Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 22, 1919, Image 2

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TRAINING HI,INI) SOLDIERS. Institution Near Baltimore for Re fitting Mon for Life. / Baltimore, Jan. 17.-Seventy-one ol tho 2 00 mon of tho American fighting forces who were blinded in tho war now aro being sheltered, 1 routed or educated in the Red Cross institute for tho mind at Baltimore Tho institution has been designated ?is a United States general hospital cad is called "Evergreen." Col. Junes Bordloy, director of tho In stitution, said that all the Ameri cans blinded in the war would be "brought boro for a course of train ing, aa this was tho only training Hchool for tho blind maintained by tho government. Ho described the morale of tho blinded men as won derful. "Tho men aro first treated in the hospital," says Col. Mordley, "after which they are taught to uso a type writer and read and write Bailie raised type for tho blind. Then they receive special training to develop tho sonso of touch. "After this fundamental band training,, tho men are given special education to lit them for tho calling it\ which they are interested and are qualified successfully to follow. "Thus, those with Inclination and ?tho inhorent ability are trained for *uch occupations as stenographers, salesmen, correspondents, retail ?.toro managers. (In connection with this latter occupation, plans have been already made to open a chain of retail stores, each of which will have a blind soldier as manager.) "Those with a lovo of out of doors and a natural apitudo of out-of door lifo, will bo trained for chicken laising, bee keeping, truck garden ing and such occupations. These of euch calibre and mentality that lits thom for industrial life are trained, oot merely in shop practice, 7nit for romo particular job that they can fill and in which they will feel happy. "Men with a high quality of edu cation and ability that lits them for professional life will bc given such .special education as will enable I lunn to follow their chosen career, such as law, literature, etc. "Men who know say that tho blind man is handicapped over tho sighted .'.0 per cent. Tho men aro being given 'JO per cent and more educa tional training than their sighted fri lo v workers ? ?v > bj rfiiiiiii (zit this hp ti ''cap " While H lunn I in iti y, pi : .< ii for ?this i'u torc io" . ; - s po<>.i secured. In a word, he is helped to help himself; he is encouraged to equip himself to bo a good citizen." The hospital is located upon tho largo adjoining esl.iles of .Mrs. T. Harrison (?aire" and Kiel.ard H. 1 leasants. on tlie northern outskirts of tho city, which were loaned to tho government hy their owners. The buildings are bidden in the Oiidst of trees and gardens. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falla to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you con get restful siccp after the first application. Price 60c. People Demanding Bread. Stockholm. Jan. 15.- Hunger riots look placo in Petrograd Saturday -UH! Sunday, according to advices received here. Ten thousand peo ple paraded through tho streets shouting for bread and were tired upon by Bolshevist troops. Desper ?te from hunger, tho crowds are reported to have asked tho soldiers to fire upon them. Dispatches state that not a sin gle piece of bread is to bo found now in Petrograd and that unground oats aro being given to the people. Propagandists, disguised as re fugees, are said to have been sent Into Finland hy tho Bolshevists. Tile police there have recently dis covered several organizations which .aro alleged to be plotting a new in eurroctlon. CALOMEL DY NAM I TES A SLUGGISH LIVER Crashes into Sour Bile, Making You Sick anti You Dose a Day's Work. Calomel salivates! lt's mercury Calomel acts like dynamite on a slug gish liver. When calomel comes In to contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and got a bottle of Dodson's Diver Tono for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take .i spoonful and if it doesn't Start your liver and straighten yon ?up bettor and quicker than nasty calomel and -without making you ti'.ek, you just go back and get your money. If you tako calomel to-day you'll ho sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, whilo if you tako Dodson's Liver Tone you well wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and f?afe to give to children; they like if. -adv. DRY NATION DRAWING NEAR. Thirty-five Staufs lavo Ratified) Amendment to Constitution. Washington, Jun. 16.-Legisla tures of 36 States-ono less than tho required threo-fourths-'have lattfled tho Prohibition constitution al amendment. Several State assem blies now In session aro expected to take action, with a probable race be tween Nebraska, .Missouri and Min nesota as to which will bo tho .'