Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 05, 1919, Image 8

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New Stand Pretty N J Arriving ? Normanes Dry Good t F. E. HARI t READY-TO-WEAR SUITS, SKIRTS, V ?* CROCKERY, GLASS, TIN EN, ONE CENT A WORD (Small advertisements under this heading inserted at rate of one cent a word per insertion. Four insertions for price of threo.) (NOTICE.-No advertisement ac cepted for this column fur loss than 10 cont?, ono insertion.) All grinding at Earle's Mill for tenth toll. 37-12 Shingle Mill and Engine for Salo. T. E. ALEXANDER, Walhalla, 38 FINE COW FOR SALE-Call or write WARREN ADDIS, Walhalla. S. C., Route 1. _ 4-7* WANTED - Renter for a two horse crop; good land. Apply to M-P. O. liox 27 2,Walhalla,S.C.-i FOR SALE-Fine Milk Cow. Ap ply to II. D. OELKERS, Walhalla, S. 0.__ _3 AD hind? of seed grain cleaned and graded by special machino at Earle's Mill, i Oe. per bushel._?.7-12_ NOTICE.-I will thresh cane Seed from Monday morning to Wednes day (Fob. 17, 18, 19.) inclusivo. M. 8. CARROLL. _6-6? FOR SALE-Ford Touring Car; Mn good running order. Apply at . nco to J. L. SE1GLER, Walhalla, S. C._3-6? SAWS GUMMED; porch columns ?ml wood turning dono. Satisfaction ar no monoy. Seo S. A. TOW, Wal halla, S. C., Rt. 2._3-6* STOCK HOG.-O. I. C. Registered Boar for sorvlce; fee, $2.50 or pig. See S. N. BUTTS, Westminster, S. C., Route 5. _j.9."^*^. FOR SALE-8-cylinder Olds Club Car; practically new. Will sell at a bargain. W. A. GRANT, Walhalla, S. C. _ 39-tf A GOOD PONY FOR SALK cheap; er will exchange for a good top bug gy. Also, for sale, a light Spring Wagon or Double Buggy. V. F. MARTIN, Walhalla. S. C. 7* FOR SALK-Fine Sow, weight 200 pounds; bring pigs Marci? 1st; also, Guinea Sow. f> months old, 100 lbs. Have fine Guinea Hoar for service; ?suai fee. C. W. ROACH. Walhalla. .. C. (Ida Lee phire. "Old Station.") FOR SALE.- Mouse and two lots ie? the town ol" Walhalla, situated on Faculty Hill, belonging to tho estate ?.f Mrs. Meta C. Harrison, and others. For full particulars apply to \V. C. HUGHS. Agent. 2-tf ATHENS HIDE COMPANY, of Athens, Ga., aro largest buyers of ex press shipped (?reen Cow Hides in South. Reason Is "They weigh the weight." il. EUGENE FA NT, Mana ger. _34-8* FOR SA LE-Oehmlg Property, situated in tho best business center of the Town of Walhalla; half-acre lot with buildings. For information address C. F. HOE FER, Adminlstra tor, No. 1000 Main St., Columbia, S. C._ _29^L_ CABBAGE PLANTS.-Millions of Hardy Cabbage Plants, from selected *ecd. Any variety, now until May $2.00 per 1000; 10,000 at $1.50 per thousand. Prompt delivery. THE ENTERPRISE TRUCK FARM, 2-J4 Georgetown, S. C. 30-ACRE FARM FOR SALE-I offer my Farm, two miles northwest of Walhalla, on Tamassee road, for sale; half cash, balance two years. Price, $3,000. Four-room dwelling good barn and outbuildings; fine well. Fourteen acres under cultiva tion, balanco good timber; watered by creek and several branches. See or write J. B. TRA M EL, Walhalla, S. C., Rt. 2. X* FOR SALE-Saw Mill Outfit, con sisting of 15-h. p. Boiler and Engine; liege mill; all belts practiC'v new; 80,000 feet Forest Timber, 20,000 feet of this already nt mill. Located six miles south of Seneca; good roads. Located at Seneca-Two large Double Pinners and Matchers, Lum ber Trimmer, Edger Resaw Knife Grinder, Shafting and Pulleys; steam Dry Kiln Fixtures, Header .Steam Trap ?ind t.ooc feet one-inch Piping. Interested parties write mo st Seneca,S.C. R. B. RAMSAY.-?* J LOCAL AND PERSONAL. .i**!**!**!**!**!**!**!**!"!* ?l**$**I**'l**M??l??r> -Don't throw away your old tires. Let us see them first and savo you money. Walhalla Tiro Shop. 310 E. Main st root.-adv. -Capt. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, of Anderson, spent part of last Sun day in Walhalla visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. D. Moss. ?