FEELING 111? LIVER LAZY? TAKE ll Ml Wonderful How Young ami Kner gotlc You Kool Af Cor Taking Tl?is Nuusealess Cal omel Tablet. . -- 1 f you have not tried Calotabs you have a delightful surprise nwalting you. The wonderful livor-clennsing und system-purifying properties of calomel may now be enjoyed with out the slightest unpleasantness. A Calotab at bodtnme, with a swallow of water-that's all. No taste, no salts, nor the slightest unploasunt effects. You wake up in the morn ing feeling so good that you want to laugh about it. Your livor is clean, your system is purified, your appe tite hearty. Bat what you wish no danger. Tho next time you feel lazy, mean, nervous, blue or discour aged, glvo your liver a thorough cleansing with a Calotab. They are so perfect that your druggist is au thorized to refund the price ns a guarantee that you will be delighted. Calotabs are sold only in original, sealed packages. Price, thirty-five cents. At nil drug stores.-adv. WILL YOI' H Kill' THE HELPLESS? \Vnr Orphans of France Dying from Malnutrition mid Shock. The children of France have not yet emerged from tho shadow of the war. Willi peace assured, and a hap pier future opening before them, it becomes increasingly evident that the child life ol' France has suffered a shock from which it is ditlicult to rally, while the birth rate has drop ped to eight lo each one thousand of population. The Fatherless Children of Frunce is an American organization co-op erating with a similar one in Paris, of which Marshal Joffre is tho bead, and this organization reports that of the children receiving American aid to tho extent of ten cents ti day under its plan ol' securing American godmothers for the little French war waifs, its records show an average of 700 children's deaths per month since (lie armistice. The help of the American godmothers caine too late to save these undernourished, nerve shocked lit tie ones. Mrs. Walter S. Brewster, of Chi cago, vice chairman of the Fatherless Children ot France, bus been ap pointed chairniMi of a campaign to secure American aid for the 60,000 little war orphans whose names were on the lists of the organization as "unadopted" before the signing of the armistice. Toft cents will care for a child for an entire day; $.:i.00 for a month, while for $36.60 a year the donor may select a child from the lists at the organization's headquar ters and be placed in correspondence with it. To adopt, a child or'make a donation, write for information to Mrs. Walter S. Brewster, Room 6.'M, .110 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic .e jtorcs vitality and enorgy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c * -? Can't Tour Up Swamp Babbit. Columbia, July 24.-The South Carolina miilroad Commission late this afternoon issued an order to pre vent the discontinu ance of service over the Greenville and Western Hallway, locally known as the "Swamp Rabbit," from Greenville to River Falls, The order also prohibits the tearing up and removal of mate rial of the roadbed. HUSBAND SAVES WIFE From Suffering ty Getting I !er Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUi&o Compound. rittibur?h. Pu.- " For matty months I was not able to do ;ny work owin,? to u weakness which ct.used backache n:id headaches. A friend called my attention to one of your newspaper advertisements and immediately my husband bought three bot Mes of Lydia E. J'inkham's Veg eta ble Com pon, n d f o r in e. After tnkhg two bottles I felt fino and my troubles caused by th."t weak ness aro n thing of the past. All women who su.Tor ns I d:;1 should try Lydia E. Pinkham'fl Veritable Compound." Mrs. JAS. V ?, 020 Knapp St., N. S., Pitt! * ?. M M Women wi Irom any form of weakness, ns in ?I cd by displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "thc blues," should accept Mrs. Rohr berg's