Dollar for I will gi"c $1.00 to evcrj what department will be t Jaynes* advcrtfsehient in tl October 1st. Mail in your guesses, wi ly wriuen and !:ecp an cxv, guess is open to ail. All gu not hrer than Sept. 30ch. only one guess. It may bc one department which will 1 or a new department openc Watch this REME "Jayncs Cuts the the G< C. G. JAYNE li ONE CENT A WORD (Small Advertisements under this headlug inserted at rate of one cent a word per Insertion. Four insertions for price of three.) (NOTICE.-No advertisement ac cepted for (Iiis column for less than 15 cents, one insertion.) "SAFETY FIItST!M - Wo have about fifty Safety Boxes for rent. Ap ply at. BANK OF WALHALLA. 21-tf FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE-One Spring Wagon, or Double Buggy. V. I'\_M ARTIN, Walhalla. 38 lt ENTE lt WANTED-For good two-horse farm, renter to furnish own slock, etc. See or write .1. D. ISDELL, Walhalla, S. C. 3S* BEKlvSHlHE-DUllOC Figs, ready for delivery. Extra good, well de veloped. GEO. G. DEAL, Walhalla, itt. 2. 39* WANTED-Grown Doy or Man to hoard stockings; also girls. Apply to HKTRIOK HOSIERY M ILLS, Wal halla. 34-tf FOR SA LE.-Two Finnis, lill) and 2:>() acres each, Cherokee county, Ga; $30.00 per acre. Other farms for sale. Let me know your wants. J. .1. SIMPSON, IO W. Tenth street, Atlanta. Ga. 3 8--1 1 * FOR SALE-One Ford Roadster ( I !. I 7 model) or one 5-passenger Overland, Model "S3." Moth in first-class condition. If you are looking for a bargain, see J. W. RANKIN, Walhalla. S. C. .'?i?-39* FOR SALE-Ono Milk Cow, giv ing about 1 >2 gallons now, daily; fresh in two months; also, two Year lings; also, pair Hounds, ono thor oughly trained. Apply to A. M. McGAHA, Tamassee, S. C. 38* WANTED-I will pay 28c. perlbT for Frying Chickens under 2% lbs; 23c. lb. for Hens; 3 7 Vis c. dozen for Eggs. So let them come at once, as 1 can pay these prices only for a limited time. Beof Hides also wanted. R. D. OELKERS, "The Up-town Man/' Walhalla. 38-39. OA RHURETOR, - Salesmen, Now Carburetor for Ford, Maxwoll and Iknlge cars. Simple, not a moving part, installed in 30 minutes; guar anteed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heat ing or priming. Your money hack in I fi days if this Carburetor does not do nil we claim for it. Our agents all over the country are making big money. Write U, & J. CARBURETOR SALES CO., Inc., 3 South 20th St., Birmingham, Ala. 37-10 FOR SA LE-Tract of Land, sixty acres, more or less, being part of the Lewis Place, near Cherry's Crossing, in Oconee County, and hounded on the north by lands of Clemson Col lege, on the east hy lands of George Singleton, on tho south by the lands of Harvey Williams, (the Pendleton road intervening.) and on tho west by the lands of V. C. G ri (lin and Irv ing Roach. This hind will be sold at public auction on Saleday in Octo ber, at Walhalla. Terms: $500.00 on date of sale, one-third Jan. l. 1 920, balance on two years' lime at eight per cent interest. If other particulars or information desired, write or call on I). S. VAX DI Y ICR. or EZEKIEL MAJOR, Attorney, Anderson, S. 0. .'rr-::* FOR SALI'.-One Majestic Bango, first-class condition; i perforated-tin front Kitchen Safe; 1 three-burner Onsolint Stove; I Dresser, 2 Morris Chairs, 1 Iron Bedstead, Springs and Mattress; I complete sot Wicker Furniture: I small Book Case, -l?ver ai Small Trunks; 3 or I Small Heat ers; few straight Chairs; l Wash stand and odd pieces; good iron Wash Pot, Andirons. Also, one lemington Typewriter. One Hoosier Combination Planter, 3 Spring-tooth Harrow, 1 Jo-harrow, 1-horse Turn Plow, with number of points; small quantity clean straw for beds; somo Coiling in short lengths, ?I to 8 feet; several pieces 6xG pine lumber, (new), lengths 12. 2 0, 2 4 feet; number of hewn pine Sills, Cx8, 12 ft. long. Good Road Mare, Buggy and Har ness-$200 gets Hie out/It. May ho other things to dispose of. Inquire. J. A. STECK, Walhalla. Your Guess rone who correctly guesses iv.!