HELPED ME IN EVERY WAY I NEEDED AID .Vnys Tan lac Proved a Cloud Stomach Remedy. BROUGHT GREAT CHANGE. "fn Short Time Tanlac Had Me Feel Lng So .Much lletter," She Says. "Tanlac proved to be a good sto mach remedy and tonie for me, and h. helped me In every way I needed relief," declared Mrs. J. J. Worthey, ftf 615 Railroad street, Arkwright. Sparenburg, in a statement sho gave .lone 7. "I was troubled a great deal with indigestion, and my whole sys tem was run down badly. My appe tite was bad, and 1 was bothered aw fully with nervousness and head aches. When I had one of those bad nervous headaches I could not rest at night. "Tho Tanlac quieted and strength ened my nerves, though, and I soon was eating heartily. The Indigestion Boon left me, those headaches were relieved, and in a short time 1 was feeling better in every way." Tanlac; the master medicine, is sold exclusively by Bell's Drug Store, Walhalla; J. C. Cain. Oak way! Sa lem Drug Co., Salem; Seneca Phar macy, Seneca; Stonecypher Drug Co., Westminster; Hughs & Dendy. Richland.-Adv. MOW TC RN IN THIS INQUIRY. Krowera Deny Blacklist, Bul Admit. "Preference to Friends." Washington, Nov. '20.-Evidence relating to the political activities of i>rewers, and tholr alleged .efforts io boycott firms and individuals an tagonistic to the liquor business, was Adduced to-day before the Senato ? oniniittec Investigating brewers' pro paganda and tho purchase of the Washington Times by Arthur Bris bane. Major E. L. Humes, who is con ducting the inquiry for tho commit tee, also undertook to show from documents produced by officers of the United States Brewer*:' Associa tion a connection between that organ isation and the Herman-American Alliance. The charter ol' the alli ance was revoked recently by Con- j g rees. I ?Major Humes put into the record j li?te of candidates for public office, Which, he said, were to be supported j Sf the Brewers' Association mid the! 'Gorman-American Alliance, and also 1 ?i statement which, be asserted, was . prepared for C. J. Hoxamer, of Phila- ' delphla, former president of the al liance, ?it. the ellice of the Brewers' Association. Tho statement. Major j Hu m 68 declared, was Cern?an propa ganda. Only two witnesses-Hugh F. Fox of New' York, secretary of tile brew ers' national organisation, and .lohn j Gardner of Philadelphia, formerly j chairman ol" the organisation com- ? mit too--were examined to-day. Fox denied that any of the linns ?named had been blacklisted, saying I that tho association's purpose merely ! was to "give preference to those who were friends." Later he told the I committee that lie would be willing ! 'lo assume that all of the documents relating to the firm which Major I Humes put into the record were ta I en from tho les of the association. Major Humes told tho committee that the firms wore listed by the j brewers' Association because of their j attitude against the use of liquor by i (.heir employees, or because of the i activity of individual members of the J firms, and 'n some Instances of em ployees, agc.inst the liquor business. ? The inquiry into political activity be- | gan when .lohn Gardner was called i MEMORI A < GEORGIA We FI a ve that express bea ment are difficu?i our careful coll Marble und. Gra presents a WO Sid? worth-while ide rango of prices. 3? "? ai to tho stand. The witness said he might have seen lists of candidates at different times from 1911 to 1911 which the Brewers' Association en dorsed in some States, including Iowa. Texas, Pennsylvania. Indiana, and one candidate for Congress from Illinois, but ho could not recall the (details. He admitted that the asso ciation's organization committee was active in "wet" and "dry" lights in several States in those years, and said that in those llghtss it spent be tween $100,000 and $.r>00,000, ' do ing all it legitimately could to arouse public sentiment in our favor." Gardner declared that the brewers made no contributions to political campaign committees, and at first de nied that it had indorsed any set ol' candidates. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Drualat s refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to euro Itchlntf, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles, j Instantly relieves Itching Pites, and you can get I restful sleep after tho first application. Price 60c THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS To Enforce Pence-To be Explained at Columbia Meeting Dec. 5. Columbia, Nov. 22.