Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 05, 1919, Image 4

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f VEO WEE COURIER (Established lino.) rnfclisheri Every Wednesday Morning sunsuRirriox IMUCE On? Your.$1.00 .lix Months.55 Throe Months.:?<) Advertising Untos Itcnsoiinblo. Hy Steck, Sholor, Hughs ? Hhelor. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributos of respect, of not over I (Mi words, will be printed tree of charge. All over that number must be paid for at the vate of ono cont a word, fash to hccompany manuscript. M l.\ M a, s. c. WEDNESDAY, FKll. 3, 1010. UNITED STATUS WAR WORK. .Some idea of tho Immensity of .lie war work carried Oil by our government may be gained by a l.orusal of tho ligures below, which verne to us from our young friend, ')ouglas Seaborn, of Washington. 1). tl., who is in service with the regu lar army, ranking as a lieutenant in tho per manon I organization. Ho is a son of Mrs. .lames Seaborn, of v alhalla, and has seen much active f?0TVlce with the army dilling the nus! few years. Il?? is enthusiastic and justly so over the accom plishments of our government in preparation for active and aggres sive warfare. Ile gives ligures thal ?*i>e Interesting with regard to one of Hie lines in which our govern < eut, engaged extensively with the oi d In view of putting the Hun out of business in short order. Tho figures given arr as of compilation dato January 17th. and aie. there ore, practica I ly complete to Hie Drosen I moment. We give below the figures that Lieut. Seaborn 'jives us n his lotter: Service planes, engines and pro rollers '.freighted," l.Tl??). t Hy the erm "freighted" is meant that the HU ' I. were loaded on hoard cars ::! KO nip i ' ' ? * fi u t rtoi'Ut ? '?? nv .hi. wei . i i.i i. . ui \in i- .; , Mon Wa:: floated . jp M "'MI At ports and In tra usn . o&<S Nnvy . I 5 M Allies . 1 Schools, camps and training lields .1,008 Depots and warehouses. 3911 Manufacturers . 3 * Miscellaneous . Iii? * Tho item 'miscellaneous" lu vendes DeHaviiaud i's shipped to nerlai mail service stations. The ntltnbor of training planes "freighted" was 8,630, with a dis tribution as follows: Mavy . I ID Stfhools, camps and training lields .7,Ti 5fj Depots and warehouses. sss Miscellaneous . 16 And then the totals Total planes freighted.13,399 Total purchased abroad .... 5,158 Total on hand in 1'. S. and abroad .I S..">."i 7 With distribution as follows: Floated to A. IC, I1'. 2,100 * Purchased abroad . 5,158 lt. United States .10,999 Total .18,:, 5.7 'Includes one I.e I'ere to French F overnmcn t. "Tho United Slates," adds Lieut. Seaborn, "produced more engines in Hie month of October, HMS, than j the Allies did in the past four ' J ra rs." Verily, Lucie Sam was "going nonie" if we may use a very ex- ! pressive slang tenn in connection ?'th a recounting of the achieve ments of so august and austere a oersonnge, in his collective capacity. Uncle Sam. And then, too.we have some "lenkings" from semi ollirial !M urces as to other means of com Lat not referred to hy Mont. Seo born tho tilmos) unlimited supplies of poison g.ises (hot had been ina.le .Mid stored for the purpose ol' right ing the devil with his own fire." Wo lent'" ti om what seems lo bo lithoritative sources that there had hoon enough poison gases stored and in transit overseas to suffocate and l<i!l the whole of Ibo Cern?an forces in quick order. Ol' course, wo are glad, now thal peaco has conn; without it, that it did not come to the point where ?l?ese instrumentalities were, by our torcos, actually put into use. Hut our ono criticism of our government, and wc been In tho criticising busi ness would have boon of tho policy .f fighting barbarians using barbar ous methods, with only such wea norm as are recognized as legal by dvllizod peoples. Yet, maybe, it was all for tho best. Tho end bas como, the war bas boon won for and by civilization, and Ibo (1 (scrodil and odium of foul and dis honorable methods ls all on the side of tho enemy. Nevertheless, wo wanted to seo, and thoro aro thou sands of others who wanted to see. tho bordea who wasted