Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 23, 1919, Image 5

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THE ANDERSON GLEE CLUB. Entertainers Will Appear nt Walhalla Auditorium Next Friday Night. J Music lovers [of Walhalla are ex- | pected to turn out en masse Friday night of this week at 8.30 o'clock fpr tue appearance of tho Andorson 1 College Glee Club. Tho entertain- I ment will be given in the auditorium Of tho Walhalla High School. The club has just completed a tour of sov- ! eral of the colleges in Hie Stale, and | has boen enthusiastically received j wheiever it has appeared. Concerta ! have already been given at Clemson, | Purmail, Wofford, Presbyterian Col lege and the University of South | Carolina with great success. Tho : young ladles of the Baptist institu tion have one of tho best glee clubs ever put out from the Piedmont sec tion, and are said to render vocal selections appetizing to their hear ers. Those appearing at tho audito rium Friday night will include: First soprano -Misses Elise Bass, Alliene Pettway, Ad Lone Jones. M yr- 1 tie Workman. j Second soprano - Misses Clarice Townsend, Caryl Cox, Ruby McMil lan, Agnes Thomas. First alto-Misses Pauline Miller, L.O?S Stanford, Thelma Osborne. Second alto-Misses Frances Ham ilton, Lois Anderson, Florence 1 let rick, Flea nor Bass. Accompanist - Miss Edan Brock, and Miss Lucy Primrose Whyte. Tho Program. "Come Down, Laughing Streamlet" (Spross)-Cleo Club. "When You and I were Young, Maggie" (Butterfield); "Love's Old. Sweet Song" ( Molloy)-Misses Tho mas, Bass, Hetrick. Hamilton. Piano solo (selected)-Miss Brock. "Dinah" (Clayton .Iones) -Glee ? Club. "School Girl Chorus" - Misses Workman, McMillan. Townsend. .Iones, Stanford. Anderson, Miller, Hetrick. "Recipe for Making Pancakes" (Lecocq); "Snow Storm" (J. H.Rog ers)-(?lee Club. "Shena Yan" (Mrs. 11.11 .A .Beach ) : solo (selected) - Miss Hass. "Homophone"-A Scale of Girls. Solo (selected)-?Miss Bass. Popular Croup--(?lee Club. Scotch Folk Dances--"Highland cling." "Sword Dance," - Miss Whyte. I "Home of Liberty" (Schindler) Oleo Club . L\SI o? niiR pim H IS HACK Transport Xeelandia Arrives with the Remainder of "Old Hickory." j Charleston. April IS.-With the, arrival of tho transport Zeelandia at the Charleston port terminal to-day, the final units of the Thirtieth ("Old Hickory") Division, which first pierc ed the Hindenburg line at Its strong est point, were landed on American . soil. These mon of tho Thirtieth Di- . vision were principally of the 105th I Engineer Regiment. Other units of various divisions, including more than Ti00 negro soldiers of the "ser- j vice of supplies." were included in j the 2,">4 l olllcers and men who were I debarked in just 3 1 minutes. The! soldiers were carried direct in four | military trains to Camp Jackson, Co lumbia, for disinfection. Among the interesting scenes at the pier was the mooting of Capt.. Gordon L. Groover, .Jr.. of Savannah, with his wifo and two children, it hoing the first time that Capt.Groover had set eyes on his ten-months-old son, Gordon L. Groover, 3d. Capt. Groover said to n correspondent for the Associated Press, "I am the hap- ; plest man In this outfit, and all of j us are happy enough on getting back to the good old U. S. A." j Capt. Groover's greeting of tho j cooing infant was cheered heartily. | Various officers and men were pro fuse in their personal expressions of appreciation to women Red Cross workers at the port torminal for thoir radiation of cheer and omfort among them. The soldiers were par ticularly delighted to-day with the generous portions of fresit fruit and Ice cream, distributed (brough the Red Cross. Although tho Zoolnndia was the eighth of the transport' bringing sol diers here from overseas, thousands ol' Charlestonians took advantage of the flood Friday holiday to throng along the water front by way of greeting to tho soldiers who so crowded the port rall that the steam ship took a decided list to the left. The usual screeching of steam whis tles and jangling of marino bolls were heard. Mayor Hide and an official party and a naval seaplane es corted the Zeelandia into the harbor. Two Oconeoans on Lisi. There were ninety-six South Caro linians muong the soldiers landed at Charleston by the Zeolnndin, and in tho lid of names published we note that two wore from Oconce. these being Luther E. Lev/Is. Walhalla. Oscar Wlgl'.gton, Salom. "OUR BOYS" DISCHARGED. Ocoiieenns Hoing Gradually Sont to Monies from Camp Jackson. Columbia, April 16.