KI? "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, ANO IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THB HAY: THOU OANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN." By STECK, SHELOR & SCHRODER. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, .WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1010. 1891 Our 27th in Bus Our friends and tr ablcd us to enjoy increa: year. Our old friends ant nave shared in cause for them all we wish to ackn< on this thc most joyous of to wish for them all thc 1 Year can bring, c. w. e? j. E. ] MERCHANDISE ?*> I WALHAL IT PAYS TO Bl KKKP AN BYK ON "IlINDY.< Wants to Form, a New Front Behind UiO Neutral Zone, . Paris, Dec^ 20.-Field Marshal yon Hindenburg has telegraphed tho Ber lin government advising lt ?of hts luv tentipn.,^ ?>eiim'd?^ z?b? fixed b'y' ?he 'armistice;' according to a dispatch to Lo Journal from Zurich to-day. The ? government has asked the field marshal for an explanation, adds tho dispatch, but has not yet re ceived a reply. U also is announced two regiments of the active army will be sent to Frankfort-on-the-Main at an early date. The correspondent affirms that Major Ceneral Scheuch, the Prussian war minister; Field Marshal voil Hindenburg and General Lon, u id /probably Lieut. General Equis, for me? governor of Meta,) who is in command of the active troops in Berlin, aro behind a counter revo lutionary movement. He declares tho existing government is mani festly incapable of preventing the realizing of their scheme. Elections in January. Berlin, Dec. 20.-Tho Congress of soldiers omi workmen's councils has 'decided that elections to tho nation al assembly shall be held January 4 9. Those opposed to tho summon ing of a national assembly polled *)nly 40 votes out of a total of 240. Opposes Social Democracy. 11' M Copenhagen, Dec. 20.-i>r. Gus tave Stresemunn, leader of the na tional liberal party In Germany, -has announced that the German people's ?arty, In which he has been active since the revolution, has been abso lutely opposed to a social democracy aful will tight the social rulers, ac .cordlng to Berlja newspapers re ceived here. The center party has b: tiona? vo(ed hy-Congress for war pur poses, will bo unexpended, Repre fgentatlve Sherley, . of Kentucky, chairman of tho House appropria tions committee, announced to-day. Total appropriations and authori zations voted during the war amount to about $57,000,000,000, Including $10,000,000,000 of authorizations for war-time loans to foreign govern ments. The loans actually made now total about $8,000,000,000. 'More than $8,000,000,000 of cash appropriations, and approximately $8,000,000,000 of contract authori zations, will be converted back into the treasury," said Representative Sherley. "Most of the money will come from the War Department, tho largest saving, of course, being from ordnance , because the greatest amount of money was appropriated for that." Germany Appeals Apoin, Washington, Dec. 20.-In spite of Secretary Lansing's emphatic ad monition that such communications must not be addressed to the United States alone.the German government has sent another appeal to the Ameri can government for modification of the armistice terms and for food. The receipt of the note was announ ced at the State Department to-day with tho explanation that It would not be made public, because it did not differ from previous appeals, and was In violation of tho decision that communications must, be addressed to all the governments associated with tho United States in the war. While it is realized that the situ ation in Germany is far from good, the persistent appeals aro regarded here as part of propaganda by which tho authorities at Berlin hope to es cape some of the results of defeat. Noted Actor Dead. New York, Dee. 20.-Geo. Conway, veteran actor and theatrical mana ger, who directed the original "Uncle . ont's Cabin" company on its Euro pean tour, died at his homo here to day, aged 73. Mr. Conway was born in Philadelphia and made Iiis debut in that city In 1866 in the support of Fd win Booth at tho old Chestnut Stveet opera house. Later he ap peared in and managed many Froh man (and later) Brady productions. Richland Church Services, Rev. I. Bi Wallace will preach at Richland noxt Sunday (tho fifth Sunday) at 11.30 a. ni. Tho Christinas service planned for last Sunday, was postponed on ac count of tho weather and will be Carried out noxt Sunday. The ser mon will bo on tho same thomo as this service. All aro asked to bring their offer ings for tho cause of ministerial edu cation and rollof. KNIGHTS CHOOSE