wantonly, destroyed ruthlessly, d fought un ?a lily, gut at least one good dose of their own medicine. , CA KU VINO OUT CONTRACTS. Ju recent issues of Tho Courier we have editorially referred to tho tarrying out of ron tracts with, or meeting obligations to, tho teachers by tho trustees of the various school districts. Our attention has been called to the fact that there are no ' contra?is" between trustees and ieachors. tho latter being employed morely for a session or a term of months to teach school, or to super intend the operation of such and such a school. Evidently, then, thoro is some thing wrong with the system in vogue in the matter of carrying on our public schools. The trustees should lu? obi iga tod to tho teachers and superintendents, and the teach ers and superintendents should bo obligated to tho trustees-ouch to perform rcertnin duties-the trustees in tho matter of compensation, tho teachers and superintendents in the j maller of rondoring value received in tho form of adequate and efficient service for the compensation to be i nude by the trustees from tho pub- I lie funds. There should 1)0 no objection on Hie part of either trustees or teach ers lo such a system of contracts, which should set forth Hie amount lo be received by the teacher for a certain service, the terms to bo plain- t ly and unmistakably set out in Hid contract or written agreement. The 'cacher who accents employment in the school room is entitled to the protection thal a written contract as sures; Hie trustees who nm ploy the i touchers are entitled to the assur ance thal the teacher can and will render (he service that justice to j Hie public demands shall be render , ed. A teacher chosen for the higher ? erados may be quail lied to give offi ! clent service in another department 'of a school but totallv 'MsqunUAod lr lc I ? . .. ?ld vit*'. "cs;. \ ?..'. Hid CO lU l'Ut: competence on the part of teachers, because, unless the teacher knew that he or she could fulfill the con tract, it would not be entered Into. .Many II teacher has taken work on the mere hope that the work could be done satisfactorily. Our public schools have passed the stage where they should he forced to take j chances or try out novices. j We flo not know to what extent . the teacher-contract proposition will , ired with approval, lt seems to us. however, that it ls well worth seri ous considers*ion on the part of the school nvttborlli.s of the county. If it is worthy of adoption, we feel save I bet (he members of the locai bar of Ocoree will take pleasure in consulting .vim the school authori ties*, as a j. rata ?cus contribution lo Hie public good, in the matter ol' drawing up such li general form of con I ract for the employment of teachers as will give ample prolec- i Hon to both the teachers and to the public. Such a plan, we believe, will work nut to (he advantage of all concerned. OCONIWS MI'IHU.K AGAIN. lt seems io he rather troublesome to get Oconoo's olllcial family fully straightened out since the death of Messrs. Foster and Davis, two years ago. We remember the various and .sundry opinions that went the rounds last summer concerning the Sheriff, \udltor and Treasurer. The question I'S io the sheriff was definitely set tled at the polls in November, when W. M. Alexander was elected. He has since qualified. Sut the Audi tor and Treasurer part of the matter lins been reopened. We are informed thal Attorney General Wolfe has re versed the opinion of former Attor ney General I'ecples, and holds that Hie terms of the Auditor and Treasu rer of Oconeo have oxpired, and that the present incumbents will either have lo be reappointed and cominis sinned, or that new men will have to be appointed. I nder the law, the Auditor and treasurer are appointed by the Gov ernor, by and willi the advice and consent of the Senate. 'They are ap pointed, under the old law, for two years and until their successors are appointed and have qua li lied. We remember that the old law was amended in 1017, extending the terms of these officers from two to four years, with tho provision that it should not extend the term of any officer elected at tho last elco ' : ??? - -*--'''*'?'