-: social mention of in lis c, .-v. milich will appear ch name and actress plain er cor// of your guess. This esses must show post mark Each person is allowed that I am going to add to DC made the special mention, d. ?5 pace and MBER -_ Prices and Sells ?ods." 8, Walhalla, S. C. BEST VA Ll'KS in Farm Landa aro in North Georgia. Write EDWARDS REALTY CO., Dalton, Ga. 87-41 BUY YOUR COAL NOW-;!).00 per ton delivered; $8.00 at Mill. HETR1CK HOSIERY MILL, Walhsl la, S. C. 37-44 QUANTITY Mee Home-made Lard tor Sale; Also home-cured Break fast Strip. MUS. .1. 1). ISBELL, Wal lia lia. 88-tf. I-OH SALE-Some tine Fulghuill Oats at .,..'(.'? per bushel; recleaued ?.nd in even-weighl sacks of .r> busll els each. JOHN F. CRAIG, Walhal la, S. C. 38-41 ! FOR KALE-Cow with young calf; j also good Jersey grade Bull weigh ing ahout Tun pounds. Will seil cheap. Se?; JOHN B. COMPTON, 1 West Union, S. C., Rt. 1. 37tf. FOR SALE-Ono line Ruggy Maro and two high-bred Colts; one Cham pion Draw-cut .Mower. See WM. J. STRIBLING, Westminster, S. C. 37-40. SA I /HS} IA N WA N T EI )-L llbrioat ing Oil. Grease, Specialties, Paint, l'art or whole time; commission basis. Man with car or rig prefer red. RIVERSIDE REFINING CO., Cleveland Ohio. ' MS* BOARDING.-I nm now settled in my new location on .Main street, (the Schumacher Building,) and nm ready to accommodate all, both transient and regular boarders. Terms a I wa vs reasonable. MI LES L. PHILLIPS. ( The Phillips House, ? Walhalla. S. C. 37-40* FOR SALE-One line three-year old Milch Cow; throe-year-old Colt, well broke to plow and buggy; line pigs, two months old; Cyphers In cubator and Brooder, good as new; Steam Engine, Buggy and ono Cart. Apply to J. R. EARLE, Walhalla :i7tf.__ NOTICE.-Stolen or Strayed, from my farm near Prattler's Bridge, on Tugaloo River, young Fox Hound; black, with yellow legs and tail; slim large ears and tail; ans wei's to name of Jack; valued at $2:"?. Finder will be suitably rewarded for trouble. WM. R. SMITH, SR., Madison, S. C., Rt. 1. Box 24. ' 38 FOR SALE-80 acres good land, with 6-room house; land good and lies well, house in good repair. Fifty acres in cultivation. Two milos from Walhalla; known ns the Rlm rodt home place. For quick deal see or write KLAREN RITTER or MRS. SOPHIE RITTER, Walhalla, S. C. 37tf. PAY TOWN TAXES NOW. Tho Town Tax Hooks will open .Monday, August 2o, and romain open until September SO. Pay your tux now und avoid the rush. W. C. HUGHS, Town Treasurer. Aug. 20, HM?. 34-39 A Special Communication of Blue Ridge Lodge. No. 9 2, A. F. j Xjyf I M., will be held Thursday I^SSS^I night, Sept. 18th, 19 19, at S.30 o'clock. Work in Second Degree. Visitors welcome. HARRY R. HUGHS, W. M. W. O. WHITE, Secretary. (ad.) 4* ? J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J< ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? J. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ? 1**1* 'I* *?**I* *!*.?**?*.!* *I* *t**?* *I**I**I**I* "I**?. *I* --For Salo -Complete iron bed, dining and kitchen table, pretty side board. Low prices. Mrs. Nollie Moore, Walhalla, adv. -The MelllOdiut Alt Socety will meet with Mrs. IO. 1'. Taylor Thurs day afternoon, Sept. IS at 3 o'clock. -Miss Paulino Hughs, who has been al home recuperating from a nervous breakdown, has recovered sufficiently to be able to start back to her" duties as Chief (Merk of the Soil Improvement Committee of the Southeastern Fertilizer Association. She left Tuesday for a few days stay at Clayton before returning to At lanta the last of this month to take up lier work again. -A variety of paint brushes, var nish stains and colors. Norman's. -adv. -There wi 1 bo no special ser vice At Gie Metlioeisl church for our soldier boys next Sunday, as an nounced, as all the boys havo not returned from the army. E. P. Taylor, Pastor. See ?'Y'JR NV. Harrison before you ?oil your conon.-adv. - Air. an.'