MADE BAD LANDING Young Boche Airman Really De served Better Luck. Ae lt Was, the Youth Probably Only Recaped Ignominious Personal Chas tisement by Being Made ? Prisoner of War. Although he was n beche we ad mired his audacity. Ile came hum ming out of the summer blue on a woltry afternoon, swooping from no where rlghj In the Inner guard of half n dozen of our unsuspecting kite bal loons. Swift and straight as n falcon he dived, and at the rattle of his mn? chino gun nnd the flash of his tracer bullets pigmy figures strangely agitat ed came bobbing and gyrating earth ward under their spreading para chutes. Whirr I went his gun, aDd biff, went the first balloon, a thin train of fire lending to a scarlet blaze and a gos samer wreckuge. Before one could count- twelve n second sausage had ?hrlveled into skin nnd thc Hun plane was making tracks for home. The "Archies" hnd been taken by surprise. For a moment it looked ns if the unwelcome visitor would reach his lines. But suddenly the "Archies" ceased firing, and lt wus then we saw n British plane pursuing nt a pace that could only have one result. The German "side-stepped" twice by In tention and once involuntarily. He ?mashed Into a cottage like a goat but ting through u fence, his propellers going through the thatched roof and his rudder cocking up in the air. The ?olltary pilot was pitched Into a cor ner of the long orchurd, little the worse for his fall. Ile was n small, thin, rather mean-looking young mau, and he blinked stupidly at the re mains of what had once been an air plane. A little dog bnrked nt bim, half a dozen fussy hens scolded bini, and u very angry and very determined old lady caine out of the cottage to investigate him. She was n typical Flemish daine, massive of build, tennelotis in charac ter and practical In nil things. Delib erately und of set purpose she ad vanced on the dazed airman. She caught him by Hie collar of lils tunic. She shook her list in his face, und she asked him lu thc; incisive vernacular of Hie Flemish peasant what he meant by smashing up her house. She ordered him to look at the mess he had made, calculated the cost and de manded payment, all in a breath. She heaped Insults on him, his parents and his airplane. As she talked all the glory of war and the spirit of conquest evaporated, fr*m the flying Hun. Ile shrank till he looked like a small boy caught In a menu theft ; his airplane, with its gaudy splashes, resembled a broken toy, and he tugged ruefully at his hair, ?nd flushed and stammered and edged cautiously nwny. As he retired the old woman ad vanced, nnd I nm convinced that but for the prompt arrival of a guard of grinning Tommies she would have ?tpnnked that unhappy Teuton youth. Never did a man surrender so eagerly. When he and his escort had de parted the d(rme "shooed" away the hens nnd then Industriously picked up the nasorted fragments of the airplane for firewood.-Montreal Herald. Tunes for Tanks. Probably no more unique donation hos ever been made for the amuse ment of soldiers than one of $50 re cently given by a charitably disposed lady for gramophone records to equip a tank. Other donations which have come to light from time to time have not lacked an element of the picturesque, as, for instance, the supplying of a hospital In Paris which was filled with African troops with 700 fans. The*/ wer? so appreciated during the sum mer months that the hospital appealed for more. Not long ngo a French offi cer Issued an appeal for games for his men. In one regiment in which moat of the soldiers wore fathers of families the preference was for bowl ing. The trench does not make a bad alley. HAD COU)? HEADACHY AND NOSH STUFFED? **Pnpc*? Cold Compound" Ends Colds and Grippe lu a Pew Hours. i Take "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until you have taken three doses, then all grippe misery goos and your cold will be broken, lt .promptly opens your clogged-up nos trils and the air passages of tlie head; stops nasty discharges or nose run ning; relieves the headache, dull mess, feverishness, sore throat, sneez ing, soreness and stiffness, Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow ing and snuffling. . Easo your throb bing head -not liing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only a low cents at any drug store, lt acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Accept no substituto.