Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 04, 1919, Image 6

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?vEOWEE COURIEK (Established HMO.) Published Every Wednesday Morning NUHSCRIPTION PRICE Ono year.$1.0? Six Months.55 Three Months.:?> Advertising Rates Reasonable. Hy Steck, Shclor, Hughs ?: Sliolor. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Ooltuary notices and tributes of respect, of not over KIO words, will be printed free of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at Hie into of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WAHI IA ETA, s. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE I. HMO. MR. WILSON EOR THIRD TERM? Cummings Says l ate of League Will Determine < 'andblaey. (Mileage, May 2N. President Wil son's candidacy for a third term will lie determined largely Dy ihr fate of lh.> League of Nations, in the opin ion of Homer S, Cummings, chairman of Hie Democratic National Commit tee, ulm ?'ame to Chicano to-day lo preside al a t\?o days session of that body. "While I have no information re garding President Wilson's intention about becoming a candidate for a third term, I believe the question tesis largely on Ibo fate of Ibo League of .salions." said Chairman Cummings. "If the League ol' Na tions should by any chance be de feated and this lo my mind is un thinkable Hie pressure brough! lo bear on the President li? run again would bo very great, and I fool cer tain lu* would be re-elected. If the League of Nations is successful, I do not think Ibo pressure would be near ly so great." In ibo absence of definite word from President Wilson on the subject lhere was nulo gossip of candidates among the parly leaders. I bo inuit's mostly mentioned were Wm. tl. Mc Adoo. forimr Secretary of the Trea sury, and A. Mitchell Palmer, United States Attorney Honorai. Every State was represen I tul by a committeeman or a proxy when the body was called to order by Chair man Cummings in a session which formally marks the opening of the Presidential campaign of 1020. Cummings praised the record and the progressive achievements of the Democratic administration, and de clared Hutt the Republican party is failing under reactionary leadership, as indicated by the recent organiza tion of Congress. Ile tuged a closer co-opera I ion between the fl i fi?rent departments of the parly organiza tion during the next campaign, and rofcrred to tho important part Hie women will take in futuro political activities. Ho said be expected to visit every State in Hie Union before returning to New York. Mr. Cummings said that the party headquarters would remain in Wash ington until the opening of the ?1120 campaign, when they would bo re moved to New York, lt is probable, be said, that sun-headquarters will be opened in Chicago and Other cities later. '"This meeting to-day marks tho opening of an activo and militant campaign for 11)20," he said, in ad dressing the committee. "We are able to point with pride to Hie record of President Wilson and (be Demo eratic national ad minist ra I ion in the matter of progressive legislation. "Prom the passage by ('engross of the in< onie lax law to Hie establish ment ol' the Ped era I reserve bunk system, the movement of the Demo emile parly has been steadily for ward. When war came, it seemed for a time as if daylight had dropped mi i of t lie world The I lem ncr 11 ic pa ri y successfully led Hie counrrj through Ibal d irk and critical period No mater .?hat critics mav ray, bls lorv will record Ibal period as the golden age itt' American achievement ; nd American honor. When the full .