Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 19, 1919, Image 5

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CLEARANCE SALE is OW I FULL SWING S FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, ?t WE have sold lots of Fall and Winter Goods in our After-Inventory Sale and we are^perfectly satisfied with the success of our SALE. But we are far from clearing our shelves yet, so as to have sufficient room for our Spring Goods. There are plenty of Winter Goods on our shelves yet that we must have sold out before the Spring season comes. *g *g We have discovered that our atocK being so tremendous, a 15-days* sale wasn't sufficient time to accomplish a satisfactory clearance of our Fall and Winter StocK? and such being the case we are issuing this circular announcing a CLEARANCE SALETAS for the entire month of February, offering you real bargains in many lines, disregarding profits and present cost. Any mer- TS chant will tell you how unpleasant it is to sell goods without the pre?t he is entitled to. But with us it isn't a matter of choice; it is a matter of necessity. We must reduce our tremendous stocK and we are compelled to sacrifice our profits to accomplish it. This is a case of: WE LOSE AND YOU WIN. Men's Hats* actual valu? $2.50 and $3.00; all s<ylc* and colors; itu excellent .se lection, TO GO NOW AT $1.65 MEN'S Overalls and Jackets, former price $2.50; a good grade for that price; TO GO NOW AT $1.98 Boys' Overalls, Sell everywhere nt $1.75 ?nd over. Sizes 20 to 3d. At this sale at $1.18 Men's Blue Shirts, $1.25 value, and in some places sell for still more. A good grado and heavy weight shirt, now 98c. Ladies' Skirts, In Wool Serges, black and blue only; full $5.00 values, IX) GO NOW AT $2.95 Men's and Boys' Clothing are still going cheap with us for the month of February. The prices range as following: .$16.95 $19.75 $21.40 $23.95 . .$31 OB . ..$133 .$?.8? MN N'S SUITS, formerly sold for $20.00, now at . MKN'S St'I'm, formerly sold for $25.OO, now n*. M UN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $27.50, now at . M ION'S $:?O.OO SUITS, in Pin? Blue Serge?, now at . HOYS? ST/rrs. formerly Sold for $5.0o, mm ut . liOVS'-SUITS, formerly ?>i<l for now nt . HOYS' SUITS, foinuerly si lo, for $7.e?(>, now at . Boys'1 Corduroy Suits, ?OOO YALURS FOR $8.0O, IN THIS SALK TO GO AT _$575_ ONK 1?YT OK Boys'1 Shoes - Boys' Shoes * VTOWni ANO $??.m>, TO GO AT $1.95 A Sale on adies' Hose Our stock of Ladies' Hose embraces all kinds and colors. We have cotton hose, lisles, fibre silks and pure silks ir black, white, bronze, gray and champ. This excellent stock of Ladies* Hose is put on our SALE LIST and to go at the following ju ices. bailies' Flue Guazo Seamless Hose, fnftt.blMCk und ')^P while, 85c value, now nt . .u lo Ijudios' Hinch Fleeced HOM>, rip top, fe . , . 50c, Q?^ now at .L.Jul! Ladles1 Mercerized Hose, in Muck, white und gray, OOo. A*)**. i iiliic, now nt .*rZ. U Iquitos' Silk Lisle Hose, pure silk piaf ed in hltick, white, bronze, gray, and champ gray, poe. vnlnc. ??r? now at .D?U Indies' Pure Tlireiul Silk lioso, in blue!., win te, bronze, gray, smoko and champ gray, form?:- price $1.25 QRp and over, now at., . J .dub luidles' Fine Silk Hose, with seam tn tho back! the silk goos up to tho top. Regular price, $1.75 and QI 00 $2.00; now to go at .y I iOU $2.50 I tulles' Host Grade Silk lioso, u ver> tine <j?-J LL Sea Island Sheeting .10 i nelie? wide, SOC, value, now at, per yard . . . , Cotton Flannel 27 inches wide, 25c. value now at, per yard . . . 19V2C 19c Tupelo Cheviots quality, in this salo Heavy weight, good for work shirts, boys' shirts and bulles' house drosses; :w>c value, OOo now at, per yard .??C Taffeta and Messalme lu a very extensive variety of colors, solid ami plaids; a vcr.c nice selection ol silks. Former price WMS (?p l rj f* $2.25, tho entire stock of it to go at. per yard. . . . ?j) l ?US? $7.75 WOOLNAP HLANKETS to go at. $U.50 WOOLNAP BLANKETS, to go nt . $2.0O COTTON Bl-iANKKTS, Kxtru Special, ., MEN'S RIHRKH AND FIJEECED UNDERWEAR regular prlco $1.25, now. BOYS' COTTON SWKATKRS, all size?, $1,K5 value, now at . MKNS' FIJANNKL SHIRTS, $2.00 val?en, now at . $5.95 $4.95 $1.45 95c 98c $1.28 L. BLUMENTHAL, Westminster, S. C CAROLINA'S IMIM* IN WA lt. (%4,'ZH4 Mon I-?u tdHh.Hi for Servie. Desertions Woco r'CW. Columbia, Keb. IS.