-ad v. Had Hoped to (lo Homo, With the American army on the Sedan Front, Nov. 12.-Germans who came Into the American line late yesterday said their orders had been .lo retiro with as little delay as pos sible,/ They added they had expect ed to bo back in their homes In Ger many a week from Sunday. AMERICANS ANNOY HI NS. dormans Ask for Cessation of Blast ing Activities. Wit li the Ameriqan For?es on the Meute. Nov. 12.- Blasting hy Amer ican engineers In a road repairing de tachment caused Fae Cern?an high command to send a message to the Allies contending that tua, Americans had not ceased hostilities on Novem ber ll. The message sent by wireless to the Allied high command was timed 2 p. tu. and read: "On tho front of Stenay-Heauniont. along the Meuse, Americans continue ,despito the conclusion of armistice. Please order the stopping of hostil ities." Tho American reply to the Cern?an message read as follows: "Received your radio. Orders have been given to tho American activities (signalled on the Stenay Beaumont front to cease Immediate ly." So the engineers did not blast dur ing the remainder of Monday after noon. Farly this morning, however, they resumed their blasting. Tho engineers are repairing a road way in the region of Stenay. They rushed to a quarry immediately after the armistice conditions became effec ive, not thinking their blasting would attract attention. The explosions to day did not bring any message from the Ccrmnns,so the engineers blasted with much energy, endeavoring to malve up for the lost time. IT SHOULD MAKIO A MILLION 1 OH HIM. Cincinnati Man Discovers Drug that liOosens Cornp So they Lift Out. Good news spreads rapidly, and druggists here are kept busy dispens ing freezone, the recent discovery of a Cincinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with' tho fingers. A quarter of an ounce costs very little at any store which handles drugs, but this is Bald to be su nie len I to rid one's feet of every hard or soil corn or callus. Yon apply just a few drops on the tender, aching corn or toughened ?allua, and instantly the soreness i relieved, and soon the corn or callus ls so shriveled thal it lirts ont with out < alli, lt is a sticky substance, which dries when applied, and never inflames or even irritates (he sur rounding si: in. This discovery will prevent thou sands ol deaths from lockjaw and in fection heretofore resulting from tho suicidal habit of cutting corns.-adv. Willing to Be Taught. "Diarist ' of the Westminster Ga zette says he had been hearing much Intel y of the Americans lu France and the Impression made by them upon the British there. "Without giving offense to anybody," be remarks, "I hope I may say that British admiration of them has gone far beyond the limits that were considered likely to be reached, and thnt they hnvo become strong favorites. But there Is one point in particular which seems o have Impressed every officer who tnlks to me on the subject. They all quite expected to find the Americans fine men physically, with plenty of intel ligence and their full share of courage and dash and endurance; but they agree that they have been surprised to note the eagerness of the new allies to seek advice. 'You have been at this game for years,' is, I am told, the usual formula ; 'but we are fresh at P. Tell us what you know.' It Is an admirable frame of mind," adds "Di arist," "and one that promises rapid progress on the port of the willing students."