Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 02, 1919, Image 6

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?VEOWEK COURIER (established 18-10.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Sl'HSCKlPTION l'IUCK Ono Your.*?.O0 Hl.v .Months.55 Three Months.IM) Advertising Untes KenHoimblo. Hy Stock, Shclor, Hughs At Sholor. Communications of u personal character charged for us advertlso mentH. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will ho printed free of charge. All ovor that number must bo paid for at tho rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C. WKIKNKHDAY, A THU J 'Jt, IOIO. I I ?HU SOON OUT t)V SH I tV lt'IO. Artillerymen Will be Mustered Out of Service Immediately. Coln nihill, Mnrcb 21?. The I I ?Uh Kleid Artillery Regiment of tho BOtli Division, which arrived al Camp Jackson yesterday, will be complete ly mustered out of servie?' by thu end of tho week, according lo a statement made to-day by Col. Albert L. Cox. ol' Raleigh, V c.. its commander, Col. Cox said Ililli III least one ball' of the regiment would receive its discharge Friday he hoped all Of them thal day. At all events all the men will receive their discharges by Saturday. The unit consists of Iii olllcers and 1,215 I men and is composed of North Carolinians. Olllcers and men of tho regiment wore busy to-day arranging for Hun I discharge. A largo number of Ibo men were given their lilia) physical examinations, and Ibo company com manders and ?dorks were busy pre paring the final discharges and put ting the records ol' tho regiment Into Simile. Anxious to Hot Home. The nu n aro not letting any grass grow under their feet. Throughout the day tho enlisted men were visit ing the canteens at Camp Jackson, purchasing dross suit cases to put their offocts Into, preparatory to tho exodus for their home towns. The mon and olllcers are Jubilant over Die prospects of seeing their kindred in the next, few days, and they aro talking Joyously of the "Old North Stato.' Columbia to-day and to-night was in possession of tho members of Hie regiment. An entertainment was given the olllcers mid men, who wore relieved from camp duty (rom four o'clock until tonight. They were served various sorts of refreshments -fruits and confections from booths on Main street .and a number of dances and other affairs of a social nature were given in their honor to night. Tho North Carolinians have completely captured tho South Caro lina girls, and unless a soldier bad on an overseas cap and wore the in signia of tho "Old Hickory" Division he did not stand much of a chance. MOTHH lt! DON'T TA KM CHANCES IP CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED. If Cross, Feverish, Siek, Hiltons, Clean Little Liver and Bowels. A laxative; to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Children simply will not lake Ibo time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged lip with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Hook at tho longue. Mother! If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or ?my ether children's ail ment, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nio Syrup ?d' Figs." then don't wurry, because it is perfectly harmless and in a fe? hours all (lils const ipa Hon poison, som- )>Ue tod fermenting waste will gently move out of tho bowels, II ml yon a vve||, playful child again. \ thorough "inside cleansing" ls ofttimes all that is nee ossa ry'. Il mould be I he I'M -1 i rea <. ment given in ?my ..iel.m-i.s. Dowan1 of counterfoil Hg syrups Ask your druggist l'or a dl-conl liol Ile ol' "( '. I : ! ninia S\ ru p of i- ii'S, which bas lull directions for hallies, children o' ..ll ages, and tor grown ips. plainly printed on Ibo bottle. Hook carefully and see that it is made by (he "California Fig Syrup Company.' adv. ?-.