f-f* that it is claii always keep it in the j need for my children, a I do not hesitate to rec? Syrup Pepsin to my fri< ( From a letter to Dr. Mis. Esther Porter town, Dr. Cal Syrup The Perfea Sold by Druggi; 50 cts. Q ? mild, pleasant-tas ting laxative herbs with peps naturally. Children liku ly. A trial bottle can be Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 41 Monticello, Illinois. GERMANS APPEAL TO AMERICAN Minoan ll y--Want to Avert Stai ration and Anarchy, .Berlin, Nov. 15.-The new German government has sent a message to President AV i Ison through Secretary Lansing, appealing to him, "in order to save the German people from star vation and anarchy/' to send plenipo tentiaries as quickly as possible to Tho Hague or some ot lier city. The message reads: "The German government and the German people have gratefully taken cognizance of the fact that the Presi dent of the United States is ready to consider favorably the sending of food to Germany. (Paragraph missing.) "We believe we are not appealing in vain to the humanitarian feelings of the President when we ask you to submit to him the request that, in order to save, the German people from perishing from starvation and dnarch y y his will, as quickly as possi ble, ?end to Tho llague ?r ?orno other place duly accredited plenipotentiar ies." Secretary Lansing's Reply. Washington, Nov. 15.-Secretary Lansing announced to-day that he had acknowledged receipt of the mes sage of Dr. Soil" asking for a hasten ing of the peace convention in view of threatened famine in Germany, and had requested that the Germans not confine their appeals to the Uni ted States alone, but address i1 em also to the Allied governments. STOMACH UPSET'. Papo's DinpCpsin nt One? Ends Sour ness, Oas, Acidity, Indigestion. When meals upset you and you belch gas, acids and undigested food. When you have lumps of indigestion pain or any distress in stomach, you can get relief instantly-No waiting! As soon as you eal a tablet of Papo's Diapopsin all the indigesti?n pain stops. Oases, acidity, heart burn, flatulence and dyspepsia van ish. Papo's Die pepsin tablets cost j very little at drug stores.-adv. A Card of Thanks. Editor Keowee Courier: I desire to express to the good peo ple of Walhalla my sincere thanks and to tell them how much I ap preciate the many kindnesses that wore shown mc in tho recent illness of my three children with diphthe ria, ff it wore not for friends it would not bo worth while "to pass this way," but we never know their true value until trouble comes. Mrs. W. C. Foster. You Can't Rub It A Rheumatis tit th S. bl sa RI of Liniments Will Never Cure. If you aro afflicted with Rheuma tism, why waste time with liniments, lotions and other local applications that never did euro Rheumatism, and never \ ill? Do not try to rub the pain away, for you will never succeed. Try thc sensible pinn of finding the cause of the pain, and go ofter that. Remove the cause, and there cnn bc no pain. You will never bo rid of Rheuma dr tr, cit fn 23 Syrup Pepsin is all med to be and I will house as it is all that I nd grown folks as well. Dmmend Dr. Caldwell's ?iids." Caldwell written by\ Harrelson, George- I S. C. / dwell's Pepsin t Laxative - sts Everywhere ?2) $1.00 \ combination of simple ?in that acts easily and e it and take it willing-, i obtained by writing to )8 Washington Street, WILSON WANTED IN EUROPE. Urgent Calls Como from 'Over There' Vor Presence nt Pence Table. ! Washington, Nov. 13.