$00 BONUS FOR SOLDIERS. AU Honorably Discharged Soldiers, Sailors, Murines Got H. Washington, Feb. 25.-The United States Government now owes nearly two million men each $00. With the signing by the President last night of tho great six-billion-dollar revenue bill, which appropriates a bonus of $60 to every service man upon his honorable discharge, every discharged soldier, sailor and ma rine who has been honorubly dis charged is now eligible to claim this amount from the government, it was announced at tho Treasury De partment to-day. Tho $60 bonus applies to officers and nurses as woll as enlisted men. Many thousands of naval reservists have been placed on tho inactivo list, and also are eligible for the bonus. With more than 1,300,000 officers and men discharged from tho army, it is estimated that the men who have been discharged from all branches of the service now total close to ?.000,000. Applications for tho $60 bonus should be sent to the diroctor of nuance of the War Department in the case of soldiers and army nurses, and to the paymaster general of the navy in the case of sailors, marines end naval reservists and navy nue ces. Arrangements have boen made to speed up payments. All applica tions must include the men's dis charge papers and service records. Ownership of Uniforms. The House this afternoon formal ly voted discharged soldiers, sailors and marines ownership of their uni forms when the conference repon on the uniform bill v as adopt-* ? without a record vote. Tho report also carries a 5-cent mileage, Includ ing railroad fare to homes for all discharged soldiers. The report now goes to the Senate for adoption. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic .cstorcs vitality and energy by purifying and on I lching the blood. You can soon Teni ks Strength ening. Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. Largo Fire ul Hamberg. Bamberg, Feb. 2ii.-A disastrous Tue in Bamberg to-night coinpletly destroyed Jones's stables. The Are started about S o'clock und the llames soon gained considerable headway. it was thought for a time that a loaded freight train on the track near by-without an engine-would catch fire also, but prompt work on the part of tho reel and hose company saved the train, ?t is thought that about sixteen horses and mules were burned to death; also a great deal of feedstuff. Cotton stored at tho stables was saved, as well as a few horses and mules. Tlie heavy rain helped to keep the fire down and to confine it to the stables. The cause has not been determined. Beware of Counterfeits! Some are Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." For Headache Colds Neuralgia Grippe Earache Influenza! Colds Toothache Neuritis Achy Gums Lame Back Lumbago Joint-Pains Rheumatism Pain! Pain I Adults-Take ono or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Since the world-famous discovery of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" intro duced in 1000, billions of these genu ine tablets have been proscribed by physicians and Proved Safe by Millions. "Raver Croas" Buy only "Bayer" ion genuine \ fc 'Mi . , Tablets. V R JJ Plages 'Aspirin is the trade mark of Payer ^fan^|fac. turc of Monoaceticacidcster of Salicylicacid Ask for and Insist Upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." American Owned, Entirely. 20 cent packago-Larger sizes also. HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FL?. First Step lu Treatment Is a Brisk Purgativo With Cnlotnbs, tho New Nauseates s Calomel. Doctors have found by experience that no medicino for coldb and in ituenza can bo depended for full effectiveness until the liver is made thoroughly activo. That ls why the first stop in the treatment is tho new, nausealoss Calomel culled Calo tabs, which is fro? from tho sickening, weakening and salivating effects of tho old stylo calomel. Doctors also point uul thu fact that an activo liver goes a long wuy towards pre venting influenza, and is one of the most important factors in enabling the patient to successfully withstand an attack and ward off pneumonia. Ono Calotab on the tongue at bed time, with a swallow of water- ? that's all, No salts, no nausea, nor tho slightest interference with your outing, pleasure or work. Next morning your livor is active, your system is purified, and you aro feel ing fine, with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Druggists sell Calotabs only in orlknal sba?ed packages, price thirty-five cents. Your money will be cheerfully refunded if you do not find them delightful.