-Christian Science Monitor. In Defense of Her Flag. How the union Jack was ably de fended by an Irishwoman in the streets of Paris on July 4 is amusingly told: "Outside one of the biggest drapery shops of Parin two ladles handled a union jack which lay on a great pile of flags for sale and remarked in French on Its cheap ness. The salesman, un? skilled accents, was'rash enough to explain the low price by saying that 'the union Jack wasn't In season.' He received in reply the most eloquent discourse attainable by nn indignant Irishwoman of unblemished loyalty: nnd an Irish brogue speaking French ls an engine of war before which the most Intrepid must quail. There ls one Frenchman who will never again suggest thut there ls n close season in union jacks. A New Fuel. Because of the fuel shortage that is fnclng the United States and Canada u new fuel ls to be introduced known ns "enrboconl." A plant ls bein? eroded In Virginia for tho protection of this substance which ls a by-prod uct. Its use hus been tested by thc United Slates navy and two railroads, which pronounce lt a valuable smoke less fuel. By a new process bitumin ous coal ls treated In such n mannet ns to recover greater quantities of sud: valuable by-products as tulon), sui photo of ammonia und valuable oils From tho residuo ls made the smoke less fuel "enrboconl" in thc form ol briquettes, No Worms in u Healthy Child Ail children troubled with worm i hnvo na un healthy color, which iudlcntcH poor blood, omi fl a i> rule, there is moro or lesa ittomoch disturbance. (?KOVES TASTELESS chill TONIC elven rc?ulnrly for two or three weeks will enrich tho blood, im provo tho digestion, and act os a Gcnerr.l Stronftlh enin? Tonic to the whole- system. Nu turo will then throw off or dispel tin? worms, and the Child will ho in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60o per bottle. TO CUT SHORT A (?LD I Tiffi A CALOLAB. Tho New Calomel Tablet that is Kn tlrely Purified of Nauseating and Dangerous Qualities, Of all the medicines In the world the. doctors prize calomel most highly to break up a cold over-night or to cut short an attack of Influenza or la grippe, sore throat or a deep seated cough, and possibly to prevent >umonia. Now that all of its un pleasant and dangerous qualities lune been removed, the now kind of : .Liol. utUed "Calotabs." ts tho ne Calotub on the tongue at bed time, with a swallow of water-thats all. No salts, no nausea, nor the slightest Interference with your eat ing, your work or pleasures. Next morning your cold has vanished and your whole system ls purified and re freshed. Calotabs ls sold only In ori ginal sealed packages; price, thirty live cents. Your druggist recommends and guarantees Calotabs by refund In^ tho price If you are not delighted. adv. SMILE NEVER OUT OF PLACE If One Thinks lt Can Be, Here Is a Little List to Be Used as a Guide. Gel ? smile in your voice, an ex chango suggests. When you talk over the telephone. When your wife tells you what you ought to have done und you try to ex plain why you didn't., When your little boy u.sks you for something and you have to refuse. When a confused woman with a scrambled mind ls buying ut your counter and doesn't know what, she wants. When you're selling tickets at tho railway window and un Irritating pur chaser ls asking forty-nine useless questions. When you tell the wailer to hurry along with the food, as you have an engagement. When you cull up the grocer and tell him that the things you ordered two hours ugo haven't come yet, and here lt ls about dinner lime. When you're a policeman und tell un nutomobillst that he can't park lhere, but must go over to tho other slue of the street. When you're an usher 1 1 a theater and ask somebody to rise f.o that some other people muy puss. When you lake your husband out in to ike next room and ask him why he brought those men lo dinner without letting you l/now, so you could have prepared for them. When you Inform the Joting man that while you cannot love him ns he arks, yet you will be a sister to him. When you tell Willie and the neigh bor boys not to rehearse the battle of the Somme on the front porch. When you tell tho bore. "Don't go. Here ls your hnt." When you're busy nnd worried and somebody asks you foolish question No. 00. When you meet an old friend unex pectedly. 1 When the hired girl tells you she ls sorry, but the roast is burnt. I When the pup has gone off with your overshoe, or yottr yoting son has ! mnde ink marks all over an important, poper on your desk, or you can't find your bat although you are positive you hung it right there, or the missus ls not ready and you have barely time now to get to the show If you would see the first act, or you have to tell your clerk the same thing the tenth time, or you have done a fine act with thc best of intentions and And you're In the wrong and everybody blames you for It?. _ ? _ CAREFUL . HIPP INO WILL .AVK LIVI STOCK LOMEI Cajraathta.