Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 08, 1919, Image 3

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A Remedj C?BUiUOUi World ol Sufi The Doctor ea of catarrh and con? ages of the wont ol PEI The Greatest Catarrh first atta throat, lungs, ston the body. Unchec euee and chronic al are always dlfucul Guard your heall teo late. Paruna ls excellent for couc ?ll oatarrhal Inflammation and congest Many, startling recoveries have boee TOOK IT FOR CHROMIC BRON OBITO* **l was troubled for four or Ave year?. A few .doeea ot Paruna, would at way n bria?? relief. In the Mprlng of 1914. I began taking- Pa runa In earnoat and uoed twelve bottles and have not had an attack I? two years. I feel better and oan de more work than In ten years. Paruna ?leo cured me of chronic Bronchitis and I recommend it as a splendid remedy." "_? MR. o. F. MCBRIDE!. Santa Pe, Ohio. WRITE FOR THI8 BOOK. If sick and In doubt, write The Toruna Company, Dept. S 81, Co lumbua, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's Health Book. It to free. Sent In av plain v rapper to any address. DO IT TODAY ITAIJY WELCOMES WILSON. R?ception Unolllcial, but Hearty Clieors from Crowd. Turin, Italy, Jan. 2-President VVil nou's spocial train arrived boro this afternoon. Tho President was met at the station by the prefoct of the province, the mayor, the general com manding the troops hero and other authorities. Although the reception to the American chief executive was unoffi cial, tho station was decorated with the Italian and American colors, while everywhere In tho city the Stars and Stripes wore flown beside the Italian flag. Tho President's train left a short time later amid the enthusiastic cheers of a crowd which had gather ed to greet tho nation's guest. Crossing the Frontier. On Hoard President Wilson's Special Train, Jan. 2.-Tho Franco Italian frontier waa crossed at Mo dawo at 10:30 o'clock this morning by President Wilson's special train. The presiden tal party was mot at .the frontier by American Ambassa dor Thomas Nelson Pago, Count Mac chl do Cejloro, Italian ambassador to tho United States, and Prince of Caine, who will accompany tho party to Rome. Tho presidential party caught its brat glimpse of the snow-capped neaks of the western Alps at break fast time, while tho train was crawl ing slowly through tho mountain i ?assea. President Wilson rested to-day i rom tho continuous round of activi ties of his trip and is looking for ward with groat pleasure to his visit lo Rome. Mountaineers Shout "Vivas." Rome. Jan. 2.--From the frontier to Homo the journey of President Wilson was like a triumphal pro cession. Mountaineers and villagers tjwarmed from, the hills and valleys tlo tho railroad over which the Pres! dent's train passed to pay homage to America. Thoy shouted "vivas," waving hats and handerchiefs and flags and form lng picturesque groups, which were amphazled by tho bright sunshine, blue sky and green* luxuriant land scape. GIRLS I HA VIS A MASS OF BHAlTTfFUIj HAIR, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY A Small Bottle DoNtroys Dandruff and l Voir' los Iloauty of Your Hair. Within ten minutes after an ap plication of Danderlne you can not fkad a singlo traeo of dandruff or fall isg hair and your scalp will not Itch, bul. what will please you most will >'0 aftor a few wcok's UHO, when you ?oe new hair, flue and downy at first -yos-but really new hair-grow ing all over the scalp. A little Dandorlno Immediately doubles thc beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle ?ml scraggy, just mo is ton a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw lt through your hair, laking ono ?nmll strand at a time. Tho effect la amazing-your hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and have an >?n poranco of abundance; an Incom parable lustre, softness and luxuri ance. Oct a small bottlo of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or tollot counter for a few cents and prove that your hair is as protty ?ad soft as any-that lt has been meglected or Injurod by careless treatment-that's all-you surely ?an have beautiful hair and lota of kt if you will try a little Dandorlno. -adv. 90> florid U Overcoat Catajrhaad CatatThal was Dr. Hr?man'. Legacy te tts tiing. rly recognized Ute intithions nature cerated bia Kio to checking the rnv : all health destr?yer*. RUNA ot All Catarrh Remedies oks the mucous linings In the noee, lach, bowels or any other part of ?ked lt finally breaks down tho tis iimenta develop which, if not fatal, t to cure. h with Peruna. Don't walt until Che, cords, effects of the grip and lion of the mucous lining*. i recorded. IAD CATARRH IN WO&?T WBM "I had catarrh and was all run own. Many claimed lt waa con u m ii tl on and I really thought BO ?yeelf. I had a pain in my luns nd left aide, ne appetite, could not leep, always weak and tired. My ?eight waa 8? pound?. _ I took O flo en bottles of l'eruna nd am entirely cured. I now weigh 16 pounds. Thanks to Peruna.