-lory IK written, the American people will be satisfied and grateful, I look forward to the campaign ot" 1020 with the utmost confidence, mn only in the righteousness ol' our cans,', bat in ils triumph." Tho selection of Hie meeting place Of the next Democratic National Con vention was Informally discussed by the committeemen, alt bough thr* question will not bo decided until next winter. Tims far the contest appears to bo between Cleveland and I ndianapoll;!. Ruy a few Thrift Stamps to-day. And thou bo suro to buy sonio 1010 War Savings Stamps. METHOD FOR TAGGING TREES Linen Cloth, Coated With Paraffin, Has Advantages-Mud Easily Removed by Washing. (Prepared by tho TTnl?e?t states Depart ment of Agriculture) Linen cloth Is now being used In some of tile experimental work of the United States deportment of agrlcub turo In tagging trees and has been found to be very successful. Writing on wooden tags, which were formerly used/ soon becomes Illegible, wblld copper tugs are not only expensive but are not large enough for sufficient data. The linen tags are tlrst soaked several days ia water to remove thc sizings and then dried and smoothed with a bot flat Iron. Data ls written with India Ink, using a round-pointed pen. The ink soaks in Dut does not run. Such tags will last a year or longer. When they are to be used foi longer periods or under conditions where the tags come In contact with the ground, they ore coated with par affin after labeling. One method ls lo dil) them in a mixture of gasoline and pu ra flin (proportion one quart ol gasoline to one-half pound paraffin). The gasoline evaporates, leaving a Ulm of pundin. If thc tans become con ted with mud they can easily be washed and the Ink shows np clearly. Such tags may be used In a variety of ways, for when treated in this manner thej last exceptionally well. Don't Prod Your Liver to Action NR Overcomes Biliousness, Constipa tion, Sick Headacho, Quickly. No Griping or Pain. Cuarantosd. Tho organs of digestion, assimila tion ami elimination-tho stomach, liver and bowel.!-aro closely allied, and tbe proper action of any of those, organs bs largely dependent upon tho correct functioning of all Ibo others. "Whipping" your liver into action with calomel or forcing your bowels with irritating laxatives or strong cathartics is a great mistake. A bet ter, safer plan is strengthening and toning tin: wholo digestive and elimina tive system with Nature's Remedy (NU Tablets), which not only brings hmmcdiato relief, but genuino and last ing benefit, It nets on tho stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys, improves digestion and assimilation, overcomes biliousness, corrects constipation and quickly relievos sick headache. <Jct your system thoroughly cleansed and purified for once; stomach, liver and bowels working together in vig orous harmony, and you will not havo to tako medicino every day-just tako ono NU Tablet occasionally to keep your system la good condition and al ways feel your best. Remember lt ls easier and cheaper to keep well than lt ls to get well. Get a 25c box and try lt with tho understanding that lt must givo you greater relief and benciit than any bowel or liver medicino you ever used or no pay. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) is sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. TUM NORMAN CO., Walhalla, S. C. CLEAN UP STRAWBERRY BED Plow Out Old Plants and Leave Vig. orous Ones to Produce Fruit for Next Season. (Proparod by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Clean up the old strawberry bod foi another year's fruiting, unless a nc\i hvd was planted last spring. If th< rows have become wide and matted, Excellent Box of Berries. run H cultivator with large-pointet Shovel through the center of the rowj to lear out tlie old plants, but leav( the young plants at tho edges of tin row to make the new rows. If tin matted rows are only moderately wide run the cultivator or plow along ont side, cutting down the row from ont side only and leaving the young plant? on the other side. Either pull out ol hoe out tho weak and surplus plants leaving strong plants from C to U inches apart In the new rows. Nev? plants will ho produced by these t( make new rows for next year's fruit lng. (live tho new 1 thorough cultiva tlon. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is moro or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or thrco weeks will enrich thc blood, Im prove thc digestion, and oct as a General Strength >ning Tonic to tho whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and thc Child wiil tte in perfect health. Pleasant io take. Mo per bottle Chemists l r i ? 1 Doctors' Favorito M-uIi rlno of Na II sea Ung an.I Saliv?t ??ng Qualities- Ww Variety Called "? 