************** .j * * THE >1 l iss i ******** ******.; I aat going home to Mary, in our litt?i Tfhere the broeses blow so fairy and I Briag a glint of Heaven's glory to the liver since I answered "Coming!" to t Now the ocean's beckoning wave-ci shore, And the winds, while whispering "Mti Say her kiss will be sweeter, that I i Mut go halting up the pathway which i The day when hell grew hottest, on tl Au4 "To kill and win" the slogan th a Cave to me the fairest vision, throug 'Twas tko dear, brave face of Mary, J MOMO and Mary-Mary-Mary-poac 'fimo, roll onward-huston-huston! 1 shall then fool Heaven oponed-fool As 1 thank Thee, Lord, for'Mary and Seneca, S. C. THU I/ATE A. G. FIUOTWHDD, W?c liONt Lifo in Accident, Well Known in Oconee. The recent announcement of tho sad, death of Arthur ;t few yen rs. He was manager of Ike farms nt I. .1. Ki el well for sever al vears and for lh<> past few years had been with tho ( ! reen ville Paper Company, which is owned hy Edward Atkinson, his son-in-law. His busi ness called him to many nails of :his Stale. Georgiu and Tennessee, and wherever 'Hock" Frotwell was known he had friends. When a very yean g man Hu adventurous1 appealed lo him. .inst :;t thal Hmo tb.-rc was uppermost in every young iellow's mind Ibo desl?e lo obey Hie Injunc tion. "GoWcst, young man. go West!" He did go to Texas and spout several years there, bul 1.1)0 call of home was stronger than Ibo call of dollars. s< he returned, was married shortly alter, and lived for a while on a farm iii?! his father. Joseph Younger Frol well, gave him. just, a little way from the homestead place. When the War Retween the Stales came on Mr. Fret well was Just, a small hoy. but when . kt raiders came through and tiis mother wanted him to hide, he re fused, and said Hint he was going ont on the piazza and "dare 'em to cum o in." This lie did, which won >ine little fellow the admiration of the "Yankees." Mr. Fretwoll wa? no loss interested In the war with Germany, and said more than once that he thought Hilde Sam should take, men of hts age first, for they were able to fight, and the young men would be needed to repatriate tho country. He was exceedingly proud that he had nine representatives of his family in the service of his country - a son-in-law, Gel. P. K. McCully; four grandsons. Neut. Robert McCully, Arthur and .aarles Marton and .lillian Harris; nrandson-in-law, Jnck George: two nephews. Admiral Newton A. McCully it*?b Sylvester Fretwoll, und a great nephew. Lieut .1. H. Patrick. Wr, Fretwoll was loyal, ho wns knave, and one of the biggest hearted en in the world. Truck Rills Moldier. Anniston, Ain., Feb. 8. Sergt. Jehu New wau killed and Sergt. (Charles Mlnncke vrns seriously in jured to-day whoa an army truck wont ovor a 10-foot embankment on (.io Camp M edeline road. Lieut. A.A. Mall, who drove the truck, was an.lnjured. AH of the men In tho knick were of the S G Lit Field Ar tillery. Sorgt. Now'? home was In liOng Island. LOM HOM*:. *i> * U fy. -I- -J- fy fy- fy fy fy * * * o Southern town. the sunbeams, falling 'round, l>Iaco I've longed to he hat call from o'er the sea. esta bear mo t'ward my home-land ry," as they used in days of yore, cannot run to greet her, once I bounded o'er. at, buming Flanders Fiold, it in every mun's brain reelod, ;h the smoke-cloud closing down n our little Southern town. e and plenty-kindred-friend! .-(I*ove and laughter once again! ) tho angels hovering 'round my little Southern town! Collerons Local News. Coneross, Fob. 10.--Special: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kay and two chil dren, of Seneca, spent a -while re cently with Mrs. Kay's mother, Mrs. Mary Dilworth, hero. J. C. Barker mado a business trip in Anderson last Friday and Satur day. Mrs. Paul Gillison and daughter, of Bounty Land, were recent guosts at the homo of Mrs. Sue M. Hun singer. Mrs. J. S. Abbott spent some time recently with relatives and friends in Westminster. "'he many friends of Miss Mattie I ess? will ho interested to know she is Improving rapidly and is now able to sit up a good part of the day. Sho suffered a severe attack of in fluenza. We hope she will continue to improve and that she may soon he herself again. W. H. Butler, S. 1). Addis and J. W. Walker were in 'Greenville a j few days last week on business. I Miss Roper, of Greenville, spent a part of last week with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Abbott. The many friends of Colie Abbott will be sorry to hear that he is suf fering