* *~ . - Ship Sunk by (bile. Philadelphia, March 28. Caught in a sixty-inile-an-liour Kale, the steamship Joseph J. Cuneo sank near the harbor refuge at Delaware break water today. The cargo of 17,000 bunches of bananas, valued tit $50, (100, was desi roved. Pay in advance-Courier $1 year. "OLD HICKORY" BOYS COMING. I'wo Thousand >lon of tho Thirtieth Division Have Itcachcd Cort. Charloston, March 27.-Tho trans port K?nigin der Aederiauden, from c. NiiKuiro. with mon; than 2.000 moil of the Thirtieth Division aboard, roached tho outer harbor carly thia af torneen and was uxpootod ti/ dock itOforo dark. Tho troops will debark to-morrow, rhu K?nigin dor Nedorlanden, which sailed March 13, originally was dea >ined for Newport Nowa, but orders from tii<! War Department diverted her to tliis port. On board are 70 0 nice rs -iml 2,17", men of the "Old Hickory" Division, composed of uoops from North Carolina, South Carolina and Tonnessee, and three civilians All of tho 1 15th Regiment of Held artillery, excepting nattery A, which was commanded by Col. Harry S. Korry, ls aboard. There aro IS offi eors and 1,101 men in this unit. Twenty-two officers timi 7H men of the 1 05thAmmunition Train.which was commanded by Lieut.-Col. Wm. V. Lewis, compose tho only other unit aboard. Included In this unit the train headquarters, headquar ters motor battalion. Companies A. Il, 0 and I>, medical and ordnance detachments. :t,000 Troops on the Mercury. The transport Mercury, willi more than 3,000 troops of the Thirtieth Division aboard, docked hero early this morning from St. Nazalre. Tho Mercury sailed from St. Na zairo March 15. There are 60 olllcora nd 3.04 5 tuen of the "Old Hickory" .division, which is composed of Ten nessee, North Carolina and South Ca rolina troops, aboard. Brig.-Gen. H. lt. Tyson, who commatulod the ."?'.Ith 1 lirigade ol' Infantry, composed of the j 117th and I I st li Regiments of In fantry und Hie i i Uh Machine dun Hattalion, ?Iso is aboard. Most of tho troops are those of the I I Stli Infantry, which regiment was commanded by Col. Orrin ll. Wolfe. Then? are r?S officers and 2,523 men of that regiment on Ibo Mercury, as woll as regimental headquarters. They are headquarters and supply companies, ordnance and medical de tachments of (he Second Hattalion ) Headquarters, medical detachment of I thc Second Hattalion, Companies 10. r, (J, ll. I and K, and repair shop. They have been assigned as follows: Camp Jackson - Forty olllcers and 1,254 mon. Camp Fike-'Two olllcers and 122 mon. Camp Travis.Two ollicers and 1 0(5 men. Camp Dix.One otllcor and 85 men. Camp Lee-Oneofiicer and Si men. Camp sherman-Two olllcers and 1 2 0 men Camp Cordon-Two officers and 1 SO men. Camp Dodge-Six olllcers and 52:1 men. Camp Jackson - Repair shop, two ollicers and 25 mon. There are six olllcers and 500 men of (lie 105th Ammunition Train on board including headquarters horse battalion, Companies B, F and C. who have been assignod as follows: Camp Jackson-Fivo officers and 00 mon. Camp bunston-One officer and 1 I 0 men. Five hundred ?ind twenty men of tho 70th Infantry Hrigade headquar ters, which is part of the ?LSth divi sion, composed of Indiana, Kentucky and West Vrgiinia troops, are aboard tho Mercury, and will go to Camp Jackson. CASTORIA For Infants and Children IR Use For Over 30 Years Always bears thc Signature Army Growing Smaller. Washington. March 23. An oill clal report prepared by the goner;.' ;t rr ami made public to-day gave thc "ital strength of the rutted State.-, army on March ls as HS, 15 I olllcerft a ni1 2, i 0 1,022 men a decrease of 10 percent since November ?. HMS, nu Much i Hie army was allua tee i? follows: In Europe, 1,115,340 of beers and mon; in Siberia, 8,007; a ?.i. S1.77S; in tho Hulled st;::, n !t I ; In insular pus IOSSIODH ? S FILLS ?RAND f LADIES 1 Aol* ? UruffftlM for CM-ctlit'.