-Miss Ida Pitchford, of Green ville, spent tho week-end in Walhalla with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N Pitchford, and among her many friends. ?-Big new millinery stock will be opened up In the Norman Dry Goods Store for the Faster and spring sea son. Tho latest and neatest styles will bo carried throughout the sea eon. All work guaranteed.- adv. New Goods ew Goods Weekly at \ Is and Millinery Store, ' HSON, Mgr.? WAISTS, HATS. SHOESJAND CLOTHING fcMEL AND ALUIM?NWARE. I -Talking machines, records and :. eedles; also shoot music. Nor man's Drug Store.-<adv.-3-(i -Tho children of tho Walhalla High School have received acknowl edgment or the rocoipt of $40.74, this being the amount contributed by l G of tho children of the school to the War Children's Relief Fund. - Tho body of Mrs. O. C. Lyles. who was burled hero a few wooka ago, was exhumed Monday last and taken to Bickens county for re-ln tertnont in tho cemetery al hor old Lome. -Lost, on Main street, Walhalla, between the residences of A. I*. Crisp and Mrs. (J. IC. Rhodes, last Fi doy, child's black velvet hat. Finder will please return to Mrs. (?. E. Rhodes. -adv. -Mrs. W. M. Brown left Monday for Honman, NT. C., whore she will be for several weeks visiting her father, M. .1. Glazener, and among other relatives at her old home. Her friends here wish for ber a most ploant visit. -Our good friend, H. R. Moss, is just up from an attack of the "Hu," feeling pretty weak and done up, but bc is "still in the ring," as is witness ed by the fact that bo was in and out among his friends at the Court House Monday and yesterday . -For Sale or Rent-Major Leon ard Rogers' place, near Salem; 17 4 acres; good location, near schools and churches; near Tamassoe In dustrial School. Will soil on easy terms. Apply to B. L. Herndou. Walhalla, S. C.-adv. :>-u\ - Frank K. Schroder, who has been confined lo his homo for about ten days with influenza, returnod last, week to his work at tho Blue Ridge depot. His friends are glad to note that he was a sure winner in bis catch-as-catch-cnn wrestle with the "lin." - Mrs. A. Oelkers, who has been a recent sufferer from influenza, is j again able to be up and about the house. Her son, Brownloe F. Oelk ers, is suffering greatly from rheu matism, but we understand is im proving. Their friends will join us in tim hope that they may soon bc [completely restored to health. -Let us bo your "tire doctor," ? for wo are experts when it comes to ! "diagnosing" a "case." Walhalla I Tire Shop, ?110 10. Main street.-adv. -We regret very much to learn i i hat our good friend, .1. Forman Mor I KUI. of West Union, bas been finite > ill for a week or more. Ile is silffer i lng from a complication of troubles i tiial have como as a result of a re ce?? attack of Influenza. We are filad lo learn, however, that Iiis con dition is improved, and we hope soon ? io sec him out among his friends. Masters Willie and Henry Itrandt are among the most recent ?victima of influenza, they having hoon taken sick tho latter part of last week. We understand that ! their cases aro very light, however. I and we hope soon to see these sturdy youngsters among their companions in the near future. They are child ren of Mr. and Mrs. il. W. Brandt. -See Baylis W. Harrison before you buy your guano. 1 am in busi ness for myself. You know the splendid Union Guano Company's goods you used to get. I'll have it again.- adv. -C. F. Hot rick, who has been en gaged in Y. M. C. A. work at Camp Sovier. Greenville, was in Walhalla for ti short while the tirst of this week. Mr. Hetrick has been trans ferred to the Paris Island station, at which place he will serve in the capacity of assistant to the camp manager. Mr. Hetrick does not know how long his services with the V. M. C. A. organization will be re el ni rod. - Have plenty of pigs, six weeks to two months old. W. M. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-adv. -Tho many friends of Sam N. Pitchford will be glad to know that he has returned to his home in Wal halla from Johns-Hopkins Hospi tal, ('.altimore, where he recently underwent several operations. Mr. Pitchford is much Improved, though he is at his home recuperating from tile fatigue of a long trip, which proved very trying so soon after having undergone an operation. Wo hope to see him out soon enjoying iiis usual health. - New stock all kinds drugs and medicines at Norman's Drug Store, Walhalla.--adv. 3-C The old Walhalla Hotel build ing is being renovated and "done over" for the accommodation of two new businesses. J. B. Gillespie will have that portion of the building that was formerly the hotol lobby, and he will conduct there a first class restaurant and lunch counter. Just to the enst of this section a door lias bet. cut and the former hotel walting room is being titted up for a millinery store, which will be conducted by Mrs. J. T. Darby, who will be assisted, we understand, by Miss Fannie Isboll, who at one time conducted a successful millinery business hero with her sister. Miss M. Isboll. Mrs. Darby will in the next few days bo in position to serve the public, in a general millinery line. Both the new business pinces aro being worked over and repainted, presenting ;i very attractive appear ance, -Three nice young milk cows, villi young calves, for sale at J. P. Stabling's, Itichland, g. C.- adv. 5-fi -Go to Brown's Garage when you want repairs or supplies on a mo ment's notice.-adv. -Mr. and Mrs. Harris aro spend ing this week in Columbia visiting among Mr. Harris's relatives. During their absence from Walhalla Lewis C. Harrison has charge of Mr. Har ris's position as agent and telegraph er at the Blue Ridge depot. -Mr. and Mrs D. H. Garrett, of Ibo Six-Mile section of Bickens coun ty, visited their daughter, Mrs. M. J. Stansell, near Wost Union, last Sunday. Mr. Garrett says that the influenza epidemic ls raging in his section. - A special lot of "Ford-size*' tires at a bargain while they last. Wal halla Tire Shop, 310 B. Main street. -adv. -Misses Mildred and Frances Car ter, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Carter, loft last week for Atlanta, where they will bo for some weeks, tho former as a patient under the care of a specialist, the latter to be with her sister while she is under going treatment for an injured limb. The many friends of Miss Mildred hopo for her early return, greatly benefited. -Bottles wanted at Norman's Drug Store, Walhalla.-adv.-'1-6 -We regret very much to learn of tho continued indisposition of our good friend. W. Mack Perry, ot the Salem section. Mr. Perry has for months boon a sufferer from some thing like paralysis, his right arm and hand being practically helpless the greater part of tho time. We sincerely hope that Mr. Perry may soon be enjoying his usual robust health. -For Sale, at a bargain-Ono Case car, ?-passonger, in flue shape; newly painted, with new top; in first-class condition. Call and so it at the Piedmont Auto Co.'s garage, Walhalla, S. C.-adv.-48. -Noah .lames died at tho home of his father-in-law. Burt Nichols, on January 2 4th, from tho effects of in fluenza. His remains woro interred in the Poplar Springs cemetery on the day following his death. The funeral services were conducted by Kev. M. J. Stansell. Mr. Jft'lnos had been married only ono month on the day of his funeral. There are many who will join with us in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones in their sorrow. --Buy your fertilizers from mo, You know the good old Union goods, I'm handling it again. 