{Otb t n tho list. Ratification was completed to-day hy tho Legislatures of five States iowa, Colorado, Oregon, New Hamp shire and Utah-making a total of 12 in two days. Of tho 35 State.* that have taken action, only M have certified their action to tho Federal State Department. They aro Virginia, Kentucky, North Da kota, South Carolina, Maryland, Sou til Dakota, Texas, Montana. Dela ware. Massachusetts, Arizona, Geor gia, Louisiana and Michigan. The amendment under its pro visions becomes effective one year from the dato of the final ratifica tion. Additional legislation by Con gress is necessary to make it opera live, and ground work for this Already has boen laid. This legisla tion will prescribe penalties for vio lation of the amendment, determine bow and by what agencies the law shall be. enforced. May lie Dry After .inly. If ratification is completed this month many ollicials hore believe tlie country will become permanent ly "dry" next July 1, the date on which the special war-time prohibi tion, recently enacted hy Congress, goes into effect. This law prohibits the man facture and sale of intoxi cants for beverage purposes and re mains in force until tho demobiliza tion of the nation's war armies is completed. Court action to prevent tho aniend tnon<t becoming operativo already has boen started in California, where an order temporarily restraining Governor Stephens from signing ratification of the amendment lias been obtained. ll has been inti mated that similar action may be taken in Other States in which, it is said, State laws require that Federal constitutional amendments must be submitted to a referendum. The pbobibition amendment reso I hilton passed hv Congress provides i tual ratification . .a" bc hy 'the . Lei lida tn res of .).,. so .'ural s a!, s hi .? . llLi. . .u. .-.emile and House of Representatives of Hie United State- of America, in Con gress assembled (two-thirds of each house concurring therein!: That jibe following amendment to the i i oust it II t iou bo, and hereby is. pro posed lo i lie Stall's, to become valid ?. s a part of the constitution when I ratified by Hie Legislatures ol' the several States as provided b> the : o list i t ii t ion : Section I. After one year from Hie ratification of this article thc manufacture, sale or transportation rf intoxicating liquors, the importa tion thereof iijto, or the exportation thereof from thc? United States and .?ll territory subject to the jurisdic tion thereof, for beverage purposes, is hereby prohibited. "Sec. 2, The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by ap ro pr la to legislation. " cc. .'I. This article shall he inoperative unless it shall have boen ratified as ail amendment to the con stitution by the Legislatures of the several States as provided in the constitution within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by Congress." The. resolution was passed by the Se?ale. 05 to 20, on August I, li? 17, and by the House. 282 lo 1 li S. on December IT, 1017. Mississippi was tho first State to ratify Hie amendment, its Legislature acting on January S, 1 ii I S. Nebraska BIMI) Stute. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. I C. - The Ne braska Stale Legislature at 10.80 a m. to-day completed ratification of the Federal prohibition amendment w lien the Senate soled to concur In a House? amendment lo a Senate jclu.t resolution providing for ratifi cation, First Groat Power to Act. Washington, Jan. 16.-Ratifica tion to-day of the Federal constitu tional prohibition amendment made the United States tho first great lower to take legislative action to permanently stop tho liquor traffic. Nebraska's vole gave tho neces sary affirmative three-fourths majori ty of tho States to make effective .he amendment submitted by Con gtess in December, 1017. It was followed by similar actions in the Legislatures of Missouri and Wyo ming, making !5S States in all which have approved a "dry" America. Affirmative action by some of tho ten Slate; Legislatures yet to act is predicted hy prohibition advocates. NOTICED BIG CHANGE IN JUST TWO DAYS Greenville Man Toll? of i,on# %. gio With Dread His. UK Tl tl I'M) FIVE yt??KS. Medicine Failed to (?Ivo Hotrod Co llei'-'Look Tanlac And Endorses lt. Regarding thc great relier lhat Tanlae gave him from stoul&Cli hie, which after five years dev I? .1 into pellagra, P. S. Crumley. 