from influenza, but is able to ho up some. Miss Gertrude Dunlap, of the Oak Grove community, spent the week- j I end with her friend, Miss Mary ?.Walker. The two left Monday (or I Pickett I'osl, where they will begin their school work again ... miscellauuoa.:- shower wuo given last Friday afternoon by the Senior and Junior Y. W. A.'s in honor of one of their members, Mrs. Jesse Addis. Some of the W. M. S. and a few others in the community were there and gave very pretty and use ful presents. We as members of the Auxiliaries, with other freinds of the young couple, wish for them a long and happy life. Rev. [J. H. Kaines filled his regu lar appointment here Saturday even ing and preached a splendid sermon, but owing lo the downfall of snow ibero was no service on Sunday morning. For the past few weeks our pastor has been a sufferer from influenza, and wo were indeed glad lo have him badi with us. and t< see liim louking so well. ! Tho Senior V. w. A.'s will mool . next Friday afternoon at :: o'clock. All members ure requested lo ho present promptly al the hour ap pointed, as there is special business lo attend to. Karie's Gl'OVO l/ocals. Westminster. R. F. I). 2, Feb. IO. -Special: Miss Bessie Belle Smith, of Anderson College, spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Brookshire, of Demorest, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. M. 10. Marett, of South Union, have moved into this community. We cordially welcomo them in our midst, church and Sunday school. S. L. Shirley, of Anderson, spent last week hero on business. A few members of the Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. J. D. Richey on Saturday, February X, hut on account of the absence of so many members the meeting wns postponod until Thurs day. February 13, to moot at the homo of Mrs. May Whitworth. A special program has hoon arranged, and all members aro urged to he present. (lani of Thanks. Editor Kcowoo Courier: Please allow us spaco In your pnpor to oxpress our hoartfolt thanks to our frii ; and relatives for the :. any di f kindness shown us during our bereavement In tho loss of our dear husband and father, M. Ii. Uamby. May God's richest bless ings rest, upon ouch and every ono of these kind freinds and neighbors. Wifo and Chi ld ron. Mountain Rost, Fob. 8, 1019. I- '". . .' NEBRASKA JUEE ENDORSES TANLAC Praises Ilemody Because of Groat Benefit It Gave Kim. WOULD H I OL I* OTHERS Hays Ho Hoon Gained Twenty Pounds in Weight by Taking Groat Remedy, One of the latest additions to tho long list of prominent men who have endorsed Tanlac is the name of Judge D. P. Whittington, judge of tho Rolston Court, of South Omaha, Neb. In relating his experience with the medicine, Judge Whittington said: "The results I have obtained from Tanlac seem wonderful to mo. lie fore I began taking Tanlac my health was broken down in many ways. My liver was all out fix. I was habitual ly constipated and bilious; I was so frightfully dizzy most of tho time ?.hat I would not stoop over for fear of falling, and my kidneys were out of order. I had fearful pains In tho small of my back. I could eat, but my food did mo no good. Sleep failed to rest me, and I folt tired and worn out all tho lime. I had been in this condition for a year and was becoming badly worried, as nothing seemed to help mo. "I had fallon off twenty pounds in weight as a result of my trouble, but I have gained lt all back by using Tanlac. and I have never felt botter in my life. I felt Uko a now man before I had linlshd tho first bottle. I have taken flvo bottles, and 1 do not havo an ache nor a pain now, and I am feeling great. I eat like a farm hand, sleep like a log and get up in tho morning feeling fine. I gladly give this statement for what lt may be worth to others who are trying to (Ind rollof." Tanlac, the master medicine, is sold exclusively by nell's Drug Store, Walhalla; 3. C. Cain. Oak way; Sa lem Drug Co., Salem; Seneca Phar macy, Seneca; Stonecypher Drug Co., Westminster; Hughs & Dendy, Richland.-Adv. Rainfall and Temperature. Below is a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-operative observer of tho Weather Bureau of thc Tr. 8. Dor "'men* or Agriculture, during the ? . '< ending | , obruary 9th, i i '.?. ai p. tn . IT?> instrumental reading? roo from gov. lorntnonl standard instruments ex ??used tu tho Manner recommended I by the chief of tho Weather Bureau) : Character of Day. Date Tempera ture. ja to Feb. ;t-Cloudy ...I .50! 50 40 :*~\ l-Cloudy ... .16 51 42 let), 5-Cloudy ..J . 