FORMER PRESIDENT AT REST. Funeral Service? simple--Many Nu tions Transmit Their Regret**. Oyster Day, Nf, Y., Jan. 8.-Long before the hour sot tor tho simple funeral sorvieos for Theodore Roose velt this afternoon, silent crowds of villagers and visitors collected In 'tho vicinity or Sagamore Hill, Christ Episcopal church 'and Young's Memorial cemetery Many tried lu "vain to gain admittance to the grounds of tho Roosevelt estate, but mounted police, special deputy sheriffs und detectives kept all on tho move. Visitors were impressed with the bush that fell over tho town as the hour for tho service approached, and tko general air of sorrow on the countenances of the citizens, school ihildrcn, dismissed for thu day, as sembled in tho streets and talked in subdued whispers. The droning of Ibo army airplanes that hovered over the Roosevelt mansion seemed to accentuate the stillness. Busi ness virtually was suspended. Many buildings wero draped with crepe and Hags drooped at half-mast. Only tho immediate members of Thc family were prosont at the pray er sorvoico at the house prior to the ritos at Christ church, as follows: Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Repre sentative and Mrs. Nicholas Long worth, Capt. and Mrs. Archibald Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodoro Roosevelt, Jr., Mrs, Richard Derby, Mrs. Doug las Robinson, (tho colonel's sister). Mr. and Mrs. T. Douglas Robinson, the former being the colonel's nephew; Rear Admiral \V. S. Cow ies, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alsop, \V. Emlen Roosevelt, and John. K. Roosevelt, cousins ol' tho colonel; Mr. and Mrs. E. Reeve Merritt, Mrs. J. West Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Warner; Mrs. flllbourne L. Roosevelt, John E. Roosevelt, Mrs. {."airman Dick, Mrs. Monroe Hohtn *on, Mrs Langdon Geer, Mrs John E. Roosevelt, Mrs. James A. Roose velt, Mrs. Frederick Roosevelt, Sam uel Roosevelt and Miss Annie Tay lor. Rev. George E. Tnlmago, a friend of the family, read the Episcopal service for tho dead at Christ church at 12.46 o'clock. There was no special music and no eulogy. The only departure from the impressive ritual was tho recitation by the rec tor of Col. Roosevelt's favorite ?hymn: "How Kimi a Foundation." Admission by Card. Admission to the little village rh ti rc h where the colonel worshiped was by card tad was limited to liss than five nurdred. President Wilson was represented by Vice President Marshal, and tho anny by Gen. March, and the navy by Ad miral Winslow, and delegations represented both branches of Con gress. Governor Smith and leadnrs of both branches of the Legislature represented New York State. Among tho close friends of the former President wero Senator Lodge. William II. Taft and Charles E. Evans. A delegation of Hough Hiders, who served undo.- thc colo .nol In the Spanish-American war. had places of honor. Among tho organizations sending representatives were the American Academy of Arts and Letters; St. Nicholas Society; Camp Fire Club, Harvard Club; Rook and Crockett Club, Republican Club, American Defense Society, and Union League Club. Interment was in a plot selected by Col. Roosevelt soon after he left the White House. The site of the grave ls on the crest of a knoll over looking Oyster -Hay cove. Condolence from Bra/.ll. Rio Janorio, Jan. 7.-President Alves to-day cabled his condolence .to Mrs. Roosevelt and the foreign minister instructed tho Brazilian embassy at Washington to express ?to the family of the former Ameri can President the profound regret of thc Brazilian people. Edwin V. "Morgan. American ambassador, re ceived many visitors and telegrams ol condolence. Regrets from Uruguay. Montevideo. Jan. 7. -The foreign minister of Uruguay sent thc follow ONE DOSI", RELIEVES A <'OLl>-NO QUININE "Pape's Coltl Compound" Ends Rmi Colds or Grippe in ii Kew Hours Relief comes Instantly, A dose (akon every two hours un til throe (loses aro taken will end jgrlppo misery and break up a severe cold either In tho head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, ?tops nasty discharge or nose run ning, relieves sick headache, dull mess, feverishness, soro throat, ?poezlng, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! Ease your throb bing head! Nothing elso in tho world gives such prompt relief as "Pape'i Cold Compound," which costs onl> few cents at any drug store. Il acts without assistance, tastes nice and causes no inconvenience. Bc /.iure you get the genuine-adv. lng cablegram to Washington to day: "In the name of the Uruguayan government, I wish to express my aicero regrets over the death of, Mr. Roosevelt, who as a noble fighter deserved the love of thoso who fight for the principies of universal justice." Sorrow lu Argentine. Buenos Alros, Jan. 7.--The Argen tino foreign office has instructed tho Argentino embassy at Washington to express to the United States gov ernment this country's sorrow over the death of Theodoro Roosevelt. Tho embassy is directed to send a representative lo the funeral and place a wreath at tho grave In be half of tho Argentine government. A personal representativo of Presi dent lrogoyon called at tho Ameri can embassy to-day to express sym pathy. Clemenceau Seuils Cablegram. Paris. Jan. 7.