-Special: To the end that tito people of South Car olina may bo united in support of President Wilson In tho establish ment of an effective league of nations to insure the peace of the world fol lowing tho conclusion of peace, which will bring the world war to an end, the aims and purposes of the League to Enforce Peace, a nation-wide or ganization, will be fully explained at a session of the State Council of Defense meeting to be held In Colum bia on December 5th. This session will be held while tho county chair men ol' tho Defense Council are in Columbia in attendance upon the reg ular bi-monthly meeting.. Tho former Alnerican ambassador to Germany, James W. Gerard, will come from New York to address the meeting, after walch, lt ls expected, organization on a State-wide scale will bo entered into. There will be present a number of officials of the League to Enforce Peace, and a luncheon will be given the members of the county organizations lu at tendance. The meeting promises to be of the greatest interest. MOTH EH 1 DON'T TAKE CHANCES IE CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED. if Cross, Feverish, Sick, Bilious, Clean Little Liver and Dowels. A laxative to-day saves a sick child | to-morrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Look at tlie tongue, mother! If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold, or luis sore throat or any other children's ail ments, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup ol' Figs," then don't worry, because it is perfectly harm less, and in a few hours all this con stipation poison, sour bile and fer menting waste will gently mo\o out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "in side cleansing" is oft-times all that ls necessary. It should be tho first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages, and for grown ups, plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and seo that lt is made by tho "California Fig Syrup Com pany."-adv. Subscribe for The Courter now. $1.00 a year-in advance. MARBLE in St o ell \ai y *% nd refine* l tr> obnvin. But lecion of 200 . si i ; o M o ra :>r itvls arfu? v:%riadv. 80 He PaGsed. From France comes the following ;llttlc story of the Irrepressible spirits .of tho. Australian fighting men : I Among the wounded brought Into tho ward was a yvung Rill jim whom we knew at once was soon going west. Ho was quite conscious, and au Aus 'trall&n sister set herself lo make his last few hours on this planet ns comfortable as possible. He wanted to ho wrappeJ up with pillows, and to do this the nurse said ; "l'ut your arms j around my shoulders so .that I can I rulse you gently." "You bet your life, slstor," whispered tho Irrepressible lad with a mullo ; "lt's a long, long time Hinco 1 V.ud my aruis around a dinkum Awwla giri."' And then be ended his great cy\isi BAST-BOUND i.v Walhalla. " West Union ... . " Seneca. " Jordania. " A < I a i n K ' Crossing " Cherry's Cnws'g, " Pendleton. " A mun. '* Handy Springs .. '* Denver. " Wont Anderson . " Anderson, P.Dop Anderson, K.Dop " Krskino's Hiding Ar Kc] ti m. No. of Train. STATIONS A.M. 7 '2(1 7 26 7 46 7 48 .8 011 8 08 8 20 8 28 ?:u 8 :n i no noo 26 li M A.M. 680 6 84 6 68 0 02 0 18 0 80 oat 0 42 7 02 7 20 7 21 7 40 765 8 2 ci H c I? 3. ti 2? 8? A.M. 8 26 8 37 8 rs 0 80 1)88 ons IP 06 10 10 10 22 10 38 10 42 11 00 11 6A 12 23 12 33 7 Train No. O Mixed Haily except Sunday, (not scheduled uliovo) leaven Walhalla at 1.26'p. m.; West Union at 1.36 and arrives Honoca at 2 p. ui. Train lies over at Seneca until following tiny mid runs from Seneca to Hop on ns No. 8. Klan stations: Anderson Krclght Do pot, Wost Anderson, Denvor, Handy Springs, Antun, Cher ry's Crossing, Adams' Crossing, Jordania. Steam trains will stop on Hag at Welch, Tox away, Phlnney's, James. ?T. H. ANDERSON, Supt. T AX NOTICE. County Treasurer's Ofllcc, Walhalla, S. C., Oct. 11,1918. Tho books for the collection of State, County, School and Special Taxes for the fiscal year 1918 will bo open from October 15th, 1918, to Docomher 31st, 1918, without pen alty, after which day ono per cent penalty will be added on all pay ments made In the month of Janu ary, 1919-, and two per cent penalty on all payments made in the month of February, 1919, and seven per cont ponalty on all payments made from the first day of March, 1919, until tho ir>th day of March, 1919. After that day all taxes not paid will go into execution and will be placed In the hands of tho Sheriff for col lection. Taxpayers owning property or pay ing taxes for others will please ask for a tax receipt In each township or Special School District In which he or they may own proporty. This ls very important, as there aro so many Special School Districts. Tho Tax I#evy ls made nj? as follows: State Tax. 8 Vi School Tax .8 Ordinary County Tnx . Int. on bonds and S. P. .. For Roads . 1 mills mills 7Vss mills Ms mill mill Total Levy .<\ . 20 Vi mills Poll Tax, $1. Dog Tux, 50c. Every male citizen from 21 to 60 years of age is Hablo to poll tax ex cept Confederate soldiers, who do not pay aftor r?0 years of ago, abd those exempted by law. Road Tax, $1.50. livery male cltey.on from 18 to 50 years of ago is Hablo for road tax except thoso exempt by law. This tax is payable from October 15th, 1918, to March 15th, 1919, aftor which timo executions will bo Is sued. There ls no alternativo for working. R. H. ALEXANDER, Treasurer Oconoo County, S. C. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have ,m an healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and aa .> rule, there Is more or loss stomach dlsturb'tnoe. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC glvon regularly for two or three weeks will enrich tho blood, fm prove the digestion, and act oa a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and tho Child will be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. OOo per bottle.