0 t? . : 5l| 40 Feb. li-('lear . ...-;| 5 5: 3p Feb. 7-Ptly cldy . T j ?5 27 Feb. 8-Clear .... ;-: 56] 83 Fob. 9-Cloudy ... .22 4C :i2 Total rainfall ... .97 . Two Deaths-Wm. Wyatt. West Inion, lit. I. Feb. lil. Special: Win. Wyall died at his home near Wosl I nion on February Uh, after un illness of two weeks, iif was lirst stricken with influenza, i rom which he was unable to re cover. Mr. Wyall was nearing Iiis : '.'d birthday. in 1908 ho was married lo Miss Danie Fowler, who, with two chil dren, survives him -dDugune, 9 years Old, and Lilah, ? years, lie is also survived hy his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wyatt, ono brother and one sister. William Wyatt was a brother of the late Ford Wyatt, who diod at 1 is home in the Woif Stake section on January 17. and a brother of the lato Mrs. Clint Gillespie, who died January 2 1st. influenza being the direct cause of those deaths. To the bereaved ones sincere sympathy is extended. Mrs. Clint Gillespie. Mrs. Clint Gillespie died at her home near Wost Union on January 2 1st, after an Illness of about ten days. Tho cause of hor death was pneumonia, following an attack of influenza, Had abo llvod until tho 2u of February she would havo been 2S years old. Before hor marriage to Mr. (HlXaspie she was Mrs Hayos, widow of the late Nick Hayos, who preceded her to tho gravo nomo seven years. To this union two children were born-Helen, nine years old. and Pat. seven years. In December. 1013, she was married to Mr. Qllesple, who, with three small children, survives-Dori . Erwin and an infa.nt of two months. Mrs. Cillcspio's maldon name was Miss Lois Wyatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (?. F. Wyatt. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic .cstorea vitality ?nd energy hy purifying anil en riching the- blood. You cou soon foci Its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. ?OTt?B OP SPECIAL ELECTION. In accordance with Section 1742,1 Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912,! and pursuant to an order ot the ? County Board of Education of Oco nee County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given tbat a Special Eloctton ; will be held at tho School houno in Plat Shoah? School District, No. 40, on Saturday, February 15th, 1919, for tho purpose of voting on tho question of levying an additional tax' of 4 milln on tho real and personal property ol said district to be used for. school purposes tn Flat Shoals School District, No. 4C. At said eloctton each elector favor ing tho voting on of said special levy of four mills shall cast a ballot con taining the word "Yes" printed or written thereon, and each elector op posed to said Iovy Bhall cast a ballot, containing '?io word "No" printed or written tho:eon. At the inid election only such electors as re?urn real or personal property for taxation, and who ex hibit thoir tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required In gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Polls will bo opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will closo at 4 o'clock p. m. J. S. BARRETT, J. L. CROW, GEO. HEAD, Trustees of Flat Shoals School Dis trict, No. 46, Managers of Eloctlon. Feb. 5, 1919. 6-7 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AM) DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigncd will make application to V. F. Marti i . Judge of Probate, for Oconoe Coi nt: . In tho State of South Carolina, t Ms of?co at Walhalla Couit lion <. on Wednesday, Febru ary 2l?th, 'i19, or as soon there after as said application can be heard, for lonve to make final settle ment of tho ?tate of Sara A. Fred ericks. deceascd,and obtain Anal dis charge as \iw dnlstrator of said Es tate, h. C. POSEY, Administro ir of the Estate of Sara A. Fredericks, Deceased. Jan. 28, 1919. 5-8 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice ts hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate, lor Oconoe County, in the State of South Carolina, ?i his of?co at Walhalla Court House on FRIDAY, tho 7th day of MARCH, 1919, at ll o'clock in ; * o forenoon, or as soon thereafter nfl said application can bo heard, foi leave to make final settle ment of the. Estate of Mrs. E. E. CAIN. De?oased, and obtain final dis charge as Executor of said estate. C. A. MOORE, Executer Of ?iia KsUito of Mrs. L. E. , Cain, Deceased. Feb. 12, ll?19. 