-fRR a /+ DIAMOND IiKAND PILLS in Rr.v ?IK1/A\ . <ID iin-tal'.ic li?.?es, filled willi WiiKO) Kltihon. TAX rt NO OTtlRH. lluy o'. tonr\7 ?)riiK?tlcil BIMI f..r ('UM'UKM.TClt 6 V Ul A.MOM ? nit A Ntl IMI.I.H, br t went v-fi vi .,?v.r* regarded UH Pr l.S.lf? ., Always Kel in Mc SOLD BY ALL. DRUGGIST ff?un EVERYWHERE f?SSS& TO I* HOT HCT AMERICAN TKADE. Death ?low to G?M inan Hopo of He capturing U. S. Markets. Washington, March 27.-German hopes of reconquering American markets received another blow to day. Users of dyes, chemicals, fer tilizers and other products originated by Gui n? m adelice were nonrieu ny tho alien property custodian that im portations from Germany hereafter would bo subject to prosecution as infringement of patents licensed un der the trading with tho enemy act for use by American manufacturers. Possibility of a dumping of great surplus stocks which Germany was reported to have accumulated wi th tho intention of under-selling and perhaps stilling the infant Amorican industries in tho same lines thus has boen blocked effectually before ship ments could begin. Government otli cials regarded tho decision as of far reaching importance to business in this country. Tho decision was announced in a letter from Alien Property Custodian Garvin to Hurwell S. Cutler, chief of the Bureau of Foreign and Domes tic Commerce, which said: "All of the German dye and chem ical patents (and in this classification there are included allied subjects, se ch as metallurgy, fertilizers, fixa tion of fertilizei i. hydrogenation of oils, etc.), have boen seized by th? alien properly custodian and sold to tho Chemical Foundation. The Chem ical Foundation will uso tho patents to prevent interference with the Amorican industries to which they relate, hy Germans after the war. by issuing non-exclusive licenses to American manufacturers, and will also institute suits for infringement based upon tho importation of goo I* of German manufacturers. "lt seems to mo that it would bo desirable to advise the trade in lit? United Stales that importations of (.orman chemical products may re sult in infringement of patents now ? owned by the Chemical Foundation, and thereby lay tho importer Uah! ; I to prosecution." Tho Chemical Foundation men tioned by Mr. (larvin is an associa tion of manufacturers, incorporated in Delaware, with a capital stock of $:>00,000, the voting smelt being hohl hy a voting trust composed of tho members of the advisory sales cor.i mittee of the alien property custo dian's olllco. Several hundred pnt I ents registered In this country.^J>y Liomin US, the most important coyer- j ing the manufacturo of drugs and ? ayes, for which this country has boen virtually dependent on Gorman)', have hoon licensed for use hy Anieri- j cans, and now names substituted for thc foreign designations, in order to make the industries more thoroughly American. The law provides a fixed compensation to tho originator of the patent. While tho alien property custodian in giving this opinion did not touch on copyrights, which also come under his Jurisdiction, it was said Infor mally that the same principle would apply. Several German-owned opnras and various scion ti Ile works have boon licensed for production and pub lication ?n tho United States. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Happiness lt Would Bring to Walhalla Homes. Hard to do housework with an aching back. Brings you hours of misery at lol suro or at work. If women only know tho oause that Backache pains often como from weak kidneys, 'Twould save much noedloss woe. Doan's Kidney rills oro for weak kidneys. Head what a Walhalla citizen says: Mrs. C. H. White, Broad St., says: "About five years ago I had bnokache and other symptoms of kidney trouble I had sharp pains shoot through my kidneys and I was In putty bad shape. I was feeling quito mlserablo when I was told to try Doan's Kidney Pills and one box entirely cured me. I ad vlso anyono suffering from kidney complaint to give this remedy a trial." Price 6nc. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills - the same that Mrs. White had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. I rom Walhalh. Konto No. ?. Walhalla. |{, F. I >. 3, March special: Our tanners seem to be mak in.', good uso nf i he beautiful weather .ve a re HOW h. vi ni^. Mr. ami Mrs. .lohn Drewer and children, Ira and Lloyd, and Miss dary Ellen Mulkoy spent tho week? ..nd ai the homo of tho latter's pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. ,f. C. Mulkcy. Miss Annie Hrewor was a spond t ho-day gu os I recently at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. j, C. Mtllkoy. drove's Tasteies/? chill Tonic .estore? vitality and encnty by purifying and en riching tho blood. You can Boon feel hs Strcngth jiiiiu}. InvIioratln? Effect. Prlco COc. Two Orders to Meet in Columbia. t Tho Slate, 2 Ith.) '''Mliia will be the meeting place for two fi ra nd hodges in May. Tho Pythiuus decided several weckst ago to assemble here in Hie Capital City on : ii ' fourth Tuesday in May. ?md ii" t.nnouncoment was made yoster e. ty hy ?. F. Killingaworth, grand sec retary of tho Orand Lodge of Odd Fellows, that its meinhers will meet in Columbia on the second Wednes day in May. Tho Odd Fellows will ho roprosent . . I hy about 12". delegates at the an on;! I Convention, and the Pythian's meeting will bring about 300 of tho Knights to Columbia, &Ask Your Grocen" ..pv'-';.; nor ?EEK-NEAC5 e COFFEES - Best By Every Test Kain fall and Temperature. Ilolow is a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-operative observer of tho Weathor Bureau of tho U. S. Department of Agriculture, during tho week ending March -23d, lina, at 7 p. m. (The Instrumental readings arc from gov ernment standard instruments ex posed in the manaor recommended by the chief of the Weathor llureau): Character of Day. Dato Mell. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. S? Cloudy C' Clo Tom pora turo. I fi I ii.'. i o 7 I - - .- 7 C. i :s ?t a Total rr.'nil;.!1 ?< vism'M .\ Wy. Pa Intent i: eli ...< m p uni iona I too strong ?o yield to Dr. Karl premier, ai ess nf Paris i tolshovil; tomp?a ; ions." Kranit;ra, Czccho-Slovnk a dinner Riven by *h ? p io-.,;ght. "our nation will Bland linn ugalnsl it. unless ii o\oret)me bv Uolshov ism's main ag< nt hunger." Dr. K ra mar/.. In-discussing tho sit uation with the Associated Press, admitted Itolshovlsni is in dangerous proximity to C/echo-Slovakia, bul ho was distinctly optimistic as to the ultimate failure of this system of gov ernment. He said, however, that "'if Bolshevism is victorious in Itussia. then Russia will inevitably fall under German Influonco " PLA pip out foi For, with Prince Albert, you've got that cuts you loose from old stun Made by our exclusive patented p from bite and parch and hands you that ever was scheduled in your dir Prince Albert is a pippin of a pi beata the band ! Get th? slant tha man ever longed for in tobacco! figure up the sport you've slippe Albert quality flavor and quality sat You'll talk kind words every time y< Toppy red bags, tidy red tins, hnndtoi dort - and-that dany, practical pi ?pons* moittener top that keeps the R. J. Reynold? Tobacco Com 1). A. It. School Notes. - Tmuassee, March 24.-Special: Ai! thc second meeting ot* the Andrew !Mckens Literary Society Hie follow ing resolutions were adopted: We. the undersigned pupils of the 1). A. It. Industrial School and nieni oers of the Andrew Picketts Literary ! Society, hy way of showing our grut- I itude to the ladies of the 1). A. lt., do ! hereby resolve 1. To protect our school building, j furniture and grounds from any dam age whatever. 2. i o make use of tho opportuni ties afforded by our school. ::. To do all wo can to make our school more beautiful. 