-Messages ! from high sources in Europe are now I reaching President Wilson urging that he personally attend the great peace conference that will 'settle I finally the issues growing out ol the j war. The President, lt was said to j day, has given no indication of how j he regards tho suggestion, though some of the usually well informed j bolieve that he has an open mind on tho subject and may give it consid?r ation. Members of the President's officiai family arc understood to be strongly advising against tho step on the ground that it would involve useless risk and would accomplish nothing that could not bc accomplished through delegates the President might select to represent America nt J the peace.table, and with win ni he .could keep th constant touch by f able and by wireless! lr ia understood th&t Premiers Lloyd-George and Clemenceau both have persistently suggested that the President should at leas! attend the opening sessions of the peace conference. Armistice Terms Stand. London. Nov. 13.-Tho Allied high command has sent to the German high command by French wireless a message that there can be no modi fication of the conditions of the arm istice, including the annexes, at this ! . imo. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days DrujUists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falto to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pilos. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can (let restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. Joe M. Sharp Head. News was received by Dr. W. K. Sharp, of Pendleton last week, oY the death of his brother, Joe M. Sharp, of Waleska, Ga. The deceased was one of the Sharp family who were reared near Wal halla, and was born in 1 8.'?C. at the time of his death being in his S 2d year. The greater part of his life was silent in Georgia, he having gone to that State, when a young man. Mo married Miss El lisa Jones, and since ber death ho had mr.de Ids home with ids children. For several years be bad been in had heall h. and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Sharp was well known to many of the older citizens of Oconee, who will learn with regret of his dead. Me enjoyed the love and respect ol* ,;11 who knew hint. SOME STA ET Ll NO FACTS. Moro children die during the teeth ing period than consumption kills aimu.-.Hy. The pain and discomfort that comes with this disease of chil iiood may be avoided. Save doctor hills and sleepless nights by giving Ihe sick, crying and restless child a few doses of Dr. Thornton's Easy roethor as directed. It tides tho tiny 'oiks over tho critical poriod of life safely. "Give tho baby a chance." 18 doses for 2r>c, at all dealers, iasy Teether Medicine Co., Canon, Ja.-Adv. way; m is in the Blood jm until you cleanso your blood of o germs that cause tho disease. S. S. has never had an equal as a Dod purifier and scores of sufferers y that it has elennsed their blood of ?cumntism, and removed all traco the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your tig store, and get on tho right uatmcnt to-day. If you ^vant spe ll medical advice, you can'obtoln it tie by addressing Medical Director, Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga. Food Conservation Program for Farms America's Food Pledge Require* Addi tional Savins? From Limited Sup plies-Sources of Food Losses on Farms and How These May Bo Re duced. Columbia.-Prom a harvest less hi aggregate production than last year, the ' United States must export at least 17 H million tons of foodstuffs overseas during' the coming scacon. This is about 12 million tons more than average pre-war exports, or near ly two tons apiece for the average American farm where moot of this food originates. | Rdgid conservation of food and feed stored In granaries, cribs, barns and similar buildings-also products now in the fields-are essential to properly maintain our ow? population and to meet lucre-ed foreign needs. Ast in al feeds, though in a crude form, must be considered as food, sine? they are the baste for meat, milk and poultry products. The vast quantity of food stuffs stored on farms makes opportunities for saving them correspondingly large. Following are common