suggestion and give Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty years it has been correcting such ailments. If you nave mysterious complications write for novice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co., Lynn, Mass. LITTLE STORY FROM NATURE. Tho Toad ami Ito Camouflage- Val uable Garden Asset. "But 1 am afraid of them," said Dolly. She made "am" very strong. "Why should you be afraid of thom?" usked tho Queen of the Dew drop Fairies. They aro so ugly, and they look liko snakes!" answered Dolly. "If you look carefully at their spotted skins you will seo that the colors ure really quite beautiful soft shades of grey and palo yellow and sage-green-quite fashionable colors, some of thom," said the Fairy. "1 don't care, they look like snakes-and I wouldn't touch one for anything In the world." "You don't huve to touch one you can Just look at him and see what a help he is in the garden. Ho is one of Hie best helpers of the United States School Carden Army." , "I don't see how anything so hor- i rid-looking can help-unless he scares the enemies to death," said I the little girl, rather stubbornly. "If you will come with me down to the end of the garden where tile cabbages grow," said the Fairy, "maybe I can show you something Hurt will make you change your mind." She spread her beautiful wings and floated along through the air. Dolly's fat little legs had hard work to keep up with her. At the far end of the garden was a patch of cab bages-quite fine looking, most ot' them wore, but ono or two did not look so well. "Now." said the Fairy: "stoop down, and take a good look under the leaves." Holly did as she was bid. but she saw nothing at all. "I don't see anything." she said. "Look in the dirt close under the cabbage," said the Fairy. Dolly stooped down and peered under the cabbage leaves again. All at once something twinkled at her. She jumped. It was an eye. Then she saw a flat head that did look something like a snake. The mouth seemed to divide the head iii two. i went so far around. And right un der the mouth Dolly could see a funny trembling In the throat. "I soe it!" she cried; "lt's a toad." "Why couldn't you see it before?" said Hie Fairy. "lt's almost buried in, tho ground. And the part of it that is outside looks like an old leaf-or some thing " "That's 'camouflage." said tho Fairy "Cammy-who?" asked Dolly. She thought it was a name. "lt's a long French word," ex plained the Fairy, "lt means to dis guise things so yon can't tell what they are. Did you ever listen to Fatherbob reading the papers shout the soldiers fighting over in France?" "Oh, yes! My cousin Jack was over there a long time, and he wrote the most ln-ter-est-Ing letters. Why?" "Do you remember anything he read you about the "Tanks?" said the Fairy. "Of course I do-and I've seen pic tures of 'em too." "Well, the tanks-and sometimes the big guns too-were hidden by either painting them to look like earth and troes or covering thom with real brush and branches. What you soe on the toad's back ls Just that. Ho is colored like tho dirt and tho leaves so tho enemies won't see him. Then ho can catch them." "But what can he catch-ow!" The last little squeal was caused hy a sudden movement that Dolly had not been expecting. A small fly had been sitting on the cabbage leaf. Without moving at all the toad shot out a long, slender tongue. And suddenly, there was no small fly sitting on the cabbage leaf. "Watch him just a minute." ad vised the Fairy. "Look on the un der sido of the leaf." Dolly looked and saw a HM m ber of small green creatures sticking to Hie cabbage leaf. As she looked, tho toad's long tongue darted out and quite a space on the leaf was swept clean of Insects. ' What are those things?" she asked. '.Those are aphids." said the Fairy. "They suck the life out of cabbage. Mr. Toad, you see, makes quick work of them. His tongue is sticky and once it touches them it is all over. They are a great pest, and the toad - whom you dislike so much-Is a wonderful help in keep ing 'beni and other insects ?i\v::v." ' Well I'm glad be's useful." said Dolly, "because I really do not think he is pretty." Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared SyrupTonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be takon regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. MOONSHINERS CONVICT OFFICER On His Way to bo Imprisoned He Was Hes cu isl by Friends. Huntington, W. V., July 23. Seized by a gang of alleged moon shiners, brought before a Green Brier county justice of the peace, and found guilty on a charge of bootlegging, was tho experience of H. R. Ratliff, of Hinton, W. Va., a State prohibition olllcor, who re turned late yesterday from an inves tigation tour into.tho hills. Ratliff was sentenced to servo GO days in Jail by the justice, but was rescued by Harry Fitzgerald, a brother olll cor, from an alleged moonshiner who j was escorting tho convicted official to the bastile. Ratliff and Fitzgerald wont into the hills of Green Brier to Investi gate a report that many illicit stills wore in operation there. The offi cers located two stills, and Ratliff went to the village of Auto, W. Va., to telephone tho ' department at Charleston for additional men to make tho raid. While in Auto Rat liff was arrested by the gang, and at the point of revolvers was brought before tho Justice, charged with boot legging, and was convicted. Following tho rescue of Ratliff by Fitzgerald the officers destroyed two stills and more than 0,000 gallons of mash, and swore out nineteen war rants for Green Brier county resi dents, who are charged with manu facturing moonshine liquor. Annual Singing Convention. The Oconee County Annual Sing ing Convention will meet with the Fane's Grove church on the first Saturday and Sunday In August, the 2d and 3d. All churches and sing ing classes aro urged to send dele gates-one for every 2f> members or majority fraction thereof. All lead ers and good singers are urged' to come on Saturday as well as Sunday. Bring song books (Braise Evangel) and well-filled baskets each day. All lovers of good singing are invited to come. W. M. Lem m ons, W. E. King, President. Secretary. "DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS" Tou can't afford to neglect BOWEL DISORDERS. The minute they start give them attention-serious and intelligent attention. Diarrhoea, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Colic, "Summer Complaint", Chol era Infantum and the Uko aro dradly dangerous if allowed to "run on." Thorn's a romedy! It's safe! It's DR. THACHER'S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE-in successful uso for half a century (through two chol era campaigns). Sold at all drug stores for 3r>c. Compounded in the laboratories of the THACHER MEDICINE CO., Chattanooga, Tenn Got a bottle , and have It in the house ready. Particularly for the CHILDREN; and then WATCH the kiddies and give them this good old modiclne promptly. For Sale at NORMAN'S DRUG STOKE, Walhalla, S. C. I To Drive Out the Moonshiner. York, S. C., July 23.-For the purpose of driving illicit distillers and other undesirables out of the township, or at least to make it so hot for them that they would be glad to get out, the Bullock's Creek Township Law and Order League organized at a meeting of represen tative citli^ps of the township held at Blairsville school house on last Saturday afternoon. Magistrate J. L. Duncan was elected president of the league and J. E. Latham was elected secretary and treasurer. There wore twenty-two members enrolled. Don't Prod Your Liver to Action Nil Overcome* Biliousness, Constipa tion, ?lok Headache, Quickly. No Griping er Pain. Guaranteed. The organs of digestion, assimila tion and elimination-tho stomach, liver and bowel?