-Premier Clemen ceau sent tho following cablegram to Mrs. Roosevelt to-day: "On my return to Paris I learn with profound regret of tho death of Col. Roosevelt. Franco loses in him ru excollont friend. Always animat ed by generous ardor, ho has shown his sympathy for her on every oc casion. He was proud to give his sons in tho allied cause, and to thus contribute to tho triumph of right. I will keep i ii faithful remembrance the umiable relations 1 have had ?th him "1 beg you, madame, to accept (he expression of my deepest condol ence." Washington lu .Mourning. Washington. Jan. S.- Washington joined with the little village of Oys ter Bay to-day In mourning the death of Theodore Roosevelt. While thc funeral of the former President was being conducted in the town which knew him as a private citi zen, government activities. Insofar as possible, ceased in tho city, which knew him as a public official. Flags all over the government buildings hero were at half mast to day and will remain so for thirty days in accordance with the procla mation issued by President Wilson f.t Paris. The Senate, over which Col. Roosevelt was the presiding of tieer for a short time before becom ing President, stood adjourned. The House planned to meet for only a brief session. Sons Receive News. With tho American Army of Oc cupation, Jan. 7. - News of tho death of Col. Roosevelt was withheld by a friend from Capt. Kermit Roosevelt, of the 7th Artillery, until the captain had been given an opportunity to read his father's latest letter. Lieut. iCol. Theodore Roosevelt. Jr., is with the Jtith Infantry near Montebaun. Dr. Richard Derby, Col. Roosevelt's son-in-law, is a surgeon attached to tho headquarters of tho lid division. Word of the death of Col. Roose velt was received over the wire of the American signal corps and was Mashed immediately to all head quarters In the area of operation. .Mourning in Italy. Rome, Jan. 7.-Col. Roosevelt had many friends and admirers here. Pope Benedict, when informed ol' Mr. Roosevelt's death, expressed profound regret. Tho pontiff said that, as President, Mr. Roosevelt was most favorable to Catholics, one of his cabinet members hoing ol that faith. He also recalled thc visit of William H. Taft to the vatican dur ing Mr. Roosevelt's administration for tho purpore of negotiating the matter relative to the Friar's lands 'n tho Philippines. SOME STARTLING FACTS. More children die during the teeth ing period than consumption kills annually. The pain and discomfort that comes with this disease of chil hood may bc avoided. Save doctor bills and sleepless nights by giving tho Bick, crying and restless child a few doses of Dr. Thornton's Easy Teeth er as directed, lt tides the tiny f > ks over tho critical period of life safely. "Che the baby a chance." 18 doses for 25c, at all dealers. Easy Teether Medicino Co., Canon, Ga.-Adv. A. <\ L. Strike Ends. Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 9.-After having been out almost a week be cause of the presence of non-union workmen In the local Atlantic Coast Line car repair shops here, ?IDO or more union workmen will resume work to-morrow morning, leaving the causo of the strike to bc adjudi cated by G. D. Rosser, their repre sentative, and Willard Kells, general superintendent of motor power for tho railroad. Americans Burn Kadish. Archangel, Jan. ff.- -Activities were renewed by tho American and Allied forces on the Kadish front yesterday. According to incomplete reports to headquarters hero the Americans burned tho village of Ka dish, retired from it and then went forward and re-occupied tho ruins How in God's nan dealt to humanity-St America will save the < your part? You coul American! Every peni ind, kelpies* people o? THE YOU! CAM] VOl \<; ULA WM I/PT'S DEATH. Company Commander Writes Mis Pam i ly-Louis < 'nm mon dod. For a long while there seemed to he considerable doubt as to tin death ol' Louis Planchete ol' Wal- j balla, on the battlefields of Prance. ! Mis death was reported, apparently confirmed, then there were rumors I (bat first reports were incorrect. Finally, however, Wm. Dlanchett, a | brother of the young soldier, cabled ! ?or information. Tho (following personal letter | from VV. D. Workman, who was j originally thc commander of the I organization to which Louis Blan chett belonged, (the 118th Infantry.) sets at rest the varying rumors and establishes beyond question the fact that Louis died of wounds received on the battlefield in thc performance of dut} : Capt, Workman's Letter. Headquarters 1st Battalion, 118th Inf., American Expeditionary Forces France, December o'th, 1918. Mr. Will Blanchett. It. F. D. No. 1, Walhalla, S. C.