-The follow ing list of discharged soldiers from wconeo is furnished you tc-day for publication: April 12th. Morgan. .John, Walhalla; farmer. Pike, Ralph, Walhalla; farmer. Sanders, Lewis, Walhalla; mill worker. Stewart, .lames, Walhalla; farmer. Smith, Ernest, Walhalla; farmer. Slatton, Stiles, Walhalla; factory worker. Tow, Norman, Walhalla; factory worker. Molt, Robert, Westminster; far mer. Harbin, Marshall, Walhalla; far mer. Abbott, Hurt. Walhalla; farmer. Prince, Noah, Walhalla; farmer. Harbin, Raymond, Walhalla; me chanic. Hunt. Willie, Westminster; far mer. Meeler, Robert, Seneca; farmer. Crooks, C. J., Seneca; painter. Nix, Wm., Salem; funner. McCall, Lawrence, Salem; farmer. Gillespie, Henry, Walhalla; far mer. Hare, Luther, Westminster; far mer. Singleton, .lames, (colored,) Clem son College; plasterer. April 15th. Adams, Francis, Walhalla; sales man. McAlister, Franklin, Walhalla ; far mer. Haynes, Winifred, Westminster; fa rmer. Suttles. .lames. Westminster; far mer. Phillips, Clarence. Cong Creek; farmer. Singleton. James, colored. Clem son College; plasterer. A CLASH AT MARION SQUARE. Bluejackets and Citadel Cadets Come Together in Charleston. (News and Courier, April lit.) A near riot occurred last night as a result of an altercation between a Citadel cadet and a bluejacket. Two or throe fist lights ensued, hut shortly after midnight (he trouble had sub sided, no arrest, being made. ll was said that the affair was the result of heated language belween a bluejacket and a Citadel cadet ai the Red Circle Moll, A dance was In regress, abd the bluejackets resent ed the presence of the cadets with the result as ula tod. The cadets backed np their com rade and the bluejackets did like wise, and tho affair was continued in the streets. At King and Calhoun streets lt culminated In several fights in which lt is said that ono cadet was badly bruised. Whether or not any of tho enlisted men were injured is not of record. The police department was called upon to render aid. and a squad of i men was sent to tho scene at once ! and others called from adjoining beats to help them. Col. 0. J. Bond, superintendent of the Citadel, or dered the cadets to their barracks, and after some time lt was reported that all were in. A naval officer as sisted In quieting the disturbance by going among the bluejackets and is suing orders to them. It was not j necessary to call either a riot squad or provost guards to the scene. Eurmnn's Speaker Wins. Greenwood, April 18. - Speaking on the subject, "The Challenge of Human Need." E. B. Koli), represent ing Furman University, to-night was awarded tho first honor in the South Carolina Intor-collogiate Oratorical contest, held In tho auditorium of Lander College. R. W. Wilson, of the Presbyterian College, was given second place, while A. Stokes King, of Wofford, was accorded third hon ors. The second place winner bad for bis subject, "Our Creator Task," While Mr. King spoke on "The F.tor nality of Law." Found a Still in Home. Oaffney, April IS. C. Y. Allison, Slate constable, and- .1. II. Allison, chief of police of Bia ksburg, while, searching for stolen property at the homo of John Dickson, in the town j of Blacksburg, yesterday, found in I Ibo kitchen of Dickson's home a dis tillery which had been in operation. ! The still was made from a water I tank of tho kind used on ordinary i cooking stoves, and was an ingenious I contrivance. Dickson was arrested I and taken before Magistrate easton. , ol' Blacksburg, who required him to . enter into bond for his appearance at I Hie next term of Ibo Court of (louerai ; Sessions for Cherokee County. FOB CHILBHIiiVS WEEK. A .Messngo from Headquarters to the Sunday Schools of Oconee. "Children's Week" will be ob served in hundreds of communities in South Carolina from April 27 to May 4, Under tho direction of the State, county and district Sunday school associations, plans have been W. Griffith's Gigantic Military Spectacle ,000 People Cost $500,000 W' O F A" I ATlOrj 3,000 Horses 5,000 Scenes EXACTLY AS SHOWN DURING RECORD BREAKING RUNS IN ALL THE LARGE CITIES OF THE WORLD Decisive Battles of the Civil War-Sherman's March to the Sea-Grant and Lee at Appomattox-The South Before the War-The Death of Abraham Lincoln ! ; se of the Ku Klux Klan-History in the Making-Mighty Story of the Loves and Struggles of the Days when the Nation was Finding Itself. Greatest Story Ever Revealed on Any Stage ITT AUD?TORIL. Wednesday, April 30 Matinee 3.30 P. M. 77Y\ Thursday, May 1. Night Show 8.30 P. M. At ? ? EZ{~\ _Reserved Seats on Sale at Bell's Drug Store. /\Om?SS?Oll OUC*- One Week in Advance. made for emphasizing during this week the religious training of all children under twelve years of age. South Carolina is joining with all tho other State and provincial asso ciations in the observance of Chil dren's Week on the above dates. That there ls groat need of arous ing the continent to tho spiritual needs of tho children is evidenced by tho fact that at least thirteen mll ? lions of the twenty-live millions of children under twelve years of ago are receiving no religious education whatever. It is to help change this alarming condition and make it possi ble for all children to receive their religious rights that the leaders of tho International association sug gested this continent-wide observance of Children's Week in the spring of .'