REMOVAL JA: THE NORMAN 1)1 WILL BE MOVE MKU BARTON ! STAND JA NU A 111 MR. HARRISON WM,I, BE G "LA I) TUB NEW STA Kl HST DAV OK T PROSPEROUS NI WISH KOR ALL. Norman Dry Goods ONE CENT A WORD (Small advertisements under this heading Inserted at rato of one cent a word per insertion. Four Insertions for price of threo.) All grinding nt Earle's Mill for tenth toll._37-12 Slilnglo Mill and Engine for Sale. T. E. ALEXANDER, Walhalla,_38 FOR SALE-Ford Touring Car, 1918 model. J. E. ADDIS, Westmin ster, s. C._1-i* AU kinds of seed grain cleaned and graded by special machine at Earle's Mill, 10c. per bushel. 37-12 LET YOUR POULTRY and Eggs como to R. D. OELKEltS, and get better prices. West End, Walhalla. S. C._2-5 I WANT TO SELL, at once, a new 1918 modol Chevrolet Touring Car; in first-class shape Write A. A. HODDY, Seneca, S. C. 2* FOR SALE-Six-room house, with sleeping porch; half-acre lot, front ing Main street. Apply to LUCIEN D. ABBOTT, Walhalla, S. C. _ 4* STOCK HOG.-O. I. C. Registered Hoar for service; fee, $2.50 or pig. Seo S. N. H?TTS, Westminster, S. C., Hon to 5. 49-9* FOR SALE-8-cylinder Olds Club Car; practically now. Will sell at a bargain. W. A. GRANT, Walhalla, S. C._B 9-tf DU HOC JERSEY HOAR.-I offer services of this fine Registered ani mal to hog raisers. Can be found at stock pons in rear of Dr. J.J. Thode's in_Wal halla. W. C. BURNSIDE. 5* FOR SALE.-House and two lots in the town of Walhalla, situated on Facility Hill, belonging lo tho estate of Mrs. Meta C. Harrison, and others. For full particulars apply to W. C. HUGHS, Agent._2-tf ATHENS HIDE COMPANY, of Athens, Ga., aro largest buyers of ex pross shipped Green Cow Hides in South. Reason is "They weigh the weight." H. EUGENE FANT. Mana ger, 34-S* CA DBA OE PLANTS.-Millions of Hardy Cabbage Plants, from selected seed. Any variety, now until May $2;00 per HMM); 1 0,000 at $1.50 per thousand. Prompt delivery. THE ENTERPRISE TRUCK FARM, 2-1 4 < ieorgetovvu, s. C. FOR SA LE-Ooh ni lg Property, situated in the best business center of the Town of Walhalla; half-acre lot with buildings. For information address C. F. HOE FER, Administra tor, No. 1000 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 29-tf LITTLETON COLLEGE, Littleton. N. C., which carried an advertise ment in this paper during the sum mer, had the largest fall opening in so vor al years. The institution is spending several thousand dollars on improvements, including the comple tion and heating of tho new Science Building. Pupils may enter now or at any timo, and pay from date of entrance. 2-3 Knights of Pythias. The Regular Meeting of Wnllialla Lodge, No. 07, K. of P., will be held at tho Masonic Temple Thursday < to-morrow) evening, January 9th. r.t 8.30 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Business of import ance. Installation of newly elected officers. Visiting Knights always welcome. M. R. MCDONALD, C. C. T. n. SHELOR, K. R. & S. (adv.) A Regular Communication of Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 92. A F. M., will be held next Fri day nigh!, January 10th. 1919. at S o'clock. HARRY R. HUGHS,, W. M. W. O. WHITE, Secretary. (adv) ***.H??M?H?* ********* * * ?!. LOCAL AND PERSONAL, .j. 4* * * * * ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? . '.. !. ??? ?J? ?J? ?T? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?T? ?T? - John M. Ledford .md family, of Central, were visitors in Walhalla last week among relatives and friends, who aro always delighted lo have them among thom, --Carsten 11. Melkers lof t last week for Jacksonville, Fla., where ho will engage in tho poultry business, con ducting a ?ales place. Ho has Humor ous friends here who will wish him well. - Carload of lime. You can gel ;.ll you wan). W. M. Flrowii & Son, Walhalla, adv. Ttais WAU? Y Car and Tr .'" '". DAY Ol All Calls Given Prompt At 49-tf Phone I NUARY 1, 1919.! HY GOODS STORE !I> TO THE FOU !