"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj "T^N" ^LJ L IE ^ . Car fresh Young Mules to be unloaded to-day. This is our 6th car ot War Mules since January ?5. All 5 and 6 years old ard good broke; fat and ready for work. C. W. ?? J. E. BAUKN?G HT, MERCHANDISE ^ MULES ?* HORSES WALHALLA, S. C. IT PAYS TO BUY f-*OR CASH. I (Winston-Salem, N. C.) HIGH GRADE f i To the Farmers of Oconee County: Please take notice that I am now ready to supply you GUANO OF ALL GRADES at thc Old Harrison Warehouse, at Blue Ridge Depot. I am in business for myself, not as a member of a firm, as it was last year. Don't forget that this is the Union Goods, Call, phone or write for any information. Walhalla, S. C. 11 um.III ii mi? mim..nm-T ?i mi-rmi r - - MMMMHHMWUm wniv HBimManVI Tl IK VA ia IO OF XITKOt.lOX IX A FKRTililZHIt. Nitrogen not only produces vogel nido growth in cotton, hut it also A(Vl Ml LATHS IX LA KG IO QUA NT IT1 IOS IX T11 IO SI0101). Al Jj of this clement in tho plant and soed hus boon lakou from tho soil. Unless there is ample available nt tropeen furnished in tho soil, it is impossible for the plant to moko a good yield, as seed must, contain nitrogen lo mature. As cotton is a plant with a long glowing period, the nitrogen in the IVrUli/.er should come from such sources as will release it for use during the entire period of its growth. Compounded from Highest Grade Super phesphate. Dried Ground Blood, Soluble Fish, Genuine Slaughter House Tankage, Sulphate of Ammonia. Cotton Seed Meal and Muriate of Potash, carefully balanced for these particular soils and crops, and in perfect mechanical condition. I offer thc planters of Oconee County a linc of Complete Fertilizers that are unexcelled. ALSO y AMMONIATED COMPOUNDS, J 6% ACID PHOS PHATE, \6% BULK ACID PHOSPHATE, NITRATE OF SODA, COTTON SEED MEAL. My stocks arc large, and I will bc glad to serve yoti, PRICES AND TERMS RIGHT. J. C. RAMPLEY, WEST UNION, s, c. Flat Shoals H. I. A. Meeting. Tho Flat Shoals School Improve ment Association will hold its regu lar monthly mooting' nt tho school house noxt Saturday, March 1f>, nt isl y program und important business will he tho special features 01 the meeting. All members are urged to bo pvesent. Tho entlro community Is invited. Rsta Arve, S o'clock In tho afternoon. A liter Secretary. PllOPIUil Y CHANCES HANDS. | Hits of Interesting Notys from Seneca -Hoys Heturtnikg. -Seneca, March ll.-Special: L. C. Patterson and Kuri Harper have pur chased from .the Cary brothers tho grouter portion pf lite square upon .vbtch the business bouse of \V. P. Simmons stunde. This bas hoon tin Ugly spot in our city for some years, and we look forward with s.Ulsfuc t on to Its improvement. Ah Interesting meeting of the Once-a-WooK Club was held with Mrs. K. U. Doyle Thursday afternoon. While the members finished some left-over Red Cross sewing, Mrs. Lunney read inst ruc ive selections for their entertainment and bone it. During tb.' social hour a salad course .vus served, Mrs. Doyle being assisted by 11rs. .1. 10. Hopkins and Mrs. Cl. W Unllengor. Miss francis tlolle mun rendered a piano bolo, which ! was greatly enjoyed. The club will J 1 old its >v m M-;i:>.;; with Miss Ruby Harper. .lohn Lawrence. li. it home I from ovorsests. lohn says ho didn't pee the (iring line, but he (lld soe some things he never saw before, .ind "home looks good" to him. i (out, ". !.. ! in milton ls slinking bonds with friends In Sonecn and receiving ti warm welcome. Dr. J. II. Burgess, who has, been in '. M. C. A. work'al Cy mp .Creon. C., is cow relieved front ddty, fis many friends tire glad ?to wel come him back, it is ploasijnl news that Mrs. Burgess and little daugh ter. Mary. w!P '-on > join him. abd Ihoy will he ul home lo their friends In their residence on Walhalla virent anco more. * We noie with Interest that; listed nous tho medical men Just dis charged from the navy is the linnie of T. 0. Redfern, of Clemson College. Dr. Redfern is a son of Dr. A. M. Redfein, of (Mollison, a graduate of that institution and later of Johns Hopkins Medical School. He volun t sered for service at his country's I'rst call and now returns to us a youthful veteran of the world's" greatest war, having discharged his 'littles ably and honorably. Oconeo is Indeed proud of him. , Miss .Winifred Ad a m s ha s ? accant?ifc i ? position-ol?'W??cul^ land school. The school is to bo con gratulated. Miss Adams lins ability as an instructor and disciplinarian. Mrs. C. P. Martin and Miss Hilda Emerson, who were visiting their sister. Mrs. Clive Folger, during tho ,iast week, have returned to Chatta nooga, Tenn. Mrs. Mayne Lowery is on a visit lo her daughter, Mrs. AV. O. Hamil ton. This venerable lady was among bo first who made Seneca a spot on [he map and will always be grate 'ully received in our "City of Oppor tinity." Littlo Sarah Edwards' friends are rind to know that she is recovering 'rom a slight illness. Wilkes Bondy's friends are pleased o hear he bas fully recovered from lis lalo illness and is again on duly li the Marine Hospital service, Paris ls1 a nd. Helen Folgor entertained n few 'fiends at dinner las! Saturday in li'?nor of her I Oth birthday. Pat. Dickson, of Seneca ll. F. D" was in town Monday with an idea of niyjng a home and moving bis huntly here. Loud a band. Mr. P? operty Owner. Wo want such men is Mr. Diet;son with us. Mhort Molberg was on a visit to vV.:ilhnlla Sunday. The Christian ICndoavor reorgan ized lasl Sunday nt.tho Presbyterian church. This is Ibo society that our .?vis kepi going last year while our !;oys wore In tho army. Now that they are rotuming lo us the associa tion should do moro and betlei work, Youth Slays His Father. Birmingham, Ala., Mandi 9.