source? et food losses with suggestion* for re ducing them: ! FIRE-Remore inflammable rab? blah, plow fireguards, us? care with matches, lanterns and stoves. Sup plement these safety measures wita fir? fighting equipment kept In a don nit? place fqr Instant uso. ID brief, consider a farm as a food munition , establishment. SHFLTKR--Prevent spoilage ?nd deterioration by putting all foodstuffs noaa I bl o under ad?quats shelter. Full utilisation of storage space ?ad prompt repair of roofs help greatly tn preventing food lomea. By sheltering foodstuffs on farm? conservation I? af? fee ted at the source. RATS AND PEX3T9-Regard rata ?ad similar posts seriously, a? th? di rect enemy of starving humanity. Ex clude them with concrete floors ?ad destroy their breeding ?lace?. Rafts ?swat not ?nt hole? ia oar bulwarks ?I au*tonal defense. STOCK LOSSES-MOT? ?han a nil Boo tons of our food exports must comprise meat?, tata, dairy producta .Skd poultry preducta. Th? quantity of this clasa of food dependa largely on comfortaM? housing and th? ear? which animals rec eire. Needles? ex posure and irregular extention may re tuxU lu reduced production and ?or talR . Thoro-ogn farvu con-tervatloti ro nd? that livestock be kiipt com fort. >1? ?nd in healthy rcti/dtlon, . .01 it? um* from the feed consumed. In complying with these suggan) tiona, and extendtag them to covei additional sources of loss, farmers ar? asked to consider this program neo .ssary until next harvest, even should peace como before that time. Besides feeding ourselves, the United States ta pledged to feed th? Allies, and wt must also supply the people in terri tory now being recovered from Ger man dominion. We moot realise that I peace will bring no additional food, hut instead toereaeed obligations, Poland, the Balkans and other parts of Europe now Isolated from relief, will clamor for a share of our present and future re serras. Thu? strict coneervation in all foods and feeds atorad on farms ls impera tiv? la addttiea I? ina food program tar he sass ?ad public eating placea Cosnarlsswo with la-a reqaesta will ?as sse the United ?Matas to fal All saree ?ut ?aHgafloas aad aa ready Har aaw laaaeaefMlisica. A Woman's Story With Great Meaning Subject of Childbirth Discussed by Women of Experience* Women everywhere tell their friends how, through tho uso of Mother's Friend, thu wonderful penetrating external (inplication, they avoided suffering ned distress before tho advent cf nature's most wonderful evo lution. Mother's Friend te a remedy which spreads Its Influence upon thc cords, nerves and ligaments involved, rendering thci.i pliant to readily yield to nature's demand for expansion. Tho nerves, cords, tendon) ond ligaments expand without that peculiar wrenching strain, and norvousnas, nausea and unrested sensntiono nro naturally avoided when tho nene.'; nr.d muscles aro relieved and thus aro not tort and drawn. Dy regular use, tho lower abdominal re gion expands with cose when baby ls born, tho hours aro less nt tho crisis, and pain ond danger ls naturally less. You can obtain Mother's Friend from any drug store. It has been used by women for over half a century, and ls just as {.tundnrd as anything you can think nf. Write thc Bradfield Regulator Company, Dept. II, (.amur 1 lui lilli!,':, Atlanta,. (Seorgln, for their Motherhood Hock, and get a bonis of Mother's Friend today, and thus fortify yourself against pain and discomfort. FOR COLLECTING TAXES. FOR the convenience of tax-pay >rs, I will bo at thc following places m tho dates named, for tho purposo if collecting taxes. Tax-payors will ilense boar these dates in mind and ivail themselves of this opportunity o pay taxes without the necessary rip to Walhalla, if they so desire, as boro will bo no^othor dates fixed on vhleh 1 will bo at these places: Seneca-Tuesday and Wednesday, November 2Gt,h and 27th. . Tue oftlco nt the Court House will io closed on tho above dates. R. H. ALEXANDER, Treasurer Oconeo Co. If you have a nolghbor who don't !tko The Courier, tell bibi -to send in I? subscription and quit borrowing COUNTY CLAIMS APPROVED. Following aYo tho claims that wore pacsed on by the County Board of Commissioners at their regular monthly meeting held November 1st. 1918 : Salaries. S. N. Hughs .