> HU? 8 T O R E C FIRST. , THE MANAGER, TO SEE YOU AT NI) FROM THE IIB MOW YEAR. OW YEAR IS OUR Store? F. K. Harrison, Mgr. -T. G. Hryant and family moved last wook from Walhalla to Mountain Host, wlioro ho will ho during the ?next year, engaging in farming. He will resido on Route No 1, from Mountain Host. Thoy have many friends who will join with The Cou rier in wishing thom well in their new home. -Mrs. W. J. O. Hay and two child ren have boen suffering from (julio severo attacks of Influenza for the l>ast ten days. We aro glad to re port that they aro now improving nicely, and hope that they will soon be enjoying their usual good health. Mr. Hay has boen kept pretty close at homo for some time in tho capacity of nurse, but ls now able to bo out among his friends and attending to business since thc members of his family are Improving . -A. C. Whitten, of Salem, who has been managing a general store at his home town, has gone into busi ness for himself, branching out indi vidually flrst of the year. Mr. Whit ten has been conducting a branch store for C. W. Pitchford, of Walhal la, at Salem, and on tho first ol' the new year purchased Mr. Pltchford's stock and good will, and will con tinue the business on his own ac count. Mr. Whitton is a young man of ability and pleasing address and will doubtless meet with a tull mea- ! sure of success. Ho has the best wishes of Tho Courier, along with hosts of other friends. Mr. Whitten is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John li. Whitten, of Pendleton, well known to tho people of Oconee. -Co to Brown's Garage when you want repairs or supplies on a mo ment's notice.-adv. -The Red Cross rooms hereafter i will he open only twice a week Tuesdays'and Saturdays. Members' will please tako notice and call for I and deliver work on those days. - livery member ol' the Set Ind , Presbyterian church is urged lo bei present at the regular preaching ser- 1 vice Sunday afternoon at :l o'clock, "ion are needed to help us solve some important mutters. Wm. B. Hell returned tin; first ? of this week to re-enter tho Univer sity of South Carolin;!. Ile had been I spending Hie holidays in Walhalla willi Iiis parents. Dr. and Mrs. .1. W. 1 Hell. j -?For Sale Tho household goods of tho late I. II. Harrison, next Sat-i unlay afternoon, January ll th, at III o'clock, at his late residence. Terms, | ? (ash.- ad v.-1. .Mrs. W. J. O. Ray and two of her children have been for the past ; I len days very sick with influenza, lt j I will be pleasant news to their friends I I to learn that thoy are now well on ! j the way to recovery. Mr. Ray. who ! has had a siege of nursing, is again j j able to be out attending to matters Of business. -Among the many recent trans fers of real estate in and around Walhalla wo noto that J. ly. Parker bas sold his residence on North Tugaloo street to W. J. Hunt. Mr. Parker and his family aro getting ready to move to their old homo at Grover, N. C., where, wo are inform ed, ho will enter tho mercantile business as a member of one of tho oldest firms at that place. We re L'tot to loso this estimable family from our midst. As Mr. Harker and family move ont, W. J. Hunt and family aro moving into tho vacated lesidence. We heartily welcome Mr. Hunt and family into our circle again. Until about a year ago he lived at the Dr. Johnson placo and returned to his farm, but bo could I not stay away from Walhalla, and j right glad we are to seo him coming j back. In the meantime he has sold 1 his Dr. Johnson place to County Superintendent of Education T. A. : Smith, who now becomes one of our i permanent citizens. Wo are pleased lo welcome Mr. Smith and his fami ly as residents, and not morely as sojourners. Our good friend. John j Hutchison and family have also sold I their nice home on North Tugaloo J Street and are moving out to make 1 ?iom for Floyd H. Watson and fami I ly, ol' l'air Play. Wo hope that Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison will build another just as handsome home a? stay with us. These instances ! seem to indicate that good homes I bring in good citizens, so may we ? rot ask why are not some of the eye sores and waste places being torn down and built up lo attract in stead of repel? Don't all answer ?.I once. -Tho Westminster OH and Fertil izer Co. is taking wagon cotton seed ami will ho regularly tn the market from now on. adv.