. .Nir.s. A. Rae Dendy, after spending a delightful vacation with Capt. and .Mrs. S. K. Dendy, loi'i TuasuJty morning for their home in White River, ii. D. Mrs. Dendy, who ia a native of Nebraska, carried a bunch of co: ion iiong with her to show :. .: friends what lt is Uko. -Ii yoi; wilt try White House ami Sunflower .'lour one limo, you will always buy? it. Mitchell & Reeder, Westminster, C.~-Artv.-34-tf. -Rev. and Mrs. T. E. Durham, of Greenville, were guests for a short willie last Week in tho homo of Mr. ?md Mrs. .\?. Brown, ot Walhalla. They were returning to their home i rom a pleasant visit to relatives in Hie .iocassne section. Airs. Durham is a daughter of Mrs. 10. K. Whit mire, and is pleasantly remembered hy many as Miss Hassle Whitmire. - Nobby line new fall and winter millinery, hats, trimmings. Nor man's Dry Goods add Millinery Store. -adv. - Rumors had il that last Wed nesday afternoon a deal was com pleted between the Oconee Telephone Company and the Boll Telephone Company by which the Bell people wdll take over tho local telephone lines in this and adjoining counties. Information direct from those in terested in tito deal is to the effect that, while lt is practically certain that the deni will bo closed In the near future, still there hos beon no transfer of property or title. When the deal ts completed facts concern- ! lng the transfer and intentions for tho future will be given to the pub lic. -All makes standard sewing ma chine needles at Moss & Ansel's.Wal halla-adv.-2 4-tf. -Last Monday the chlldron over nt the high school had a battle royal with hornets. A large nest was dis covered just over the entrance to the school building when the chil dren were arriving, and lt was de ed ? I \c Ie' the "hot ones' alone until after the clore of school. There was about one hornet .'or every Kid in school, but the majority of the children had gone when the battle took plat*, lt was a tight to the finish, too. ano the hornets were done up in great sh?pe. hundreds of them being left dead on the "field," while there were only a few "casuul lties" among Hie school forces. - Highest market price paid for cotton. Baylis W. Harrison, Wal halla.-adv. -At a meeting of the County Board of Education held last Satur day the resignation of Mrs. Jesse W. Rankin as attendance officer for Oco nee was reluctantly accepted by the board. After it was found that Mrs. Rankin would not reconsider and continue in the office, Oscar W. Pitts was chosen to succeed her, and Mon day last he look up tho duties of the ollieo and will lake up the work where Mrs. Rankin left off. I Mr. l ilts has numerous friends in tho county Who will wish him .wtyl In the discharge of his duties hi" con nee: ion with tho educational system of our county. He is hear Hy in favor ol' the compulsory attendance I lav.-, and will seek :o make the work In Oconee show the very best possl s bl . results for our county . Mr. P?t;.s has "mt recently returned from overseas service with the Amorican Kxp ? .briary Forces. Pr?t ly rugs, art squares and floor coverings, bed spreads, quilts, towels. Norman's Dry Goods Store. - adv. Mrs. Nano; Mah-, ff ey, aged 82 yours, die1 at lb > li?me of her' d ur bier. A rs. W. H. Knight. Sene ca Route No. 4, on Monday, Septem ber S th. She had been sick only eight days, having suffered from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Mahaffey was a member of the Baptist church, and had been for many years a con sistent member and earnest worker in the churches of that denomina tion In our county. Her remains were laid to rest by the side of her husband's at the Pleasant Hill Bap tist cemetery on Tuesday. September Otb, Rev. Mr. Craft, of Central, con ducting the services. The deceaseu is survived by the following chil dren: Mrs. W. H. Knight, of the Seneca section; Mrs. A. J. Eskew, of Central; Mrs. A. J. Carver, Seneca, and James and Dolph Mahaffey, of Balsam, N. C. The friends of the | bereaved ones will Join with us in extending to them sincere sympathy in their sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Knight desire that wo extend to all neighbors and friends heart-felt thanks for the many acts of kind ness shown them in their hour of nfTHetion. -Yon haven't bought the best ntil you have bought White House and Sunflower flour. .Mitchell & Reeder, Westminster, S. C.