'nlntnbs." A triumph ot' modern pharmacy that ?s a blessing to thu whole world -that is tho opinion of physicians ..nd druggists who are familiar with the new, nuusoaloss calomel that is wholly free from the objectionable affects of the old-style calomel. An occasional purifying of thc system, and thorough cleansing ot the livor, are absolutely essential to health, and. tts all doctors know, cal omel was the only drug that accom plished this result. Now thal the un pleasantness and danger of salivation ari- entirely removed, the popularity ot' the now calomel, "Caiotnbs," will !>e vastly increased. Its effect is delightful. One tablet at bed-lime, with a swallow of water--thai s all. No salts, no nausea, no griping, nor ibo slightest unpleasantness. You Wilke up next morning feeling line. your liver cleansed, your system purl lied, and with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Kat what you please- no danger of salivation no restrictions h tbit o>- diet. For your protection Oalolabs ?bi em ly in original, sealed pack price thirty-live cents Yonv durggisl recommends and guarantees 'hem by refunding your money ii' you ari? not delighted with them. :. 'V. Say banners Stole Hay. Greenville, May 29.-Charged with larceny. Perry Edwards and C. I'-. Phillips, farmers who live near Camp .' vier, have been bound over to the Federal Court b> ('lilted Sta.ti's Com missioner Williams, charged with the theft ol hay from the goveriun ni reservation ai the camp. Both de fendants on Monday 4.ive bond in lb?> ?min of ?l.OOt) each for their appear : ace al Anderson f ederal Court, .vhich convened Tuesday morning. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly (mt should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. A t rocities Denounced. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 28.-Atro cities committed upon .Jews in Poland were denounced In a resolution adopi yesterday by the Mizrachi organization of America at tho last session of its convention hore. The resolution calls upon "the conscience of the free American people and its Congress to ev ..< iso the power ?nd public opinion to save our brethren Irani the Impending fate of annihi la i lon." Cheapest thing on earth-The t out lor at $1 a year. Got lt fclnybA "*ui TITTNK thoy'r? ntl r. may no you'ra WrOIUs ?teilt lt. Pidna In the bec*, cloudy reddish sec. ?men t In tho m ino, nil Imitation Of tho heart, puffy a\\n under thu ryca-those nr* BOMB ot the aynipiotnH of kidney trouble, and they call for DR. THACHER'S AUB * SYKUP A remedy of ti J yeer?; ntnnd> In?, Laxative or eulbertie; livor lOKolator; blood puri fier eiul kl ".ney tonic. At your drug store. Ho Titre w Calomel Away Wm. S. I'rliKT of rtbmtiij;!idi:i. Ala., write*: "t suntrii.ii wiih Indlgt-fition, btllioinne.** rttnl kidney trouble, 1 tri^l cnlomel u ml tho (loetora for ??"?it . Finally I trlrd mt. TUACUKIPS I.IVKR AND DLOOD HY HUI* and th* (Irrt boult re I i ev rd mc Tory much. 1 a*t .Outld and writ, can o*t thing." THACHER MEDICINE OO. ?hwmnooga, Tana., ?. 8. A. m I For Salo at NORMAN'S DRUG STORK, Walhalla, S. C. WHIP GRAFTING IS FAVORED Method Has Advantage of Being Adapted to Small Plants-Can Be Done During Winter. (From the United Staten Department ol AKrlcultnre.) ! Whip grafting ls the ono almost universally used In root grafting. Il has the advantage of hoing well adapt? ; ed to small plants only ono or twe years of ago, as Voil as tho other great ? consideration that lt can be dono In- ! doors during the comparative lelsur? j of winter. The graft Is made by cutting th? ! stock off diagonally-one long, smooth cut with a sharp knife, leaving about three-fourths of an inch of cut sur face. Place the knife about one-third of the distance from the end of tin cut surface, at right angles to the cut, and spilt the stock in thc direction ol Its long axis. Cut the lower end ol the scion in like manner, and when thc two parts are forced together the cul .surfaces will lit neatly together and will nearly cover the other if scion and stock are of the same size. A difference in diameter of the two parts to be united may bo disregarded unless lt be Whip Grafting: a, the Stock; b, th? Scion; c, Stock and Scion