$100 00 J. L. Miller. 8 33 H. W. Grant. 8 33 M. P*. McDonald. 20 S3 John P. Craig. 25 00 I). A. Smith. 30 11 R. H. Aloxander. 3 0 ll Th08 A. Smith . S3 33 Jas. M. Moss . 100 00 H. D. Grant . 8 33 NY. R. Cobb . 37 50 J. C. King. 20 .83 \V. L. Littleton . 70 00 J. G. Mitchell. 70 00 NV. S. Boar don . 70 00 Miss Ruth E. Reny . 0 0 00 J. N. Hopkins . 12 60 M. T. Hughs . 16 06 \V. Ni Woolbrlght . 16 60 Total for salaries .$830 52 Roads. W. J. O. Ray .$133 04 D. E. Nicholson. 6."? 3 7 A. A. Mc M a han . 0 0 ?0 J. R. Tilomas .-. . . S ti 50 W. D. Pell. 5? 2 0 A. H. Land . 0 5 2 5 P. W. Sheriff. 10 00 J. L. Miller . 7 7 13 A. Cobb . 6 2 5 Thos. J. Thrift. 3 0 3 3 L. C. McCarley . 31 3 0 Total for roads .$070 83 Bridges. C. W. & J. E. Bauknlght . . .$ 13 40 J. T. Darby. 25 00 A. M. Sanders. 7 50 W. R. Cobb. 4 2 15 J. D. Talley. 3 0 0 L. H. Richey. 2 4 0 2 C. W. Pitchford. 2 7 5 Total for bridges .$117 3 2 Chain Gang. F. O.'Mattlson.$100 10 W. C. Kelley. 270 87 J. J. Cromer . 1 74 8 7 A. A. McMahan . 0 00 J. L. Marett. 22 00 C. W. & J. 10. Bauknlght ... 0 00 Total for chain gang .$693 84 Poor Faim. \V. Tl. Cobb .$ 50 Si) C. \yi P)tchfnrd. 4 5 M) C. WA Pitchford . 12 ! H. r. ?ro'nsnaw. 5 no a, ty io Bauknlght ... 313 ir; C. G. JaynoB.'. '5 10 Toto] for Poor Parin.$433 30 Contingent. Thos. A. Smith.$ 5 10 Miss Ruth 10. Berry. 20 45 V. P. Martin . 2 2S M. H. McDonald . 3 6 5 it. H. Alexander . 13 50 Milln Fi Craig. 5 5 0 P.. ll. Moss . 8 6 0 ll. D. Brea/.eale. 10 00 Ft. Fi 1-OG (two claims) .... 17 3d Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. (three claims) . 17 55 Ul afp,? Woodenwnre Co... 8 Fielder' ? Allen. 1 50 i G. Breazeale. 3 . o o Total for coetingent .$154 79 Lunacy. V. F. Martin .$ 10 0 0 Post Mortem Dr. H. F. Thodo'.$ 5 00 Tidal Lunacy and P. M. ...$ 15 00 Public Buildings. Wal hallo. Electric Plant ...$ 8 75 0. W. a j; E. Bauknlght ... 1015 J. W. Pitchford. 41 J 0 | W. H. Butler. 13 50 .Molder & Allen Co. 137 9 6 .'oote & Davies Co. 114 60 Total for public buildings . .$625 96 Dieting Prisoners. LR. Moss.$ 90 5 0 I. G. Mitchell . 3 25 Po tal for dieting prisoners. .$ 93 75 Outside Poor, J. W. & J. E. Bank night... $ S 00 )r. II. M. Barton. 3 0 0 tescue Orphanage (two claims . 3d 00 'otal outside poor.$ ll o o Intnd Total Allowed.#818? 08 S. N. HUGHS, Supervisor. M. R. McDonald, Clerk. (adv.) Voir.cn'o Club Markets Own Producto. The women of a Tennessee home emonstrntlon club are marketing their wu vegetables, small fruits, eggs, oultry, butter and cottage cheese dth the help of the local home dem nstrntlon* agent. A table has been penrod for them nt the entrance to lie market house, where the products re attractively displayed. Since none f tho women had experience in dress ig fowls for market, the agent called meeting nt ono of the homes and Imwed them tho proper way to kill ad dress poultry. The club members re making a specialty of week-end ?skets. Ordinary peck baskets aro sed and aro filled to order to meet tho istes of tho purchasers. Tho only thing wo know of still cap - Tho Courier, $1.00 a year. i&?SSB????i?t., S|Pct Contents 15 fluid DrachJ mm mn ALCOHOL"3 PER CUNT. I AVe^ctablcrrcparationrorAs " simitntin?lhcFood by Regula tinqtheStomachsan^w^ t? INFANTS/CHILDREN* Thereby Promoting DMcst&w j, Cheerfulness andRcstContato j neither Oplum.Morphlnenor I MinerajJ^TNAjtcoTic, \ P*mpt?nS*4 AL\ Smna JbclUUtS?U* Anist Uttel Worm JW AhclpfulRcmedylbr (Jonsiipnu'oiiandDiarrhoei