'Nuff sod See me. Baylis W. Harrison, Wal halla, -adv. -Married, at the homo of thc Officiating minister, Rev. L. M. Lyda on January 3 0th, at 3 p. m., Mist Zoa Booro, of Westminster.aud Floyc E. Holcombe, of the same place. Thc bride ls a daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. I). Poore. Mr. Holcombe is i young soldier who has recently beet honorably discharged from tho army We extend all good wishes to tin young couple, who have a host o friends in the coutny who will be in terested in learning of their* mar Hage. -Pig line stationery, candles, a Norman's Drug Store.-adv.-3-ti Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Hardie am family, of the Mountain Rest section have moved to Walhalla to mak> their homo for the present. Mr Hardie will farm on the place o John C. Moss, just wesl of Walhalla They are welcomed to this section Mr. Hardie recently sold his farm ii the mountains to J. Allen Kelle) who resides on West Union R. F. 1 Mr. Hardie, we understand, ha purchased n farm in another par of Ibo county, but will not move t it until late in the year. Bring us your auto casings an tubes and let us put them In firsl class shape. Walhalla Tiro Chop, 31 ?. Main street.-adv. -John A. Ansel Monday had th misfortune to get his right arr broken, though the break is not particularly serious one, only one c the hones being fractured. Mr. Ar sel had been In Dickens county o business, and when about to retttr started to crank tho engine on hi truck. In some manner the eran shaft got out of control, tho eran striking his arm just above the wrls Mr. Ansel is inconvenienced greatlj but is out among his friends, adorr ed with bandages and stays. -Hampshire pigs for sale. W. C White, Walhalla, S. C.-adv.* --Announcement of the death c Miss Lucy Cobb, of Westminster, wi he received with sorrow by man friends in Oconce. Miss Cobb r< sided In Westminster with her m< Hier, Mrs. Alice Cobb, widow of tb late John Cobb, and had for som time been employed as book-koept tor the firm of J. S. Carter & Ot and the Westminster Knitting Mill Somo two weeks ago she wont t Florence to minister to members ( the family of her sister, Mrs. Or who were suffering from Influenzi and while there contracted the di ease, which quickly devolopod Int pneumonia, resulting in the death < tho young lady. She was about li years of tige. Miss Cobb was a spiel did young woman, a dovout Christie and a consistent mombor of tl Methodist church. Besides hor ni thor she ls survived by two sister Mrs. Orr. of Florence, and Mrs. C. Kelley.of Tnmasseo, this county. Tv brothers also survive her. The fun ral services and interment took pla nt Westminster Sunday lust. V Join with many other friends of tl family In extending sympathy their hour of sorrow. - Carload of lime. You can R .'.ll you want. W. M. Brown & So Walhalla.-adv. -Tho body of Lafayette Ham was brought to Walhalla Monday this week, Mr. Uamby having di al Malvern, Mont., on Monday of hi week. January 2Otb. Mr. Uamby hi decided some time ago to go to Mo tana to make his home, and at t time of his death he was with Jes Langston, who was going to I ranch near Malvern. At Chicago N Uamby informed Mr. Langston th he was not fooling woll, and thoir arrival at Malvern he was fe lng worse than when he complain of n severo headache at Ohioaf i PO BROWN HAS IT OR BROWN GETS IT. ASK it, and We! Let t w. However, the two continued to Mr. Langston's ranch, whore Mr. Uamby was given every possible attention, with no apparent benefit. In tho morning he was taken back to Mal vern and placed in a hospital for treatment. He died there early on Monday of last week, the direct cause of death being pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. Mr. Humby was well known in Oconee, having resided in the Mountain Rest-Whet ston section practically all his life. His untimely death is peculiarly sad in that, In preparation for leaving for tho West, his family had sold out all household belongings and were only waiting word from Mr. Uamby to start for thoir new homo in Montana. He leaves a wife and several children, besides numerous other rlatives, to mourn his death. The body was taken from Walhalla to tito old home of tho deceased im mediately after its arrival hero, and interment was made yesterday. Wo join with hosts of other friends of the family in extending to the be reaved ones sincere sympathy in t heir great sorrow. - Fresh candies, toilet articles at Norman's Drug Store.