-adv. IJUCIOUS V. WHITE WHITES To llomefolks-Enjoying Ufo and Hoping for Heturn. Mrs. R. BS. White, of Seneca, 'lt. So. I, recently received two letters from her son, L. P. White, who is In overseas service with the Ameri can forces. The loiters follow: Dec. 15, 1918. Dear llomefolks: This is Sunday morning and I will write you all a Hue or two. 1 um well except a cold, and that is not bad. Hope you are all well and fixing Cor Christmas. How are the crops this time? I hope you all made (huco) of everything and got R good price for it. 1 guess you will soon be welcom ing the boys homo. I don't look to get back lill spring, but 1 don't care. The weather is warm and rainy. I have seen the sun but twice in ten days. It rains most every day, but not hard like in old South Carolina. This sure is a good pince for cattle. Tho grass this morning ls so green and pretty. I have boon in France four months, and not one word have I heard from home. I would give most anything to hear Just once. I have written' most every week. I have not gotten any mail at ntl in Franco, but I have been on the move all the time in the last eight weeks. I have been over some of the old battle grounds, and it ls sure a sight to see the woods. The trees look as if they had bee? "deadened" and all the limbs fallon off. Some aro cut into cord wood, so to speak, and tlie ground is a mass of wire and holes. Some of tho holes ure deep enough to put our house in. I can't write you all about it, so will hush. I have been put in tho Engineer Corps and like it fine. 1 did not get on the firing line, but I got in sight of the fling the day before war ended. What has Rd done? I would like to seo him move over here-hn, ha! Toll all my friends hollo, and a happy and prosperous now your is my wish. Don't worry about me. I will ho homo when I get a chance. Jan. l, 1919 Dear Moilun' and All: On the first day of the new year I will write you a few words. I am well and having a fine time. Hope \ou all aro tho same. Well, Christmas lias passed and genie, lt passed (inletly. and I hope you ail bad a fino time Were tho?e any ?arties around i'oino this tim . would like to J,o to one more ..' Ne.w Hope, We have one over hore ev ry day or so now. but they do not interest ino as those at home did. Mother, 1 seo some fine people on. my rounds, and tho girls don't look look had at all ha, ha! There ure some good looking ones, sure. Inti I am coining lo Hie Fulled Stales ns ; loft- single. Do any of you ever hear from Monier Hoggs? If so, send me his address. I have not boen to Paris yet, but I hope to go before 1 come back. I have been lo Bordeaux; that is next lo Paris in size. Did you all neild me a box for Christinas? If so, I have not gol it yot. 1 hope you did not, for I have moved so in neb that I will not get lt ut all. What have you dono with my crop? I would Uko to hear from EXHIBITED "KAMERAD" GUN. Arrested By Police, Then Discharged By tho Court. New York, Feb. 26.-A weapon which could easily bo concealed in the palm of a man's bnnd and which was described as a "kamerad gun" because lt was used by Germans siter holding up their hands in token of surrender to shoot their American captors, was displayed in court to-day by Alexander P. Wat son, a Y. M. C. A. secretary of Knox ville, Tenn., as the reason for his arrest. Watson, who arrived in the city to-day, could not resist the temptation to snow the weapon to a policeman, who promptly arrested him as a violator of New York's law against carrying concealed weapons. Watson testified he arrived' at Newport News, Va., from France last Tuesday and brought back the gun as a souvenir. He was wounded twice and gassed once while serving as a Y. M. C. A. representative with the Ninth Regular Infantry, and received the second wound from the kamerad gun he now carried, he said. He explained that while work ing with stretcher bearers ho saw a German officer hold up his hands and shouted "kamerad." Ho started towards the Gorinun when the latter lowered his hands and fired the gun, the bullet striking Watson in tho wrist. Amei ican sol diers shot and killed the German. Watson's story and his exhibit won In's instant discharge by the court. From C. Mtzo. The following letter has been re ceived by Mrs. Hattie Edgear, of Westminster R. F. D., from her brother, H. C. Mize, who ls serving with Hie American forces in Europe: .Ian. 27, 1919. Dear Sister: Will again write you a few linos. This leaves me well and hope it will