^ MRS. A, J. NKTKOWS. 954 Tyler St., linne? polls, Minn. N. IO. If you want health, insist upon laving Dr. Hartman's World Fa oous Peruna Tonic. IN LIQUID OR TABLET FORM. Sold Everywhere. Ask your Dealer for a Peron? Almanac From J. K. Ablmtt. Lucien D. Abbott, of Walhalla, has received the following letter from his brother, J. E. Abbott, lt will bo of interest to many in Wal halla and other parts of tho county : Amer. Ex. Forces, Dec. 1, IS) 18. Dear Brother and Family: I guess you are all expecting a letter from mc, aro you not? Well, to-day is Sunday, and lt is raining, so I decided to wrlto you of what I am doing now. To tell you the truth 1 got my first leave November 29, and am now in St. Malo, a seaport town-some place, believe me! 1 willi he hero seven days-that is, tn this place. 1 havo four days traveling time. This is the finest place I havo been since leaving the U. S. A., and i am having some time. Tho govern ment pays all expenses and we get .12 1-2 francs for extra stuff, or to spend in any manner. They call it "coffee-money," but as coffee ls not much good I don't invset mino that way. I have a nice room, all to myself, up at the Do Louve Hotel, and also "good eatings." You should see me -don't hardly know how to act when I sit down to a table with a white table-cloth, knife, fork and nico white plates. I have almost forgotten how to eat; sleeping the same way. 1 crawled into the bod the other night and tho feathers covered mo up so comfortably that when morning came I was still sleeping. I awoke about 9.30 o'clock. Wo have sorao Y. M. C. A. at this place; all kinds of amusements; al so can buy most anything one wants. Am up at tho "Y" writing this let ter and looking out on the beach, watching tho waves riso and fall. I think most of tho Walhalla boys are on leave. C. W. P. ls In England, Bishop has never returned from Eng land, although I had a letter from him and he was getting along o. k. Sam P. is also in England. Lewis Blnn chott was killed. I was awful sorry, because he was a good boy and every body in the company liked him. Joseph Moody ls still with tho compa ny. Well, how are you getting along with your work? Think I will be back to help you some of these days. You said something about mo send ing a permit home. Well, I think XI will be back before a lotter could reach homo and get back. How is Willie getting along? All right, 1 hope. Toll L. D. and John William, also Louis, "hello," and that their Uncle Ceno will bo seeing thom some of these days. I am o. k. Tell everybody hello for me, and write me again. Your loving bud, Sergt. John E. Abbott. Molasses Fruit Squares. Cream ono cupful of sugar and two table: ooonfuls beef drippings. Add ono well-beaten egg, mix one lovel ten? spoonful soda with thrce-qunrters cup ful of molassos, add one cupful ot, sweet milk. Mix ono teaspoonful cir* nanum, one-half teaspoonful nutmeg, a little clove and a little salt, with two 'and one-half cupfuls flour. Add one cupful floured raisins ant) one-half cupful currants. Mix all to? [gether and pour Into driping pana, Hake In a moderate oven, cover with a (thln white frosting, and when hard cut In sou aros. . - -. ? Do it now-Subscribe for Tho Con vier if you aro not a subscriber; pay tn advance if you aro. i LENT A HAND; TXXST A IMQ. _ t Good Humor und Philosophy of Amorican Soldiers ls Apparent. New York, Jan. 2.-"I wont to Franco to 'load a hand' and they took a leg." He was a big lad from a Middle Western farm, the American soldier who called out this jest to cheer his neighbor in the sick ward of the Em press of Britain, the first transport to arrive here with "litter eases" from the American hospitals in France. "That ia just a sample of the n?vor failing humor of these boys, rising abovo suffering, above helplessness," said Miss Maude Kellara, chief nurse on the big vessel, as she came ashore a few days ago. "All tho way over they yearned for a sight of the old girl In tho harbor," she continued, "yet when we came up tho bay aud none of them could get on deck to hail the Statue of Liberty aa we passed, there were .10 com plaints. "This is tho spirit now, but I'm afraid of tho future," said Miss Kel lara, who was superintendent of nur ses at the Colorado Training School before she