-adv-3-6 Rainfall and Temperature. Below is a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-operative observer of tho Weather Bureau of the ll. S. Department of Agriculture, during the week ending February 2d, 1919, at 7 p. m. (The instrumental readings are from gov ernment standard instruments ex posed in tho manner recommended by the chief of the Weather Bureau) : Character of Day. Pa te t? Tempera ture. 2 7--Clear . . . 28- Clear. . . 29- Clear. . . to-IMly cldy ?ll-Ptly cldy 1- Clear. . . . 2- Ptly cldy. :,s (ill 021 63 (161 63 3 4 31 34 29 33 32 35 Notes from Booty ?La ml. Bounty Land, Feb. 3.-Special: School at this place will reopen Wednosday, after a suspension of one month on account of the influ enza epidemic. Miss Lucilo Williams, of Green ville, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Frank Williams. J. D. Stewart, of New Haven, Conn., is spending a fifteen-day fur 1 -ugh with his wife and little daugh ter here. H. E. Magill, of Fayetteville, N. C., is visiting his father, J. H. Ma gill. Mr. and Mrs. Young Hix are enter taining another little girl at thoir home. Thc little lady arrived Fri day. Miss Sallie Davis returned last week from a visit to relatives near Clemson. J. L. Coe, of thc U. S. Navy, is at homo permanently, hnving recently received his discharge from the ser vice. INSURANCE FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS. TO TH F, TRUSTIONS OF TUR PUB LIC SCHOOLS OF OCONEE. OUR ATTENTION has Just been calle? to tho matter of insurance on Public School Buildings. Superin tendent of Education T. A. Smith has Just informed UH that ALL WOODEN SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN OCONEE can bo insured In THE FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIA TION. Trustees, tnko notice and insure your School Buildings by calling on our Agent. OCONEE FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, J. P. Stribling, President. .1. I?. Isbell, Agent. 6-0 I rdson Tractor I anyone who has used a Drdson Tractor how he likes how it works* know the answer* is show you a Fordson to-day* M. Brown & Son. BROWN HAS IT OR WALHALLA. S. C. ' I BBSST 2?SS ?*. Final Gin Days for 1918 WE WILL GIN SCOTTO FRIDAY, Feb. 7; SATURDAY, Feb. 8; MONDAY, Feb. IO; TUESDAY, Feb. ll; WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12; THURS DAY, Feb. 13; FRIDAY, Feb. 14, and SATURDAY, Feb. 15. The above will be our Gin Days for the 1918 crop. LET'S HAVE YOUR COTTON. C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla, S. C. ? > f? tm . CLOTHING . Style Plus Suits, 2 Prlces^Only-$25.00 and $30.00 per Suit. ?I OVERCOATS H |Boys' and Children's Stilts.; W Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats bought early be fore the bi? advance. Can save you money on your wants? DRESS GOODS. SILKS, BLANKETS, UNDER WEAR, TRUNKS and SUIT CASES. SHOES! SHOES! Educator Shoes for Women and Children, Cygolf|[and Beacon Shoes for Men and Boys, Cook Stoves^OliverJChilled Plows, ?Mitchell, St?de 5 baker, Old Hickory Wagons, Buggies and Harness. Red Cedar]|Shingles,(Doors, Sash, Cement and Lim*, Paints and Oils. We pay the ^highest market price for Cotton at all times. W. P. INIiUMONS, Seneca, S. 0. Colds Cause drip and Influenza LAXAT1VK BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There ls orUy one "Ilromo Quinine." E.W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. Orove's Tasteless chill Tonic .estores vitality Md energy by purifying am? ?? richlng tho blood. You can soon feel hs Stre??lfc cuing. Invigorating Effect. Trice GOc.