-2-Jt, TlUWHFKE ?Ot uck for Hire l NIGHT. tcntion, Prices Reasonable. $5. Walhalla, S/G I - - --- -I 11 ll .I ? ? -Pull stock of gloves ?nd sweater coats. C. yV. & J. B. -Robert L. Rogers returned yes terday to Davidson, N. C., to resume his college work at Davidson Col lege. He had spent tho holidays in Walhalla with his mother, Mrs. R. L. Rogers, and among other- rela tives. ?-Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wiil ho administered next Sunday morning in tho Walhalla Presbyterian church. It ls hoped that every member of tho church will mako a special effort to be present. Tho public ls also always Invited and cordially wolcomed. "Como thou with us and wo will do thee good." -'Exchange.-Will awe;) Ford touring car or Grant roadster for horse. See me for a trade. J. W. Hell, Walhalla.-adv.-2-tf. -M. R. McDonald, Esq., loft yes terday for Columbia, where ho will be for some time attending the ses sion of the Gonoral Assembly. He was accompanied by his wife and two children. They will visit Mrs. McDonald's mother, remaining until ofter tho session of tho Legislature. Mr. McDonald has professional busi ness before tho State Pardon Hoard, this matter taking him in advance of the other members of the General Assembly from Oconee. -S. N. Pitchford will leave to morrow for Baltimore, Md., whore he will undergo a minor operation at the Johns-Hopkins Hospital. Mr. Pitchford has boen awaiting his op portunity for some time to secure treatment aud an operation, but tho hospital has been over-crowded and bo could get no accommodation un til the prosont. Ills many friends hope for his early return to Wal halla, with great bondit and not dis tant complete recovery. -The six-room houso belonging to Mrs. E. G. Johnson, who resides cn a farm about a milo and a half to the west Of Walhalla, was destroyed by flre last Sundy afternoon about ;; o'clock. The lire originated, it is supposed, from a defective stove Hue. The house burned very rapidly, lut members ol' the t'am"v were at borne when the blaze was dist seen, and they were able to save a largo part of tho household effects from tho building. The loss amounis to some six or seven hundred dollars. Mrs. Johnson carried insurance in the sum of $100 on tho building. Thc family have many friends who will sympathize with thom in the loss ol their home. -Have plenty of pigs, six weeks to two months old. W. M. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-adv. - Frank H. N McKinney is to bc added to the list of Walhalla's busi ness men, ho having deckled tc locate here and engage In the autc supply and repair business. Mr. Mc Kinney bas rented the store roon just vacated by the Norman Drj doods Store, on Malu stroct. He s des carrying a general line of autc supplies, materials and repairs, Mr McKinney will make a specialty ol tire vulcanizing. Ho has just re turned from Petersburg, Va., when he was employed by a large concert in this line of work, and ls familia: with all the details of the business His machinery is already on tho wa; ?0 this point, and be will be in sha pi lo lake up active work in his vari ons lines within tho next week o ten days. lie is a son of Mr, an? Mrs. 'A. T. McKinney, of Walhalla and is pleasantly known by many ii . own and county. We wish for bin abundant success in his new enter |>'MSO. -Administrator's Sale-At th lesidence ol' tho late I. H. Harrison next Saturday afternoon at :i o'clock Come; yon may want to buy some thing. Terms, cash.- adv.