? Sept. Sept . ? i Sept :. T( O T 8 C E S GIN YOUR COTTON AT THE W. P. BELL GINNERY, (Old Westminster Knitting Mill Site.) FIVE NEW 80-SAW GINS, Hydraulic Press. Electric Power-Best Results. Price, $4.00 per Bale. Size of Bale, 36*70 inches. Satisfaction guaranteed. Til*: W. Pv.BHLIi @INNiR?r WESTMINSTER, S. C. C. M. MCDONALD, Oin Foreman. I*. IJ. STECK, Weigh Ol* and Hook-keeper. September I Ht li, UH?. AUCTION SALE At 3 P. M.-Saturday-Sept. 27. The Weldon Farm, Two iMiles from Westminster, S. C. OA Bil FRIZITJS. This place contains 380 Acres of Good, Strong Land, lying lon thc National Highway. This plantation has been sub divided into six tracts, each tract containing a good house and ?barn and separate pasture. Everyone has a chance at I he ;asl prizes wheher cr not ; you are a purchaser, ! ? TefmS! One-third Cash; the balance in one. two I-- * and three years, at 7 per cent. Also, for Private Sale. Thc beautiful plantation of John Ballcnger, on Main Road ; between Seneca and Richland. Price is ri^ht and terms easy, Wm. E. Rasor Real Estate Co., GREENVILLE, S. C. OTTO SCHUMACHER, Jr. CEO. D. SCHUMACHER. ' GOODNESS _ ? You don't need Butter and Eggs to maKc a Real CaKe. ? At 1-3 the cost ? EAT GOOD FOODS SAVE MONEY ? -~TIZ^ZZ::==r~ BUY FROM ?. \ -=====- ft Cash Grocery Co., W|"S,U- j USE PAT-A-CAKE, ON^ 25c. U/ye j Pearl of the Piedmont ! Better Known as ; Cracker Neck Farm. j ===== 418 Acres , At Auction, Thursday Sept. 25. ll O'clock/ ll miles from La\onia, (best cotton market in Georgia,) 12 miles from Hartwell, Ga., 2 miles from Fair Play, half way be tween Anderson and Westminster. Divided into farms of 36 to 90 acres. Good homes on all tracts except three. No better section in Anderson County. Ask Mr. J. J. Fretwell-he knows-he farmed it-he built the homes, barns and other buildings. First-class Ginnery-all equipped and ready for gin-i j ning, 2,500 bales of Cotton can be ginned a season. National Highway divides this farm. At Auction to the Highest Bidder. j Thursday, Sept. 25th, 11 O'clock, j Terms 1-3 Cash. Balance. 1-2-3 Years -Ol VEX AWAY I $800 IN IMtlZKS-Ladies' Hold Watches, ( liest ol" Silver, S.l.OO (?old j UK BY i Southern Land Auction Go., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Anderson Office with J. J. Fretwell. j "Wc Sell Lots and Lots of Lots, and Farms-My-My." j SHERIFF'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. By virtue of an execution directed to nie by John P. Craig, as Clerk of Court of Common Pious for Oconee County, South Carolina, dated 15til day of September, 1910, 1 will sell at public outcry in front of tho Court I louse door, at Walhalla, South Caro lina, during the legal hours of sale, on SALIOS DA Y IN OCTOBER, being uctobor 6th, 1919, the following de scribed personul property, to wit: 2 irani car trucks, . 2 log chains, .I iron rods. % in. x 1 I ft., 1 road machine-A. R. M. Co., 1 iron rods, <& in. x 1 2 ft., 2 ha m mers, 1 lot scrap brass, I pipe die, I in., 0 gas torches, 1 lol. cast iron castings, 1 automatic track jack, '1 drag pans. 4.iron rods, % In. x 14 ft., ! iron rods, \i? tn. x 1 2 ft., TERMS OF SALE-CASI I. Levied upon at the suit of J. Millard Davis, Plaintiff, vs. John T. McKinney and J. Thomas Bennett, as partners in trade, under style and firm nanto of McKinney & Bennett, Defendants, and sold as the property of the said Joint T. McKinney and J. Thomas Bennett. Snpt. |5, 1919. \V. M. ALEXANDER, 3S-40 Sheriff, Oconee Co. S. C. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will mako application to V. F. .Martin, Judgo of Probate, tor Oconee County, in tue State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Monday, the 20th day of October, 19 19, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon there after as said application can be hoard, for leave to make final settle ment of tho Kstnte of IVINS PHIL LIPS. Deceased, and obtain final discharge es Administrator of said Kala to. I. W. HENRY, Administrator of the ICstate of Wins Phillips, Deceased. Sept. 24, 1919. 39-12 Pay in advance-Courier $1 year. And then be sure to buy some 1919 War Savings Stamps. Why Not Have a HOME OF YOUR OWN? Several of the most attractive and desirable homes in the Town of Walhalla The Garden of Health-which stands fronting the beautiful Blue Hills from which the pure air and water flow off the Blue Ridge Mountains. You should see this property at once and make your choice. zzz~~~^r-- I HAVE THE FOLLOWING TO OFFER : - -. This is a handsome J2-room home, and 1\ acres of Lind, on Corner of College and West Wesley Streets, known as the J. A. Steck property. (Sec Cut Above.) Also. Corner of One very desirable :]-acrc lot, with 6-room cottage, corner of College and Mauldtn Streets, known as thc Fahnestock property. Iso, an elegant 7-room cottage, beautiful grounds, every convenience, on College and Ervin Streets, known as thc McKinney home place. * FARM LANDS. .* Several desirable farms to close out at reduced prices. These places are near good schools. If you want a bargain sec me quick. They arc for sale, not to keep. At Court House. R. H. ALEXANDER, Walhalla, So. Ca.