-J, ,\. Kinley, chief train dispatcher of ibo Louisville and Nashville railway, was shot and killed by his I 1-year old son, Robert Kirtley, this morning it the residence in Roebuck Springs, i fashionable suburb. Tin; boy claimed be killod his laiher in dofouse of his mother and himself. Ho stated bu was preparing for Sunday school when his father ordered him to stay nt home and work in tho yard. His mother remon strated and tho father attacked her With a poker. I li? stated ho ran to tho bath room and got a shot gun and when ho reappeared Kirtley turned toward him saying: "I will kill you first!" "Shoot Bob. shoot!" His mother exclaimed, bo said, and he (Ired. Tho entire load entered tho father's jaw at close range and death was instantaneous. When tho neighbors arrived tho mother claimed she had (Ired tho nhot in an effort to shield hor son, it is stated. Tho boy, hdwevor, In sisted on telling what he claimed to be dotails of tho tragedy. Advertised Mail. Tho following is a list of letters re maining uncalled for In tho Walhalla nest ot?lco for the week ending March l'Mh, l? 19: Macy Mc1 aniel, Joni) Nichols, r.'sther S id esl. When calling for the above please jay they are advertised. N. Fant, P. M. ANARCHISTS AND SOCIALISTS AiU al mfttt. r ft? ? i' W. W. dut in? to Overthrow U. S. Government? lngton, March 10.- Moll feel'?od since tho signing of Jimstice has disclosed thal tho I. W.'.AV., anarchists, radical Social isas and others aro "perfecting an amalgamation" which has for ils ?bjee|- the overthrow of the Ameri can!; ffij?vornmorit through bloody I revolution and the establishment ol' a lioisjiovik republic, accord i ur, to r n?ejjn Post?nico Repartaient. Tili??.JipOoiO!' :. \\\u\ w;.s made pubiic to-d'n?R'hy C.'? committee and Chalr !n?Mv'l)veria i said it wouhl he read in'o record to-morrow. Hold and Outspoken, f^cjaftrlng h a in Bolshevism ibo rndicil elements of the country had ! for tIve ?irst Hmo. "found a common enso/'upon which they can unite." j V!t|?. astunnr said his iuformtvtion j fthowoft that propagando against tho . go vera tn eal. was being conducted v-th'-.'gront regularity am' thal Its i i'ngjmude cool I hi measured by tho "boifwfyitd oui spoken stn tomoo ts" ''pupiFMh the ll tern turo. Accompany':-1 iKg h'fs memorandum wore several hundred excerpts from mail matter .du?w?ii'g Hi" trend of ?ho propn rraildoY. These will he imidO public UitorV? V'..:'r? T. W. \V. Mo?l Active, '^amjenlav reference was made by ""IMcittu' to tho activity o? the ilOd foreign ch mont 1 in th? m hut ho said perhaps tho !. ."was tho most activo In the patio,- of tho propaganda he has "ot its commend a large force Known as recruiting ig?K^jts?bscriptioii agents, etc., who \v?j^sihc'oaxl-.?gly in the furtherance or caui-X." f $|$?oinei luntion in Germany on tho speedy conclusion of penco. Ile sahl that ibo urgent need of supplying Ger many was recognised hy al! tho governments represented ;.t Taris. Thc hunger with which Germany was confronted, ho added, was a bud 0 mselor. No ono could ho dead to tho inhumanity ol' continuing presen 1 conditions there, ;.,'? tiona) committee, in speeches and conferences in tho Twin Cilios to day and to-night, formally oponod tho Republican campaign for nation al victory at the polls In 10 20. Supreme nationalism was the koy nolo of the Republican lender's speeches. "While wo Reek earnestly and prayerfully for methods lessen ing future wars and will go far in deed in ali honest effort to that end, we will accept no indefinite interna tionalization as a substituto for for VOUt American nationalism," waa his Hiand on thc league ot nations ques tion in addressing the Northwest rally hero to-night, Ho also declared tor "strong F?deral regulation, hut not Fedora) ownorship," of Indus trios, Greenwood Negro Electrocuted. Columbia, March 8.-Aaron Walk er, the negro convicted at (?reenwood last December for attempted Cl'i ml-, nal assault, was electrocuted at tho Slate penitentiary hore this morning al 1.1.30 O'Clock for his crime. lt took three applications to kill him. Hi! protested Iiis innocence to Hie last. Tho case of Walker is unique ill (ho annals of South Carolina crimi nology. Ho was twice reprieved for unusual reasons. In tbellrstcase.it was because Hie Stale electrician, who applies Hie current lo tho elec tric chair, was ill from Influenza mid could not. ofllctate, and in Hie oilier the electric chair was out of order on ibo day set for tho electrocution. Mrs. i). W. Alderman Dead. Alcolou, March 7.-Mrs. D. W. Alderman passed away at 7 o'clock vostorday morning. Af tor tho funer al services nt tho Clarendon Baptist church, Alcolou, of which sho was a momber, at 5 o'clock, tho body was takon to Woll's Chapol, North Caro lina, for burial. Mrs. Aldorman ia survived by hor husband, throe sons and threo daughters. Mrs. Alder man waa an oarnost Christian, notod ter her kindnosa and gentleness of spirit. Many of tho poor havo boon holped by lipr. Sho wil) be greatly missod.