-The attaatloa of lim ?tack skippers is caned by tko rood Adm 1 ?rte tr ?Ato? to tko necessity ol earafal loading mt live ?tock, partie? tari/ hog shipmeats. White there li aa available data at Hand giving ex act acures, tn? number of dead ot crippled aodmals arriving at market Is larg?, and, therefore, serious. M is not only a waste of money but a terrine wanto of foodstuffs, nnd dur ing tao preoeat crucial period when it is so vital to eliminate waste, lt does not reflect favorably on those engaged in the live stock industry to permit suck waste. While it has always been customary to lay the bhtm'e on the railroads, the Pood Administration feela that, although the railroads may have been responsible for a groat deal of loss in the past, it has not boen a one-sided affair by any manner ot means. The utmost care In loading live stock will result in cutting down the losses, and the co-opuritiou of all those engaged in tho live stock Indus try ls asked by tho Food Administra tion. Engineering Pays. Pasing conclusions upon the Income tax returns, the boMt-payl*g profession in thc United States ls that of engi neering. It excels even that, of law, which long held the record, and ls far phend of those of theology and medi cine. The reason for this is not diffi cult to find. This Is a constructive age, even though the war would seem to contradict such nn assertion. After tho war, when reconstruction generally sets In, tho engineers hld fair to be come a class of plutocrats.-Christian Science Monlt?r^ . J. ?J? ?J? ?J. ?J. ?J. ?J? .]? ?J. ?J? ?J. ?J* ?J. ?J, ty WITH TIIIO CHURCHES. 4? * - 4 .I* Where mid Whon to Worship, ty ?j? ?j? ?|? ?|? ?j? ?|? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? "Come thou with us sud wo will do theo good." METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. E. I?. Taylor, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; services ll a. m. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wed nesday 8.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. W. H. Hamilton, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School 10 a. m.j services ll a. m. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wed nesday 8.30 p. m. Second and fourth Sundays, 4.30 p. m., services at Bethel church. ? BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Ii. W. langston, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School 10 a. m.; services lia. m. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wed nesday 8.30 p. m. First and third Sundays, 4.00 p. m., services at Wolf Stako church. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. AV. B. Aull, Pastor. Every Sunday: Sunday School 10 a. ? m.; sorvicos Ila. m. Sermon by j the pastor. Yes I Everybody Takes Cascarets Only 10 cents ! Harmless cathartic for sluggish liver and bowels Feel bully! Cheer up! Take Cas carets to liven your liver and clean the bowels and stop headaches, bil iousness, bad breath, coated tongue, sallowness, sour stomach and gases. To-night take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake uj) feeling grand - Everybody's doing it. Cascareis liest lr.:*. ti\e tor children. They gladly t\ko this pleasant candy cathartic bocause it ? nover gripes or sickens like other things.-adv. Aunt in Brown to i so Tractor. (Farm and Factory, Nov. l l.) The Ballenger Hardware and Fur niture Company bas just delivered an International tractor to Ans. Brown, a farmer who bas largo holdings In the New Hope section. This is thc thl&?f tractor which tho Seneca firm has ?old In Oconee recently, and at no distant date they will be used for plowing and hauling on many Oconee farms. The International seems to give perfect satisfaction. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature ??Ton" Seaborn Back to Seneca. (Farm and Factory, Nov. 14.) W. E. Seaborn, expert automobile mechanic and workman, is again at the Seneca Motor Company's plant in charge of the repair department. He formerly worked for Mr. Neill, and later went to Atlanta to work at his trade. Mr. Seaborn is one of tho best workmen in the State, and Mr. Neill is fortunate in having se cured hie services. His family is in j Seneca and is for the present at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kay. THAT CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Passed in Safety and Comfort Fremont, O.