-1. -Dr. E. 0. Doyle, of Seneca, sn: tained quite painful injury last wee while on his way to Florida for 'oriel' pleasure trip. The doctor ha gotten as far on his way to the Lan of Flowers as Athens, Ga., where h and his party stopped for a bric rest. While there ho had businet at a garage, and it was in the garag that tho accident happened that r< suited in the injury. Dr. Doyle wa standing near tho "pits" over whic automobiles are run for conven lone In, working on the under parts. H stepped to one side, not thinking < the "pit" nt his side, and Into th cement affair his body was precip tated, giving him a fearful jar an bad bruises. Pour of his ribs wei broken by the fall. Ho returned I Seneca, abandoning his trip Sout His many Oconoe friends will bo gla to know that, while his injuries ai quite painful, he ls getting alon nicely and will suffer no permano bert. -For Sale, at a bargain-Ot Case car, 6-passenger, in fine shapi newly painted, with new top; first-class condition. Call and so at tho Piedmont Auto Co.'s garag Walhalla, S. C.-ad v.-48. -Tugaloo Tribune ( Wes? mlnsto: of yesterday announces tho death Rev. R. L. Du (?o, who breathed li last at his homo in Westminster < Thursday of last week. January Hov. Mr. Dollie was well known the people of Oconee and of upp South Carolina, and his death w be deplored by a wide circle of ii quaintnncos. Ile was a Confedera veteran and had a war record duty well done in the ranks of t mon who fought for the Lost Cant lie was a faithful minister of I Cospel, laboring long in the field the South Carolina Methodist Co terence. Ho was a native of Chest county, this State, and was round! out bis Tilth year, having been bo January 7, 1840. He is survived his wife, who was before mania Miss Ella Scott, and the followi children: Mrs. R. C.. Elliott. Greenville; Mrs. C. M. ShoRon, Columbus. On.: ('bas. Duffie, of ? vin. Texas; Mrs. S. M. Ellison. Winston-Salem, N. C.; Mrs. T. Hilton, of Lancaster, S. C.; Jan ruine, of Spartanburg; Mrs. Caines and Mrs. H. L. Neely. Westminster. The Courier joins w other friends of the family in lending to them sympathy In th 'neron vernen t. Como 111 and gd a nice, wa sweater coat. C. W. & J. E. Bat i ight. Walhalla.- -adv. SMALL AND F] SOLD A In New B -We can save you money on a box o? tobacco. C. W. & J. E. Bauk night, Walhalla.-adv. -Born, unto Air. and Mrs. Pleas. Allen, on Monday, January 6th, a son. -The total number of War Sav ings Stamps, 1918 series, sold at tho Walhalla post office up to January 1st, 1919. was 6,940, with a matured value of $34,700. -Calvin Spearman and lils neph ew, Calvin Belcher, have been spend ing a few days with the former's sis ter, Mrs. Earle Simpson. Mr. Spear man has many old friends in this section who are always glad to see him. They returned Sunday last to their home at Iva. -No. !{ cans tomatoes and string beans, only 20c. per can; 2 for 35c. C. W. & J. E. Uauknight.-adv. -lt. L. Bryson, who was a mom ber of the Sixth nattery, Field Artil lery, at Camp Stewart, Va., is one of the Ocoiiee boys recently released from army service. Me received his discharge on December Sib, and has been back at his Oconee home for a few weeks. -Misses Lucile White, Linnie Cudd and Julia Kaufman returned Monday last to Rock Hill to resume their studies at Winthrop College. They had been spending the holidays in Walhalla with their respective pa rents. Miss Crace Beard, another of Hie Winthrop girls, returned earlier, stopping over with relatives on tho way to Rock Hill. -Just opened a case of spring percales. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, Walhalla.-adv. - Mrs. Lillian A. Probst and ber two daughters, Misses Caro and An na, have been suffering from attacks of in (Inenza for the past few days. Mrs. Probst is greatly Improved and both children aro better, all having been fortunate in having but slight attacks. Their friends will join us in the hope that they may soon be entirely well. -lt will bo learned with much interest and pleasure in Walhalla that Judge J. H. Pitchford, of Tallle t|uah. Okla., bas recently been elect to a Supremo Court Judgeship in bis adopted State. Mr. Pitchford is a brother of C. W. and S. X. Pitchford, of Walhalla. He was elected as a hist riet Judge In 1X96 and was re elected to that high position in 1910 and again in 1914. -If you want a pair of wool blan kets, try C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, Walhalla, - adv. -Jay Q. Gillison, of Seneca, was business visitor in Walhalla the latter part of last week. Mr. Gilli f.on recently resigned the position of tiHsistant foreman of t