entered the army service. She urged women to prepare them selves for their part in tho reconstruc tion period, not lu the devastated re gions of Europe-whose people, she said, preferred to handle the problem themselves-but here at home. "There ls plenty of reconstruction work for the woman who wants to help," she asserted. "I'm afraid our enthusiasm ls going to spend itself after a yead or so-just about the time our wounded soldiers are begin ning to feel only bitterness at the thought of 'the missing leg.' Then they will need tho women. I don't know just what the women will be culled upon to do, but their work will turu up. The boys will need their enthusiasm and sympathy then more than now." You're Bilious! Take Cascarets Pleasant relief for liver and bowels, and cost 10c a box-no gripe ! Feel grand! Be efficient! Cleau your torpid liver and sluggish bowels \\ Uh good harmless Cascarets-They don't gripe or sicken. Give your In sides a good cleaning and rid your self of headaches, bilious spells, dizziness, sallowness, bad breath, stomach sourness, gases, etc. Cheer lip! Get a 10-cent box from any drug store. Also best cathartic for bilious, constipated children-tastes like candy but never falls. Cascarets work while you sleep.-adv. Savory Rice. Add one cupful of rice to six cup? fuis of bolling water and cook for fir* minutes. Then drain. Fry ont ali slices of bacon in a saucepan and iq lt fry one small onion. Then add rici and stir gently with fork until all th?, fat ls absorbed. Add one cupful ol strained tomato pulp, season with one half tablespoonful salt and one-fourtfc teaspoonful paprika. Then add tw< tfid a half cupfuls boiling water an? cook until rice has absorbed all th? liquid and la very tender. Th? Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must hove Health, Strength and En? durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood ls not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonio prop erties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, \nd ls pleasant to take. You can soon feel ?ngthening, Invigorating Effect 60c. Rainfall and Temperature. Below ls a record of meteorological observations taken by IL W. Brandt, co-operative observer of tho Weather Bureau of the u. S. Department of Agriculture, during tho week ending December 29, 1918, at 7 p. m. (The instrumental readings aro from gov ernment standard Instruments ex posed in tho manner recommondod by the chiof of tho Weather Bureau) : Character of Day. Date Tempera ture. fi ba Dec. 23-Ptly cldy.l- G41 48 Dec. 24-Ptly Cldy.l. 39|? Gf>l .*.:! Doc. 20 - Ptly cldy. -- 56 34 Dec. 2G-Olear ...- 45 23 Dec. 27-Clear . Dec. 28-Clear . Dec. 29-Clear , Total rainfall 46 18 tlj 20 4G 17 1 . 39 Total rainfall for tho month of Do comber, 1918-13.44 inches. Total rainfall for tho year 1918 02.92 inches. * DR. SOBERER APPRECIATED. Leaves St. Andrew's Church, Char leston, for Synodlcal Datlos. (News and Courier, Dec. 28.) "For nearly three quarters of o, score of years Rev. M. O. G. Scher er, D. D., has served, as pastor of St. Andrew's Lutheran church," said a member of his congreatlon. "His work there has been success ful, and In the performance of it he has come in contact generally with the people of the entire community. In all mattera of interest for the de velopment and advancement of the best things In the community, while unassuming and unpretending, ho haB boen nevertheless a potont fac tor. "His public (discourses show thought and careful preparation, and in the farewell services arranged for him, to bo held to-morrow afternoon at 5.30 in old St. John's Lutheran church, many in Charleston other than those Immediately connected with the Lutheran churches will have an opportunity to testify to their ap preciation of his work and worth, which has been so recently and so conspicuosly recognized in his choice, at the great merger convention In New York, as tho general secretary of tho United Lutheran Church in America. In tho preparation of the papers which led up to tho union of three of the most Influential Luther an church synods in this country, tho pen of Dr. Scherer played a conspic uous part, and his election to the secretaryship was but a timely recog nition of that fact. "Besides this, at least ono notable public utterance on the floor of tho merger convention, directly testify ing thereto, emanated from one of the giant minds of tho Lutheran church, in the person of Dr. Thoodoro E. Schmank, of Lebanon, Pa., who referred In a most flattering way to the value of Dr. Soberer's services In the preparation of papers necessary for the merger, displaying ready fa