SL?OVVEK COU KIEK (Established I HU).) Published Every Wednesday Morning SUUSCUIPTTOX PRICE (mo Your.#100 Six Months.55 Whroo Months.:to Advert Ising Hates Reasonable. Hy Stock, Sholor, Hughs & Sholor. Communications of a personal churnctor charged for US advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at tho rato of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA i S. <\ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1?, l?ll?. CHANGE IX TAN EXEMPTIONS. Income Tax Payers Will be Inter? ested in New Otlicial Hilling. Columbia, Mardi 12, 1'.?!:>. Editor Eeo wee Courier: The ( olloclor of Internal Revenue has recul ved a communication from Washington which materially changes thu amount of exemption allowed taxpayers. Thu Regulations under Section ii. pago l. of instruc tions stale as follows: "If you were entitled to any of ?he foregoing exemptions during a part of lite year only, yon may claim as m?n> twelfths of ilu* exemption stated us liiere were months in such purl of tho year. Any part of :i month may bo counted as a month." This pa ra .ara ph has boen annulled and tho exemption should be allowed on tho busts of tho marriage status' on December ".1st. IMS." This' places Mu; exemption on the same j basis on Which returns were made for the year ia IT thal is. ii a man was married and living with his wile on that dato, ho weald he j allowed OOO, plus $200 for each] child. D. C. Hey ward. Collector. To Kel'iind Dank Taxes. Columbia, March 7.-Governor Cooper in a lotter to-night lo Julian Rogers, of Columbia, announced that ho would request tho next General Assembly to make some provision to refund tb bank taxes under tho Moise act hieb through error failed of ratification. This act provided that up to L'f> per cent of the capital and surplus of hanks which had in vested that amount or more in Liber ty Ronda should be exempted from taxation. Governor Cooper, in his tarier, took the position that tho banks should not bo made to suffer, as i: was plainly the intent of foe [.'odo ra I Assembly to have this act a law. and tho reason why it was not was because of an oversight. This act was one of the six which failed of rat ideation although passed. Ths Quinina That Does Not Affect the Head necaune of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIV li IlKOMO QUIN1NK is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the tull name and look tor the signature ol H. W. GROV?. 30C. Six Dinned to Death. Franklin, Maine, March 13. - Em ery Colson and live of his children wore burned to death to-day in a lire which destroyed his farm buildings at East Franklin. The children ranged in age from 2 weeks to I I years. GIRLS! THICKEN AND REA UTI FY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF. Tty This! Your Hair Gets Wavy, (.lossy and Abundan! at One?'. To bc possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful bair; soft, lustrous. Huffy, wavy and tree fro dandruff, is ".Merely a matter of .ting a little ! la nderine. !i is easy and Inexpensive lo have > be. soft 'nair, and hus of il .1 list gel a small I>MI I le of |< aowlton's l ia n (lorine now for n few ?? ml ; ail di un .-ore; recommend it apply .. little a - di reel? d, ,. nd wi : hi n len ininti los i here will bo an appen of abun dance, freshness, (hilliness an i an incomparable ..Jess and lustre, mid try as you will you cancel lind a trace of dandruff or falling bair; hu; your real sill-prise will he ofter ai.DUI two weeks' use. when you will soe n? w hair line and ,ot a bottle for her, and it sure K as the best thing I could have done. ! ;b?>i lol call?. Valcloata. 0a.? March 12. lo? Walker, i negro charged with shoot ing N'lghl Watchman Herald al Orconvillo, Flu., Monday night, was lakes from olllcers who wen- carry ing him lo juli at Madison. Fla., early '?i day i?nd shot lo death by H mob, Chief ot Police Swllley an 1 Police in rooper wore taking Walker lo a lison for safe kc< ping mid had ;one hui ;t snort distance, from OrocnvlUe when tho ?nob appen rod and domanded the negro. The negro, according lo the police, had ?i had criminal record and was . iiested al Tallahassee yesterday. (hove's Tasteless chill Tonic .cstores vitality and enerby hy i>urifyinf{ and en riching th? blood. You cnn noun feel its Strength cuing, Invigorating Kffect. Price GOc. Statement ot the Condition of THE ENTERPRISE BANK, located at Walhalla, S. C., at the close of business March 4th, 1919: Resources Loans and discounts. .. .$188420 90 Overdrafts . 