8 Buncombe St., Greemiile, gave ?.he following statement: "1 spent several weeks at a gt et . ment pellagra hospital at. jijparl burg, but after I came honte i ato continued to hurt K.O. GUM formed on my stomach ; -ad ? id] pains In my abdomen. My ap .. was not good and i could no) ..? : good at night. "I bogan \to take Teni ac isoon corrected my stomal it . u bio. In a couple of day; l c lld tell a big difference. My f,r)od wa digested, gas stopped forming ott stomach and HIOBO pains loft mo.! Tlie Tanlac soon got mo no i eat ns much as anyone, v..y n >r v/cro quieted and I began tb 1 soundly at night. "Tanlac is a fine med tel n< OJ stomach trouble, and I an gi n1 lo recommend it to all with 1 menta." Tanlac, the master medid m sold exclusively by Bell's Drug S Walhalla; J. C. Cain. Oak way; lem Drug Co., Salem; Seneca I macy, Seneca; Stoneeypher Co., Westminster; Hughs ; D< Richland.-Adv. I,ato Conoross Now? Coneross, Jan. 13.-Special ii A. P. Dean, of Avalon, Chi., the week-end with Mr. and Mri O. Alexander and family. Mrs. Apple Krall, of Was h i I). C.. spent the week-end v J ?. Abbott and family. Mr. and .Mrs. Kayne, of Pickt have purchased part of the I o stock place, recently owned ll W. Walker, and aro living lu midst. We are glad to ?ha? - iii people in our community. T..O I I beni lieUrty ?volc?me, Mi s .\i Hiirikhijgi r Sb?l\^?b| I j lui . . .!..-. -UM Friday .;: th?? -b- u. ? .? Hot ilaiighier. .vi rs. .1, I?, Arm . ... Richland Miss isditli Poster, of IN lhalhi spell I the week-end with her riend, Miss CuyilCll Abbott. Miss Snleili) DllDcsC, ot (!: >t spool the week-end with bei M rs. Clara DuBose. M i-, and Mrs. I'lyses Si West minster, spent the villi Mrs. Smith's father. .) i bolt. lt, A. P. Dean, ol' A val Ca spend Sunday at the home o: \:rs. W. O. Alexander. Mr. Dean returned to their boil' I ;. fternoon. The ll. Y. 1?. I', met las' ; ?ia; evening at the hour appoin beth Croups Nos. 1 and 2 i their programs, although st ! . . tach group were absent, were present gave their par' No Worms in a Healthy Ch. lld All children troubled with worms In u? ltd healthy color, which ludientes poor bio I, (ind a rule, there ls more or less stomach .' mk*.?' GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC glv . ? ? for two or three weeks will enrich th? prove the digestion, and act as a Genet r di eningTonic to the wholo system. Nattuo Villi (lu e throw off or dispel the worms, and the < : i in perfect health. Pleasant to take. G( perl Mort? War Material Foin Coulons, Jan. i">.-Treaau man war material continu lt vealed as American trooi the vast warehouses in Col? v'cinity. Officers found mort i lian i ?>0 guns of 77 calibre, an lea worth half a million dollar to la; I he guns and leather caine lt lo lu possession of the Amoricar nba (Ior.ed material under the lort tho armistice. CURLS! LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WUI'l K ' How to Make a Creamy Boa 11 Hon for a Few Cent .. Tho juice of two fresh strained into a bottlo c. tl iln three ounces of orchard white Minke a wholo quarter pint of the re markablo lemon skin boa' lior nt about tho cost ono must pa; oi j small jar of tho ordinary col i - . ms Caro should bo taken to strain thc lomon juice through a linc clot] no lemon pulp gots in, then this lotion will keep fresh for int h Every woman knows tha: lernet juico is used to bleach and mt i such blemishes as freckle? .allow ness and tau and is tho ideal skin softener, whitener and bea- ii Just try it! Oct threo- ?> . . <>. orchard whito at any drug store and two lemons from tho gro- r eui make up a quartor pint Of th IS sweetly fragrant lomon lot loll fi?cl massage it daily into tho fae*), w?t k, arms and hands.-adv. MUTONS HAD MG SUBS READY To Meet Emergencies and to Sur pass Gcrmuiiy's Submarines. London, Jan. 16.-The admiralty to-day permitted to be made public the real story ol' the submarine, crui sers the British successfully con structed at tho timo the Germans were boasting of their super-subma rines. Tho British craft have two funnels and make 2 1 knots an hour on the surface under steam power. They carry from eight to ton torpedo tubes, two or three four-inch guns and also are equipped with internal combustion motors for surface cruis ing. The batteries for the undor boa power can bo charged from both the steam and combustion engines, and an ingenious scheine has been devised for quickly dismantling the funnels for the purpose of submerg ing. The vessels displace 2,000 tons on the surface and 2,700 tons sub merged. They aro ?MO feet long, have beams of 26 feet and a cruising uulius of 3,000 miles. They are designed to be oven a match for tor pedo boat destroyers in surface light ing. It is also known that the British have successfully built a submarine carrying a 12-Inch gun, although the details of this craft have not been made pu 1)1 ic. Tho now ideas embraced in the construction of the craft include the "cushioning" of the boat to with stand tho terrille concussion of the gun. This idea is represented un officially as having been successful. So far as is known, tho new craft was never employed against any enemy vessel. SOME STARTLING FACTS. More children die during the teeth ing period than consumption kills annually. The pain and discomfort that comos with this disease of chil hood may bo avoided. Save doctor bills and sleepless nights by^ giving tho sick, crying and restless child a few doses of Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether as directed. It tides tho tiny folks over the critical period of life safely. "Give the baby a chance." 