-Adv. 3 4-1 f. BROWN HAfr OR BROWN ?ET? Dis The HAVING ?OUGHT UK AVIL Y OF MANY LINKS, AND MOJil PERCALES, BLEACHING, PAJAMA CHECKS, Undorwen Kuli lim' Summer Dross doods, li INCHKASEI) LINKS KAKMEHS' 5 V -PETER LADIES'. MEN Only proper credits oxtoiulod to i give satisfaction or your money wil SEK THE FULL LINE OK GH( AND OTHER LINES. THE IN W. STILES BARRi Seo Baylis W. Harrison before you sell your cotton.-udv. -Miss Hattie Belle Crooks, of Spart?nburg, is spending a while In Midway with her sister, Mrs. A. P, Crisp. -Dock J. Lay loft Monday of this week for Greenville, where he has re-enterod Furman University. Mr. Lay is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lay, of Cheohee. -Big line school supplies, sta tionery, toilet articles. Norman's Drug Store.-adv. -Mr. and Airs. A. Walters and Mrs. W. J, McCrary, of Vienna, (?a., are visiting in the lower part of our county, being guests of Mrs. W. T. Walters, of South Union, mother of Mr. Walters and Mrs. McCrary. -Cole's Mot Blast heaters make a big reduction in your coal bill. See their advertisement and guaran tee elsewhere in this issue. The Bat longer Hardware and Furniture Co., of Seneca, sell theso well known heaters. -Permnlife ste rage batteries are guaranteed for 20 months-for all makes of cars. Piedmont Auto Co., Walhalla.-adv. -Miss Maude Callas, of the Salem section, has returned to her home from the Davis-Fischer Sanatorium, Atlanta, Qa., where she recently un derwent a serious operation for stomach trouble. Ber many friends in the county will be pleased to learn that she ls getting along nice ly, and we hope that she will soon he entirely well again. -Now is the time to save money. Have your milo tires vulcanized. Walhalla i ire Shop.-adv.-S.O. - Miss Flora Smith, daughter of R. N. Smith, of West Union, left Monday for Dayton, Va., where she will take a complete ocurso in music. Miss Smith is very talented, and has given her numerous friends many hours of pleasure in the enjoyment of her exquisite selections, both in surtmental and vocal. Il is with the deepest regret her friends give up this popular young lady, who has entertained so delightfully on a num ber of occasions in her hospitable? nd lovely home. May success at tend Miss Smith in her musical ca reer. -Savo money at Norman's Dry I doods and Millinery Store. Every thing new in dry goods, notions, millinery, clothing, shoes, hats, un derwear; It. &. Q. corsets. Norman's Dry Goods and Millinery Store-adv. -A series of revival meetings will begin In the First BapfTst church, Walhalla, September 2Sth. Dr. H. C. Buckholtz, the Baptist State Evangelist, will do tho preaching. Dr. Buckholtz has been in evangel istic work for many years. He was State evangelist for Georgia for 12 years. Ile began his work as State evangelist for South Carolina last March, lie has been very success ful in all of his meetings. He is a gifted preacher, sound In doctrine and sane in methods. We consider ourselves very fortunato In securing Dr. Buckholtz for this series of meet ings. Pray for fruitful results from these meetings. Pastor. -"Hearts of tho World"-pro duced with all the lavishness that has made I). W. Grlflith famous. Auditorium, Walhalla, next week th reo days.-adv. - Elsewhere in this issue see an nouncement of the opening of the \V. P. Bell Ginnery at Westminster. This new and up-to-date gin plant was formally opened to business last Monday morning, though there had W. M. Bro Walhal itributors for Oconee i IT, i IT. Newry Store DRY ?ODDS?, WE ARE OFFERING MANY ATTRACTIVE PRICES IN BELOW WE GIVE A FEW ARTICLES THAT ARE .J THAN CHEAP ON TO-DAY'S MARKETS: FANCY SHIRTINGS, APRON GINGHAMS, I- Goods, PLAIN MILL CLOTH. i Piques and Gaberdines, now on display. * * He sure to see then), SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY ARRIVING, AND STOCKS MORE VARIED THAN HERETOFORE. 