OFFICE HS. - Tlioso Who WiU Servo for Year toll). Important Mooting; Soon. . Walhalla Lodge, No. 67, Knights of Pythias, met last Thursday night' , and elected their new set. of ofllcers; who will bo installed tho ' second Thursday night In January, next,; and will servo the lodge for the year ?919. There wero a" number of nominating for each office and the election was' by ballot. The follow ing were elected, the whole set of, < officers as chosen being voted on as a whole, making each officer the unanlthmous choleo of his lodge: Chancellor Commander-D. A. Smith. Vico Chancellor-Ceo. M. Ansel. P.relate-Wm. A. Grant. Master of Works-R.H.Alexander. Keeper of Records and Seal-T. B. Shelor. Master of Finance-J. W. Shelor. Master of Exchequer-Chas. W. Pic tilford, Jr. Master at Anns-Chas. A. Hp trick. ? Inner Guard-W. C. Hughs. Outer Guard-j; A. Steck. ' Trustees-W. C. Hughs, 1920; J. A. Steck, 1921; Dr. J. W. Bell (hold over) 1919. Deputy Grand Chancellor-M. R. McDonald. Property Trustee-Thoa. A. Smith. Every member of tho lodge is urgently requested to attend the next regular i^eeti^?^of U^^^'go;. >vhioh> Will be held on?Athe^ooW Thursday t'Vght f in '\J&nu?T^^ the in stallation of officers, there will bo ther important matters to bo at tended to. The war has worked a hardship on Walhalla Lodge during thc past year. Quito a nuihber of the young members-and naturally tho most ! i active members-'are in Franco, j some in Germany-all serving their | country-and their absence has beep I seriously felt by the lodge. There is never a meeting of the order here ! at which the absent members are .forgotten, and arrangements have already been started in anticipation of the return of the local Pythian Knights now wearing the armor, shield and helmet in active defense of country. Love of country, and the serving of ono's country, com prise no small portion of the teach ings and precepts of the Pythian or der. Born with tho distinct pur pose, after the Civil War, of cement ing friendships, of reuniting a di vided country, and of making real brothers of us all, rogardlee of sec tion or politics, tho Pythian order everywhere has another great work to perform In tho days following the great world war, when brotherly fel lowship, brotherly help and true com radeship between man and man will be so sorely needed in every sphere. Walhalla Lodge, No. 67, is look ing ahead in anticipation of the re turn of her members. There Is work for eAery Knight. It is lioped that f-very .nemher will be present at tho meeting on tho second Thursday in January. Membors are not only in vited to attend this meeting and all other meetings of tho lodge, but -hey are appealed to and i /ged to renew their active allegiance to the order, than which there is nono i hat has higher and nobler aims. Masonic Officers Installed. The following officers wore duly installed last Friday night, Decem ber 20th, to serve Blue Ridge Lodge, .No. 92, A. F. M., for the ensuing Ma sonic year: Worshipful Master-Harry R. Hughs. Senior Warden-H. M Mays. Junior Warden-Chas. A. Hotrlck. Treasurer-Geo. M. Ansel. Secretary-W. O. White. Senior Deacon-A. C. Phillips. Junior Deacon-Geo. L. Jones. Senior Scribo-T. B. Shelor. Junior Scribe-E. H. Haynes. Tiler-D. A. Smith. -? . . . Four Negroes Lynched. Mobile, Ala., Doc. 20.-Four no groes, among thom two women, ac cused of the murder of Dr. E. L. Johnson hore last weok, wore taken from the jail at Shubuta, Miss., to night mid lynched,according to Infor mation received in Mobile. All four were hanged on the girders of a bridge spanning the Chlckasahay river. ftlE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. mol?an MUI? Hornean hers i bf Ita ?lally Employees. - ^employee of tbe Wallinna kibe Vlctor-Monaghan Mills ?st Friday a Christinas ro i$Q from the head offices of ^prising manufacturing cor d?t ?Greenville-a check In jf<|ual to five per cent of his jin ga during the yoar 1918, including December 20th. firo checks were, of Course, ll/as each regular employee il plant whose name was ioll for even a week or /ad the Christmas check. . '.frene numerous checks quito substantial,- many il^yees having put In prac ' time for the entire year, vor two in each department absolutely full time for ?relve months, liess to say that the em jlpreciated this very sensl loHcal manner of making ls remembrance, and there > ?expression? on all sides jfotal treatment and soli tons the company expends all ji?n'd for the employees. tho "Christmas wind id iffereut oifes In diff?r end the vociferous and expressions of one dar^ koy emplVeo 'to another closo by ;.rrve3 tQv!jut