332 GU Monds and stocks owned by tlio bank. 371 r,0 Furnitur? and fixtures . . 1000 00 Due from banks and bankers . 18673 58 Currency . 53G5 00 Gold. 1001 00 Silver and other minor coin. 1507 77 Checks and cash items. . 736 34 Total.$217408 82 Liabilities Captlal stock paid In .. . $ 20000 00 Surplus fund. 4500 00 Undivided profits, loss current expenses and taxes paid. 10857 00 Dividends unpaid. 40 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check. 9 4680 63 Timo certificates of de posit . 87188 35 Cashier's checks. 142 75 Total.$217408 82 State of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-Before me came Goo. Sea born, Cashier of tho above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing state ment is a truo condition of said bank, ns shown by the book? of said bank. GEO. SEABORN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of March, 1919. (Seal.) JOHN P. CRAIG, C. C. P. Correct-Attest: \V. E. HUGHES, E. L. I l ERNDON, A. P. CRISP, Directors. Statement of the Condition of THE HANK OF WALHALLA, located ut Walhalla, S. C., at the close of business March 4th, 1919: Resources Loans and discounts.. ..$373153 50 Overdrafts. 555 I 55 Bonds and Stocks owned by the bank. 7500 00 Furniture and fixtures.. io io 00 Hanking house. 1500 00 Duo from banks and bankers . 451 SI 28 Currency . 442 1 00 Gold. 355 "ii Silver and other minor coin . 209 si ('becks ?ni'! ?\ish items.. 32 10 .".'1 U. S. Treasury Certifi cates of Indebtedness. 10000 00 Liberty Bonds. 227-15 00 Tidal.$-17540? 7:J Liabilities Capital stock paid in. . .$ 50000 00 Surplus fund . 12500 00 Undivided pro fl ts, less current expenses and taxes paid. 37129 ll Due to banks and bank ers . 1154 IS : Individual deposits sub ject to check. 1734 16 4 2 ! Demand certificates of deposit. 1601 6 5 Time certificates of de posit . 196621 41 Reserve fund carried ou general Individual or savings ledger. 3040 93 Total.$17540? 7:t State of South Caroliaa, County of Oconee.-Before me came W. L. Vertier, Cashier of the above named Bank, wno, bein? duly sworn says that thc above and forogolng state ment ls a true condition of said Bank, as shown bv the booka of said bank. W. L. VERNER. Sworn to and subscribed before me litis 11th dav of March. 1919. (Soak) JOHN F. CRAIG, Clerk Court. Correct-Attest: C. R. D. BURNS. J. W. SIIELOR. J. W. BELL, Directors. Statement of the Condition or THE WESTMINSTER RANK, located at Westminster, S. C., at the close of business March 4th. 1919: Resources Loans and discounts. . . .$605663 90 Overdrafts . NONE Bonds and stocks owaed by tho bank . 5 6 4 50 00 Furniture and fixtures.. 1500 00 Banking house. 6000 00 f-Due from banks and bankers . 562 13 01 .Currency . 9Soo 00 'Gold . 50 00 Silver and other minor coin . 4 1 58 82 Chocks and cash items. . 3S16 26 Total .$743082 02 Liabilities Capital stock paid In... $100000 00 Surplus fund. 25000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 3012 1 0 2 Due to banks and bank j ors . 3684 22 j i ?ividends unpaid. L'!i ? 00 j fndh Idual deposits suh Jecl to cheri;. 300037 73 Timo cort ?li'ates of (le po.ut. 27060 1 KS bier's check . . i I 10 23 Bills payable, including cert inputer 0 r molloy borrowed . 12;.1 Reserve fund carried oil 1 ?enera I, : ml i vid na 1 < >r Savings Lo i ;er. 267 12 Total .S7 11)082 052 Slate nf South Carolina. County ol Ooonee. Before mo cu me .1. R Sullivan. ?' . ?bier of tho above named bank. who. being duly sworn says that Hie above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown bv tho hooks of sale1 bank. J. R. SULLIVAN. Sworn to and subscribed before UK this I 3th dav of March. 1919. I Seal. . F. M. CROSS, Notary Public for S. C. Corred Attest: T. PEDEN ANDERSON. .1. P. STR1BLIN0. I. G. BREAZEALE, Diroctors. ORDER NOV F. S. ROY? Norfolk, Va? Baltimore Columbia, S? C. Spa Atlanta, Ga. M Statement of tho Condition off lin: WESTMINSTER LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, located at Westminster, S. C., at the close of business March 1th, 1919: Resources Loans and discounts ...$133252 GT. Overdrafts . 366 ll Bonds and stocks owned by the bank . 4550 00 i arni turo and fixtures .. 1500 00 I Duo from banks and j bankers . 477 41 7 0 Currency. 237G 00 j Cob!. 357 50 I Silver and other minor ? coin. 19G 3? Chocks and cash items.. 7 3G Total.$100350.07 Liabilities Capital stock paid in ..$ 20000 00 Surplus fund . 5000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 1309 20 Dividends unpaid. 20 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check . 79544 31 Time certificates of de posit . 