?.iwwMii.m - ... - -." ?' i ? 1 - tJon. So tho question with us hi. DUI tho amendment make tho Kort ut of our officers four years, or did they only hold for two? One Attor ney (?oneral has held that lt dio . tend tho torin. Our present At I ?i ney General has reversed that opin ion, and says it does not. We've made our guess. Whin yours? I 'O lt I >SO N STU EETS. - I Wo have watched with no i . interest the working of Waihi t ew Fordson tractor on the street: I? ls doing admirable work, the t tor .md road machine, with <i ( . of two hands, doing Just about lb same amount of work in a 'ia> would ordinarily be accomplish? four d'i'.lble teams, four driver-, i a ii overseer, We congratulate Mayor Wm Metrick and the members of 1 Council on their adoption o? tli 1 modern and efficient mode of hi dug the street problem. We eau About the John Henry Jitney-. Lizzies, or whatever wo may chi to dub tho most popular of Hie Ford manufacturers' output in Hie buzz-wagon lino, but the /., i i son tractor ls a wheel horse \\ lu n Let the goo:! work that hus li< i comos to moving dirt and leve! ni: I streets in quick and officiont munni Let the good work that has bi begun bc continued ns much ate1 ?i far as practicable. 'Die Fori1 son give us admirable stroots hy <..;< ri summer If it is kept in operation ,. ing what favorable weather we >. 1 have between now and Hint time Hood for the City Dads! The Germans, we are told r.m nows dispatches, aro dee: soap in quantities that far . x tho supplies available fi un sources. Wonder if they Hil wash out the slain on thoir na th honor, left there by tho horr.i ? an unjust and useless war i may cry in horror, "Out' ?Hut the damned spot will no I German honor is stained willi blood of millions of innocent this blood cries out ngalusi guilty from tho soil of pro st j na t ions. MYSTERY VEILS TRAGEDY", Prominent Chinamen Ave Stu n Theil' Washington Home A'ash agion, Iud. i Wa^y.e . ? ton police T> night win- lazily.', ni J uh iii tempi ii< solve the mys ion ' lie ot 1. x. A'ong, . : the Cliinese education missio j i'nited Slates, and C. II. I . ! ilen Sen Wu, students at i ge Washington University, whos' 1 were found to-night in theil ii. the fashionable Mount 1' i section. They wore last sei last Tues.'ay. Absence of the two student Hie university led a fellow ni Kong Li, who lives near by in j vestige tc to-night. He onto . I,ouse through a window an?' Hie body of Wong on the fir .' i Police were summoned and Hie Lodies of the two student . ire found in the basoment. A': ir , nen had been shot and ph' who examined Ibo bodies sa il he> 1 pohably had been killed Wednes day. Mr. Iloystor Interested. F. S. Royster, prosldent of the F. S. Iloystor Guano Company, ? hose ed vertisoment appears in another part of this paper, boliovo that no business can grow so large that the personal element may be left out. People like to deal with a real man. one who owns and controls his own business, ile is always saying that the only drawback to having built up a business which extends over many States and takes many fac tories to supply it that he cannot meet and talk to all his customers, face to face, as he did when he started in business 33 years ago. l ut as Hie years go by, and capable men whom he lias trained reliove 'lim of some of his burdens, he fools nore and moro desirous of hearing from actual users of [{.oyster goods, ; nd will welcome letters from any old or prospective customers. He has specialized all his life, on plant-foods tor our Southern crops and soils and places unreservedly at your com mand his own practical experience ;,nd that of his technical exports. Write to him about your plant-food problems. Just address F. S. Roy ster, Norfolk. Va. Transport Ashore; No Lives l/ost. Southampton, England, Fob. 1. All the troops aboard tho Aninricaii transport Narragansett, which ran ashore last night, on tho ledge off Bambridge, at tho eastern end of the !..le of Wight, havo boo t reniov .id by tugs and local life boats. The removal was effected whilo lilt! steamer rested on tho lodge, dospito ?he snow storm and high sens that pro vailed. WILL RIEBT JUNE 3, 4 AND 5. Florence Will Got Slate Sunday School Convention. Editor Keowco Courier: Florenco will i)0 the host o* the forty-second annual State Sunday School Convention, according to an nouncement made to-day. At au enthusiastic meeting of pastors and business men, an invitation was ex tended to tlie Sunday School As sociation to hold their annual con vention in Florenco on June 3, 4, .">. J. li. Aiken, ai prominont busi ness man, was elected gonornl chair man of the convention nrrango i-ents. Associated with him as chairman and members of commit tees will be some of the strongest business and professional mon In Klorence. Tho State Sunday School Conven ion, hold annually, is without doubt the largest gathering of religious volkers held In South Carolina. At tl.t last convontion. which was hold in f?reenwood, in addition to the 1.998 registered delegatos, there .vere a large number in attendance .vito did not register. The convon 1.1 on will bc solf-entertaining, as was lie case last yoar in Greenwood. Vviu. S. Morrison. Clemson College. Feb. 1. If) 10. VOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT A Xl) DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the indersigned will makj application o V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for )conoo County, In the State of South Carolina, nt his office at Walhalla Jourl House, on Wednesday. March 'th, 1019, ill ll o'clock in tho fore men, or as soon thereafter as said tpplication can bo heard, for leave o make final seit lenient of tho es ate of Mrs. Lillian C. Crutchileld, deceased, and oh ta in (Inn 1 discharge s Executrix of said estate. MKS. BESSIE N. TlLMAN, executrix of the Estate of Mrs. Lil lian C. fru? di Held. Deceased. Fob. 1919. 6-9 NOTICIO TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Al) persons indebted to the Estate f Mrs. Lillian C. OrillChfleld, De eased, are hereby notified lo make symon! lo the undersigned, and all lersous having claims against said state will present the same, duly (tested, within the time prescribed y law. or be barred. M HS. BESSIE N. TIL M A N xecutrix of the l?state of Mrs. Lil lian C. Crutchileld, Deceased. Feb. :>. 1919._fi-fi NOTTCE ~0 DEBTORS i VD URE?] rous. tommie indebted to ihe KsV inte ot <}K0 i MRAKMS, Deceased, robj .tut ?hod to make ayment to tho undersigned, and all ersons having claims against said stale will present the same, duly at \sted, within the timo prescribed by lw or bo barred. W. E. MEARES, dininislrator of the Estate of Ceo. F. Meares, Deceased. Keb. r., 1019. * 6-9 CITATION NOTICE. The State bf South Carolina, Conn or Oconee.- (In Court of Probate) -By V. F. Martin, Esq., Probato lld ge.-Whereas, Mrs. Hunter Har s has made suit to me to grant or Letters of Administration of the state of and Effects of Miss LO DA IY DE, Deceased These aro. therefore, to cito and dmonish all and singular the kin red and creditors of tho said Miss I ODA HYDE, Deceased, that they O and appear before me. In tho v_,ourt of Probate, to be held at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, on FRI DA Y. the Nth day of Febru ary. 10 19. after publication hereof, ut I I o'clock in tho forenoon, to show cairne, If any they have, why tho said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal thlc 29th day of January, A. D. 1919. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, fudge of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on tho ">th and 12th days of February. 19 10. in The Iveo wee Courier and on the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. Fob. 5, 1919. 6-7 NOTICE OF FINA?TTlETTLEMEN1 AND DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County. In the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalln Court House, on Wednesday.the 2f>th day of February, 1919, at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application cnn be heard, fo: leave to make final seulement of thc Estate of Oeorgo F. Meares, De ceased, and to obtain fiiml discharge ?is Administrator of tho said ?slale. W. E. MEARES. Administrator of the Estate of Geo. F. Meares, Deceased. Jan. 28, io IO. 5-8 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION; In accordance with Section 1742. Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912, and pursuant to an ordor of tho County Hoard of Education of Oco nee County, South Carolina, notico is horeby given that a Special Election will bo held at tho scnool houso in Mountain Grove School District, No. fifi, on Saturday. February X, 1919, for the purpose of voting upon tlie question of levying an additional tax of five mills on the real and per sonal property of said district, for school purposes, At said election each elector favor lng tho proposed levy shall cast a ballot containing tho word "YOB" printed or written thereon, and oach doctor opposed to said levy shall cast a ballot containing tho word We have to offer at jobb of Oconee, big stock of Galvanized V-Crin Roo British Columbia E I Oar Window 1 Oar Lime and Buying this material in ca shape to retail this material If you are building or re] you to come for miles, as Everything in BUILDING Matheson Hi WESTMINS "No" printed or written thereon. At the said election only such electors as return roal or porsonal property for taxation, and who ex hibit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required in gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will closo at 4 o'clock p. m. W. ll. COUP, .MOSS V. WOODALL, Trustees of Mountain Grove School District, N'o. 56. G. W. COBB, Managers of Election. ?Tam SS ?'.MO. j \')'i< r. OF ny \? ?j rr/.r M I.J vt- j AM? OlSCHAHOK i ?ttotic? ?.' hereby given that tho un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate, for Oconee County, in tho Stato of South Carolina, at his offlco at Walhalla Court Mouse on Wednosday. Febru ary 2 6th, 1019, or as soon there after as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settle ment of the Estate of Sara A. Fred ericks, decoased.and obtain final dis charge as Administrator of said Es tate. L. C. POSEY. Administrator of the Estate of Sara | A. Fredericks, Deceased. Jan. 28, 1919. 5-8 I are made of tough felt, thorov. lasting asphalt; then coated Twin Shingles are made in be? will harmonize with any surr( Oomc see these shingles today, >( building materials awaiting Wc also have large stocl RUBBER ROOFING J* SASH and a limited quantity of G/ BALLENGER HARDWARE A ?cr's prices to thc people ip and Corrugated fing, ,ed Cedar Shingles. s and Doors, 1 Car Cement. rload quanities wc are in I for less money? ^airing any job, it will pay wc can save you money. MATERIAL. ardware Co., TER, S. C. CITATION NOTICE. (In Court of Probate) Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconce.-By V. P. Martin, Esq., Judge of Probate.-Whereas, A. L. Cobb lias made suit lo mo t? grant him Letters of Administrait? of the Estate of and Effects of Mos siah Cobb, deceased These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kin dred and creditors of th* ?^rttf >i?v M?l-i conti. Deceased, (hst they bo and appear before me, In Cte Douri ot Probate, tc lit hetti ii. . Wu .ha Iel CotU'ti HOUBC, Se-Ith Carditna, on '. lesday. the ; : Di *f.n/ oi Fob? nary, itt ii?, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock lu tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should sot bo granted. Given under mv hand and seal this 27th day of January, A. D. 1919. (Seal.) V. P. MARTIN, Judge of Probate for Oconce County, South Carolina. Published on tho 29th day of Jan uary ami 5th day of February, 1919, In The Keowee Courier and on the Court House door for the limo pre scribed by law. Jan. 28, HU 9. 5-G See These Shingles Before You Build If you are planning to build or repair, you owe it to yourself to know more about the merits of American Twin Shingles. On all sloping roofs these shingles give a dollar's worth of value for every dollar spent. AMERICAN TWIN SHINGLES ighly waterproofed with ever vith crushed slate. American mt ifni red and green colors and jundings or architectural plan. , We have a wide assortment your inspection. > BUILDING PAPERS, DOORS \LVERIZED ROOFING. ND FURNITURE CO., Seneca.