4. To endeavor to m.ike our school tho ideal place Intended by the 1). A. R. (Signed:) Sue Annie Todd, teacher; .lulls Cowan, .Mattie Rogers, Sophie Rog ers, Pauline Cowan, Ina Cowan, I let tie Green, A'.line Whitmiro, Dewey Green, Laura Sheppard, Eunice Cow an. Alma Cowan, Kate Xix, Laurenco Horrell, Lucien Whitmiro, Harrell Kelley, Robert Lindsey, Clyde Cow an. Jessie Wilson, Inoz Cowan, Km lly Crumpton, Obi Wilson, Janie need, Calvin Sheppard. Lloyd Xix. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially propared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. Cheapest thing on earth-The Courier at $1 a year. Get lt And then bo sure to buy somo 1019 War Savings Stamps. Hsiyas' (hJ&atinff Honey Heals Tlie Throat Cures The Cough Price 35c A FREE BOX OF GROYE'S CPFJ-TRATE SALVE (Open:! the Pores and Penetrate,1-) For Chest Colite, Head Colds and Croup, is enclosed with every bot tle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY You get the Cough Syrup und tho Salvo for ono prico, 35c. Made. Recommended and Guaranteed to tho Public by Paris Medicine Company Manufacturers of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Copyright UH by ",. H. J. Roynolda "H. Tobacco Co. .Y the smokegame with a jimmy e if you're hankering for a hand r what ails your smokeappetitet a new listen on the pipe question g tongue and dry throat worries! .rocess, Prince Albert is scotfree about the biggest lot of smokefun ectionl ipe-pal; rolled into a cigarette it t P. A. is simply everything any You never will be willing to d-on once you get that Prince isfaction into your smokesyStem! ou get on the firing 'line! ne pound one1 half-pound lin hunt* 3und cry ta utans humidor With tobacco in inch ncrfect condition. pany, Winston-Salem, N. C Eye Sufferers Who Need Glasses! linilroad fare paid one way to our Oconcc County Patients Who Purchase (Hasses. Eye? examined hy specialists and glasses made while you wait. Kodak Films Doveloped by Exports. Odom-Schade Optical Co., A. A. Odom. A. ll. Schade, President. Sec'y ot Treas. Consulting Optometrists. Masonic Temple, Greenville, S. C. MASTER'S SALE. STATIC OK SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to decree of tho afore said Court In the caso named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of tho Court House door, at Walhalla. S. C., on MONDAY, the 7th day of April. HMO, between tho legal hours of salo, tho lot of land below described: Jesse S. Carter, Plaintiff, Vs. Jabez Whittier and Mary Ellen Whit ner, Defendants. All that certain piece, parcol or lot of land situate, lying and being ?ti the County of Oconee, of the State of South Carolina, on the east sitie of Little Toxaway Crook, tit mouth of Cely branch, running down said branch throe acres in length and ?v.o acres in width, san." being In form ti parallellogram, containing 6 acres, moro or loss, and being tho tract of land conveyed lo Arthur Whittier by William Carson by deed hearing dato Ino Otb day of July, iflli). and recorded In office of tho Clerk of Court for Oconee County. S. C., Oil tho I Ot ll day of September, I p 1 0, in Deo.i Hook MM. pago 200, aid being H"1 same tr.iel conveyed :.) William Carson by Mrs. M. lt. ndiver : y tl cod lt toil .?th day of December, 1000, rind recorded In said oifice in liook ( C, -pare 5100. Terms ol' Sale-Cash. Thal in e eat ol failure of Hie purchaser, or purchasers, lo comply with tho terms of salo within live days from day Of salo, tho Master do ro-advortlso and ie-soll said premises on tho following Sn lot! ay, or some eonvonioiit Saloday thereafter, at the same place and on tho smile tonus as h oro to f oro sot out. ?it tho risk of the former purchaser, or purchasers, and that ho do con tinuo so to do until ho has found a purchaser, or purchasers, who comply with tho terms of salo. Purchaser to pay extra for papers ami stamp. W. O. WU IT 10, Master for Oe noe County, S. C. March 1 !Uh. I :i I 0. 12-14. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza ] LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tnblcts remove th? I causo. There Is only ono "Bromo Quinine." E.W. GROVE'S signature on tho box. 30c.