-1 have received your cable, "ls Louis Dlanchett dead or alive?" and am replying at the earliest possible moment. I have made an investigation and regret to inform you that Louis is dead. Thc facts of the case as learned, on in \estigation, are breil'y as follows: The company was camped on Oc tober lath, 19 18, in a field near Bo hflln, France. Louis and the other men who were on duty with the kitchens wore asleep in the field that night when a largo shell ex ploded in their midst, killing one a an and wounding severely Louis and another man. Louis was given Immediate attention and was sent back through the hospitals to Rouen. France, where, in spite of all that could be done to save him, he died eight days later, and his death was reported to his company comman der. In all probability Louis was burled near the hospital in which ho died. I am surprised and grieved that you wero not notified of his death by tho department. I will always regret thal I was not with "A" Company during any of tho lighting, having been trans ferred to tho COth Brigade, which was on tho same front. I have only recently been returned to tho 118th infantry, and as soon as your cable SHALL NOT Pi ne can you let millions die th a rv a rion? You cannot do itl orphans and babe? from their d not do otherwiae and ba ny you give ?oe? for food and the near Eaat. NATION'S QUOTA $30,00 QUOTA $-? PAIGN JANUARY 12-19-191 ERICAN COMMIT LIEF IN THE NEA ttLMKiriA.- 6 REECE " 8VBIA.-?XRft: w,u? i xeivi'il I was glad to lnvc;*tl '. ?nc. \- Louis's old company comma ?1 dor I trust that you will lot mc take this opportunity to express to you my sympathy In your time of great sorrow. Louis was an excellent sol- j *iit!r and was loved and respected hy j his officers and comrades. He died 1 at his post of duty in the presence of thc c.*:erny. Ile gave his lifo in the defense o'* us all. and while 1 know that yon must always lament the fate which cut short his life in the days of his >oung manhood, death came to him in the noblest form in which it cat*, come to any of us I'ii, friend, Charlie Pitchford, i-= taking charge of his watch and other ei'ects and will return them to you. 1 have instructed Charlie to write yon in detail the circumstances of . 1 death. With the kindest of~~regards to you and yours, I am, Sincerely your friend, W. D. Workman. Advertised Mail. The following is a Hst of letters re maining uncalled for in tho Walhalla post olfice for the week ending Jan uary 8, 1019: Will Oakley. Chas A. Lee. Pvt, Wm. Trimum Spencer. Arthur Thomas. Mrs. Amandie White. J. A. Wood. When calling for the abovo please say they are advertised. N. Kant. P. M. SI 1,000,000 for Requisitioned Ships. London, Jan. i).-Edward X. Hur ley and lt. ll. Stevens, of the Ameri can shipping board after conferences with representatives of the Norweg ian Shipping Association, have agreed that tho United States shall immediately pay the Norwegian ship owners $11,000.0()0, which is thc amount tho Norwegians actually had invested in contracts, material and ships whon they were requisitioned by the United States. The matter ls left unsettled, however, as the amount is far below what the Nor wegians claim. Further claims will be taken np in Washington. The Norwegians declared that some concerns face disaster unless (bey obtain funds immediately. ie most hideous death You will not do kl hunjer. Will yo? ?o ? man, nauta clothing tor ?? #*rr 3,000 9 rEE RE?SX TIM! X?\v Calomel Tablet That, ls ICn tl roly Purified of Nauseating und Dangerous Qualities Of .ill tlie medicines in the world the doctors prize calomel most high ly to break up a cold overnight or to cut short an attack of Influenza, grippe, soro throat or a deep-seated cough and possibly to prevent pneu monia. Now that all of its unpleas ant and dangerous qualities have been removed, tho new kind ol' calo mel called "Calotabs" ls the doc tors* ideal treatment for colds, etc. One Calotab on the tongue at bed timo with a swallow of water, that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, your work or pleasures. Next morning your cold has vanished and your whole system is purified and refreshed. Cn lotahs is sold only ii original sealed packages; price thirty-five cents. Your druggisl recommends and guarantees Calo tabs hy refunding tho price if yon are not delighted.- adv. Trot/.ky Commanded Arrest. Copenhagen, Jan. 8.-Nikolai Le oine, the llolshevist premier of Rus sia, has been arrested at. the com mand o? Leon Trotsky, minister ol war and marine, who has made him self dictator, according to a Mos ( ow dispatch to tho Gothenburg, Sweden. (Lizette. Trotzky was prompted to make thc arrest because of a difference ol opinion with Lenino concerning Bol shevik reforms, tho dispach states Lenino desired to effect a coalition with tho Monshovik or Moderates while Trotsky wished to continue tho reign of red terrcn drove's T?steteos chill Tonic .estores vitality and enertfy by purifying and en Ilching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength cnlng, Invigorating Effect. Price 80c. At tempt To Assassinate Premier. Hasel, Switzerland, Jan. 9.