find you the same. I will send you my photo in my next letter. Tell "my girlie" that I sure would lick to seo her, and tell her also that I do not think it will be long until I will be coining home. Tell Hertha May to he a good girl, and that I will be back to seo my little sister within the next few mouths, I feel sure. Will close for this time. Lovingly. Ligon C. Mize. P. W. E. (lo. 264, A. I?. O. 7 72, A. E. F. LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and com plexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Mnssage this sweet ly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and soe how freckles and blemishes dis appear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harm less.-adv. FEEDING ALFALFA TO HORSES K Should Be Given Sparingly as DI gestlve Disorders Aro 8ure to Follow Liberal Supply. Alfalfa hay ls a good horse feed, common opinion to the contrary not withstanding. The trouble is that usu ally too much of lt is fed. It ls verj rh h nnd can hardly bo considere] rouijli! ge. We might almost as wei dump a bushel of bran into the maq gera as to cram lt full of alfalfa. t horses havo an abundance of it the; eat too much and often have digestiv* ! disorders as a result. Alfalfa shouhl bo fed very sparingly to horses. -?-. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Veers Always hears S/ f" Signature of you all once more at least, as it has deon five months since your last letter came to mo. I nm looking foi mall from home every day. (?ness you have written and I have not re ceived 'he letters. ls I).id gotling ready for his crop? I don'l guess 1 will get ovei ia time lo ph.ul ii crop, but I wi) bo on hand some time this su in mei I hope. Wo have boon In ibis town for a month or more. WIN boys are not doing much now. lt rains every day, almost. , I will tell you what WO had for Christmas dinner before I close: Pork, onions, pota loos, d?tes apples sauce, cake, coffee; so you seo Wo had a big feed. Our captain gave us candy, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco and a box of cookies. I must close, and write a few words to Ed. Wish you all a happy new year! With love, Pvt. L. F. White. Co. B, 604th Engineers, A. E. F., Franco. Co|>yi luhl wu ..y K.J. Roynoldt Tobacco Co. SUFFRAGISTS GET $5 EACH. M ado D?monstrations During thc Wilson Parado in Boston. Boston, Mass., Feb. 2f>.- Kines of $5 each were imposed in police court upon all but two of the women. Suffragists arrested yester day alHer\ making demonstrations during tho parade escorting Presi dent Wilson, Three paid their lines. The others refused to pay or to appeal and wore sent to the Charles street Jnil, where they will remain probably for eight days. Ono woman was dis charged as not guilty, and a girl of 14 years was discharged because the court declined jurisdiction. . Most of the women refused to give their names in court and wore nr. raigned at "Jane Doo." Had To Bo Ejected. Boston, Feb. 20.-Three of the suffragists who wero sent to tho Charles street jail because thoy re fused to pay flues imposed as a re sult of a demonstration while Presi dent Wilson was hero on Monday wero forcibly ejected from the jail to-night after E. H. Howe had paid p. eir flues of $f> each. The State !aw provides that prisoners must be released immediately after lines aro laid. The women members of the Na tional Woman's Party declared they would picket tho Jail to-morrow and ascertain If an injunction could ho brought to restrain the sheriff from accepting payment of their lines without their consent. They said Mr. Mowo was unknown to thom, Fines also were paid late to-day for two other women, who left Jail without protest: All those released to-day are residents of New Eng land.. Time Brings Happiness With Thc dawn The Coming of Baby Mark? tho Ad vent of a Glorious Future. Scientists say great stress should bc laid Upon tho rcmarkoblo Influcnco which thej mother's happy prc-nntnl disposition has upon tho health and futuro or tho genera tions to come. Tlicro ls a splendid preparation women for over hnlf a century hnvo applied hc foro tho stork's nrrlvnl, known ns Mother's Friend. This Is a most grateful, penetrating remedy that nt onco (tottens and Boothes the myriad of broad, flat abdominal muscles under tho skin of tho abdomen. Dy Its rec ular uso during tho period tho nerves, ten dons and cords aro relaxed and there ls an nbsenco of nausea, bearing-down pains, strain and general discomfort moro often than otherwise experienced when naturo la unaided. By tho uso or" Mother's Friend night and morning tho muscles relax with caso when baby comes, tito timo at the crisis ls shorter and pain and danger ls naturally avoided. Wrlto tho Bradfield Regulator Company, Dept. E, Lama? Dulldlng, Atlanta, Georgia, for their Motherhood nook, and obtain a bottlo of Mother's Friend from tho druggist, by all meniia, and get into condition to meet the criais, The Courier, $1 a year. Pay in advance \ . 