-"I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty six years of age and had all the symp toms incidenttothat change-heat flash es, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pinkham'a iVegetablo Com pound was recom mended to me ns tho best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved to bo. 1 feel better and stronger in overy way since taking it, and tho annoying symptoms have disap peared."- Mrs. M. GODDEN, 925 Na poleon St., Fremont,Ohio. Such < annoying symptons os heat flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head ache, irritability and "the blues," may bp speedily overcome and tho system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb ?-emedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ompound. If any complications present them selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them.* The result of forty years experience is at your service and your letter hold in strict confidence. ( DAYS OF DIZZINESS Come to Hundreds of Walhalla People There are days of dizalnoss; Spells of headache, languor, back ache; Sometimes rheumatic pains; Often, urinary disorders. Donn's Kidney Pills are espochilly for kidney Ills. Endorsed in Walhalla by grateful friends and neighbors. Mrs. A. ti. Tilley, 6 James St., Wal halla, says: "I had backache and kid ney trouble some throe years ago and I think lt was caused by over work. My back got terribly sore and ached all tho timo. Swooping or bending over was almost imposslblo and I got dizzy and black specks carno before my eyos. Mornings I was so lame and sore I could hardly get around. I had headaches and nervous spells, too. My kidneys didn't act as they should and I was In pretty bad condition. I got a supply of Donn's Kidney Pills and they made me feel better right away. In a short timo I was entirely cured." Price, 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-?et Donn's Ktdnoy Pills - tho samo that Mrs. Tilley had. Poster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Marett-Phillips. The announcement was recently made of the marriage of Miss Lucy May Marett and Lloyd James Phil lips. The marriage took placo at thc Baptist manse, at 6 o'clock on Sun day afternoon, November IUI, and thc ceremony was performed by Re* c. D, Bo vd The bride is the youngest daughter ol' Mr. and Mrs. 1). ll. Mar ett, and n very charming and admira ble young lady. Mr. Phillips ls the third son of Mr. and Mrs. J A Phil lips, of Royston, (5a., and is a rory promising young man. They will make th? lr home for the present at the home of the bride's parents, as Mr. Phillips ls only awaiting lo re spend to his country's call. I'h'vv are many friends of the young ? >t?ple | who will,join with us in extending to thom every good wish for a long life of happiness and prosperity. Westminster, lt. E. n. Absolutely j ? Cash in Advance t j Subscriptions* ] ?fi ?A j* We cannot extend J credit on subscriptions. ! Please bear this in mind. 5 The U. S. Government, J for reasons of its own- ? and for the best interest of 5 all-forbids it. J ?fi ?fi ?fi On January 1st, 2 1919, all subscriptions not 5 paid in advance will be dis- J continued by us in con- 2 formity, witn the Govern- 5 ment's new ruling. Watch j your label. If it reads like this 1 DEC. J 8 you will know that your paper will stop coming to you on January \, \9\9, unless you renew? ?fi ?fi ?fi Wc hope that not one of our subscribers will permit hts name to be drop ped from our list. Our "family" now consists of upwards of 2,500 members -but we want every one of them to stay in "thc home circle." ?fi ?fi ?fi It's up to the sub scriber. You can stay in the circle by paying in advance. We can't keep you in "our family" by ex tending credit. Uncle Sam says so, and what your Uncle Sam says goes. ?fi ?fi ?fi Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to The Keowee Courier. "Do It Now." J year . . . $1.00 6 mos .... .55 I 3 mos ? ? ?