United. too great. After the scion and stock have been locked together they should be wrapped with live or six turns ot waxed cotton to bold the parts firmly together. While top grafting may be done In this way, lt ls In root grafting that the whip graft finds Its distinctive field. When the roots are cut Into lengths ot two to five or six Inches to bo used ns stocks, the operation ls known ns piece root grafting. Sometimes the entire root fS used. The roots are dug and tho scions are cut in the foll nnd stored. Tho work of grafting may be done during the winter months. When the opera? tlon has been performed, thc grafts are packed away In moss, sawdust or sand In a cool cellar to remain until spring. It ls Important that the placo of storage should be cool, else tho grnfts may start into growth and bo ruined, ox boating and rotting may oc cur. If the temperature ls kept low-? not above 40 degrees P.-there will be no growth except callusing and tho knitting together of stock and scion. In ordinary propagation by means ot whip grafts, the scion is cut with about three buds, and the stock ls nearly as long ns the seton. Thc graft is so planted ns to bring the union of stock and scion not very far below the surface of the ground ; but where the trees aro required to bo especially bardy In or? der to stand severo winters, and tho roots used are not known to bo so hardy na tho plants from which tho scions bnvo been cut, a different plan ls adopted. The scions are cut much longer and the roots mny be cut short? cr, and the graft ls planted so deep ns to cause roots to Issue from the lower end of the scion. When taken up to bo set In the orchard, the original root may be removed entirely, leaving noth ing but tho scion and the roots which have been put forth from lt. This ls n common practice In preparing nur sery stock for plnntlng in the north ern part of the Mississippi valley. GASTOH For Infants and Children Sn Use For Over 30 Yearn Always bears i n Signature of /?&?>&i? Ked ( ross Ont of Phire An Illinois physician who lind ?no iorod Into an ( >hio iowa fenn I a porter standing back of the m ?chino laughing. "What's tho joke."* inquired ibo owner of t he ca r. "Xuthin', boss; bm you're a doc tor, ain't you . " "Yes." "I thought so when I saw thal Bed ("ross on tho front of yur c;?r, Bu! if I owned the car I think Pd pul thal sign on the back." The doctor walked around to the rear and looked at his license tag lt read : " 1 ?OOO 111." Beauty ?t th? wheel! Ah! ho Sh? knows more about motor booka ! She knows about ignition, sho All about her engine and her and crooks. She knows all about her start? The system that lights her car edge takes the cake! And more than that, she know Of a motor runnning smooth speed ! And for that very reason, and She buys "GREEN FLAG" 1 ELSE, for nothing else You can buy this splendic any of the following well knc county. Bo sure and look one PIEDMONT AUTC C. L. ZIiV:MizRMAr F. O. MATTTSON SERVICE IS UNSATISFACTORY. nulluni Council Asks Telephone Uom puny to (.'uuse. i Farm ann Factory, May 2tL) As a resit i I ot complaint as io un satisfactory service, council has stop ped in and asked that tho Oconee Telephone Company show cans?? ns 10 why (heir wires should not lie re moved from the Seneca streets. In tile petition presented to tue com pany and signed in council May 21, 11 is staled thai no permit for the .lection of the poles and wires on und across tho streets t? .ie town lias linen given, and because the noli>s ind wires are no; properly kopi up ami maintained, they aro danger ous to travel within Hie Iowa. The management ot the telephone corn jinny is directed to show cause liefere council on ' June :ld why thc unes should not be condom: ed as a nuis ance and their removal effected, this procedure it is neped dint de cided improvement in 'he service of the telephone comps nv in Seneca might be undertaken, lt might he stated that the help in the local oilice is very good, but that because of the lines no! being kept in proper repair it is impossible for the opera tors ?o get confections promptly. Ask Your Grocer CHEEK-NEALS ^COFFEES . Best By Every TesFy Di. Marett to Return. (Farm and Factory, Mi?