18 doses for 25c, at all dealers. ?Easy Teether Medicine Co., Canon, Ca.-Adv.' I .McCormick Quits as Chairman. Waf>hii>gton Juh< i !. - Vaneo Cl M?CoihllCk h 'signed as chair-; ma J: ui tho Dei ccrstiMW National' Cipfumitli?e and it is understood (hal ... lu umiei consideration for ap pointment as American ambassador o Prance, to succeed Wm. (?raves Sharp. Mr. sharp's resignation, it s said, if* now in the hands ol' the ['resident, luit no announcement of ho fact has been made. The fact that Mr. McCormick had (.signed became known hero to I'ight, although there had been no uiggestioi) of it when lie sailed for .'rance two weeks ago to assist with \nrk in connection with the peace ioilferencc. Ile went to Paris in ns capacity as the chairman of the var trade board, a position to which ie was appointed last year. Shu rp Now in America. Mr. Sharp, whose homo :s at Ely .ia. Ohio, was appointed ambassa lor to Franco on June 12, 1914, and 'esigned from Congress to accept he post. Recently he was called lome by the illness of his brother ind is now In the United States, I'though it is understood that ho x iccts to return to France soon. Mr. McCormick, who is a news paper publisher, of Harrisburg, Pa., ?ns Democratic candidato for Gover nor of Pennsylvania in 10H and was ..elected as chairman of tho Demo cratic National Committee in 1016. S. Jay Dickson Dead. (Tugaloo Tribune, 14th.) Relatives and friends or S. ,/a.v Dickson will be greived to learn of his dent'h overseas, He died of wounds on October nth. Tho sad nows was received in a letter some time ago, hut as it was not. confirmed officially hope was held out that he vas still living. The news of his death caine officially, however, lim other day. Mr. Dickson was in the prime of life. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. I William Dickson, of the Oconee. Mill. land a brother of Hayden and D. 0. Dickson. His wife was Miss Addie Oakley. She now lives near La? ' ionia, Ga. Jay was for many years an om I ployee of tho Oconee Mills, starting \ as a sweeper. , The widow, parents, brothers and ?sisters have ibo sympathy of many . friends. Tax on llovera gos. Washington, Jan. 16.-Tax rates cn beverages in the war revenue , 1 ill wero agreed to by the Senate land House conferees to-day, tho lat ter accepting substantially all of tho Senate's rates, estimated to yield .about S45O.OOfi.000 in revenue. "THAVE been u IL well's Syrup P seven years. I believe i daughter's life, as she h caused by the conditio we gave her Syrup Pei there is no remedy Syrup Pepsin for the (From a letter to Dr, Mr?. C. P. Brown, Kansas Dr. Ca Syrup The Perfe< MMMI Sold by Drugi 50 cts. ( A mild, pleasant laxa ti1 as it is gentle in its ? bottle send your name Caldwell, 458 Washinj AS TO AUTOMOBILE LICENSES. Sheriff Alexander Receives Instruc tions Direct from Headquarters. Sheriff \V. M. Alexander has been besieged by automobile owners and operators of other motor driven ve hicles for information concerning licenses, permits to operate tempor arily, etc. In order to be able to act in thc matter according WT*the law, Mr. Alexander rc-cently wrote to tho State Highway Department for instruction. He is now in re ceipt of the following letter, which is self-explanatory: "Columbia, S. C., Jan. loth, 1019. "W. M. Alexander, Sheriff, Oconee County, Walhalla, S. C.-Dear Slr: 1 appreciate your letter of tho 13th in regard to information concerning the enforcement of the automobile registration laws in this State. "For your information I will state that Section 9 of the Act creating tho department provides as follows: " 'All Ilcensea isha il ifxp?ro .. thc ''si daj ot December following the lat?! of i ?ft nc. Annual licenses shall ti ter bo it-*nod between' (ho f\r'?t da: oi* Jauuarj aiicytho ll rsi nay o? February of each year.' "After that date it is unlawful to operate any motor car without a license, and a sign, 'License applied for,' ls ol" no value unless owner can show registered letter receipt show ing that he has complied with the law and lhat his application is in the hands of tho State Highway Fngineer. "I also wish to call your attention to the fact that we are not issuing any temporary tags this year, and the use of one is a violation of the law. "The Department wishes to thank >ou for your co-operation, and we assure you that it is our policy to issue all licenses as soon as possible ofter receipt of application. ^ "Yours very truly, ''The Stato Highway Department." (h ove s Tasteless chill Tonic .estorcs vitality and energy by purifying and en Helling the blood. You can soon feel Its Strength ening. Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. Will Work ?ermon Prisoners. Paris, Jan, 14.?-Tho cabinet de cided to-day that German war pris oners henceforth should be employ ed in reconstruction work in the ! berated districts. .The measures adopted provide a minimum of 200, i.OO will bo working in thc devastat ed regions by March 20. tv Looking their Bi KA * , o ?i The Se It is health, robust health, t girl's good looks. If she gets sick of health, she knows that person; worry. They are hers. That is t Tho story of Airs, Hattie Hamil ton, 817 Mvrtlc Avenue, La ton ht Kentucky, is typical. Sho says: have never a all my life, until rc cently, weighed over 102 pound! Finally, I began to take Pcrunr My weight now ls 120. While . HdiiM really need lt, I have ftlfil*tc< "ii tho third bottle. Pnrumi ha certainly done me a great deal o good and I re.comme.iHl lt to nv friends. Sc vorn I aro taking it.'' lt ls surprising Ibo amount of de pemlencc placed by women every whore upon Or. Hart man'? Worl Famous Paruna. For forty-flv years it bas hoon a household rom edy for coughs, colds. Catarrh an all Catari'hnl inflammation whctlie sing Doctor Cald epsin for more than t saved my little grand ad such terrible spasms, m of her stomach, until jsin. Our family thinks like Dr. Caldwell's stomach and bowels.'* ) , Caldwell, written by , 1012 Garfield Ave., City, Mo. ld well's Pepsin ct Laxative [ists Everywhere Two Sizes ) $1.00 ye, as positively effective iction. For a free trial and address to Dr. W. B, gton St., Monticello, IIL SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In Court of Common Pleas.) Lula Owens, Plaintiff, against Derril Owens, Defendant. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. (Complaint Served.) To tho Defendant Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer- the complaint In I this action, of which a copy is hero ? with served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office on tho Public Square, at Wal halla Court Houso, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to aaswcr the complaint within tho time afore said, tho Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint. Dated this 31st day of December, J P 18. R. T. JA YNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. To Derril Owens, DofontJniit in tlfco nbovo entitled action: Please take notice that this ac tion han heep ^onvrooncetl j&Yfl i.-, ne* ponding m (bc. Gourl of Common I ?aa ol Ocoue? County s. C.; that M . original Summons and com ? plaint wei : fUt?l in Vino b'M'ce oi tho (JlerJi of BS u Court on ?-<-' 3d day ol' January, 1?1 9 ; that tho purpose of this ac'ion is to rcqulro you, by wny of alimony, to provide and afford for 1 la i n ti ff and lier minor child reason able support and maintenance, aad for such other and further roliof ns to the Court, may seem meet and pro per. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. Walhalla. S. C., Jun. 7, 1019. 2-4 NOTICE OF FINAL SEl^LEMBNT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate, for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court Houso, on FRIDAY, the 7th day of FEBRUARY, 1919, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final seule ment of tho Estate of W. B. CHER RY, Deceased, and obtain final dis charge as Executrix of said Estate (Mrs.) FRANCES L. DAVIS, Executrix of thc Estate of W. B. Cherry, Deceased. Jan. 8, 1919. 2-5 SOME FINE TRACTS OF LAND FOR SALE. THREE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND on Stumphouso Mountain noa boen sub-divided into tracts of ono hundred acres each, and is now ready to bo sold. I will bo glad to show tho same to partios desiring to purchase. Will take Liberty Bonds or War Savings Stamps in payment B. R. MOSS, Anent for Owners, Walhalla, S. C. r>2-tf icky =-g >e hoi?*?* etwe women 2st all the Time is the Chief Business I the Blue Grass Belles. cret of Their Beauty hat is responsible for tho Kentucky , she proceeds to get well. Possessed il charm and attractiveness need not be secret. of tho respiratory system, stomach or other organ or part of tho body, Tho record of I'eruna for nearly a hair century ls a startling one. Thousands have discovered and teH ttfy to UH marvelous merit. Poru?a ls sold everywhere. May bc pur chased In either I lei ti Iel or tablet form. Your dealer bas lt. Ask lor l>r. Hartman'? well-known I'eruna Tonto. Do not aeeepl a substitute or "something Just a? good,'' liiHlat Upon I'eruna. If you are Hick and suffering from any cause Whatever, write The Po ru?a Company, Dept. 7t?, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's Rca) ttl Hook. The book lu free Slid may help you. Ask your dealer for a. I'eruna Almanac.