7-10 NOTICE' OF iTNAL SETTLEMENT AN?? DISCHARGE. tsotlce ty hornby given thc.' the un , i dor st g ne j will make application- to i I Vi Pi M?Hl.rt Judge ot Probate fot Qconi i , in ibo St;.i? ot Soutl Carew a.i, KI. /tis office at Walhalla Court House, on THURSDAY, the 14th day bjt MARCH", 1919, at ll o'clock In Git forenoon, or as soon thereafter a * ^ald application can be heard, for leave to make final settle ment pf thc ei "ate of Manson Casey, Minor, and obtain final discharge as Guardian of st id estate. \V. O. WHITE. Guardian of ?tie Estate of Manson Cd ey, Minor. Feb. ? . 191 ?. 7-1 1 SOMA ? HM TRACTS OF LANI) Ft lt SALE. TH REI; THOUSAND ACHES OF LANI) oi Stu nphottse Mountain has ' hoon ; 'd into tracts of ono hundred . rei ach, and is now ready to be I will '? to fdiow Ibo samo to partit di slrim to pun-base. Wi ; . .?> ' berty Bonds or War Savin. .- amp in paymont iv. rt. MOSS, ::< :i; for Owners, WA talla, S. C. 5 2 NOTI Vt OP l 'NAD SETTLEMENT WD DISCHARGE. Nou< - !s hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. F. M irtin, Judge of Probato for Oconee ( ount> in the State of South Carob na. it h.* olllco at Walhalla Court Hoi 6, on Wednesday, March ath, 191? il ? o'clock in tho fore noon, ir t M n thereafter as said application can bo heard, for ?wave to mill" final settlement of thc es tate ol .v i I ..Dian C. Crutchfleld, Deceased, nd obtain final dlsohargo as Bxocutr n ol said estate. . ! KISSIE N. TI I ?MAN, Executrix >f tho Estate of Mrs. Lu lim. C. Cruchfield, Deceased. Feb 5 1 I ll 6-9 i i \ HON NOTICE. Tho. 3t il Ol' outh Carolina, Coun ty of Gf \dministration of the Estate o? ? d I ff eds of Miss LODA ll Y DE. ; ?rn land Thc - am, crcforo, to cito and admonish ll id singular tho kin dred und rod i tera Of the said Miss LODA HY IO, Deceased, that they bo and ai oar before mo, in tho Court ol 1 din J, to ho held at Wal halla Gout House, South Carolina on FR ID/ I nj 14th day of Febru ary, 191 i'ii 1 publication horoof, nt ll o'clock In tho forenoon, to .show nuai ' any they have, why the said ' i istration should not ho gr u . . 1 Given un Ol ny hand nnd seal thb 29th da ol "> unary, A. I>. 1919. ?Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, fudge bf Probstj? for Oconee County South Carolina. Published on tito Bth and 12th days pf February, 19 19, in The Keo weo Co : lei linn on the Court House door for thc (Imo proscribed by law. Foti Fi 1919 0-7 I -FERTILIZERS AU plants take their food in solution: Therefore, when we purchase a Commercial Fertilizer we must be sure that the various ingredients from which the plant food is derived arc highly soluble and available for feed ing the plants Compounded from Highest Grade Super phosphate, Dried Ground Blood, Solube Fish, Genuine Slaughter House Tankage, Sulphate of Ammonia, Cotton Seed Meal and Muriate of Potash, carefully balanced for these particular soils and crops, and in perfect mechanical condition? I offer thc planters of Oconee Countv a line of Complete Fertilizers that are unexcelled. ALSO AMMONIATED COMPOUNDS, \6% ACID PHOS PHATE, \6% BULK ACID PHOSPHATE, NITRATE OF SODA, COTTON SEED MEAL. My stocks are large, and I will bc glad to serve you. -5=B PRICES AND TERMS RIGHT. J.C. RAMPLEY, W.EJ3LU.N ION? _S*-Q. Concerning That Roof We have to offer at jobber's prices to thc people of Oconee, big stock of Galvanized V-Crimp and Corrugated Roofing, British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles. 1 Car Windows and Doors, 1 Car Lime and 1 Car Cement. Buying tht? material in carload quanttfes -we ar^ in shape lo retail this? u.a.?rial for less money. If you are building or repairing any job, it will pay you to come for miles, as we can save you money. Everything in BUILDING MATERIAL, Matheson Hardware Co., WESTMINSTER, S. C. There is nothing better than our Fish, Blood and Meal Fertilizer, and our customers are already writing for it and coming after it. Fertilizer got scarce last Spring, you know, and at the last there was a scramble for it, you remember, A shortage and a scarcity is freely predicted for this spring. You can get it now. It is a good scheme to haul it out, while the ground is too wet to plow. What is the usc of putting it off and running the risk of not getting what you want? And besides, later you will be very busy plowing. NOW IS THE TIME. You can't improve on Fish, Blood and Meal Fertilizer. Anderson Phosphate & Oil Co., W. F. FARMER, Secretary. SEE " - C. P. Walker, Walhalla. F. H. Shirley, Westminster, T. B. Jones, Seneca. Tho Courlor, $1 a yoar. Poy la And thon bo euro to buy som? nd vaneo- 1 919 War ?aringa Stamps.