.? 19. It is conservatively estimated that there aro In South Carolina 25 0, 000 children not enrolled In tho Sun day schools. In a number of communities In .oath Carolina last year Children's Week was observed with great suc cess- now pupils hoing enrolled, cra dle rolls organ I/ed, graded lessons introduced, hotter equipment secured and emphasis laid on trained work ers for the children. Because of the success of Children's Week in 1918 in leading whole communities to linnie of tho spiritual needs of their children, lt is believed that the re sults of the observance this year will I be more marked, as tho week will bc more generally observed. The program as suggested for thc WOOk included an educational moot ing of pastors, teachers, parents and all others Iniorostod in the rel I gi out education of tho children, to considei the needs of the children, and bow 1 btise needs are being met in theil community. A pageant omphnsizlnf I hose needs has hoon prepared nut will bo given in a number of towns as well as in some, of the rural com munilles. Canvasses will he made ti I got the names of children out of th? Sunday schools, and follow-up vori will be dono by tho Sunday school Immediately. Institutes, cominunit; or school, will bo hold to study mor closely tho work In tho Sunda school, and bow tito Sunday scboo may more efficiently meet the de- ! marda, in many places some kind of a ; uctal meeting ls being planned for Hie children one afternoon dur ing the week Any community wish ing i>> join o tho movement where no loader hau 'leen appointed is asked to g'i In touch with the county or Stat? issoch I on. Write l\ I). Webb, General Secre tary, oi Mit i ( ora HolIand.Children s Division Superintendent, 714 Chap man. .'iuildiii!' Spartnnburg, S. C. Re; ; In m:nd tho State Conven- t tion, nine '., 4, 5, at Florence, the "Gato City" of eastern South Caro lina. Fraternally, Wm. S. Morrison, Pros. Coonee County S. S. Ass'n. Clemson College, April li), lilli?. MASTER'S SAIdO. STA HO OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF OCONFIO. In Conn of Common Pleas. Pu: mani ^ decree of the afore said Couri in the case named below, I will Dffor tor sale, to the highest bidder, In front of the Court House door, .i Walhalla, S. C., on MONDAY, the :"!.. day ol' MAY, lil I ii, lad ween the b r il hours of sale, the tract ol' land holow di scribed : The Danit of Columbia, a Corpora tion croa ted and existing tinder the laws of the State of South Ca ?linn, und J. A. Shanklin, Plaintiffs, against I A bniiUlin, as Executor of the la A'lll .id Testament of Dr. T. .1. Ickei Deceased; Virginia R. si II 111 TI ' dins A, Shnnklin, Jr.. ai rion' I'. Shan kiln. Defendants, All of that certain piece!, parcel or t. . : ot nd. situated in Oconeo (omi" : le State aforesaid, on Tug! 1 ) River, adjoining lands of J. T. ,Ioi n te of Dod. Spencer. S. VS. Max vii! lid others, and contain ing five hundred acres, more or less. ; the <aid :t having such shape. ; mot ?uttin 8 and boundlngs as rep rese I l)J plat of re-survey made i by lio: .( ! ,llerton, I). S., anil certi ! fled foi thc th day of Decemhdr, A. j I). I8ul; i d recorded in Clerk's 11, - moe ol Picketts District, Mesne Con voy : ce (looks 1.17 and 158, and cer tified foi* Mw 15th day of May, 1852. Thl irani Ol land was resurveyed hv ?J.D anders, D.S., March 28th, 1871, 'and by the plat of said re-survoy, whh ?i Ift referred to ns part of this ?morl tago deod, contains sovon hun dreit 'i'd ninety-eight acros, more or Concerning That Roof We have to offer at jobber's prices to the people of Oconee, big stock of Galvanized V-Crimp and Corrugated Roofing, British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles. 1 Car Windows and Doors, 1 Car Lime and 1 Car Cement. Buying this material in carload quanities we-are in shape to retail this material for less money. If you arc building or repairing any job, it will pay you to come for miles, as wc can save you money. Everything in BUILDING MATERIAL. Matheson Hardware Co., WESTMINSTER, t>. C. less, hoing Ui?> sam<> land conveyed on the following Saleday, or some to mc ?T. .1. Picketts) hy .lames J. 'convenient Saleday thereafter, nt the Turnbull, by deed dated the 1th day samo place and on tho samo terms of November, 1874, and recorded in I as horotofore set out, nt tho risk of Clerk's Office of Oconee County, in \ tho former purchaser? or purchasers, Mesne Conveyance Hook I), Page 854, and ccrtllled Nov. 4th, 1874. Terms of Sah?-Cash on day of Sale. That in ovent of failure of the purchaser, or purchasers, to comply with the torms of salo within five days from dny of salo, tho Mastor do re-advertise and ro-soll said promises and that ho do continuo so to do until ho has found a purchaser, or purchasers, who comply with tho torms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Mastor for Oconee County, S. C. April ni, 1919. 16-18