-South Caro lina's contribution ia atan power to the war is epitomized in the general report of Provost Marshal Con. Crowder, which ha? Just boon re ceived by Major Richard B, Carwile, executive officer in charge of Stato Reflective service headquarters bore. The report shows tfcat this State FERTU THU VA ld ill OF NITRO Nitrogen not only produces vegot AOOUMiriiATMS lit liAHOH QUA of this ointment im tho plant, and soil. CiiloNN (boro in ampio nvail soil, it is Impossible for tho plant must contain nitrogen to mature, long growing period, tho nit coge? from such sourer* AM will release period of ita growth. Compounded from F phosphate. Dried Grout Genuine Slaughter Hoi of Ammonia, Cotton St of Potash, carefully balanc and crops, and in perfect met I offer thc planters of Complete Fertilizers tha ALS AMMONIATED COMPOl PHATE, 16% BULK JNITRATE OF SODA, C My stocks arc large, and I PRICES AND T J.C.RAMPLE\ contributed 54,284 in drafted men and volunteers to the army, navy and marine corps. The total registra tion was 307,:ir>0. Thirty-six local exemption boards of South Carolina aro about ready to cease business, according to Major Carwite. They havo notified tho State headquarters that thoir records ure ready to bo crated and shipped to Washington as soon as thoy re ceive orders. south Carolina took high rank among States, according to the re CEN IN A EEUTTMZEit. nillo growth in cotton, but it also NTIT1ES IN THE SEED. A HD seed has been taken from Hie oblo nitrogen furnished in tho to mubo n good yield, as seed AN cotton is a plant with a in tho fortllizcr should come it for uso during tho entire ?itfhest Grade Super id Blood, Soluble Fish, ase Tankage, Sulphate ;ed Meal and Muriate cd for these particular soils :hanical condition, Oconcc County a line of t are unexcelled. JNDS, 16"" ACID PHOS A C I D PHOSPHATE, :OTTON SEED MEAL, will bc glad to serve you. ERMS RIGHT. f WEST UNION, S. C. port of tho Provost Marshal General. The average eost per man for induc tion under the selective sorvice regu 'ations throughout the nation was $?.9 0. In South Carolina thc cost was $5.98, compared with $7.34 for North Carolina, $7.27 for Tonncssco, f>7.9 2 for Pennsylvania and $10.49 1er Delaware. Under the hoad of desertions tho national average was 4.66. In South Carolina tho percentage was 3.9 4. Of this nu m bm- 1,2 4 3 were whites ?.nd 4,589 were negroes. Tho total number of desertions reported for South Carolina was 5,60 8 ; for Flori da 10,142; for Georgia 13,468; for North Carolina 6,112. Major Car wile explninod that by desertions is meant those who failed to respond ' to notices and orders provided foi hy the solectivo service regulations. Thc South Carolina boards, be- : tween April 2, 1917. and October 3 1. ! 1918, sent 44,059 mon to tho nation al army. There were 6,505 South Carolinians who voluntarily enlisted In the army, 3,67 5 in tho navy and r>8 in the marino corps. This makes i grand total of 5 4,2 84 mon who m ter ed tho armed service of tho nit ion for tho great war. Thorn was a total registration of j 107,350 men, of which number 131, 543 registered In June, 1917; 13,-1 )58 In June and August, 1918, and 162,249 in September, 1918. Tho eport shows that Laurens sont moro nen to camp than any other county n the State, the number being 1,467, ;ho city of Columbia coming next vith a total of 1,110. I). A. It. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Kt TamnssCC Opens Its Doors to the Giris nilli I lo VS, Tnmnssee, Feb. 17*-Special: Next donday morning, Fob. 24th, the Ta ll ass eo industrial School, established y ihe Routh Carolina Daughters of ho American Revolution, will hold i day school of two mouths' duration rom the opening date. Miss Sallie Strlbltng, who is doing such spion lid educational work for tho young en chers of Oconeo, will visit ibo school for a week and will loud her insistance in tho organization. Miss Sue Annie Todd will teach. She is not a stranger in this com munity, having taught with success pteviously in the progressive Flat Shoals school, and we bespeak for her, in this new field, continued suc cess. It is a matter of regret that the State Regent, ofllcors and chapters cannot be present at the opening. The Walhalla Chapter, and all others who may find it possiblo to attend, aro most cordially invited, as well as tho entire community and nearby districts. This dream of a mountain school for tho youth of the land is beginning to come true, and as time goos on we hope it will achieve the fulness of its vision. Ilox Slipper at tteoweo school. Thoro will bo a box supper at ?he Koowoo Graded School building next Saturday night, February 22d. Hot chocolate and cako will also be sold. The funds will bo used for school purposes. Everyone ls in vltod to come. Cascarets Best Family Laxative Harmless to keep liver, bowels and stomach Hean, ?nH cost only 10 cents . To-night, suro! Take Cascarets and onjoy tho nicest, goutiest liver and bowel cleansing you evor experi enced. Cascarets will li von your livor and clean your thirty foot of bowels without griping. You will wake up fooling grand. Your head will bo clear, breath right, longue clean, stomach sweet. Cet a ten-eont box now at any drug store, liest ca thartic for children as well ns grown ups. Taste Uko candy and never fail. Thoy work While you sleep.-ady. _ _a Concerning That Roof Wc have to offer at jobber's prices to thc people of Oconee, big stock of Galvanized V-Crimp and Corrugated Roofing, British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles. 1 Car Windows and Doors, 1 Car Lime and 1 Car Cement. Buying this material in carload quanities wc are in shape to retail this material for less money. If you arc building or repairing any job, it will pay you to come for miles, as we can save you money. Everything in BUILDING MATERIAL. Matheson Hardware Co., WESTMINSTER, S. C.!