and Feverishness and LOSS OF SLEEP resnllin^thwfrora^t^ rnc-SimitC Signature;of TJIE GEWAnrtCoHPAK*. All?i?o.?tUi. mm** 35C,:MS Exact Copy of Wrapper. Good Yield on Sod Land. An instructive nnd practically use ful nccount of how n third of an acre of pasture lnnd two miles from the center of Leeds. Yorkshire, England, was made to provide food sufficient fully to maintain three men for n year ls published by the board of agricul ture from the pen of A. G. Ruston of | the University of Leeds. Tho land hod been under grass for at least CO years, when last yenr lt was divided into plots and planted with potatoes by Mr. Bedford, former lord mayor of tho city, nnd ROUIO of hi? friends, Tho crop aggregated three tom* sixteen hundredweight, which I? at the rat?' of 11.4 per nero, \\ composed with 0.7 tons per nore, which was tho average for tho farm crops of Great Britain last year. Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: "From the time 1 en tered into womanhood ... I looked with dread from one month to the next I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. 1 would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. * . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . . 1 decided to TAKE The Woman's Tonic "1 took four bottles," Mrs. Jones goes on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that 1 have not a pain. . . M lt has now been two years since I tookCardui, and I am still in good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up your run-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists J. 68 i For In & uta av i Ohi Ulren. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC OINTOVN COMPANY. N1W VOR* CITY NOTUS OF A HUH-D1VISION SALE. tt.OOO AORBS on tho top of Stuwp housc Mountain, known as tho Norris Farm, lias roconaly hoon sold lo a syndlcato. Tho now purchasers de sire to sub-divide and soil this pro perty in small farms. Parties de siring any of this land aro requested to call on mo for location and prices. ll. It. MOSS, Agent, 41-tf Walhalla, S. C. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. KoticO ls hereby glVOp that the undersigned will make appllcMloiv to V. P. Marlin, Judge of Probato lor Ocoooo County, in the Statu pt South Curoilna, at his olfice at Walhalla Court H ou so on Thursday, Dec.5th, 1918, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or os soon thereafter as said appli cation cnn be heard, for leave to' make final settlement of the estate of H. IJ. Brandt, deceased, and obtain final discharge as Executrix of said estate. . Mrs. M RNA C. BRANDT, Executrix of the Karate of ll Ii. 45148 Brandt, Deceased ? I i Kurfoos Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. JT>. E. G?OI), TIN NEK. - WA Id IA IA iA, S. Cir .J? ?J? tjo e|? ?J? t|t ?J? ag* Jh * PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .J? ?J? ?J. ?I? ?J. *!. ?|? ii* ?J. rjt * C. L. DEAN, .{. ?J. Surveyor nnd Civil Engineer, ?|? R. F. D. No. 8, CENTRAL, S. O. RUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS .J. ?J. ?.?o .?. .J, .?o ?.J. .J. .?. "fr DR. W, R? OPA?G, $ Dental Surgeo WALHALLA, S. CAROLINA. I Ofllce Over O. W. Pitchford'* A Store. .Jjj MARCUS C. LONG, ?J? Attorney-nt-Law, .I' Phone No. Oi>, ^ * Walhalla, South Cnrollnt?. * - 4| ?J? Ofllce Over Oconeo Now?1. ty *--- .$ {? J. R. EARLE, ?fr J? Attoraey-aULaw, ?# ?* WALHALLA, S. O. .ft $. Practice in State und Federal I? Courte, P}:, fr? FARM LOANS. ' .{V j? RUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS .?. I?-?fit ;- E . L . II E R N D O N , .$ |? Attorney-nt-Luw, {<> Wnlhnlla, South Carolina. .ff? J. PHONE NO. Ol. MX J. RUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS * L_-- ' rfc f. R. T. J A Y N E S , * |? Attorney-at-Law, Walhalla, Couth Carolina. fl > Practico In State and Federal 5. Courts. HI I? "I* ?p *I? ??? ?!? ?1* ?I* ?I* .?* *?* *?* *^