5 SHOES FOR ALL. AND CHILDREN. ** NEW STOCK. rcliablo parties. And ronicmbor: Everything we sell wo guarantee to 1 bo most cheerfully refunded. ?OERIES, AND ALSO LOOK OVER BARGAIN COUNTERS IN SHOES EWRY STORE, NEWRY, S. C. been quite a few bales of cotton j ginned during Friday and Saturday. ' This new ginnery and milling plant j will appreciate a fair share of the j patronage of the people of Oconee county. -We wore giad indeed to meet our friend, J. L. Parker, of Grover, j N. C., in Walhala last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Parker is looking j lumakably well and is pleasantly ? situated in his new home, with which ? he and his family are greatly pleased. -Tho most reniai kable spectacle ever conceived, dwarfing all other productions, is "Hearts of the World," which will he shown at the Walhalla Auditorium next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.-adv. -There will be many in Oconee who will learn with regret that M. Stokes Stribling and family, of Sene- . ca, will move to Greenville the first . of October to make their home. Mr. ! Stribling will continue in tho insur ance business, with Greenville as his headquarters. We wish them every success and happiness in their new home, though regretting exceeding ly their removal from our county. -There will be preaching at Dou ble Springs, Oconee, on the fourth Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Public urged to attend. -For Sale-Ono ii-passenger Ford touring cnr; in first-class con dition. R. H. Alexander, Walhalla. -adv. 38-39. -Garwood J .tynes left Monday for Spartanburg, whore he will enter Wofford College. He has numerous friends here who wisli him well in his college work. We ure requested to announce that there will be prayer meeting at Double Springs, Bethlehem, Village Creek and Mills Creek Wednesday night at 7.30 o'clock. Speakers to these meetings will be sent. -"Hearts of the World," an old fashioned play with a new-fashionod theme. Walhalla Auditorium three days next week.-adv. --Mrs. R. A. P. Dean, of Avalon. Ga., was in Walhalla for a short while last Saturday looking after matters of business and visiting at the home of her father-in-law, A. J a ff orson. other Locals on Fourth Page. A' New Arrival Thousands of homes arc waiting to welcome thc new white National MAZDA lamps-thejmost important develop ment since the very first MAZDA lamp came to show the way to better light. The new lamp is of high-efficiency, gas-filled con struction with a tipless bulb of white glass which conceals the filament and softens and diffuses the light. Made only in 50 watt size and obtainable five in the|blue Convenience Carton for $3.25 or singly at 65 cents. See the new lamps lighted-they are in our window now? Get these new lamps to day for every room in your home. pp - m NATIONAL MAZDA /VA '.35? i? ? I '/ ' '"nil.IVAV,'tt>'y ?V. I i ' ?) VI I H MOllT, CW. Pitchford Walhalla, 5. C. There is no question but that thc best paying tractor is thc machine that will work the greatest number of days a year. SEPTEMBER-Needing, Threshing, Silo Filling, Hay ing, Hauling, Harvesting, OCTOBER-Plowing, Harrowing,Seeding, Baling, Saw Milling, Hauling, Grain Drilling, lAigglns. NOVEMBER-Corn Husking, Plowing, Harrowing, Hauling, Terracing, Road Dragging, Cotton Ginning, Wood Sawing. DECEMBER-Corn Shelling, Hauling, Feed Grinding, Corn shredding, Straw Baling, Stump Pulling, Saw Milling. .1 ANUA RY-Stump Pulling, Wood Sawing, Hauling, lagging, Shingle Sawing. FEBRUARY-Wood Sawing, Stalk Breaking, S t o n o ' ('rushing, Manure Spreading, Guano Hauling. THESE ARE JUST A FEW of tho things you can do With a "FORDSON TRACTOR" during tho Fall ami Winter months. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW fora FORDSON-Only $750.00 f. o. b. Factory. wn &, Son, la, S. C. and PicKens Counties. WHEN YOU RIDE, RIDE RIGHT.