miliarity with church history and doctrine." The . lea of the farewell service was first suggested by the Rev. George J. Gonawarc, D. D., pastor of St. John's, who, as a delegate In New York, witnessed the high re gard In which Dr. Scherer ls hold by 1 is co-workers for the merger, and it is considered fitting that this service fchould be held tn St. John's, the old est Lutheran church In the city. The I as to rs of St. Johannes' and St. Mat thew's and the representatives of St. Barnabas' have promptly fallen in with the suggestion. From the side of the municipality a greeting will be brought by Mayor T. T. Hyde, and from the churches of the city by Rev. John Kershaw, D. D., rector of St. Michael's Episcopal church, and Rev. Alexander Sprunt, D. D., pas tor of the First (Scotch) Presbyterian church. Besides these, Rev. H. J. Black, pastor of St. Johannes' Luth eran church and president of tho South Carolina Synod; Rev. W. A. C. Mueller, pastor of St. Andrew's Lutheran church and Rev. Geo. J. Gongaware, D. D., pastor of St. John's Lutheran church will be present to take part In the services. - Flat Shoals School Following ls tho honor roll of Flat Shoals Graded School for the month ending December 20, 1918: First Grado-Lola Whitehead 90. Second Grade-Jessie Belle Bar rett'92, Rufus Head 90. Third Grade-Ila Tow 93, Ola Mae Tow 94. Fourth Grade-Beulah Whitehead 92, Lula Whitehead 94. Fifth Grade-Alpha Hann 95.5, Loora Head 95.6, John Whitehead 94 Seventh Grade-Beatrice Head 96. Ora Arve and Esta Arvo. Teachers. Tell that neighbor who borrows your Courier to subscribe for it. WOOD'S ANNIVERSARY Seed Catalog Gives the fullest and most up-to-date information, not only about Seeds that can be planted to advantage, but also about crops that prom ifje to give the largest profits during the coming year. OUR 40 YEARS' EXPEFcENCE, and an equipment that \'t unaur |M980d in this country, r/ivo us un equalled advantages for supplying THE BE8? OF Farm and Garden Seeds Write for Catalog and Prices of QRA88 and OLOVER 8EED8, 8EED OATS, 8EED CORN and 8EED POTATOE8. Catalog Malled Free on Roqueat. T. W. Wood & Sons, 8EED8MEN, - Rlohmond, Va. For 'he Beat of Gardens, PLANT WOOD'S 8EED8. ?-_ IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What ? Heap of Happiness lt Would Briny to Walhalla Hornee. Hard to do housework with an aching hack. Brings you hours of misery at lei sure or at work. It women only know the oause that Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, 'Twould eave much needless woe. Boon's Kidney lilla are for weak kidneys. ^ Read what a Walhalla citizen says: Mrs. C. H. White, Broad St., says: "About five years ago I had baokaohe and other symptoms ot kidney trouble. I had sharp pains shoot through my kidneys and I was in pretty bad shape. I was feeling quite miserable when I was told to try Bean's Kidney Pills and one box entirely cured me. I ad vise anyone suffering from kidney complaint to give this remedy a trial." Price OOo, at all dealer?. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-?et Donn's Kidney Pills - the same U?at Mrs. White had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? *|a ?J? *|? ?|? .J. .J. ?J. .J. .J- .J. 4. WITH THE CHURCHES. 4. * - 4 Where and When to Worship. 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* *I* 4* *I* *I* *!* "I* *I* 4* 4* *i* "Come thou with us and we will do thee good." METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. E. P. Taylor, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; services ll a. m. Sermon by tho pastor. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. W. H. Hamilton, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School 10 a. m.; services ll a. m. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7 p. m. Second and fourth Sundays, 4.30 p m., services at Bethel church. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Ii. W. Langston, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School 10 a. m.; services ll a. m. Sermon by tho pastor. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7 p. m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rov. W. B. Aull, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School 10 a. m.; services ll a. m. Sermon by the pastor. SSSSBSS For Weak Women In use for over 40 years! Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardui has done them. This is the best proof of the value of Cardui. It proves that Cardal is a good medicine for women. There are no harmful or habit-forming drugs in Cardui. It is composed only of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no bad after-effects. TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonie VA You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other womeai It should help. "I was taken sick, seemed to be . . . , " writes Mrs. Mary E. Veste, of Madison Heights, Va. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk .. just staggered around. ... I read of Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take lt in the spring when run down. I had no appetite? and I commenced eating. lt is the best tonic I ever saw." Try Cardui. All Druggists Subscribe for Tho Courlor now. $1.00 a year-in advance. Eye Sufferers Who Need Glasses! Railroad faro paid ono way to our Oconee County Patients Who Purchase Glasses. Eyoa examined by specialists and glasses made while you wait. Kodak Films Developed by Expert?. Odom-Schade Optical Co., A. A. Odom, Pr?sident. A. Hi Sohado, Sec'y A Treas. Consulting Optometrists, Masonic Temple, Greenville, S. C. MAJE RIDGE IlAl?iWA Y. Between Belton and Walhalla. Timo Table No. 24--KiTootlvo April 21, 1018. STATIONS Ti EAST-HOUND A.M. Ly Walhalla.7 20 .? West Union ... .1 26 " Seneca .7 45 " Jordania.7 48 " Ad:min' Crossing.8 06 " Cherry's Cross'g, 8 08 " rciulleton.?20 " Autun .8 28 " Sandy Springs.. .8 31 " Denver.8 30 " Wost Anderson. .8 61 " Anderson, l'.Dop.o oo " Anderson, K.l)op.9 0i " Erskine's Siding 9 18 Ar Holton.9 80 No. of Train. 12 P.M. A.M. 8 22 11 20 327 3 47 3 60 4 07 4 10 4 22 4 30 4 33 4 38 4 63 5 02 6 03 6 20 6 32 JO 11 25 12 06 12 08 12 25 12 28 12 42 1260 12 63 12 69 1 ll 1 20 24 m P.M. A.M. 600 .... 605 .... 7 30 733 760 630 634 SIS 7 63 6ft 8 06 61? 8 13 8 16 822 887 8 43 STATIONS Si RH WEST-HOUND 1\M. Lv Helton .5 60 Erskine's Sldbig.O 02 " Anderson, If.Dop fl 19 " Andorann,l'.Dop.(i 20 " Wost Andorson . .0 27 " Denver.041 M Bandy Springs. ..0 40 M Autun.0 40 M l'en 11 let (in.0 67 Cherry's Cross'g. 7 08 M Adams' Crossing.7 ll " Jordania.7 27 " Seneca....7 30 ?' West Union.7 60 Ar Walhalla.8 00 No. of Train. ll I W li. A.M. ii rr. 11 47 12 04 12 05 12 12 12 20 12 31 12 34 12 42 12 63 12 60 1 12 1 15 1 36 1 45 0 ene 684 6 4B 70S 73? 7? 74? 70S S fd 80 I B lit o __S_ \.M. P.M. A.M. . 8 2? . 8Dff BK 9M 938 916 10 0? 0 06 2 35 0 11 241 0 26 2 66 0 32 3 02 9 35 3 06 0 43 313 9 6? 3 24 0 57 3 27 1014 3 44 10 36 4% 11 00 4 60 11 10 6 00 29 26 io ie ?ofee 1988 10 42 11 es 116? 12 28 12 88 T Train No. 0. Mixed nail* except Sunday, 'not scheduled above) leaves Walhalla at 1.25 p. m.j West Union at 1.86 and arrives Seneoaat 2 p. na. Trula Iles over nt Soncoa until following dar nnd runs from Seneca to Hcl'ou as No. 8. Flan Stations: Aiuiorson Freight Depot, Wost Anderson. Denver, Sandy Springs, Autun, Cher ry's Crossing, Adams' Crossing, Jordania. Steam trains will stop on flag at Welch, Tox away, Phiuney's, Janies. _J. ll. ANDKK80N, Supt. TAX NOTICE. County Treasurer's Office, Walhalla, S. C., Oct. 11,1918. Tho books for the collection of State, County, School and Special Taxes for tho fiscal year 1918 will he open from October 15th, 1918, to Docembor 31st, 1918, without pen alty, after which day one per cent penalty will be added on all pay? ments made in the month ot Janu ary, 1919, and two per cent penalty on all payments made in the month of February, 1919, and seven per cent penalty on all payments made from tho first day of March, 1919, until tho ir>th day of March, 1919. Aftor that day all taxos not paid will go into oxecution and will be placed in the hands of tho Sheriff for col lection. Taxpayers owning property or pay ing taxes for others will please ask for a tax receipt in each township or Spocial School District In which ho or they may own property. This la very important, as there are so many Special School Districts. Tito Tax IiOvy is made up as follows: State Tax. 8 ?4 School Tax . u ru marji ...j X?A Int. on bonds and S. F 3 n 1 /, mills milla,. For Roads . 1 Vz mill mill Total Levy .20*4 milla Poll Tax, $1. Dog Tax, 60c. Every malo citizen from 21 to 60 years of ago is liable to poll tax ex cept Confederate soldlors, who do not pay aftor 50 yoars of ago, an* those exempted by law. Road Tax, $1.50. Every malo cltczen from 18 to 59 yoars of ago is liable for road tax except those exempt by law. Thia tax ls payable from Octobor 15th, 1918, to March 15th, 1919, after which time oxocutlons will bo is sued. Thoro is no alternativo for working. R. H. ALEXANDER, Ticasuror Oconco County, S. C. Capt. C. Liumpkin, who is now In Franco, probably will ho assistant at torney-gonoral. Prof Stephen Tabor, of tho chair of geology of tho University of South Carolina, has returned from Puerto Rico, whore ho went on an earth quake Investigation.