\ . .30 j Absolutely ? Cash in Advance I for j Subscriptions? Eye Sufferers Who Need Glasses! Railroad faro paid one way to our Oconee County Patients Who Purchase Glasses. Eye? examined by specialists and glasses made while you wait. Kodak Filmt Developed by Experts. Odom-Schade Optical Co., A. A. Odom, A. H. Sehnde, President. Soo'y ?fe Treas. Consulting Optometrists, Masonic Temple, Greenville, S. C. Por Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-ccnt bottlo of LAX ros WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxativo pleasant to take. Made and recommended to tho public by Paris Medi cino Co., manufacturers of Laxativo Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonio BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY. Between Belton and Walhalla. Time 'fabio No. 24--Effective April 21, 1018. STATIONS KAST-BOIJNI) A.M. l.v Wallinna.7 20 " West Union .. .7 '?ft " Seneca.7 4ft " Jordania. 7 48 " Adams' Crossing.8 Oft " Cherry's d-osn'g, 8 08 '? Pendleton. 8 20 " AlltUlt . . .... . 8 28 " Sandy Springs.. M iii " Dein er.K 30 " West A udorson 8 ru " Anderson, IMJnp.t) I 0 " Anderson, F.Dcp.o Ol " Brsklno's Riding it is Ar Holton..?;io No. ol Train. 12 fi* IC ~ rt B* x m V.M. 3 22 a 27 a 17 a no 4 07 4 10 I 22 i ao 4 aa 4 as I fta ft (?2 ft 03 ft 21 ft 32 lu ?a S s gl ?a m ? A.M. P.M, 11 20 0 00 11 2ft 12 Oft 12 08 12 2ft 12 28 12 42 12 ftO 12 fta 12 BO 1 li 1 2') li Si A.M. 0 Oft 7 ao 7 aa 7 00 7 R3 8 Oft K ia 8 ii; s 22 H .'17 8 ia STATIONS i ?i ?3 ?Q r> ao ft 31 ft f.K (i 02 0 18 ? 30 li 34 ll 42 7 02 7 20 7 21 7 40 7 ftft 8 y. 3 a Si ?5 WUST-HOUND P.M. A.M. hy Helton .ftftu ll 3ft " Erskine's Hitlhig.G02 1147 14 Andorson, F.Dop 0 10 12 04 M Andorson.P.peu.O 20 12 os " West Andorson ..0 27 12 12 " Donver.641 12 20 " Sandy Springs. ..640 12 31 " Autun.0 49 12 34 " 1'null rt on.0 VJ 12 42 " Cherry's CroBs'g.7 08 12 ft3 Adams' Crossing.? ll 1200 Jordania.7 27 1 12 Seneca .7 30 1 16 West Union...... 7 60 1 3.1 Ar Wal lialla. 8 00 1 46 No. of Train . ll fl Sa A.M. P.M. A.M. . 8 26 . 8 37 866 0 30 8 38 0 68 10C6 IO 10 10 22 1038 10 42 11 06 11 66 12 23 12 33 7 0 06 9 ll 0 26 0 32 0 36 0 43 0 61 0 67 10 14 10 36 11 00 ll 10 29 2 36 2 41 260 3 02 8 06 3 13 3 24 3 27 8 44 4*<6 4 60 600 26 I Train No. 0. Mixed Dally except Sunday, (not scheduled above) leaves Walhalla at 1.2ft p. m.; West Union at 1.36 and arrives Sen eca at 2 p m. Train lies over at Sonera until following day and runs from Heneen to Hop on as No. S. Flair Stations: Anderson Freight Depot, We",t Anderson. Denver, Sandy Springs, Autun, Cher ry's Crossing, Adams' Crossing, Jordania. Steam trains will stop on flag at Welch, Tox away, Thlnnoy's, James. J. lt. ANDERSON, Supt. TAX NOTICE. County Treasurer's Ofllce, Walhalla, S. C., Oct. 11,1918. Tho books for the collection of State, County, School and Special Taxes for the fiscal year 1918 will be open from October 16th, 1918; to Decombor 31st, 1918, without pen alty, after which day one per cent penalty will be added on all pay ments made in the month of Janu ary, 1919, and two per cent penalty on all payments made in the month of February, 1919, and soven per cont penalty on all payments made from the first day of March, 1919, until the 15th day of March, 1919. After that, day all taxes not paid will go into execution and will be placed In the hands of the Sheriff for col lection. Taxpayers owning property or pay ing taxes for others will ploaso ask for a tax receipt in each township or Special School District in which he or they may own property. This is very important, as there are so many Special School Districts. Tho Tax TiOvy ls made up as follows: State Tax. 8 V4 School Tax .3 Ordinary County Tax ... 7 Vs mills Int. on bonds and S. P. . . VA mill For Roads . 1 nilli mills mills Total Levy .20 Vi mills Poll Tux, $1. Dog Tax, 50c. Every male citizen from 21 to 60 years'of age ls liable to poll tax ex cept Confederate soldiers, who do not pay after HO years of ago, and those exempted by law. Hoad Tax, $1.50. Every malo cP.czon from 18 to 50 years of ago is vliable for road tax except thoso oxompt by law. This tax ls payable from Octobor 15th, 1918, to March 15th, 1919, after which timo oxecutions will bo is sued. There is no alternativo for working. R. H. ALEXANDER, Treasurer Oconee County, S. C.