-aro closely allied, and the proper action of any of theso organs is largely dependent upon tho correct functioning of all tho others. "Whipping" your liver into action with calomel or forcing your bowels with Irritating laxatives or strong cathartics ts a great mistake. A bet ter, safer elan ls strengthening and toning tho Whole digestivo and elimina tive system with Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets), which not only brings tanmcdiato relief, but genuino and last ing benefit. It acts on tho stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys, improves digestion and assimilation, overcomes biliousness, corrects constipation and quickly relieves sick headache Oct your system thoroughly cleansed and purified for once; stomach, liver and bowels working together in vig orous harmony, and you will not havo to tnko medicino every day-Just toko ono NR Tablet occasionally to keep your system in good condition and al ways feel your best. Remember it ls caster and cheaper to keep well than it ls to got well. Cet a 25e box and try it with tho understanding tbnt it must glvo you greater relief and benefit than any bowel or liver mortician you ever used or no pay. Nature's 'Remedy (NB Tablets) is Bola, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. Better than Pills For Liver Ills. GET A?$ 25c Box THE NORMAN CO., Walhalla, S. ' TM im NO use arguing about jfc, or making chin-music in a minor key I If you've got the jimmy-pipe or ciga rette makin's notion cornered in your smokeappetite, slip it a few liberal loads of Prince Albert! Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk, Prince Albert kicks the "pip" right out of a pipe! Puts pipe pleasure into the 24-hours-a-day joy'us class! Makes cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports I P. A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert can't bite yOur tongue or parch your throat 1 You go as far as you like according to your smoke spirit 1 Our exclusi\?3 patented process cuts out bite and parch! Toppy red bag?, tidy red fin?, handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors-and-t hat classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. Other Soldiers Discharged. The following list of soldiers dis charged honorably from the service has been received by Tho Courier: Reported July '?il. Wylie. Paul, (col.), Westminster. Seyinger, Robt., (col.), Fair Play. Harbin, Wm. L., Seneca. Wright, .lames, Richland. Jones, Sam, Westminster. Marett, Charles H., Fair Play. Asbury, Frank, Seneca. Patterson, .John L" Seneca. Arnold, James N., Seneca. Harrison, Dock J., Seneca. Williams, John, (col.), Senecn. Henderson, Jasper N., Seneca. Harrison, Orr E., Walhalla. Childs, Eugene, (col.), Walhalla. Mitchell, BenJ., (col.), Walhalla. COUNTY CLAIMS APPROVED. Following are the claims that worj passed on by the County Board of Commissioners at their regular monthly meeting held on Friday, the 4th day of July, 1919: Assessors. S. F. Reeder .$ 4.00 VV. S. Prichard . 4.00 J. H. Allen . 2.00 VV. VV. Bearden . 2.00 F. G. Barker . 2.00 J. S. Callas . 2.00 Geo. M. White. 2 . 00 S. H. Snead . 2.00 M. A .Moss . 2.00 M. H. Lae . 2.00 J. J. Rallonger . 2.00 T. VV. Brock. 2.00 y. M. Elrod . 2.00 C. H. Ellison . 2.00 i>. R .Lawrence. 2.00 C. F. Adams. 2 . 00 Joseph Knox . 2.00 R. H. Collins. 2 . 00 VV. S. Prichard . li. 00 S. F. Reeder . 2.00 C. H. Whitmlre. 2.00 ... M. Hunnicutt. 2.00 Gus Smith . 2.00 J. D. Isbell . 2.00 \V. J. Hunt. 2. 00 VV. J. Heard . 2.00 J. H. Wigington . 2.00 Equllizers. J. H. Allon . 3.80 J. S. Callas . 2.70 S. H. Snead . 2.40 M. lt. Lee . 3.80 j .1. J. Hal longer . 3 . 00 j C. ii. Ellison . .'{.00 j H. H. Collins . 3 . 50 I VV. S. Prichard . .. 2 . 90 ! c. H. Whitmiro . .'