-An attempt has been made at Prague to assassinate Or. Karl Kramarz, thc Czecho-Slovak prom 1er, Hight re volver shots were fired at him, none of which, however, took effect. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Tho State of South Carolina, County of O co nee. (Tn Court of Common Pleas.) > Lula Owens, Plaintiff, against Derril Owens, Defendant. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. (Complaint Served.) To tho Defendant Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer tho complaint in this action, of which a copy is here with served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at -his office on the Public Square, at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho servico hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afore said, the Plaintiff In this action will apply to the Court for tho relief de manded in the complaint. Dated this 3 let day of December, L018. R. T. JA'YNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. To DorVH Owens, Defendant in tlio abovo entitled action: Please take notice that this ac tion has been commenced and is now pending In tho Court of Common P'eas of Oconoo County, S. C.; that tho original Summons and Com plaint were filed in tho office of tho Clerk of said Court on the 3d day of January, 1919; that the purpose of this ac*ion is to require you, by way >f alimony, to provide and afford for Plaintiff and her minor child reason able support and maintenance, and for such other and further relief o<* to the Court may seem meet and pro per. R. T. .TAYNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. Walhalla. 8. C., Jan. 7, 1919. 2-4 CITATION NOTICE. The State of South Carolina, Coun ty of Oconee.- (In Court of Probate) -By V. P. Martin, Esq., Probate Judge.-Whereas, Mrs. Naomi Har bin lins made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of the Es late of and Effects of James T. Har bin, Deceased These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of the said i James T. Harbin, Deceased, thal, they be and appear before mo, in tho j Court of Probate, to be held at Wal ! halla Court House, South Carolina, on Thursday, the 23d day of Janu ary, 1919, after publication hereof, j at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to j show cause, if any they have, why i tho naid Administration should not ; be granted. ; Given under my hand and seal thia 7th day of January, A. D. 1919. (Seal.) V. P. MARTIN, ludge of Probate for Oconee County South Carolina. Published on tho 8th and 15tb days of January, 1919, in The Koo - wee Courier and on the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. j Jan. X. 1919. 2-3 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un ? , dersigned will make application to j V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate, for Oconee County, in the State of South j Carolina, at his office at Walhalla. 'Court House, on FRIDAY, the 7th. : day of FEBRUARY, lilli), or as SOOD ' I hereafter os said application can bo heard, for leave to make final settle ment of tho Estate of W. IL CHER RY, Deceased, and obtain final dis charge as Executrix of said Estate. (.Mrs.) FRANCES L. DAVIS, Executrix of the Estafo of W. B Cherry, Deceased. Jan. S, 1919. 2-5 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Estate of H. D. Hembree, Deceased, aro hereby notified to make payment to tho undersigned, and all person* having claims against said estate will presont tho same, duly attested, with - in tho limo proscribed by law, or bo barred. M. N. 11 EM Ult FF, Executor of tho Estate of H. D. Hem . bree, Deceased, Westminster, S. C., R. F. D. No. I Jan. 8, 1919. 2-5* SOME PINE TRACTS OF LAN? von SALE. THREE THOUSAND ACRES Ot?1 LAND on Stnmphouso Mountain ha** boon sub-divided into tracts of ono hundred acres each, and is now ready to bo sold. I will bo glad lo show tho same te parties desiring to purchase. Will take Liberty Bonds or Wa* Savings Stamps in payment. B. R. MOSS, Agent for Owners, Walhall?. S. O, 52-tf SALE OF REAL ESTATE RY 'lil* JUlKiE OP PRORATE. PURSUANT TO A DECREE of the Probate Court, I offer for salo, in ai l o? assets, tho Farm in Kooweo Town, snip, known as tho W. A. Grant, place, containing 2 13 acres, more or loss, and belonging to tho estato o! 1. H. Harrison, Deceased. This property will bo sold either lor cash or on time, ns a whole or it several tracts, at public or privat?5, cale, ns I think best to tho advantage of tho estate. Purchaser to pay for papors and . stamps. V. F. MARTIN, ? Judge of Probate, Oconee Co., S. C .'nnuary fi, 1919. 2-5 J. Moody iBedonbaugh has assumed "Ibia duleies as postmastor at Prosper * ity. No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and aa A ' rule, there ls more or less stomach dist?rbanos , GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC ftlvcn regularly for two or thrc? weeks will enrich tho blood, Ira provo tho (I Ur nt ion, nod act ns a General Strength . > enlntJ Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel tho WOrma, mid tho Child will I? In perfect licnlth. Pleasant to toko. COc per bottle.