> Hov. .v. I?, Maren, bas icccived news of the safe arrival In New York Of bis son Dr. Mareil, who left Sen eca and joined the Medical Corps ai tho outbreak of tho war. In his mes sage to Kev. Mareil he'sa ld thal bis wife was willi him then, having tra veled from her home in Virginia to New York, lt is expected that Dr. and Mrs. Mareil will come to Seneca to visit rein t ives soon. Pay in advance-Courier $1 year. I Owe My Life Mr. McKinley's lettei brings cheer io all win may bo sufferers as h< was. Read it: "I can honestly any thal l ow my Hf?? lo l'ennui. After Homo o tbo boat doctors in Ibo count r; g.-ivo mo up and told mo I cooli not llvo nnOthor month, Perimi ?ovo?! mo. Travelling from towi to town, tbroiiKboul tbo countr; and havhiK to KO Into all kind of badly hooted stores and build 1 n K'', sometimes Ht ?indi HM: up fo hours at a limo wbllo plying m: trade ns nuctionoer, it 1H ont natural that I had cold* fre quentlyi so when this wouli occur I paid little attention to ll until last December when I con tracted a Hovero cane, whlel through neglect on my par nettled on my lungs, when ni mont too late, I began doctoring bot, without avail, until I benn of Peruna. It cured mei so cannot praise it too highly." w serene she looks: cars, than's e're been writ in rt circuits and transmission: carburetor, and all their hooks >r, her clutches and her brake: and blows her horn, her lenowl -8 full well the need, ly, when she wants to put on she's found the reason true MOTOR OIL AND NOTHING will do! Hy superior MOTOR OIL from ?wn and reliable dealers in this of them up, when you "oil up" ) CO,, Walhalla, 5, C. sf, Westminster, S. C, & CO,, Seneca, S, C. No. 6 CITATION NOTICE. The Stute of South Carolina, Coun ty of Oconee.- tin Court of Probate) -By V. F. MARTIN, fcsq., Probate .ledge. - Whereas. IO. .1. STONE has made suit to mo lo grant liim Letters of Administration of the Fstate of and Effects of W. T. Mere dith. Deceased These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred mid creditors of the said NV. T. M F RIO DI TH, Deceased, that they be end appear before nie, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina on Thursday, the 5th day of .lune, MM fl, after publication hereof, ft I 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If any they have, why the said Administr?t ion should no' ho granted. Given under my hand and seal thin 2 1st day of May. A. D. I !? 1 9. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, lnde;e of Probate for Oconeo County. South Carolina. Published on the 28th day of May and 4th day of .lune, HMO, in The ?Ceowoe fourier, and on the Court 1 House door for the time prescribed I.y law. 22-2? CITATION VOTICE. Tho State Of South Carolina. Cou?* .y nf Deonne.- (In Court of Probate' -Itv v. F Martin. TOso... Probat* tudge. - Whereas, T. D. POORIO hus made suit to nie to grant him Letters of Administration of the Es tate of and Effects of DR. BUR I' Ml TC M ELL. Deceased - These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of tho said Dr. p"v? Mitchell. Deceased, thal they be and appear before nm. in the Cour* nf Probate, to be hold at Walhalla Court House. South Carolina, on iliesday, tho 10th day of .lune. . 919, after publication hereof, ot ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show nan se, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 26th day of May. A. D. lil 10. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN. Jildnre of Probate for Oconee Co.. S C. Published on the 2Sth day of May mid Ith day of .lune, 1919, in The Kpowoo Courier, and on the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. 2 2-2 3 .VOTIC1 ! TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Es tate of lVANS PHILLIPS, Deceased, aie hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same, duly st ickled, within the time prescribed by ?n w or be barred. I. W. In-.XRY, Administrator of the Es tn to of Ivlns Phillips, Deceased. May as, i ?i in. 22-2:; The Courier, $1 a year ulva nee Pay in to PERUNAI It Cured Me Mr. Samuel McKinley, 3507 E. 12th St., Kunsofl City, Mo., Mem ber of tho Socloty of U. 8. Jowelry Auctionoors, Sold Kveryrrhere. Tablet or Liquid Form