8136G IG Cashier's checks . 11100 Total.$100350.07 State of South Carolina, County or Oconoe.-Before me came P. W. Can ! non, President of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said bank as shown by tho books of said bank. P. W. CANNON. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ? Otb day of March. 1 9 1 !). (Seal.) A. n. STEWART. Notary Public for S. C. Correct - Attest : E. ZIMMERMAN, J. I). HULL, B. M. ENGLAND, Directors. Tho Courier, $1 per year. Pay in advanco And then bo sure to buy some 1919 War Savings Stamps. View Event Calmly Tinte Brings Knowledge Th nt hy Ute of Penetrating Remedy Suffer ing I? Avoided. es rag Thousands of women hnvo found by tho ?ppHendon of Mother's Friend, tho pene trating external remedy, prepared especially Tor expectant mothers, that pain and suffer lpg at tho crista ls avoided and that In addi tton tlio months preceding tho crisis nro free tSSSi nervousness, nansen, stretching and bcaring-down pains and general discomfort Mother s I rlond makes lt posslhlo for thc ??ainn i?n0,v*cp. ,a hcr!,c,f actually nhl nature In tho glorious work to bc performed, il/?^.ihc,p,"/r.hnni1, 11 wm" mcnn Infinitely less pain and tho hours nt tho crisis will bo restfulIn?g?t? 000 Cf CQlm rcpo,? and l?'D?n?h?n?? of. Mo.ther> Prl?nd the skin "*??L?Oft and natural, nnd experienced ?m r li 1?,y thn,t 11 19 rouch ^Ucr to keep ??S? ]??aUh K00*1 look? during tho pc them t?SRnc>r thftn to *'* to nSt1^ t? Dra?n<;!7oo;ia at State of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-Before mo came P. S. HOL LKMAN, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank as shown by the books of said bank. F. S. HOLLEMAN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this loth day of March. 1010. (Seal.) B. F. McELREATH, Notary Public, S. C. Correct-Attost: J. S. STRIBLING. E. C. DOYLE, J. F. ALEXANDER. Directors. Memorial Resolut ions. To the W. M.. Wardens and llrethern of Seneca Lodge, No. ls."?. A. F M.: Since in His infinito wisdom tho Grand Master of the Universe has ca Hod from labor lo rel'roshmonl our hrothor, .las. T. Ilarhin: Be it re 1. Tim I Seneca Lodge revers the ncniory of its devoted craftsman. 2. Thal it sympathises with his family. Thal a copy of these I'CSOlU lions 1)0 sen! to his family and il copy lo the county papers. I. Thal a blank pago 111 our record 'took he dedicated lo his memory. J. S. Strihling, .lohn Myers, Coin mit tee. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared SyrupTonic-Laxatlvo for Habitual Constipation. Il relieves promptly but should he taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Plcasunt to Take. 60c per bottle. rs ER POiiNTMENT COMPANY, , N. C. Charlotte, NJC Ala. Richmond, Va. Washington, N. C. j Statement of the Condition of THU CITIZENS' HANK, located at Seneca, S. C.. at the close ; Of business .March 4th, ll) 19": ! Resources Loans ami discounts. . . .$502985 08 I Overdrafts. (5 4 3 40 Furniture and fixtures.. 1 00 Banking house . 10000 00 , Due i rom banks and bankers. SO 180 34 i Currency . 10000 0 0 Cold. 12 5 0 0 0 Sil-er and other minor coin. 1721 90 ('becks and cash items. . 60 Ou Other resources. 157 00 Liberty Loan Honda own ed by the bank. (55139 00 Total.$?721??7 78 Liabilities Capital stock paid la . . . $ 50000 00 ! Surplus fund . 25000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. I 0323 8 1 Dv.o to banks and bank ers . 091 18 I Individual deposits sub 1 ject to check. 100734 39 Time certif?cales of de posit. 126709 4 7 Cashier's checks. 1078 93 .Votes and bills redis , counted . 40000 00 1 Bills payable, including certificates Tor money i borrowed. 15 000 00 Reserve fund carried on ? General, Individual or Savings Ledger, (un earned interest). 2000 00 Total.$072137 78 State of So"th Carolina, County of Oconee.-Before me came Sydney Bruce, Cashier of the above named j bank, who, being duly sworn, says I that the above and foregoing state I mont is a true condition of said I bank, as shown by the books of said ! bank. SYDNEY BRUCE, Sworn to and subscribed before mo I this loth day of March. 19 19. I (Seal ) ?. F. McELREATH, Notary Public for S. C. i Coi iori Attest: VV .1 LPN* VF Y. S. X. HUGHS, \V. F. AUSTIN, ! Directors. HOLDERS OF LIBERTY BONDS arc advised to hold thom. If you must sell, deal only with respon sible bankors. Wo Buy and Sell LIBERTY BONDS All Issues and Denominations. V/rito us if interested. TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 Member Fcdoral Reservo System ATLANTA, QA. Pay lu advance Courier $1 yoar.