1 is gear that just ? every man game enou; tidy red tin and a jimn Get it straight that i pipe or cigarette makin in P. A. That's beca You can't any more mal tongue or parch your throat drink when he's off the wat out by our exclusive patentee You just lay back like a re the cards and wonder why section in the P. A. smokepa to remember back ! Buy Prince Albert everywhere toi tidy red tina, handsome pound am -that clever, practical pound cty moistener top that keeps the tob R. J. Reynolds Tobacco C DIRE DISTRESS lt ls Near at Hand to Hundreds of Walhalla Readers. Don't neglect ail aching back. Backache is often the kidneys' cry for help. Neglect hurrying to the kidneys' aid Means that urinary troubles may follow. Or danger of worso kidney trouble. Here's Walhalla testimony. Mrs. J. M. Morgan says: "About two years ago I had kidney trouble and think it was brought on from over work. A dull, heavy ache in my back seemed to take the ambition out of me and I could hardly bend over to sweep for a sharp pain would go through me. Black spooks appeared before my eyes and I was frequently dizzy. Head aches mado me nervous and mornings I was tired and sore. My ankles swelled, too, and my kidneys didn't scorn to act as thov should. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills ? got a supply. In a Bhort time my hack felt stronger and my kidneys acted regularly. 1 continued using Doan's until I was en tirely cured." 60e, nt all deniers. Foster-Mllbum Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. FEEDING CLOVER TO CATTU 8WJ> pings and Trash Accumulated ll Bern Loft Should Be Saved for Poultry Flock. If one feeds clover to cattle, th| sweepings and trash that accumul?t! In the barn loft ought to be saved These sweepings ace composed mostl) of shattered leaves and seeds, and ar better for poultry than the whole plant One should have a barrel handy uni store these sweepings against futur) needs. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. iNOtlce i.s hereby given that the un derslgned will make application tc V. F, .Martin, Judge of Probate for 'conee County, in the State of Soutl Carolina, at his ol?loe at Walhalla Court House, on THURSDAY, the 'Uh day of MARCH, 1919, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or ns soon thereafter as said application' can be heard, for leave to make final settle 9ii( of tho eslale of Manson Casey, Minor, and obtain final discharge ns Guardian or said estate. W. (). WHITE, Guardian of the Estate of Manson Cnsoy, Minor. Feb. 12, li) li?. 7-11 NOTICIO OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconoo County, in the State of South Carolina, at his ofllec at Walhalla Court House, on Wednosday, March dh, 1919, at ll (/clock In the fore noon, or as soon thereafter as said application cnn bo hoard, for leave to make final settlement of tho es tate of Mrs. Lillian C. Crutchflold, Deceased, and obtain final discharge as Executrix of said estate. MUS. BESSIE N. Tl L M AN, Executrix of tho Fstato of Mrs. Lil lian C. Crutchflold, Deceased. Feb. f?, 1919. C-9 about smokes, Prince Albert ed to a joyhandout standard avishes smokehappiness on gh ta make a bee line for a ly pipe-old or new ! what you've hankered for in 's smokes you'll find aplenty use P. A. has the quality ! ce Prince Albert bite your than you can make a horse er ! Bite and parch are cut I process 1 g^ilar fellow and puff to beat in samhill you didn't nail a sture longer than you care bocco is Mold. Toppy red bag?, J half pound tin humidor?-and .stal glass humidor with sponge acco in such perfect condition. lo., Winston-Salem, N. C. Clemenceau Heaumes Work. Paris, Fob. 27.-Premier Clemen ceau .resumed hi? oflicial tasks to day. He was at the ministry ot war from 10.15 o'clock until ll o'clock this morning. Eye Sufferers Who Need Glasses! Railroad fare paid one way to our Oconec County Patients Who Purchase Glasses. Eyes examined by specialists and glasses mode while you wait. Kodak Films Developed by Experts. Odom-Schade Optical Co., A. A. Odom, A. II. Schade, President. Sec'y