. 2 . 40 i j. D. Isbell v. 2.00 ! .1. IL W igington . 3. 50 Total A.. and E. Hoard.... 101.20 Salaries. 15, N. Foster .$ 125.00 ,1. s. Smith . ? . 00 j F. Hunnicutt . 5. 0 0 M. u .McDonald ....... 20 . 82 John F. Craig . 25.00 I). A. Smith . 46.94 R. H. Alexander . 4fi . 9 4 Tho?. A. Smith . 83.33 . VV. M. Alexander . 100.00 W. R. Cobb . 37.50 J. C. King. 25.00 j J. M. Abbott. 25.00 I VV. L. Littleton . 83.33 j J. Q. Mitchell . 83 .33 ! J. W. Reeves. 83.33 j Tabitha Stribling. 11. Dem. 75.00 J. VV. Todd . 12.50 M. T. Hughs . 16.66 W. M. Dillard . . 12.50 VV. N. Woolbright . 8.33 Total for Salaries.$ ?20.52 Contingent. Thoa. A. Smith .$ 6.30 W. M. Alexander. . 3.50 D. A. Smith . 4.40 M. R. McDonald . 3.60 John F. Craig. 14.36 John F. Craig. 13.60 VV. A. Sebyt & Co. 2.58 W. M. Alexander. 50.00 E. N. Foster (Freight) ... 47.44 lotal for Contingent 145.72 Home Demonstrator. Tabitha Stribling .% 20.45 Co. Rd. Education. S. M. Martin .$ 20.00 Luther H. Raines . 13.80 Total for Co. Bd Ed.$ 33.80 PubRc Buildings. C. W. Pitchford .$ 39.00 A. L. Rowland. 8.00 Standard Oil Co. 14 . 00 Jas. C. Seaborn . 8.80 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight. . 4.76 J. R. Tribble. .75 ?otal Public Buildings...! 75.30 Printing. The Keowee Courier 87.50 Hooks. Walker, Evans & Cogswell $ 202.75 Walker, Evans & Cogswell 467.25 Walker, Evans, & Cogswell 2 5.50 Total B. S. & Printing . . .$ 783.20 Dieting Prisoners. W. M. Alexander .$ 21.50 Typewriter for Clerk Court. underwood Co.$ 109.00 Lights. Walhalla Flee. Plant ....$ 4.63 Outside Poor. Rescuo Orphange .$ 10.00 A. B. Stowart . 1. 00 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight . 14.00 Total Outside Poor.% 2 8.00 UNITED STATES RA I LR Director Genera RAILROAD (Not Qua Arrival and Departure ol BLUE DIRGI' (Corrected to Leave for ? 7.10 AM. Senoca-And .Andcrno ?1 1.00 AM. Seneca-. . Bolton-And ? 3.15 PM. Soneca-And ? 5.35 PM.Seneca-. 1.25 PM.Soi . Bolton-And * Dally. ** Dnlly oxcept Direct connection at Bolton ?wi from Columbia, Charleston and into Direct connection made at Som points North, South, East and Wost Call on Ticket Agent for detaib Poor Kurili. W. R. Cobb .$ 177.71 C. \V. & J. E. Bnukntght . . lill . ir> 0. cs. Jayne* . 73.66 A. L. Howland. r? . 90 C. W. Pitchford. 8.40 Total Poor Farm .$ 466.71 Chain Gang. Matt. Cobb, Foreman.... $ r?37.37 Frank H. Shirley. 214.45 A. B. stewart. 4 . 36 J. .1. Cromer . 1 18 . 00 Dr. J. R. Mellor . 15.00 W. A. Cox. 5.30 lt. L. Nlmmona. 52.70 T. N. Carter & Co. 101.50 W. P. Nimmons . 10.05 Total Chain Gang.$1059.27 Roads. W. O. Ellenberg .fl 80.08 Farm Power Co. 5 2.50 V. W. Elrod . 10.50 Hallenger Hardware Co. .. 47.91 J. H. M. Whitmire. 16.00 J. H. Cru mp ton . 2.00 J. N. Davis . 16.50 E. L. Stone . 49.40 J. M. Barron . 12 . 25 Seneca Motor Co. 4 0.40 F. B. Lee. 28.55 W. M. Brown & Son. 2.75 J. C. Ivestor. 17 .50 A. M. Brown . 51.14 Gulf Refining Co. 186.12 Total for Roads.% 612.50 Bridges. J. J. Rutledge .% 232.30 C. D. Galbreath. 6.00 W. C. Lylo*. 63.00 W. S. Shaw . 16.50 C. C. Myers Bros. Co. 16.75 C. W. Pitchford. 1.00 O. P. Cantrell .. 18.85 John P. Craig. 23.10 J. N. Davis . 16.50 J. IL M. Whitmire. 200.00 C. W. & J. E. Bau knight. . 2.60 Whit Knox. 15.00 Total for Bridges .$ 611.60 (?rand total, Ordin?r) Pur poses .$4,0?3.4O Southern Ry. Co., Chauga River R. R. bridge .... 5,000.00 (h eat grand total audited . $?,08?*. IO E. N. FOSTER, Supervisor. M. R. McDonald, Clerk. (adv.) OA l> ADMINISTRATION 1 of Railroads. SCHEDULES ran toed.) ' Trains, Walhalla, S. C. i RAILROAD. June 22, 101?) Arrive from orson-Holton . n-Senocn.?10.00 AM \ndorson . arson-Seneca.*? 12.33 PM erson-Belton .* 1.45 PM Anderson. * 6-05 PM ieca. orson-Soncca. * 9.30 PM Sunday, th Southorn Railroad trains for and r mediate points. Bea with Southern Railroad trains for 9(1 schedules ?nd other information.